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Spatiality and Languages

Do we all talk about space the same way?

New Zealand

Did you know that…?


Le sort des langues autochtones dans le

troisième millénaire

La diferencia cultural entre Corea y México

La migration et la transculturation au

xxième siecle

The country at the world´s edge

Noviembre 2012 • Semestral • Universidad Intercontinental


¿Venerables ancianos?


Estimado Lector



En su segunda entrega, la revista LinguaUIC aborda temáticas que giran en torno a la socioculturalidad.

Lo sociocultural supone una íntima unión y relación entre lo social y lo cultu-ral, entrelazados e interdependientes de tal manera que pasamos a hablar de una nueva realidad que integra historia, sociedad, cultura, política y economía, entre otros. Lo sociocultural conlleva, a su vez, el respeto por la originalidad de cada cultura.

Lo social es el conjunto de relaciones que se establecen entre las personas de un grupo o territorio determinado. La sociedad o la vida en sociedad es el resultado de dichas interacciones y relaciones entre esas personas.

La cultura, por su parte, la podemos definir como el conjunto de valores, cri-terios, aspiraciones, sueños, modelos, hábitos y costumbres, formas de expre-sarse, comunicarse, y relacionarse que tienen las personas de una comunidad o un territorio. También entra aquí la manera en que, un pueblo entiende su realidad y se relaciona con su medio. La cultura se nos presenta, pues, no como algo accesorio, decorativo o superfluo, sino como algo radicalmente importante y necesario para la vida y como un factor esencial de la identidad personal y grupal, ligada indisolublemente a la evolución y desarrollo de las personas y de los pueblos.

De esta forma, apreciamos su atención y los invitamos a permearse de lo que alumnos y profesores investigamos, instalamos y ofrecimos en el 2° Simposio de Lenguas Extranjeras que tuvo lugar el 3 de mayo del año en curso y cuyo tema principal fue la realidad sociocultural relacionada con los idiomas.

Así pues, pasemos por un momento a leer, conocer y ser parte de esta realidad.Bienvenidos.

Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras

Bras i l : un pa i s che io de cont ras tes cu l tu ra i s

La d i fe renc ia cu l tu ra l en t re Corea y Méx ico

Did You know that?

Le so r t des langues autochtones dans le t ro i s ième

m i l léna i re

Mu l t icu l tu ra l i sm

The country at the world´s edge

New Zea land

Spatiality and Languages.

Do we all talk about space the same way?

The Tarahumara

La migration et la transculturation au xxième siecle

¿Venerables ancianos?

Ensayos de alumnos de Italiano de Bachillerato

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Mtro. Juan José Corona LópezR e c t o r

Mtro. Ramón Martínez GascaDirección General Académica

Mtro. José Arturo De la Torre GuerreroDirección General

de Formación Integral

C.P. Sergio Márquez RodríguezDirección General

Administrativa y Financiera

Mtra. Alejandra Bonilla CassaniDepartamento de

Lenguas Extranjeras

COMITÉ EDITORIALMtra. Alejandra Bonilla Cassani

Mtra. María Mónica Cuéllar Ayala

DISEÑOIrma Alonso Moncada

Edificio América planta bajaTel. 54 87 13 00 Ext. 1416 y 2780



Estar no Brasil é experimentar vários continentes ao mesmo tempo. Há brasileiros de todas as cores, acho que isso é o que faz um país grande, rico, interessante e espe-tacular como é o Brasil; é o país que está no sexto lugar em população e quinto lugar em extensão, segundo a ONU con 198.361.000 brasileiros de diferentes cores e raças, mas todos com uma mesma bandeira. Essa mistura de raças e cores revela a história do país, que em 1500 foi descoberto por Portugal. Agora, com a colônia Portuguêsa estabelecida em meados do século XVI e ao mesmo tempo por outras co-lônias européias, contribuíram para a mistura que atualmente está no Brasil, levando- a à independência do país em 7 de setembro de 1822.

Os principais grupos de imigrantes no Brasil são portu-gueses, italianos, espanhóis, alemães e japoneses, que re-presentam mais de oitenta por cento do total. Até o fim do século XX, os portugueses aparecem como grupo dominante, com mais de 35%, o que é natural, dada sua afinidade com a população brasileira. São os italianos, em seguida, o gru-po que tem maior participação no processo migratório, com quase 30% do total, concentrados, sobretudo no estado de São Paulo, onde se encontra a maior colônia italiana do país. Seguem-se os espanhóis, com mais de 10%, os alemães, com mais de 6%, e os japoneses, com quase 5% do total de imigrantes.

Os alemães se estabeleceram principalmente no Sul, os italianos em São Paulo, e os espanhóis em todo o país. Isso também contribuiu para que a mistura de povos no Brasil ti-vesse composição diferente de acordo com a região. De ma-neira geral, pode-se dizer que predomina no litoral o mulato e, no interior, o branco e vários mestiços. A população é mais índia no Norte, menos branca no Nordeste, mais índia e mais branca no Centro-Oeste e menos negra no Sul. No Sudeste, historicamente a área de maior desenvolvimento, há um pou-co de todas as raças.

Profra. Yetzi García Alonso de la Campa y Profra. Karina Méndez Pérez

A contribuição dos portugueses merece destaque espe-

cial, pois sua presença constante assegurou a continuidade de valores que foram básicos na formação da cultura brasi-leira. Os franceses influíram nas artes, literatura, educação e nos hábitos sociais. Especialmente em São Paulo, é grande a influência dos italianos na arquitetura. A eles também se deve uma pronunciada influência na culinária, costumes, e também uma herança na área religiosa, musical e recreativa.

