LECTURE Health care market, supply and demand. Competition in health care in Kazakhstan. Ф КГМУ...


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LECTUREHealth care market, supply and demand. Competition in

health care in Kazakhstan.

Ф КГМУ 4/3-04/03ИП №6 от 14 июня 2007г.

KARAGANDA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITYDepartment: History of Kazakhstan and political disciplines

On disciplines:ОЕТ 1110 Bases of economic theory For specialty: General Medicine 5В130100 Total hours: 90 (2 credits) Course: 1 Semester: 1, 2 

Karaganda - 2014

Subject: Market of medical services, supply and demand. The competition in health care of Kazakhstan.

Purpose: to sum up the result on the section of economy. To reveal the level of assimilation by students of the studied material.

Plan of lecture:

1) Concept, essence and conditions of emergence of the market. Types of the markets and their classification.

2) Supply and demand in the market of medical services.

3) Market of medical services.

4) The competition in the market of medical services.

Basic models of health care


Universalist model


Continental model


South model


Scandinavian model


Private model


Health care model in the countries

with the transition economy

Universalist model

This model is developed

in Great Britain and Ireland.

This model is financed more at the expense of taxes. In a basis of the British

system of the organization and financing of health care

the priority of the primary medical and sanitary help is


Continental model

The continental model is developed in Germany, Austria,

France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg.

This model is financed at the expense of

assignments from a wages fund and from special state funds.

Southern model

This model is developed in Spain, Portugal, Greece and

partially in Italy.

In this model financing is more carried at the

expense of contributions from employment funds.

Medical attendance is carried out by the public

and private medical institutions.

Scandinavian model

This model is developed in Sweden, Finland and


In this model financing is carried out generally at the expense of income tax, and the size of paid

manuals directly depends on earnings. Medical services are

rendered both state, and private treatment-and-prophylactic


The Swedish model of health care is recognized

for today as one of the most world-best.

In the Swedish model the considerable share of expenditures on medical care is born by the state, and only about 10% of services are

paid by the population. Upon purchase of the drugs assigned the

doctor, the medical insurance returns to the patient from 50 to

100% of expenditures

Private model

This model is developed in the USA,

South Korea.

This model is financed at the expense of quotients and to a

lesser extent the state sources. Rendering medical care is

carried out by private vendors of medical services.

Supply and demand in the market for medical services in Kazakhstan are regulated by the

following laws and regulations:

1. Strategy "Kazakhstan – 2050»;

2. State Program for Development of Health "Salamatty Kazakhstan" for 2011-2015 y.;

3. The Strategic Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2020;

4. The Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Determinants of demand for health services

Social and psychological


Economic factor

Epidemiological factor

Geographical factor

Level of the income

of the population

Age and preferences

of the population;



Territorial restriction in the

possibility of obtaining assistance

The term "competition" came to the economic theory from spoken language. It’s origin of the Latin word «concurrentia», meaning "encounter", "competition". In economics, competition is defined as follows.



Factors of low competitiveness in the modern health system in Kazakhstan

1. plan health system;2. conservative form of ownership of medical

institutions;3. absence of the modern managers in health care;4. absence of methods of scientific planning;5. absence of the modern mechanisms, methods and

forms of improvement of quality of medical care.

Implementation of Uniform national health system (UNHS) allowed to create the

competitive environment between the medical organizations in Kazakhstan

From January, 1 year 2010 in Kazakhstan was implemented UNHS

(Unified National Health System)

Free choice of medical organization:1. Free choice of clinic;

2. Free choice of hospital.

Improving methods of motivation f health workers:

1. The differences in pay of health workers;

2. Additional payment of wages for work quality.

Control questions:

1. Give definition of concept of "The market of medical services"

2. How there is an interaction of subjects of a market economy.

3. What economic transformations proceeded in the territory of Kazakhstan from the moment of independence finding.

4. That the market infrastructure provides.

5. That market segmentation means.


1. Chesnokova I.A. Bases of economic theory. –Educational manual.-Karaganda.-2008. -71p

2. Djakupova D.E. Bases of economic theory. –Educational manual.-Karaganda.-2012. -71p
