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NOVEMBER 15, 2018 Four Seasons Hotel Mexico City, Mexico


Vice President | Director


Executive | C Level | President







The future is coming fast. It is dominated by accelerating change and driven by disruptive technologies, mega trends, and new business models. Are you ready? Is your company ready? Will you anticipate, adapt, and succeed or resist change at your peril?


Get a jump on spotting technologies and trends that are upending today’s industries and seeding entirely new ones.


Become a bold and visionary leader. Capitalize on a bounty of growth opportunities and new ideas to create sustainable growth and deliver customer value.


Experience a jolt of inspiration by engaging in strategic conversations with great minds outside your immediate circle of contacts. Step outside the four walls of your company and industry while liberating your thinking and reenergizing your drive for innovation.


Be the force in upending “business as usual” and future proof your company and career.



Engage in interactive think tank exercises with other growth and innovation leaders. This is guaranteed to generate new growth ideas.


Keep your contact list building and your engines revving while enjoying many unique networking events.


Book personal time with key Frost & Sullivan executives to explore your business challenges and benefit from their executive insights.


Join us if you are a forward-thinking business leader who drives

growth and innovation in your organization. The event draws from

global high technology industries; and across business disciplines

and cross-functional teams including:

• C-Suite

• Innovation

• Research & Development

• Strategic Planning

• Business Development

• Product Strategy & Development

• Digital Strategy

• Strategic Marketing

• Strategic & Competitive Intelligence

• Customer Experience

• Finance

• Information Technology

• Sales

• Technology

• Aerospace & Defense

• Automotive & Transportation

• Business & Financial Services

• Chemicals, Materials & Food

• Consumer Goods

• Energy

• Environmental & Building Technologies

• Government

• Healthcare & Life Sciences

• Information & Communication Technologies

• Measurement & Instrumentation/Industrial Process Control

*please note this profile is based on past Executive MindXchange events.


Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, enables clients to accelerate growth and achieve best-in-class positions in growth, innovation, and leadership. The company’s Growth Partnership Service provides the CEO and the CEO’s Growth Team with disciplined research and best-practice models across 10 industries, 35 sectors, and 300 markets to drive the generation, evaluation, and implementation of powerful growth strategies. Frost & Sullivan leverages over 50 years of experience in partnering with Global 1,000 companies, emerging businesses and the investment community from more than 40 offices on six continents.




G R O W T H , I N N O VAT I O N A N D LEA DERSH IP E X E C U T I V E S U M M I T ADV ISORY B O A R DAn event shaped by acommunity of yourpeers!




8:15am Registration, Continental Breakfast, and Networking

9:00am Welcome - Mexico’s Journey to Visionary Innovation

9:05am IntroductIon - Lead and Prevail in an Era of Change and Innovation in Mexico

9:20am Keynote - 2019 and Beyond: The Emerging Political and Economic Landscape

9:50am Navigating the Growth, Innovation and Leadership Executive Summit

10:00am executIve InsIght - The Trends Driving the Future in Mexico

10:30am Networking, Refreshment, and Exhibition Break

11:00am AsK the experts - Mexico as a Global Innovation Hub

11:45am executIve BulletIn - Fostering Productive Entrepreneurship Communities: Key Lessons on Generating Jobs, Economic Growth, and Innovation

12:15pm FIresIde chAt - Leveraging Talent and Innovation for Growth

12:45pm Food For Thought Networking Luncheon - Networking Roundtables Hosted by Industry Leaders Practitioners and solution providers host a menu of luncheon

discussions on pertinent industry issues. Dine and dish with

industry experts. The list of discussion topics will be available


1:55pm Session-to-Session Travel Time

2:00pm Concurrent Interactive Think Tank Sessions

Take away great ideas and insights from progressive business

leaders on opportunities generated from the digital

transformation of business and society. Engage in interactive

sessions to ignite growth ideas.

Choose one of the following:

Think Tank i - Technology RadaR: Seizing eaRly adopTeR and FaST FolloweR oppoRTuniTieS FoR gRowTh

2:00pm Frost & sullIvAn InsIghts - Key Game Changing Technologies: What You Don’t Know and Should Know by Now2:25pm Industry exercIse - Self Assessment and Scoring on the Frost & Sullivan Digital Maturity Model3:20pm cAse study - The Value of Cybersecurity in the Digital Transformation

Think Tank ii - FRom hybRid To elecTRic: The 2025 oppoRTuniTy landScape

2:00pm Frost & sullIvAn InsIghts - From Hybrid to Electric: The 2025 Opportunity Landscape 2:30pm cAse study - Electric Mobility in Mexico – How to Create a Market: The Case of BMW3:00pm InterActIve pAnel - Rising to Today’s Innovation Challenges: Strategic Alliances and Partnering

Think Tank iii - TRanSFoRming healThcaRe acRoSS The ecoSySTem

2:00pm Frost & sullIvAn InsIghts - Leading the Change in Emerging Countries’ Healthcare2:20pm cAse study - Technology, Connectivity and Collaboration: More Healthcare for All 2:40pm cAse study - Leveraging Data and Cognitive Insights in Life Sciences and Health Outcomes3:00pm InterActIve pAnel - Public and Private Partnerships: Adopting Innovative Business Models to Advance Universal Access to Healthcare

Think Tank iV - inSpiRing digiTal TRanSFoRmaTion in The induSTRial ecoSySTem

2:00pm Frost & sullIvAn InsIghts - Digital Maturity Model: Key Steps and Roadmap Towards Digitization of Industrial Operations2:30pm cAse study - Digitization of Industrial Supply Chain3:00pm InterActIve pAnel - Steering Disruption & Convergence in the Industrial Ecosystem

3:45pm Networking, Refreshment, and Exhibition Break

4:15pm on the horIzon - Investing in Diversity to Ignite Innovation and Growth

5:00pm closIng Address - Innovating with Purpose: Cities, Business Value and Social Impact

5:30pm IdeAs roundup - Advancing Your Digital Readiness

5:45pm Growth, Innovation and Leadership Networking Reception

SCHEDULE-AT-A-GLANCESchedule-at-a-glance is preliminary and will be updated as information becomes available.



8:15am Registration, Continental Breakfast, and Exhibition


9:00am Mexico’s Journey to Visionary Innovation

Lorena Isla Managing Director, Mexico Frost & Sullivan


9:05am Lead and Prevail in an Era of Change and Innovation in Mexico

Amb. Mario Chacón Carrillo Head of Global Business Promotion Unit ProMéxico

Session Abstract:For years, Mexico has pursued a path towards greater economic openness, focused on the liberalization of international trade and investment flows. Today the country possesses an attractive business environment, legal certainty, one of the largest networks worldwide with 12 trade agreements with a scope of 52 countries, extensively developed economic sectors like manufacture with 43.1%, and the energy sector with 19.4% of the FDI have a highly competitive profile. Thanks to the importance of its industrial production — mainly in manufacturing — and its positioning in global value chains, Mexico meets all the necessary conditions to ride this new wave, which portrays Mexico as an established partner of the world leaders in industrial innovation.

Drawing from the expertise of ProMexico, the federal government agency responsible for coordinating strategies aimed at strengthening Mexico’s participation in the international economy, this session will explore what companies should be doing today — and tomorrow — to be on the crest of growth and innovation.


9:20am 2019 and Beyond: The Emerging Political and Economic Landscape

Mario Augusto Correa Martínez Chief Economist Scotiabank Mexico

Session Abstract:Insights on the big changes in the global economic and financial framework, some lessons to be learned and some actions to take for countries, firms and individuals.

Globalization is on retreat in the world. Raising protectionism and return to populism in many countries poses significant challenges that could only be overcome with a renewed and more advanced form of cooperation by well-informed individuals that will lead firms and organizations through a rapidly changing environment.

Key Take-Aways:• A view into what is happening in the global scene and the forces at

play would provide a vantage point of view to create awareness and be better prepared to walk the tough road that lies ahead

• An appreciation of a new breed of Citizens of the World to produce a better future for all, individuals aware of their responsibility in the new strongly interconnected world where we all are heavily interdependent with each other

• An understanding of how firms will increasingly depend on talented leaders able to see beyond the profuse and useless information and find the best point to focus their effort and resources

• Insight into why our “tribe” is no longer the limited space where our fathers interacted with their close ones, our new “tribe” is the world

• The five key ingredients of successful persons in the decades to come

9:50am Navigating Growth, Innovation and Leadership: A Frost & Sullivan Executive Summit

Brian Fitzpatrick Partner Frost & Sullivan




execuTiVe inSighT

10:00am The Trends Driving the Future in Mexico

Ignacio Perrone Research Manager, Information & Communication Technologies Latin America Frost & Sullivan

Session Abstract:With the recent election and the coming years of new leadership for Mexico, how has this changed and influenced the future forces that are shaping the lives of the people of Mexico? This outside in view, powered by fresh cutting edge research will demonstrate the technological issues that will underpin economic growth and innovation. We will discuss the bedrock social forces at play that affect healthcare and urban rejuvenation. Central to the discussion will be an assessment of how Mexico is positioned for the future based on its greatest asset, its people, and the barriers that may or may not exist to realize that future. In this age of rapid digitization, are the government and people of Mexico prepared for the future trends that as a key participant in the global economy they will surely face?

Key Take-Aways:• Specific case examples of companies designing your future and how

they go about doing it• An understanding of the top consumer hardware platform

innovations and what this will mean to end users• Insights on how to integrate these consumer innovations into your

business and every day actions• Proven ways to prepare and plan for this known future. Today!

