League Peace Committee Refuses Italian...


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.Enorgotle B attlo ' Ovor Bonpsj — P la o 's F orm LoonUng os

Oblof Issue ‘

[ § : * 0^:B ELaEA K O OPENS MEET

• P rodicts Soldier P a jm on ts Duo by M arch 1 ; O ity Views

B uddies’ Whoopco

« y FOSTEH E .\T O K ; ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Supt. 23 (OW—

. .ThousonUn o f . A m erican Lei;lon-l nalroB CSbli over S t. Louis today/ for. the 17Ui am iual convention; j

.UnotrielAl e s t im a te placed th'o| ■ «ltcnilftnco tho b lgheat Jn the hfa-:

to ry o r tho orsanlzaU on w h lchJud j _ .ltD ,b ltth ,ln .^h l8 e l ty jn tO lvTlforo!

th a n 123 spccltU tro lna ru'm blni In' ~ " i j« r V lh e - wcoU-cnd,' • CcllvcrljjB —MmothlniT'IlkO'aOO.OOO-^buildlos'!^: . anil t h d r ladlea. .

O pened by BclRrano ‘ionol Cominantler .Frm ik N.

League Peace Committee Quits Task as Hopeles Refuses Italian Demands

iP a^by Over W age Increases; Breaks Up in HitternCBS 1

a t W tuhington j

rap p e d the convention to order in; SL tx)u!«' new m unic ipal audltor-l lum a t 8:30 a. m. T h a t won the ' sls:nal to r /o u r days o( dellbera-

' tion* expectcd 'to resu lt In declani'! tlons of policy on mm

.slaL m ntle ra.A dlng><lon? b a t t l e ___ _______

a c t shape thc ' sotdler bonus pro*: j t o u l ahaU -talco-w aa.on outiitand- in g probability . To 'U iq qucalion ol

.. ‘nwby?" one had b u t to point out' •CongrcMman W righ t Patm on of

T hat favorll© pwitlnio p t .th e A . R 'F . j gnnoplnB the e u b ^ w a i In full bloonj between_MltetififcTir3T*w i v th a Ke^v O rleana r n n n i i t l n l l fihdiVi^iiMim nii-< iiiijin W i i >iiJ lu ii llii Imya' snjoyed It! AU cJUtlncUnrui;of:WuU-.wcr« »bovW ttH(Ic. a s w itnw* Commurider Jatiie* E . Vun Zaudt, In <tarU Bult.In th e center o f.ti.o group. a» ho .hootA tito nhoe*. O the r, who have'donated th e ir enllro bonUrolU a re Bhooting eaprf, a pun. and even a bugle. And the re still to b« sbme money lii evl-

reprcseiitntU-o group, cap* Iwarlng labels frw n aU.sectlons of tbo country. .-dcnce. Il '« a


Sen. Borah Raps Moves To Change Constitution


British Note Reveals Gmvrty'-Tjf-Relirtions

Job Put Up "To^Councir

McQrady Hopes fo r Rescinding of Striito Call a t New


' E t h i o p i a n s A g r e e t o

W ASHINGTON. Sept. 23 'o u r hiinclrcd -tlM)uimniI conl-mln* ■ra, a lrp.uly, tpclmicnlly on xitrJiii-.

I»y CMI-'t’OKr) I - n w • (ropyrlR hl, l«.1. \ t ’nltcil

LONDON. Sept. 23 An official communiqiii' on tin; ronipnn for A r r p n f P r n n n « a l « •Urltliih fk-cl coiiccnlraUoii in tlw McdlU-rriini'an ilincloji’il lu.li.y H‘o ’ • '^ C C e p c r r o p o s a i srcu l ijruvUy o t lUiUaii-UrltlsU r«laani\n. ------• a S B a S l S — '•—

Inlcnilod ns nn iinnurnnce to Italy , the coriimunlUnio iiald the con-''ccnlrntloti, iim l'm lliliiry nml jiiival nion.iiiron i;oneni1ly. wuro ni>t In- ■tonJi'd ail a •'manoin;cr'' o r anv tliing lllt<’ th a t bu t "nii a naluriil ciin-. incfiuoirco o f i l io ImpreRiilon croiitca BJ- thc-'\-lolPnc(> of-thp-catnpaifTTi-

11}' ITiiltcd l’rc>i*•fripurcjii.-i irr ii)?.

........... U>" Klnirlmn » 'M th 1” " t m i con.I.iclcd l,j- Hit UMl'in ;r h ; '" m to . WdW. E kS w ---------------------------------------i " V "--------- -- . . . . . - Olo pi«ri of Jilii nmjonly'!! i:ov-'<-iiw»iimcc p iv '-s. u p w w U us

lirtju 'l.'ss; llirou'K lu'iu’c c ffitr^ st h o - l . o l o l - - r n ^ m - ^ f r „ : u .o y - l . ^ l ; - ^ ; s , " '^ ; ; ^ ^

larccflt Blrlke oY the New Deal. 1 The Itnllnn 'prcM li cloMcly c A t 2:32 a. in. E . S . T. today nitnc ;irollpd by lJo:illo Mu.Hsolliil, hcnc;

iperalora and union ollicliil.-i I c t l n ,c Blj;iilflcaiici> of iho iituti'niont.. ,U io-liolpl--rnoin-w hfru-lh<'y-Iiii<l; f ji j .-u f ic ’ D nimmona, ambuiiirii-'^ires were lalivn U" the m iliiral,’ \,i,,.i ,.._ (;iiv -i.r!iiii( 'n t to n rn -

Uio B um m cr.by r rc a id e n li.a ttomc Frl.iny. , i ' , > ^.hlcU hi>!i been con.iiictc! l.yi — H rilis li “ ri'iissiir- .......... ...................... Tlicy dccUlcd, It wall imUl a u - .................. ... !

. Jf.nloday.-' |lo n-ducc tetminn "would lio to l-‘'- i ''.Signor; Suvlcli niadu itii niiala.'[f

Prenldcnt nooscvelt wa« back ln i»ue coinmiinlques. Urlt^jln'ii wii.i: i;nu!< communication In which he| llniinn-H riliH li r i-ln lirWaahlnglbn today. W hether he , '•Hl« majeiiiy'n ambaiiiiador to,(itatinl th a t hi> wau aulhnilr.ctl to! '.\ lfx iiiu ir iii JCjrvnt__D efenseplonneU direc t Intervention to prc- Rome called oa»Sl|:nor Suvlcli. un.!(iuelaru to - th e Ambiuinailor th a t- , ' - ................-------peace In tho Imlu.itry v............. ' ‘ - - • - • -hnown, a lthough hln pcrnonal rep' rcscntatlve, A sulntaht Labor Sccr<v ta ry 'E dw ard F .'ilcG rhdi-. liald th e !. , l.osue would no t bo pre.icnted to tlie'^'lURdom WhltO HOUBC. ' t , - . . . . , . „

................oa*Sl|:nor Suvlcli. u n - !(luclaru to - th e Ambiuinailor th a t i , ................. i >oder.rjecrttury o t Mate for forclKn, K alian preparationn In the M o d i- ! '‘ ciM liiitisaffalra. Ju ly 20 In order to com-i.torranean bajiln were purely of n l ' ' ' ' '" ’" ' '! ' ' '">■ *" biiilcem unlcate In tlic name of hlii m a -!precaulloiiary na tu re ami had no jrim ni fu r Sultlicrs.Jeiity'H Bovernment in the UnltvillacKreN.ilvu ulm." 1 D jilio u li — J?ritisli wiirK hips

all movemonlii of llnti The cablnct will moot tomorrowjBrltl.ih fleet and relnforcementu o f ;io connliler t lw crl«b. U will .S'men and m ateria l o t D rltbh K nr-;thc f irm ,fu l l m eutluc alnco mln-

s fi'imi K f:y p t to

satlflfuctory nolutlon c o u l d bc^lujT *hat they \ e Italian hlluallnn finil be-; Oy FREDERICK KUHiaiEZiJ

..-.V lnM a o f K entucky,-both here forj ' : ' tho conven tion .' t .'.R apped In/lntlonU U

The Xxglon sponsored tho < poratlvely conservative V l n . bonus bill In the la s t aesalon of.

..!> coDgrcss, a s opposed to the CM*' . ■■_man~bmr'featuredU >y currency In-!

E l~ Z ^ lA H 9 ^ j? ro y j r . |< ? n g ,_ ^ th ,fa lL «*:£lnal enac tm en t Jnto law, and In * Itla 'im nual. report, Com masdor

B olgrw o-denounced tho-lnflatlon- Igts fo r loading dow n th e bonus blU w lth - tt proposal more contror v e n ia l U a n .tb e bonus Itself..

"The bonua.wUl.bo passed U Ui'o next', s e ^ o a ' o t . congress, and

• ac tua l paym en ts wlU begta by n w t

• A ttendance a t .y io ,convention la JUBt about a 'c ro ss-seo tlon oC.Use A m erican “W ho’s W ho.^ Scorcs of

' (llsUngulahed icueits a n here. Two no tab le absentees..w ero P resldent F ra n k lin D . Rooaovelt and General

—Jo h n -J ..P e rB h la g ., T he fo rm er id p lanning a tr ip , a c r o u oountry,

. '.w ithout-atop ,' to 'C a llfo m la i the ' la tte ^ Is In France , w here bo led

(Continued on P age 2. Column 0)

Fooa See Allcn-Nc« S p lit a8| Ohanco to E lect Own

Q ovem or

I^EW ORLEAl^, •8ept.-23-(tt^*>! 'W hile two powerful leadeni - of'

th e polltleal machine se t up by tbo la te H uey P . Long today stood divided, opponents of tho d ic tato r­ship boped to fo rm a w edso to push tbolr gubem atorio j coAdidate IntaoCTIce. . ' . ,

~OppobVnts 'd t th e -L sn g aidclilne ;omUh'c'd'forci's behind-C ongress-

-nan r.Cleoveland . D ear o f - the E igh th d ia trlct In a drive to elect D ear os governor.'

igOTSE. SepV i3” UjTwDefending tho conaUtuTlon w ith hliT Ivlgor, Sen. W illiam E . Borah. Progrcaalve Bcpubllcan .'w am cd Amcr- ico^is B galnst'attem pta to a lte r th a t document in '.a natloa<Wldo radio

'speech delivered hero lo s t nlRht.PollUeiU pa tties, striv ing for,

|m or6 power. frequcaU y th reaten;'th o conatltuUon. .Borah charsed.

Rapo.SActUanshlp ,■Ther m ost Inoldlous enem y of]

federal sovereignty, la b ta t Intense] partisansh ip which sometim es' placea p a rty Interests above coun*. try , which surteade rs con8clencOi| obdlcatcn reanon and compromlaen patriotism , .th a t the 'party^s hold m ay bo a tre ng thened -ond .a 'part^

Tivcry-n tta c lf u r any m um unfB tis mlneru W' been T O B do-ftftho 'W :hcst.-o r-t

'd e r tho Inspiration o r tilrecUon, some political p a rty fo r w hat w ai regarded ns p a rty advantage.

fclTGHINGSifcl u J l H i U R l—^ n o l-O h o se n -to -D e e id o -F a te

o f .Toim g Huaban'd Pacinff . , ,■.•Assault Oharge •

ractlona; observers sold . i t ____doubtful U they would compose tbe ir differences. One factlon_waf.: led by.Gov. O aear K Allen, nom-'

.inali beod of the L o n g ' pollUcal Riaehlnc, and tho o ther by LleuL Gov. Jam ea A . Noo o t no rth i;:«U' lalaaa.' C la lm ln g tb n n n n ittd been'-^'sold'

down-tho-rlver” by the ' A l'en io ic e a ^ b o ^ f i t^ S a tu r d a y to de«* clde „oa iCandldates. .Noe ,ced th a t 'h e w as tho lo g ic a l______tfarry on th e L ong trodltlona. He declare<l UiAt h is ' friends " aUclUni —

Ignores Noe■ByTKS-OTSff

rejgn;.c3Conde«i,l’.h e .d ec larcd .- .'- ,■ “I am ' speaking of th a t p a rtis ­ansh ip w hich, iiader the la st of p a rty . ln terca ts and th e insatiable appetite fo r politTcol pow er doea DOC hesita te to assail o u r moat-es- aen tla l Instltutlona, subm erges oi taxes aw ay tho llbe rty .o f tho clUi

U zc n .an d rides rougb-ahod ' tho national ch a r te r Itself.*'_ .....C lte i.O th er A ttack ! -

ClUng otfeaslona In th e ' early IBOO'a and again In 'tbe ISGO's and e arly 70's, w hen tho m ost vital

could b<; rcaclndcd .Im m ed ia te ly ..'I________________________________A s thi) confcrcnee broke up un-

l.:VSrco.rp.?Srp.,T?;LWar Air Gripstho wage increase th a t miners! ^

e lant Feb-

’’Tliere has never been an how m ou r en tire h isto ry w bcn our. in a tltutlons o r coM tU utlonor>form |b c govcipm ent w ere reason ot the imtlaUire of-thg peo­p le .'E very 'g reo t-cH sis 'ln civil gov- e m tnent bos.Invariably had Its or- Igln In partisan ' initiative, led,o£ and directed by am bitious or r e c k - , less-party.icftdcrji.,-. .' B ut the] tim e to m ake , th e change should be determ ined free o f 'partluan in ­te re sts . . .

"Partlsana^lp h a s 'I t s place bu t, J tJ s -n e v e r .A .sa fe . g u ide , toiicblng tliose things which a rc non-parU- (Continued on P age 2. Column 8)

...innge .appeared 'ft-llimg^to concedo and one-lialf cen ts-m ore . There I the operators rem ained adam anL '

Tho s lriko call became .cffectlvc ,at- m idnight. ’ I t ordered 400,000 |men,.roembem of the United Mine IWorlcers, to s ta y aw ay from the _ i ' 7.U. m . w histles sound



ROSWELL, N . M - Sept. 23 ervlew- (

■xd.—Oolr-C hnrl w A-'-Hmifaergtt-, . today visited Dr. R. II. Goddard. .

Ooaun iw ioncn - .'ffill-.O oiu idcr Move to Enforce Sewage


Tw in F a lls c ity council tonigh'. will consider tbo s teps to .be taken

U <Llnflurc.thi>t-aJLd»elllnga-wlthin ' tho :lncorporato. lim its have proper

;»4llspos-' - - -

I fo r.- goiyornor. and E arl K . Long, itber of th e m urdered senator,'

,W n * O.i

.' Tho forenoon w as g iv e n ___ ___—dlstrlct-couc£-toda)(jtQ ..cboDslng a

ju ry w hich will de term ine the , g u ilt o r innocence o f B yron Hutcb- •*-l»gs . ,-y outhful—btiqbaBdr-cbnrsed

w l^ crim inal [assault upon a l n -

Tbo tr ia l la tbo f i r s t of several to be-held .th ls w eek before Judge

. A . B. Barclay. N ex t on the docHet ■' ■■ ■■ ■ • ' .. aeorge.M U cb-

arda . T u rn e r K . Haclcmon.

_lngs-trlalfr-nJr-N.M:^ld9>-Harold Ifolson,.% Thom as C arro ll, EVed

' Janes. E d 'B u b le r . F .':A . Babbel, ■ C lU ford ' T hem ss. BU ner' Jordan,

C u rtis Bow er.' B. E . Leicbllter, Glen .A rrington,-, and .. F . r a n k

' BehemeJ^ J _ __

. . D o c t o r s F e a r f o r .

S e n : L e w i s ' ' L i f e

M a^lri. public senrlce e_________or, will reeelvo' A llen's appoint' rnent fo r the uncxplred te rm of. Sonatoc— Long—‘.S p cak cr_ o f:_ tb e: House A lle n 'J . 'E l lc n d e r is can-

: dldate of th e Allen faction fo r the lolx-year te rm in tb e senatel

A cnouncem oD t'w as 'm ade th a t G overnor A lle a w ill’ bo nam ed

iD emocratle national com m ittee- dian and chairm an of th e Demo­c ra tic s ta te .c e n tra l com m lttco a t . the- organleation -m ecU ng.

pcrO n.............. .................. .... ........w ork ing n e a r here fo r tbo past

• y e a r ..C olm el U ndbergh and H arry

. P ._G uggenheim ..-capitalist and, fo rm cr.dlplom ot, landed.here In L indbergh 's , airplane ycslerday.

by $800,000,000 " Under V Executive O rder

W ASHINGTON. S e p t..23 flUD— ; P resident Roosevelt tdd ay m ado ' available " fo r W P A ' a n d - P W A

se v era l. public officials active In tho cnmpalBn to r id the commun' .Ity.of typholdinfecU ori. ' . — •.

U ' is e::pected th a t the city . umbing .Jnapector will be asked to, give notice to violators o f the p resent ordinances covering san*

,llary.-regulatk>ns - !n -a n -e ffo r t- to com bat the possible spreod of the

experiment.- herulquartesi hero la .S ep tom b ir, 10?4. .

' L lndy on Board

A U T O e O S A Y SM acA uley 'E xpects 6 b a n |d 'in

Show D aio 'WiH H elp . . . E m p loym en t.../ .

. o f "the .foundations. .- -hiui... l>efn . .fo rk in g ,

' w ith a rocket 12 fee t long, and -:A bout.tw o-fcet,ln .dlam ffiteg..lils-

ob jec t Is to send recording In­strum en ts to g rea t he ights In'- to the stm tosphcre in the rcK kat H e has flre^i his rocket several times, b u t never has an ­nounced the resu lt o f h is cx- •piirlments. r ' - -.r..

m ay be' so'uaed by 5800.000.000.The original division o fU io

000.000,00-. fund- providetr th a t 9000,000,000 could be used for loails

‘ ■ *- to s ta tes, cities, eouo-................ icr Rovenlm cnlal AinJts.. M r.'.R oosovell's' o rder doubles!

I tho am ount w h ich 'm ay bis used in th is inanner.- 'T ^ ^ —

n w ill_ p e re il f .J ^ r ia i Progress!

. . adm ln isth tto rs will- ge t o n ly . U23.000.000. • In . addl(lon, however, P W A -w llI have another

:SIOO.000.000,available fo r housingm ad Blum clearance;, r .............

• Half.-. Allottirf .F igures'd iac losed th a t Hopkins

already. has:aU o tted .S72<,7B1,062. th an half o f tho money a t

maul uii W P ’A'rBtate.ytu*'

m ent o f public welfare; notified {M ayor'Johnston of th e . appoint'

im e a t’* m » d ^ * ^ d S ^ ^ ^ i ^ « S /^ ....deputy; s ta te 's aa lta iy 'Inspector. IThls w as asked by clty officials------------------------ --^w itb^'aiiy-cori-

__________________cd.. ditch . w a te r . and . unsan itary ihousing JU id 'hea lth conditions.I " Meanwhile there . was < awaited hero a 'sh ip m e n t o f .serum to be ,supplied, ptiysicians of the count^’ to adm inister children and o thers w ls h ln ^ to 'be,•inoculated- against

- T his move fo llw e d a 'conferenceo( s ta te , c o i .....................................iwlth pbyslcl________________ - .!was s ta te d today a t tbe office o t [the cow>ty - 'commis»teaera.-HhaHB

w ithstand , the straUt ;0 f bronchial . pneum onia which' boji confined blm

^ t o ' bed J n the N otional' hotel since -■;'.'.'Sept..l«'.,.'.- • , ■- ■

— T.-AllhouglJ “^Lewis'— tem poraturo on ly sllghUy execeds 101, h b pulse a t j4o , ^ v o pbysielans g i ta t , —

autcT -r)ti\^industry- 102Q, A lvan MacAuley. prM ident of tho Automobile M anufacturers as­sociation. announced today In .re­vealing p lans fo r th e an n u al'n u toah o w to 'b c^ n 'N o v .--2 .—^--------' 'fticA!.u1eyIsold .tb o annual

Collecting Money have received over *123,000.000. P W A adm inistra to r-' H arold L. Iclces expects to subm it a list of]

.T b^'paeum onia Is sU n rea trlcU . > to , th e ; paH ent's r ig h t lung.".The

doc to rs .w e « |U je ^ w ^ to d 4 y to 'use

them from all n 'alks o f« llfe — I Jo in*< l-la-« -eam palg ir-to -bu i'' g ^ m a n e n t. memon^al to ..

. ' i ^ d e r the- leaderahin of Vlce| e P residen t John N ..'G anser.

several tnousand p ro jecta .to ta llng L*200,000.000_lo_ftt8Wont..RooRer. :velt ton lgh t-fo r n pp ro ra l a fte r ' ffhial—checkup—«>nfet«nee - tods ■with s ta ta P W A officials.. A s. approved -by . congress.' the

,J4.000,o6o.OOO w orks fnnd was dl- |v lded ',into various,'classifications,

(Continued on PagA ?. Column 3)

l O o i i i E

&:^^-fuis.by.alrjdiLne, a t tbaflratA lga ^ ^ ^ , 'o f ) ' l l^ ^ ^ fe c U o a sp rea d in g ' to^ the

fe tfB i l U a f e - . l Q r d e r e .

a -K .;-31U U «i.tb :be

he B id .: "we th in k ' i t ,«tb e earnings.o£lautombblle;.w orl<- e rs . lo a level .hlKher Oian lh a t of

laay c o m p a r a b le .^ u p ,o f fac to ry I— — V------- ‘--ire-ln thc;w oruL"-':

;b fb o i:K t: ::;^ ;^ .ijn n « a i* t« iy f fr<wi[r*a6bipdSTO Ita .la .

O a n e r.,..ibuted '.>ould--.go:ihto !ortaI. fuad a n d .tb a t- a committee! [ : ^ l d p lM ^li-^m -of-ine

S'.'WiNibokX,’--’gaaaasdafigI 'bfl8 announced the

................... . j progriOHi; ;-.H ow ever; th s P residen t bos gtv-j

(ja.-oiuUjorlty : t o : tran s fe r.su rp lu s i funds from oae catego«y_to anoth*; e r.-T hat, imM th e acUon whlcb b*. tM k t^ foc th^.flrrt-tim»..i;

R ebnoA N izA TioV ^R PP^^^.... 'a?crre;----- - - ■Iton 'g iB ell^^M V

I U tah a n d '^ y o m ia f . Men Q uit a t -W alkont' Stiinniotii

c m r . U ta h .'S e p t. I— ‘-•--4.000 U tah_____ jr s - o f .the

^orken of- America

SALT'25 ftL R l-.-,. and.: .Wyqm1_U nited Minejoined today ............................s l j i .3j« a lle d ;^ y j th a t U bor.orjaa.*

[ ^ ^ ^ t o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 ^ ? | r ^ M S r a i ^ i ? J S r ^ 'd l s t r l o t « ; ' I l : - a r i 5

■,‘tr ie t, c o u r t - ’

Area of Canal i-B)^-HenB6RT-R.-6K»Nl

(Copyrlohl, 1935, U nlted'W efff) DJIBOUTI. French Somull-

land. Sept. 23 (U.i;i—Tbe Sues canal , a rea from the M editer­ranean sea to the Gulf o f Aden w as on a w ar bmilo today.

