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lEEIBELT -II&! l'O, 1941.

. ;• '.' ~-

Work Begins On New Homes; To Be Ready Oct. 1

The first. gro\lp of Greenbelt.•• ..., hou•• •Ul be 'ctlmplet.«t before October first. The ooat.net. ror building thirt.)" three eect.1ona of .... &o.ea baa been given to the J and J Ccnnnact.lon eo.~ of ,._ York,ancl accordinll to Ur. Petereon,who 1s 1n c:M,ri:e ot construction, actual work will bep.n before JUM! first, aw•i tin,r final a1cn1nc or the cont.ract..

These unite Will be the tirat. of abotat. 1000 .,.. homes scheduled to be added to O~ntH!olt.. Accor:Un1

-to t.he latest. repor·t• , the new hollee will be udu-eively for del'enee workers. ·

t.orlanen 1 a shack• have alreed1 ll8de U..1.r ap)4.-,_ Moe along Southw&1, the ai te of the ,.. hou.Me. When actual construction begino Ol"eerlbclt1ana 4tftt.er­ing and leaving town by U•is road w.ill be able to watch the progreee of the 1100rk,wl,1eh,U is eatt.:'J!"af.ed, will':t.ake one hundred and twent,- da,ya to· oo.,_let.e.

Since the tirat ar.nounc•ent of ..-leas to double t.he eize of Greent.Jelt. several rontha a,o, local re ... ident.e have diapla7ed tr..,.endoua 1ntereat. in Uve p:rojected building. Evidence or U.ia 1ntereat ia the great number or 8t-;Jl1canta tor ,.. 1-.oqe who have been directed to the adll'1niat.raUon otrlce by Greenbelt reaident.a. ·

However, becau.ee of the tenantey reetrlct1c.n con-. t.ained in the law under which t.he n.. ..oueea will be built, only workers •plo)'ed b;r t.t.e sn and flaw;y De­partment-s •111 be · e:l1s1bb for oc~ncy or ~~• borne e.

-----------------·--EATS AND DOWNBEATS MO'I'IF

OF B.S. PROM tr DLok _ ......

!'bollaa B. Ricker, -.napr of U. a411"Ylo• •t..Uoa ..S prqe, ... appointed uaiat.ant 1_,.1 ...._. o~ Oreenbelt. ConnMr s.rnc .. lat."* bJ U. board or clirecton. Th1• poet. baa .,... "IIIOMt a1.noe Oeorce B. Hodedon, to..., u.sn.t. ..,....,, •• ..U pneral. ••PI' upon the naSCMUOil of lu1o J.ukeo laet tall.

lD ..sdit.1on to tbe dut1ee atr. Maker ld.U ,.,.rona u Mr. Moc:l8don'•· N.S.t.aat. :l.n the __,.nbip of tbe oooperattve, he Will Ol"DtiDUe .. ._.._. ot bo\b the IIC"'Y.loe at.at.ion ad t.be ·Pftle• .

Born and re.taect 1n u. Dlawsot.. 11r. l.loker ....,s.. atecs boll Buineea High School then ..s later ....

· p1eted a 9-Mnt.l\ bueneae llda~t.:lm crourw at Pot.eet•a BaaiDasa CoUep. He ... eap~7Wd bJ U. Qa1f Oil Corporat.:loo lbr t1ve ,. ..... , t1rat. J.n tbe ott1ce, th., aa .....,., or one of U.. ~·· flU.. 1n1 at.au.on., and later .. aa1e.an.

Mr.· R.lcker · ,...S.IMCI troll Ou:lt to OJ*\ tda 011a Mn'lce et..tion in Waatl!n,rton which he opentAd t.brM alld one-halt ,-.are. . tw-1."' the laat. JUt Mit a halt ot thia period, he alao opaoat.ed t-J.a oiiD ftllo­izal at.at.ion in Silver Spl'iDfh llar71and. . .

He t.hen went to WDrlc tor Clr'cebelt eo..._.. ,..._ 't:lo•a, aa una,:e ot the Nn'i~• et..ttcm ..,... Thia -. in April, 1938. When the laNce •u o.,.....S 1ft

~:~~~~~o, Mr. RieUr- wee t'laeld. i.n oharp ot ·~ntalao.

-··-·- --. 1939, Kr. P.ieker ··~ ~lect..d .-.o •.en on the Greenbelt ,..,.., Ccuncn.

•r ot t.he boant of d11'Mtcn ot 'l"'ttl.- Coopft"att,., aad M• ......

.Alt. · • 1eer• of a ,_,._. c..na of or-



1\ •• ~tW"'d•)' n!ttt"Jt 1ft ar..nbelt.. Lor.n.110 iU.r)lllc•t.t.c•m cast. • IJ\I.IJ.~:ldov.e ~~ at

\be Jloot. O.n. •t:.1nd of a bl£ bMd,•. be IIUtt.erede -tC!ou ~ ... n.•. R.cc•t lk·er,. lorenao lipped the brew and d-ared at. u.. •·ct.• . .fen ot U. QraealHtlt Co-op aoda ftount.11.1.n. •Tae'tAII -.,.,• be dectd.ed aad

·pounded the bar. •o:t..nz.. bade"'¥ N.ekell 1lhen I ..­,_. Root fl.efiT I cto~•t -- beer.• '!'be .Od& Jerk pro­-t.d. D.o .,.,. hurd ot ,...l .,_.,. tor a n1olrell

Lorena.e .PC'W'Jd.ed tb• bar .,,.. t'v1ov.al7 and · jv..t U~~en • t-ern ble c:reeh IIOUIIdecl abo'V'lt hie Mad. J;e duclced but r.oUd.n.tr reu. a. loo14ced vp at the placid ~Unr lind •xe,s.n.s h1a nat. The .Jel'tk ppect at hJ.a. lo:r'ftla.o £n.bbed the Root her and tlA1ahM U ott •1U· Orut rulp. ... -.J..ked out •t:1f't17.

Upet.e.ire S.n the ct.e.r-1!, -.. ~ o t t.ha "Co­operat-or" ~H.Y ••• watbld1~ t t.Hlf ln a l.ltt.er ot brol!.-n d..... Ttllt eoUd oak door •• oloeed ~

. 1\a .•lMc:•lAee r·,.... r•;pJ..ac in •~Ute :f'on.at.ton. Sol !ihu.b r-..>~r.d U.t. lMt had •ent.d to put. out

t.ba Uct. t.e. J41.e U.C.u.ct•w •n nuclllled but be could d1at.J.ncu1ah u-.. low ·pun' of aft. airplane t'J.,J:l.rlc l.o.. JU.a atnd bi"'UI!'ht hi!!; badt t.o t.ne •"*'th row ot tt.e Grttenbe 1 t. Thuwr. · Th• ,unounew •• epeak'inJ.

-or..t Pr-1 t..tn 1 • rs...... tor her U..te. E'1'e17 . nlcM. .-anr,e ct t.he•e •lnlat..er b11'de ot claat.h ft.7 o..r Lcnclon dzooJ-<J.1t'.f! t.helr e~t of dfttrvct1on.•

n.re ••• • ehr1U 'llbl.at.le and Sell lA7 nat on h1e rae·•. J-1.1• bc4J: •hook trt th U:l.e k.aclnar7 ahook IIJid ht he>Vd 'Lbe Ur.:kl.t.Dc ot .clu•• •I'vw be• hit.,• a.~.

Me c:roanect lind ~ir·Aall.r car.,_,ed hS.Biaelt aero .. U. ~r 't.o Uw brad ot \he tit&lrw&J, l•cl:l..r.z to U. •'-"'-'•t.· t-li.e head .-,ed and he ptotund the black ~pel otJa.OM~~e •·cro•• tbe Or.nnbelt - cU.a­.,......,.N. in tbe r.ight. .• · l4e .,... able to aow hie ,...,. •nd Wi Ul &C'M tt.ffort. be ltood UJ'• T .. door dot~~ •ta1.r• O)HPI'IIIMS. I. btaJJcr t1.1'Q"e .. cenMd the .U.l.rweJ'. W•11t.l1h€ "'Til.....,••

1!1ft1tlle ~.t'lo•". EcU wr ,...,. fban.ipt c.ook t.a. ...... t-o •t. • 'I.Jib4t •. ~t ~ •Jj . •t•\"o hee h1 t,." u.-leined ~1, d.a&edlJ• ld.l\ttr Jltllf"•i.r,ht'e aeer,L ror r•...,• fl4ow lrlto &et1on. "'t;'h:- "~' ,,. ~ t 'l' lk·w "·"f'IC'f -.II"CCt t:hcoro~' 'WaSt. • n.in-

'lft,. : ''' j ,. ~ "*: ... ' • -~J.~ '"- .-~ •• •l '):;{· ;::1·_ ! t [J. •. r, t .~d. ('"\.J\.. •

~~ W.I•""'L ••r..:~N .l"R1411• t~,. a:a.r bU.toa· NIUuc1na.­t.t,... P.•e.b«r1rll 8011t•t.hbt: be retraced ht.a ate~ to u. Coo;-nt.cr erne.. ..., be ·~ to tbe brok­- cla.u h• at4't~ ~.,•.r u. e.,..tulJb'.

.,. trl.ed t.he cSc.cr .. .,_, •••• 1ocbd.'" k •Uecl al••J.J •nd rubbed t.h heed.

