Leanne Sercombe Leadership Platform


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School Culture

Leanne SercombeMy Leadership Platform



๏ The core purpose of education is to develop a love of learning that will be lifelong.

๏ We need to develop individuals as a whole.๏ Education is conceptual and transferable, and is not just isolated pieces of

knowledge๏ There should be authentic opportunities to solve problems.

๏ “ Passion” in learning.๏ An “appreciation” for those given the responsibility to educate and the

whole child.

Educational Aims

I value...

I believe...

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” Anthony J.D’Angelo

Students at the heart

๏ Every student has the right to reach their full potential - students are scaffolded & supported emotionally and academically, with appropriate technology to ensure success.

๏ Students should have a curriculum that has depth and breadth and relevance. Students are challenged, engaged, motivated & are active thinkers and problem-solvers within an inquiry-based framework.

๏ “Student voice” - Students are respected and their voices are heard and acted upon.

๏ “Creativity” , “innovation” & “technology” are encouraged to be essential parts of a student’s life in & outside of school.


I value...

I believe...

“We should do less of spending money on assessment detached from designing learning and more of creating learning experiences that are irresistibly engaging.”

Michael Fullan

๏ All teachers should know about and share effective pedagogy & be able to analyse student data in order to improve practice.

๏ Teachers should have opportunities to be reflective; to seek and receive feedback from their peers & to collaborate when designing teaching engagements.

๏ “Empowerment” I encourage & trust teachers to try out new ideas in a safe risk-taking environment.

๏ “Resourcefulness” I look for and share curriculum resources and look at how these can be embedded within the school programme. I plan and develop in-house PD.

๏ A “hands-on approach” I plan with and model lessons alongside other teachers & reflect upon effective teaching practices with them. I take on different roles depending on the need - I coach, consult & collaborate daily.

๏ “Open-mindedness” Each person brings their own strengths and experiences to the team. I recognise & utilise these strengths and delegate accordingly.

Building teacher capacity


I value...


I believe...

“Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.”

Peter F Drucker

๏ Communication with all stakeholders need to be clear, fair & proactive and carry with it a sense of community & belonging.

๏ A shared vision is built on, is communicated and is owned by all. ๏ Purposeful conversations with people and time spent on building

relationships often prove invaluable when difficulties may arise.๏ The leader should be able to “motivate” and “inspire.”

๏ “Flexibility” to change a course of action depending on circumstances and new understandings.

๏ Relationships that are based upon “respect” and “trust” and “integrity.” I treat others how I like to be treated myself. There are high expectations from my team but they are also realistic.

Effective communication


I believe...

I value...

“In organizations, real power and energy is generated through relationships. The patterns of relationships and the capacities to form them are more important than tasks, functions, roles and positions.”

Margaret Wheatley

๏ The school should be a warm, friendly & safe place for students to learn.๏ The school should have a strong instructional culture with a growth

mindset.๏ There is a rigorous hiring process that seeks to find the best teachers. ๏ There will be a strong commitment to professional learning.๏ High standards and clear expectations will be evident.

๏ “Collaboration” and “team work” will be used to its full advantage.๏ “Openmindedness”, “honesty” and “transparency”.

I value...

I believe...

“Persistent work on combining intense purpose, a focus on deep learning, informed evidence-seeking, genuine inquiry-mindedness, and thoughtfully designed professional learning in the context of respectful and trusting relationships, benefits the school as a whole and the young people in it.”

Kaser and Halbert

School Culture

School Climate&