In a flvc-day-voyage through tbo Red aea the United Preiw correspondent saw m any actlv-

' itiea which belled Uie calmneiu m dla ted from th e shores of A f­rica and Anla. Silhouetted again st reaplendcnt nun.iets wcro. ships brU tlylng w ith gunn o r laden with t ro o p s ..

On Uie horl7.on-were ships th o t looked llke .pcaceful_m cr- ciiantm cn . b u t _ * w e r c . .seen Uirougl».'.biaoculars to bo I ta l­ian tm naports, carrying.m en to f ig h t,In east A frica o r carry­ing back men who had fallen

_ v lc tim -lo -A fritt 'a .llIn ca scs.____liant Patrol


f r- th o -rE r llre an ,—_‘nnd ArnblBo connta.wens B rit­

ish cra lsers accompanied - by~' . mine layeis o r w atched over by •destroyers, busily patrolling and ob8crvlng_all shlppln^r.

A t A'dcn, Dcross''tho 'Gulf*'or~' T nlum ^ fm m D)l(i " '•

I a ir

tlce to / l y to Addis Ababa t o . evacuate Its .nationals, o r over the Red sea to enforce w h a t- .

the dcclslon the League of

s t e a i ^ I p Angers, o correspo ' passed :

>-lts-em plre.-— --------------

commltlcc of five niitionn named to Heclt a oolutlon of th e Ita lian - Ethiopian crisis pave up Its worit aa hopeless today. U dcddcd to r e - .. port to the LenRue of N ations council th a t Its efforts had prov-

,cn fuUle. . i r t ' E thiopla made no form al re se r- '" ^ V jvallons to ,lhe plan, It w as 'u fld e r-- iij*stooo,'~i3ccnuB(!'^nc” pw n ' w w ii in j :—

- jm itted to Ita ly -and E thiopia slm - |p ly a.1 a basis fo r discunsloa. EUil-

. . . „ , ;opla. however, rc.^erved th e TightW aitk u a , F o r c c d D o w n 'A f t e r to negotiate changetf in certain

Spanning: A tlantic, "Will Resume Hop.

BAULINROUE, county Mayo. I rish Freo S tate , Sept. 23 Felix W altkun. U . S,"flie r whose a ttem t to m ake a

cracked-up plane today.H e s till w as w ea ty a fte r his

ba ttle again st fog and rain In his f ligh t across Uie A tlantic , bu t was o o g o r - to - rosurao—til ls - f lig h t—to ICaunas: H o w a s n o t injured.

4«n^-i^lO dng-:ttm o-nA tlantic.^ he . sa id . "M ost o f the

, tlmo-1 w as f ly in g bllnd.-;-Afl.I ap.- Iproaebed tbo I rish coast I struck parU cularly ^ torm y w eather. I waji delighted to see land because I-w fts-tlr«l-out-from .-flghM nff-the storm and m y gasoline supply

. - F o o -“I decided to laad if I could

find a break In th e fog.-A fter find­ing one, I elrcled for some tim e looking fo r the airdrom e. B u t I couldn't flRd .it in th e denso fof;. F inally I spotted a b ig field which looked ,a s If I t m ig b f do fo r an

.em ergency landing, - hu t unfor- ituiVately U w as covered by an uii'-

'tlie 'p laho ' 't6"'6vcr- turn." ■

Waltlcus -said th a t a fte r .c la m -

l E E i i E i iBroke, L ight O ^ p a ig n S ta rts

O ct.. 1, Deadline, for - D river Licenses

' N o t only Is tho deadline for so- c u ring driver's licenses. Oct. 1, b u t th a t da te will aUo m ark the Incep­tion of a brake and ligh t drive on m o to r, vehicles. I t was s ta ted to -

,d a y by Fontaine Cooper, s ta te

M S Q advised by E m m ltt jBfoat.-.aom m taaloa e e j l : tha :'fltate- departm ent of la w enforcement, th a t drivers will be- asked fo r

, tb e lr licenses on .and a fter, th a t d a te . and - those opera ting .m o to r

Tho. offllcals s ta ts th a t a ll.op* orators.sbould take Cairo o f llg b t i aod,.brakes.before .O cL-l.-In order to . a v o id ;arrest. The public’s ' * ' opetaU oK ls requested; • -I,- 'r.

ceases are b ^ issued a tia m pld ret*- a fth s^om ees 'o f'aD 'ihertfa aodrwanis rtbat- the deadline ls .a

’t o r n ‘ '

, : . v j r o s A i n a u X : (iaur.. . 's sp tT S s 0lE>^Th6maa A ;T u lly ;* '' '

strusRied across- thoI nearest ^nnhouB c where-------------piven rc trc ah m e n ta ^ n d then took an automobile fo r tbo half-mllei drive to the airdrom e. On tils hr-i r lva i-tho re -po llec -w er«~ lm m ed l- ' otely sen t to s ta n d .g u ard

"My plane .was n o t a s badly dam ased a s 1 a t . f i r s t thought,'' he said. •‘The undercorriago waj ripped by bushes bu t I believo l can be repaired In a day.'*.

l i io f r CHASEtlnexilar lovo' c liase ,' Jdlin B arry­more secloded him self in a hotel s u i te . to d a y to " g e t aw ay fram tralns'and-tb lags.'* - .■ •* -pped off.'aL 'tninscontln-____ ____i te d - l a s t i i ^ b t . sb o rc 'o fb ls.goal o f Los A ngeles and a pos-, sible reooncUlatlon w ith bis wife. D otores Costelto.-wbo U w ' ' aivoree. .M lss ‘3 a n 1 e 'g a r o . , ... 'Sursuit in K ansas C ily , a n d '.re - aimcdj^,-Ncff.:YAite

I . - ...................... ........... face thoI tank, -the,-most serious In le a n ie ’ bI.3toty. of deciding its edufto la ' event I ta ly g o e s to w ar. '

J u s t, before tbe committee, end- !ed its efforts' a t compromise,

ited the com m ittee's

a lo n .'Itejects Ita!

The committee unanimously re­jected .ns ''unnccepU ble ..and .T io t.J-.i: susepUble of dlacuaslon w ith in .tbo . - fram ework of the league oo\-en- a n t" a scries o f Ita lian demonds presented secretly and inform ally .• • y esterday ._ the J i r s t_ o e ^ J o n on '■ w hrch~Ita ly-'cvcr-has-edara lea-& -^—

clfy_l' •The committeo of five will m e«t

flnally^tom orrow .m om ing_to. con.-i_ aider Ita -repo rt to tbe cpunell'. which members began d raftin g tfr- . day. The report will in c lu a e - 'a . ' sta tem ent .o f negotiations w lth l t - ' a ly 'to daRTTneludmg the. com m it- '

|(ConUnued on Page 2 . -Oolamn i )

T o d l a y ’s G a m t » 7 7 f J -

NATIONAL-LEAQUE.• By United Press • - " "

. FIRST , g a m e : . .

Boston ___ 000 O il 000—2 - e’: . '■■ •ew-Yorkm.300-000-00x—3 — -

. B randt and Spohrer; H ubbell .-iTina-MailcuBor— - --------- :-------:— r T -


Brooklyn 000 002 000 0-^2- 0 2 Phila. ;....000; 000^^X01 2 - ^ . » / ? .■ /

Spohrer; f a b le r , Parmelee-.-;»ndi M y a tt,..

B rooklyn _ ,L ,........l/.! .;o o b '6 b o ^ SPhUadelphla ..-_L.;_._;.._002 •B a tte rie s : -B c n g o -a n d -'

Bivln, Jo rg en s.-^ d -H o Id eii

P l tisb u rg k ';

. Only gam u scheduled.' . '

A i i E R i c A N - r j ^ m ■ j -.r

N ew .'Y ark"'Z-2l-i.i.;^0^ W u b t B g t o a - : ^ ^ ’ .OOiOOO-^r.

.WbltebUl and ,8oltoa^>‘'>;Only..gajpes:>



S S 5 S 2 ......

jswteooed ia '-.buy«aart-

r o A H O E V E N I N G T I M E S . T W I N F A U ^ . I D A H O - JIondn>% Septcmlicr 23, IM S’--


News in BriefUeaUcm uf Hin l:

F ivc-N fttion G ro u p Q u iU Jo tioa H opclcs!!; P u ls T aa k |witc Mi-, i

-------- nmitirn--------- —iroim:----

u>«k-r.iiuor till- wcrlc-cni ncLMr«.’ U _ I...

ACTA G l S n y P H O I D

(CnnlinucJ fram Tnpc One) reply which rnnn: In tfii- form of vcntcniny'fl clcmiiiuln. Italy u'n<l K lhlopln w in be nolHlcil lh a l llift comnilUec lnU'n<lfl to publlali all

. Uw m ateria l 11 lutji.

riMjjfw S«rc)rltv ,MLri Hctll liM hwcll llM pk-ilKcl

K npju Kiippa Gnminii i>Ihi; U nlvtrm iy of Ulnlm,10 \v<ml r<'cclvc(l Ikto.

M ove_ to_E nfo rcc S ew age

- — The eoriim itlef's finni net ' to take note ot Rllilo|ilii'a iicci nncc nf Un prciposnl-i os a biuiln <lliicun.ikin. ‘ |

• Thin I'-nvoji I taly In Ihc position,Join

TiicMliiy I AnnoiinccnHTit in .,;n.Kular.-i-.u.iinK- “ f ....................iloilRo will bo hi'lil Tiicii.lny n lslit ■:«l the I. O. O. r . Imli.

now In her preAtent, na Ihe love- I lorn nccrrtary In "She Mnrrli-tl H er I UoM" now n t the lloxy theater. •I A fte r her m arrlapc to her em-

. .pUjycr, tlio ' battle mRM w ith no IMlwi t>>Fla.;fr oiKl her alAff woylci:hoM(i barred M ccpt UlMlnj; In the |.iup<.Tvl»e tbe work, Iclincliea, Anil Ihu ncci'ctnry'n dh - 1 A .k l-nmitii- roniu-nt--------- |«p jK ,lntm cht"i;jIJn nlic Olseovera

. .. (Continued from I ’aRc One) T*ty ^ i |sm lih . Bcliool niiri'e. iiiid lh a l «‘’" “ " B |th e -o !h c r dW rlcL. In Ihn eoui

la.le th a t a i . A»k I*nrrnt»* C oiw n l- iupjK>intmcnt wiicn nlic Olneovera .....

........... and KihioplftBtrcnutlirncd IW ciuio b w ith j:o<)d jjrace. i ' ' Q ta l_

itcTiilty Uob a irphiui. Twin TallK,

■ ■ ■■ ' ‘ lUihl, hiui htcn

illy"pliyiilclanirrfK ardInK f me inociilntlon. Hlanhn iii>Uini;' th h pcrmlMlon will be flcnt par-, cnta of (icliool children, and ttie henim wUl be ndmlnlMlercd to Jwlli Ichllilrtn and olhor member;

I ' A lilMle.ifl brlile cr.-vvlnR ailcc-crs W il l C o n s id e r tlon--» tnrU tlic KriindpJil fiin Blnec~ ■ tlie wnlln of Jcrleho rell In " It Hap';ppncd"Oiio- NI(:W~i lirthT —


Encrgfotio B a ttlo o v e r B o n u s -PlRjf

I News of Record |I M arriae:o L iccueca I

Sept. 23 men DncKctl and Ktbcl SturR'

con. both of Uurley.

merely a drenni, and liow »hc timlly malicB l l n realUy. ere ' lomc of the mo.it Intensely hu iw Jilluiitlon.i, maklnsr of Hn

f ’p lcturc one of tbe outflt-indlnir 'th e Kcrcen.lhii) n - -

,ti;.t„rx-:fratrrnltv. n t thf. Ilnlvnr.iltv o f ' ;Inn n"-' .................. ...................... 'the univer.-,ity of

nuked drantle c:o‘iieciwlomi of Her. 1 ---------111 nb.indnnlnK llJi work the com -'fio to lom t

m lttec of live throw.i the wjiolol notilma-iler and Mrs. IV W; 7.TC- K thloplan crlnb baek Into ihejllolKTln left yesterday for Iowa h.-jndii of the council, which mii-itJwberc they will .iptnd a m onth

under Artlcl'- NV of the vi.-iltln}; •rrlatlvivi nnd f i 'I w ith im cfforla to p -



c pence. .’tiiu rlrti Her^ S n y .-

Tiie council Ui r.xpciled lo draftjW undii Afllrtt. and pilbli-'ll a rcjxirt nf ILi own.jrlcd today a t the offlur ■ I f K lhlopla aci'eptJi tliL'! re]>orl.jlI. M. Holler. Wllnciuie.i which will’ coniAliv pence recom-!niid Sira. Diivld. A 'M t, mendatUins. and Italv rcjectu It.i — .I ta ly can -••vcr lepilly lo H ere from, I5ob«*w ith E thiopia, All meinlwm o t tliiS; lenRue will be ple<If;c-l to nld E thiopia apaln^t lliily. • .

The convlclUm.wna crow ing"~lfnjrue~niciTiBcm— OTitWr-I>«” ‘>''''^

I ta ly If It ntt-ieked ICthlnpia. Such " m 'n c ltle n .'t i t 'c o nntr: ccjild-notrflf'-

, illrerlor of the n .............. .......................... ..IrylnK. acoomi.anU'd Lf Twin Kalin’ lo m ake ......

by Slrii. I3ol!>e. vUiied frli'ifd.s her« un- onllnaiiccn were belnjr over the week-end. The p a ir w tre |,,n c ,i xviu,, recently in n rr ie ttr~ ------------------ -------------- —

Ilcliilly >>e - oc tu iillvhad altncki

I taly Heelm ' Italy'fi demandfl


I iieRolWtiowi. I t . nderstood th a t there -were tlK «l

o r nine Italian prniwKUn. One <le- miuid wan for a Hort of ronndalo over all of Ethiopia cxcept ihc wl- a llvely nmall areii Inhabited by the A m harlc p.-ople. who conniUulc the rullni: Cl/L'is- Another wilt t h a t ' * n iy be cc<led land lo connect b rlt- r^a und ll^Han Somaliland. • now

. usparftled by Frcncli anil BrlHnh Som aliland. A third wilh for de- mobilisation and dbarm ln i: of n ||n ;:

IKutlierliic AIc.iander. The plcturu, e.-cpectcd th a t the M ia te 'n '" '" ' '‘'■’■'‘'''• ‘■I W CreRory 1a Cava,'

nerum «upp1v will u rrlv s In a <l;.yjfor Columbia. ,or two. This win auKinent the. iirdlnary supply a lready <m hand; und l>-'inj: iiHi'd by phyHlclanB.

\V. V, U -onanl. s ta te chemLH. and A. L.’ Kloir, Kictcrlolojrl"!'

noU r a t r i c k ’ and L arry Cmbbv, In Zone Orcy’n o tUio old \ve«l, “ \\'nnderer oX tlie Wn<t«Iaml," wUh Dean Jnin:cr, Aim Q. NllMon. lUiviu-d £Uls. ItuymonU lIa t to n , Mont« IMtte und m any other*, now a t ttic Idolio. Adtlcul f e n t i im iiro u 'Dttu|r<jxrr<s«iirii-“?u6Xool<;"

(Continued tn ra P a ro One)Amerleatl troopn to 'W orld wi victory.

fenturu of the opealnfj aeiuilon]*— w n ii- th e -BinElnfr o f • T h o - S l n r ; [ i SpanglKl Banner;! *>y M adam ,I2m :i*~T ’ ~ CAtlne Schum onn'lic lnk, German A merican' diva and perennialj jjoine sw eetheart of the Lcjflon. DurlnffirftiCTi»v— ' the W orld w ar she Imd three norni ch lcaco In the American arm y , one In Ihe D enverG erman navy. I H avre - .....

;ilul(0 Wiioo|)f«F a r Into laat nlR ht. the typical


d e n . B o ra b R a p s A tte m p t to' C h a n go -iD ocum on t U n d e r . . .....

P n r t ta a n L e a d ____

- T oxniicratijrca

ru rs .« ” s;TS.“ i s s “ '••T ew of nur people. If nny, Jail

to realize the s tra in which Is now placed iipon our conalltullbnal n>-3-'' tern. F pw, If any . . f a l l j o fully apprecia te w h n t'i t j i ' preservatioH " menna to Ib d r children and thvlrchlldrfn'B ehlldrcn. ...............

00 ■ “ W lu'thcr D em ocraU o r Rcpub- loo illcans, when ' wo approach tho 00 iproblemn which Invoivo our Fys>

if_Rovcn)nicnt, wo nrc A m ir-

Mln. Max. Free.

KalUr 44 78 .00 ! icanB ."'the spcAkcr declnrcd.

eom rdy and M ovietone newn, the Lejjlon waa apun Comlnir Sunday, to pa in t th e Uandn blnre<l. ArrivlnR unltfl'toivn tt b rlfiht Kleamlnu rrd . o re [marched from union alaUon to ioftit Ljiiic C itv.luhn IJole; M d DUJo Leo in their holela. Cell.clanKinir • V o l . t |" ‘'ItwlhrmlJi on ra r tu lr ." w ith Iturea” of ■ the 40 e t 8 . r o a r e d , “ ‘

—TO!!l .-al dayn here.»ed today th a t prose

cution,T win folliiw vjolniion;! o f i hi city onilnances , r«rj:iirdi) ., ..

d i:arUnf:o-contalner.T und olvncvix, M rect and w a lrr

(I rvnldenui.

AUvn n in e h a r t i

s ta le In tho union.

k W d 'N c w York...,


a ttem p ted tho rolea

70 .00 {Ita lian -E th iop ian nlluaUi K4 02 jpre.sjdn}: Uie hope th a t the u>.>nu( 74 'oo i State!! v/lll remiUn en tirely out of

[oo conlroveray.00 ' H e ignored reportn th a t he m ay 00 I bo n cnndidato fo r the Repiibllraa ’on liircslduntial nom ination la 103G.

‘hree St^s-SKlne in Orpheum’s Tale

rm iiid N ot Oiiiltv '• ------------------;^n.ver' Kiio:(7 Twin' FallnT trivd t!.o Justicc court of M. M. Hoi- on charKCH of ballcry ujxm one

of Ills chiMren, ha.i hee.i found not

___l le r r from 0 |;den

ML-I.T (Jraec AT. Uryunl and iither. CrorK""!-. Uryant. nre rom ORclcn looklni: a d r r buni iffalni. They intend rciimlnlnf: :ral dny.-i.

B U H O T O R I St P rn to rn itJ e s A nnounce L is t o f i

S tu d e n ts O hoacn a s N ew I lian t aUu-u ndd t--- ----------------------

____________________________________Scooon_nt_ lhc ._6rp licuni_ lhcatc t,

. r . C l.ru G .b ,. , J o „ » . y S un d .y w U i,/. ,

J j y loUowlni; im no„,ccm rni ori KcU.cr «n« to .I» r ll.o ti r a l Um» In■.'llr.:",™ ;, ,” ™ f I

.dahd -itudont frfttcrnlUc.*!.' Of the la 'lra to rn l tie u .-ll io Phi

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .D elta had th c ^ r f je n t nutiibcr. 22,;Three hoiiii'n m-d for /teconU pk

On rcclile.m d rlv lnc charge/I. w ith ^0 new mcmlK;ra. All hu t 1 'e m Farm er. 33. Buhl wiuv ?,cn-'P hl CJamma Delta and Tau Kappa i-ncpd In the Jiuitler; court of CuyjF^nillon hoiise.i announced • awopc today to p.'iy S25 fine pled};r •

I-'indx %'iitiuibl<< Article11 '

Mir};lcal Ina:

, .................... I- ao days’ iti the coun-j Southrrn Iihiho MenTtVerfity ja il. The man pleailed c 'd lty to; Mrmbera of lh<* hnii«cH

®'h;ifkln;: hi.t c ar acroiiii the iitrcel eomc from mnithcrn Mahi • ,in Hiihl. and lo rludinj; an officerJA lpha Tau O m c|;:,'•|CJlk'f A. C. P a rk er in aaid t i .’Peniv. Harold Adkins. W ayncl „

T liS le r "la P o r ta l I'ljrlc. aiL i'_ o f advcnlijrc and romuncc. a a to t^ | ‘ «!‘'’7> »>>•• CoV.; P u u l’ V. M cNuit! Uiat teem s w ith luaiy action nndij'f, " ‘‘V''"'* ''tilwunda w ith-.n lrm i«o emotional. jjuallllfa. Till! locale la, perhapn,! .th e n tra n re n ta n d m o .it fa .« ln f ttln c i Twlay a opcnlnf: seaalon won ynl oeen on the acreen—tho wlld.">‘>‘" ly « roulino jiffalr, w ith ad-

t)UlhL'!i.it coajit of Chliin lu a t’' ' " ' ' '”' ' ’a tronshoki o f ,20th ccnturyplraU -n.'O - P ari;, of Mla,«>iJrl. Mayor Ber-

All ae lio n -tiik cs j ) l a « ntwardthe whcer-y old liner. K in LimKTJ '” ' i l plowa down the coant b e t w e e n ‘l<;P“ rtm cnt. nncl rinpon.

Wnvnel . . !------- —.(! sinKapore. a .......

p u t under Italian comm.mder■•rul-o Hypiithmln llteporl» T h r it

In nam inc Ihc.'ie demat'.dn K ni> , cnf;lni:n fron■‘ Knnounced lU rejection of the e«r.*jl,,y „<.,-vico s ta tio n 'o f H arry S,-v

m l t t « plan which. 11 .;iald. ''" " ic r in , com er o fS harhone n lrre t an. bsii;d on the fal.-,c hypothenl.-i tlial s^.(.„n,| „vcnue we.il. h;i:i 'been re

„ Ethlopl". v.;<ui to- ihc police nia llom . ,

^ lopliiii

'• bruiijth 1) c ity 1

dek-iial-V handra—Ktlttgpiiv^!- • ccp tan ci Iri Dr. Salvailor de Ma' da rlaca of Spain, chairman, nn Ou

■■commltlce of five w ai raect!ni;.

ITALIA NS DIKMIS.'^KI)■ Al-KXANDItlA. Kjtpyl.. Sept. 23 Alwut "0 Ilallana employ-e<t by the a ir forc« a l Ahonklt have boen dLiml.s,icd «k u prc- eaul-onary"- meiwure. I t was learn­ed today.

Scvpml Brlllah «ubmarln'--i ar-

[forced to let looKP. W hereupon h» non, U obStew nrl. nil of lluhl; IJetai ■ i:avo eha.ie In another m nchlnelT i'e la PI. Jack Adam.vm, Carey:;iinmicce:i;iftilly. L a le r Fontaine! Oliver Han7.cl, Uu|>eri: Howard

/.Cooper, s ta le traffic , officcr.. \va/',*'^rlnh, Buhl; _noh. ytrphan . Tv.-ln summoned, and F a rm er wiui [tr-1 l'*alla-. Delta Chi, GcraUI Price,

irc.'dcil n t 2 n. m veHierday Uii'!'Vendell. and Cleo Ho-m. Hazclton.;I |uhl officer havlnB’kcpt trac k ofl, ’V "' — >.r. um. .ur». . .u c e n-.o rum ujlhe m a n a whereabout.-— p am ej..G co rK e McConnelU i^rlalnctl 11 p ueala -a t Uieir iiomeiwiUt l l '

Evening of Bridge ,_ , Held a t Kimberly nnmmi' parAde,- n -day'-lonir' affn lr

. jo t Ihc moiil h rn iian t type. Wcd-KIIM BEIILY, Sept. 23 (Special) ;nenday the bandii and bURle -.and;

— Mr. and Mrn. T hurm an T ate e n '|d n im corpa com pclc. Elections,....I.. ...111. 11* *,• , ,. . .