(l!dl~re JQc.t.cot A.ll l cUd -· clW SOhaattW1 I'WI"tt .. -, U.. !cl:W.~nr ~t.e!ltr ~l Shu.b1 uetat.ent editor ot VMt Ct'!C'po:n<t.cr e~UHe:nlld ....,.... J.&eerat.iona ot tNt ecalp ti.NI 11nr. 'flllt .. I'Jn h• -•·• a\.I'Uek b)' tbe door ttindow •t Ute Citflc,e c:r U"•• n ...... japw on SAtA~rUJ¥ nlcht..)

Loca.l l)rohlem;s On Agenda Of Citizens Meeting

11w Or-Nmbodt CUhMe Maodat.1~ et\.er l't• ...... lac Ite-m~ r•1.,t •U 3 "eclAA e ~'!tOM• tor 't.ba --.. •r .. ._,riC u,. 1 t.- • c,r, -. ..,«J4.e ·t.o be prea.mt.ed tiS U M • "'f:10'rt on U. l.attoa't. d.e•lopooeftt.a U, ov bouSnt e1twauon 1 th• ~pe~M'd fteat.htll la Qreen­blf!U to:r Jl•~•• d 1lc.1.rea a.nd th protpectl'M r-l•n.• fctr ..... 4t.h of J\lly l''lenlle. wr •• bbe."~h. the U.....,.S..,..,. •1ll t.. tl',..._t "t.o d.arU) 81:\me ot U. po:lft\11 CICl ncrem.1 hf th• u......,. 'Uw.t "" cU.waaM at tt. l&e-t ..... u A« •

1.11 ,Qre>.,-;.bdt e·rr:a.n1r.aUcaa w_... NprttaMt.ed at U. !f~HU.r..:e o-f .,...,. ~'1 eel t·• 29 'liNeN 't.eftteUW'a Jill .... end· tet.octuha ••r• ~d-~l.nc w1 th a

· ,...,_.. at lO A.l'. and aoaol.ud.lfts nth tll'ftOI'tt• about. 9s )0 r· ••••

. •Jt, l.a h~ U,e b;t.ornt. of aU ONanbelt. dttAM W •t.\owlrd th.lt IIIIMt.S.nc-, at. 'toed U. IUcUtift Cee­&U.W., •tor U ua dt.l.- hila ear .. tltler to br1nc to tJ\<11 •t'l41nU£>n ·" f 1boe A••e:l.at.lcrea *-'on.cllir Dicbt · wt.U be u.e l_..t. CJ~·~tr vot.U M&'t ~ber.•

.Spani•h Studf':a Form Summer Groap

~ n1 1tlt. •ek>o 1 s,.:ltel el&e• bre34 1 t.a t1M1 -u.n.c la•t ..... 148.)' ni- end lt .... the--~ opl.nl~~>n of "'• ....,.,.,., ilill&:'t U. bed bee 1o'h ot twa .,.. ......, s,n~u..nc ~1ft« ~ ~-•t.ale ot t.h• ~!at. la"''Ur'•· The......,_,.....,.. reluctactt • 4S....nUtNe <hr1 rc th• ._r Md eo plan• •ere lll&de .

. to -.t r•«"Ul&rl7 •1 u,"ut U. tea.ctber uttl. Uw taU t.en~·. 'nl• «ft'Vfl * l.an• llo ...... bua7 w1 U. the •:let ot Spe.leb n .. •ro&PtW•,. s~ eo.U.lona ot the bader•a DieM\., lW~~~e nOCJ,.,_ •ct • ..._..1 book• dona"" br ...... \.Met, ....

.. TN t:n"U~ wUl b• l"lAid 't.o hi"'* ·M.)'Ofte tnt.entt.ed · .in pu-U dJA~U"" t.c caa t.o 't.M1r -..t.t.nca. The .ftr•1. ._ . .,r cl.Au •111 t• bald Plr!Ahr, J\lfte 6, at. 8 P.w. at 'the ~ c t ,..,.,.... o.as..n.e hlt.bw ,,_~., a ..... _ ... . ..... .

, . '

G.C.S. Membership To Vote :!

On Educational Director '

A forMl not.tce Uld tbe agencllal ot a special m-. : , ·. berahiv ... ting ot ar._belt Co~ Senicea

1 tj)' 1::

be held on "ednelldq 1 June. 41 ••• mailed to eto'cl6,io . •:,, boldera ot the ooc;.perati'Ye laet Saturdq. Accom~ ::· iDe each not.tce •• • oow ot a report. by the boQd ·;:. ot d.lrecton concem~ the •ploJilent. ot M educa. •:. · t1onal director. · . . . ·,.

The nct.:lce ot t.be mee\ing etatee t.bat tbe qetidull ::::, will coneiet ot coneic:ler.tt:lon o~ two queat.ione, .. . : •: tollowea '.· ·:: ·

1. Doea . the -.bereh.lp approw t.he action 0~ th. • 'i .· bovcl ot directon in p!'OTiding. tor the •plo,.ent : ot an educat.:loMl dino:tor? · · ;. 1,

2. ftll tile .-...lhip autbclnze tbe •ployjlent. : i;; ot hlter R. VolclcbaUMD. b7 the cooperatJ.w; ton~· ·:: 1n8 hie n•ipation f'IOID the board? · · ' :': i

Since 110M qqet.ton aroee at the 1a,at. -bereh:lp: :: ~' ' Met.i:lg held on J.fq S, ae to the reaeone tor bir1ng ·.:• an educational director,· the. report. st.ates1 'tb!t·· . ! , .•

board 1e preaent.1.ag to the _.b ... ahip ~ reat1101Uik, · tor 1 ta aot.:lon in t.hle connection.. . ! ·.. ·

'rhe report. point.e out that. 1noreaaecf -.olu.e,. !fD+ cANed aalea ot ~ber-urgin Co-op p:roducte, '1..,;;. · creaaed part.icipat.:lon ot members in the acti v1 t1e8 ot the cooperattn, a bftter underetauding ot tb4it · under~ phlloaopey ot cooperation-of worldng . to+· pthel' inat.ead ot apa.rt;..-aU tbeee and other poaei;,;£ ble Sapro-..ente ehoald.. neult it an echacat.ic!nd director ot •reasonable ability• 1e •Plo7ed• , ·r

It. ie pointed out aleo that. OD Sept.ember 131 1940': the board ot directors .cklpted b;y a unan:lmoue ~· ., .,tion authoriz:Uig t,ha appointment ot an 'eclucat.~>:. d11"ector, whtch action wu reattiJ'JDed recent:Q-: t,t' tbe board. Tbia aotion ~Oll.ott•• . , ,

"That. llr. Rodadon be authoriled to appoint, il\lblo!o: · :; . '· . .1ect to the aPJlll'Oftl o~ the Boarcl, an educat.ioaa¥ ',,; · clirector, whoM aal.ary ahall. be bei•ween $30 and 14Q; : per WMk, and whoM dutiaa shall includes .. :· l,. i:i .

•1. ~ general, in oo~Wlct.ion with t.be educat.ioii!, '!. ·. ~tt.ee, p:roeot.ing the educat.tonal program ot t,bj., :1:;

Cooperative and .intol'lliq the aembere 8Dd ot.b-*: i;: Oreenbelt. residents o~ tbe nature and ailte o~ .~ 1 ·:.

operation. . · •2. Sponsoring and arranging f'or neighborhood

nhr:hte. ). Sponeoring and IU'll"ant;S.ng ror· adv:t®r;r: 1

CWftCU.. 4• i'repar1nl releaeee tor Greer&bel.t. ~; .. ·. ota.o newepapen. s. Aeeiat.ing ~in et.reseq · : , ! ' &U'V'lt principles end pu.rp>eee 1n etora dieplqe ..... ._·.·m>!;;,, .. rohandiaing. ·

•6. Preparing pJ'C!IIOtioD and aeeist.ing 1n pntpafto!~' t1on tor a...,.rehip aeetinca. 7. PrepariDi unua1 Cooperative Inet.itutt. s. Arrancins tor~ tl'oductnc new reeidante to cooperat.t Te id...,.. • i

Since the adoption ot th18 mot.:lon, etatee the: board's report, the geaeral aanager ot Greenbel-t ,. Collal-.r Sent c•• hae •oucht. an AT81lable carid:ldatA poeee••inc the experience and qual1t1catiQJ}8 r.,j.' qutred tor thte pod t.lon. · •

!'he intent ot the aeoond ..S last 1 te on tb• ......_ ot the tort.hoold.ng aeeting, as wae the lo­tent ot the laet it• on t.he agend\lll or. the Kay s .. t.Snc, ia, to enable the ..nager to employ the pr..,; 111111t. pneidant ot tbe oooperat1ve ae educational' clinctor, pointe out the report.. ·. '\

The ... tlll8 will be held at. 8c00 P.M. in the au- l :•; ditortua ot the Oo.wd.t.j' BQilcling next Wfdfteildq. · 1

At. t.hia wrtt.lllg, nothing det1n1~ haa been reportect• l'ellarctine Mlet.t.r or not 110111e tom ot entelotaimaant wW be proVided the • .._.. attar t.he meeUng •

Picnic Plaus Take Form

·. tt.. Ctt.l .. u• Aaaooiation 4th ot J~ P1cldc C:O...' at. t.W. bad 1t.a aeooncl .. t.tna on Thuredq 1 • 29th, · · Mel ta PI"'C!Hd.lnc rapi~ with plae tor t.be al:L-da;r .. O'llt.1fts. The tent.at.:lve eobedule includes a ,tll11 dai ' ot aot1Vit.)', beginn1nc with a puade at. 10 oiclocJc ·. 1ft tbe 110m1na, aDd t:lnilhinc with tirelrOrka about, 9 l)O in tbe eveninc• . ' .

