LIGO: A $250 Million Gamble


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LIGO: A $250 Million Gamble The potential prize would be great: the first glimpses of gravitational waves. But a messy dispute at

Caltech has again raised the question of whether it's too long a shot

I n February 1992, then National Science Foundation (NSF) director Walter Massey called in the press to announce that his agency had selected areas in Hanford, Washington, and Livingston, Louisiana, as the two sites for an ambitious physics facility: the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Obser- vatory, otherwise known as LIGO. Later that summer, Congress dramatically stepped up LIGO's budget, approv- ing $38 million in con- struction startun funds to scale up from a 40-meter prototype detector to two 4-kilometer behe- moths-big enough, supporters claimed, to have a good chance of snaring the first direct evidence of the mavita- ., tional waves predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity. LIGO seemed well on its way, and it was a ~ r o u d time for its director Rochus Vogt, NSF, and the rest of the scientists that made up the joint MIT- Caltech project.

The euuhoria was

"I think LIGO could come back to greatly haunt the scientific community if we spend $250 million and see nothing," warns one astronomer who, like many of the officials and scientists interviewed for this article, re- quested anonymity. "There's been so much unhappiness out there about all this that I don't think we will be able to easily forget it," adds University of California, Los Ange-

Odd man out. Ronald Drever (center) has been shut out of the project. Team members Kip Thorne (left) and Rochus Vogt.

fering definitive proof for the existence of black holes. Says Kip Thorne, Caltech theo- retical physicist and member of the LIGO team: "The payoff, when it comes, is so excit- ing that it's worth the risk."

A pink slip from LIGO Part of the debate over LIGO has been played out in the pages of technical journals and the - general media. But one key aspect has re- mained hidden from public view: the ongo- ing troubles between Caltech experimental physicist Ronald Drever and the rest of the LIGO team, specifically director Vogt. For the past 2 years or so, Drever has been, in the words of one Caltech faculty member, "fro- zen out of L I G O in a messy feud that peaked last vear on 6 lulv. when Drever was fired * ,. from the project apparently without expla- nation. "He was thrown off the uroiect. forced to turn in his keys, kicked out Lf ;he lab, and told he was persona non grata," says one Caltech faculty member familiar with the events. (Newsday also reported some of these events earlier this week.) Within hours of the dismissal, Vogt sent out an e-mail letter to the LIGO community saying that Drever was no longer associated with the project, would be allowed to remove his personal pos- sessions from the LIGO offices only under staff su~ervision. and had been instructed

short lived, however. For more than a year, les, space plasma physicist Charles Kenel, not to enter LIGO premises or disturb project LIGO has been under siege from inside and who chairs the National Research Council's scientists. (Voet was traveling last week. but . .., outside. In the latest chap;er in a bitter inter- (NRC) board on physics and astronomy.

.., he declined through a spokesman to discuss

nal battle that many say has paralyzed the To LIGO's supporters, however, much of details of the rift with Drever; Drever also endeavor, a commiitee 'of ~ i l t e c h faculty members recently concluded that Vogt and LIGO's management had unfairly fired one of the project's chief scientists. The battle is more than a personality clash, for it revolves around the crucial issue of whether the cur- rent LIGO effort offers the best chance of success in what all admit is an incredibly difficult task-a auestion that is reverberat- ing among researchers outside the LIGO com- munity as well. Adding to the acrimony is LIGO's $250 million price tag, which some hold responsible for NSF's recent funding woes. Since 1991, a number of astronomers and physicists have attacked the decision to proceed with the scale up, expressing con- cerns about whether LIGO will be able to detect gravitational waves, let alone fulfill its promise of being an observatory.

