Lesson 18 p. 73 God’s Will For His People (Part 1)


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Lesson 18Lesson 18

p. 73p. 73

God’s Will For His God’s Will For His People (Part 1)People (Part 1)

The Giving of God’s Law

Genesis 1:27Rom 2:14-15Deut 10:4Gal 3:19

God gave the world his law in two ways…

The Giving of God’s Law

2. He wrote it on 2 stone tablets at Mt. Sinai to instruct sin-dulled hearts.

1. He wrote it in man’s heart

Understanding the Law VS. Gospel is very important!

The Law The Gospel

“Do”“Don’t do”Demands

Shows our sins

“Done”“Will be done”Promises

Shows our SaviorFear Peace

Love God! God loves!

In the beginning, perfect humans loved and obeyed God’s will.

Sin has dulled (clouded) the hearts and consciences of humans.

The Written Law instructs sin-clouded hearts in the knowledge of God’s Will.

The Diagrams in the book (add the definitions).

Matt 19:16-22Rom 3:19-20

1. mirror X-ray / clear reminder

The Reason for God’s Law

To show us our sin (S.O.S)

Ps 119:105

2. Guide show believer how

To live a God-pleasing life.

The next 2 diagrams visualize this

The Three uses of the Law

1st use: club

2nd: mirror / S.O.Sins

3rd: guide

Why Obey God’s Law

I am the Lord your God

Exodus 20:2

Why Obey God’s Law CONTINUED

He created us.

Psalm 100:3

…the work of the Father

Why Obey God’s Law CONTINUED

He redeemed us, bought us.

1 Cor 6:20

…the work of the Son

Why Obey God’s Law CONTINUED

He sanctified us, set us apart for himself

1 Cor 12:3

…the work of the Holy Spirit

Why Obey God’s Law CONTINUED

CreatorThe Lord is our…


Why Obey God’s Law CONTINUED

Jn 14:151 Jn 4:19

..Law because of God’s great love for us.

The Apple Tree helps us


love your neighbor as yourself


2. Faith in Christ= 100% Save

4. Thank-apples

love God

A Summary of God’s Law

2nd: love your neighbor as yourself


1st: love God above all

The 1st Commandment

God requires… that he be…

You shall have no other gods.

First in our lives.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The 1st Com. Continued

We fear God… when we…

Hate the things God hates and love the things God love.

Dan 3:1-18; Gen 39:1-9; Prov 8:13

The 1st Com. Continued

We love God… when we…

Consider him to be our greatest treasure and devote our whole lie to serving him.

Gen 22:1-19; 1 Jn 4:9; 2 Cor 5:14-15

The 1st Com. Continued

We trust God… when we…

Put our whole confidence in his promises and always take him at his word.

Dan 6:1-23, 1 Sam 17, Psalm 34:7 & 37:5

The 1st Com. Continued


Putting someone or something ahead of God.

The sin against the 1st Commd. Is called

1. .. False god, or idol

…a false god.

People commit idolatry when…

1 Kings 10:1-29, Ex 20:4-5, Mat 4:10, Jn 5:23

2. .. Respect, love or trust God.

Examples: money, fame, popularity, friends, self

People also commit idolatry when…

Lk 12:15-21; Matt 6:24; 1 Jn 2:15, Prov 3:5

Jesus only…. us

Romasn 5:19: By the obedience of one (Jesus) shall the many be made righteous.

It takes a perfect record to live with God.

Who has achieved this (perfect record)?

Assignment:Complete the “Assignment Box”

(on page 75) numbers 1-6 for next class.