a.onc the ora.Usat!ona wblch. ha•e amounoecl\. ~ir intention ot puUoipau.nc aot.twq 1D the 4th ot .f.al.7 oel..t.raUon an the ~~a•e Bible Claea, 11o~: · en• Club, Oizol Soouta, both Bo7. Soout 'h-oopa, eo.-• -.it, Churoh, a.bnw CODIHpt.:lon, ·oreenbelt. CoDoi • ._.. SerVicea, HDMowner•a Cooperat.in, AMricM Lecion, AMI'ican Lqion AWd.liu;y, Town Band, TOwn, Adllinlatnt.:lon, ParenW.ecMr•a Aaeoc1ation1 Credi~· Uftlon, HN.lt.h A.aaoc1at.1on •d Athlet.:lc Club. ·

A --.r ot the ol'pllisat.:lone ban ~aed tO doaat.e prieea tor the ftl'ioue BUies aDd oonteeta . Which are to be included ln tiW progna, and it ill'· belUftd that. autftcient prizes will be a....U.ble to l P"Vide a w1.ch eouch ftriet.T o~ act.t T1 t.tee tor ..-! · 8I"JJM in town to ooapete. 1

At. the t1rat. .. t:S.ng ot tbe picnic co..ait.t.ee :lt ... ~ted to crant the t.Own band the food and drinic, oonceUiCil at the 4th o~ ~ picnic, to aadat. ·-u.t/ Ol'leiut.ion :lJl ~ 1 ta un.ltol'lle. '1'he ooa-··. &tt.ee alae 'decided tllat the Cit1sene1 Asao'oiat.ionte . oont.rtbutton lhou:ld be uaed t.oWard the expenses ot t.he picnic, rather' then a the dance. • .

The oo..S. t.t.ee urgee all organizations which haw· not 18t. 1ndicat.S their intention ot l*rticipat.:tng :ln the 4th ot Ju.ll' celebl'at.ion to colllllunicat.e with lf.r. Abrah.llft Cheaanow or _,. 111•bel' or the ooJDit.t.ee•:

• ' ' I •



REEl BELT ar )CI• 1941

Work Begins On New Homes; To Be Ready OcL 1

The first group of Greenbelt.'• new houMa •ill bet cOmpleted before October first. The contract for building thirty three sections ot new homes has been given to the J and J C<nstruction Compai\Y or ~ ... York, and acc+ordin!Z to 1.7. Peterson, who ia in ct.ar~e of construction_, actual work will begin before June first, awPitin, final signing of the contract.

These units will be the fi.rat or about 1000 nftf homes sched1lled to be Mdrted to Oref'nbelt. Acc-ord!nst to the latest reports , the new homes will be excl~ sively for defense workers.

Yoorlanen 1 s shackS' ha•e already INide tt.e1r apjAIIIl.T'­ance along Southway, the ai te of the new houses. When actual construction begifla Greenbc l t1ans ent.e :r­ing and leavin(t to-wn by U.is road "ill be able to watch the pr.>gress or the 110ork.wl.1e ... ,it is esu~at.ed, will·: take one hundred and twenty days tc COII'-,.l•t.e.

Since the first ar.nouncesr.ent of ylans to double the size of Greenbelt several·,..onths a,•o, loeai r•a­idents have displayed tr81T'endous interlltst in U,e projected building. Evidence of this iDt.eJ"'Ite:t 1s the great number or 81-j>lieants for ,.. hotree .V·.o hAve been directed to the ad!-in1etrat1on otfleo b)' Greenbelt residents.

Ho-wever, because of the tenantry restricti~n con­tained in the law under which the n.- .. ousoa •111 be built., only workers eeplo7ed tr,· u.. 'liar and Hav;; ~ partments v.ill be · eligible for oc:c•liAricy of U'iilt5e ho:nes.



Thursday, Mq 20, the Greenbelt Hich School Junio~Senior Prom was held in the ew-er School Auditorium. It 1ral!l a big occaeicn tor all oonc:erned and the .hustlin', buetlin• and welltlcs ot tJlann1~ by June Donoghue and Robert !10nhiiJII w,ne not in n1r.. The . Prcm was a great sucr.ese and the attendanceo ••u' f"::q,.. mated at 250. All who we~re jJreaent had a aa•ll t.iltle auc& Ulere were no comylainte tunaec1 in aa Jet.

. Robert Borm., a Hnior, wee 1D charge ot t.be a:r­ta1r wi tl'l June Donoghue aaai eting 1D tbe 1"1nanee d .... part.alent. The • ..~ney tor this occaaion waa raiMd b;y HVer&l ..aaa, but the largest 80\lfte c- rroe tbe eal.e or~ tickete. Bake aal.ea Mel decea al.eo helpecl in the c•paisn. · •

All the faculty, With the except.ioD or attN 911.tt.b, was on hand b)' 9 P.~. and while danc:i.na •to the tunes ot Jack Jlacgio tl'le atudente wondeJ"ed i r she -.ould. 8how up. When they had jut about ghlltn up hope or Heing ber, in walked a woun wMI"ing an orchid. llho :: t~! tum out to be? None ot-her Ulan the loet Itt ..

At t.en retreehlllent.e were en"NCC in tate tto.e ho­DOIIics room. llias Archer, the lllath t.eber, dld a nell job 1D gettin• t.hilt •eate• re81117 aad. eerrinc theft. Talk about JOur c1'01Jded elefttora, JOU should t.ve seen that roca. Bo:y, I can still tu1.e t.l'loN 118nehr1ches and punch.

Breaking up at llidn:l.cht, 1110et ot ua went to .,.. claa .. te•e hcae tor a teed and a chat. Tbua lltflded last Thurecta.y night..

Tom Ricker New Ass"t Manager Of Consumers Services

Tholue B. Ricker, unager ot the ee:rrice etatlon aD1 garage, was appointed aeaiet.ant aeneral aanqer ot Greenbelt Conauaier Serricea lut. •eek b)' U. board or directors. Thie poet hea ben 'ftle&ftt e1.nce George B. Hod8don, tonaer aeeietaat ...,.,.r, waa ude general manager upon the resignation of SU1o l.aakeo last tall.

In addition to the dutieo w.r. M.cker 111ll pertorw .. llr. Hodedon'• aeeietant ln Ute aanacereblp or u. cooperative, be 1t'lll CC'nt.inue ••-..uac• of both U. Mnice at.ation uxl tbe aaraee.

Porn end raised in the Dtet.rict, t.lr. Ricker crado­uatecl trom Bu•ineee Jligh School Ule:re and lat.er co._ pleted • 9-aontl'l bueiness adiDlJdat.ntim ecur" at Poteet.•e Buaineaa College. He •u -.plo)'ed b:y t.he Oul.t Oil Corporation tor t1ve 7eara, t1rat. ln the office, then AS llanAf.eJ' of one ot Ute COil~,J'D ftU,.. 1ng nations, and later •• eale.an.

Jlr. · Ricker · reeigned trom Oulr to open h:le OWD MJ'Vice station in Waatlingt.on---whicb he operated three and one-halt years. . Durin, the laet ,-.a.r lind. a half' ot this period, be also operated Ue own n.u.. 1ng etat.ton in Silvw Spr:l.ng, llaeyl..m.

He then went to 110rk for Grecblltl t Cona-.r Sel\­'t'!cee, ae Mnaf:eJ' of the Hr'Yice stAtion here. Th1a waa in April, 1938· When tat• garag• wu opmed 1.n No-.-ber, 1940, Mr. Ricker waa placed tn charp ct tl'lat department aleo.

In Septeber, 1939, 1.!1'. P.icker ••• elect...d t.o Mrve a 2-,-ear ten on the Greenbelt Town Cclu.ncn. He ia aleo a 11-'ter or the board of direct.cra ot Southern Statee PetroleUIII Cooperative, and hae eez-­~-~ t"ne and one-halt 78U'• 0' a )-:fear tem 0 r 0 r­t1oe.


It. wu !At\IJ"day n!.d'Jt. 1a Or.enbel t. I.Dren:a.c i'.ig}AtDt.t.c .• ~:; oaet a SUJ~;,-1ctoue cl.ance at

the Root Fle-er. •r.1nd or a b~ heed," be auttel'ed. "l'tH~ ~re 1 t.' 11 R.cc t ~· Loren110 dpped the brew a.nd dared a1. t.he 110da Jerk or t.he Qreenbelt Co--op IIIOda fc>unt.at.n. •1aetM biNI')', • he cled.cled aac1 poundeit thtt bar~ "Giii'De baelc "'7 nietc.elJ When I aat tor R.oot ~"·•trr I don't _.. beer." Tbe eoda Jerk pro­t.ee:t.ed. wtw 1"\'ft' heard or real bear tor •. nlclcelt . Lorenu· pou.ndt!d. the bar 11101"8 tlu-icuel7 aftli ju.et UAn a t.ttrrt tb c:ruh eounded above hie head. P4t duc.ked but. r,ot.hin~t fdlo. He looked up at the plac1cl ee11Sn,g and e:ur.:1r.ed hle: N.et. The Jeric pped. at hlA. Lorenz.c uat-bed tNt P..oot S.er ancl t1niehecl 1t orr t~iU, one gulp. lie W&Uted out etifn1•

Upet.a1ra 1.n the dark• deak QUart.era ot the •eo­operat.c·r" tra;yed)" was untbld.inP, 1 t .. lr in • Utter or .brc~ .. n r..lau. . ,.,.. eolld oak door -· clo..S eel 1te •1ndcwl•u trv• gaplnt; 1n et.agpllte tonaauon.