Now, even as bulldozers prepare to move land at each site, the level of discord is rising.


the latest criticism declinedto s ~ e a k with - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -z - - - - - - - -

smacks of sour grapes. Science. Colleagues of They argue that the Vogt and Drever pro- technical concerns vided accounts of the being raised are noth- dispute.) ing new and have all Drever is not been thoroughly in- the somebody to be taken vestigated. The project lightly: Brilliant is the is riskv. thev concede. descri~tion most of- ,, , but the return could be ten given of him, and enormous. Bv usine he i;viewed bv almost .., lasers to measure, for the first time, the ex- quisitely small ripples in space that passing gravitational waves from astronomical sources produce, researchers believe they can greatly improve their understanding of general rela- tivity. More stirring is the hope that a series of gravitational wave detectors around the world will usher in a new day in astronomy, providing a novel way of watching supemo- vae, colliding neutron stars, and perhaps of-

all as one of the key physicists whose research in the 1980s transformed LIGO from a dream into a realistic undertaking. Caltech imported Drever from the University of Glasgow in Scotland specifically to work on the detec- tion of gravitational waves, and when NSF merged the parallel efforts at MIT and Caltech into a single project in 1984, Drever's design was chosen over another proposal from MIT physicist Rainer Weiss. Furthermore, from

SCIENCE VOL. 260 30 APRIL 1993

1984 to 1987, Drever, along with Weiss and Thorne, made up the steering committee that managed LIGO, a task Vogt subse- quently took over.

The root of the current conflict. sumort- . . ers of both camps say, is a personality clash between Voet and Drever. exacerbated bv conflicting research styles and differences o i opinion on how the project should proceed. Several sources confirm that Drever feels it is too early to scale up to two large facilities. "What worried him most was whether they could do what they claimed," says one Caltech faculty member. It's not that Drever thinks detecting gravitational waves is impossible, these sources say, but that he thinks the LIGO effort as currently conceived won't achieve the needed sensitivity in time. For now, Drever wants LIGO to commit to an aggres- sive technology development effort, under his direction, and the construction of a bet- ter, perhaps 200-meter, prototype. Caltech's Tom Dombrello, a member of the recently formed LIGO oversight committee headed - by former Jet Propulsion Laboratory director Lew Allen. hints at this debate: "If we settle the technical questions that exist between the parties, all [these problems] will go away."

Drever's firing also provoked a battle at Caltech over academic freedom, and accord- ing to both supporters and critics of LIGO, it has been a major diversion for the project's management. The battle began in Septem- ber 1992, when Drever filed a complaint with the academic freedom and tenure commit- tee, an elected faculty panel chaired by theo- retical vhvsicist Steve Koonin. Koonin's . , group investigated the matter and delivered a report in October 1992, siding with Drever on two grievances. First, "the academic free- dom committee concluded that [Drever'sl separation had been without due process," says Caltech astrophysicist Peter Goldreich, who helped Drever prepare his case. The sec- ond finding was that Drever's academic free- dom had been infringed when Vogt, in the words of a committee member, "strongly dis- couraged under the threat of separation" Drever from attending two scientific meet- ings in which he was scheduled to talk about gravitational wave research. Drever ignored Vogt's second warning and spoke at a meeting in Argentina. On his return, Drever was fired.

Desvite the committee's reDort in Octo- ber, ~ a l t e c h did not immedia;ely reinstate Drever to the LIGO team. and several facultv members launched an effort to force tha; action. "I am really disappointed with the way the administration handled the situa- tion," says Goldreich. The committee report pointedly did not call for Drever's reinstate- ment, however-a deliberate omission, say committee members who talked to Science. The reason: Although the committee agreed that Drever's firing had been handled inap- propriately, it could not decide whether LIGO

How to Catch a Gravitational Wave

I I Researchers hoping to snare a gravita- tional wave with their proposed Laser Inter- ferometer Gravita- tional-Wave Obser- vatory (LIGO) are embarking on one of the most ;ethnically Gravity snare. A passing gravitational challenging tasks sci- wave distorts space and creates unequal entists and engineers separation between the minors of each

have ever attempted. a n , which LIGO hopes to detect.

In essence, they hope to detect the subtle distortions of space-time that Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts will be caused by cataclysmic events such as the spectacularly violent collision of two neutron stars, the merging of black holes, or even supemovae.

If they can overcome the controversies swirling around LIGO, they will build their mammoth instruments at two different, widely separated, sites-the redundancy is needed to weed out local false alarms and to get a sense of the direction of the source. A t each site, high-power lasers will fire down two identical 4-kilometer-long vacuum pipes, 4 feet in diameter and perpendicular to each other. A t the ends of both pipes, test masses fitted with mirrors will reflect the beams back and forth thousands of times before returning them simultaneously to a detector.