C A R E y _ .Iibrra of the Tu’in Falln I.uIko No,Mh. -A. F, and A. U . iv lll 'm m l __________ _________Wedne.iday a l 7:3(t p. m. a l Ih c |- • _ _.Miuinnle temple with Burley k)df;cl The flrnl meetlnj; of tho C areyiim d Harold Su itten . Ca.Hlefora' - IB iL-i i:ue.-,U. Two F . C. de -.P .-T . A. wn.T held a t Ihu lilch ,P h i D ella TheUi. Slimley SUiffor<l,

■ ' Bcfresh- iichool Kyni. Pre.-ddent A da B jiird 'T w in FalLi; S lp n a Alpha Epullon.jlicinj; In the chair. A musical 'a nd lW arrcn Tcfc-an, Eugene Heron, Don lllterary proj^-am, dance and re-,A1bln. a ll uf . F i le r ; . .*oc Run'

rnUi were

will be ti

I th r Hc'wpltal ifre.nhmrn'ui w ere thoPiilltritii ailmlltoil w ere: M rn.'tvcnlnfr. A lar};.:ti ZwciKie. F iler; Mrs. Ellen U af-iporteil

.Ji>r. E.

• CABINFrr W IL l. MF.ET LONDON. SepL 23 Prim e

M lnlnler Stanley B Jdw ln to<lay nummoned r n im portan t caulne m cetlnir''for tomorrow mominR

...........E ih lo r '- -

Fred i::.imln.iter. Hi ........Berry-, Buhl; Adrian Pet-

win Fall.-!. I’ntlenta di»-............ e re: Rlbot Vnlllon. AllynDliiK*’!. Txvln l^ill.n; Mrs. R. W. Day. and flon, Murl'auKh.

c Offer* Courw - I • H. L,. W aller hafl e h a rrc of; las.ica in D lwel enjjineeilnK and ra t aid luid announce.-! th a t thoao ealrlnc tij take the adu lt work.

-------77—r-jT------- . I I- - - - —/.in-irii itgF^may report at--room

line! s i r JohnilO |l. m, olfTTlCMavr— — —Neville Chnmberkiln. and S ir John]

'Boliie to aaalat In irivlnB exnmlna- ' ' \ member

•put m ore th i ^ nrcnmpnnlp<iwomen unH iJ' Finke. Inaiructor.

F_irl Ahern. rur\-evor in th e rei Ident office of the hlpluvay dlj tri'ct. haa been Intreiferrcd to tl; Twin Falla offico,,

W. L. A<liun«on ami R. r.. ;Adami;on made a tr ip to Wend-' idVrr, Nev., ihin week fo rja ilL

Carl Dedrean. .Caix-y contractor fo r Uie rcmoilcllnR.oC tlie Pn.sUme. Carey poolhall. in piinhinK the work rapidly lo rorapletlon.

T . S.-'Palteraon.'proprlplor ’o r th ii Carey-KiT>cery,-liaji:nJd.'.I- (f-<lry Kood.1 departm ent and lunch eoun-

Klnul Kroccry_iliYl;

day.Slrena will be aounded for p t'

rlodB of ftve. th ree and a t " ^ ■ lo f 'w c .’iVem 'W rltcra. Inc rporatcd, mlniite lntcr>-nl«. Be Is " “‘1 .^™ ® ":wni b« orK.-valze<I aomelirne In Oc- wlli be sounded conllnuoualy. • „y *'l, D..-Mahone. national

jprealdent of the IcaRu'c. AH Inler- ' • - 1 recguealtd *- -------------COSTLY •‘BLUFI^’


pwulbly a h it-and-run driver. Thci - - •• nn._(oim<i_)ylnc_citt_Surti:a

unconadoua and a u ffe rln dhrnit InjMi-i-. Ttw rrp n rt iv,iii

made lo the atJitlon by Adam D u -. vall,-lJ50-F-ourU»--av«niM^wenlr-nl- m sO p, m. I t atate<l tha>. W alt

■ rlvol medical treatpient.

........................... W H Y P A Y §15.00?HIGH-POWERED BINOCULARS

rou O.NLY $ 2 . 9 5—iiL Z 3aM l.:::oU *»_Io r..-fM rii:

•vanls, (Ur»u aM imatlac.iti:ce-ia-atcn^3g-ni_ m...ulilce>-

Clul) (o Mr«(MokIcI-V club will m eet today;

At H p. m. At the home of Mlaaj Audrey Cress. M l Fou rth avenue: raa t. An elecUon of officera la Rcheduled. -------•

1. E, Holmes. Bozeman. MonL. returned there followlnc a vlalt 1 hla fon, M, E . Holmfa. Jr.

He w as aecomponlcd by Raymond^ "obaex%-atV>na" f>n‘ the ' report . X o n - S u p p o r t

the comniillec of five, were cnar* chnrpen of dcndtcriM d in Ethloplon clrelea '^o- j „on-Burport. A r t h u r l.-airctiiki. | , who w'ill a lten d eoMcKC Inda y .n a J w i r ^ v c In ,Uio been mnc c defendA nt,ttou-m aa a fte r apendin,: tho - -••coBlllcBt bluff In h is to ry .. li„ a Bult inntltlitcd In d la trlct c o u r t l i e r j,cre

t_tlu»t. obvious - , M n L E lla Fairchild, who necks Ilaiouy • - ---------------------------------ly. none of ihc ------- -------.- .v - w....

even though t about scriouflly. E U :-.and j^o tem porary m onthly u a i n e:r-lopla'»^tand.--nn-otflclat..8aia.. in.im ony. - T lie couple m arried SepL -* ‘- K l .U T C H — H O L D S : - -

•T he I ta lian projoct* la no t e ven ig j. i025, a t LoRnn. R aybom and P A L S E T E E T H T IG H T

__. S a f i r l Q p ticnl On ,_E1g R , IVfain Rf., T.n«> A ngclfa_C a lif .-----

] Jlam'Q


FOR SALEGood modern C-rooin house, east p a r t o f town. Modem house, nearly new, w ith one acre of ground. F ive room m odem house, coat p a r t of town. •A ll nro good buyE and tc m a can b e arranged to f i t .

. th e b u y e r.

m « m ' only ridicule. TTie n b a u rd - 'j^ Jn W f.U y o f te rrito ria l ceaalpns, - when . • even Ita ly 'a propoaal fo r a free p o r t to bo Served by an Italianrailw ay ia unacceptable, m uat b e , .......... ...... ...... . . . ___evident. The thouRht o f In s ta ll- jif ta fa ig lit from -untaiow ji c a u a s - 60C in s I ta lian ■ comronndern I n - t h e Kthloplan arm y la lltUo. abort of chUdlsh.’"

E, C._©)caves <k Son ,la in N o r t h ____________________ I PboniLaiB,

Klutch forms a com fort cushion; holds tho plntc BO anuR i t c a n 't rock, , drop, ehafe o r "bo -p loyed w ith ” . ■

........... rat and speak *« well »« ‘1th Toaro*n t b ro ffS

who le ft fo r he r hom o' Clean hcatliij' m eans n clean itertlay. Three, tablea o f .hridKcs:housc. Clean lien tln if la assured

wore a l play w ith prlacn RolnR to Kvhen Benaon’a elean your fum aca if ra . O. M. T ucker and R alph Ban- Uio auction way. nnd fill you r bln

Ilea l'a nd lW arrcn Tcfc-an, E ufcnc Heron, D.in nlniT 'A Klft w an preitentcd to Mrs, w if . th e ir elean, diuU aw, oil- - and re- Albln. a ll uf . F l ie r ;. .*oc Runjim . Bnnnlnjr. trca led aliieU. Phono 1 « . C arl G.rd e r of th c ln u h l; Bob Sm ith. Gooillnir: H illardl CuenUi were Mr. and Mrs, R alph ,ih .,t ,on ’a. Moviii's, S tom ee , Coal— ilancu la re-lnickii, Sh.vihbuc: ICdwin 'T-loyd, llannlnfr. Mrn. A lla J . Bannlnp.lA dv. "

iTwln Falln: and R einhart Scliaef-:-Mrs. Pace. Mr. and Mra. Cnri; if Buhl. (Boyd, K im berly; Mr. nnd Mrs.'

Inujrh Sande^-on


(A tloata. GMrt:U. Aniley H otel 12rTle«e AVht(« Bond)

(Southern Elyle)


; P - T ^ 2 4 5 ^ ^ =

BARN DANCE ORCHESTRAF ro m Their Succcsafo l.N orthw tst T our

w ith . ■

and tbo G ang!

FRIDAY, SEPT. 27TH(R efp^ M ia of F e a ^ r e Ko I ’rico |IncrcaAe)

- K T P I B ^ N DAHOB OSOHESTEA BROADOAST Sunday, 7 P . M,; Monday, Tuesday, ;ifrodncsday and• T7inn^(Tav fl-flfl P M ; TrifTny, 1 ^ Tinnn nr>A g J . M _

• tlu M^^tag washer. Mea apprtci-' ot« the stcriing quality oLznaterials and wotknumahip that make the .May tag tho fine washer it is. Oa tlio other hand, women jndgo the Maytag by' tho «juality of worC it does.

> Any woman who hag owned a Mnvta^. even fny n mhnr*~ t im e , w ondcea how slje ove r k e p t h ouse w ith o u t i t . And* th e

longer slio ow ns i t , tlie m o re she a p p re c ia te s M a y ta g ’s c

T cnlencc, e conom y , a b so lu te dependahleoeM . ■

SEE THE MAYTAQ NOW' vijcabatUafrcaMaytag uoMng

and the axuxnUn:

FEDERAL HOUSING ACTe> Jlf<o«oa unihcn on

plan. fJ^ liuJerff,an im auai


W iU on-B atee A p p lia n ce Co.^N ex t D oor to Evenlt)|f T im es

2fiO M ain A vanuo E as t

y j n y M ^ i ^ i c c y » p r f t ^ ' g u e ^ U a m f e t ^ ,

transportatlcm fo r Bale. Y our Ford D ealer of­fers unuauaj values' la Uaed Cars. G uarantees you an hon«8t value, and s ta n d s behind every c a r hei” 8clla.' S c o ~ y o u r~ F 6 n r D ealer f irs t fo r honest ^-alueSiMt poys.

•33 Ford V-S Coupe, i to r . : $423

'30 Fprd TudorTnew fin ish <240 '31 F6rd T udor Sedan, new fin­ish --------------------------------- ;$270-'SO Ford-Coupe, ve iy ffood $260 ■31 Ford Ce«pe..-ncw Xlalah' 5370 '20 ■ Pontiac • Sedan, new fin - '

S22S•30 E s » « S e d a n ______________'2 9F o rd T ruck, now .m otor n o o •20'Ford T ruck .'iicw m otor ilSO '31 F o rd T ruck . 187 W . B.. n ^

•33 V-8 T ruck, 157, beet bodr.

u N io N la o T O ir"

- , ,T »rinn ins,-T dnJw --:

aiondiiy; Scplomber 2.1, wnn IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIK JALLS. IDAHO Page .Three

Cnhs M o v e N e a r e r F la g b y T a k in g I S t h S t r a ig h t Triiiss& phYanguard of Throng Invades Gotham for-BaeT“vs^E6uis”BOTt

S L U G G E R B A m EI L E G i C A


Flood of Money Backing Negro Stretches ; . Odds on Tuesday's Battle; Crowd—

................ . . : . w n i E xceed 9 1 , 0 0 0 .................. . .

; M ontoya Facing Tough Qont in Pe te B ianchard, Kivnsna

W elter Ruler

•• ,N K \V V O R K , Se|)i.-2:» ( U l ') — T lie v « u « u iir .l o f tlic “ 1.' f t i ' l i t " iT ow d -slrenm ol in to N uw Y o r k 't in l i iy 'v l iilc Afax

toiil Jo(! Louis, |irinu i])als in tu iiio rro w ni({IiL'h n iiliii tli ill« r-l)rn w l. lonfoil nliont llu 'ir

Montoyn, Colora<Io tilui;- i;c r.-w U l-be In -fo r n rouRh-nnd loiiBh nluKBlfiK ucnnlon licre lo- m orrow -'w hen—he—tackles—Pete Blnnclianl. Knmia.i woltcrwciRht cliftmplon. M ntchmnkcr Cecil'Pnil- <!ock nnlJ toilny n fle r looklnj; Blnnelinnl'.i rccorcl before niifl nf.

Miixlu iinU Joe completed .tralh-i ' IniT. ye#l«r»Uy' svSlhoul tu ia or'

• bruUf.i nnil' w e r e npparenlly primeil to nnnwcr ,t1ie Ronp- Ai Y ankee BUidlum 500 workmen

■ ■ pdundcd nnd /lawed lodny erccllng flel.i neatn to accommodnlc iibout

-------2T0t)0"nnTl(r5XpCCtC(l Ol.WU tu « .' Itomcrs.

O ddno iii^ iili Flood-1 o i Loul-i money utrclclicd

bcttlnc-.odda rnvorlnc ihc younu D etro it N egro to beul niodcnp Mxxlo and becomc outiitimilnB v,'orUl heavyw eight challon^er to B-5, Jiick Doyle. Broadway com-

JutJ- 3, 1031,M ontoya nnd Blanchnrd elajili

In tlio 10-round feature thii' Amcrienn LcRlon f is lit cnrd Tuefltlny cvenlnj; n l Legion orlnl hall. T hirty rounds or boX'iOL* »rf« fin till* rnn t. Tin- firnt yii-i-.Ilm i;of.i on nharply iit 8;30, Vad' (lock mild.

Coed Record

BoSins OI=v=s I..-ck-oa S ? r . - S

B A E R C O tL E IE S O R IL -L -F M G y T -

Maxio Loafs Pinal D ay Before Bout

0-B rU -li,,rrcd .Miller, l.:,ldle Chin- nkl and Scolty Camplwll. and linii fouKlil on even Icrmn w iih Irlflli McKenna nnd Billy VauRlin. Mon*

— Boxing slovM. punchlnB |n l Bolf.c recenlly, und lonl to;.............................. " ;lnsc.


MEET FOR IIIL ESJnrt Sevcn.Game Series on

Tuesday Nipiht fo r Const League Pennant i


a y United Pre»jSun' Franclnco .Souls - 'nriJ'“

I.o;i /VnjiokM will incol In llif .Si;i>l»’ lllmllllin. Snn Fraiicinco;'im 'Tura-'" dny nlRiit lo decide the .lUM ehnm- plon or Ihc Pacific count'loiiRU?. •

T he .Scnia finished flr.ntMn the ilecoijd half of the - race whlcll

-A^Beln'canic" top In llic (lr«t ha lt. wUlch

implolvd In to‘in Jutii'.Three In 'F risco

They will play thro<* Rtiine* In San Francliico—nieellnR iil Weilnciiilny nnd Thurndny

C h icago T ak e s R e s t T o d a y a n d T u e s d a y W h ile S t. L o u is

M e e ts P i ra te s

: H.v IIKSUV fU’IfJJIC _ _N K \\''Y b ltK . Sept- 33 tl,',l>‘i—fw-o' '

■more vlelorlc.n nml the NaUonal ;leaf:uc jK-nniint will be p roperty of■ the ChleuKO CiibM.. The ••hl.r team " which bonntn IB iilralKht irliiniph.T* him only five j;amL'!( Irft, all w ith the w orld’a L-hamplon St. Louln Curdinaln. The

“ C O T --------------------------I'CiiillUs

'.tha t »!

ntlor- hi-.. !.rlf-htvh-d H nt

‘ilPrinliiii In the n inner-up It tUey ilrwp lv.’« j;an\\:n o£ nvilown nerlen which openn

eaiu'iiilay in St- Louis.Idle Today

Tho Cuba iir.- Idlo today and lo- <.m>w whllo ihv Carda. w’hu Imvo vrn Kaiiiivi rvmalnlnj;. play

___in h o t H arlem bookie, p redicted-Ihi.,...... — ............ i----- ----- m uuir.i;b ro;vn"boiiV ber'W ould~tntcr— the-hnrn nnri.m her tra ln ln f nnr.inlirr-l Ja ck B urke Inni

- r - r in « - / a v o r c d u t -b o tl e r ih a « - 2 . i ; ~ | „ „ ^ „ - ; „ - ; ; - '5^ ^ ^Doyle, unually conaervntivc. pro- , . „ i , ■ „ .. , i badly th a t hu -w on 't flRht nRnli

Claimed lliln bout the blRRcst bct-j^*“’' preparallonn fo r,u „ [„ g^pt_ 33.Wl__I_ l.l„._________ . . .____ «... lnrr..\H.>/.<(>*>. m rvf«»'n fl/FW* T».. a .. .... ■__

Koli-ii to finlah tho in-rli'.t. No name I will be played Saturday on acco tin t; .o f a conflict with football n tl'ed - '■nilpar.............. ......... .................... . ■; The od,/rt favored tJie‘ .St'aM f<> ■beat Iho AnK<-’li-no;i and m il ;hi’lr, . relRO an the lnij;ui- Itlni;!:. l-o:i'

Aiicelea, cham plon.i’In l ‘.i33 and. [ 1031. fltilnhed In fnurUi i>Uee. ID'-.I (janir/i from liie toji, in iho

-'TJiW 'najfcampalRn;------------- T"‘ :Spilt With Se.ittrt

J , Thc_fhami>lon .‘'N iN :iplH. th d r . riIoiibl^li<fflfier- ycslenlny ......... -

' Vrna' w altrr.lM .in;; utiflil, ralm ly nltn ou tililr Nil 1I.-IU, Dclr.ilt. ci.nir rain

. hhliK-, for (lir dhU nrllon of l> liiiT Ihr flr»l -IlrJifl li> i-lan<.lr. Ilrre-n illll. a plrlui liatlr,,

. (lay Ihi- Chh

s flRht li.-ith Joe

■■-'rW hy..on ly lniit n le h t- twa '’CTn?^—y ^ e,.^, ttemeo'C Rmc In - from CIcvnliirid - , '- -

. >vUh -5100.000 to bet on Louln lfi!” °? L - . .U3 oei on Louin iCi' - " ' ........ " ---- *” '•rensonable o d d s , ' - b a t t l e s In his c rrallc . Ireer.1 wl loar around his ci

O ther Iwutn on Tueiiday’n cnni: flhould oCrer action In lar^e qiian*' titles, Paddock' ii.iliJr~Tira ucml* final lIsUi M ilter'D uhJee.’ Neiv i Y ork .nga liia t Ernie Morfran. Kan* la.i Mtablematc.' or Ulunchanl.

tncUlcn .Mtkn'Montoya, of luiVeln.. Colo.. Iti th r tH-rntiM.I mrillfveiit. A-Tarfl r ta t i^ fo r 30 rotnidp. of boxlnc w in be o ffcrrd In ,M atchnm ker CeclJ I'adilock. J h e flnit prcllni will n la rt i)rom titly ' l “ ll'*-’ “ ' ‘d took the iierl.-.n by nix n t «:30 p. m., allnwlni; p trnly of llmc for flRht fuiw to lUI.-n In to throe. The Scala lont theaUio.mc lo the . s u e radio broadf.ial of th e lliirr-IxjuU ficlit. ‘ and won the iiecoiid,

Doylo 8a!d""T he am ount of money around hjs cam p .T h e y il go nix round/i. In the «ixie ln c wBBcred on this flghl In Tomorrow he will fly to rouird opeclnl event, Sam m y Wahlb loat unbellevalile.'............. Jncolm Ifi Btny

• Prom oter Mike Jacobs oC the ,',.20tt\ Ccntiiry club wan u t thc .ata-

ilium early today, nupcrvlBtnp crec;

New Y ork for the welgh-In monies.

<110 concluded tralnlxif; ye.ilcrday by boxing’ two ■roumifi-with Abo Feldman nnd fTolnB th roueh llffht --.Uath^nlCfl. Despite th c -fa c t- th a t

-FightrBroaycaBt- On NBC'Hook'UpN ationwide broadca .a t'o f

'th e ” i r u x '“ B a o r '^ o 6~ L o u ir hiavyw eljjht figh t will b i made Tuesday evening over the the red and blue , ne t- ■worlui or the Notional Broad-

.lorahlp of tho ' Bulek M otor -C arcom paay . -

W ord or tho broadcast wan received here by the Mllc.i J . QrownlnR company, Buick .and Pontiac dculero, Uuc of both NBC nelw orka.wllt pcr- lAU all ra'dro.listencra In hear Che'momcntou* rlnc battle in IhcV com rort ‘of tbclr .ow n liomw., The Baer-Louls main event

In fllated to Btart a t approxl- ..mately 7 p;. m. ilS T . U wrfa tmderalood here. The prelim'* Inary Iwula will bcRlti about one h o u r before th a t tim e. The nu lck broadeaiit of tho

-m ain-event i.i In connceUon w ith the announeem enf of new 11)31) Uulck m otor, cara. to be unveiled throughout the U. S. Friday, Mr. 'Urownlnff

'Lumed-ln-a il-workout. H e box.

tackles Lee C aller. The t roundem m atch T ufry Ford aRalnsl Rocky Vincent, Meridian, nnd Bil­ly Brldwell aRaliiat A lec-S tev . cnn. BrIdwelMtoIdfl a surprise kay t over St'evenn ac C oinc,-and -tiir nliould fly when Alec geta. back

a abort rlRht lo he.td na tc liro a lw r Paddocirw ill Intro.- , Uuce a novelty by offerlnR

n y IIRNIIV .MelJCMOUE NICW YOniC, Sept. 2? UM‘i—

, .lie le a leaves .say Joe Loul.i.I-----The biR"dlppcr,-'thp-mtle-d1p - -

. the capricorn.-the blllyRoat ' oc.Loi'-

I "U fiBhl lexcuaexcusca a h o u ld .l lose.”

~ (rf 070'. uiiKcrs and LalkTn'f; to pervlsora of 4:26. ticket tokera. w atchepi, u u n ln e ra wid federal

... 1. g e ttln s from JICO to J250 for — rt2 n D c a tio n » r im a n in « u c im H m i( r

.trafflc-w ould bear on others. J a ­cobs’estlmalo'd tho to ta l ticket nale ioday a t $878,000. ■ portendlnc a pell-our o r .m ore tban $ u 00,000 a t H nj; l im e ; ' '

. ' The 20lh C en tu ry , club ' head- ---- .H uart« r« -apo ttcU _ lllf tU J28 o u t-

' br-low n’ newspaper m e n h a d checked In laa t night, and th a t nearly 2,000 more w ere expectw"

— Uia-tar(;«»t-reproa«ntaUon-of-}ou;. D sllsts ever to a tt« n d 'a n y flgbti

Wed!( on Wedneaday While Joe Louis took his co«o a l

Pom plon Lakes, N. J.. hts riancce, ., 1 !Im M arva T ro tter o f Chicago,

ocurrled 'abou t New York aaaem- T '''tJlt5fr~ralm ent-ror-lice-w cddlnff.:Jo

bo hold In N ew Y ork Wednesday.