Sol !:huh rl!!l!ls,~r'e'd that. be had want.ed to put out tt:.e lift. t.&. Jol1s thc•ucbt.• ••r~t cnaddled but he could dutil'ift'l.litth t.he ln• J.'UI"'' of an airplane n.,1.ng low. H1e f".ind bl"t'U~M. Mr: back to the anenth row ot the Oreen.bt>lt 'Thft•t~r. The &anow'leer w•a apeakift(f.

•or.llt !"ri t..e1r. 1 s f1cht.1ng for htr ur.. Eveey nJ.cht. zrra~.~ ef these e1nhter bhde ot death n.,­OYer Lc.nd<.n ~J'} 1:-~ the1r CIU"g:oee ot deetructicn."

There •aa a· el-.rill wh:let.a and Sol 1.a)r nat on hb tee-e. Pis body abock 'lfi U1 t.t.e ilr.&cinarJ ahock tad t• heard U.e Ur.kl.lllg or tl&ea. "I'ft be• hit," t• c••~·

~. croa.ned a;nd paintw..ll draued hu. .. lt aeroaa u. flooor to t.he !'wad or the st.airwa)', l.ad1r.t to the et.r-eeot.. Pie ~ead -.ched and he pictured the bt..ck •ir.ged at.a(Jc•a aero•• the Greenbelt. ak;y c11e­appe&ri.np: in ~. r.ir.ht... f'e •u able to .ove hia lef,s. and 'Wl th l!clllllt effort . he et.c>od up. The door dolrt et.airs C~pene-d. I. buU:7 figure ascended the eta inray • 111t,i a t.l.i nr "jipparary."

•Helle- St:t1b". Ed.1 tor Frank Fosntght t.oolc the et.epe t.ao at. • t.i me. .,.,..,.t u·..,_ "-''

•t•,·c beer; hl. t," -.x.,,t.ined Sc,l, dar . .Ol)'. £.d1 l£ T Jtc tU'iif\,1'\t IS &Oi!lr. t. far O~S n ... into actiOn. "1.1• .t• : ••• ~t'l' !'n• ,..art~• 'lt'f'r(• Ut"r·P~ .'foa'it a tt.in-

r,tt.r- ;tl~ , .• v' .;.··:,.• ..... , 't 1 ... ~:-r-d r-ut,.

.:'•}.(."'1;. ~l.wL emer~ll'd rre•' t:a air bl.1t.s hclluc1n6-t1CI'rl. fo.er.-. ber! np, 301" eth~.v. he retraced hia stepa to U,e Coo,...rat.t'r o!Nce. When he CUie to the bro~ en r.lau t,e- at-e}-';..<f"d ever 1t carefull.J'.

Pe tried Uii!t c!ocr "lup she's locked." He •llecl e:lo11l;,l and rnb~d l.1e heed.

(trd.1t.core r;ote: All ! did ... dYe Sch .. tter, rewnte .an, the !cllcw1nr. 1~1 s~l Shub, Aaalatant editor or \hf! Coeperat.cr m.~f f'ered aeYere llteel"Atione of the .eealp lind anr. w.l.ft'l be ... at.ruek b;r the door window at. \be o rnce of U··e nftataper on St~ ni&ht.)

Local l.,roblems On Agenda Of Citizens Meeting

1'ht Oreoenbe lt. C1 t.hena A.aeoe1at1c.n • ~'tAr 1 ta •"'"" U.C l'·cndl!f r:.1&ht will declare • reee .. tor tbe 8\Wioo .,.. -.Tl.R U>e it.-e en tbe -.end.a to be presented 1illl be a report. on t.hlt l.at..st dewloprents in our bouaint dt.u.atton 1 t.he- pi'O)X'Md vacaUcn in areea.­blltlt. for R•tur.•• d 1l.dren and tt.• proapttct1't'e ~lana tor the .4th of July Pienir. ifrs. P.eba !l.an-ia, the Ubrv'i.an, •111 be p,......t to ela.rU')' SC'IIIe or the po1.nt.e ecncernillf! t.he Lltor&l')' that. "" d:leeu.esed. at. the lA•t llle'e-t1nv.. · All Gret'r.belt. c·rr..nl.uUona .,..ere r~tpreaet'lted at

U» !!'""•tin..:!! of bl•)' 21 and ra:v 29 where tent.at1•• ,plana and ec.t-.edulu .,..",.. ar~l"d--coeaencinc wtt.h a pend• at 10 A.l'. an4 ooncludi.nc· With t1rnorke: •toout. 9, )0 r- .t•.

•Jt ia ir. U.e tr.t.ereet. ot all Or~tenbitlt. e1t1&ena to at '-end thi.e ... u.ac•, at.at.lltd t.bt Bxecutive Cec­r..i t.t.ee, .. tor 1 t &JV e1 t.lten hae 8ft1 ~~~&tt.er to br1ng to U.e att.ent.1cn "f the As80e1at.1cn tondtrl n1&bt wtU be the la•t. ''Ptc'rt.c.ul:ltr u.nt.U next Sept.ber."

Spani~h Stud" Form Summer Groap

n. night achc·ol Spu.Ub clae• held ita t1ftal -Un~ l .. t ~1da7 n1Pto and lt •• ~,. unant.o\&.8 opirdt'n of the .. at>ttra \bat it had bee lote ot tun and ..,...,. 1nt.e-rect.1ng leenling t.he tllnd•etale. ot the S;..-niah lancuare. The .-bera .. ,.. r~tluet.ant tD d1acc-nt1nue dun nc tho ·~r and eo plana wer~t •de \0 ••t regular~ •tthlut. the t.ee.eher until t~ tall t.n • Thct ~ ut- ,. lane to .keef tM&.)' wt t.h · U. aid o t $plln1at-. niMII•papera, Spud..ab e41t1one or the RH4ar'a Diceet., lanf!'lale reocmta · tnd a...-..1 booke donated b)' the tea ct: er.

Thllt P'T't'Uf •ill be tlad to twa,. aa;rone tntereeted 1n pa.ru c\JAiiUr..c t.c ~• to their ... tinge. The ftret .-w~~t.er cl.a•e will t• h•ld f'r1d.tr, June 6, at 8 P.!l'. at tho he-De cf lllre. Dn.ine Walther )~L Rldp Road ..

OPEI1TOI, G.C.S. Membership To Vote··: /

On Educational Director

A formal notice and the agendum or a special m~ >

berehiiJ meeting or Greenbelt Consu.er Serrlcea, :to.: be hiltld on V.edneeda:y, June 4, was mailed tO stock­holders of the cooperative laet Saturday. Accomp&IV'-( 1ng ~tach notice was a copy or • report. b)> the boardii.· ot clireetora concern~ the •plo;paent o~ an educa,..i'-. tional director. · ;i

The nctice or the meeting states that the agendulllr.;; 'Will consist ot consideration o~ two questions, ae>i: tollowes ' ·.

1. Does the 111811lberahip approw the action o~ the'.· board ot directol'e in providing tor the emplo)'lllct',; . ot an educational director? · · . . ::

2. Will the lllelllberahip authorize the anplo)'iaent>:­ot •alter R. VolclcbauMft b,- the cooperative, .rono..---·::. in« hie realgnat.ion .fi"'OII the board? · i .

Since eo~~e question uoee at the last llallbftrsti:lpi:::! meeting held on 1fq 5, •• to the re.aeons tor hiring<.: an educational director, the report. states the;::;· board is presenting to the 111811berehip the ZO:aaoiua;'\ tor 1 ts action in this connection. . •... ·

The report pointe out it.t 1Dcreasetf -ft>lume, in-•·' creued eales ot bighe~ Co-op products, in-:.!,<! creased pe:'t.icipat.ton or m•bera in the activitio9a ·< ot thilt cooperative, a better understandi.Jlg or t.bei.b· underlying philoaoph,y ot cooperation-of working 1»- ,;.; gether instead or apart-.-all these and other posei..; :':: bl• impro'lrell~tnts should result it an edacattonaJ. ;. cliroctor ot "reasonable ability" is emplo,-ed. ·'.

It ia pointed out also that on September 13, 1940;' · the board or directors adopt4fd b)' a Ull8Jl1,mous Ybte &;~> 110t.1on authorizing t:lle appointment or an educational: •.'' director, which action waa reatfil'llled recent)¥ b7 , • tt.e board. This motion tollowss . ·· · .··.

"That Kr. Hodsdon be authorised to appoint, sub-': ject to the approval or the Board, an educational'· director, whoee aalar;y ehall. be between $30 and $40 i; per week, end 'Whose duti•s shall include& · i

•1. Ip general, in colljunet.ton lfith tbe education::: CCfiUilittee, pl"'OIllting tl'le. educational program of the:: . Cooperative and ,info1"1111ng the members and other:· Greenbelt residents of the nature and aims of ~>..•· operation. ·, ,

112. S!JOnsoring and art'angjng !'or neighborhood, . ni v,hts. ). Sponsori.ng and arJ"angi.ng for advi.sorY, .. counc: 1l.a • 4• .Prepar:1ng re1eaees tor 'Greenbelt &Jill!':':· otber nnspapers. 5. Aeeisting 'in stressing coe,pei"-!L at1ve principles end purposes in store c11splqa 8Ja4f;: 11ercbandieing. . ' ;,;;;

•6. Preparing pNmOt.ion and assiet.:lng 1n prepar&M!i:.' t1on tor ma&berahip meet.tngs. ?. Preparing ~or theU: annual Cooperat.tve Institute. 8. Arranging tor in...l:· troducing new residents to cooperative idea.e." ·,

Since the adopt,ion ot this motion, states the/1 board's report, the general manager o~ Greenbelti:V• ContnUDer Services baa sought an available eandidat.-'::.< poeaessing the experience and qualificatiOQS r ... ';'.:. qu1recl for this poei tion. · · . ; ',:

The intent. or the second and last itaa on the>• Aeend\al ot the tort.bCOIIing meeting, as 11'8a the tn-{: tent ot the last it.an on the, agencl\al ot tbe Kq ~ ::·' .eting, ls. to enable the manager to employ thtt pre-',: aent president or the cooperative ae educat-ional director 1 pointe out the report.. .