10:30am Networking, Refreshment, and Exhibition Break

aSk The expeRTS

11:00am Mexico as a Global Innovation Hub

modeRaToR: Ignacio Perrone Research Manager, Information & Communication Technologies Latin America Frost & Sullivan

paneliSTS include:

Juan Cepeda Director of StrategyCisco Mexico

Ariana Gomez FloresSenior Director, Innovation & Strategic PartnershipsVisa

Alejandro GutierrezSubdirector Business Intelligence & Customer Experience Telcel

Silvia Patricia Mora CastroNational Director of Technology Transfer Offices NetworkTecnológico de Monterrey

Session Abstract:Commitments to innovation in Mexico are growing at a rapid pace. An aligned effort driven by a focused ecosystem of partners will enable Mexico to gain greater momentum and further capitalize on this foundation. With a partnership network driving a shared vision, find out how Mexico has an opportunity to build a reputation of innovation in the international community.

execuTiVe bulleTin

11:45am Fostering Productive Entrepreneurship Communities: Key Lessons on Generating Jobs, Economic Growth, and Innovation

Enrico Robles Del Rio CFO & Intelligence Director Endeavor Mexico

Session Abstract:Since its founding, Endeavor has been interested in understanding how entrepreneurial ecosystems form and grow. Entrepreneurs play a critical role in cities and nations as they create new jobs, generate economic growth, and spread the development of new innovations. When local entrepreneurship communities are productive, their cities and regions are more likely to thrive, but when entrepreneurship communities struggle, cities and regions can become trapped in decline.

Key Take-Aways:• A view into how entrepreneurs reach scale at their companies• Key findings into how entrepreneurs reach scale in local networks or

ecosystem• Insight into what policymakers, philanthropic leaders, investors, support organizations, and other stakeholders can do to empower more entrepreneurs to reach scale in their communities




FiReSide chaT

12:15pm Leveraging Talent and Innovation for Growth

FiReSide chaT wiTh:

Luis Antonio MárquezDirector Center for Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship campus Santa FeEGADE Business School


Francisco Tossi Vice President, Latin America Frost & Sullivan

Session Abstract:The World Economic Forum states that “talent, not capital, will be the key factor that relates innovation, competitiveness and growth in the 21st century.” While other countries made a turnaround decades ago to promote innovation and develop talent, Mexico is increasingly being challenged in the knowledge base era. What competencies and skills have to be reinforced in the country? What are the basic pillars to create a more competitive future?

Key Take-Aways:• Insight on how closing the talent gap is unlikely to happen through

isolated actions. Instead, stakeholders (Academy, Public and Private Sector) must work in a cohesive, coordinated way, as responsive and responsible leaders in governments and businesses must act and collaborate to expedite change, implementing innovative, experiential and project-based educational approaches

• Guide to how effective labour markets will require active employment policies, to boost competitiveness and job creation. Reforms must also facilitate retraining and mobility in response to market needs

• Tools for how business leaders, facing unprecedented changes in leadership highlighting the importance of collaboration and results over traditional corporate hierarchies and authority, can invest in training to develop, attract and retain talent and ensure the employability of their own staff

12:45pm Food For Thought Networking Luncheon - Networking Roundtables Hosted by Industry Leaders Practitioners and solution providers host a menu of luncheon discussions on pertinent industry issues. Dine and dish with industry experts. The list of

discussion topics will be available on-site.

1:55pm Session-to-Session Travel Time

2:00pm concuRRenT inTeRacTiVe Think Tank SeSSionS

Take away great ideas and insights from progressive business leaders on opportunities generated from the digital transformation of business and society. Engage in interactive exercises to ignite growth ideas.

Choose one of the following concurrent sessions:

TT1. Technology Radar: Seizing Early Adopter and Fast Follower Opportunities for Growth

TT2. From Hybrid to Electric: The 2025 Year Opportunity Landscape

TT3. Transforming Healthcare Across the Ecosystem

TT4. Inspiring Digital Transformation in the Industrial Ecosystem

Thursday, November 15, 2018




FRoST & SulliVan inSighT

2:00pm Key Game Changing Technologies: What You Don’t Know and Should Know by Now

Renato Pasquini Information & Communication Technologies Research & Consulting Director, Latin America Managing Director, Brazil Frost & Sullivan

Session Abstract:Digital Transformation represents a defining challenge to many companies today and technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and IoT seem like opportunities. But what’s coming next, and are you ready for the latest digital disrupters?

Key Take-Aways:

• Insight into new digital technologies that promise to power digital transformation

• Key findings from our latest research into disruptive technologies

• Fresh perspectives on what digital disruptors can do for your organization

induSTRy exeRciSe

2:25pm Self Assessment and Scoring on the Frost & Sullivan Digital Maturity Model

Ignacio Perrone Research Manager, Information & Communication Technologies Latin America Frost & Sullivan

Session Abstract:To be digitally transformative, it’s business critical to first understand where you are on the digital transformation continuum. Our session will also take you through an abbreviated version of our proprietary Digital Transformation Maturity Self-Assessment tool.

Key Take-Aways:

• A proprietary framework to understand where you are on the Digital Transformation Continuum

• A blueprint to point you to where your company needs to be to digitally transform

• Insight about Digital Transformation best practices as well as pitfalls to avoid

caSe STudy

3:20pm The Value of Cybersecurity in the Digital Transformation

Gilberto Vicente Regional Sales Manager – CyberSecurity Cisco

3:45pm Networking, Refreshment, and Exhibition Break

Thursday, November 15, 2018




FRoST & SulliVan inSighT

2:00pm From Hybrid to Electric: The 2025 Opportunity Landscape Lorena Isla Managing Director, Mexico Frost & Sullivan

Session Abstract:The Automotive industry is going through a deep transformation in many aspects. Stricter emission regulations, industry scandals and increasing urbanization across the globe are some of the challenges that the Automotive industry needs to address. Join us to examine how technology and market innovation are bringing new opportunities for OEMs to grow in the e-mobility market.

Key Take-Aways:

• A perspective of the transformational shifts reshaping e-mobility

• Future outlook of the electric vehicle market in Mexico and Latin America

• Case studies of how companies are spearheading penetration in this market

caSe STudy

2:30pm Electric Mobility in Mexico – How to Create a Market: The Case of BMW Oliver Rosenthal Head of BMWi Mexico & Latin America BMW

Session Abstract:This presentation will explain BMW´s 360° eMobility approach, which is a lot more than sales. The approach is an integrative strategy embracing all business areas.

inTeRacTiVe panel

3:00pm Rising to Today’s Innovation Challenges: Strategic Alliances and Partnering

modeRaToR: Lorena Isla Managing Director, Mexico Frost & Sullivan

paneliSTS include:Francisco CabezaElectric Mobility General ManagerENGIE

Diego Ramirez VincentExternal & Government Affairs DirectorNissan

Session Abstract:A successful strategy for electrification is not only a task for the Automotive Industry. It requires interaction and coordination from different private participants, including companies outside the traditional automotive value chain. Foremost, governments play also a key role in this new ecosystem to drive growth in the electric vehicle markets.

Key Take-Aways:

• A view of the market from different participants of this new ecosystem

• Opportunities and challenges to shift from hybrid to electric vehicles in Mexico

• Key aspects of a successful interaction between private and public participants

3:45pm Networking, Refreshment, and Exhibition Break

Thursday, November 15, 2018




FRoST & SulliVan inSighT

2:00pm Leading the Change in Emerging Countries’ Healthcare

Rita Ragazzi Research and Consulting Leader - Transformational Health Latin America Frost & Sullivan

Session Abstract:Healthcare has been one of the key concerns from economies all over the world. Profound changes are needed in order to realign broad access, quality of care, sustainable costs and efficiency. How can countries and the health industry gain advantage from the tools of the transformational economy that would bring sustainable growth to the healthcare sector?

Key Take-Aways:

• Case studies on emerging countries addressing better healthcare access

• Examples of how innovation can be implemented in products, care models and business strategies

• New perspectives on healthcare as an ecosystem in order to create links between industry and providers and payers

caSe STudy

2:20pm Technology, Connectivity and Collaboration: More Healthcare for All

Cesar Carrasco Country Manager Philips

Session Abstract:This session will unpack how technology is addressing some of the key challenges in healthcare, including how both top-notch and public healthcare institutions can leverage smart use/resources and collaborate between healthcare players.

Key Take-Aways:

• A view of technology advancements in clinical decision support, remote monitoring and telemedicine

• Practical case studies on public and private collaboration towards better healthcare in Latam and other countries

• Insight on potential business models that would address Mexico healthcare needs considering new sustainable ways of providing healthcare - doing more with less

caSe STudy

2:40pm Leveraging Data and Cognitive Insights in Life Sciences and Health Outcomes

Tina Moen Deputy Chief Health Officer IBM Watson Health

Session Abstract:This session will review some of the challenges facing clinicians practicing today, including managing the massive amount of information available in a rapidly evolving field. It will then review how clinicians can leverage cognitive computing to glean insights from data and work to improve their decision-making and the care they provide to patients.

