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LETTERING WORKSHEEThandwriting artist Franceen Loy

| 2 | punkpost.com

Thanks for downloading this lettering worksheet created by Punkpost and its team of artists. We love lettering so much that we couldn’t just keep it to ourselves. That would be rude. We’re pumped for you to try your hand at this particular style created by our very own Franceen Loy. You might also know her as @france_pance. Below are a few helpful tips for you to use as you learn to letter. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to email us at hello@punkpost.com.

• Use Tombow Dual Brush pens or Pentel Sign Pen Brush markers. These markers will give you a similar stroke width to the examples shown in this worksheet.

• Print on high-quality paper, such as HP Premium Choice Laser Jet Paper (32 lb.). A higher quality paper allows your markers to easily slide across the page, prevents the ink from bleeding through and is nicer to your markers.

• Follow the numbers and arrows shown on each letter. The numbers tell you the order of the strokes. Each number is its own stroke. You’ll want to pick up your marker after completing each number. The lines show you the direction to move your marker.

• Take your time. Lettering takes time and practice to learn. The more you copy and write the letters, the easier and better they will look. Don’t worry if they don’t look perfect the first time — or the 10th. We all have to start with the basics.

• Show off your work. We’d love to see how your lettering is progressing. Post a photo on social media, tag us and use #SentWithPunkpost. Good luck!

Hello, letterer!

Helpful Tips