The aeettng 'Will be held at 8:00 P.V.. in the au-: c11torium oi' the ColllllUDit7 Building next WedDeilclq.> At this wr1 ting, nothing defini t.e has been reported: rep:ardil".g whether or not eome .fol'lll ot entertainmct wUl be provided the mabers arter th• Jneeting.

Picnic Plans Take Form

The C1t1sena• Aaeociation 4th of J~ Picnic ec,... .... attee had ita Hcond _.t.ing on Thureday1 lfa7 29tb,. ' and is proceec11ng rapi~ 1t'l th plans tor the a11.-dq; · · outing. The tentat.tw schedule includes a tuU ctaT · or activit,-, beginning with • parade at 10 o•clock•· 1n the morning,. and t1nieh:lnc 'With fireworks about ; . 9a30 1n the nening. '' · .·

.AIIong the organisations which have . announced: • their intention or participating activel,- in the 4th ot Jul7 celebration are the Jlen•e Bible Class, VotJ:lo. ·. ere' Club, Girl Scoute;, bo~ Bo7. Scout T'I'Oops, eom-: INil1 ty Church, Hebrew Congregation, Greenbelt Con- ) &NDer Sen1.cee1 Hoiii80WIIer•a ·Cooperatiw1 .American!, Legion, American Legion Auxiliar,y, Towm Band, 'l'cnnl)· ~nietratton, PU'ent-Teacher•e Aseociation, · Cred1 ti?' UniOn, Health Aaeociat.llon m:d Athletic Club. , ',.

A I'IUIIber ot the orgenizationa have pa•omieecl tO,~; donate prisee tor the ftrloua games aDd conteatef:f! which are to be included in th• program, and it io) beUend that e:utticiept prizes rill be available to:t proYide • 'Wide enough ftriet7 or activities tor ..,.;L er,one 1n t.o1rn to ce~~pete. · · :

At the ftret IIIHt.iDI ot the picnic COIIIIIIitt.ee it':! wae 'W'Oted tc grant tM to1m band the food and drinl(. ;. conceseicn at the 4th or Ju~ picnic, to assist that:.:; organisatio~ 1n purchaelng ite unitoms. The COlli-;;:; Ill ttee also decided. that the Citizens• Association• e'>:, contribution should~ used toward tbe expenaeM or'i the picnic, r•ther' than a freilt dance. · · '

The ooa.d ttee urg•a au: orgMizatlons which baveh not yet i.ndicated their intention o.t participating:.~: in the 4th or Juq celebrat.ion to communic~ with':i Mr •. Abraham Chaeanow or an;y 11\•ber or the colllllitt.ee.:'k

• 1.


2 ............ COOPERATOR


PUJ:Iliabed b, U.. G....,.. P~ AHoc:M • ••• Liitw •.•••.••.•••.

ill lQ. 1W

After cur ed1tol'i&l. on U. ld nlllc pwaon.e et ~be laet. Co-op ~ina •• reo.t..-d •IQI ..,.bel ~.--... ad two lettere on th4t nbJectt.. Tbe tt.ret. let\oa" wae tekinK a pot ~bot at ·u .0 w WiO'Uld l.Ue to print n but 1A ae 11uoh aa t.he per110n or s-noae writing the Hille dS.ci not ~· to oar rule of .,...... SDc their n.wee (it ... etpltld on • ~t.erj .. cumot print 1 t. The eecand . letter ••• trca ooe ot ow tonner ecl1tore c~t.toc on the p~~~per .,. a whole and contained t.M lt\a\e.nt. t.h•t. he -.. Jlad. that we .-re takinr a ctet1n1t.e nud ca • .. ,..._ ot 'rit.al local i&portan~. · tte r~aWd t.Nl\ U.. le\1-ter not be pubUahecl. The eurpr1•1At thtftl to M waa the tact thlt poee1bl)' IICIIleone or .-rha~ ""1'1-one doean•t know ()\&1" at&nd on .local Mt.wra. Tbe eciJ.torial poliq at U\e coo,.rat.o~ 1D a r .. aiaple words is to promoter

lat. Greenbelt ae a CCiwaW<U.)• 2nd. To help keep t t. the beet plece 1ft •t.:1ch t.o

11-... . )rd. To aid and p.I'Oft!Ot.e the ec>o~u. ... MweMt.

ae a •hole and ou.r own CCOp4ti'WUfta in ~J'\ooo ticular. ·

4th. To pro-ride a place tMt publ1 o op1n1on ~•n be t'reel)' expreeeed.

5th. To maintain a paper ded.1cat.d -.o UMt be•lo principala of a fr'H pn ...

The above doee not caver the entire Uat Qf r.U' ailne but. enoush ie £1Ten •• t~,.c:.p., to .. u.al) \be onee llho .Onder .at. our p!lll"pp.... Each uct . ..,.., ediwrial printed 1• a piece tttUnc ~lAw the echeme or tM.J~Re here. •• do not ,.., ...,. ecU.­tor1al.e in a ee:riee or cnaeadea, on.l.J •hen " IMl a certain 81 tuation ne«le explanat.ion or belp do .. print eomething on the eubJect.. .We bave llopee t.bat. we do not have to cru.ude for a~Q'thina. .. t.n•t. that a te"W worde occaa1mal.J.7 wUl M the ..-• ....., an•er.

, •• a. ..... A.l'l ym1 1'"'\>ably kOCI"IO by 1'-hi lit t.1•, t,Mr• W11l ~·0

.. a,t.oec.1.n1. ... .,,., ... or •.• ~<!) ..... :.1..-rttl,\ • •. ( ....... ~···'·~l.t

Conetuaere 3ei"Yicee m June tot. 'tb. 'The -• oolo­.me or the Cooperator will 11 ... rou u. CIOIIpt.t.e. facta on Use queet.ion to be dteculled. •• t-Oe no eidee on the queeUon b411ore youi Ule o.wn. ·0\ar cmly hope and Wieb 18 t.hat JOU w:l 1 be \ben to a­preee )'OW' w:lllhee 1n the 11att.ere b7 :rov ballot.a. You and onlJ you alone ca uke the ohotce. I.f "* are not. there Md JOW" idea• an not owrttld aot, ;rou •d 1ou. alone aro to. bW.. ll7ou ..,. theN and the maJorit.,. of the -ber•h1p 't'Ot. apU..t JOU' ideae, the '"17 bllee or cooperau .... and cl.oca-aq ct.ande that 1ou accept t.be ws.u or t.he .aJor1tl• It .. we leam tlwH e1Japle tilcta our atol'te ld.U o.,..... ate much better and therefore beMt1 t eiCb or ua. We will. eee )'OU at the Met:lnc.

I £etters to 0ditor I !'o the Editor ot the C~peretors

In the laat 1•eue of t.he Cooperator •PPNI'tld u. etat.eent that there ... no reuon t.o adJourn UM .,... cent GCS meding for lack ot a quon. bee.-.. lllehen a meeting or lhueholdera hae been ~perlJ' ore .... iced w.1 th a quorum preeent· the r.ot. t.h&t ...., n..,_. or pe:raone later withdro doea not 'bre&'lc the quoi"'.WW• and "it 1a not 1n order for &117 ptr.on to ra1N th• point ot the quoi"\D at'tAtr the ~Netina he• been J-I"'pw erl)' organized. •

In the hope ot avoictinc perU ... nt.ary · dtd.,.lnc at the next tnebersh1Jl me:eting, I should U.k• to point out that our b.1-lawe pro'f'ide t.hat Rot>ert•e Rulea of Order govern our ..-berehip IIHt.Snff• on all pointe ot procedure not epeei neal~ prctYld4d for othenriee in the by-laws. Robert'• Ru.le-e of Ordu (Revieed), Sec. 64, ,Jm)Yides .,.he ·onl.J bue1nea• U....t can be traneaeted 1n the abeence. ot a QUOrtD 1• · -.o take Dteasuree to obtain a quon., too t1Jc t.he t.\M w which to adjourn. and to adJourn, or to take a ...,. ceae. • • • While no question can be dec'1d41d 1n u. absence of a quoi'UIII exeept11'16 tt-.oee Mr.tiohlid eo ... , a 111e111be:r cannot be int.errupt41d while ar-Mkinc in crr­der to make the point ot no Q\aiOI"\\a• Tae debat-e ...,. oontinue in the abeence o t a quon. until .,...,ne raieee t.he point while no one 1e .-peakinc. • n.. eentence laet quoted ie Robert•• onlJ'. r.etr1et.1on oa raieing the point or no Q\aiOJ'Uit. It. ehould thenfore be ertdent that under the rulee IO'fWilin& ocs ... ~ ins• (which for ob'rioue reaeona 1181' and ehould d.lt­ter trom rulee I'Oveminc the ordinary oorpo:ratlon) the maaber had neJ7 legal right to queeUen t.tJ• Q\lol"\\ll, and the chainun had no choice but tc ad­~ourn tbe meet1ns.