Key Take-Aways:

• Fresh perspectives on how cognitive computing, data, and insights can aid in clinician decision-making

• Insight on identifying potential ways organizations can leverage technology to advance science and care for patients

Thursday, November 15, 2018



inTeRacTiVe panel

3:00pm Public and Private Partnerships: Adopting Innovative Business Models to Advance Universal Access to Healthcare

modeRaToR: Greg Caressi Senior Vice President, Transformational Health Frost & Sullivan

paneliSTS include:

Humberto Javier Potes GonzálezGeneral ManagerConsorcio Mexicano de Hospitales (CMH)

Juana RamirezChief Executive OfficerSoluciones Hospitalarias Integrales (SOHIN)

Héctor SobrinoDirector of Health Services and TransformationAXA Insurance Mexico

Omar Zanela Access Committee CoordinatorAMIDHealth Economics & Market Access - Senior Manager Johnson & Johnson

Session Abstract:With the responsibility of providing universal healthcare to the population and with a reduced 6% of the GDP investment in healthcare, the Mexico government, as so many others, cannot address population health needs relying only in public investments. Public Private Partnerships (P3) in healthcare has been proven to be an important ally on boosting business and improving healthcare quality and efficiency to one’s nation.

Key Take-Aways:

• Cases studies in which industry, government and payers can benefit by building patient centric partnerships and care models

• A new lens on how private providers can monetize services under P3

• Methodology for applying new business models and innovative patient centric technology partners to create new healthcare business opportunities

3:45pm Networking, Refreshment, and Exhibition Break

Thursday, November 15, 2018


For information on how to sponsor Growth, Innovation and Leadership,please contact Rosemary Winters at rosemary.winters@frost.com.

91% of surveyed participants recommended sending 2 or MORE executives!

Contact us today to learn about the savings and benefitsyou can receive and be sure to ask about our

Team Experience Program.

For more information, please contact:


Francesca Valente at 54-11-4777-5300, or email at francesca.valente@frost.com



FRoST & SulliVan inSighT

2:00pm Digital Maturity Model: Key Steps and Roadmap Towards Digitization of Industrial Operations

Mariano Kimbara Senior Industry Analyst Industrial Group Frost & Sullivan

Session Abstract:The transformative potential of digital technologies is broadly recognized in the competitive marketplace. The scale of opportunity is massive. The vision of the future is bright indeed, however substantial challenges persist in implementing true IIoT systems. Today, the industrial ecosystem is pursuing a future vision that embraces new leadership models, blurred boundaries of opportunities, re-defined rules of engagement and radically new industry structures.

Key Take-Aways:

• A digital maturity model

• A roadmap for digital manufacturing

• A guide to vision development

• An assessment of the current state of organizations in adopting digital initiatives

• Insight into the evolving market dynamics of the industrial ecosystem with a new market positioning value

• Identification of a migration path, framework and road map in which industrial organizations can launch a real IIoT transformation journey and build a true connected enterprise of the future with an enhanced customer experience

caSe STudy

2:30pm Digitization of Industrial Supply Chain

Jose Alfredo Garcia de La Torre Leader Watson IoT, Mexico IBM de Mexico

Session Abstract:A real connected enterprise is a more holistic approach than we think so before, moving from plant-specific to broader enterprise-wide efficiency improvements and shifting from linear supply chain operations to more digital connected and end-to-end supply networks. The industry is in a state of change with increasing needs to have an end-to-end view of operations across distribution networks and supply chains. Existing static sequence supply chains are shifting into dynamic and interconnected digital supply networks. This session will introduce lessons learned through case studies highlighting business benefits from a comprehensive digital offering.

inTeRacTiVe panel

3:00pm Steering Disruption & Convergence in the Industrial Ecosystem

modeRaToR: Mariano Kimbara Senior Industry Analyst Industrial Group Frost & Sullivan

paneliSTS include:

Raúl AlarcónLATAM Strategy LeaderHoneywell Technology Solutions

Claude GobenceauxManaging DirectorSafran Landing Systems

Marisol MenendezAmericas Senior Field Marketing Engineer National Instruments

Session Abstract:It is imperative for manufacturers’ executives to keep track and identify the convergence of the enabling technologies and their new value proposition distributed within the supply chain. Manufacturers must successfully focus on enabling technologies that can accelerate innovation and improve business processes. These technologies – 3D printing, Augmented Reality, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are forcing companies to rethink their existing business models with new ways to improve profitability and operational resiliency.

Key Take-Aways:

• A close analysis of the critical issues faced by the industry and key technology enablers

• Ways of staying at the front of the transformation journey and deliver unique value for global industrial operations

• A thoughtful assessment of the dynamic change of the manufacturing ecosystem with a new market positioning value

3:45pm Networking, Refreshment, and Exhibition Break

Thursday, November 15, 2018



geneRal SeSSion ReconVeneS

on The hoRizon

4:15pm Investing in Diversity to Ignite Innovation and Growth

modeRaToR: Lorena Isla Managing Director, Mexico Frost & Sullivan

paneliSTS include:

Karla ArnaizExecutive DirectorJPMorgan Chase & Co.

Lorena MaqueoHuman Resources Director Mexico LADSherwin-Williams Mexico

Alberto Lira NúñezChief Human Resources OfficerMarinsa Oil & Gas

Patricia PellicerFormer Latin America Human Resources DirectorMcGraw-Hill Education

Isabel RomoDiversity Engagement Partner – MexicoIBM

Isabel SuárezPrincipalHeidrick & Struggles (Mexico)

Session Abstract:In today’s complex, disruptive and fast changing environment, invoke the phrase “diversity and inclusion” and word associations unrelated to growth, customer intimacy, or competitive advantage are likely to come to mind. In Mexico City, innovation and growth are prevalent industry characteristics, despite the low numbers of diverse groups in tech and leadership roles. Therein lies the paradox – research shows that diversity is increasingly a growth driver for business, and a critical differentiator for the thriving enterprise. The opportunity: Leaders who understand how to operationalize diversity will be best positioned to successfully ride industry maturity curves, navigate market disruptions, and sustain profitable growth.

Key Take-Aways:

• Transform diversity from a compliance objective into a performance tool that drives dynamic growth and strategic agility

• Enable cross-cultural competence as an enterprise capability and avoid the common pitfalls that lead to failed diversity strategies

• Design agile social networks and build cultural ecosystems that induce the alchemy for innovation agility and customer-centricity

cloSing addReSS

5:00pm Innovating with Purpose: Cities, Business Value and Social Impact

Gabriella Gómez-Mont Founder Laboratorio para la Ciudad, Mexico City government

Session Abstract:The future is urban. It is said that by 2050 more than 70% of humanity will be living in cities. This session will explore why citizens, government and organizations can all benefit from companies that closely merge social impact into their business strategies, actively helping create a collective vision for the city to come. Key ideas will be illustrated by examples from Mexico City and beyond.

Key Take-Aways:

• Success factors for a socially-driven agenda that makes business sense

• Fresh perspective on how nurturing R&D capabilities and young talent can become an important strategy

• Insight from case studies in Mexico City and beyond

ideaS Roundup

5:30pm Advancing Your Digital Readiness

Lorena IslaManaging Director, MexicoFrost & Sullivan

Mariano KimbaraSenior Industry Analyst Industrial GroupFrost & Sullivan

Renato Pasquini Information & Communication Technologies Research & Consulting Director, Latin America Managing Director, BrazilFrost & Sullivan

Rita RagazziResearch and Consulting Leader - Transformational HealthLatin AmericaFrost & Sullivan

Session Abstract:The Mexican industry is undergoing an enormous transformation, resulting from the combination of more agile and innovative players and the intrusion of new technologies in all aspects of the business. As a result, already established market participants have the urgent need to reinvent themselves in order to remain competitive in the face of the threat of new competitors and changes in consumer preferences. Frost & Sullivan industry leaders will share key highlights on how to leverage digital transformation to conquer the manufacturing, healthcare, urban mobility and technology sectors.

5:45pm Growth, Innovation and Leadership Networking Reception

Thursday, November 15, 2018



Alberto Lira NúñezChief Human Resources OfficerMarinsa Oil & Gas

Bio is forthcoming.

Alejandro Gutierrez Subdirector Business Intelligence & Customer Experience Telcel

Alejandro has developed a successful career in different management and executive positions throughout Latin America and the Anglophone Caribbean, with extensive experience and proven results in marketing, sales, operations and new business development. He is currently responsible for the digital transformation of Telcel. His knowledge in consumer products and technology provides him deep understanding on how to commercialize and integrate a holistic approach to customers. Also, he is founding partner and member of the board of Prestigos, a recognized company on business intelligence. He graduated as Mechanical and Electrical Engineer and has a Major on Industrial Engineering from Universidad Panamericana and has pursued two Master Degrees on Business Administration with Major on Finance and International Negotiations, from Universidad Anahuac and Thunderbird.

Ariana Gomez Flores Senior Director Innovation & Strategic Partnerships Visa

Ariana Gómez has the position of Senior Director of Innovation and Strategic Alliances in Mexico. She is responsible for the development of Visa’s innovation strategy in Mexico. Working closely with Visa partners, Ariana identifies opportunities to create new payment solutions using the Human Centered Design method to alter conventional results and provide solutions to complex challenges in the payment industry ecosystem.

Ariana’s career covers more than 20 years of efforts to promote sustainable socio-economic development in Latin America and the rest of the world. Before joining Visa, she served as Director of Urban Development at BOSCH and as Chief Innovation Officer at Gentera, among other positions. She has also been a board member of several organizations, as well as investment accelerators and innovation centers such as MassChallenge and Village Capital.