. . > 'AT10N A L LEAGUEW, L . ' P e t

Chicago ..................... -07 02 vCBlSL Loula ............-'— ..03 .64 .033


Louis Winds Up by Indulging In His Favorite Poatimo.

Again Tod&y

uia u i\j. ,Paddock Indicated this artcrnoon

MontoyaflSlanchnrd w lnher ORaluflt Jack - B u rk e -o n a --L crIoh card here uopn. • . . • .

POXtPTON tA K E S , N . J;. Sept. 23 (U.lii—H avinfr .nlept m eat o f last week. Joe Loula f f ;n d It no nov­e lty to be confronted w ith the necessity of restlBB apaln today.

train ing ycaterilny for~liIa~biUtIir agolnal Max Bncr tomorrow n ight i '0( ja y b c ”w lll'be” pcrm tttcd tu ln>‘ diilgc -in 'h l r rnvorllB'. pnatlm c ' of -’eeplng as loac an he ilkes. ,

A nd If hla rccord or 30 Blraight hour.i -last w eek meana a n y l l 'riay

...- 'W ilt* - m nm ln[» Itmli-r.n mntni-pyff'~ caCOCtt6r tho v/etghlng-In ceremonies In Now -York. Ho w ill apend tho lime b« fo rc -th o '/li:h t a n -o p a rlm en tnear Yankee s ta d iu m .- ................

n u u e s 2'r«dleUn;i inflned .hla train ing yesler-

—^ — jcvem l rounds o f ohadoiv- boxing and'bair-punchlng.- Ho alijo

Cemiion.SA, I’reabyterlun C.— Keimiewi‘ ca,-Morj-viii6U.------. VlrglnUk 0. W llllain and M ary

:'S 'dn 'ai.rI>ni M ,-r« lon IT. 0. ^ Tcxoa ChfiBUan. l t , Kowan)■ppyno 0.___;.South DakotA 3 4 ,'Y ankton .D. ^x>yolA 02, CnUf. T « h . C.-

•"Depetwl? on Max. I t lie comes ou t punching, maybe It’ll b« over In- a hurry. B u t If- he atayo back and plays so le , maybo I 'll need m ore tim e. O u t a t the m oat I should ge l Jilm In d x or aeven rounds.*'^

N EW YOnK. S e p t 23 ilLEt—Bill T erry 's days a s a ba ir player will ' 3 over a t the end of th e Mason. ■

Flaylnsr-m anager of the New Y ork GlonU alnee June 3. ^033 . T erry announced- yeaterday

~ P ltta b u r» h — ■~Clncinbati ..

• A-MEniCAN LEAGUE________ W. L . P e tD etro it .........-0 2 63, .034N ew Y ork __ jO M "ClevelandS o ito n ......

------CHleag O!-!

pkiyer list, p e rhans ns & pinch. t«r. A lthough he is 87 and has I

- .W ashington v SL Loula

I P h iladelph ia-..

San Francisco

P A C m O COAST (FIn ja StoniUns)-

- W. L . P e t .63 4D .COS

O ak lan d '.; ..- .:^ ■ -S x c ran je n to -rs , .iioiiyweod

. to moster-mlmllnpTTrom the Ibench.' .W hether ho wlU re tire cQmplete- ly..;rom thfr-pUiylog' riold depends pn h is ab ility to ge t a no ther f irs t

^baseman. I t ' la uiidtrstood -he' ts seeklsK "lUppeT" CoUlna oV the S t LouEfl Cardinals^J l e plans to rem ain on the active• - — - ----------- '- -^ .h u -

.....y .'sU ll Is o n e ”6f uic” b e s r 7 ^ t basemen, of flit tim e .'H e -s ta rted


Qur Expert PicksTiaer to Win Despite Every Sign and Omen

I jlinilO-I.• r.iia Angijlrn flnlahi*'! upt in e ’ with .Sncriimrntn.- __(jchi biitiorc'ci Lou Koupai for I-'..T akes L e a d in T i t l e T o u rn ey hlta to win tho ftrat one, l l - l . A rt ■'

the Hlrcet nnd tUe cop on the beat uay Joe Loiil.i.

liven Mudam H enrlettJi Dun- .l;ar.-thc.flecrt3a.oLSlxtli.avcnui'. who - known everythin? cxccpt how to m eet nex t month'.i rent, nayn Joe Loula.

T hp- "rcea" o ff the electric net­ting', nnd find In ' It a wiurce of energy which cnablca them lo

■ri-tc"to BUp'crli hl'lgiilji;.My gtiMs in th a t on Tmvi>layiiiirn—-n—••-nttrX—

gate" around nnd Bncr will f ig h t bin grviilenl riRht. And I believe h b -groat- Viii r i f ih f win bc 'o nough 'to lick ' Loubi.

I t I f Isn’t, m y dazzling n trlng or mntchcd loner;i will bo In­creased by r.ooihcr lovely leni-

iniir>ii“ doiiiir iniTf reii7ior

i V ic to ry ; W iley B e a ts ChicTs

H'^rrliig won bln 'JOth of th non In the wlntUip by acnrlm:H-7 overtime win for- Ihu Sei t(ira ovu'r the AnRolii. ]'■ '

O akland.m oved up to a ilo for, t/u i'.n M.itor’n Fonl-Vlc.i Koft- fifth place w ith .Scntlle by tak- ball cri'W held tho cdj-e In the lli3 ' InR two from rortlaiul, 5-1 nnd «-!.;Tw ln k'all.-i ehnmplonnhlp race to- —-The_3Usalon..lledJi; rum iora-up.day a fte r ilcfuatlnK_ShilklnJ'. ft t<i in thn necond half race, broke' I, in Sumlay’n lournainen i do'iibk-

w ith H oll^vo^^ In Uii! last h<;aih'r. Tiv.- win 1-ft ili’\ Ford-rnTTTTur r r r n r

m a y . be In more favorable npnl than

I' liiiiav. The w orst they cun it.-r tho s r . rou l-i nerlo.i iWo ' to tlio KOO.J. Thoy have a ijmo leail and the Cardn c an ­a l bc;(i to two by w liitjing

mil tdinorniw .CAr*»ni\la n t td W iw t v lc-

irdor In have .u .f ig h tin g . ICO iiir the pannani. Lous o f T (;amo will moan they 'll have

;w.iop-lho-Cubifc-i4irloa-lo.. w ln ._ -tnho four o u t-o f-f lv c to lie . -

Two dorenl-i will p u t the Cub-i In a iipol wlioro only one more vlclory •will 1)0 needl'd to send them in to a wnrld surlofl. a iralnni Dclroll.-___ .. Odds » 'n : r h l f J g o q a * .^ »cg

Nil m a tte r how the race Is flg- iirod m athem atically , lha p laying

, riiciii point tu a Chicago vlclory. -Tho St. l»u ln p itch ing la w eak and . jthe Cuba a re h itt in g a trcm endoun 'Clip. Thfi D ean hrotht-rn have •nhared th e -m ajo r p itch ing burden for St. I-ouln fo r weeks.

: The Cuba, on tho n tb e r.h a n d . have mied i;ollef pitchora only

rtw liT In-wlnnlniT' li* o f ' theli—la s t— 'HO homo gamo.n. They will m eet

while the Card^flnit game. 8-7. The Hodii grab- no los.io;i In the Idiilvil>ed the windup by a 11-7 counl'T lme.i league playoff. luiuiii aim luui iijuuy miwith Joe. E. Brown, motion .p ic-i. .Wiloy D rug olimlnaloil. U tah t<> a ta y jn the race,tu re a tar, appenring o’n the rabuml Clilef.i .by annexing a' 13 lo Chicago extended lli

the ahrlll blast, of Irumpeln—I don 'tl 1 .n a y Door, -nnd ,byc-a k n o e k o u t’lnsldc of 10 rounds.. .' Ycnnlr. it's gouig to bo Max-

mllllan Adclbert, thn California plg-.itlcker. the balm y bride­groom; the gen t who han train - e<l to rozor edge on radio mlcro- phone.i. cocktiillB, pnipo.NnIii. wcddlnga, honeymoons, acpara- tlon.1. and re-unions; not to menlJun no fl-n iu slc . ]K>liAhcd dance floors. Ihc aeductlve

; a " > u Y X r „ a . ; ' ' i l . a ° B .b D .. .o n .w in to rh o h r D ne-Cd from r<j3«a p lu c t tc d 'T ^ h u T o O lS h T odR yT G U llic r s .

NATIONAL LEAGUEChicago 2, .J'lltnburgh 0. S t. Louin 14. Cincinnati 4. f i t Loiiia 3. Cincinnati 1. Now York 5. Brooklyn 2. Phlla. 7. Boston S.Phlla. -1, Boston 3.

IJtoh Slftt« 83, Mont. S title 7. Ore. S tato 31. IJliflrld 0. . Soulhcni Methodist SO, N orth

Tex. .Tclim. 0.T exas A. and M..37, Stepluiit

:iF.:ATistln_ri.'........... ... ■ - -------L u the r 3U, W ealern tfnloa u. M ancheiter 34, O akland City

' ilimiboTdrSlatc'sK’StrTFCI.1C0 S ta io 3S..

V irginia Tech 7, Iloanolu 0.

l e d ..................primrose palh.

I ’ll tell you w hy I like him - Majf Is Tough

South p j v l i o t R S tate SS,

Doylor SO, Southwnitcrn UnU ver»lty 0. ' '

Rleo Sil, S t. M ary’* 0.

ntr~-ir~‘pltM ~

Coach ffiarl Wllilama* Jorom o'T lg- e ra ' today turned . eyes toward W endell, opening conTerence . foe.

and then barely 'edged Richfield' f a s t «teven, 13 to 12. Each game w aa. Umlied .to .th ree .;p e rio d s : by ag reem en t of officials arid'coaches.; ‘ The tw in bill dedicated Jerome's:

:w .U n e a ln .a ta ’dluta.

.840 for th e presCTt ^ p o l ^ ^ ;

BOW UNG M EET CHANGED B ow llnr u a n eapU lna will meet

W ednes4a| 8 ^^^m.^ t o teOd of

-T B e ____the b o w lo n .................. ........................bout by.^reaW i^U ' to>atten<I.itha

Htarta where nfl hin rival#’ Jaw- boncn leave off. I t has ’Jen *

-.■•Uoh’l-ot-p4ving..l-C ■

cannot h it a s ’hard n

Swlnglug Into the iiecound round: j f play. Bob O cnton waii to meet;Jim my W interhotcr a t Tw in Falln;country club thin a fte rnoon In -------- ' •*—— — ■ ■■. ^ . n ^ i faiis.. _va iioy „ .tou r n m ^ i . p ^ S a t u r d a y - S c o r e s —

..... flllng hard cnovigb'-to Iraock- you out. and lh a t’a a ll th a t’n necessar}’. T hat r lg h l’ hand Of h la -^ r his le r t fo r th a t m at-

dlscoumgo a n y .

And _po_w.:.fo>_ihe_ihlrdT=nniL. moat Im portant—rea5on,

Bn«r lir Ino rd inate ly vain. Roll together the vanity and

g ree n in g and stru llln g Of all tho“ peacocks in tho world, and tho

■roiiull would a tlll be-less .tflan the van ity of the big Callfor-. nlan. H e will . know, when he

' - lay nlBht,_

-ple->big-shot, a lough guy. will be. OR Wm. Aad he’ll nhoot the worlw to- provo to - th e m th a t Iic'a Juat that.

Need Dig Crowd .A thletes of Uacr’a tem pera­

m ent'need n trem endoos crowd, -KrT«i-CTeitement.-bright llnhtA.

S u rv ivo O p en ers

AMERICAN LEAGUE' - St.- Louis 1. Detroit Or--------

New York 0. Boston -1.Now Y ork 0. Boston 0. Cleveland 0. Chicago 3. Chicago O.' Clcvcland 2.

• W ash. 10, rhlla<lelphia 2. W ash. 11, Philadelphia 1.

... .................................. M to18 yestonlay by sulxlulng the Pl- ralc.i, 2-0. .clnnini: the ir home nea-

10 ilefent. . iiion. / A lthough ' o u th lt 0-7., the ’M.-inagera of Ford-Vlcn, -WUcy.Ciib-i bunched th o l r « blow.i fo r

» r >wi?p»a»id«»iaa>thinn~??iW ill! -1 l i i f ' . liii j.k 1 uh!i tii ^ iL UljL S»li> l1„IiUi I week lo decide' on nex t Sunday'/i Innlng.i. T h e Cardn cu t Ihe Cubs’ . ■ program . U Wu.i.ttnnounce<l-lii»lay-rlleatt to -th rcn -gam ea by defeating

Homo Itniis Abound : Cincinnati, 14-t jin d '3 -1 . DlrzyHome runn-. played Im portan l-oean won hln 28th vlclory in the.

.Ion In both Sunday gumcH-Gol<l- ni(.j,teap. Tlie N ew Y ork Clantil i.an. Kenny Chance and Ru m ,w ere elim inated from tho race yea- ■ ells «mncke-l four-baggers f<>r,ip„lny. despite th e fac t th a t they

:o lo feature an fii:lil-hll Brooklyn’n Dodgers, 6-2....... The motormcn n.ilcd ln{

four ncoren n the firal fram e, I h r ^ ' j.i',n„delphla defeated Boston 7-5 In the third anil added nnolher InL ■ . i>rnvi»i »<i m>t

S y K S ' r ' i 'V S m

i.iicoml and llf th f ram cii.-W eite r-;'« “ ” " ‘ ' gren and Bonlc.cloute<I liomef.-. fo r;; In tlic A m erican cague. the De-

.jlhn drug team and A llban-pnlcd;troll-T lger3.-w ho c lin c h ^ Uie pcn-_- c lrculi blow for U tah Clilcfa.


Scorcs:r i l lS T G.-WIK

_______ . , . .R , H .E ,...100 000 3 — 4

nan l S a lun lay , w vre 'defea ted ; 1 -0 ,' by. the SL Louin Brow-no. N ew .York defeated Boston. 0-4 a n d 0*0. Chicago and 'C leveland s p l i t Clove- lam l'w lnn liig 'the 'opene r,' c-3; and '

ISyTnght; irc:

P e to W ray vn. A. C. Cdmp- bell. . . ;

”- “P re d '”Hiith -'vsr—Jim m y ' 9in^~

Chicago 4, PllLiburgh 3. Cincinnati 0, S t Louis 7

_ , . York C. Brooklyn T h , 5 1 , 1 . 1 ' 4 ^ ---------------

■ rounJo f^ t)m p le llo n '^ o f ' f l r a f matchea a t th e ,co u n try dun .yen ; terday. Outcome Of. Llie matchea: — JIfTimy -W lnterho ler-defea ted '

Rupert Williamson, 5 and 4.. Deb Oonton w on over J . M.

Wallace., f o r f e i t . ---------—---------A. C. Campbell defeated Fred

Craig. Q and 4.~ p e t a - W r a y defeated J.- C ; ' • Toolson, 4 and 3..

Larson, 3 and 1.'J im m y Sinclair dovined Jaclt

Moaar 4 and 3. 'Hai'ry O enton'w on from Bob

McClure, forfeit.p re ______ _____ ___Slone had dcfoaled

I -Tuifcniiin ............iui/ injtr t o u - ............o ---- -i-- • • - -- -2^KorO-Vlco'“r7T r'403 '001 'x^8~8~3;I® alnjrthe-T j!ghtcap-I»-2.-W ashlng.T r H agler and Davis; Goldman a nd !ton defeated I’hllndelpWa, tO-2 and ,


K. Chancc. R. Wells. Slrufck by Goldman 4; by H aglcr S. Ba;]ea on balls: o ff Goldman 7: o ff H ag-

--------------------------------- r --------SECOND CiAME

-It-H .

A M EnICA^’ i j :a o u K ’

g levcland 7. Chlcngo 3.'elroll,O..St.-Louls 2. . .____

, D etroit 2; S t. Louln 0.New York 5. Boston 2. -

-Phlla. 4,-W M lcir-:=.--TTC.-^ W ash. 6, Phlla. 4. .

Albion Wins Over -Burley’s-Reserves

XJ5CUC—U U h C h ie f s__________ - - -

Vey Clflh and Swim; Wildmoa.Copplck and B ertach-H om e runa— i ..................................................................A lllw n,-W ostorgron ,-B < in lc-S lruck jtbe jicaaoa..w lth .a-fflaa .on-ba*o 'ta.... ou t; by Giah U; by Wlldman 2. the n in th broke a 5-6 lie and de- B o ^ a o a balls; o rr W lldman G ;-o fM en ted -thb 'B oston Bravea -W th e ' Clah '2 .-------- -----------” ,----- ~ ~ ~ c p e n e r;- ........ ........ :----------------

BURLEY. S e p t '2 3 (Special)— Albion, high . achool loo tW lcra turned ' In a 31 to Q victory' litre S a turday over BUrley rcaervcr - Wen Shurtlerr’a Invadora w< command throughout. Score: Albion ..... .... ........... G 13 C 0—31

T H E W ^

\ s £ ^ —"^°^^a-e& c!eac]r.aad.ecoei*— . oiay (o t lu tom tclc heating .

T houiudao fusen repon fucIeo fiU T ings o f from 19% «> S0%.O*er biad-Hriait-: and larger s a T in g « 'te m p « ^ with other ■utomtiic heating, picxurcd here ta the ' IroQ FirtA M .tbat.feedi coal.dlrtet-from lha' bin 10 the ^ by meaaa o{ a ‘<]uie{ ■ worm cbnTe}«r 'c b a ^ e d . beneath the . b w m e n t floor. Ic a«

ir boiler, pn iii

IRON FIREMANA U T O M ATI C C O A i: ;F 1 Rl N p :V ori:O ft» -^o y ;'ic j^ ;P Irem an ,A ’atoia& lie 'ifcat fo r M Iilttto ,ju .,5 9 » 5 9 :P tt.K o n ii: ■

and nl*ht. A»le fof,fro«’»ur»«y'oryoBr . biatlosorp«werboUn'' I rW U ra a a iw r'a lf irouf queMloBi atwui. It«'a Hremaa appUed to.ybaf ladlTlJuil

:.be«aa8iwpowu|oUFtoaeo ^

,)T 0 U 2 a O H E ' COUFOBT ■ U E B O E iU ra? ” 'l»ppNEM4;'

3 1 1 - 2 ' ^ P A V E , E, ____CUSTOM T O w iN G | ^


I W l

WARWrXNGl- . P r e v a l e n c e o f t y p h io d f e v e r in this:--' v ic in i ty m a k e s i t n e c e s s a iY t o s t r i c t l S 5;

- e n f o r c e g a i-b a g e d i s p o s a l r e ^ l a t i o n s . ' . |

: L a w r e a u i r e s . t h a t . a U i 'g ^ a f e ^ b e p l a c e d . in a m e tf f lT c p n ta in e r .h a v in g ^

. a t i g h t c o v e r, ' a n d t h a t c o r i t a i n e r i b e i

- T O o se w h o f a i l , tp : ; c b m 5 J ^ ■ t h e s e r e g u la t i o n s ■ w ill- b e -p ro s

?ago Fon^ I D A H O E V E N I N G ’ t i m e s ; T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O iro iiJn y , aerlcml)c'r 2.1, 1935


\(toclatl«n». N I

D7 tUALlO TI,Mr.}l I

s u B B O s im o n slatzo

CU nnEN T QUESTIONS - Theru arc a lot of quostlons botlicring tlie public

m indPeople keep asking whether o r not there Is goinK

to be a war, whether ]\Ir. Borah will nin fo r Presi­dent,' whet'her Roosevelt can be reelected, is Ben Hoss going to nin fo r U nited States senator, and even

~sueh (irfficult questions as the outcome u r tin rf if 'H t tomorrow night, the prospects o f the potato inarkQt

-and-prospcctivc-popuhition-grow th-of-Tw in- Falls.-, ........... .......T h e a n s w e i - s . 'a t b e s t c a n o n l y h e j ? i te s 5 c s , a n d i t i s : * m e n > u a iu 'm tim tie . o?a.

C (2 r ta in t h a t a l l i n f o r m e d p e i-s 'o n s ' h a v e t h e i r i j o i - s o n a l ' 'fannioDctj baturoom tbatopcncii v i e w s r e g a r d i n g t h e n i . ' ! on iicr bearoom. iiutb d rm e a iior

B u t i t a p p e a i - s t o b e t h e c o n s e n s u s t h a t w a r i s i m - uc'f « » 'i c rca t.cafe . s in pui on n i i n e U C r i l i ; i t ' i^ l‘‘- l ^ o r a h ~ w i l l ' n i ) t " r u n f t ) r t h e ’denev. that .Mr. RonsGvelt will corlainlv ho reelected' ,lr: llT curiy. nhon i.

'com b aO(fG overanr Koss wiii npj)nsciiGriator IinrrrlnTV^■ r a n i p a i K n , ■ _ i

I hese.answers m ay not salisfy everyone, and 'it is yoimj; womnn-a futiira ca •.tb'-be hoped that- n o t . all 4 heli»rege?H "tq iiiB -lin e-su ch fo r i n s U r n ^ S lS lK r i lO T i l l i ^ ^ ^

w a r . ) For a fan nceilnR lioura sho was; But all these suljjccts arc extremely interesting. | form the basis for inuch conversation and argum ent i oJarytiiinn. ° and eventually will be settled.- ! -.vo maiicr now urab nmi com.

They will co;)tinuo to domijiale ))nich of tlie news "fo ''

lienair dlgllklos SUloe CbRlmers a i iho eroitiDt o t all iboto tainah, pnmparcd clilldroa wlio baYO mora

ils, wofliVa pluma llian tlicr need. .TlicD aijo recalled tbal to-

Blia « u ICIalna borscit nod

— the war from an international standpoinL the ~prt^iden'cy~fn)ni"^a iiiitibnal stand ijo ih tr Ji’nu the— B o r f t l i 4 ? O B 8 - |) O B 6 i b i l i t i e s - in - I d a h o - p a . r t i c u l a r ly : ^ -------—

A dd to these the ever-present interest in such spoils events as jjriise fights and the world scries, the m arketing i)rices fo r local crops, and the bupi- ness'progress here and i t . i t manifest, that there is

^ .plenty to concern the-j)ublic mind ^vhich is ])resum* ' :jn •bf>^njnying.X tP<'»P»rfiry,,V/-st diirinp-.ari off.-

rcmlnOcl bcrnclf. “ I ll ,ys tiBTO.tlila.fiinnj.imifl Inter-,

to rcmttnBcr.- !t ctcri an elm hummed

John iaid, ‘7 cal/<J Jiau onrf jo u didn't amaer. I haJ ihe feci-• ifiB-j!ou miV'^ havt lc ji e iM idJud^ai..you came." -----r.~-|io a4l<l. amlllRB down IDI*

lier ‘dark eyes. "Wo’Te UoTolopoil

rlrn l..lic rxnllclimtcd John WeKoJ:

irtita wcr« bOE


year, free from the biennial national and state elec* ' tiohs. ..........................., - -

That Chicago T\’oman didn’t need to warn po­lice, going to aiTcst hdr 96-ycar-old husband, th at he was a wildcat. I t might take a stiff tus­sle, but the average iiolice squad .would event­ually have him behind bai'S, wheelchair and all..