Charles E.. P'1 tch, Seeret.a1'7 Greenbelt Con~ S.rrtet•, Inc.

HE Hu 1~(} FoQ

'• ... ' ~··'·

P.l';J'\. t.]ecbi New President <.:o .. \\ · orkers Lauded

At lt.t )far 2:b n,.,,,.~r.r.: 1P the Aud1wrtum of Oreea­bltlt.. i'V.,t;t '.)'o,a.<:"J rTf!' A•::.e~•d•t.SNll lira •. '1itmAn of.Col­·:a.,. ,_.., ••·~~' ~l,..,c:ted h"etd«M"t tor the er..-uinC t~ehl:!ocl )'Mr to •,J.cct-.,.d t'.ra. -..nd.ell ~~ ller. )l.ra.­·~ 1111-,Ht,al\er c: f •tt, .. tlle<:hh:\1; •tArt of ~onbelt. '£1.-.nt.ary· ~.t..-c·l -·" ohotN!ft vse ... ?rell~d.ent, tit. Charb•• lt. ~r.tt·'lc•corr•·r ,.,... .• _..r, Mr•· Comlq !Uetue •• ..,..-elt>c:-u.d :s.-crt"AJ"71 eftS A11r11. l.YI. 'torley ot Uw U~rts.ory at.aff •u d.-.c:t.f!d t1h'ticlr1tn.

t•ra. vnler 1rt l""" ~)•'l ~""'}ll'rt !4Ud ~•llAut •. ""· '· •' • - · · :;,, ;. ~. l ···.:,,-·'11\·rr~ .,,..,;. d tJr1 rv. t.he · f*-A\.r ;~·o-.J,. t\.,:.~:.t.·.P r;.; ,·~. !.tii.J ;;.rc··~:.~., \..t· 1-."r~.· ·:-"a~J·;.er~"o

R..S ~"r!t.dl•l rf u •• llieheot~l. Mr.a. loS• ~ltrutr ,..._ port.d for tJ"' ~" av. CC'Imllll twe, .,,.. ... l:lla )icller l"t)r ll!lllll·Hc:!t;t, L:r11. h·nt~C!bcr~r tor••1• and ••f'M, atr•• Al.tl.uun Jll.lbHc.at..ao•, •. ,.. •• fr41'11Whala ~rah1J.~, ... , •• ~.. etd'••nd .. 1c r..,. ka. )ilerlfiek. c..U• II.Oithera, ttr••· Lc<nr. t•••H..t. ~ anr.1 ,:,... JC>tll\lltl'h h~ at.erlen.

tht c;rc:tu; ~'t.4iod t.r oc: D\M tNt.. UOO 't~CW'ard tho ~ c:Nw of un:.fe·n:·• !'cw U. ~,m1tJ Rar.S. Nre. A.l.d«r't<c·r• et.a'Uid t.J.t~t J'r11 . ., ttebll Ha~r-rla hal • Uat 1A t.he Ubrar,r of .... ~:uinll'll 111S.U• h•t.lJo•f'lal ev,creet.ione to:r pe.,...nt.& •t-.o • .,.,t. ·""' i)/'1.~ • O'M~t.h·e .,~~~~ter tor ll.b.4t1r c:Ulcr·en. ..... ~l.c•ehw>e\ .. (' r 't.h• ... c:,....t.i.t>:!1 . d.e;jArt.IICJt out,.

u..n.d Ue ,•l"':'r.;ru· !c•r IJIIIIIIfl4tlr' -.c:UY1Uea includSnc diiJ• lind Low-• fc•r a.ll o: ~Me. T.••11 11 pri.t<'t.ed b4t­tc. ud l-•rl!'f>t.tt ·~11 ~~.ad tt. helf.t\11. w e:Ut- t.t:t.. -~le •nd! t-••t"" t t iA • ~nvent.,t j.be• for f\1-t41.'N ,...,.r.,,u. Yr. fll"'nlll..d CcC~peor 1po:u en t.he aoy SOouli. ~l.,.,& for thl!- r~~ lind Nn. flantbrd 0c111n.e Oft UMP IJ1rl !';ocu,, •c-t.! V'1 U••• .._.:r recre:auc-n adt!dAtlle--all ~i.mrnlnc cla .. •• .... .,. "->'· ~-·-'"R>~"'d"l'-mdtr 9--U. Jun1.c::r hr ... ..,.,

Mnnco,l.'! a.hd S.Wnleod.ht• ...U.1AJ. Advu.r,t-~ "!' .. nnse tor adult.

J.G..ll A, l' • lloel!:iNJe~U rw1.tlldng-d·11ldn'D J'.I"'I.Ot J•ic·le F.•Mbal.l

11-U A.~. l'l•r.!.r.;n.rll P1tiWftl-•·4ulte tftd d1vl.n« t'.r .• c·t I < let h•Mbe.U

· l-.2 l' .lr • A.r·c:tJ••ry --•• 1t•tllft !lltl·1ml.~t'*: i*•:.a.nt pnct1c:• ..._, r.w.

)-' f.){.

Arc Ylil! IJ.-- '"'" Sc· ru: .•. :n £1ceentt<r)t Sc f'tt.all t:l~t.ar)t 1f.eod,N, I!!Oa,> - ":'\Gbl1nc

b-7 i .~. s.ntC'r L1 r• Sll'!f'1r« r,....e".l:":--":h'.u-lli41!1!l.

•chll•al boye •el,c·c:<l bo)'e tor 1\.irb

9-W A.llt. JUI1.!cr lHe- aaYt,nc-a.dvu,cocS &nd 1nt.eraed-1•t..to tra~Jt.rc.inc !!>e r.! nr.C"r 2t '!' enn1.e-adu l t.• 1-T!.Na.ry Cra.n.- b-l!f )'11!ers of •••

10. U A.\.' • 1~ ~t!. r.n., u T •nn~.e--cl'-1l11rft)oobeginnera •'-­e.! r.c.

1,...1.2 A.~. Mn.r.c:f'd IMI'' • .ttllll.~~lt.a · IJ1v!r.,r-c:t1l~ b"rt,•r:•-d 1ldl"fttl

2-4 l'. u. 1-'a ~~<H • n-~1- Schoo 1 s.c ru .• : l--'l!lt'·rtoen

2t:JO..lJ•.v. :-:"~.e-d·1l"!nm 9 ... c:l c•n-6-'7 P.l.'. S<4rr.1c-r H !'tt •••~.n.e: 6--8 r.V. Paoet.-U ;.net~e~f'n

ft\!!rd!J' 10.. A.Jol. A.reh«!J")'-4"K. ·l~H:1r.~ct!1~1f c:l-nd te larp 8'lC'\l.ll"t .•

~-"·'"!~.~,~"'f ·:··:t•+-- ~r .. r ... :, ·>' ~J..I( .. :r: r~~tf'}J.,l fc:r 11.., 1\.'i\'~f"Z'

t!'1t; i : >".


G-~, C.·· S. MEET INC.-

JU N·E­-. 4J..

DR. STILL LEA"¥ES GQENBELT. llr ._ • scl:t.•


. Leaving ue June f'tloet 1e Dr.. Joe w. Sti.ll• ~ belt'• aeclical cruead.er.· He cane here l'WbJ"QAJ7, 193':1 ~ •• eince thlll :worked tor the health or the 00 ... mun.it.)'. It -. Dr. SUU who ·tovght eo l.oitg aDd 80: bani lbr ov.r pn~Hnt ho8pital, and baa been o.-. paicninc earneetl3 tor a larger hoepital, wh:l.ch itf aeecl.cl to accomodate the new ree:tdent.e which are ex• · peetecl to etart IIO"''1n(c 1n b,r next tllll. 'l'be tact tbat the medical recorda are in euch excellent order 1e accreclited to Dr. Still•• reorganisati.on ot t.be' ol4 •et.hod ot bookkeeping. . ·

Whether he retnlllee hie poet 1n the arAQ" medical corope re...-.. u 1'1rat UeutenBDt, or hi.e, job ae hMlth ott.lcer in the state or Tenneeeee, he will dO juet u excellent a job aa he liae done i.n Oreenbelt~ We hate to eee Dr. Still go, but it ie .coneol.1ng to know that (1\here will bene.ti t by ow loee.

There could n4riV be •nough people in Greenbelt with tbe epirit or cooperation which nr. su;q. brouaht with him. Not eatiafted w1 th the eucceea he had 1n U:VI'O"''lac our medical oond1tione, he kept- up on Oreen.belt•e prog:reea · eleewbe:re b,r boldine tb• poeition ot eecntar7 in the Co~UN~Der Serricee~ and fta • ••her of the Health Aaeociation Board. ·

Born 111 Nebruka, Dr. St.ill received hi.e degree at t.he Unhere1t7 or llebraeka. He eerved hie 1n-temeeh1p at a hoepital iD IC:lng'e Count,.., tf.J. ·

B-8 Club To Meet

D1.rector ot PQbUc SatetJ' Paaagoulle hU etal"'te!l a B-B rtne club aDd 1e 11n'i\W ali ch1l.dre.v6t echool age to becoJne membere. . ·

There ie no charge tor a•berehip. The J).f.rector le announcing th~t the next meeting ot the club will be on June 9 ..

So r.taber all 7ou bo7e and girle who haft B-8 rtnee eee the Director or Public aaret7 and enroll tor a bigger and better nne club betor• the IMIXt ... ttng. '

~ritr.•· costa the Pnited States fifteen billion dol.,. l:u~ per yeo.r.