Ariana holds a degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the University of York in the United Kingdom, a Master of Science in the specialty of Development Studies from the London School of Economics, a Masters in Business Administration from IPADE Business School in Mexico, as well as several diplomas in the specialties of executive innovation, design thinking and technology from Singularity University, Harvard and MIT.

Brian FitzpatrickPartnerFrost & Sullivan

Brian is a Partner in Frost & Sullivan and office manager of the Rockville

Centre, NY office and is the Senior Vice President & General Manager, Events, Frost & Sullivan with day to day responsible for the Best Practice creation and execution of Frost & Sullivan Events Globally. Under his leadership the Frost & Sullivan Events Business has experienced a growth of over 300%. Prior to joining Frost & Sullivan in 2002, Brian has over 25 years of management and leadership position experience and strategic, tactical and business planning and financial management. Prior to joining Frost & Sullivan, Brian had already managed over 300 global events, in North America, Europe and South America.

Claude GobenceauxManaging DirectorSafran Landing Systems

With a French Master degree in 1976 and starting his professional life in

1977, Claude first spent a main part of it in various positions in the automotive industry mainly for the PSA Peugeot Citroën Group (Auditing, Controlling, Plant Director, Organization, After Sales and Services, Managing Director, Division Director).

Claude entered the Landing Systems division of SAFRAN Group on February 2007 when he was appointed as the Managing Director of the Landing Gear MRO activity for Americas. Since 2014, he is the Managing Director of the 2 Querétaro Landing Gear plants, Manufacturing and MRO.

Claude was the first President of the Aero Cluster of Querétaro and a founding member and Vice President of the Mexican Aerospace Industry Federation (FEMIA) where he is chairing the Competitiveness Committee. He is also a Board of Directors Member of two Mexican Research and Development Centres of the CONACYT network (CIDETEQ and CIDESI), a Consultative Council Member of the UNAQ, Conalep Aero, ITESM, Anahuac, TNM, Arkansas State University campus Qro., a Consultative Council Member of the Mexican Space Agency (AEM) and a Business Advisory Council member of the Scotiabank.

Named Ejecutivo del Año 2018 by the State of Queretaro.

Every year, Claude is speaker in many conferences related to his activities.


Cesar CarrascoCountry ManagerPhilips

Cesar Carrasco has contributed to the growth and strengthening

of Philips business in Mexico and Latin America since joining the company more than 16 years ago. Occupying positions of increasing responsibility, he most recently served as General Director of Finance for Mexico and the Spanish speaking region of Latin America, where he led the Philips finance department, being a strategic ally with managers and clients, boosting the financial performance of the company. He has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from EGADE of Tecnologico de Monterrey and is a graduate of the Public Accounting Department of the Universidad Iberoamericana. His professional career has been complemented with certifications in Strategic Development by The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. His main areas of expertise are focused on the financial areas and general administration, strategic planning and business development related to health care.

Diego Ramirez VincentExternal & Government Affairs DirectorNissan

Diego is the Foreign Affairs and Government Affairs Director for

Nissan Mexicana. Previously he was part of the Legal Direction at Nissan Mexicana. Hi has more than 15 years of experience in the international field. Mainly on Public Affairs topics, Trade Agreements, Administration, corporate Government, Legal and International Negotiations. He also serves as an Executive Advisor for AMIA, he is part of the Business Section for North America Region of the Mexican Business Council for Foreign Trade, Investment and Technology COMCE.

Bachelor of Laws from (Autonomous University of Baja California), Master of Law in International Business (LLM, Montreal University) and MBA from the Law and Administration School of Panthéon-Assas and Sorbonne Universities of Paris. He has provide legal support in government affairs for Mexico and Latin America, in some of the most prestigious transnational companies; De Hoyos and Aviles, Nissan, DuPont and Phillips. Ha has participated in the negotiating rooms of the NAFTA 2.0, as well as TLCUEM, TPP and ACE 55.

Enrico Robles Del RioCFO & Intelligence Director Endeavor Mexico

With 10 years of experience in the ecosystem of high impact

entrepreneurship in Mexico, Enrico has contributed to the development of various public and private programs in favor of entrepreneurs.

CFO & Intelligence Director for Endeavor México, Enrico is at the head of the organization’s operations at a national level and since 2017 leads the creation of a new area within Endeavor called Intelligence, which objective is to develop data science that is focused on improving and making more efficient the growth of the organization, as well as generating value to the ecosystem through studies and content. Enrico is the author and source of several articles related to the entrepreneurship ecosystem and entrepreneur capital in various publications such as: El Financiero, El Reforma, El Universal, CNN Expansión, Medium, among others. Likewise, in 2013, he co-founded Founders into Funders, one of the first Entrepreneur Capital Funds, having as an investor the National Entrepreneur Institute.

He has a degree in Corporate Finance and Banking from the School of Actuaries of the Anahuac University and a Master in Business Administration with a specialty in General Management from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM) and has further studies in Senior Management in Private Capital in the Pan American Institute of Senior Business Management (IPADE).

Francisco Cabeza Electric Mobility General Manager ENGIE

Francisco Maria Cabeza Santillana, Electric Mobility General Manager at

ENGIE, prior to this position he was Head of the Electro-mobility unit at the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). He has also participated as speaker in national and International conferences, he has created national and international alliances allowing the development of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles Mexico wide.

Francisco was in charge of the first investing ever made in Mexico to build a network of Charging Stations in which corporate bodies such as: SENER and CFE along with the automotive industry and the private initiative were involved.

Francisco has two Master Degrees : the first in Luxury Brand Marketing by the L’Institut des hautes etudes economiques et commerciales (INSEEC) in Paris; His second Master Degree is in Business Administration awarded by Universidad de las Americas Puebla (UDLAP). He also holds a degree in Political Phycology at Stanford University and holds a diploma in Public Administration with a focus on energy from Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Francisco Tossi Vice President, Latin America Frost & Sullivan

For more than 12 years, Francisco has helped companies achieve their

growth objectives by providing critical market intelligence, business consulting, go-to market strategies, competitive intelligence, and content & campaign marketing strategies. Francisco’s areas of expertise include cybersecurity, telecommunications, customer experience, IoT, digital transformation, connected work and new disruptive business models. He has helped organizations in both the private and public sectors across multiple industries throughout Latin America, North America, and Europe. He now leads Frost & Sullivan’s team across the Latin American region, helping them provide winning strategies to all clients in the region.

Gilberto VicenteRegional Sales Manager - CyberSecurityCisco

Gilberto Vicente is a Dynamic and Entrepreneurial ICT professional with

18+ year record of achievement and demonstrated success as technology evangelist, promoter and business developer in the Mexican and Latin America Markets. His passion is Technology and SPECIALLY the CyberSecurity Industry, he loves the direct interaction with the Digital Society as a whole (Academy, Authorities, Enterprises, Government agencies, NGOs, Specialized Vendors/Integrators, Media, etc.) to understand their needs and provide guidance on how Technology and CyberSecurity can be leveraged, from an optimistic point of view, as the enabler of greater innovation, making the digital world safer and more secure for everyone. He had focused his professional career working for leading Vendors in the IT Industry where he developed Engineering, Consulting, Sales, Channels, Business Development and Strategic Marketing functions.


Gabriella Gómez-MontFounder of Laboratorio para la CiudadMexico City government

Living up to her personal slogan, “imagination is not a luxury,” Gabriella

faces design challenges head-on as the director of Laboratorio para la Ciudad, Mexico City’s official creative think tank and experimental space for civic innovation. A singular urban designer, multilingual writer, visual artist, documentary director and cultural advisor, she sees creativity as a scalable city resource. Intent on assembling a space for projects that improve the quality of life in her hometown megalopolis, she facilitates eye-opening relationships between urbanists, artists, scientists, architects, coders, government officials, sociologists and economists. Gabriella has worked in editorial at NYC’s Aperture Foundation, studied global affairs at Yale, and founded award-winning projects Toxico Cultura, Cine Abierto and Laboratorio Curatorial 060. She was recently named one of the 100 most creative people by Fast Company magazine.

Greg CaressiSenior Vice President, Transformational HealthFrost & Sullivan

Greg Caressi is the global business unit leader for the Transformational Health practice at Frost & Sullivan, leading research, consulting and sales teams across the Digital Health, Pharma 2.0, Next Generation Diagnostics, Medical Devices and Medical Imaging & Informatics programs. In addition to his leadership responsibilities, Greg spends much of his time working on strategic consulting projects on next-generation healthcare solutions, drawing insights from interactions with healthcare providers, payors, medtech vendors and other healthcare stakeholders.

Greg served for two years as the Chair of the HIMSS Life Sciences Information Technology Committee, where he led the creation of industry guidance for Good Informatics Practices used by life science companies, from startups to major pharmaceutical companies.

Greg regularly serves as chair, speaker and leader of interactive workshops at major industry events in the U.S., Asia, and Latin America. Recent workshops have focused on digital transformation of medtech companies, developing a next-generation patient engagement platform and competitive intelligence strategy planning for a new product launch.

Héctor SobrinoDirector of Health Services and TransformationAXA Insurance Mexico

Héctor is currently Health Services Director for AXA Insurance in Mexico. He is responsible for the operation of the Major Medical Expense Insurance Products, as well as Managing Director of AXA Salud. Previous to AXA he was Managing Director of Advance Medical, a startup distributor of Medical Innovations in Latin America. He has over 20 years of business management experience at all levels of an organization within large healthcare related corporations. Within the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Industries, he has worked with Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Sanofi in very diverse roles ranging from Marketing & Sales, Business Development, Strategic Planning, Mergers & Acquisitions and Deputy General Manager, among several other.