CRITJCISjM D O E SN O TSO LV E PROBLEJI-----Itis-casy-enniiglrto.shoot a lot-ofholesTrrthat-plan

which is about to be trietl out in the pravince of Al- bprta, whercby.every.citizen_is to draw down '?25 a month from the governm ent ju stfov being alive..

W hat isn’t so easy is to find .an ansx\‘er to the p ro b lem_which brought this scheme into being

-T he -$2o-a-month._plan—sounds^-likc~.66methihgth a t m ight.have, been thouglit .up.by u .bright/lad in

-----^thc-ftfrh“g rad erlr-is-so dcccptivcly-simpler-3o-eonvpletely aiid perfectly Ibgical— on the surface.

______ Earm ers^aborm _and_busine£s_m enJh 'iveJ)_eenhaving hard limes because trade hasi heen_slo\y.

~ because 'litT oT jU rlurecn 'l'b t'e il bii^'iuj^' 'L iiiugs.-PcoiiW“ bcuau‘?'crrhcy~havCTiT~HYcirt~l)cen~1 )uyjhg Ihingf

lutd enough money.

crnpplfl nrtili tba problem ct morrow. . . . Sbo. would Iea»a at dawn, v slk ln c out tlio wiae.- trc» shaded ntreet tlint te J io Cler» lanit, Sbo'U mntinK« to not a' rld« In ilial-dlroci


been dolns «IOi ;our. acltr

'Kiiplorlnn tbe ' liome," Ilutb an- Bwcrcd. and tbea added obatno- lesaly. “Thern’a 8o much I'd for* cotton. Tbo Urawlne room for la.

_ J o.lm nnid, •Tl.cr USCit I

dono. All rou n-lo»el bead, r 1‘To knocked

*elf. “andn fod -H n e H o - ifn I’ll tIoTclop both a((i around a wbll«.“

Jolia MeNoltl was nrrltlnBl DowRiitalra nlio lienrd bln (

ful voice c rc^ttas Pena;. Ilo had crIJonily como In tbe back from b tj home next door, nutl nnsnllcd with curlonlty coacornlnR Jolin’s house, and abe weat .ii <vltidotr nhlcb offbrded tbo view of JL Only a tall altbea heilK> Roparaied-llio'-lwo ,tils- lawBa.-The McNolll house vfaii net nearly as Inrco na this, its nelr.bbor. and \Taa of red brlelc Inatcad of stono. but Jt-.rrDa.mora.home)lh«.- In splio.o: Us old.fflobloncd contour* (It ao liially worn a llula tu rret Qti Ita roof!) tt'Btltl had Kn n it of today.

-Tho lawn - w ai- perfecUy-kapt,- and - I tn t t r b jn ta

W JJ «J«cf itno \TU flowcra nt encb cad .. Are loy #i(lUHorar* ■•'Yeo.“ replied Ruth. "Corao and

I'll gbow you.'* SUo took bim Into :ho biR roam n t tbe left o t tba wide entrance ball. A Are blatcd

Hie hcarUi, throwing a warm, ruddy slow oTcr tba room..’ "W e lir JoliD'a exclamation held lur^irlao. "Ilow'd yoQ eror set Henny to ablno up Uia old rooti and start a n r e r_:LdWJCmrfleJr.!LRuUj,.WM_iila> "1 found a boUlo of rnralturo pol-

tunny eontrlvanea called o 'curtain brush.' 1 iiaetl both. The effect's »ery olco,- ! iblnii.'' Sbo pointed nUb pardon­able prlilo to the burenndy vplfct curtains' a t tho Ions windowa and to tlie earred maboeany fu_niUur»

"Qo«b. yea!'* acrced John, look-

J T i ,In t.o(i.

lae nround. -The^ b _ ___________■r.ivr-hcr#elfr^"ilut- ImaglDO -Elalno Chalmers dolnB the fara.Ily bouse- elcanincI.W bo'd have thought Itl' —Uu-'^'P8_th9»J'cco'"L tlmo_bo;;i jpolien that name "Chalmera." Ruth

il It In h e r mind befif m

Sellli "you weren't a very uecCul child. Ornamonial, UiouBh.-Wb( you'd eonjo back for one of your little summer vlsUa all tbo kids

lows would haRR around to see a t you wcro up to.”•And. w hat was 1 up to, gener

allyr* Ruth oucslloned. .

Behind the Scenes in Washington

» y \VU4XS THOIINTON K venlnr T Iron W oabln^on

\%’A.SHINGTON, S e p t . -23 -

woro ]u9t old enouch to bo tcnrnful." she baniercd.

klnsed you once." bo rcnmrlicd.It had become auddcoly Im-

por^anL "1 aiippote 1 did U. ]u>t 3 Icftia you. iraTO you forRotten?" „nulb..8ald, rA-C>fJ never forGClL

her llrat kits.'* Attain aha felt a 8t-of dltllko Cor-tbo-r.irl abo supposed to be. 'L e t'a f,o belp

Penny,” aha succeatcd. • __ 1' nnV save tbem'nprotiB andTef”

do u they liksi). Rulb Mt tbe . table nblle Jolm and i’onny argued about tho ateak. The « l lw

China which Uis old woman had_Slven..hcr_to_u.e were cheap

!)d ordinary.“1 eueaa they've taken away all

tbe nno old Chalmers tbluca.” stia tbouBbL Then sbe pauaed In .h er. track# lo flpiro aomolhlas ouL

.was BOt a Clialmors house, for that namo bclonscd to E lalaa'i

. ia the t,-andJU tiia JitiL iD 0lti0r_wfio.

for term n of service nvcraKlnir e lch t raonthfl.

M nny com m unltlca.. report 4 f ,. r ta to orcnnlzo dbichnrK'cd OCQ

i^t~7PTgrm T'm aJwtTClitttDnin n ~ tH tiF ~ ~

1 M»C Her:ha old railroad

klaR .wbo bad owned, and perhaps bum rtheBa'w alla.-N oi-to know tho fiimlly iiame RaTo.Rutii a sudden foollac onnneeuncy. T b cra waa-a

ray to find out—

oscd tho hnll lo ttio blit dark

...... B ar nsjioclfttlon.Miiny manthii UBo, n commit- '

Jco wiw oppolnlrd to look into n h n l p rtw n t-day leelabitloii la 'dDliij' to tiu! cwisdtutlon. T b b -co m m ltte cn n s to havc fuade a- rcport to th« convention of the

'b a r ' iiiwoclatlon"'thlii" siinMner.' liu t, duo to d U n i c r e e m o n tumony_gommm«» mi-mhf f — iiot'HO much on Ibelr opinions iwi lo csnntltutlomOlty e t Se\x Deal IrclHlatlvo netfl b4>{I methoda, lui

I tboK port \thone opinions—tb«

not made. ___" Tlie comnii^tec w as ^iVeh mor6‘ tim e. So It la now, lo report Nov. 1 to tbe executive committee and the ceneral council of tho r claUon. v.'hlch will cumdder thi port thl.i w inter.

Then, nex t Aujjunt, tbo report will bo ccoslilered a t the ns-wclu* tlon'a-anoual-Bioetlng____________

Oddly i-nouRh. thA t Is Just th r heat no t only of summ er, bu t of thu prcoldcntiiil cninfmlb'n of 1030.' and while,"Of course,"tht rcportw lll be Jud(c£nJ nnd non-jmrtl/ain, i t will, ccrtalnly fall n t a tim e when mnny will Rcc I t un ft .cftrajiitign dicii- Viient.

The head of the. commiVtee lii George Whiirton I’opper of I’hlla- ■(Iblpinnrwlmw.irrij.j)olnl«ri6-n.-c Scnnto lb Hucccctl 13olta Pcnro.sc

E very effort Is bclni; mndo to Eitfvcunrd the WI’A Jobs from In* duatrinl-flecM ents.-Snfe ty-cxpcrta — la every local community \vhcro pro jec ta -a rc npproved will b e - c o - Uio job, Tlic CWA projimm of 1D33 <UdalL_rcBuU_ln_ii-'t_l‘rnvy__loifi)Co_ from accldenta aa w m expected. •

The U. S. Employment Compen­sation Commlaolon wan Riven S20,.< 000,000 to take care of sucm Now It doesn 't cxpcct to need more than J7.MO,000 of IL. A pparcnUy tbo ■cWA~wiui"TOrcnTminis'=T5ti!t“ frisnds thouKht. 1

(CcpyriRht, laS.-?, N EA Scrvlc<“,

You May Not ' K r i O w ~ 'T h ' a t = ^

■1::}!) I. u c .m n rk

iti. io iliiy , th e lig t l i r f i iU 'r'lui*.

HANSEN"draw los room. T hera 'sba took from

shelf 'a book and carried It Into 10 conooctliie .drawiDB room, lato

Iho.elrcio of Urellsbt. Sbo opened

.................................. ‘nnnrwltd booti plato beaMon tho L^tln

a, "ex Llbrla.” Uudernc.itb, stronR, clear innRciillno baad, written, “Sllaa a Hubter.”0 .made tbo test w ith aeveral

bookg and always found tho satna slr-nania In eomo cases “Sllas-8." and ln-other-case»~"DuBeaa" pro-ccded tba namo flun tcr." - '......... ......

did not know how lone aba nlood tbera drinkinc In tho past.

Glory Conn frnin Ilnpldaii WhcUice. <ir »f>t' Kra.iii cn'W In

. naMiflg—to^ Ui U s a »»ing-Bnily n t the Ilnpldfin eiimp o t fo rm crPrcal- dent Hoover. N a v y Secretary Swaniion 1s chief of such of tliu of- ■Iclnl se t n« bnve frc-<|ucnled Uic camp this summer.

Those who have becii there say .be cam p luis fallen somewhAl Into decay, a s compared .to- the diiyo when Hoover and -Prcmler-namimy MacDonald ea fo n -r t- lo R -U ic rc 'to tallc dlnnrmonicnt and debts.

W hen tbo lloovcm moved out.

tbo people irho belODRcd to lu .S be only know tha t all n t oneo John McNeill opened tho. door and rroaaed the room to bor, bis (aco looklpn (lushed and eager and clad,

n o held out bis hands and Bb«' :nt_U). .meet him, forsettlne the

'P loatr,' be uutired her.Ins o(t far-lbo.JIlUo oaUvca.. Invlt- !ns them to parties and bosslofi ihem.- Uashios around town in that :hau[Teurfld car with a forolso nam o-tbo typical little rich .Klrl’ eomlns hack to her mother's home

Idiot .. tboso

Ruth romBrkeil. Bnjoylns. herself thoroucbly. "Can you r<v

dtacy ibJr& Jl-aii-aica.Jbout.iaa?- ”Yes." norfdcd John McNeill, fou were always.aa pimo as the

detll. Thay say you wctt> never to tako a dare. Vea cmilrt and outswjm any Kid | o

ndvantafiea of w ea llh r Ruth pointed ouL ”Swlmt»l(jR and horu«boek-................. *drei who'ro been provided with

liLJXnd. .horaea__nnd brijlli »-roallied that ehopaths.— Sli

spcaklnR a IllUo blttoily. Dack li her own dreary childhood iherCd been_aJlttlo_clrl.ln_herjow n_wbi owned a' epotted pouy, anil w'bo't rctuced to let tbe ahaliUy litttc ■Wnmlfi.n“ B lrr rl.lo IC" -----------

::rc 11:00 bllllor.i of dolL-ira n r t h t i5 th 'nt«tlnllCT t-ab3tm ct-of-th:

H. Government fo r the yc.tt .020 nlso the Dow-Jonco. ■\\niy -lmvcn’t they 'had 'e rio iig ii money .'Well, i!

seems to have been rather scarce. ‘And where doc.- money come from ? W hy, it is issued, by.the govbrn-illbni. WhlllV tllUii, cuuld bu t>iui])lci liiail tij gjp. • Ithe i-cnllcman who la no reehlcn;!

-Tn'cn*thin(r-by-havinR-4h6-govornmcnt_disli_out_al_\vuU’QiLjanaii'_aiic\tjuc.Rj|iti>;.s’i).ULjiii_chi:sinc_t<!b?wft-ttuy_imi_handful of it every, month to evei-yb^dy in sight?® -;;;;"Then • everybody will have i)lenty, things w iirbeipinn? I kow for the permanent pronpcr.bought once more, and all hands will W hapi)y. tiuit7i«'p^nn‘in' ly''in' dcnuify^^ cvcryi^y

. It’s all sweetly reasonable and logical— until you .............................................(nUo into consideration the fact that nwncy which is

PIT S T O R Y of Twin Falls Gity-&-Goiinty-

COL tVfion ho {aok J(cr In fiJs «d kissed bar tremulous Ups, tbat lid not surprlsfl her e ither.-T bla fa* a dream, and dreams ehnuld bo lappy.

Ilo released her and said, "I called you.'and you d idn 't oniver, I had the feeling you m lcbt bavo ‘ !ft as auddenly aa you came. It's

rotten feellnc. Tro bad It nil :d a y - ” -

rect It tonlRht,*' Ruth aald I shy llttlo smllo. “1' to Just

b«en-Ji>-bsr«.flb»wblng nlrao^phcrc —how's t l» ateak?'*

ilcennl,” he said. “U'a p«^feet."

“Wbat- modooty,Rutli. Tboy bt ibrcshold of .tho the table thero were llshtcd

• • '1 of pink roi


- K -. lid Ruth. "WSiat have 1 doiio.to dcacrvo all tb ls l" -■■Jir«inM irnB~mrrclf.‘'- h # «ald seatly aa hs hold her chair.

! U tpublkan N a tio n a l.« l i S ^ l d a ^ 'K l l ^ r n M i t r nn<l’ JJ^is ‘ Wurjpircl. Kllnjccmanu have )cf6

for UclllnBlmm, Wa.sh.. w bcro Uiey p laa lo llvi! for ft ycor. .Mlfui Iiia lOliiKemann and Mbin M arR arvtKllnKcmann- v.111 a t te n d - -----------llnjiham toucber’n collecc, '

M rs, Charle.^ P rio r hu« rclu raod from- San ta Monica, Calif., w hcro

ittcndcd the funeral acrvlcea cr mother. She w as nccom*

ponied by her sinter, Mrs. E , J , "a loho . Twin Fnlla.

Pltiy-Elm.Wcll UrldRC- club » e t WcdncBdny afternoon a t the homo of"W rB ." A-.: X Prlor.-I,!ri.; FraJim and Jtrs . J . B. U wIm wort h l|;h Bcorc prlicn, Mrs. Hnrry;

stuto o f Vir*lnla, und U no»v ftd- mlitlHtcred au p w t of 8henan- doub Nutlonai purk. All tba m ore «laU>ml« furn itu re has been moved otit, and unly cot iKdH, a few ivickcr c huln , und ro iisb furnlturu made by the iimrlnea remuln. Jtoofs /vhoxv—

Floyd Pattenion w ere Bueatn. Mra, H ester Gailey w as nlso present to t ‘b e fin it Ume nincc her accident .■arly . last-sprlcR .. She is nb io -to wnllc a short Olatnncc w ltii tho

Id of ft crutch.The H anson Gronco m et Tbura*

day. evcalnc_at tbe home o t Mi%- .

An<l fl

' (Tu ito C'oi.(li>uvt1)

I a rinaf toucli, the tro u t have been ^{!iclt:^v.-(ai

fished ou t by tbe boys from near­by CCC camps.

CCC E nrollm eut Boohm Spcaitinjr o t CCC camps, there

rc now 2051 of tbcm . ns compared . I 1640 II abort 10 weeks nRo. Al- tbouKb tho Incrcnocd enrollment autborlicd by .tbo lant «e.n.ilon of -;onfTrc»8 w as som ew hat alow In cachlnf; pnr, i t h as now m ow ted .0 017,000 of tho approxlfiiatciy

caOiOO auUiorijaxr. • ~ ---------------Zlxcludlnc.tbe Indbut nnd ter­

rito rial cnrollm entx,' C02.000 ot the*e nre yonnn: m en and.vetcr- onKTDurinr those tart 10 weeits, n u ro -th a n -a -q U A T te r million men have entered tb e corp», nnd O il new compa bnve becn.buiit. Of these, 220,600 w crt younR

.ncn of from lB t o -28 y « n r n e le « - ed by tho D epartm ent of Labor, ?3.805 came » r o m ^ e _ V e tc ra n a l iTUnmWrrilloD, nnd .W88,vrcro: lo

c-illy enrolled men selected by thi. Depnrtmcntfl of. A ^ icu Jtu rc and Interior, . '

■>i_Eiyi .i!!?l_,_-T<k.datc,-*lnca.lbo-corpB. is would ba |i.iblished In April. 1033.'roi

------------- ' 1.300.000 _nicn h av e-

B. N. Petlygeava Itaa rctunscQ XroD^a business t r ip lo nn irriga^ tXon project hear Yellowstone paric,

Iitrii. A tkinson, Kimberly, wnn presen t T lmrsday- nftem oon nnd g&ve a taJH before sevcrftl ladies

' • • about. G irl . Scout w ork ' icliool house. A bout .3Q

w lm the Girl ScouU. nnd Mrs. A rllss A ry find

00, .D ean, have, le ft fo r I,Anciis- . IT, Calif. They pinn to be gono luring tho w inter months. ^M r.-nnd .K C ^'-C ono-M orlln an-

nounce tbe m arrloce of tbi-lt daughter, Mlsii Kcm M arlin, 10 * H oward Hubbard, son o t M r. end Mrs. iiubbnrd . .The youDs coupio - - w ere m arried over a year, o e o n t Hitlloy: They tire both ultcndlnff tbe university a t Moacow.

6CHOOL -STA FF ANNOUNCED7yATus7r;j5spF^r-rein?ti5n^5;—'The tcacliliiir s ta f f of the Carey; nouuollddUMl-school-for t)i!» y u S - r l a uuifollQwa:-. ; .

SupL, G. C. r e tr lso r ; blRli BcJiool teaciicm, Gijorgla ' A nder­son and Mr. H lllcs; school tonolHTfl.— Rr—W ^L (irk ln .~ R u l)j^ —


ground b u t a t th at rate soon becomes aj> \vorthless -as“a~maTshmallow-which-fell -off-the-toasting-forkTntfrth'e'coals;—

B ut although it is ridiculously easy lo tell just why and how the scheme won’t work, i t isn’t anywhere nearly as easy to say w hat should be done about the difficulty which this scheme was devised to meet.

TBacU' of in’ all there is a w idw prciul'feeling th at ■ tlie only th ing which ails us today is some defect in

our circulating medium.'AVe can raise enough food to provide threc^ountifu l.n ieals a day for everybod;/

plan fo r the relief of the ngcd. Its.worklnK a t Kood wages 'o r '- )bjecl is.to bring about pros- business a t a profit.

H ow nnl uceins to a'dmlt. I t wouldilnatcad .............. .......do._If ^ t will do th a t thero is n o |w atcr to kill and be killed ino oT urKulbK wIii-nKr II In o u t 'sn u fn jp 'ln 'tr a ln ln g camps,,f-I>roportion-to-l'cvcrytbtDeJJDdpr he- sun” or no t. If a plan thJit la

ou t o f proporUon.' e tc - wlli brlnj; about perm anent p rosperity th a t li the plan we wnnL

Mr. liow ard says th a t ho wouU cally like lo know i>ow the .cov -

.m m c n l would keep track of a ll of tlio-monpy sp<inl by tba pciislonem If he win read the revised Me- C roa rly bill nn printed in tiJe Feb.11 edition of the Town.icnd W eeklyihnve been made wlUiout tbo pca-^o/ the sia tcn i o f St. Joseph.' Tbs' h c-w lll sec th a t It provides llm tjsion, buys, let un say, clothlng .ifina i p a p e rs ' of the iwnsnction!

erv'one a comfortiible home. W e can make enough '^ ^ t o s , Tadios, refrigeratbi-Sj -chaii-s, washTrig .ni'a- - . cliines, cigaret lighters and clothespins to' equij) ev­

ery m oital in more IUXU17 an d com fort,than kihgs • . and queens enjoyed two generations ago; W e'have

the-plantrto-do-all-otthese things, w e have the work- ' ers. Jhe sk ill and the energy. ■ , '

' And yet we have millions o f people gom g Without yiese comfotfe"beeause'lh'e?i;iai’l pay iov~thtini; jnil-

. lions of people going jobless because these thingsa ren 't being sold. „

I t is all very 'w ell to dende the A lberta ))lan. But rd izzier schemes th a n th a t wiU'bc'taTuiig Fold before long-if-w e don’t find some way o f unlocking the

-- doors-oi>-plenty,: N o ^rtan y e tjv ag . e;;^r_contcntJostarve i n ^ i e m idaie.o’f 'a ^ n a r y . ‘ ’ — •

M odern version: Save dollare and your v --;v ^p e^ es v ^ l a k e Sales tax. ,


W hat the pensioners spend will only be the s ta r t of the spending.F o r example, a' pensioner, buys nn nutomobllo th a t would n o t have

I boon.ntlfdc«r »old olherwl8^. Tho.M=».iui„ the first o f o a o . '|wbo make a p ro fit o r g e t wnKC» bsr when the Uoyd hcsi.llal o f ' jowlng to this sale, which w ould n o t Tw in Falla becomes the property......................•>— — . . J . I

I siippoae th a t he would be given!The penaloner s ta r ts the m oney,paid in canb. S isters H ubcu checlf-bootc and would have-to 'm ov lng nnd Iteep.i l t m ovlngrto* 'be CiltjiIdO'will a r r iv e 'b rT w in T a lli . 'r

im It In n t Uie end of the moDth.j m ust spend Ills *200 no t one m onth today to ta itc over thc-lnstllullai The s tubs w ould show th a t the lbu t every monlb.

:y tia d 'b e en apent a n d the .H ow could ' there lie a slum p?:hccics a s they camo back would A fter tbe w ar the govenim cnt qu it

. . . ; ------------------1- . . . ap^ndlng so .much, the noldicrsw ent back Into Industry, the banks ............... ’.nsllt, o f coumc

show w hether the stubs w tro righ t o r no t. Tb« pensioner would not nerd to buy one postage stAmp a t -

' n Y S A S A AQO

iUme. be could buy in la rge r quoa-sh u t down cthere i 1 depression.-.Coa U r .

; A fter considerable luird w ork on th e p a r t of the Commercial club, N a t RcH'a .blg cam lval ikliow

I has been sccured to abow In lb! iw eek ' beginning October 10 .- ThelUtlcs, and If G randpa, d idn 't care H owahl o r anyone else concolvo o f l ^ J i ^ h»J_. - '

T he plan is n o t pa rticu larly forJdollMs every m onth, m ost Of w h l ^ j ” ^ ^ : . j , 4 v c fourU cn tenU alla hcn rrlt nnvwnv. ho Is HlmnW would no t h a ' - ' ^ . r_ .t *leflt anyw ay, he Is .sim ply given the Job of pu ttin g th a t m uch the pensions ? _ - money In clrcuIaUon every m o n th ., 1 hardly thlnlic they can.If he doesn’t like the pay and con- HARRY 0 . BOON*E.ditions be can q u it his jo b any 443 3rd West, tim e. • ■ . iTwIn FalU, Idaho.

