Leaving Lust in the Dust. Is Porn your Norm? From blazinggrace.org xxxchurch.com


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Leaving Lust in the Dust

Leaving Lust in the Dust

Is Porn your Norm?



Is Porn your Norm?

• At 12 Billion/year the porn revenues are greater than the NFL, NBA and MLB combined.

• Worldwide revenue is 57 Billion… let me put this in perspective Microsoft’s revenue is 36 Billion/year.

Is Porn your Norm?

• 60% of all website visits are sexual in nature.

• The Number 1 search term at search engines is the word “sex.”

• 50% of all Christian men and 20% of all Christian women are addicted to pornography.

Is Porn your Norm?

• Most girls who enter the porn industry do one video and quit. The experience is so painful, horrifying, embarrassing, humiliating for them that they never do it again.

Leaving Lust in the Dust

What is Porn?

That which exploits and de-humanizes sex so that human beings are treated as things and women in particular as sex objects.

- Langly Longford

What is Porn?

Pornography comes from 2 words

• Pornea- Immorality, fornication• Graphei- material, writing


What is Porn?

Randy Alcorn’s Purity Principle is simply, “Purity is always smart; impurity is always stupid!”

What is Porn?

So, If it’s always stupid, why is there such a DRAW??

What is Porn?

What’s the big deal? What’s going on here?

• Gals just don’t understand• Guys just don’t know how to

control this thing

What is Porn?

Guys are to Porn asGirls are to Eating disorders.

What is Porn?

Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.

--I Cor. 6:18

What is Porn?

We don’t have the right to do what we want with our bodies, we don’t own them, they were bought at a price. I Cor. 6:19

What is Porn?

Remember we are at war! A war for our hearts…

Sadly, Christians are being destroyed left and right!

Leaving Lust in the Dust