If researchers can control seismic vibrations and a variety of other noise sources that could cause a minute difference in the gaps between the test masses-an incredibly difficult task-those two beams of light would normally travel the same distance and would emerge in phase. But if a passing gravitational wave strayed through the device, known as an interferometer, warping space and creating unequal separations in each arm, the two beams would amve at the detector out of phase. The interference pattern this would create would provide information about the strength, shape, and polarization of the gravitational wave.

It sounds simple in concept, but not in practice. A strong gravitational wave may disturb the separation of the test masses by as little as 10-16 centimeters-millions of times shorter than an atom's dtameter. The effort to capture such waves, both support- ers and critics of LIGO agree, will push current technology to its limits-and beyond.


had cause to remove him from the ~roiect. L .,

The first clear response to the committee's reDort was the formation in December of Allen's oversight committe+a move that many felt was long overdue considering that the project was no longer small science but a major engi- neering job. Around the same time, Caltech tried to resolve the dispute by offering Drever, who remained a tenured faculty member, a reported $1 million over 2 years to set up an independent gravitational wave research ef- fort. Drever rejected the offer because, say his colleagues, he considers LIGO the culmina- tion of his life's work and wants desveratelv to make it succeed. In recent months, Drever has been negotiating his return to the project. According to Allen, Drever is now a member of the LIGO team, but Drever supporters say that may be true only on paper and that the LIGO team has refused to accept him back.

The 0 in LIGO Drever is not alone in his concerns about LIGO's pace and scope. "I still think LIGO is

technologically unjustifiable and premature," says AT&T Bell Laboratories astrophysicist J. Anthony Tyson, an experienced gravita- tional wave researcher who is said to have shocked the LIGO team when he voiced that opinion at a House science committee hear- ing in 199 1. And even before Tyson dropped his bombshell, criticism about the cost of LIGO had been circulating throughout the scientific community (Science, 7 September 1990, p. 1106).

The nub of the technical dispute is whether LIGO's massive detectors will be sensitive enough to pick up the signatures of gravitational waves from the only source whose strength and incidence rate research- ers can confidently predict: two neutron stars spiraling toward each other. In principle, these gravitational waves should show up as tiny shifts in the interference pattern created by laser beams bouncing down the arms of the LIGO facility (see sidebar), but Tyson, for instance, is convinced that current instru- ments are not advanced enough to pick out

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a china shop that we have to deal with. We have no ability to influence it any longer. It's a fait accompli," says University of Califor- nia, Berkeley, astronomer Marc Davis, who chairs a new NRC panel on astronomy and astrophysics that is meant to provide a followup to the Bahcall report. Such opin- ions can be traced to the strong perception that LIGO has a favored status among sev- eral influential members of Congress, whose states the sites are located in. In particular, Speaker of the House Thomas Foley of Wash- ington and Senate appropriations subcom- mittee chairman J. Bennett Johnston are seen as the "protectors" of LIGO.

Last year, for instance, the appropriation committees balked at allowing NSF and the LIGO managers to reduce their 1993 con- struction startup request for the project from $38 million to $20 million, in order to mini- mize the impact on NSF's small investiga- tors. The committees ordered NSF to spend the full amount on LIGO. A compromise has now been reached, however, Robert Eisen- stein, head of NSF's physics division, told Science last week. LIGO will indeed be cut down to $20 million this year, plus $5 million for R&D, in the expectation that Congress will appropriate $43 million to $48 million in 1994. Critics of LIGO argue the agree- ment only delays the pain. "We're going to face the same issues all over again, probably more intensely," warns one astronomer.

Indeed, the bickering over LIGO's budget and timing is likely to intensify. In June, NSF officials will visit Caltech to conduct a tech- nical review of the project and presumably address the concerns put forth by Drever, Tyson, and others. Publicly, the agency re- mains enthusiastic about LIGO's progress and has refrained from entering the Drever dis- pute. "Of course, we're concerned about the issue. We treat it as an internal Caltech man- ner. It is not appropriate for us to be in there micromanaging unless the project is compro- mised," says Eisenstein. Privately, however, NSF officials admit their patience is wearing thin. Says one, "There's been too much time spent on the Ron Drever situation. NSF may have to stick its nose in soon."