JIowArd VC17 recklessly oN|

been spen t w ithou t up:.io-date,- and present four big events,- both afternoon -«nd cve- ninff. Rates fo r the event-are be­ing reduced by tbe railroad nnd i t - I s expected th a t a . num ber

rerfltffbe t-o-w holep lug-o t'C lH nftx t—C r« t-B rlta 1irw i tobacco th a t th e 2 per ccn t ta x S tates in Imports, Sclcntlalfl say the. . . , . , ________ Imports, bu t n o t li _ _w ouldn 't pay the peiwlonsi I . .Iporls. G reat Britain , -ranks f irs t.b is ts only three o r 'fo u r dnyL Dr. Tow nsend's au thority fo r the tin the value-o f exports nnd lm -tclvu« ttam unlty fo r three months,SU tem ent th a t , tb e to ta l buslness.ports combined, w ith , th e 'U n lle d jL o n g cr illnes-ies - - - ........... - -Ironsnctionii^ fo r Ihc year .ltl20,iSlatcs second. Ipndnry-.lnfecUoaa

^fondny. Scp(eml)cr 2:1.1D35 IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS: IDAHO Page FWa



M«R)bera of tlie-M cT club were )>o.itt>wc>i S a lun lay e v e n in g 'a t a

------n ttracuvcJyT trnu igcJ bufrcfTm in— vcT-si-tho • hgmc of- atoFr j rhr MuecI, Blue LnkcB boulevard, fen- turJnc n Monlo Carlo nlmofliilicrc. A l ine supper Ublc. which won covcrcil wl'.h a fllct ecru clolh hntl ccntcrcd wlUi colorful (nil Ilow* cm. i l r j l W, I . M cFarland, flpon-

----- uor, M d M lua.Ulclam Babcock nre-Hided a t Ihc nervlccn. Club color*

- . o f. plnlt a ad -c rcc n . w ere,featuredIn the m enu. A proRram wan i)re* ticnt«d by Ml*a JJllUrtd Smith.

— chnlrm an of Ihc-prosTnm eommll- t)(l included a group o t piano

McFarlaind,- daughter of Uio npon-Mir.

___ ---- T he rfm ntoilpr o f the eveningw M flpcot In the ffnme room which luul been made t o ' rvaemblQ a M onte Carlo coAlno, w here roulette waa played.

In penoral cliarRC of f :e .. ranpem enta wa.n Jll*» B ette Mngel. MIAO Eleanor H ullngiiworlh nnd M!«i Dorolhy UcBd nerved o r •’

. . w as n rainy Sattirdny nnd the chllilrcn ncemed loat fo r nomclhinB to do. F inally U a y ’n fertile brain T<?cniltcfl-Tin~1dear~lt—CBUAlly did

m N N F.It GIVKS I-X)U NT.W LSSTHOCTOIW— •nvln-ralln-hliTU sch««l m eiructoFtt iu!tl fftrJr tn l t r -tulned over the week-end a t a pol*luck dinner a l the homo of Mr. ivnd Mrn. 0 . V. ilcK cnn. F - avenue, honoring Mr. and M:

'A . LonKcnhnuRli and Mr. and Mrs.----- TIurold Cftr]imc,-Mr.-Loni:cnbauRh

■ '«m d Mrn. Carltole hclnp new fao- ' • Tiln — m im ihrrjt-Ihla -year.—i^U 'r»

lujd niMlurliunia 'fo rm cd 'th i: <JCfl- oratlonn

■ Mr«, J . E . Tomlin and J. Tom lin'w on prlzen a t pinochle, nnd M r. au<t M w. I^nscnbausii priic.t

and MrB. W.- B. Sr.iltli, P rln . and Sira. C. H . Bond, Mr. and Mrn, LonRenbaugh, Mr. and*Mrn. .Joh.i F ln it. Mr. and Mrn. Tomlin, I tr . and Mrn. U. V. Jonea, Mr. nnd

YOUR- CHILDRENBy Olive Roberts Barton

booia, a n ' enormous Sletaon and; Bashed w ith n rare old piece of: embroidery waji trylnB to cram ln to - tn o ~ n o o ty -o ia l»o1e - ln the

H er own hom e, woa an ap art­ment, bu t thin big houac, old and occupied by the fif th generation of Waitaceu. IntriKUed h e r from a t t ic 'to cellar. Thoms TnynlcrlouB boxen and chciitJi up nmonf; the

spectlvcly In the pole blue natln grcat-Kreat A unt-Sophy had worn to the Peace ball, and the yellow velvet Queen V ictoria wan wild to have given to a Chaplnln'n Indy bccauoe it waa loo tigh t f o r her-

'iipooliy cave under Uie kltebcn maJra tlia l held only gas nnd elec­t r ic ' rauterii,' bu t "people's 'J r i 'h c r Imagination w ith ciuiks and Ircon- urc4,-An em pty "Grundma'fl room" w ith , a ll Uie old-faJihioned finery rooved Up for a tim e-cbongcd par-

"If I lived Id thlji house, I 'd low w h at to do," eho thoughL

And then ' It camn — thn Innrlra- Hon. She # ird n ^~ F 5 1 1 y r~ ‘'K l ’n Iwve n drenn - up pa rty . Tlierc muat b« lotfl o t old clothcn Oiid things around. You and I can l>c duchenscs and Lea can be a pirate kldnapini; ua."

Polly wa.1 delighted w ith the Idea. She nsUed h e r m other If lliey_coitia_ljavc-JQ inc-funny_olil drensca to piny wiU» M rs. Wallnce looked o u t a t th e rain — nnd then Bhe lopkcd a t May. She knewMay p re tty well. • ^------

The Tfcitiuri, Cheat"All right," iihc nRrecd. "But

on one condition. D on 't tou'cl: bluo trunk . T hat hon nomu very fine thingn in It. ^ m e day l! iihall give them to a muneum and


C am p P i r c G roup • H a s F i r s t o f L csbods i n .T r a b i n g - r - •• O o H n e-H c rc ■ •

T Iiq " three ■“ cnocmle>f~wcr ..icM. Thcro wa.1 nothing to do biil a lt Mown bn tlicTiiill ncnl”A>>d

which ahe did, May alippeO___o f -A u n t • Sophlo'*.-#atln-juiilw ent home. Polly and Lea tip ­toed upatajra (the b lp booia being removed) and fearfully laid, the flaery In the forbidden trunk.

Handling In Reverteinff-laj >a’/t roo

In the center.••We're awfully aorry.'l nald Pol'

ly w hen h e r m otlier go t herself to tho necoml floor finally. ••Wo jua t forgot. Ail we did wim peep and then wc began to lift Uilngu e u t-n n d - th e n - *' '■

ACTOR,]],B U nU Sept. 23 (S p« ln l)

A review of the hlfltor>- deain o f Cam p Flee -wnn nludled

Ihla m om lni; a t the homo of Mrn. " • *. Van Engelcn a.i the flrn t

nerlea o t nix lennon.1 of traln- eouMC on C/»nip F iro H'ork lo r roum ffscprojuicnivirK unraiajjE

Helen F r i l t hnn been fleeted dent of the Buhl Uunliicnn nnil l>n» feMlonnl Womcn^n club. O ther of- flcera for the new year are Gertrudo /llnp. vJca preniitent; Mian M ary Kiilounelc, HccVetary: nnd Jtra, Ada H uston, trcaniircr.

C lub W om en B ack M ove fo r S afe ty

nci Aira, auii J iu s to n .,trcaniircr. ........ i , 5v„ir i i n.,Tho club n .e m b m

acknowledged the gift of \from Oie liite MIm G m c c 'S csh k T n ji'^ '* "

SMOSMONK. Sept. 23 (SiHclnl); Klio!ihoni>-*tu<ly club hclil thu

flra t m rtU ni: of the wii.tdn a l ih r Lrglon Memorial hnll hYitlny. Mrn. J . W. Stwld.ird nnd Mm . K. I'J. Tul-

. llocli n« hoi'trsM'S ,I • r rra id rn t , .Mm. .Slotlilnrd; r ; i v r .t

K a n s a s c i t y . M<>., SviU. 2.T,r.;vlrw r f |iror|>crtlv,- c i i i l ) woric many!f<ir the commK The club w riii

TAKEN BY OEATHi. lo t iirl'ii


to r m ,„ y n .™chor. 1. ' A . S Z .,Buhl public .nchooln. Tlic num. for.^n j,„ t i.ight. ^bhrlMmm vvrn

Hopper Jiutfrred f<ir m onths w-iOi'tri t h t fctiilr•• ' ' mul hnd_l)ci'n ijilvlHcd l>y tu n ting iit I'

educational purponcn, wnn placed In the club^n n tudent Ia\n fund, ihl/i hrii

The clu)j voted to Imld Itji meet-;i,Ln. d o c to r ' . . Ingfl thla year th e neeonil M oniiay;V eslrrdny he ltt-ciK'h-m<>nlli-inH|*.'n<lr^>r^>n—

Tlic nex t of tho ncrieii will beheld S«pt.-20-a t-tho homo of M rs. ...................................ri. A. Sutcllff and will Include alM ra. IHng, n i the N orlhvlcw ,

• •• • .UchrHil .dl.icum)lon o f aymbolbm and lui achiJbl.prac tical appllCAtlon' u n d e r the m------------r«ctlon of Mrn. J . D. Slnema.

F o r tho reg iiln r guardliuia' m e tt- Ing, Oct. 7. n luncheon fea turing outdoor'CooItlng wlU be held aftlMs home of Mrs. .n . L. Heed. "The


f lrat Monday. The Octobor m eet-'w .h c ily K hythm orchM i'ra ilc.ipitV hii« born • rrcrlvcd her.- ^ n g .w lin .e ,h e ld a t ih r . lionio o f;thc .ph j'3 lc tim 'n w nm lng Umt D-lt-V.i i

courting a acrioiia colliiiiw. ;,„n p in -[ri,, ^,.^lrllv m Ji;.- ^ W cnl to ll<wpllnl ■v.-r«ily of l.liih.. w jur.' ulu-

2 l'g am cn , recrcnlioft And program planning will be outlined and dramnUc.i will be fea tured Oct. 28. the final neanlon o t tho Bcrita. All


any price. IMt all the thlnga aw ay

'N ever mild, child,•• aald Men. i tend all meellngs bu t the . «U th W allace. "U waa piy fau lt. I'le.ioon will be o t particu lar Intcr- pu t tcm platlon. r ig h t In M ay 's 'en t lo anyone -te rc a te d in Camp v,’a:y wlien~T mentioned ttie-W uc irlfC work, trunk , ^ l a t wa.i 'n ll nfte nee</ecf.But I am anhnmed th a t you i ' dren iihould bo no eaally led,”

W hich Vvaa the whole volume Ini nutahcll. Tlic Imaginative child

rarely_conformn to the le tte r of nj "command: nciitriction mnkc-.'i']',hlm_jriitli;i!ij.uDd_otli;n dowiirlKht| _

W estco tt S co res B ridge S lam , T h e n

r7 IS E , Sept. 23 <Sp:cla))— C. J . (Ike) W c.itcott, Dolnc and Twin Falla o il man. made a '■fllam ' In a .b ridR e gfttno over Ihe week-end, nnd in hln e la ­tion grabbed the bnttom of liln

" ■ ch air In n n effort

LOOKN ew 1935 P o n tia c

6 D eL uxe C oupe a t

- B « 5 - D i s e e i ^ - T

-Brownmg-Autb Cq.

pllul nnd when the Oooior naw, ____ .him nhortly lieforo niyrOKl't bCj RUPERT CIRLS PLEDGES wan nllttng in bed rriidfiiK a n.'wj.-, K tji-m v r. Hrpl, :-3 (Special) — piil-er. •- ••• • .Anrie l_-iltue. lliiiMTt, ImK

Cufa F in g e r B ad ly

of I'lln tim e. ' • ; — ---------------------------:--------------------

cen tral character in ih f poem A 'C a.vy n t tho n n t, ’ J lr inlrtviuccd 5 t and made the «irr<iw of the

mmm, —

a H E llE lf f i

to rnlae himself,-----ll«—caught— bl»—rlRlis

finger betw een th e e ca t ami a metal reenforcenienl In auch m anner an nim oat lo n e v er 'th e

"lllglt Which ■ 'bu fa -frw ’ nrconris before had ni/inlpuliiteil {lie w inning card«.

Casey Btnick o u t In -tho ninth. > Mr.i. H opper In In Oaliliind, Calif.

• “ V erm ont—had '-lh .‘- flr/‘t- norn in l-S —to I v r.iJablJ-ihi-il in tlic ^

E f c ¥ -


/tolnvr-,1 n i I l» ..... » OreAtlVC pCOp C!,. .. . delayed mul it wan tw o ,i,„.hours before nhc opcficd th e fron t door.-Shrleka of 'delighted te rro r met he r i!hra nnd a amall figure dresBcd In b la fnUici^fl fliihlng


Mills Grnco Brj-aot, w ho.ia.leai’i_____JnjT soon to make her home In Og-

. UtriT^tis'iTUUJit'uf liuiiui' a t o- pai'• ty S a turday evenlnj: given by ■ Chapter D, P. E. O. Slatcrhood. a t

• ■ th e Iwime of Mrs. Edw ard Cooper. •T h e rooma o f - th e Cooper homo

^vcrc trim m ed w ith vivid fall flow- tn t. The g roup-apent the evening playing pumcu and Mclally. Dnlnty re.'rcshmcnln weru secvcd. Mian

ci.=i=*Oc««lff-P>iuw>-prcBeaU:d ML-ui T ip- ‘ iin l w ltli an attrncU v '^K lft from

itio ehaptor. O u t-o f- to w n gucata w ere Mra, Chnrle.n Dingier. Culver City. Calif., and Mrn. William Dunce, Filer. ‘ — •- • •* . » * nOOM MCTHFJIS ATTEND MEETING

Room mothero of the Blckel Pnr- ent-Tcnchcr noaoclatlon m e t over tho week-end. w ltb the prcaldent. Mra. W. R. W olter, a t her home on Second ilvcnue 'caat to dlacuns mcmberahip and o ther probieraa of th e coming year. I t waa Occlded to tidopt on a srogan. “From small ftconis «io largo oak treca gtmf." nnd lo two the oalc tree na n .nymbol o f the goal to be-reached In the membemhlp cam paign. The Idea of membership In n. P.-T. A, o rgan ' Ixatlon no a privilege ra th e r Oior

■ on obligation 'wUl alao be atre.vied.

NBW>-BElSaATBS ATTEND KEDFBATION________"Dmtne i^i'cSr ot-'tJio- jncotins Snturday aftcm oon '.br 'th e Itu ral ■Federation In the McthoOLnt Eplfl- oopol church parlora new delegitca

nnd the Gem S tate S tudy club a


------Mlsa-Jftn«-MB>tWeU-wo»-niimcdprenldcnt of Pan-Hcllenlc club a t the- opening m eeting of the aw-

• non so tu rday jiftcm oon a t the Colonial te a rooms, She flucceedB Mra. R. S. Tofflemlre. MIsa Violet A danu w as clccled vlcc president nnd ilrn . Ben TUlcry. occwjlary- trcaaurcr. Retiring offlccra arc Mr*. T^fflcffilrc. iUiw N nla Ifcw:

_.man,oncl JflM .Adams.

, „ , ........ SALT LA KE CITY, Utiih. Sep t.'V '23 iW )—Secre tary o t V.’«r Ge«r;;c;

____ 'lY^illlLU.‘"tv.n ^ -OgtJgf^“ ).H:-Dern prt;dlctcd liuit' night thol:


cat of a ll children to dlrcct train.

(CopyrlQht; 1935, NEA Service, Incorporated).

Calendarwill m eet Wedrjcuday a t 2 p.

m, a t the the ' home of Mra. A.’ C. Rutherford....... ...... * * ' - * ■ r

T \tib Falln G range will meet W ednesday a t the home of Da\;ld itocnlg. 25S F ou rth ave-

mmmMra. Bud CUlnu will en ter­

tain- m eniberniof tho 'C om m un- lly church Ladlea"' Aid aoclcty In th e church parlorn.

* - * *The Ju n io r-S e n io r Pa ren t* .

Teacher aanoclatlon executive board will m eet today a t 7:45

M, S. nnd S. club will m eet Wedncadny a t 2:30 p. m . a t tho homo of U rs . A. J . Requa. Mem-

■ I lo bring J a nhower..

* * , * 'J . U . club will m eet W ednca-

day ttt 2 p. m . a t the home of 7dm.- Florence -M cC dan. 140 Seventh ntrcc t Weat. All mem­bers ure r«<]ucat«d to be prc- acnt.

•Scrvlcen were held Snturday aftciToon a t the Dralw m ovtuary ...------ ---------------- - -TTWff-MetWW:

i-o f-: - K o e h ltr -Tburaday, .ScpL.. 20. . a l _ ■ 'r p : 'm r u r u io Mcuiodiat-Epin*-

copnl church p a rltm . E ach lady lu naked to - bring fMuidwlchca

-iiml-a-cov£reil_Uiali_£2ntn lj^B _ vcgetabtc, tncnt, aalad, cake or

Thouc from out vjf town jtmttrti

who died TUfadnjr morning. Rev. Roy B. Bum ott, - paatorJ-of- tho Unptlflt church, offlclatetl a t ' the rlle.n. In term ent waa In V iler ccmc- tcry under' the direellon o t the mortuary.

Pallbearera were Don Alger, Gcorgo Blundl, , Archie Alford. Curl D ltse r.'D . B. A lger nnd Al Lanor. Mualcni aetcctlons by Mra. Ruth St«veno, Mra. Jnm cs Harvey nnd Mian Edna G raham Includeit •'N earer My>God to Thee," •'RocH of Agen” nnd •'Somclimc We^ll Undcratorid.'' A c c o m p nntmenta

■ played by Mra. Robert Miller.


tw o wcck.1' vlnit here,T,hu form er Uliih govenior, nc-i

eompnnleU by Mra. D cm iind iholri non Jnm ea. will sail W ednenlny' .from Sim I-'mnci*co fo r Uio Phlllp-| pinen w here he will rcpr«yienl the ' P rt^ iden t n t - th e innuguratlon of{ tho new ' commonwealth govom-, tiicnt.

E lm w q o d C lub P lans ** D onations to H om e

FILER, Sept. 23 (S p e c ia l) - ,Mcmberii of Che Elmwoe^ Social club w ere enlertnined laa t week nt;the hom e~of-M r»r-M nzlc-B n>w nr , a D C V \ '# 7S F W f*“^ B e r - s n w 3 m n 7 T ? ^ 'r —ainling-. Twelve mombcrn anirwercd'j - -roll ca ll nna -ln :thc abscneo o t-the pcanident Mm, E m m a Thecner ducted tho bualnena meeting, natlona fo r the Childrcn’a Honw.Bol.ie. a rc lo be n t th e hom o,of:Mra. Rone Lincoln by th e nex t cluh| meet. I t wnu n n n j^ c e d .

GufBta w ere in n . L num Grigga,Mra. Bunker, Buhl, and Mrs. Boat- man nnd Mm, Slatter. The w hite elephant wna received by Mm.Sln tU r nnd J llna N ola Carder.- TJjo nr-xt TOeellDff will be a t- tb e

homo of Mnj. Florence Baker.

At th ; Tint in s * n e « e -q u ic k — a Je>^ drop*-up

• each n o n r ili I ti" tim ely prevent many

Vic k s Va t r o n o i


nnd U IM June Roberta, Edea,-aiid Mra. Kftye Brown and M lu Betli

• W hite, Tw in Fall*, Attended the r lte i. Mr. and Mra. Brow n wiU be a t hom'e in 'Tw ln Folia.'


Mra. SATOb C. Bower nnnou tho m arriage o t bee dausM cr, MJa» Flora Bower, to F m n k Andcrnon, The cercmony took placc Saturday•anmnHm-iTT-Ptaciffoot—r :------ :—

Mr.' and Mrs. A ndcraon will bo in Twin Falla the la tte r p a r t o f the week f a r n sho rt time and la ter w ill'm ake the ir homo In BlacJtfoot temporarfly. .•

F o r the p aat several ycara M rs. Andcraon haa been’ canhler In the office of. the E vening Times. She baa served tw o te rm s aa prealdcntof-the-B usineaw a o d - ~ ' ------ -— ■ -

Y our oM b a tte ry I* w ortii from • 90o :to -* # .» « n -a -B e w -« « iJ— • b u r '1-.Day Aat<miatIo B a ttc i? Charging la Sa\-tog JJoney for

• tho Publlo E\-cry Day!


.P tx m io tS — - M tb U a - N o r tb

_____S't i i v m i...... ..g .ft-K rics.of-thrce-.at-;

trac tive bridge luncheons Mra.- R. L. PlcmeUel oad Mr*. E . M. Swee- ley enterta ined 28, gue iU t l ^ aft-. CTBiloa-at th e Plem cU tl,hO tte on

' Lincoln « trw t- J h e sercn q u a rte t luacheon U blM w ere ceptered wlUi amoll bouquets o f roses a n d u te r a v«ro a rranged • th roush Uio rooms In colorful cluatera. -OutK>Mowa

■ guesU werB Mra.- O. A, N oW j-af* “ " . P roctor,. Kimberljj;., s ; _

“ if la e s a i ‘received by-M rs. Sturgeon McCoy and Mra.-W.- W; Thomas.

" a r i c .A a d m e i a . P b . S S S -JX ^ ^ t.

.A F F IX 3

■BHnif ■ OTTO w S i l i c r a HUTptcJir . CKVSTAL SFiU K G S , ., ORCHAKD ~

............. ■ fU T „^4»bO - - - -

T— USED“ CARS1934 Foid V-8 Gpupe, Radio

5525.001933 Ford V-8 Coiipe, 13,000 Mile«

5425.001933 Chevrolet Sedan

K O tt^ 9 3 3 Nash Sedan, Heater

S475i001932JNa*h Sedan

Eadio: Hot Water Heater, Tnmk5425.00

1929 Na»li;Seiiaii, Light 6S200;00

— r-l9 2 » C h w lB r©

__ . ..1929 ehaw olet Coupe. . .5225.00

Wfl have 10 old cars, IWce M an orfor Xots of mile# left . ' ■ -rlnlhem.'. . ;

B A | t N A R l >!-0 hi7 i l e r . J H O H E . l W i •Plyinoatli

.IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN I’’ALLS.'iUAHU Monilny, Rr|)ieml)cr 2:i, IDU*.



