Leveraging Social Media: Listening Conference Call 2




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Listening Cohort GroupConference Call 2: June 7, 2011

Track 1: Beginner

Beth Kanter and Julie Pippert, Zoetica


Roll Call (5 minutes)Wiki Journal Reminder (5 minutes)DYI Listening Experiment: Dashboard Set Up, Overview of Tools(25 minutes)Peer Assist (15 minutes)Reflection and Next Call

Type into Chat: Last month we covered how to link listening to decisions, work flow, using an RSS Reader, and brainstorming keywords.What did you do for your listening project during the last month?

Roll Call: Phone/Voice

When I call your name, Unmute by *7, say your and Mute by *6


Reminder About Wiki Journals

Type into the chat: What did you learn?What is not yet clear?

A reminder about where to get “just in time” help ….



Listening Experiment:

• Overview of Tools• Setting Up Your Dashboard• Tips on Reading, Analyzing, and Reporting

Heavy Lifting is in the Set Up

Tools: Create Searches Based On Keywords

Source: http://socialmedia-listening.wikispaces.com/Tools

Start with a small number of keyword searches on these tools and grow gradually …

• Nonprofit Name • Other nonprofit names in your space • Program, services, and event names • CEO or well-known personalities associated with your organization • Other nonprofits with similar program names • Your brand or tagline • URLs for your blog, web site, online community • Industry terms or other phrases • Issue area, synonyms, geography• Your known strengths and weaknesses• Words or phrases your audience might use in their social communications• Twitter hashtags

Remember your keywords? Have those handy …


Basic Listening: Google Alerts

Basic Listening: Click on the Orange RSS Symbol

Basic Listening: Cut and Paste URL into Word

Sample Keyword Searches on Google Alerts

Goal What to set up in Google Alerts

News articles about our organization

Keyword = Organization NameType = News

Who is linking to our organization’s web site

Keyword= Web site URLType=Everything

Who is blogging about our organization

Keyword=Organization Name and/or URLType=Blogs


You may also want to add the RSS Feeds of key bloggers in your topic area, news sites, and web sites.

Listening Work Flow: Who?





1-2 Hours Per Week

Set Up

Team or


Doing the Work: Reading TipsSet up aside a small block of time to read your feeds everydayClean house often, RSS subscriptions and searches tend to pile upDon't feel like you have to read every that comes through in detailKeep your feeds organized on iGoogle Start with a small, select number of feedsReview feeds as part of your routineOpen interesting links in new tabsRead and follow interesting links in commentsSubscribe to new feedsRevise keywords as you goIdentify mission critical keywords

Doing the Work: Analyzing Tips

Look for patterns and trends over time. This requires stepping back.Once a week, create a one-page report that includes a summary of mentions. You can include the title, url, and a sentence describing the article. Share report with others in your organization. Use the “email” option to share mentions with other people in your organization

Doing the Work: Responding Tips

What if no one is talking about your organization? That means it is time to start engaging. Once you have a policy around who will respond, you will get down to commenting and engaging in conversation on blogs or Twitter Add value to the conversationDon’t be afraid to disagreeKeep to the point of the topicPoint to relevant sources if you have more informationWatch the conversation develop

Peer Assist

*6 mute*7 unmute

Reflection and Closing

• One minute of silence• Type into Chat: What is one thing you are going to do for your experiment before we meet again?

Check out the DYI Listening experiment on the wiki:http://zoetica-training.wikispaces.com/listenNotes on the Wiki, Next July 12th