But is there anything NSF could do? Sources close to the project think the dis- agreements between Vogt and Drever may run too deep for either one to give ground. Comments one Caltech scientist: "I have the impression of two scorpions in a bottle. Only one will end up alive." And that fight- to-the-finish may strike a blow to what is an exciting but already a risky and technically daunting project. The question then will be whether the LIGO project, absent contribu- tions from Drever, can be successful. More than $250 million and the careers of a num- ber of prominent scientists may ride on the answer to that question.

-John Travis

these extremely small signals from seismic, can always say, 'Do more work,"' comments thermal, and photon noise. Although he has Whitcomb, adding that the LIGO team is called LIGO fascinating and a worthwhile continuing an aggressive technology devel- pursuit at some point, Tyson argues for con- opment effort even as it moves ahead with tinued small-scale research and technology construction. development before deciding whether to scale But with all that uncertainty, say critics of up LIGO's 40-meter prototype to two full- the project, LIGO is a long way from living scale +kilometer facilities. up to the 0-Observatory-in its name.

Even the project's staunchest supporters LIGO has never been endorsed by the as- acknowledge that moving ahead is risky. "Ac- tronomy community, they point out. It was, cording to the best estimates, we probably for example, conspicuously absent from a pri- wouldn't detect these [coalescing neutron ority list of astronomy projects for the 1990s

3 stars]" with the initial inter- ferometers, admits Stanley Whitcomb, LIGO deputy di- rector. But there's a chance that the initial facility will do the trick, and it may pick up more powerful speculative sources, say supporters-and if not, the money won't have been wasted. "It's vastly mis- understood that LIGO is a one- shot deal. We're paying up front for a long-term facility," says MIT's Weiss, pointingout that 80% or more of the $250 million will be spent on an expensive vacuum system and other construction costs, not on interferometers, which are cheap in comparison and can be upgraded later. Dramatic gains in sensitivity could be achieved without building a new facility, he notes, by re- placing the current interferom- eters with improved versions.

Insensitive instruments? The sensitivity estimates of LIGO's NeverthelesslTyson'scriti- first interferometer, noted by a detector's "strain" measurement,

cisms LIGo have struck a show there is little chance of detecting coalescing neutron chord among others in the as- stars, although rarer sources provide a better chance. As shad- tronomical community. "I ing lightens, the detectors approach their theoretical limits. think it is a very large expen- diture for a project that, according to its cur- produced by the influential 1991 NRC sur- rent specifications, has a small likelihood of vey known as the Bahcall report for its senior detecting astronomical sources," says author, John Bahcall of the Institute for Ad- Princeton theoretical astrophysicist Jeremiah vanced Study in Princeton. Ostriker. Other astronomers think even an The simple explanation for that omission upgraded LIGO might fall short. They ques- has been that LIGO is physics, not astronomy. tion whether the so-called advanced inter- All of its peer reviews and funding at NSF, ferometers planned for LIGO's future are a for instance, have come out of the agency's realistic possibility or, as one critic described physics division. But by selling LIGO to the them, "science fiction." Even some working public and Congress as astronomy, even on LIGO are forced to agree. At the mo- though the facility may not "see" anything, ment, parts of the advanced detectors "are supporters may have raised expectations and pie in the sky, let's face it," says MIT's Weiss. set the stage for the current backlash against But Weiss andother LIGOsupportersquickly the project. "It was not wise to use the 0 in add that they can envision routes-improved LIGO," reflects Caltech's Thorne. Whitcomb, lasers, super-reflective mirrors, active suppres- however, has no regrets. "We used the word sion of seismic noise-by which their hopes LIGO in a very deliberate sense because it might be met. "For LIGO, there are big risks expresses our goals and intentions," he says. to get to the advanced detectors, but it's not impossible. Given the scientific payoff, it's Political protectors worth it," says Stanford physicist Peter Despite the growing discontent with LIGO, Michelson, who has reviewed LIGO for NSF. few expect the project will be drastically "It's a difficult judgment call, frankly. You slowed down, let alone stopped. "It's a bull in

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