Lecture Manipulating Graphics w/ Paint.Net. What is Paint.Net? Paint.NET is free image and photo...


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Manipulating Graphics w/Paint.Net

What is Paint.Net?

• Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows.

• It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects and a transparency tool.

• Download from the Resources link on www.pacific.edu/comp25 or

• http://www.getpaint.net• Mac OSx users can download Gimp 2.6 free


Getting Started – The Canvas

• Paint.Net graphics are composed on a canvas

Tools Toolbar

To resize your canvas

Understanding the Tools

•Select area for cropping, copy, move, delete

•Ellipsis•Transparency Tool•Fill Tool•Paintbrush•Eraser•Color Picker•Clone color stamp•Insert Text


Additional Toolbars Available – click Window menu

More info!

Understanding the Color Palette

•Use Left Mouse for Primary Color fill •Use Right Mouse for Secondary Color Fill

Understanding Tolerance

• The tolerance bar appears throughout many Paint.Net tasks, such as Fill, Transparency and Erase

• The amount of tolerance you set, the more aggressive the tool will be. Tolerance set to zero is the least aggressive.

Understanding Brush Width

• Brush width comes into play with many tools, Paint Brush, Eraser, Clone Stamp etc.

• The width of the brush will determine how big an area will be affected.

Using the Fill Tool

• CLICK: the Fill Tool button on the Tools bar • Select your primary and secondary colors• Swap between colors

and fill!• Use tolerance

tool if fill is too aggressive

Creating Text Art

• CLICK: the Text button on the Tools bar

• Then choose, font, size and color from the Color toolbar

• Then type!

Creating Effects for Text Art

• CLICK: Effects on the tool bar.• Explore the various special effects• Press CTRL+Z to undo if you don’t

like it

Making images Transparent

• Only .gif and .png files can be transparent. • Refer to Reading on Transparency • Click the Transparency Tool on the Tools bar• (Looks like a magic wand!) • Start with tolerance is set to zero, then click

the background with the wand – then click Delete on your keyboard …..

• Adjust tolerance higher if necessary

Making images Transparent

• Click Magic Wand• Click Background• Click delete• Tolerance determines

how aggressive thetool is in deleting.

• Make small images larger• Play with


Transparency (con’t)

• The checkerboard background on your image means that it is now transparent

• Adjust thetolerance ifyou are nothappy with theresult.

Copy images into Paint.Net

• Create a new canvas. Find the image chapel.jpg, copy it, then go Paint.Net and Paste!

• If the image is too large, Paint.Net gives you the option of expanding the canvas to fit:

Copying image…con’t

• Use your PRT SCR Print Screen Command

• Paste into Paint.net• Expand Canvas

Resizing the image

• Pay attention to the image size:

• Open chapel.jpg

Cropping images or text art

• Use the Select on the Tools bar to highlight area you want to crop

• CLICK: Image• Crop to Selection• Only the highlighted

area remains.• Use clone

stamp to fillin color

Working Cloning Tool

• This tool is useful for copying regions of pixels (colors) between layers, or within the same layer.

• Select Clone Stamp Tool • Find the area you want to “clone” and

CTRL+CLICK on the area• Now change the brush width and fill in

the cloned color where you want it to go

Cloning con’t

• CTRL+ to make image larger• In this example, we need to get rid of

the unwanted sleeve and hand• By cloning the ladies jacket

we can color out the unwanted image.

Using Color Picker

• Click the Color Picker• Click the color you

want to use• Use Paint Brush or

Fill Tool to color yourimage

• Different than Clonetool.

Working with Layers

• You may think of "layers" as a stack of slides that, when viewed together, form a complete image

• Add layer• Delete layer • Merge layers• Move up• Move down

Creating Layers

• Add to a layer to an existing image• Or use the Layer Menu to insert

images into a new palette:

Using Transparency & Opacity

• Layers | Import from File

• Use transparency tool on apple

• Use layer Properties to adjust opacity


Manipulating files to add as layers

• If you have different graphics you want to manipulate in layers, size each of them individually in their own files.

• Cropping or changing size of one layer will change all layers when you’re working in one file.

• Importing layers from different files is best.

Example: Using Ellipsis

• Open smiling-girl.jpg file and Save As smiling-girl.gif.

• Use Ellipsis Tool to crop only the smiling girl’s face in a circle.

• Save image and close. • Open camera.png• Insert smilingface.gif as a layer• Center in the lens of the camera• Add Text

End Result


• Open image in Paint.net

• Use Layers menu to import another image from file

• Remove background from the girl/dog with eraser – adjust pixels of eraser

• Add text in Girl layer

• Merge both pix

Merged layers

•Use Eraser•Increase pixels•Use Rectangle Select bottom•Use Move Pixels button•Added text


• YouTube: Matt Sherwoodhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzQF61NPvNA&feature=related

• Easy step-by-steps !• Paint.Net documentation

