LENT AT GRACE · 3/2/2020  · 2 Border Ministry Initiative We had a kick-off meeting on February...


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  • https://graceline.org/


    Three Wednesday services, 7p, March 4, 18 and April 1 are scheduled. These services will reflect on our Sunday Bible text as well as the story of the Good Samaritan (Neighbor). There will be two weeks (March 11 & 25) with the small group meetings. These small groups will receive guide materials and if needed a resource person to help. Why do we need small groups? Grace is a small congregation that knows each other already. Small groups give the gift of a little more time together than the moments before and after worship. Small groups give the gift of

    focusing attention on our faith journeys. Small groups give the gift of building deeper relation-ships with folks you already like. Grace will receive all these gifts from the Lenten Small Groups. The goals of these small groups are to deepen our relationships and practice studying Scripture and praying together. All ages are welcome (and needed). LENTEN BOOK GROUP Just as small groups deepen our relationships a book group can bless us. Pastor Cindy will be leading this group as we read Grateful: The Transformative Power of Giv-ing Thanks by Diana Butler Bass. Over the past years Grace has gotten smaller in numbers and Pastor believes this loss has dampened our spirit. Coming together to read Grateful: The Trans-formative Power of Giving Thanks might be a way to reclaim who we are now and how we see the fullness of God’s presences with us now. We will meet three times between March 4- April 8. The meeting times will be set by the group. All ages are welcome (and needed). Here is a little about the book. Although most of us know that gratitude is good — and good for us — there is a gap between our desire to be grateful and our ability to behave gratefully. The implications of the gap are bigger than we realize, affecting both our personal and public lives. “Gratitude is a habit of awareness that reshapes our self-understanding and the moral choices we make in the world. “


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    Border Ministry Initiative We had a kick-off meeting on February 11th to begin developing a plan for Grace’s efforts in support of the ELCA Border Ministry. Eleven enthusiastic members attended the meeting. The first order of business was to establish a set of guiding principles that would be used as a sounding board for any potential pro-jects. These were as follows: - Will adhere to all federal, state, and local laws - Will not put anyone at undue risk - Will align with ELCA Border Ministry Initiatives - Will be self-funding (not in current budget) - Can be accomplished in 2020 - Will be spirit led and prayer based The second order of business was to brainstorm about potential projects as follows: - Use Thrivent Action Teams whenever possible - Communicate often to the congregation - Support the food pantry in Eagle Pass - Provide support for the shelter and church in Eagle pass * supplies * cleaning * whatever is needed - Major project for the shelter or church in Eagle Pass * repair and maintenance * painting * construction Working with the ELCA, we are in the process of organizing a mission trip to the border in late March / ear-ly April. We are awaiting feedback from the ELCA leaders at the border to finalize plans. Stay tuned as we embark on this exciting mission! Grace is truly a special place!

    Property Matters Update The WGH has been power washed, the paint colors have been chosen and purchased.

    The house will be painted by early March.

    The deck has been power washed; the stain color has been chosen and purchased.

    The deck, railings and picnic table will be stained by early March.

    The labor for the WGH and deck projects has been donated to Grace by members of a group that uses our


    All the trees on the property have been trimmed.

    The cost of these three projects has been paid for with three designated gifts.

    Update coming soon

    The roofs have been evaluated.

    A bid has been received to tint the windows on the back of WGH.

    We are awaiting feedback

    from the ELCA leaders at the

    border to finalize plans.

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    Sacred Earth: The Way of Love in God’s Creation

    How do people of faith love and care for the earth through their rela-tionship with food? Through the arts? Through worship and social ac-tion? We will engage these questions through • Panels • Worship • Conversation • Reflection For more information, visit https://www.sacredearthsymposium.org

    Saturday, April 18, 2020 St. Mark's Episcopal Church 3039 Ranch Road 12 San Marcos, TX Free Admission~ Register HERE

    Former US Episcopal Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori Keynote Speaker

    Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

    Learning Event CEO/President of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS),

    Krish O’Mara Vignarajah

    Saturday, March 7th, 10:00-Noon Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 3525 Bee Cave Rd. Austin, TX.

    A learning opportunity to listen to people at the front lines of this political divi-sive issue, to ask questions, and be educated beyond media sound bites and Face-book posts.


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    VISION All migrants and refugees are protected, em-braced and empowered in a world of just and welcom-ing communities. MISSION As a witness to God’s love for all people, we stand with and advocate for migrants and refugees, transforming communities through ministries of ser-vice and justice. CORE VALUES Driven by a desire to serve vulnera-ble refugees and migrants, we refuse to compromise our moral, economic, and political integrity as we carry out our mission to that end. Innovation Committed to bold action and continuous learning, LIRS invites others to join our mission, eager to em-brace fresh perspectives and explore new ways to en-gage in this work of welcome. Interdependence LIRS depends on a diverse network of community partners, faith-based groups, and private entities to magnify our reach and impact – and they rely on our expertise and leadership.

