Lecture 16 foundation of imperial egypt (b)


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Lecture Sixteen:

The Foundation ofImperial Egypt

(c. 1550 - 1352 BC)

Monuments of the New Kingdom

Temple of Rameses II at Abu Simbel (Nubia)

Monuments of the New Kingdom

Temple Complex at Karnak (Thebes)

Monuments of the New Kingdom

Temple of Sety I at Abydos

Monuments of the New Kingdom

Mortuary Temple of Rameses III (Medinet Habu)

Important Finds of the New Kingdom

Bust of Queen Nefertiti (Amarna)

Important Finds of the New Kingdom

Tomb of Tutankhamun (Valley of the Kings)

Important Finds of the New Kingdom

Private Tomb of General Horemheb (Saqqara)

Important Rulers of the New Kingdom

Queen Hatshepsut (1473 - 1458 BC)

Thutmose III (1479 - 1425 BC) Akhenaten/Amenhotep IV (1352 -

1336 BC) Rameses II (1279 - 1213 BC)

Per-ao, ‘Great House’ > Pharaoh

The New KingdomDynasty 18 (1550 - 1295 BC)

AhmoseAmenhotep IThutmose IThutmose IIQueen HatshepsutThutmose IIIAmenhotep IIThutmose IV

Amenhotep IIIAmenhotep IV/


Ahmose Nebpehtyra(1550 - 1525 BC)

Brother of Kamose (17th Dynasty)

Drove the Hyksos out of Egypt

Began a period of military expansion

Development of a professional army– Horse-drawn


Ahmose Nebpehtyra(1550 - 1525 BC)

Amenhotep I Djeserkara(1525 - 1504 BC)

Viceroy and Overseer of Southern Countries

Amenhotep I Djeserkara(1525 - 1504 BC)

Thutmose I Aakheperkara(1504 - 1492 BC)

Capital: Memphis The Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak

– Amun, ‘the hidden one’, a local god of Thebes

– Ra, the sun-god– Opet Festival; from Karnak to Luxor

Thutmose I Aakheperkara(1504 - 1492 BC)

The Valley of the Kings

Thutmose I Aakheperkara(1504 - 1492 BC)

Thutmose I Aakheperkara(1504 - 1492 BC)


Alalakh and Aleppo(Mitanni)

Hatshepsut Maatkara(1473 - 1458 BC)

Wife and half-sister of Thutmose II

Regent for Thutmose III

‘King’s daughter, king’s sister, god’s wife, great royal wife Hatshepsut

Queen Nefrura (her daughter)

Hatshepsut Maatkara(1473 - 1458 BC)

Expedition to Punt

Expedition to Punt

Djeser djeseru, ‘Holy of Holies’

(Deir el-Bahri)

Mentuhotep’s Mortuary Complex

(Deir el-Bahri)