------~· ----------------------~ ';

CookiJ18 School A Big Succes Kiddie Klub Novel Feature Varloue l'e~Uke heard OODCel"'''iDc \be OOCkiac

school held on 'l'hur.s.;, and Mda.J oJ"' Jan . ..- d.l add up to one woJ'd 1 Suoceaa. Coae!denb:t. 1Dtcrt.t. was displayed b7 t.be ladies in ett.endance, 1t ... I

been reported, and the lecturee ._. .. 11 recet...s. · on the f.lrn daJ' ·12s wen pneent. .,.. on Frt.d.q,

tbe da7 of the bic cc'Dtest, 150 ..._ ftlled U.. home econottice J'Oca where U'..e •Qreenbelt School of· Elect.ne Cookeey• wu held. The 2-dq oootdJ• Mhool was eponaored b7 t.be education cc:.ait.W. or~ bttlt. eo,..,..- SeM'icee. ...... Ella o. Roller te 1

chainnan of that CORIIitt.H. \)ne feature •hic'h dJ'etf conaicSerlable Snter.at. -..

the 11UJ"MI')' PJ'Ovidtid the a>t.hen of -.all Clb.1lclnft. These latdiee were t.hue enabled to dtmJt.e t.hel.r .,_ tin attention to the cook1Ac eolwlol Without. belnc 1nterrupt.ecl while their' chtl.dna ..... betnc oaNcJ tor b;y COIIpe\ent pereons.

The ages oJ" the chil.cl.ren .caftd . tor Sn \he nr&reer'7 zoanged hom about 3 110nt.ha t.o about. S ,._.. It. -.. a lull houee. l etudent teacher tro. \be Dni'IW'e:lt,. ot Muyland, l'iee A.ndel"eon, who . wu · tiak1Jt.r oare of the nuneey, had to be r.1 Yen aaiet.uc. 1D \be hlndo-11ng. ot the 30 JWneetere placed 1D her ch&rp on Th'.ll'eda7.

On Jlrida)' ehe ••• fA"'¥1ded betoreNm&t llith fcnlr aesietante to look after the 1.0 children t.vn.d owr to h•• In1'arita 1n bugles, 10\lft&et.ere c,...l.t.•te, others toddl.1ng 1'I'Ce place to place, and t.be olde.r children in the nUJ'118J7 cr•t.ed bot.h a proble -.cl a pleaeing spectacle in noh a pt.heri.na ot tbe JOUR&-er citizenr.y ot Oreenbelt.. .

. ane little JOUDIJeter ....s u. .. tr b;y 8UCk'lnc t\e thwnb and polit.e]3 .tallinc aeleep nretc.hed out. oa the tloor-et111 ban&inc onto tMt. t.bw.b. · ·

In oonnect.ion 111 th \he oooldnc ecbool ... aODII, it hae been reported that. oa both dii,Ja the p~ ... tilled a~at to ca.,.dQ-, J)lll'1.1culu)¥ the MOCICd dq, and that ~e ladies ,...... enf.,tnaalaet.to ed s.-preesed with what.~ the:J MW and tlea:rd. ·

us. Turner, dietician tor the Pot.eMc a.cvto Power Com~, wbo oonduct.ed \be ecbool,. ..,,.. t.rated the pre.-z-at.ion of a _.,.r otcll.a.. and run meals. She a1ec> pu...S. o1at a booklet. ooDWS.D­ing about ~ menue and recipae. 'fh1• booklet., lllh.lcb ••• compiled b,y t.he ~ •rn• ~ or her ..,... pan;y, was prepared eepedal:q tor \be oookin& ecboot. it wae et.atad.

A salM! caUed Tl'eaiiUI'a Trow, entered bJ lr.ra. Donald Kem, ot 26-A CZ..ac•t. Road, _,.. the tlnt. pri.ze in the Nlad cont.eat.. 8be ••• ••Ned \be baked. h••

1/!re. C8Z'I'ie Hall, of 7-C Pa.rlcw7, tCCID NCIOIId prise. She waa giftln a lar:e• eteatc. ft.1rd prt•, • chicken ealad, w.nt to &:re. Anne lttll•r, ot 1?-A R:ldpP RoAd_. tcr twr ent..r:y.

Nurerou. pr:t .... , ccn•tet.1oe ot tU.JUWre, c.t~.tce•, •lade, and Co-op products, ...,. UV'ded each •· It hu been stated that ~ •• Turner •• fnDnb-. iapneeed with the enthu•1a.t.1c I'Mpon• tO U... ooolto-1ng school, ae wu Cha1.nlan Roller allcl oUiera.

'l'h• lAr.rf-~t scllh• 1.• itf n<.i.n a· 1:'&11 orr~er l'ic('l~a.~· t•· hi o<>s

15 Neighborhood Nigh18



l cut.a~r,:!.;;· ftllf'l lOr,.,. for a.l,, th• Grettnbdt (ien.­u.,.~•n hrm.cT-. rh• t.n ItA• WTr~ f1e he~ O'f' "1n-hut atn<:~t H. ~ •u ,.c.,... Ult• 1on.1r, 4e~a't C:Oil1t.•et a rain­u:.~r WltH iic-n4A;r a.c ... _. c:e.n all he.-.. a won<Mrtul "+<~-"'r,tl,, .. t'Ur>t. t.l i :~;trl!r•d &n~ dr.nch!fct in Ute pool.

Afbr )'t -.n- r;·•J•t-r tw1 b~P-en r-ut to bf.·d 'Wif@e:Sd&T1 h.tt· •••ll_. ~.l';f' C,tocl'"'"tar et.atf t.~lc H.,.,•lt o'ftr t.o u-,. St..•rH.:~t .... nM re•r :a..r •n Ch~?.. ,.. h•~<~ a ntoe UM •. r:.d t,t~ ,..,t .. rt.a'lftll•f11:1t ~ooOIU'J.t.t•• consisted ot ~T'll-&n ( s.e• etc 17) Sol Sh,_,b, 1'1'hc ent..-rteined us ws tih J·,i:f h'WI'IOr~ ard Ml\.t~r Fc~:n.t,ht, •hQI ha-1 'brcnacht 6.l an$. ~1 <:t~r·r-~ r:. f r,l a. •8a.b7.•

iiir,. •1r•Od·J ;.-c-c:am;r, of )-• PIH.;f',h 41!1Cpect.d bll.dc a.r'J' :t.o~acmt. ft'Olll IM~ r mor.'l..h ' • 'WI·t"• U en • ~ • O.Or1tt '!'r<·tter. ')f 2"\-B ~~>Hr~, hft for z...., York CH7 olf'l !lay 2!t' • fer t»o !tJOn~.,·• n.eaUr,•f'l• Sh• •111 :flirs•r~:'l th4' r"~ t. cf ,., .. ,. ,.._..,. tn lt.haet, N. T. S..,e is f.a~~ ~Yr ;.~unr. ~en, «;t.••!• 1 •tth ~.,..

\"bt tint in :47-fl!rnblolt t~h ,. .... ~ " ht,. • eh~ lnt )'c•un;: ~ .... r.e-re ~· !•.n Jt,8:n 1 Puerto Rleo, "'"'• :Ew-e Arn«>:.c r., an<" :t-.eor J'OW'I~ -i•Uihtll!r, !ll•en• ,.,. .,. vh1'.1n.~;l t.rr. ~·f"ftttllllln'a 11ot.h,.r a.r.>1 ""r~t. •.fe.rce

·Ta,Jlor, :·.~s s~t~tAr, •t 1.)-lll li!Hc•• She tn:pttet.e w ""-611'1 j)f'r·eo •t-.c:ut thr.e •••Jc• &net t..,fOn ~h,. will t.raln t.o 1Hn.ru•~~<r>t.• t.o ,hit AMth111r sht.-r of h~u· h!:I•Nr~··'•. W.r hof'l' .r. haa • wonderfUl U:. ~utn. ... A.not)')rr "111&! t.('T who decidlfd to stAy w&$ >~r. Aaron Ste;:p, t.h.4!' ht.hl!'r or lo:rlli. flll.orence Sehaldt., S..K £a,Jt1Q.y 1 who ia Ml<lo,.. i.n Gr.~lt. 1/.rs. Sot.idt r.e•nt.ly UP'"'d fro:r; bier epart:wnt •'- 2.2-F Cntsoent, and h 41'1rpeetitli t,er buibaftlt to Aturn troca P.mql­'Nnl• I!IOC'n,ee~ h,. 1• NOo"'"""·f ff'Oif: an OP4Pr•t!on. M41tt:Y". •n 1'1tr11. FIIJeic llallMr, of 20-' Creacent left ..,ura<ta7 !or the ba.t of Vra. 'IJal~r• a pannte 1a FW~n.eylnnu. Thro7 .S..U ll't:"7 the weft-end end are taktnc da:ug;Mrr Dottle wU.h U1••

!ierf''• • cool 1t.•l%i• '!'b~tTfl'• adlllciou. nn brand of '-Yr.r•,~· • t t-hc- !cood •t.or• Whle~h eonsitt.• of 16 OWe4!':: or t.~ bU~ aeft dr1nloc chr't.UAa JOU'l:l . pro... t.bq ..,,.,,. •.ut.e, &n.tj•••tt"•7 are onl;y 6 ror 2,1& The ~ • •• H1.;;h Rr.t·ek.

