Lexie Woodmansee HNS Ambassador



Lexie is a wife, mother of two children and she also belives in the importance of living a healthy and active lifestyle. We are so excited to have Lexie on the HNS Team. Learn more about Lexie and her quest to fight against bullying and teasing..

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Lexie Woodmansee HNS Ambassador

Lexie Lexie is an amazing woman. She is a wife, mother of two boys and she lives out her commitment to living a healthy and happy lifestyle daily. She loves being a mother and she is always there for her family and friends. Lexie is also very passionate about raising awareness about the effects of bullying and teasing. We are so thrilled to have Lexie on the HNS Team!!!

  Why do you believe in Healthy is the New Skinny? I believe in promoting and modeling a healthy vision of beauty. As a teen and also as an adult, I have felt less than pretty because of what most the world and fashion industry put out there as being beautiful. We need a new perspective and I believe that is what Healthy is the New Skinny is all about.   We want to know why you feel this movement is important and why you want to be a part of this change? It is so important because we should be wishing for more than a smaller dress size. It breaks my heart to hear that young girls, above anything else, wish to be thinner. I want my children to wish for much more than that. What do you want girls to know? Don’t grow up to fast....Your childhood should be cherished and enjoyed. What changes would you like to see for your generation and the next generations to come? A different vision of healthy and what that looks like. Right now we see way too thin and way too big, I want to see Healthy as the new Skinny and have that image shown in the media and celebrate it!  

What makes you laugh so hard you cry? My kids! OMG my three year old says the funniest things ever! When he is playing alone in his room, I will often spy on him and its SO hard not to crack up at the things he says and where his imagination takes him.

What has motherhood taught you? So many things… but more than anything, I have learned to become selfless. You can’t always put yourself first when you have kids. I'm not saying you can't sometimes:) How has being a mother affected your own body image? I respect my body for everything it went through to give me my two wonderful sons. I will admit its not the same as it used to be but I worked hard to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight after both my sons and I am proud of that! I am healthy and happy so who cares if I have stretch marks:)

What are you passionate about? As a pre-teen and teenager I was teased. Not about my weight or looks, but about where I lived and the house I lived in. One boy at school would call me trailer park trash and the girls would invite me to sleep overs just to make fun of me. I would call my mom to come pick me up in the middle of the night because I was crying alone in another room while they would have fun and my feelings were hurt. I wouldn’t let my parents pick me up from school or drop me off where kids could see our cars because I knew I would get laughed at because their parents drove nicer cars than mine did. I had a few rough years, especially in middle school when I wasn’t able to be myself or felt like I had to hide things. It wasn’t until I was older that realized it didn’t matter what they thought or said about me, they didn’t know my family’s circumstances or the hard times my family had been through. I made it through that hard time in my life and now I know what an impact teasing and bullying can have on a child. I know that so many kids that aren’t comfortable with their bodies or get teased for the way they look go through those same insecurities. I am passionate about changing this and raising my boys with compassion. There needs to be an awareness of the suffering that occurs because of the negative things said or done to a child.

If you could go back in time to bring a message to your high school self.... what would you tell her and why? Don’t try so hard to please others, just be yourself. As long as your happy with who you are and how your living your life, trying to be someone your not wont make you happy.-Lexie

How do you stay healthy and fit? I cook almost all our meals at home using fresh and healthy foods. I limit the amount of packaged and processed food we eat. I am at the gym 4-5 day a week and live an active life with my family. We love hiking, walking, swimming, playing outside and just having fun. This lifestyle is so important to us because we want to live long lives and and raise healthy kids who want the same.

“Happiness to me is my family. When my husband gets home from a long day of work and the

we can relax, eat dinner, and enjoy time together, camping trips, my kids playing together. For me true happiness lies in the little things.”-


Lexie Height- Pretty Tall Size- Healthy Weight- Who Cares… If your inner beauty sparkled, what color would it be and why? Pink!!! Because of my love for all things girly:) What do you love most about being a girl? Make-up! I know it sounds silly but ever since I was old enough to wear it, I have been experimenting with different colors, brands, and techniques. Its so much fun for me and I love the compliments I get.