WiVNTED TO BUY—1000 i ..... .to w r« k . Ffirmcra’ A uto Supply

■*rancii‘ m ro-T3ept:-l'iiono-223-w .— j

3P20 Model A l - ' ^ "Coiic m ule for cow and cnah. 211 Sld> ney StrecL _____


fltoves, c lrculatora ana o tber bouse- holtl fumlahlaira. Moon’n, rhono 8. S lp re N o .1 ; Phone 31C, Store No. z

‘ ■ZT'CTieVrT^urtnprOood— ] jo to r, U ccnsc. JlS.gO. Tcrma J

O ’C O N N O R

a i ; t o d o o r g l a s s , winu* flhleldfl nncl window gloaa. No ehnrgc for aettlnir gliiaa. B ring In ymir-SBab-ot--'dri»B-Tour-cnr-^Inr' P ro tect your' health. Save on your fucrw ilff.-T ftone a,'M ooh's .-


• Used Machinery '

1 CrayhounJ Bcnn H ullcr.1 Rumcley S p e d a i Clovct

llu llcr.1 25MO OU P u ll T ractor.1 10-30 Oil Pu ll T ractor.

_1_1 Sj O M cCormlck-Dcerlng_

— ILSSD_CAJ1S__L;1031 Ford Coupe ..... _....S233 I I1525 CJjcvrolct Sedan ....J225 j j 1028 Chevrolet T uJgr ....5U5

' 1027 Chevrolet Tudor .._S 00' 1028 DcSoto Coupe ....... s m

1020' Dodge Scrccn ....... J27S. Ten O ther C ars from J25 U p

------ I—lt73’t-ChcvroIet-"rr«cJf.-D «oJ'Tircfl. K xtm ..........

, , I f your car or truck nccdn re-► piilrtnB w oT w Ijnono 'nruiiV yir you> full to Bcc me. Have wide exptrl-,

cnee and fine equipment. Will Oo;; tJic w ork At youf-hom e.fo r about;« half the charRcn n io « luilt for if luime. S c c 'F m n lt Zlatnik, 222

a -{ 5 ^ 1 =

■ William’s Tractor ------Gompan-yj-

(Terr o SuU}

Jn d B. White

F O R S A L EA li cylinder In icrnallonal

Iruclr. UyeoniUiK m otor. Me­chanically ex tm - Rood, Rood rubber. I 'o r quleU «alc S300. 102C Chcv. coach 54.'»,00, 3

. , . i:o<xl lire - and motor O. K. I ' I -McCormlek Dcerlnf; cpud’dln-

F O n SA U 3—A crirloiid of Mur-!'CBColn-lmlltr-Buywlint'yxm-iiced.-

f lirlng' hacic w hat you linvc left. 'I ’e * loan you a lirusfi lo pu t It oa free.I M cM urtry Kouae I’a ln t, 4-Hour i Enam el, F loor and J.Inolrum .Var* l.n ln h dryn In tw o houm, Wo also *;have a lan :c Block of, W all Paper" ■ — r>t...i« ■—TOTm—m i


' jfe ^ 7 i5 )« r^ i in i in n ir f :o rw it i r c:i);lnu mounted. Juu l ou t 'S Bcunonf).— A -ilcC cnnlck D ccrlnc.22 In,. dl^:Rcr In ko« 1 condition. A I’uph 221n. dljy'rcr. Several 'J wny pIowH. I f you have ti hciitln}' Move to Mil brlnj: It

-HaiTy-Musgrave—Ind, S t. W en t' ■

C lassified

Rcoponflble Dualneui F lnna ow l rrotcM lonnJ Oftlcc*

« (Twin PnJI*,


Today’s Markets and Financial News[ LIVESTOCK 1

. CHICAGO UVBSTOC-K -CH IC A GO . 8cpt,-23-^i:i!l— 0,000; fairly actWc, imcvenly lOi «i»-SB»-hlf<lwr-Uuui-KcU-*V4itiua: spota up more; lop J12.I5; bulk


------------------- . ' !A:iierlc.in CanCm CA CO , SrpL 23 a'.1l~W licnt;Aiilvrloun-ltttdUiU,r

n o lo 250 Ibii. Sll.Tfj to J12.10; de.ilrnlilp jincklnj; bo\SIO-CO; plpn JIO tu J l l . Ifuturcn dropped iilwut

C allle: 23,000; calvcn 2,500; Ut-ibui.htl on the ClilcaKO boaril tie done on f<;d iitecrn and y c a r-i iru d r lodny when hravliicimUnRKrr«^tt«''‘>d-salc»..wcak-lij.::iciforHlmi •- ‘ ' - - ' .......lower w ltli ljuUc'|irVmiIiiini;'lo......... "

. ..in>r>>“ > - . , ................315. 2nd Avc. No,. Phono 1520-J, Vullii weak to J.'ic off, vp T rum pet, trom bone,. Bax, c larine t ,ite«dy lo 50c hiw rr; top « (le a ity band iim tnim cnt chtiicc Jic lfrm .Jll.S .’-;G raduate nolol.il of B.Y.U.'M ualcihuUfi $5.50 down, pm ctlcal Con/cr\-atory. Ivenlern $10. fc\v J10,50.

H A IR l

■of-m.irf limn-3:nno;oon--.Ibc .vblW c flijppJy .Jjidiilcri'il buying.1 At Ul<: d o !IC w hriit ^

; >i‘ lo cent Iow it; ouliclianKr.l Co . com Inwr

-fl/llAjlol '* t.low rr -

! Th.'- m ark e l wiui fillow ci'.at. 111.- opvnliur. -

lUilIinit Milln ..•riciin Smelting- ;......rrTcan Tclciihdiii-.......riciin T<ilvicco H .....

• ; AnuKonUft- tJoppur-

NKW Y o m c . Bi-pl. 23 i! T> — riiii.-i)i'\VUIidrt:w from the ^tnclt n rk rt today p < - n d ln jr . fur-.^

lcvc'1opm<-nUi In tin: Kur-

OIL PEtUiSANICNTS Fnim S1.50 up w ith only -the .•‘ V

hlBhciit <iuallly uolutlonii. uiiinj; t h u , ■ ' " W . indlcatloiin ' ’----------

S tudent ..............................

iacllve; Btronj: to.25c hiKi'cr; choii iniiUve l.imbri J0,.’;0 lo SO.O.-j; bciii liclil S0.75 upw ard: choice Wa.ili.

IninKi'in p iactlcally «traii;lit a t reputed lo Ik:,sy,70; «hgi'p firm;- «laughti-r cwoi fH the drou th Milcln ........................ fctd ln ir . ‘>f:aln:ii. forelini nii

lily. LlVlTJ)

t rcduccd price . •ork (cuaninlcrd. Specially lici

lly Salim anil School. N ex t door ilda lio 'Pm vcr Co.-offlcc.-Phonu-J


and OTl.rcgpcctlvcly..■ FO R REN T — Siiian“o

F O R R E K T - a O O M S

FO R KENT — Nice room, fu r­nace h e a t Phonu ' 120c . - 001 . <lh Avc. N orth.

F O R R E N T — H O U S E S

Goqil home. 2 acreo. Inquire M Sven C, Anderson, H. 2. HlK** Drlvu. c.inl of Rock crcck,______

• W A N T E D T<y R E N T



Tco Lok Shlnfflea, ' b I Lok SldnRlco. Built up roofit. Roll

-Jlootiiia. ttfloia fcnalmLLgnx:.

OMAHA, S.'PI, H ■1,500; acllvo t<i sliipia- lliii, down: generally 10c hlKliet-rifiO' lo*'270 lb:j onoimmt . j » a S L " i j . a i i * : > J .u n „ . „ *««,

' d r . ' WH.L1AM D. REYNOLDS, and y.-arllnKf >dow,I 220 Wain Avenue South. ;(ii<-ady, VJ lo 511; cholcc inrd. wls. •T T T ';.I------------------------------------------------- lo $12: Kraiiii cowii nlow. , CRAIN T/i‘ P A IN T IN G '------D E C O R A T IN G .WC»l(:_jn>oil lo. rliolor frd holfrra ClllCAOO. Srpt. ;_________________________ _, - r - —.'5S.&0 lo s ia 2 5 ; ---------------------I KAI.SO.MINING a n d G cacr.li;io J-V2-'.: v.'uli;rn w eak; praclleal . .O pen High U' ' t*atntinp:— EJ.—br-8hi»ffcr. —Plwno-lop-W i-KUjckursjvnd-.fctUcra. '">•1203-J. ;CVen; j;ood to tlto'

M O N E Y T O L O A N decor.Mlnir. Italnomln-, KhLH-p:" rtnUini;

Ichecrfniiyirlvcn, We ico luiywhere.i - ia a 20!L_

R. L. Goddard........ 307-<th Avc. So. ■-

Phone 800 • P, O. Bo.>t 1115


a n a O E L L A K E O U S

I - R E F R I G E R A T I O N "

: F A C T D ltY n .I r t ic r . t to .S m .lc . ’ ! f , f f , ' ' , u.S f'" ';op a lt makcn Com mercial nnd,]5/^ )_ i,.,..,,. 1 '•.do' arilvc- mn iiiv HouiiehoVl Rcfi-iRcratorn. f a c to r y h i,.h e r 'i-imil I'lmlw Un,i imu '

;Scn-lcc Co. NolhlnK to sell buti.irivi-ln.n J70 io 220 ll.n S i t; 2.r. in S----------- Phone 2G'l, 128-Jnd AVC.N..320 jiO to S10.75: Itciit ilrhlii l> <-.......

---------------------------------------- ,510.2.'. lo SlO.-'if); iMclrinir iiown 53: • •’'fi^cifi'i- pljin S ft. E.lHcy,S H O E B E P A IR IN C

, BEAN CLEANING and Moran 'a t Globe Seed & Feed Co. An opc ' Jiouac.

a rc sure you will be well plo.i.icd w ith one ivorJf. AJI w ork /.'iiara;i-,

TOR RENT. NO HUNTING, C M ortrnw n. 2<4 Main So..

F O R S A L E O R T R A D E ' Iwriicr ExchanKc. Oppoalio

T Y P E W IllT E U ajU 2N T E q , RF.-i..............

" P o a f

t a i l o r i n g - c l e a n i n q ;

WIN S2,2.'|Q.00 • I k OR .^ALE OR T R A D K -llT S f---------------------you make o Ihrcft Ic tlerichcv . truck . lonir.wliLfl. ba.ic, H ar-| Heavy Tlmtxirrt. • Urldco Planli

uninR th e kltbt'fl in the w o n l'ry Erihuui, HP.n.wn,........................... Ii-oucU lunibcr. • Woodkiwn Luir

a^aln ocCupylnK Roomii

2" '“ ' vcaliTM SH t.

-■iiViiiif. ^ )c p t; 'e ii 'ro nuiw inK . uau-...1., b c l-I - ln c T „U ,r.. l- .,.,.c S C . ■ - l ' " ' « ” i

__________ ____ ____________ ,D crM oW X Iowa.-and,you w’lli go t . Briririi, '•k mile N orth of Wupcn-

•’ w a n t e d T O B U Y

npiiorlunity to w~ln 52,500,00.. ^


• Yount: woman for Reneml hounc- nwJs. Sm ill family. I n q u lr e .C ._ ^

■&M. Co,■WANTED -1- Houscltccpcr on

ranch. F am ily of nix. W rite Bo* H 3-E . Core of Tlmcn. •

e^a Touriot I’ark .


i~ i;i;N iT in iK w a n t e d — W ci^o 53,25,

to trad o .fo r good douWo Im n ri.tir m agaslne gun. '-cave nddrcaa and type of ;;un In carc of Box H l-T , Idaho TimM.

STORE Your Bfana In Federa l. .................................. .Bunded Warchouncn. Kinney W are- buy tiiicd fun illu rc, coal m ngoa.

------ - ....... And ice-bo«cH-.We-pay cMh.5. Moon'n, .

Blcadv; liidU Lcom.'irr m rd. Sfi.r.O llnpi sr. lo 50,25;


||; .wllll lati wei-k o r iiU'Udy lo 2.’io hlKhur Ui:vn week m;o; early bulk cra.nn nli-cric J5..50 to 57; top S’ ,7.'i: craiin liulf- oru Si.2!) lo 5(5; low cu ller and cu t­le r c<iwn 52 10 53.2.’S: com. lo 'm iid .:? ' - 53,50 to S-t.2.'.; j:ood bi-vf cow«

$5: bu lb 33.50 lo S4.5n: '‘'-'

' huuKW, Phene 03..ESTISfATEB cJadJy jrJvcn on a ll, —

kindii.of Job PrintinB u t O t^co o f WANTED — Growern Idaho Evcnlnir Tlmcn. ' Kinney Warchou.iKi


indcr tho U.,

f K P l I S AMD V E gE T A B IJS ;g“ S , r . ; r ‘i U £ „ ° - . ‘Sit.“

—G lri-roi^”R«noEai

. .W ANTED -T .ExpfrJenccd_Jady . foe J15USC w ork and p rc p ^ o cvc-

rilnj: m eal- 'fo r, family o f three., : Phono CSO or call B-2 R e*-A r«a •aftk r 7-p,-W-------------L.,----------------

iltX P E S . Del Monlo v 7 n ^ ard . IBl Sidney 'S t.. So. P ark . .

Exp, ••cWWtw

. lo I ! fo r two,1 Appti»)i hualifl. Phone 03Q<-J4.


EXPBfUENCE© hffUMTUJd ya rd roan. Good rcfcrcneei). Wafrca rca-

■ ■ ^ona B le rv rriro n tt^ M -c are -T lin e ar-

'iiE siL V ijrcro icriittK iriirT cpiacB broken m lrrora. Mr., O, G raf from

' UlivauUcc. Located a t Cabin No. 3. Tw in FoJla T ourist Camp. .

- ISXPERT radio r e p a ir ' (lervlca ' Ruaranlccd a t Claude Brown U iu lc Compnny. Wo will call fo r an

PEA CH ES — Stark ’fl Improved E lbertrt now ready. K enyon Green. Phono 02a4-J4. Bring contntaers.

3Vd Avc. E.

CO N TO RD ~G f?im Sl-15 iJ^'bcl. Halo pettchcfl. w eat of hospital. Deliveries made In tow n. Phone 0102-J2.

• LANDBCAPINO and Eatcavallon , of a ll kinds. Baacmenta dug and

lawna cenalrucU d by day o r con- tnu-t. Call 11. n . A Jirtd, 0J8IH U1.

FO R SA L S -^ tJU rk Brothem Im^

peaches. T hree jnUea South of Bur- Jcy C orner a t Buhl. Phone 3S0-R-1. Lee A tklnaon. B ring cop talncra.. .

I w an t w ork ; wJU *erve a t ony hour; no da>-a off. sa lary about 58.00 per m onth. Bee mo a t Koon’a Immediately.. Imo D cxicr W asher.

- P O B B A L E - - M IS 0 E L L A C T 0 U 8 .

FO R S A I £ - r MaJesUci, Range BBd H e a t r o l f c Good condition.Phone 1600.-_______

FO R SALE—All klnda o f aecowl hond-praln and potato^sacka. Ida ­ho Ju n k Hoiiae. 1B2 2nd A ve. So.

FO R SALE—sfaJcsMc m tg e . M- no d ir t free fo r the baullnK.^142 lO th Ave. No. Phone IBOe. ••

^ c a ” V w m o‘s" ’Fi»h' })atci>ery in ■ Bock cxeeir canyonr

FO R SA LE T -F u rn itu re ; ruRS, rndlo. ftad H oatrola. 428-Bth north. Call mom taga.

FO R S A L E -^G enuine O r i e n t oulaido house p a in t how ooly.41.7B

'T p c f '^ W n n c re n g tV a -H a rd w o r* ^

-----F O R -a ALB — Ktenirel -A ll-Stcd" C h a in and S p n jc k c fT y p c 'I ^ ta to

Sorters. Now used throughout ■' Boutherti'ldaho;. to w prices.- Kren-

gcl'B ]yardware.

SPRING FILLED MATTRESS^. ES MADE FROM YOUU ,0 L D ;_ .........lONES. Moltrenaca renoVatcd a n d jo p . in, ’—-'•vcred. -W o a l.-a m lla g .- T^vJn----------

'v/lni!ow r.!v-d'r \

F O R SA L E — 30,000 buahcin of

_ , T m -~i*-ni Sit tlij-'iii-nior club, id •Sli.i.n' M cM omnil.-,, , nr. ouillntil II poriHlbio

y w r'n worlr. F o l - - dl:icuii;ilon of burlnew • lii.lh club:<. Ml.1,-1 Do­ll .ind the junior c.ib- I nii;lic dv;:mi(c plans, , i-n!or j;roup wUb Mlao

^ ,:,5ciiannm ir i i l n c u « . ic d /n ! c r c 9 »■Dances Wul C a te r ;Kr«ups an a. d u b projfct, Planfl

!>' -T* n r - J 1 l l /"■ 1 - w en-m ade fop II membiTHhlp p a rly el l o V V e a d e a v - o u p l e s „nd lo r » Mnglc Vallcy confcrcnco

Announcomcnl In made by thu which lii to bc.licld hcrc.Nqv. 33. it manoKtmcnl of Ra«lU)lnnd tliu t The Chrl.nliiin W ork-.ni cWclo .

lTucj<luy_cvenlnKH throGghuut the m et Thurruliiy nftcm fxin w ith Xfn*.,. •Uvinior neonon w ill'c iitc r CKp'ccially .Buckpnilorf. -Twelve members rc‘, .w marHcd'coiipli'H. -- . . . cpondcd-to roll cull and,enjoyed a

■■ I I luiilloliind haji enfaKCd one of i.ocl;iI o flcm con. Tentative planaLOS ANGELES ”* 'Uic rauth’n nuliitandin|; bandv u 'r ro made during the bustaeajj

LO.? ANGELIC.S, Sept..23 'C.m— ' j.oulc Clancy’s orchcHlm. from th e m eellni; lo hold the annual chicken____■BulU-r;“E xlrnn '29M cri'r!m c-flrfW A n51?riiolcirA H artW 7T 3nr—ir^n ilT nm ncr-ihc-flrs t-p f-O ctobe r:—T h o —OGDEN. Sept. 23 iU:i (U S D A l, 28',5c; JitttJidtirda 2SC: undcrj;rade;^it^j.nilc In 'u OouWn Band cnjpig^i- plnee has n o t y e t boon docUled.Up*-•Ufi— .u*-*_. . . . ., . .... . I. _.— — >—-• - ----•

^D E N V E R LIVESTOCK DICNVEIt, .Sept. 23 iLM:;--Cnlll<;:

— -------fl.700; m iirkcl »U'ijcly lo 25c U.vv-+ ----------------------------------------------know er; beef n ite rs 57 lo 510; town,

bonded .'tnd licifiini 5-1 lo 50.S0, cillve;i 55: SAN FRANCISCOWnrebousu Act. lo 50,50; focdcm and ntockcri SI SAN I'RANCI.SCO, Scpl. 23 'i

Phone 08. • 't o 57.75; bull.i ? l lo — liiiltcr: II2 ticoro HI fic— ^ , Hogii: 1,500; moiilly 25c high- 27e: ‘lO ncoro 2 0 'ie ; hO iicore 2

W A N T E D — lihaccliiiBCDua J i t ; lo;> 5i3.7r.; bulk 511.50 to; Larjje a ifs c ; meiKum...................................... ................■ - -— : 511.70; ■paeklMit - fiow.i--S0J0'-lo;29>-H-: finmll IHf-ic. . _______ ,

.A. .20_/Tuagc, double barrel o c S lO ; pigs 59 to 50,50. i Clioi-w; Fancy flula IGfio; Irlp -'w ln tor neonon willpum p gun. Munt l)c in good ahiipcV ■'Sliccii: 10,000; ntcady to IS c :! '" ■ ' . . . .

d p rl£cd.jlB lit. C a ll.i r .ra a fte r higher; f a t lambn SO to Sii.Stl; frV<!-;r-j 58 lo 58.00; cwcn 53 . lo 53,Ci.'


MAGIC CTTV................FE E D £t F U E L COMPANY

__ .;_____ m -H e a t Coal


G ABJS—110 acre h ig h ly . produc­tive f a n n -ot highw ay. Haa wcH, federal loan,- V. mile from aehool. STJrhn'ftCrcTOTOOdowjrtmlancc-llkc

It. AlBo 30 acre homo ,ifro -dow nr-B ayr»cll-o r

_____L lat y o u r properly w ith us.Nelson A. Plorcc. Shoahcnc S t . Pcrrlno hotel bldg. ____


G reat N o ii,i ..n No. 1....J2.30 U. S, G reat N orllicrn No. 2....52.20Sm alt Redn N o ,,l...........- ........... 52.10Sm all Reds No. 2 ........................ 52.00

ItllU Feeds Bran.-lOO-lbs.-.^—T-_.— i.:.— J 3Bran, 300 Itjs. — -------------- .51.10gtook-Xood, ■Stock ' food,- 500 lbs.

J'oMll/y Colored hens, over i lb s . .

' farmB, 40. 80 .and 100 acrea. E ach

585.00 pe r acre'. BmoU dowtf p a j ' m ent ond .caay terrna. A lso 'fann rf on crop paym ent a t $50.00 an acre. Neliion'A- P ierce , 1 1 0 ^ BboahoQe S t Fe rrlae H ote l Building.

you c an aC ord to pay. '^ to w tt’a O rchard,. 2 mUcs W est. « aU e South of E des.

N o T a T lh lic r r f tr


A Real Buy a t Buhl1 A cre In Feck 's Addition

SO'Hampslilre cwe8,.*om8-r«gla- U red ; r e g l a l e t e d hucUa. Hyde

•2 m llcB E , 2V4 S. from Kim ;screened f ro n t porch , glaas- e<X In back- porch. la rge t a w , f ru i t trees, c tc. Deep

f t , 000.00 to ta l prices

^ S U D tlH W

I.O S T '-S nm ll rocklBff-cholr.,b«. tw oen Cuhl and Tw in Fi^Ua: N o tify B urkholder F u rn itu re ,C o. Reward.

Fac to ry Service Co.-Phone 2M.

FO U N D —One boy-m are; 0 ycara' old ond young colt bpmded V B a r M on le ft Bide. Phone 872. ■Pay feed and advcrUslnc-. . ,

. W ell' equipped acrvjee a ta- tlon, doing Kood business.

'F ln o location. 53100.'• A ttrac tiv e 4-room ,bouae

'-'wltb-aUepM>S porch, furnace,, flreplaee.-rharttWT><>d.-Xl9Qra.

O n i-ocro tr a c t w ith b e rrie s ,' ■tfardcn:—G holee-

: Jocatloa, , 51000 dow n; hal. ance like r e n t $4000..

• --S A N G B R .JO N E S............ RciU E sta te— Loasa

123 Main B ., • . Phone 427 ;

L . l E N G ^ v r o a : .

