Lecture 1 code version Copyright © BSAC 2007 BSAC Clubmark The ‘How to’ guide


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Lecture 1code versionCopyright © BSAC 2007

BSAC Clubmark

The ‘How to’ guide..The ‘How to’ guide..

ClubmarkVersion 1.1Copyright © BSAC 2008


What is Clubmark?

What will Clubmark mean for your branch?

How does your branch get Clubmark?

What resources and help are available to you?

What’s your next step?

lecture 3code versionCopyright © BSAC 2007

What is Clubmark?

A scheme overseen by Sport England

To promote safe participation in sport for under 18s

Cross-sport standard

Hockey, cricket, rugby, basketball, golf, judo,

netball, athletics, badminton, lacrosse.......

Clubmark is a recognition of good club management

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What is Clubmark?

Based on 5 principles

Good coaching/participation standards

Child welfare

Accessible and fair

Good management

Volunteer management

A “kite mark” for a well-run club

Awarded by National Governing Bodies or by local Sports Councils.

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Clubmark and BSAC


Some BSAC branches were awarded Clubmark by local Sports Councils/Authorities Other branches were based in areas where this wasn’t offered Difficult for LSAs to judge the ‘playing programme’ of a diving club

In 2007, BSAC became accredited as a National Governing Body to award Clubmark

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Sport England recognises one National Governing Body per sport.

For scuba diving, snorkelling and octopush = BSAC

As the NGB, BSAC can now make the Clubmark award to the branches that meet the criteria

The standard criteria have been tailored to BSAC branches

e.g. Playing programme = Diving / snorkelling programme

Minimum level of playing = diving activities per year

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The process

‘Working towards’ status

Resource pack

Mentor assigned

Evidence file produced

Assessment visit

Panel accreditation

Award presentation

Annual update

3 year renewal

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Playing programme

Coaching• BSAC standards apply

• Training programme• Coaching qualifications• Instructor : student ratios

• DTP/STP updates to instructors• Attendance/achievement logs• Risk assessments• Session plans• Minimum number of training sessions• Active diving programme

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Playing programme

Coaching staff• List of qualified coaches• Ancillary skills noted• Specific junior coaching roles• Public liability insurance

Club venues• Risk assessments – for all sites, each time

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Duty of care

Safeguarding• Welfare of Vulnerable policy• Welfare Officer• Welfare procedures produced + publicised• Child protection training• CRB checks

Codes of Practice• Instructors• Parents• Junior members

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Duty of care

First Aid• Equipment at training venue• Equipment at diving venues (incl. boat)• Procedures published and updated

Emergency Procedures• Have one!• Tell the members• Clear responsibilities• Phone/VHF at all times• Incident report forms

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Duty of care

Record keeping• Contact details for parents/carers• Alternatives!• Medical conditions• All information updated• Session organiser has the necessary info

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Sports equity & ethics

Sports equity• Equal opportunities/equity policy

• Published• Adopted• Communicated

• Club for All workshop• Equity in Your Coaching workshop

Club Constitution• Open constitution

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Sports equity & ethics

Code of practice for parents• In place• Publicised• Understood

Code of practice for juniors• In place• Publicised• Understood by juniors and parents

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Club management

Insurance• Public liability

Affiliation to BSAC

Communications• Various mechanisms• Regularly used

Youth membership • Separate category• Different price

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Club management

Club Links• Regular contact with school/youth group• Regular contact with local authority• Regular contact with BSAC (HQ and region)

Action planning• Commitment to development and outreach

• Participation• Duty of care• Equity• Management• Volunteer management

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What will Clubmark mean?

For your branch members• An award that recognises your good practice• Easier to attract and retain members• Access to resources to help recruit and retain volunteers• Branch development plan• Parents confident to choose your branch (for themselves

too!)• Agreed operating standards

A warm glow

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What will Clubmark mean?

For your branch• Raised profile• Publicity opportunities

• Locally• Nationally

• Easier to deal with local authorities• Funding applications should be

streamlined• Preferential rates at LA run facilities

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What will Clubmark mean?

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Clubmark in the future

Currently 28 NGBs are licensed

3522 clubs/branches hold the award

Parents already expect high standards in schools

Parental/carer recognition of the tick-mark will grow

Your branch will be positioned to grow and develop

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What help is available?

Clubmark file from HQ

Clubmark documents on BSAC website

Clubmark website

BSAC Mentor

Regional coaches


Sportscoach UK workshops

Running sports workshops

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Clubmark templates

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Clubmark templates

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Assigned by HQ

Experienced in Clubmark requirements

Advice, reassurance

Phone, email, meetings

On your side!

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Assigned by HQ

Experienced in Clubmark requirements

May visit your branch (training/diving)

Will want to see your good practice in practise

Uphold the BSAC Clubmark standards

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Assessment panel

Final check before award

Will want to see evidence folder

Will also see Assessor’s report

Awards the BSAC Clubmark accreditation

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Public awards

When your branch achieves Clubmark accreditation then its time to celebrate.

Your Regional Coach will contact you to arrange a time and place to present you with your certificate.

Get your Branch members together to celebrate – a great reason for a social.

Great press opportunities

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Clubmark – a minimum operating standard

BSAC standards for Clubmark

What difference will Clubmark make?

Resources available

Assessment process