    AMMPARO Migrant Children

    The word “amparo” in Spanish means the protection of a living creature from suffering or damage. In a holis-tic, whole church response that connects international and US outcomes, the ELCA has developed this strate-gy based on the following commitments:

    • Uphold and guarantee basic human rights and safe-ty of migrant children and their families.

    • Address the root causes of migration in countries from Central America’s Northern Triangle and Mexico and the treatment of migrants in transit.

    • Work toward just and humane policies affecting migrants in and outside the U.S.; and Engage as a church body with all its companions, affil-iates and partners to respond to the migration situation and its causes and to advocate for migrant children and their families.

    Please designate your offering to “Lenten Offering”. All Wednesday service offerings will be designated “Lenten Offering”.


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    Grace Welcomes Cheryl Rogers as a Member! Cheryl has lived in the Round Rock West neighborhood for many years. She is an Accounting Manager at Girl Scouts of Central Texas. She enjoys spending time with her adult daughter Amanda, who lives in the area. Cheryl has an artistic side to her. She creates wonderful designs for t-shirts. This artistic side also is expressed in baking cookies, cakes, pies and any kind of desserts. Her off time is also spent with friends and reading. She’s learning to like going to the gym but is still working on that. As a lifelong Lutheran she feels at home in worship and is excited about getting to know Grace. Welcome Cheryl! Cheryl Rogers 1603 Lime Rock Dr. Round Rock, TX 512-731-6029 crogers1975@austinn.rr.com *updated Grace directory was emailed with this Graceline

    February A service project that Grace's youth participate in the first Sunday of most every month is assisting Trinity Care Center residents to and from Chapel Service. Our youth were at Trinity Care on February 2nd. Thanks to Vicki Wall for going with us. February 16 our youth also went bowling at the Bass Pro Shop in Round Rock. A big Thank You goes to Christina Meadows for deciding what the youth were going to do. The Youth also helped make and deliver Valentines to the Trinity Place Apartment residents on February 22. March March 1st, the youth will once again be at Trinity Care Center to assist residents. Jackson Crippen says he has never been to Six Flags–Fiesta Texas, and he wanted to ride the roller coasters there. Others wanted to go too. So, Sunday, March 15, our youth and adult leaders will travel to Six Flags Fiesta Texas in San Antonio to spend the day trying to ride all the roller coasters in the park! The park is open from 10:30am-7:00pm. We will leave GLC about 8:30am and we should be back by 9:00pm. April On April 12 Easter Sunday the youth will host the

    annual Easter Brunch. Brunch will be served from 8:30-10:00am. Hopefully Mr. Bob's Cinnamon Rolls and Papa Bowman's Grits will be served. Both of those items are popular fare among the congregation. Easter EGGtravaganza Do we want to have an Easter Eggtravaganza this year? We need an organizer for this event to take place. Please let a council member know if you have interest in leading an Easter based event. Vacation Bible School It is already March, and it is time to be thinking about Vacation Bible School. The council has set VBS for sometime in July – no dates yet though. We need VBS Coordinators first in order to move forward in planning Vacation Bible School. Again, please let a council member know if you would like to take a lead-ership role in VBS. The next ELCA Youth Gathering is less than 500 days away. The 2021 ELCA Youth Gathering will be held June 29-July 3, 2021 in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minne-sota. The theme will be boundless God Beyond Meas-ure.

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    President– Amy Eskridge, president@graceline.org Vice President -Charlotte Reemts, vicepresident@graceline.org Treasurer-Sheila Moldenhauer, treasurer@graceline.org Secretary– Shirley Shay, secretary@graceline.org Pastor-Cindy Wolf, pastor@graceline.org Other Ministry Leaders Stewardship - Bill Pfaff, stewardship@graceline.org Worship & Music - Adam Reemts, worship@graceline.org

    Visit our calendar at https://graceline.org/calendar/ for more events


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    Vicki & Perry Wall-at the passing of longtime friend Alice Stried. May they

    case their sorry on God & receive solace.

    Jack Reinshuttle (Christina M’s grandpa)Lung mass. May God walk with

    Christina & her family as they receive this news.

    Pat Condon (Cheryl M’s mom) Receiving radiation. May God be her

    strength bringing unchanging love to surround her.

    Bob Eskridge Sr. (Bob E’s Dad)

    Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Prayers God will make a way forward for his family.

    Marty Heany (Sue M friend)-Marty has had brain surgery; radiation &

    chemo. May Marty, his family and Sue be held by God’s strong love.

    Colleen Railsback (friend of Sandy S.) -Receiving chemo & radiation. May

    Colleen’s faith continue to be her strength.

    Dr. Diane Fourie (Cynthia S’s former boss) Breast cancer treatment. May

    God’s wisdom direct the medical decisions and God’s love surround her.

