Legally Blonde The Musical Character 2016 Legally Blonde The...


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Legally Blonde The Musical Character Breakdown

Principal Lead Roles AUDITION PIECES


Elle Woods

The quintessential Valley Girl who follows her ex-boyfriend to Harvard Law School and realizes that she has more to offer than just a pretty face and a bubbly personality. Female, 18-25 yrs old Range: Soprano Belt Gb2 - G5

“So Much Better” (whole song)

3 & 10

Warner Huntington III

A good-looking but shallow and pompous guy who breaks Elle's heart and heads off to Harvard Law. Male, 20- early 30’s. Excellent actor / singer. Range: Tenor Eb3 - Ab4

“Serious” Bars 1 58 until “break-up”

1 & 6

Emmett Forrest

A smart and sensitive law student who takes Elle under his wing. He is charming, quirky, loveable, and friendly. Excellent actor / singer. Male, 20’s – 30’s Range: Tenor - B2 - A4.

“Chip on my shoulder” Bars 23-75


Vivienne Kensington

Vivienne Kensington A smart, savvy, and uptight law student and Warner's fiancee who initially dismisses Elle, but grows to be her friend. Excellent actor / singer. Female, 20-25 yrs old Range: A3 - F5

Choose from any of the audition pieces listed

4 & 6

Professor Callahan

Professor Callahan A pompous, sleezy and manipulative law professor at Harvard who is highly successful, but completely immoral, Excellent actor / singer. Male, Late 30’s – 50’s. Range: Baritone A2 - F#4

“Blood in the Water” Bars 1- 97

12 & 13

Paulette Buonofonte

A brash, caring, optimistic hair stylist who is friends with Elle and longs to find a man for herself. A brash and funny hair stylist who is friends with Elle Female, 20 -45 yrs old Range: A3 - A5 Soprano Belt

“Ireland” full song and “Bend and Snap” Bars 1-40


Brooke Wyndam

Brooke Wyndam An exercise video mogul who is also a former sorority girl. She is energetic and charismatic, yet currently on trial for murder. Female, 25-35 yrs old Range: A3 - G5

“Whipped into Shape” Bars 1-65


DELTA NU Sisters Margot/Serena/Pilar

Excellent actors / singers / dancers. California Sorority girls who act as Elle’s Greek Chorus. Margot is ditzy, Pilar is sassy, Serena is Starbucks and Spray Tan obsessed. 3 Females, Late Teens – 20’s Range: Soprano Belt - G#3 - F5

“Bend and Snap” Bars 1-40

Act throughout Song Plus 2 & 11

Enid Hoopes Excellent Actor/Singer. A mousy, intellectual Law student. Female Late teens – 20’s. Range Soprano Belt – G3-G5

Choose from any of the audition pieces listed

3 , 6 & 8


NAME DESCRIPTION Audtiion Song Sides

Kyle Brendan O’Boyle:

The UPS Guy - Dancer Male, 20’s – 40’s. Good dancer. A great-looking, in-shape employee of the United Postal Services.

Choose from any of the audition pieces listed

Page 90 “Ive got a package” – “have yourself a super day”

Admission Officers: Winthrop, Lowell And


3 Males, Late 20’s – 50’s. Good actors / singers. Harvard admissions board. Three different, quirky and funny characters.

Choose from any of the audition pieces listed

Acting throughout song showing each character

Leilani and Kate Excellent singers / dancers. Elle’s other sorority sisters. Female, Late Teens – 20’s. Range Alto - Bb3 - Eb5

Choose from any of the audition pieces listed

Acting throughout song

Chutney Wyndham Brooke Wyndam’s step daughter, affected by her “station” and marginally psychotic - Actor


Nikos Argitakos

Actor Male, Late Teens – 30’s. Character actor. Brooke’s pool boy. Witness against Brooke. Role: Gay AND European


Carlos Tenor Male, Late Teens – 30’s. Character actor / singer. Boyfriend of Carlos

. Lines in Song Gay or European

Dewey Actor Male, 20’s – 40’s. Character actor. Paulette’s trailer- trash ex-boyfriend


Law Students

Aaron Schultz – 2nd Tenor Male, Late Teens – 20’s. Excellent singer. Harvard Student. Sundeep Padamadan – Baritone / Tenor Male, Late Teens – 20’s. Excellent singer. Foreign Harvard Student

Choose from any of the audition pieces listed

Acting throughout song showing each character

Mr & Mrs Woods

Elle’s Mom - Alto - C4-E5 Female, 30’s – 50’s. Good mover / singer / actor. Elle's socialite, country-clubing mother Elle’s Dad - Baritone - D3 - E#4 Male, 30’s – 50’s. Good mover / singer / actor. Elle's rich, golfer father

Choose from any of the audition pieces listed

Acting throughout song showing each character

Grandmaster Chad

Grandmaster Chad - High Baritone Male, Late Teens – 20’s. Excellent Character Actor / Hip Hop Singer / Hip Hop Dancer.

“What you Want” Bars 113-120


Judge Featured Ensemble role 14

DA Joyce Riley Featured Ensemble role 12

Featured Ensemble

Jet Blue Pilot, Saleswoman, Store Manager, Prison Guard, Bookish Client And Sabrina. Featured roles for performers who have vibrant personalities. Male or Female

Ensemble The ensemble roles consist of Waiters, Delta Nus, Frat Boys, Greek Chorus, Students and Inmates