Humberto Javier Potes GonzálezGeneral ManagerConsorcio Mexicano de Hospitales (CMH)

Bachelor and specialty in Business Administration, with experience in administration of health sector organizations since 1985. Founder and Director of the Mexican Hospital Consortium, the largest private hospital group in the country with 40 hospitals in 37 cities, and SumarSalud, the first private health system in Mexico. Founding Partner of the Iberian-Latinamerican Health League (LILAS in Spanish), formed by the representatives of the main hospital associations of Argentina, Brazil and Colombia, having as objective the beneficial cooperation between the different institutions. Currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Mexican Foundation for Health – FUNSALUD. Technical Coordinator of the Health Commission of the Coordinating Council Business (CCE).

Ignacio PerroneResearch Manager, Information & Communication Technologies Latin AmericaFrost & Sullivan

Industry expert with more than 15 years of experience in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector. Perrone currently serves as Digital Transformation Industry Manager at Frost & Sullivan in Latin America, with an expertise that encompasses Telecom and IT services, IoT vertical markets, enterprise mobility, M2M and VAS. In addition to its client-facing role, Perrone also participates in the most important events in the region as speaker, moderator and panelist, and contributes to Latin American and international media vehicles with articles and industry-related statements. Prior to this role, Perrone worked for Logicalis (Argentina), AIM (Argentina), the Yankee Group (USA) and Pyramid Research (USA). Perrone holds a BA in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires, a Master’s Degree in Economic Sociology from UNSAM (Buenos Aires), and an MBA from the Di Tella University (Buenos Aires).

Isabel RomoDiversity Engagement Partner – Mexico IBM

Isabel Romo is currently responsible for talent attraction, retention and

development strategies for diverse groups in IBM Mexico; ensuring equal opportunities and growth through skills, potential and competencies of the participants, always in an inclusive work space.

Isabel joined to IBM in 2010 and has held different roles within the Human Resources area. She began her career in Learning, and later joined the Recruitment and Selection team; being in charge in the last year of the executive search for Latin America. Her experience in these diverse roles allowed her to become a Human Resources professional, always ensuring that the recruitment processes was giving equal opportunities to women, people with disabilities, members of the LGBT community and the talent from different generations.

With a trajectory of 9 years dedicated to equity and human rights - started during her university studies -, Isabel has a history of collaboration with the Telethon Foundation, Mentor Place, SoñarDespierto, as well as in her alma Mater Anahuac University, in projects such as ASUA Construye, and Mano Amiga.

Isabel has a degree in Organizational Psychology and has a Diploma in Social Responsibility, both from the Universidad Anáhuac,


Isabel Suárez LozanoHeidrick & StrugglesMexico, Mexico City

Isabel Suarez is a principal in Heidrick & Struggles’ Mexico City office

and a member of the global Technology Practice. She has more than 25 years of experience with global technology companies, providing thought leadership and contributing to the enhancement of talent management and leadership capabilities.

Prior to joining Heidrick & Struggles, Isabel was CHRO for SAP Mexico, where she was responsible for developing and executing high-quality projects integrating client needs, strategic business goals, and financial objectives while building and maintaining partnerships with key decision makers. She provided strategic leadership for the company’s HR digital-transformation strategy.

Before joining SAP, Isabel had a long career with IBM, where she held multiple positions as a strategy manager, enterprise marketing manager for Latin America, talent—learning and diversity—manager, HR business partner, and retail store solutions brand manager, among others.

Isabel has been an active member of and mentor for diversity activities and led the Women Diversity Network for IBM Mexico.

Isabel has a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Anahuac University and a diploma degree in strategic marketing management from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM); she also completed the top management program at the IPADE Business School. Isabel is fluent in both English and Spanish.

Jose Alfredo Garcia de La TorreLeader Watson IoT, MexicoIBM de Mexico

With more than 15 years of experience in sales, operations and

technologies contributing to the achievements of the organizational goals ENM, through the implementation of profitable projects that generate measurable benefits focused on the operational improvement of different Industries and productive sectors, using industry models based on best practices that support the processes, that apply to the organizations as well as the implementation of strategies focused to the continuous improvement. Consultant in process improvement for the implementation of business assets management systems in different industries and implementing industry models such as Industry 4.0. and internet strategies of things.

Juana RamirezChief Executive OfficerSoluciones Hospitalarias Integrales (SOHIN)

Founder and director of “Soluciones Hospitalarias Integrales (Sohin)”. Recently, she was included in the list of the 30 Business Promises of Forbes 2016, and has also been selected by the global accelerator Endeavor as a high-impact entrepreneur and winner of the annual Ernest and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2015, in the category of a developing company.

Juan Antonio CepedaStrategy and Planning DirectorCisco Mexico

Digital transformation advocate at Cisco – “Lead the Way”

Has more than 25 years of technology and business experience on Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Industry, focused in the Mexican and Latin American markets. Extensive background in developing business plans, business cases and request for proposals for ICT sector, with a solid knowledge of telecom and hardware technologies. Before joining Cisco he was a Co-Founder of Asercom, a firm focused in consultancy for the information and telecommunications industry. Also was formerly Chief Technology Officer for SAT, part of Secretaría de Hacienda y CreditoPúblico (SHCP) of Mexico, leading the main group responsible of architecture, hardware, software and communications definitions for SAT technological environment’s, where technical, business and management skills were required. Juan has a BS in Electronic and Communications, and completed a MS on Information Technology in a dual-degree with Carnegie Mellon University and Tec de Monterrey.

Karla ArnaizExecutive DirectorJPMorgan Chase & Co.

Karla has joined the company in May 2015 as HR country head for

Mexico and regional head of Diversity and Inclusion. Recently her role was extended to cover the Talent management in LATAM and Canada. She’s part of the JPMorgan Mexico Management Committee and will be giving support to all LOB’s. She has over 20 years of experience in HR financial industry. She is Chairman of the HR Council for Foreign Banks in Mexico City and represents them into Mexican Banks Association HR Council.

Industrial and Systems Engineer, specialist in International Business from the Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (TEC) State of Mexico Campus, 1994 Class. She has a Postgraduate Degree in Executive MBA, from the University of Texas in Austin and the Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (TEC) Mexico City Campus, Class 2000. Married with two kids.


Lorena IslaManaging Director, MexicoFrost & Sullivan

Lorena serves as Frost & Sullivan’s Managing Director in Mexico

and Head of the Latin American Mobility practice. Her expertise covers the regional Automotive & Transportation markets, New Mobility Strategies and Mega Trends. Isla’s know-how lies in conducting thorough market analysis and development of forecasts within the Latin American automotive landscape, as well as managing and executing strategic growth consulting projects. She is actively interacting with companies across Latin America focusing on the Aftermarket, Urban Mobility, Industry Convergence and Mega Trends. Lorena also contributes to media and international publications like Forbes, Ward’s Auto etc. with articles and expert views. Lorena graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM).

Luis Antonio MárquezDirector Center for Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship campus Santa FeEGADE Business School

Dr. Márquez received the Fulbright scholarship for best government practices of the United States Department of State. Currently, Luis Antonio hosts a weekly radio program to promote entrepreneurship in Mexico called Escala 91.7 FM. On the corporate front, Luis Antonio Márquez Heine has served as Managing Director in Mexico de Bricapital, private equity firm specialized in sectors such as real estate and hospitality. He has also been the General Director of the Mexican Association of Private Capital, promoting the development of private capital industry in Mexico. He has also worked in the public sector as National Coordinator of Planning and Foresight, the Presidency of the National Council for Culture and Arts (2002-2003). Luis Antonio Márquez Heine is and has been a member of the Board of Directors of several companies including Hoteles Mision, Serfimex, Exitus Nomina, Big Bang, GC Capital, among others. It also participates on the boards of investment for venture capital projects for Conacyt as a member of the Evaluation Committee of the Fund for Technological Innovation (FIT). He has also been involved in five philanthropic projects that include the way Camino a Casa Foundation and the Heritage Office of the Public Charity. In addition to his academic and managerial roles at the EGADE Business School, Luis Antonio Márquez Heine has been Professor of Law and Economics at Universidad Iberoamericana.

Ana Lorena Maqueo Gomez Sherwin-Williams Mexico City

Passionate HR professional with more than 20 years’ experience/background in different HR roles and responsibilities plus 7 years in marketing, sales and customer service practices. Business acumen, hands-on and strategic management experience in HR operations in transnational companies’ environments, international and multi-country involvement/responsibility, among others.

Highly committed with diversity and Inclusion topics. Define myself as an Energetic, driven-results oriented personality with a demonstrated ability to take initiative, successfully handle and prioritize multiple competing assignments that clearly understand the impact on HR topics on Company’s strategic goals and milestones.