Aft.,.r wateM .. n, .t.rlM I!Uhr we;~,h winoiO'Ifl, Satet7 ll)t nu: t.rr f'·a.n.a~or.-H tJ 1>&l.:17 ded•red U..t art.er thh ·~'""'="' :;t>'.>;lt -~h ~L.,.tr win•'C'11>~ •H.h •uf!Pty t..lt•• :\v,.:it': ~;;. .~! ~(:-c .. • .. : ~ ("'··~:r-:·~,.. ' ~.~VII~j~ t;;.~ .... 4~~t t;"icr&n.:u:r· _. b<e-:. t • ( OC'•OOCIOC'~U'lhU)

'TbeN! h • ,.,_ fut.l7 1ft ~Hlbelt ftc probablJ' he" lt'l'eld in a 1:1t1 tiOO lone• l M•tt 1\a~ COIIplaint..• t~bo'lft t.he-ir er1rH of unn•14fh~:rHaesa, whlch led t 11\lN ~ o ~ orr t.htt ~ r lawn 'l.o leeo Nople ti"'OI walk­inc on H.. •• e~tl'l Uftd•r•t.end how t.h•t tael about U.•l r ~~.! e•• l lt1rrJ , lvu t J'lcaow, llrelf.nbe 1 t lawne ju It ti,~n·t deh·r~ ..,,..t,,. by t.lac •t.• "d ~on, aftd a wo~ •,,.. ~.b• <~'fff'1114C'u •111 ba aont •tfect.tft t.b&n a NJSIII•

'U ti'l t.h• pc•('l O~Jt'ftl"*' tbh .... lc, none or us .S.ll nt•1 lilut "•k-«n.~ ba:ida.t:, ao why dC>D 1 t :you 'I:N7 7'0U1' C•I"''lilhlli ...,.,., ct;r,e.r .,...., .. " !Jtutr• at. th~t klce $elc S•to­IU''lfay n U.t- ft'•('~ at.c·Ne Th• :a•l~ h tor t..h• bene­fit. of t.r .. c;.,.., .... nbtfrl\ •r••t"7 khool. '!'hey are t.r:r-

. tne t.<: '"'t IIJ.O·n.l")' •"-•lt to r,•y off' ~tty debtl lnd ·••.n.<' t.ho :te:ho~•l •c Uut ta t.h• r~a!l, m.e~re chU~ren &Jtt,lll ~.nr.it.hc.r t.t-!llcbr r c.u be t.&lcen on. It..• a awrJpcl ~ ... ' ... • rood t s.a.. •• bO!Pe you' 11 au come U\routn.

11<r. •n lo/,rr.. ~,...•rd Carr of' ),_1 !Ud.c•· M'V'e a lot u c::o~;. em tht:l!• c:J•.J•• »either of th•M oe»al.f drtw eo \n,y ~U>t a e.ar Mill en l"~ to lk':L" t.o­&•'tr.er. 'l''h4J1•N 4olnl • ... u job anct ha-.. .-..c't.c-~ V•• • rllli.n, • \apt. 11 ,. juet l.a&rned to bt.h •nd b~t~nn•r• brel.n& ••t. 't.M7 are, I hope the C...r:~:-." Y"r·• tnll' tton•t. aen at • or11o~al J~G~~~Nt..

ihi<3• to our ·~el•l hl4h •ohool eorre:apo:,<tcmt, ~ltk :n,rd~tn Aeoordlq w JOIU" nlt!W:a atiOI"J on the tU.cfl :.c.hOoC•l i''raa., 1·iek, )'OU wnttA (tt w&• t1Md up1 ~~, a•o m onct w1ll ...,,. kno1t) ~en w had jut 8hou\ tiY~I'l <OIJ) hOJX' Of ... 1.nc 'W:r, :l.n W&llce t.l\1e ~n, we.utnl,i •-n orobar4.• ~· certainly alnecl a •1~t 1 1 II"'MMIf•

Cotne. Jun~, <:ome Love • A La Tenala


'\\"holeule 1-"ru.ita ·~ .. v esetables 1211 • 1213 • Maine Ave., S. W.

'\\"aahiagton, D. C.

Natiooal 1125 • 6· 7 • 8 • 9

Suppliers to your Foocl Store

llECIPES 97 Pet«¥ BaJ-gas


Here 1 • a tip to reme~~~ber when the oil •para tee ott the top ot 70UJ' JUIOnna:l.ee.

•tou don It. have to invest. in a new bottle oJ" tbe ctreeeinc,• eqa the COlfSUIIERS• oumE, publication ot. tbe Connmers 1 Couneel Division of the AAA •. "Beat . tbe ~nnain into an egg ;rolk or a. whole egg, UP tnc oaw egg t.or each pbt ot ma)'onnaisee . . .

"Be 8\IJ'e to add the d.J'eeeing alowq, alJd · w.t. th. " .all portions at a tiae. · .

· "Doing this will restore the dressing to i te on""' £1nal cond1 tion, eince the egg acts ae an anuls~ 1ng agent and also brings added food value to tbilr dreaeinc. . '""'

.You can prevent ma;vonnaiee tl'Om separating . .,., keeping 1t. well-coverec:l 1n the ·least cool spot ot the retn.gerator,. ~

S.P.. S.l"eelbers, M.D., D!l'eetor D!PAR'I'MIIf.r OF PUJU,IQ HEALTH




WArfield_ 1111 Tbe Chesapeake aad Potomac

Telephone Company of Ballimore City

RyattevUie, Md.




Mill\}' have alr~ put 1n their queeUcne and. tbeJr bide conceming the. Refugee Chil.cl.rw! • • Vacatlon 1A Greenbel'\. At t.he present ti&e, the tiret t.1110 ... ka 1.n July seem to be appre,IJJ'iate wwke in tlhteh to have t.heee children WitJ'I ue. h hope they wtll be able to arrive here on e1 t.ber MoJ!dtilr or 1'1eeda7, July let.

Very eoon now we plan to send in to the s--.r Placem.,t Comlni ttee the n.ee and rellaioue beck­poounclt!l, or the t•il.teis deair:lq children. Th1e Will greatly facilitate a more coapl.te and uthf)-1ng relationehit> between the ct.11d and t.he t•1l7 With which it et.qe. The Coalmitt.ee, .. undereter.d, baa appreXilllately 2<100 children ~ which t.o cbooe. ~ ot the Will go el~ aad there tore 1 t. be­booTes ua t. get our wants 1n as eoon as possible. The7 rill pick trail this laz-ge £1'0Up t.be fa'pe Of children we want.. lou can help ov· local ~tt.ee, Mrs. Thomas McN811ara., Krs. Abrah-. Cbaeanow• and _,_ eelt., very much b)' IUiking known your deeiree Uulle­diatel;y. Mrs. McN-.ara•e tele..,hone t'MIIber ia 4107, Mrs. Chaeanow•s 4202, and ad.ne, S681.

We would like to make clear t.bat no great t1nan­c1al outlay ie neceu&l')" by )IOU, •lie parents, in tald.ng one or theee children tnt.o your tw:.e. Their' entertainnent other than food, shelter .ad a rw 1nc1dentale, Will be ae!Nned b)' t.he Town in ortertnc them the tacil1t).11S ot the I!IW1J:lming pocl and by Uie Conewaer Services 1n attordtng th-. aceeas to the Theater. othe:r recreational poeeibtlitiee are being planned tor the children.

14&1Q' have asked about the ap:e or the Reftae4N!UJ• Last ;year they ranged fi'C'ID 8 7eara ol &141J to 12 an4 eUgbt:q older.

I have attempted t.o list eome or th8 pb,ye1eal tecta related to their ccrn1nc t.o ilreenbelt.. There are o$her eoneiderationa, aa was pointed out 1n laat week'• Cooperat.o~Ed1tor1al. Pereonal),J, I •Ul MVer forget the "sa~" ot last 7ear ae thlf7 e .. from the train at Un:lon Station. It•wu !ndeed a tbl"lll to watch the~~~ C(lftle to Sash1nyt.on, t.o hMr their enthusiaat.i c and freeh e~t.e, to ].1 et.e.n to the clever and excited eriners the;y atlde to t.he questioning reporters. There will be t.hat ._ look 1n their t'aces and gle• in their Q"es. I heartS 1)' "ccanend it to an;y or ;you who can arrance to Me ' .th• come :ln. · I, too, was impressed rit.h the contribution, the unique contribution,~ these children tr.ade to Orem­belt. Moat of it., net.ur111lly, ""Ill tel~ by u,., ••r­ents Y>bv Cd.1ltt 1at.<.. cl,.;.~,. ~r,nt,;,ct. "·, •l. '·t.• ,.., .. -t­tbi-cughout the tao weeks. This eu.e e.xperi.-ce :la awaiting those ·or you who make &J.·Plieatle.n tor a "child wi thMlt a country."


'ft'anted-Recipcta trom Greenbelt wc:mea. Pleaee aencl your ra~r:l te recipe or recipes to the ftric--u.e Block Representatives listed in last week's Coope.,.... tor on page .). The COIIImlni ty Church. Guild, the wo­mon•s organ:lzati.Cin or the Co-.urJ.ty Church, are sponeoring a unique Cook Book 1 aacl would be ftl'J gratetul tor any ane'l all contt'ibutiona.

Tbia coming Weclneeda)", June 4, at l1)0 I.~,. at the home or Mra. &.lmett R. Gr:lgr,s, 11-F R1dee Road, the Guild will hold their monthly meeting. lira. 14eE~­bert Hall., Sr. 1a in charge crt the progr•. All wo­~ ot the Congregation and ot the Church are cordi­al~ 1rrrt ted t.o attend.

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