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Letters to the Editor

February 18, 2015

Dear Editor,

Stop killing our pests.Contrary to popular belief not all pests are bad. Ants, the most hated and hunted of the pests helps the growth and developments of your garden.

Mark Gurney from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds says, Ants are farmers, workers, conquerors and thieves.They're fascinating creatures, and a vital part of the food chain in gardens.

Ants natural habitat is the garden; they are not out to harm it. Ants main diet is the insects that seek to eat your vegetation. While building their homes ants aerate the soil, helping your garden grow. Finally our petulant ants are defenders of the weak. Certain breads of caterpillars depend on ants for survival. Ants guard these caterpillars during their development process. Certain species even finish their development into a butterfly in the ants nest.

The Frederick and Ophelia Tate Ogier Gardens is a perfect example of this thriving ecosystem. The Ogier Gardens is an organic garden on the campus of the University of North Florida. The garden doesnt use pesticides; they let their ants roam free. This freedom has been so successful, that the garden has the opportunity to seasonally provide the campus cafeteria with vegetables.

Next time think before you squish.

Sincerely, Michaela GrimmigThe Ogier Gardens (PR)(561)-602-9937mgrimmig93@gmail.com