Amb. Mario Chacón Carrillo Head of Global Business Promotion Unit ProMéxico

He leads ProMéxico efforts regarding the attraction of foreign direct

investment and coordinates the activities of the national and overseas offices from this institution. He has a professional career spanning more than 35 years in the public and private sector, always committed to Mexico´s growth. Within the public sector, he participated in the process of design, lobbying, and negotiation of the Economic Partnership, Political Coordination and Cooperation Agreement between Mexico and the European Union, as well as Mexico’s entry as Permanent Observer to the European Council. He also participated in the incorporation of Mexico to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation mechanism (APEC). Amb. Chacon has extensive experience in the promotion of Mexico abroad. He served as Ambassador to the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and to the Republic of Colombia. He was Chief of Mission in Washington and Brussels, as well as in the representation to the European Union, Kingdom of Belgium, and Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. He was Consul General in Toronto, Director General of Economic Relations with Europe and Multilateral Economic Organizations, and Economic Counsellor in Germany and Japan.

Mariano Kimbara Senior Industry Analyst Industrial Group Frost & Sullivan

Mariano leads Frost & Sullivan’s Services 2.0 Program initiative under

the North American Industrial Business Unit. He tracks trends and markets around IIoT connected services value-proposition across various operational technology asset classes. In the future context of Industry 4.0, he helps organizations analyze the concept of migration from selling products to product-as-a-service and performance. He focuses on next generation services, new business models, monitoring and analyzing emerging trends, innovation and market behavior, while simultaneously fulfilling customized consulting engagements and leading global research studies.

Mario Augusto Correa MartínezChief EconomistScotiabank Mexico

Vast experience as a speaker of economic issues and commentator on the media

Previous Experience:• Sector Analyst, at the General Direction of

Economic and Social Policy, Ministry of Budget (Now disappeared) 1987

• Chief of the Forecasting and Estimation Department at the General Direction of Hacienda Planning,Ministry of Finance 1989

• Deputy Director of Macroeconomic Analysis, General Direction of Hacienda Planning, Ministry of Finance 1990

• Macroeconomic Professor, ITAM. 1991• Research Associate, Analysis and Economic Research

Center (CAIE-ITAM). 1992• Economic Research Manager and Deputy Director of

the Economic Research Department of Scotiabank Mexico. 1994

• Deputy Director of Economic Research and Money Market Analysis, Inverlat Casa de Bolsa. 1996

• Invited Columnist of the newspaper “El Financiero” 2010-2011

• On 2016 Mario starts its Youtube channel: “Economía en Breve” where he post a weekly comment on the most relevant issues for the Mexican economy.


Marisol Menendez Americas Senior Field Marketing Engineer National Instruments

Marisol Menendez has a BSc degree in Mechatronics Engineering from Universidad Anahuac and University of Queensland. She is currently leading the field marketing team In Latin America. With over 8 years of experience in different areas of the company, she is responsible of serving the LATAM region as a business partner to the sales team. Her main objective is to aid the region to become the fastest growing in the Americas.

She started her professional carrier as the youngest female engineer in the Application Engineering Department in National Instruments. During that time, she specialized in data acquisition technologies and automated test, obtained LabVIEW certifications and delivered multiple training sessions with focus on test, instrumentation, radiofrequency and communication Systems. Later, she took over a regional field sales position in Central and Southern Mexico where she had direct contact with technology users in industry and academia, allowing her to learn about the challenges Mexican engineers face in the development of systems. After her years in sales, she took on a new challenge by positioning as a Sr.Technical Marketing Engineer for RF and Test in Americas, being accountable for guiding the strategy to achieve adoption of its technologies in the automotiveand consumer electronics industries. Recently, in 2018, she took over a management role as the LATAM Field Marketing Manager. Based in Mexico City she continues seeking excellence and customer success by supporting them to accelerate innovation, productivity and development.

Oliver RosenthalHead of BMWi Mexico & Latin AmericaBMW

Oliver is leading the, BMWi / e-Mobility“ team at BMW Group Latin America. This includes responsibility for the Subbrands BMWi, iPerformance, ChargeNow and covering a 360° approach to drive Brand Awareness and Market Penetration of E-Mobility. With his team, Oliver is running charging-infrastructure development projects, new market entries and enablement for e-mobility. Since 2016, the rollout of 5 countries & > 25 dealerships in Mexico has been completed. His team´s responsibility include new business models, sales & marketing BMWi / iPerformance, among others, sales force support & guidance as well as Formula E race activations in the region.

Previously, Oliver held a leadership role in Global Sales Development & Steering at BMW Group´s HQ in Munich where he was the responsible manager for Top Management decision circles as well as revision of the Group´s Hybrid Sales Strategy. Before that, Oliver held different functions in the Group´s Finance Division since 2008 being part of Group Controlling and Corporate Finance where he represented BMW and German industry as advisor to the German and UK Finance Ministry, EU Commission & Parliament. Oliver joined BMW Group as part of a global corporate trainee program in 2003 where he gained experience in in Corporate Controlling, Corporate Communications, Marketing, Sales Steering, Corporate Strategy & Network Development Latin America.

He completed his dual degree within top 5% of his class graduating from ESB Business School (GER) and Lancaster University Management School (UK) with exchange to Universidad de Barcelona (ES) as Diplom Betriebswirt focusing on Finance, Accounting, Management Consulting & Strategy. Currently, Oliver is living in Mexico City. He was born in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Omar Zanela Access Committee Coordinator AMID Health Economics & Market Access - Senior Manager Johnson & Johnson

Medical devices industry expert with 12 years of experience in the healthcare sector. Omar is currently the coordinator of the Access Committee at the Asociación Mexicana de Industrias Innovadoras de Dispositivos Médicos (AMID), while also serving as the Health Economics & Market Access lead at Johnson & Johnson Medical México (J&J). His expertise areas are market access, health economics & reimbursement, value-based healthcare and innovation. He is currently participating in the Social Intrapreneurship Program (J&J), an international & multidisciplinary effort to address tuberculosis challenges at India, while also being a TEDxJNJ speaker. Founder member of ISPOR’s Mexican Chapter and previously a collaborator at AstraZeneca pharmaceuticals as Pharmacoeconomics Coordinator, Omar is an Economist from Tec de Monterrey (Mexico), holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas CIDE (Mexico), a Master’s Degree in Finance from Tec de Monterrey (Mexico), and is a PhD candidate in Innovation & Social Responsibility at Universidad Anáhuac (Mexico).


Patricia Pellicer Former Latin America Human, Resources Director McGraw-Hill Education

Patricia Pellicer is an HRprofessional who has partnered, for more than 25 years, working for American and European companies, empowering people to help companies succeed their financial goals. Basically, she has worked for pharmaceutical, financial and publishing industries. Patricia has obtained a good knowledge of Latin America countries, being responsible for more than 15 countries all over the continent.

In her last position she led global HR projects in countries such as India, Australia, AsiaPac, Canada and the US. Patricia has invested part of her professional career focusing in diversity and inclusion programs,such as “Wins”, Women International Networking Services, Development of Global Coaching Programs and Transgender Programs, this last one implemented in Mexico City. She has a certification issued by The Coaching Institute based in Santa Barbara California and has spent many hours coaching executives within the organization. She has dedicated much of her time to empower and develop sales teams,contributing to the growth of the organizations and navigated through difficult times where EBITDA numbers had to be met with priority.

Patricia is a strong believer that good leaders who attract diverse talents and develop their people can take the organizations to the next level in their history.

Renato PasquiniInformation & Communication Technologies Research & Consulting Director, Latin America Managing Director, Brazil Frost & Sullivan

Industry expert with +15 years of experience at large, multi-national companies in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector. Pasquini currently serves as ICT Research and Consulting Director in Latin America, as well as Managing Director in Brazil at Frost & Sullivan. In his current role, Pasquini engages with industry stakeholders on strategic projects spanning competitive benchmarking, scenario planning and growth strategies, with a focus on IT, Telecommunications, Digital Transformation within different verticals and Mega Trends (including new business models). He is also a regular speaker and moderator in leading regional and international events, and a contributor to media. Prior to this role, Pasquini worked for Telefónica and América Móvil subsidiaries in Brazil, with strategic planning and regulation, and for Accenture, with management consulting for ICT companies. Mr. Renato Pasquini holds a BA and Master’s Degree in Business Administration from EAESP-FGV, a Post-Graduation in Economic Law by GVLaw and in Telecommunications Business.

Raúl AlarcónLATAM Strategy LeaderHoneywell Technology Solutions Mexico City

Raul leads the strategy for Honeywell Technology Solutions in Latin America,turning new ideas into value added solutions, recognizing innovation capability as a critical enabler for success, building innovation capability, developing new skills & challenging the original thinking.

Leading the implementation of the Innovation process with the interaction of marketing, sales and engineering. Identifying LATAM customer needs and designing local connected solutions that will add value to regional customers.

While identifying the LATAM business opportunities prepare the HTS engineering team to have the right technical capabilities through training, project assignments and mentoring. To be ready to address the local technology requirements.

Ensuring collaboration with local Universities, Technology partners and startups: for talent attraction, joint research and shared infrastructure.

His professional experience before Honeywell includes diverse leading positions in marketing, product management and automation engineering in companies like Emerson, ABB and Mafrinsa. With LATAM scope on Automations solutions that increased energy efficiency and customer’s productivity.

Raul holds an Electronics degree by Puebla’s Autonomous University, a Master Degree in Innovation for Business Development by Tecnologico de Monterrey University, a postgraduate in commercial strategy by ITAM and a postgraduate in accelerating growth by IPADE.