    Pat Alex– Received implant for pain management. Prayers for continued improvement & re-

    turn of energy. May God bring & peace comfort to Pat.

    Glenda Shed (Sandy Seifert’s

    sister) fractured vertebra from car accident. May God’s healing hand relieve her of pain and

    comfort her during her recovery.

    Dick McCasland (brother-in-law of Pat Alex)-Melanoma diagnosis. Pray for wisdom &

    God’s healing hand to be with Dick.

    Bridget Thien-Recovering from surgery. May God strengthen & renew her to health.

    Our Military Members:

    Ciera Greene-Navy PO 1st class-stationed in San Diego, CA

    Paul Wooton, LCpl USMC (Caylin Campbell’s husband)-stationed in


    Tim Sikorski, Army Lt. Colonel, stationed in Germany.

    Adah Frankovic (lifelong friend of Kathy T & Cindy S), Captain ,

    USAF, stationed in Clovis, NM

    Brett Ambroson (Cheryl McVay’s nephew)-Doctor, Special Forces,

    Naval Air Stationed in Key West.

    Michael Campbell-Completed boot camp.

    Prayer requests for family and friends of Grace will be included for a month. Updates and requests may be added for the next month, email office@graceline.org

    “I will not leave you

    comfortless, I will come to

    you.” John 14:18

    Prayer Concerns & Updates


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    Trinity Place Valentine’s

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    That Thin Thread of Faith Reflection: February 2020 By Aaron Fuller February 13, 2020

    In February 2013, I received news

    that my mother had finally passed

    away. She had been on and off her

    feeding tube for months; her body

    simply wouldn’t give up its life.

    Looking back, I think she held on

    because her spirit was tormented.

    Mom was a lifelong alcoholic and,

    as a result of her disease, incurred

    early-onset dementia, moving from

    assisted living to memory care be-

    fore she died.

    During our visits she constantly ex-

    pressed that she was going to hell

    because of her past sins. Never

    mind prayers and absolution from

    chaplains—she clung to earthly life,

    repeating, “I don’t want to go to


    I often think of my mom when the

    transfiguration story comes up dur-

    ing the liturgical year, as it does

    this February. Gospel for her was

    an unbelievable reality, much like

    the idea of a transfigured, dazzling

    Jesus. Unlike in Jesus’ narrative,

    there was little peace in Mom’s sto-

    ry and no happy ending. She didn’t

    believe she could be saved.

    This month’s Gospel texts are

    bookended by two familiar passag-

    es—the Beatitudes and the story of

    Jesus’ transfiguration. On first read-

    ing, such texts sound like impossi-

    bilities. For those who suffer the

    harsh realities of this world—

    poverty, injustice, addiction, loneli-

    ness, despair—blessing and trans-

    figuration may seem out of reach.

    Through my mother’s life and the

    lives of others, I’ve learned that

    sometimes faith in things such

    as blessing and transfiguration hang

    on a thread—and a thin one at that.

    Yet as we prepare ourselves to en-

    ter the season of Lent, let us re-

    member that this thin thread of faith

    is all God needs to heal us, renew

    us, reconcile us to others, and bring

    a sense of peace and justice into

    hopeless situations.

    Because of that thread, I believe

    that my mom experienced peace in

    and beyond her death, something

    she rarely experienced here on

    earth. Her unbelief could not sepa-

    rate her from the love of God in

    Christ Jesus.

    Today, despite the disturbing rise in

    hatred and division around us, I be-

    lieve that the downtrodden and

    those forgotten or cast off by socie-

    ty are still blessed. Regardless of

    my cynicism and doubt, I cling to

    the hope and mystery of God’s

    blessing and transfiguration, no

    matter how unrealistic or impossi-

    ble they seem.

    For those who suffer, wondering if

    God is listening; for those who, like

    me, wonder if they’re doing all they

    can; and for all of us who look at

    the world and long for God’s bless-

    ing and transfiguration daily, let

    that thin thread of faith be enough

    Article from: https://www.livinglutheran.org/2020/02/reflection-that-thin-thread-of-faith/

    Aaron Fuller

    Fuller is a bi-vocational pastor

    serving as a Navy Reserve


    Our expenses for January exceeded our income by $1646.67. $1350 of this was transferred to the High School Fund as part of our commitment to support their fundraising for the National Youth Gathering.

    Financial breakdown on pages 10 & 11.


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    Phone: 512-255-6001

    Fax: 512-255-1024

    E-mail: office@graceline.org

    Mission Statement Grace Lutheran Church of Round Rock, Texas

    As a called community of Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit,

    we boldly witness the Gospel to each other, our neighbors and the world.

    At Grace we are united as a

    Family of Believers who minister to the needs of the community through worship, prayer,


    fellowship and stewardship.

    708 Bluff Drive

    Round Rock, TX 78681


    Grace Lutheran Church

    Large enough to serve, small enough to care.

    Council Meeting – Thursday, March 26 - 6:30PM-TEC