: prlnVxl. -M an y : co rrec t-sty l ^ t o cho<M.-from. C a ll 'a t the Eve-

-nlnjrTU nea office; 228-Maln~Avc. _E aB i.!Jelcphone 8& . ,

P E M O H A L ■

-'H ouatw tTca—a re —y o u -tra jib ie d w ith w ashboard . knuckle*, ’fhe Dextor.WaahCT. m ethod never fall& to cure.-PhoBO a xor a ^rce:cofiffUr: tntlon. -C om ple le - trea tm on t- fo r only *5,00 p e r month.-

. . L o < ^ l _ M a r k e t 8 .

u c Y iN i t i* :; ic £ s

- - ----------- ------------------------ w llh Railloland'w Ambaimn-'nn. The honlfBii_fl<-rv<Ml_dalnly_xC<L_........... ....................... I'riilay, few ' I iggs:‘ p i r g c 30e: medium 3 3 c ; 'jy „ , m iiitf In 't t ic 'w in te r Bca-i/rrBhmenta a t the cloje of the e l-

;iotfl -n,CO:-/ew Pown Sfi.CO,----------- io n m .2 4 i : .- . Tuciulay .nlK ht.m arried folkfltem iH in. _ . , • •' Cattf,-; 1,025; nlo«'. ntjout:' W rM cm chi-we; Djilsk-o ■ I 0 c ; .^ „ „ „ , ,ornom;»-. | JJw .-J . C H am lU on 'en icrla lncu—Bleady;. load good 0.'3 Ib. Id aho 'Inp le tn ICc; Innghornn JO '.ic;, u ,i„ , u „ n cc nrchealra hj r e tu r n - Ih e C a t h o l i c W omen's league

_ U n _50^ 0;

; ‘(llrllcn-lDc lo_-r'grade down to S2.ao; m cd.-nnd;cclpla-23c lo 25>3c:gootl vealera 5C lo 58; com. krndnl23‘i.c: clicck.i IHc t . . --------around 55.50 itown; odd loin bullal BuUer: EoBy; recelptn 10.704 53,10 to J4.G0, ' ilubn; e x tra flrals. 24>.ic to 24 ',ic;

Sheep; 18,724; toad Ore. cwert c.«rui» 25e; (In ln S3>~c to '2 4 c ;C orly_53 .S V .icv t-loin Jn ic k ed - ln i" c « m J» 2 2 ^ c lo 23c: Bpcdals lam bs 57.25 to 57.70: Sunday lo a d ^ T a c - to SOflJ SlAWlai'Cfl'-24=S*T::

lb. Wyo; lambii 58.75. 23 ou t a t^centm llzed 24c. ■- ................................................... ' ........... .

S O U T H SAN FRANCISCO, S e p t 23 il’J’l — H ogs: 400; fully]

WhKas,. m e d iu m ___

Calif. 511,30, lop; odd tola llgh ter;and m otor sU gcn passing through I w eights 511,40; package 241 lb .,Tw in Falla daily ore aa fo llo w s; S10.00: moat packing aown 5 ? . . , lieffccUvo on and a fte r Ju ly 10, ■

Cattle: 030; atcem slow, moBt.io33). bids 26c lower: load mcd. Bteem|57.25, ansund '30 head ffeahy fc«I- rra-'SO .O O t-hhlf-cor-SaS-lb— O rc--.................. wcalc to 25c low-1er; four « , . ,,low -cutlcry-cullera olcady. mofltlyi ;53 to 53,75. few, 54:, doscn »«>»“ ,No. 371. li

tn>gnu!ed, in tm d c ...-.: U vcstoch

a io lc e lig h t butchers. 180 to• ■ 210- p o u n d c ra _ _ _ » _ :------ JIOJOovcrw w gbt bu tc n ei^ ZIO to

S p r io g ji


Cm CA GO , Sep t 23 fUl!)—Po-. ta tocs : Supply r a th e r licnvy; de- m a n d :a lo fr ..m arke t abou t s te a d y

Idaho RuascU sr.35 ' lo l l .O O r tn S. No. 2 »1.10: tr ium phs 51.1B to 51.4(): - W isconiln cobblcra 00c;

■■ cobblcnr commcr*

ONION M A RK ET CHICAGO, b c p t 23 C E t-O n lon

(jrtttar (flO Ib-«c>w>;-M aho;wliiJc.' K l:-li;.-yellow s OOO'to fiSe; ldah(. V J . OBc.U^^l*, Jaw a yellowy 55c.'

cT^local c )'S1.70;-low**Rr*"lc<l—flr3 t i—25*ic :—current—1TTMKS WANT AD 3 GET RE-


J few cars Ida ..! ‘lfilnlei Ip-ld O rc .'lu c to IG'

•10c lO U c: longliornnll 3EANS'sAn FRANCI.SCO MVE.STOCK ' T^TA/TTT HP A tJT 1?

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,! A liV lJL JL A D L lll* •OPEN 7 A . M. TO fl P . M.

U'lU unload n igh t o r day. A fte r d p . m . call F n m k OoodwlU ( ju s t arruM tho itn te t) , olao J . C. < ^ o o d o r H arold nu ll.

.... -WRAVAKT Y O U ll B U S IN E S S — —


No; 603,- learea -- . l:5 0 .p . 154,60 to 55.60.-Calves: 25 ;; steady, odd head

veolers 50; few good calvea $8. I Dally C sc rp t Simday Sheep: 1.0D0i.a t« id y . tn ;o .d c c^ !f;o , 335 jo w ells. Iv. 3:30 pi m.

good 70 lb .’ O re ^ n lamhs^ 58.50; Nertbbonnd - -odd lota medium pelt lamha 58.23 340. from W ellft a r— 2;00 p. m.


— USED GARS•aj—PLYMOUTH SEDAN, very dean, mna good .. $300 ’3ft—OHEV. 0OACH,'.very-goodr-O. K. gnoxaotco .. $2SS, '3&~0HEV; OOAOH, new finish, motor rebuilt, 0. K; gna^

antec ......—..... .. ...... - ............ $2T“! choice 03 Ih.

I 54.60; few 03 Ib.

WOOL- BOSTON. Scpl. 23 OIRJ—Tho Boston wool m arket .during the p ast few daya w as qulot compared w l^j la s t week and during tho e a r­ly p a rt of September, according to today 's report ot the V. a. ag ­riculture. departm en t

Sales w ere mostly modcrote and com priKd th e liner, grades o f te r-

Arrlvea _

Arrive* v ia N orthalds _ 1:15 p.Leavr« ------------L-_— 2.-25 p."A rrlv is - .« -Leaves

Lcavcfl v ia N o rth sld a . 'A m vea Leaves.

- 7 :3 0 p.. 8:00 p. m.

'i:50 a : m.

-all good Kpola tw ro f

------- BATC-SILVBR-N E^V.^ORK. S e p t, 23 fllEI-sBar

Bllvar rrfmalacd -lUTCbangetl, today BtO-lai ccnta “

Soxotlty.«I«ipj i,; ' _ .Misa M illlccnt''E liIfJdgc;'w ho-ls freshm an a l 'W hitm an college.

h .« ‘p}edg«J K appa ICappa.Oarowc ■oroElly»_ai:cordln5.-ta:,w<ml/.-r:-' eivcJ here. ' T

F A ix s - jE R o - S :^S U O S noN E -nA lL E V i

'29-^HEV. PIOK-UP, loir '31—FORD VICTORIA,'excellent condition-.:u ’5»—FORD TUi>OR, new finish* n u a good ’29—PORDi BEDAK^now finish, very good ■3()—FORD COUP®, new finish; extra jfood ".-.

.'30—FORD OOUPB,.nmt good .......r.... -’20^ 0 DQE SEDAa,v:nctory.fl, ,vBiy g o o d - ’2$-SOQOS BEDAB,.BUL 0,.fol2j’.eqoipped '27—BUIUK-SEDAN. n t u good, a real m y for -28—H U PM 0Bna-'BED ili;6:cyi::_:.;'r-.';:

-’28- l N TERNATiqHAL -TBUOg; -1% ‘ r '2 0 = ;:O flg £ A M P S E P ft lT ; 'V8i^ rg o od,- „ .

EARLET.DAVIDSON. U 0T0B 07I * jmit.lcs8 thoa &TOO inilet:, nooyv

,--■••,--$416'.:,;...;...:, •’(A rrlT ei a t H ailey a t S p. m .l'

Ketcbura to Stanley. Uon. and Frl. ■ ' -Siuthboum J

Staniii:^ '^<eleham -Tne«.-aB<l-8 al. (iMvei Hsiley at 9:50 p. 01.)

TDAHO e v e n in g t im e s . TW IN'FAtLS. IDAHO Mouany, September 23. 1035’


P residen t Appcn)& to Nation '* For-L nrgcr Assistoncc’In

Editor, Confident 'Of .Townsend Plan,, Will Offer. Credit

WASHINGTON. Sc|)l. 23 llMI)— 3*reiidcnl. Iloo.icvoU loilay npiicnl- n d to Ihc nation, fo r InrRcr cotitrl-

• hullotuj to p rivate relief nKcnclca. ■ anaerUnif nuch Bupport wn/i vllni

—despltC-fedcraLrc-cm ployi

A pparently coiivlnenl ilinl tlic Tnwnncod ol<l nRo pension |i1iui will Iw ndopletl. n . L. Coru- v.'i.'ll, Jerom e County Journiil rcllior. tins nnnounccd tliroiiKli the. colutnnn of h l«-pnprr-tH rtl- pernonii now elltlbln for p<'n- .........................■Tnu.-iinro,'

• enn have lliclr imme plncril upon Itio wiilHni; lls l of lil.i ncw«pnprr nncl paym eni.for tlie sub«crl|ilion con lie ramie w hen they begin OrnwInK S200 per m onth, or w hatever am ount Is pnl<l.

— Thin o ffe r'w in app ly m n ln ty wlien llie iitih!icrlb<-rii linve been

, on the relief roll.i. Cornwolt pUlna.


- Q ra n u Dismissal, Will ______ Have 2nd Trlfit

Xorla and •••brJj;liter skies" Rcn. c rnlly . - - , 1■ .Speaidnu to jieveriil hundreil:

. w elfa re orRnnUuilon he.icls n»- [---------- JieniW ea-6h IKcTriUulU-lawn bf'-tlu-*-

Prrdge. Aid ■ llii'.xnM-reply to-ilic-l'.-esldcnfs »:

i h c land." Uio PrcBldcnl anld. op/=Ji^“‘J"

^"llo AAilst "In the liquidation ami ^inil]iiB lm ent of- thc Kovemment

Jlyiic Pnri<!"'iipol{;

(CopyrlKhI, I03.t, i;nlle<t I ’re u )HOLLYWOOD. Sept. 23 <Ci:>-

Vlncenl. U.nmctt, Hollj-wood'a No. 1 "rilibrr," w as prepared today lo fueo trlul a naconO Umo on a <lrun- Itenness cliarRe. -unlen# Municipal Jud(;e W ilbur C. Curtis ffranin Ills motion to dismiss.

The comnllnn nnd his wife,Genevieve, wcro arro.nted nrtxr a doivnlown tbe»ter June 21 by po­lice who snUI they creuted a din-

*"! t h e ' w n t7 r ■m anifestly ' hcini.' ino louoy.. . I (jujie certain of hLs convictions,_ n ,. . . .................. .. . . . ...................

ulncc lie loolc o f fic e .---------

r cxtempornne-, iTm s-ao-m inutc.’i'la te-tn ;- I A fterm iith__

, ...... ......................I He viewed the ■ pruiionl m c 1.i 1L "P 1 . i ’l .. „ (Welfare •sItunlU.n lui the ••iifler- lie coHKra liilCd the w elfnre[,„„i„ the dcpr.'«.ion." L a rc e r

■urnrkpm ,in M.iir hcroic y/ork ^contrlbulionfl-frnm -w cnlLhy., iud l ” 'vidunUi nnd corpom llons u 't r

In bcliftlf o f unemployed

_^vorkcra tin IhelrOiirlnif'Hie'OeprMiiIO) , r "You huKed the re trea t.’Bald, "and now a re headed ___ ,Jnore tow ard the front."L et there fpngf5l.y a Rcneral advance In every onoI .T he confcrence w .is mrotlnK,o f lhe .3o0 cnmpalKns of wclfa^re.g^vopo Mid, "uml.L-il cireuni.^

■^Ihave y e t awiidcd the ncccfuilty for

nlrAtlons nchedulcd for I

. The Presiden t i.al.l It ...... ... ....— i i c n t ^ t o n:aU rl:-pubUc..wdfarc.„ny-Hme•sJnee•pre3iftetl^iai•^eade^-

•xv,.rV wa.,._ri™i Riven, to this move-

iwhleh Ecem more fortunate, '•[proml.ilng for the future,—— * —M. ---_i------------------ . . .» .......

Avork to Its lUiO Bt^aun.Purchase. Power Up. ‘ .]m tn t In IM l.’

"Due to ptcpji taken by th e | Swope said the chnrlty Rift U n ite d S tates Kovernmcnl to save empllon for corporatiomi provided

‘. .J in a ia jmiL, farm n,.ln .U 8 Io a n » - to ................................................................I.,ntr.r . „ . t .............. . n.,,1 ............... .........................

corjwratlomi.* Tlie provision oppa.ic't fllronffl.v by the I're.nliieiit liuit aum iner and upprovc'l by con* grciui over hUi protest.

l)rfrnd»- r x fm p tb n Swops (!.fended the exempll'in, ' ' ■ ■ ' ' "not only removc.n

which ill tlie paiil

. . our. pilrchanlnf; r has Breatly rlneii niiice the

.. V point of 1032,", Mr..Uoosevclt observed.

"U meanii lh a t tlio nation an aWliolo J« better able to iinnume its , ___ _duties to private char|tles Ihnn Itivvhlch he ....h x i in thtf last six lone yearn. T hailn ll-o li.iiac l" , ...............................— -1.1 an Im portant nellln;; arfnimenljnuido some corporations hciiltant 10 be used on th e nation." • about tlielr rljrhl lo give, but rec*

Tiie President polnleil ou t'th e 'o g n lS fn their r is h t to , deduct tho.ie------- ............ .................................... ........ Dnlrlbutioiuk-frum— loxabl<

T n V 'l t " 'tu 'r ^ n ! ( -o f ^ l ic f " - t^ ! ! r k .i" n w )m e .- ^ lnellviduabi''POtlf'I. . . . . f.' . . - ' .................. .. ninnnt lilt

..r fun nmll''lh1ii mornlnK, a "Voii May N ot Know." n ta l- iHK " I’ocahonlnn m arried not John Sm ith, b u t a ccrtnin John Ilolfe. See any school hlalory."


Awards W ill B e Orantcd_Hcro .W ednesday a t Twin Falla

• " PJgtiictJMect_____and wife. .C radually the old m yths are )>elnB dlMlpated. B ut we shall alwayn think tha t Johnnhould have m arried her.............An<l th e next envelope wo open Rive* the very Information th a t we a ll have been looliloK for. lt* l.‘i“ just-a '«In»plo“ miIfl con i~ municallon, bu t. JlKc llic .c h a r­a cte rs It refers to. paclui a m lR hty. wallop. U nays: "Joe IjOuIs will w ln - th e -I^ u ls -B a e r flRht Septem ber th e 24." The deciuratlon w as dated Sept. 21, 1U35, The only eonfiuilnfi; thlnjr Is th a t the epistle Is unslRnoii,

tim e o ju ry^w nv ic ted T hat Is the trouble w ith m ost of 1L1. But, .A nonymous, wc'II Ix' IhlnklnR o f you tomorrow nlKht an we listen to o u r radio, and how you told us no!

the . . , ........ .......Vince of drunltenne.M. T he,com e­dian won a new tria l. They a ssert­ed they were merely auloj;raph- Inj: posters mcIzmJ by film fans.

The "rlbber.'' whono practical Jolicii have reduced many to fren- ■zy. charRcd polico w ith bniUlUx. inu lilh j;'the 'arri-nt. "Wliun ho ii swen-d a question a patrolm an In-i ■tcrjticled. "Oil, wine puy, eh?" and! _ ihll.h lm Jn .the Jc fl cyc.,ljc-aiiia._ -1 .

H U T A H -A G G IO E N l^


0FH0iRM3U n u i i u I ,.nu tt t io th dl«

•A community fa ir Was held by -- - nf UiB. RuMCll-LAne

_____ ______ evenlnfir. Each Rnidehad u l«oth diaplayinf; vegetublcs, fru lta ind flowers. The scorlni? w as very clow w ith the slxtii Krade rteclvliiR the hlfrhesth e r o f noimn.--jufljjcfl w e r n i t v l C. A . jiaw lcy. H erbert' nol)crtS and r ra n k McUoaatd. At the closc

__^^I)nou^lCtmcnt Is made of tb !appointm ent o f the nom lnatlnjrand budftet commlttefts fo r Snako Rlv*

Boy. Scourl cou rt of honor for the Tw in l^^Ils d ls trlc t will be held a t 'E lks’ hall W ednesday evening, w ith W. 13. N ison a s chairman, m - sliiled by J . B. Keenan.V - i la c - io h a a to n ..

nerved lo th e UrRC crowd which' attenil<IO.

P a t Day has left fo r’ Moscow and Lewiston wliere he will com­p lete hli inspection .worit fo r thin year.

_____________ jn..ttoop_08.-.w lll.lK :^/'*£>»D <l W w._AtsJii.c_lIttJiaYoawarded a f irs t c liaa scout badRc, le ft ro r th e ir hoiae in Corvallis, and -Darriil-Van-Tllberff.- troop 05,ip re .,-a lle r a sliort vl«il hero' w ith will receive ft second class teidBe. Mr- Ull's .Dureiita; M r. and M r-

M erit award-1 will be Riven to E . D. UU.Dean Brown, ti^op 00. for fire- manshlp, nwlmmlnK and 'lianUI- c raft, and to F ra n k P ra tt , also of troop 00, fo r 1st a id to animals, swImmlnR and flrem anshlp; . to W ayne ICavan, troop 01, fo r coolt-

Officers Named by ' ----- 2-Jerome Classes

23 -(S p e cif) —

EES OF iFallB, B. S. Itoblnion. Gooding, G arl Ridgeway., Kimberly, A. J. I’eavey, 'Twin Kails, K. Mf Church-

Shoshone, A. K. Frclsen. Rupert.

.... Twin Falls, . . . _. ...............B u h l,.J . H. Wlddlflon, Paul, Karl Ollvcrson, Durley, H. H . Snyder,, Albion. Sara Sullivan, Coodlnc, Hal: W alllnffton.-JCTome.'B rucfl-ltequa;' Klmocrly; T

The a re a .budget commlltee la composed of W . E. N ison. Twin

SALMON. Idalio, Sept. 23 (Wit—'uiir"C't'fFHWa'6d.' ■ 'Jlf, ' f—i'clm "

le ft the highw ay on a curve nnd plUD{;cd into the stream .

. C.' .1. Coulter, Greenwood's com­panion,'”

Ham ilton. Mont., v

il-lo-BUi Inf'll__Kcvan, of the sam e troop, fo r farm mechanics; to Mac Johnston, troop OB, sw imm ing, and Ifi P au l L eigh­ton, troop 08, fo r personnl health,

T tie court will begin a t 7:30.p. m.and a li ncouta a rc urged to be p r e s - ____ ___ ______cnt nnd rccelve thulr awards, council mcmbci

president of theJerom o hlgh-school sen io r cIum a t the class election. Tom M uK^ler was named vlcc preslilent; F ra n k Johns, secretary; K A D I ©

with the pi'rmlnslon of her bo.w. Myrna I»y . the film sta r 's nccre- tary, Cj»rol Pradcau. will m arry Ciirlvf Hood, New York btinln<

------‘ COVERS id3:60d"M irEa— “FITCHBURG, ^^afllI. <Uili—Ec5-

w an l Nelson w alked m ore than 1B3,COO. miles ,during _'<0_yi'am n-i ft I i't tcf corrJer. J u s t reUred, Jie han gone fo r a m otor to u r of tlie: west.

T Jc irw a i'chosen pw U lehl;-U olv ln I Petrie , vice president; Marcia Bed- I dall, jicerctary-ircosurcr: and Bov- Jerly_rtlcB.an<l.MnrYin-McYcy..coua- I d l mi?jj)bfra. Junior nnd /roaJitnaa 1

: officers have not been announced I [by Prin, H arold U. Roberta.


Commerce, waa fata lly injured In, :cldunt.ncar_Cor--..B lis te r'K cu ton ‘s~CDurC' trnubii;i, - ---------- - w -----

ere to resume today xvlth hpurinir"'‘" i- U tah, early Sunduy. of Mr/I. Mae Eil7Jbelh Kealon’ii;, ' ' 'h c h Honepctilion for $-50 a month tempo-1 "K » truc« <inven|rary alimony p.-ndlnir tria l of her^^y •'‘’"'•■I’' ' silver,divnrre HUlt, t^ lty - - , , ' i—Mi'i. 'T tca tnn-^w nT -nsm rt’-Mw - Huue- i.i.nirrvivey^by his wjfe, a L e a h 'd a m p ltf ' Sewell, c s tran (;cd '‘*'‘"'K»t<:'' l'> «c «on

s : ' ™ ? ' i r ' S i C T V , y ,a „ . « p . .

lof 's iilt J-ake City,’ waa'frttoTly fn-______ jjure<l n e a r here Sunday, when the

Mrs. Charlotte D abney P“ -n, oil helreiiii, I.S the la tM l .•«.ulh- '."'"f:<'r le ft the road and

....... .ln(j tlia t the federal governmentliinve liad for’ many yc Vi-aJi w ithdraw ing as rapidly aiil The' W hite House announced pos-ilblc from the field of private tiint Mr.r Uooitevell would maite

' io m e . relief, . itwo addrc.iien In behalf o f the 1D3.". ................M iiit O ffer Jobs ■ moblliaillon. Slie will np<-aU Oct. 1

i "The g rea t m ass of private ....... j>loyera m ust again grea tly help . ^ « e economic iHtuation by offcrln r

a t Los AnReie* a t a statew ide maM ‘ mreimtc. .Slu? will rp ta k again a t Fort W orth. Tex., Oct. 3.

the Southwest " ' ‘

, 'C lt ln f '" th n siwclal w ork d o n e L _ Follows Keynote . -•r. D >'"the -MolilllzaHon fo f"n u m a n * w p e n lh R ' a •Ineetln^r-of•

.2./^•.■• >•- T>_______ _____. . . “ WmH...- •feeds, Mr. Roosevelt observed tha t :--------- puch -aerv lccB -cou ld not be a s ­

sum ed to bo a responsibility of

wjk.ll IfltbUkC-ligencles." -

Ho touched on the social necur- • l ly program ond odded th a t its leade rs w ere about rea<ly to un- -dertake th e task of "spreadlnK the •gospel" o f care fo r Uie aged, un­em ploym ent Insurance and the co­opera tion of f lta tes-in e a r in g 'fo r Widows and chiidrcn.- -• • tn tho-yoar* to come," he said, .»*th« »ocial security program will

' Iw eoDSldered one of the g rea test Btepd ever taken by the American people."

_________ H w poaBlbilU lea-Q aln-.. In coacluslon Mr. Roosevelt . .

" h ia rk e i l th a t 'th e ' ecaponslblllUes of — Prlvate—WcUaro w ere. Inerooalngly.

S e a t 'd u e to the complex- indi to lJ lfe .an d J iew , proble)

• jug .} Clft« should be baaed oh the

mca'B N ational eommltlcc, Mr;i. Roosuvcll .followed the "cood nc'.ihlwr" keynote se t by the l*i

neighbors, the more wlll be done for nil of our neighbors.

■'Wo arc very fortunato bccauue we hnve the Inlercoting pa rt- ta do while the jnen only have to gather ill the re.iults."

A te legram w as read from Mrs. H erbsrt Hoover, who oald she was unabln lo a ttend the mobillsalion m eeting here becauso of tho-O irl Scout convention in S>.m Francisco.