Rita RagazziResearch and Consulting Leader – Transformational Health Latin AmericaFrost & Sullivan

Rita leads Frost & Sullivan’s Healthcare practice in Latin America, and is responsible for engaging clients in consulting projects and setting the research agenda for the sector. Rita manages research teams covering the following technology areas: Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology, Clinical Diagnostics, Medical Devices, Connected Health Technologies and Healthcare IT. She brings 14 years of expertise in the healthcare segment, having worked in most of the healthcare value chain, including clinical practice, operations management, strategic planning and marketing consultancy. Rita’s diverse professional experience in the healthcare space provides her with a holistic understanding of the Latin American healthcare market and future trends. With a particular focus in Connected Health and Healthcare-IT convergence, she participates in the most important events in the region as speaker, moderator and panelist, and contributes to media vehicles with articles and quotes. Rita holds a degree in Odontology from the University of São Paulo (USP) and an MBA in Health Management from Insper University in Brazil.

Silvia Patricia Mora CastroNational Director of Technology Transfer Offices NetworkTecnológico de Monterrey

Silvia Patricia has 19 years of professional and academic experience at Tecnológico de Monterrey and currently leads the Network of Technology Transfer Offices conformed by 5 Regional TTOs in different campuses and 1 National TTO. Has been founder of the National Association of Technology Transfer Offices in Mexico, where participates as President and also is an active member of International Associations as AUTM (Association of University Technology Managers) and LES (Licensing Executives Society). Silvia Patricia is also a founder member of the Intellectual Property Committee at Tecnológico de Monterrey. Silvia Patricia, has the degrees of Master of Science with Specialization Electronic Engineering (Electronic Systems) by Tecnológico de Monterrey (1998), and the Master of Science in Commercialization of Science and Technology by IC2 at the University of Texas at Austin and CIMAV (2012), is an Engineer of Digital Electronic Systems and has obtained many diplomas of specialization in the field of Industrial Property, Negotiation, Commercialization, and Technology Transfer by the WIPO, AUTM, ADIAT and many other organizations.

Tina MoenDeputy Chief Health OfficerIBM Watson Health

Dr. Tina Moen has spent the last 16 years in the healthcare information

technology industry providing clinical leadership to colleagues and clients in the US and abroad. Dr. Moen serves as a Deputy Chief Health Officer with a key focus and leadership role in value-based care, evidence-based medicine and life sciences within IBM Watson Health. Prior to IBM, she was VP of Client Strategy for Health Language, part of Wolters Kluwer Health. In this role, she collaborated with clients to identify their terminology needs and worked to deliver a solution to “unlock” data and drive semantic interoperability across the enterprise. Previously, Tina worked at Truven Health Analytics in a variety of roles. She served as the VP of Provider Analytics, leading a team of data scientists and researchers responsible for creating/maintaining data and methodologies. As Chief Clinical Officer for the Truven Provider business, Tina was responsible for clinical leadership for the clinical evidence and intelligent evidence product lines. Tina led and contributed to a team of clinicians responsible for communicating the value proposition of Micromedex Solutions in domestic and international markets. In addition, she led the Truven editorial staff, who are responsible for creating/maintaining content for evidence-based medicine solutions, including drug, disease, toxicology, patient education and surveillance solutions.

Dr. Moen received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Creighton University. Prior to moving into the healthcare information technology industry, she worked as a clinical pharmacist in the specialty areas of pediatrics, home healthcare, HIV, and organ transplantation.


STRATEGIC PARTNERSProMéxico is the federal government agency responsible for coordinating strategies aimed at strengthening Mexico’s

participation in the international economy, supporting the process of exporting firms established in the country and coordinating activities aimed at attracting foreign investment.

Telcel is a Mexican company with more than 28 years of experience in wireless telecommunications. Since 1989 Telcel operates with high standards

in quality, customer service and innovation, and brings a competitive and comprehensive experience in service, entertainment and productivity. Always at the vanguard, Telcel brings wireless connectivity for voice and data through the networks 2G (GSM/GPRS/EDGE), 3G (UMTS/HSPA/HSPA+), 4G (LTE) and 4.5G www.telcel.com

Cisco helps seize the opportunities of tomorrow by proving that amazing things can happen when you connect the unconnected. An integral part of our DNA is creating long-lasting customer partnerships, working together to identify our customers’ needs and provide solutions that fuel their success. Over its history, Cisco has focused

on Internet Protocol (IP)-based networking technologies, routing and switching products and technology for home networking, IP telephony, optical networking, security, storage area networking and wireless technology.

GOLD EVENT SPONSORSIBM is the leading cognitive and cloud platform solution company for the enterprise. IBM creates value for clients through integrated products and solutions that leverage the full spectrum of data, the most advanced information technology,

deep expertise in industries and business processes, a broad ecosystem of partners and alliances and world’s premier industrial research labs. To learn more visit www.ibm.com

Visa Inc. (NYSE:V) is the world’s leader in digital payments. Visa’s mission is to connect the world through the most innovative, reliable and secure payment network - enabling individuals, businesses and economies to thrive.

Visa’s advanced global processing network, VisaNet, provides secure and reliable payments around the world, and is capable of handling more than 65,000 transaction messages a second. The company’s relentless focus on innovation is a catalyst for the rapid growth of connected commerce on any device, and a driving force behind the dream of a cashless future for everyone, everywhere. As the world moves from analog to digital, Visa is applying its brand, products, people, network and scale to reshape the future of commerce.

SILVER EVENT SPONSORVerint is the customer engagement company. That means we help organizations simplify and modernize customer engagement through our market-leading cloud and hybrid solutions. In fact, Verint has one of the broadest portfolios of customer engagement solutions available today. We leverage the latest in artificial intelligence and advanced analytics technology

to help you unlock the potential of automation and intelligence to drive real business impact across your organization. www.verint.com

Impartner delivers the industry’s most advanced SaaS-based Partner Relationship Management solution, helping companies worldwide manage their partner relationships and accelerate revenue and

profitability through indirect sales channels. Impartner PRM is the industry’s most award-winning PRM technology and one of the industry’s only turnkey solutions that can deploy a world-class Partner Portal in as few as 14 days, using the company’s highly engineered Velocity™ onboarding process, which is guided by an individually customized Customer Success Portal. For more information on Impartner, which is based in Utah’s tech hotbed, the Silicon Slopes, visit www.impartner.com or in the United States call +1 801 501 7000, for EMEA general call +33 1 40 90 31 20, for London call +44 0 20 3283 4465, and for LATAM call +1 954 364 7883.

LOCAL ALLIANCE PARTNERSThe Mexican Association of Innovative Medical Device Industries, AMID, is an Association of global leaders in innovative medical devices and diagnostic systems, which promotes the advancement of health services in Mexico through better access to innovations that improve the quality of life of the population. Our

goal is to partner with stakeholders of the health sector in the country to promote regulatory and procurement processes which are efficient and transparent, and to ensure safety, quality and effectiveness of solutions in health care services. www.amid.org.mx

The Mexican Chamber of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies (CANIETI), has been an advocate for these industries in our country for 83 years, promoting their growth and

development within a global setting through high-quality services for more than 1400 business members all over the country. Visit www.canieti.org, @canieti, canieti@canieti.com.mx

Consorcio Mexicano de Hospitales. The Mexican association of hospitals is the largest network of private hospitals with the widest coverage in Mexico counting for 40 hospitals in 38 cities, 6500 associates nationwide and more than 5000 physicians. Every year the association

attends more than 10.000 hospitalized patients and another half a million in outpatient clinic, including diagnostic and treatment. The association is a significant player in the Mexican healthcare system with an annual expending in the range of $85 million USD. One of the most ambitious plans for the association is the program SumarSalud which promotes first level preventive care as well as the offering of affordable health insurance coverage to low income population.

ITESM Through educational experiences, Tecnológico de Monterrey forms people who become agents of change, willing to be even more competitive in order to benefit all, with a clear focus on being instead

of having, on serving others instead of possessing things; people who are responsible for their own lives, aware of the fact that their actions may promote the transformation of others. At Tecnológico de Monterrey, students develop their professional and human potential through the high academic level, resources and programs of excellence. Tecnológico de Monterrey include 31 campuses in 25 cities throughout the country, becoming the most recognized in Latin America.

GLOBAL ALLIANCE PARTNERSBrightTALK provides online events for professionals and their communities. Every day, thousands of thought leaders are actively sharing

their insights, ideas, and most up-to-date knowledge with professionals all over the globe through the online event technologies BrightTALK has created. www.brighttalk.com

Dynamic Signal redefines how companies communicate with the world. Our proven Employee Advocacy platform lets employees

receive and post company-approved content to their social networks, transforming them into experts, advocates and contributors. Founded in 2010, Dynamic Signal helps hundreds of organizations of all sizes including IBM, Salesforce, GameStop, Domo, SurveyMonkey and Bloomberg.

Eloqua is the category-defining marketing automation leader and provider of best-practices expertise for

marketers around the world. The company’s mission is to make its customers the best marketers on earth. Thousands of customers, including Aon, Apple, Fifth Third Bank, Dow Jones, Fidelity and Sybase, rely on Eloqua to execute, automate and measure programmes that generate revenue. www.eloqua.com

The Frost & Sullivan Global Alliance Partner Program offers one of the most compelling channel relationships in the industry with the goal of bringing world class solutions to our global clientele.

PR Newswire, an industry-leading content syndication network, reaches audiences of key influencers such as journalists and bloggers worldwide, to drive awareness, social sharing and buyer interest. With news distribution, multimedia, and video production capabilities, PR Newswire helps marketing and communications professionals implement cutting-edge campaigns that

stand out from the crowd.

SCIP is a global, non-profit organisation providing education, networking and professional development opportunities to business professionals involved in developing competitive intelligence that enhances organisational decision-making. www.scip.org

Zula is a cross platform mobile app enabling teams of all sizes and types to bring their communication to the 21st century. Any and all functionality needed for streamlined team communication in one mobile offering. File sharing, polling, group messaging, and much more! www.zulaapp.com




The Association of International Product Marketing and Management (AIPMM) is the world’s largest professional organisation of product managers, brand managers, product marketing managers and other individuals responsible for

guiding their organisations and clients through a constantly changing business landscape. It is the only organisation that represents those who manage the entire product life-cycle throughout any industry. www.aipmm.com

The Appropedia Foundation is building a crowd-sourced multi-lingual sustainable knowledge base at Appropedia.org. Beyond providing infrastructure, Appropedia also fosters a community of volunteers, foundations, academic institutions, international development organisations and for-profit firms that support open sharing of practical wisdom to enable better living with a sustainable environmental footprint. www.appropedia.org

BMA is the business marketer’s first line of defence in changing business marketing environments. Today, we’re even better at delivering membership

benefits that make a difference to your business...today and tomorrow. From our information-packed website to our online skills-building and marketing certification programme, to papers and industry surveys, to interaction with peers, no other organisation delivers the same level of commitment to the information and networking needs of business-to-business marketers. www.marketing.org


With a qualified directory of more than 2,000 Venture Capital and Mid-Market/LBO private equity firms, BoogarLists is an excellent place for entrepreneurs to begin their search for investment

capital. Whether starting a new company or striving to take an early stage company to the next level, CEOs and CFOs will invariably want to seek out new sources of capital or other financial services. BoogarLists provides an extensive directory of financial, operations and marketing services, as well as a comprehensive directory of conferences and associations, across the technology, media and communications industries. www.boogar.com

CEOWORLD Magazine is the only magazine written strictly for chief executive officers (C-level or C-suite) and business leaders — the senior executives, corporate manager, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, researchers and their peers. As an authority on the future of Business.




Join a Frost & Sullivan Leadership Council to:

Gain best practice learning based on real-world scenarios.

Build an exclusive, executive network of peers in other industries.

Develop your executive leadership capabilities.

Remain a relevant and high-performing leader well into the future.

“You are the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time.”

–Jim Rohne, Entrepreneur

Learn more and inquire about membership.www.gilcouncil.com

Frost & Sullivan's Growth Innovation Leadership Council offers a unique opportunity to connect year-round with action takers and forward thinkers from across industries.








Growth • Innovation • Leadership Council

To stay competitive in your world of business, spend time with others who have charted the course.

Are the people in your world today bringing new perspectives and sharing insights from other industries?


Are the people in your world today bringing new perspectives and sharing insights from other industries?

To stay competitive in your world of business, spend time with others who have charted the course.

Frost & Sullivan’s Growth Innovation Leadership Council offers a unique opportunity to connect year-round with action takers and forward thinkers from across industries.

Join our Leadership Council to:

• Gain best practice learning based on real-world scenarios.

• Build an exclusive, executive network of peers in other industries.

• Develop your executive leadership capabilities.

• Remain a relevant and high-performing leader well into the future.


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Frost & Sullivan’s Aerospace, Defense & Security

group assists customers in identifying growth opportunities in everything from airframe

manufacturing to helping industry participants develop better solutions to serve military end

users in the defense industry. We help local governments align their airport vision with industry trends while our security coverage expands our clients’ understanding of the

technologies and solutions that are improving security and infrastructure.

Frost & Sullivan’s Business & Financial Services group helps investment banks, private equity

firms, venture capitalists, government agencies, universities, and research laboratories make

sense of global trends and regional developments to identify opportunities ripe for investment.

Our Growth Partnership Services and interactive workshops help our clients identify the top mega trends impacting the market, and build a robust

pipeline of success.

Frost & Sullivan’s Energy & Environment team works closely with the world’s largest OEMs,

utilities, service providers, and technology firms to help them find the opportunities in

this sea of change and implement strategies to support growth. Our experts and consultants constantly engage with markets from oil and

gas to electricity, grids to homes and buildings, and the critical needs for power, water, and environmental solutions across all sectors

of the global economy.





New digital technologies are emerging at an unprecedented rate and changing the way we work and live. Digital transformation impacts

every person in every industry. In a recent survey across regions and industries, we discovered that early adopters of IT already perform significantly

better in revenue growth and have higher margins.

The Frost & Sullivan ICT and Stratecast teams use the breadth and depth of the IT industry and vertical market knowledge base to deliver unique and invaluable content to clients. Our advisory

services help end users and suppliers of IT.

The Frost & Sullivan Intelligent Mobility practice provides global market intelligence and thought leadership to execute key growth opportunities

and tailor-made advisory services within the personal and freight mobility industry. Our

Growth Partnership Services and interactive workshops help our clients identify the top mega trends impacting the market, and build innovative business models in the areas of Mobility; Aerospace, Defense & Security;

Vehicle Technology; Autonomous Driving and Connected Cars; Car Retailing and Aftermarket,

Commercial Vehicles; Transport and Rail.

Market dynamics in the industrial space have

created a hyper-competitive environment. It is no longer enough to manufacture the

best quality product or engineer the fastest system. Our industrial program provides global market intelligence and thought leadership and

interactive workshops to help our clients identify the top Mega Trends impacting the market, and

build innovative business models.






Frost & Sullivan’s Transformational Health

practice has a powerhouse team of analysts and strategists covering all facets of the industry.

Within each industry segment, we have teams of experts who study trends to help predict where

the next frontier of medicine will be in 10, 15 and even 25 years.

The Visionary Science group will help you

understand, assimilate, and evaluate the future of the industry by analyzing mega trends, material substitution dynamics, and changing needs of

customers and end-users. Position your company today to address the challenges facing the

world in the food and agriculture industries, and better understand the future of the wellness,

sustainability, and personal care markets.

Frost & Sullivan’s Visionary Innovation Group provides actionable and value-focused insights

on how transformative developments will impact future markets and the world we will

live in. A thought-leader in global future trends, the Visionary Innovation Group has built its

expertise understanding early warning signals that help provide global companies insurance in the form of contingency planning for the future.


The TechVision group offers a suite of strategic

services ranging from a continuous flow of forward-looking intelligence on emerging

technologies and new age innovations; interactivity with technology and industry experts; bespoke strategy consulting on

technology investments, roadmaps, IP landscapes, and executive workshops for innovation and

R&D leadership teams. These services empower its users with ideas and strategies to leverage

disruptive technologies and innovations to drive transformational growth in their organizations.

Frost & Sullivan has a powerhouse team

of consultants covering all facets across all industries. To help our clients accelerate growth our consulting teams of experts study market trends in an effort to predict where the next

frontier will be 10, 15 or even 25 years from now.

Our team provides specific tools and expertise to support clients through all five phases of the growth cycle: From developing a pipeline of growth opportunities while evaluating and

prioritizing those opportunities, to formulating and implementing go-to-market strategies and

ongoing monitoring.

Frost & Sullivan’s Brand & Demand Solutions

convert prospects into customers at an accelerated rate. We do this by delivering

an end-to-end turnkey solution, built on the foundation that a strategically planned, focused, and integrated program will yield the greatest return. By starting on the ground floor, Frost & Sullivan can validate your messaging and design

and deliver a customized, multi-touch, integrated marketing solution while becoming an extension

of your marketing department. These fully customized and integrated solutions can take the

form of nurturing, demand generation, and/or pipeline development programs.



EVENT REGISTRATION: Francesca Valente, Marketing Director Francesca.valente@frost.com (+54) 11 4777 5300

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: Rosemary Winters, Business Development - LATAM Rosemary.winters@frost.com (+1) 786.422.5079

REGISTER ONLINEwww.growthinnovationleadership.com


FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Paseo de la Reforma 500, Cuauhtémoc, 06600 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico +52 55 5230 1818

Frost & Sullivan will be reserving a limited number of discounted rooms at the event property. Please contact the property directly for rates, availability, and to book your accommodations. Be sure to mention you will be participating in the Frost & Sullivan event.


Event Registration | General Session Pass

(Includes General Session, Food for Thought Networking Luncheon, and Networking Reception).

Register Early and Save! $275 by October 12, 2018

Standard Registration $350

On-site Registration $400


Payment in full is required immediately upon registration and is non-refundable and also must be received by Frost & Sullivan prior to the event star t date. If payment has not been received by Frost & Sullivan prior to the event star t date you will not be able to attend the Executive Event. If, for any reason, you are unable to attend the Executive Event for which you are registered, and notify Frost & Sullivan in writing more than 3 weeks prior to the event star t date, a one-time credit will be issued for use toward registration at any other Frost & Sullivan Executive Event. The credit must be used within 90 days of the original registration date and can be applied to any Executive Event scheduled up to one calendar year from the event for which you originally registered. Credits may not be transferred more than once, and alll unused credit(s) will be forfeited after 90 days. Notification must be received by Frost & Sullivan in writing. If you do not attend the event and fail to notify Frost & Sullivan PRIOR to the event, no credit will be issued. Every effort is made to ensure that the speakers noted in this brochure are present, but changes beyond the control of Frost & Sullivan may occur. The program agenda will be updated biweekly and can be downloaded from www.growthinnovationleadership.com

Updated 11-13-18