Os alemães contribuíram na indústria com várias ativida-des e, na agricultura, trouxeram o cultivo do centeio e da al-fafa. Os japoneses trouxeram a soja, bem como a cultura e o uso de legumes e verduras. Os libaneses e outros árabes divulgaram no Brasil sua rica culinária.

O Brasil é constituído de misturas, não só de raças, mas também de culturas. Na história do Brasil, a ocorrência da mestiçagem é bastante pronunciada. Esse fato gerou uma identidade nacional singular e um povo marcadamente mes-tiço na aparência e na cultura.

Estar en Brasil es experimentar varios continentes a la vez. Hay brasileños de todos los colores, creo que esto es lo que hace un gran país, rico, interesante y espectacular como Brasil; es el país que ocupa el sexto lugar en la población y quinto de longitud, de acuerdo con las Naciones Unidas 198,361,000 brasileños de diferentes colores y razas, pero todos con la misma bandera. Esta mezcla de razas y colo-res revela la historia del país, que fue descubierto en 1500 por Portugal. Ya con la colonia portuguesa establecida en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI y, al mismo tiempo por otras colonias europeas, contribuyó a la mezcla que se encuentra actualmente en Brasil, lo que lleva a la independencia el 7 de septiembre de 1822.


Los principales grupos de inmigrantes en Brasil son portu-gueses, italianos, españoles, alemanes y japoneses, que repre-sentan más del ochenta por ciento del total. A finales del siglo XX, los portugueses aparecen como el grupo dominante, con más de un 30%, lo cual es natural, dada su afinidad por la pobla-ción brasileña. Los italianos, siendo el grupo siguiente que ha incrementado su participación en el proceso de migración, con casi el 30% del total, concentrados principalmente en São Pau-lo, donde está la mayor colonia italiana en el país. Los siguientes son los españoles, con más de un 10%, Alemania con más de 6%, y los japoneses con un 5% del total de inmigrantes

Los alemanes se establecieron principalmente en el sur, los italianos en Sāo Paulo, y los españoles en todo el país. Esto tam-bién contribuyó a la mezcla de los pueblos en Brasil donde existe una composición diferente según la región. En general, podemos decir que hay tres tipos de mezclas que prevalecen; en la costa: el mulato, en el interior: blancos y varios mestizos. La población india se encuentra en el Norte, menos blancos en el noreste, más india y más blanca en el medio oeste y menos negros en el Sur.

En el Sureste, históricamente el área de mayor desarrollo, hay un poco de todas las razas.

La contribución de los portugueses merece una mención es-pecial porque su presencia garantiza la continuidad de los valo-res que eran fundamentales en la formación de la cultura brasile-ña. La influencia francesa en las artes, la literatura, la educación y los hábitos sociales. Especialmente en Sāo Paulo, está la gran influencia de la arquitectura italiana, existiendo también una mar-cada influencia en la gastronomía, costumbres, y una herencia en la religión, música y recreación.

Los alemanes contribuyeron a diversas actividades en la in-dustria y la agricultura, trayendo el cultivo del centeno y la alfalfa. El japonés con la soja, su cultura y el uso de verduras y frutas. Los libaneses y otros árabes marcaron en Brasil su rica gastronomía.

Brasil no solo está compuesto por una mezcla de razas, sino también de culturas. En la historia de Brasil, la presencia de contrastes mestizos es bastante pronunciada. Este hecho ha generado una singular identidad nacional, y un pueblo con una mezcla marcada en apariencia y cultura.


La cultura refleja la sociedad y también la diferencia cultural nos enseña nuestra sociedad. Entre Corea y México, hay muchas diferencias ya que sus culturas son muy distintas; por ejemplo, los coreanos respetan a los mayores cuando hablan con ellos. Ellos hablan de un modo cortés. Además, los coreanos comen muchas más verduras que los mexicanos; en particular, comen muchas verduras sazonadas.Los mexicanos son muy alegres y tienen buen carácter; en cam-bio, los coreanos son muy serios y parecen tristes, pero, ¡no nos equivoquemos! Aunque los coreanos se sientan bien, no quieren expresar mucho. En el saludo se ve el carácter de los coreanos: normalmente, no saludan de beso. Entre amigos, piensan que es muy raro que alguien se abrace tan fuerte como en México cuando se saludan.Así que hay muchas diferencias entre ambas culturas; por eso, debemos respetar otras culturas y adaptarnos a ellas. Ésa es una manera de coexistir juntos en el mundo.


문화는 사회를 반영하며, 또한 문화의 차이점을 우리에게 가르쳐준다. 한국과 멕시코와의 사이엔 많은 차이가 있다.왜냐하면 그들의 사이엔 문화가 서로 다르기 때문이다. 예를들어 한국인들은 연장자들과 대화를 할때, 존댓말을 사용한다. 게다가 한국인들은 멕시코인들 보다 더 많은 채소를 섭취한다. 특히 그들은 절이거나, 양념을 한 채소를 주로 섭취한다.멕시코인들은 매우 밝은 성격을 가지거나, 좋은 성품을 가지고 있다. 그러나 한국인들은 매우 진지하며, 슬퍼보일때가 있다. 그러나 착각을 하지 않았으면 한다. 비록 한국인들은 기분이 좋더라도, 표현을 잘 하지 않으려는 성격을 가지고 있다. 특히 인사에서 한국인들의 성격을 보여주는데, 일반적으로 그들은 가벼운 입맞춤의 인사를 거부한다. 친구들 사이에서 인사를 할때, 멕시코의 인사법처럼 강한 포옹을 한다는 것은 매우 이상한 일이다. 이렇게 두 문화 사이엔 많은 차이가 있다. 그래서 우리들은 다른 문화를 존중해야하며, 그것들을 받아들일 줄 알아야 한다. 이것이 세계가 공존 할 수 있는 하나의 방식이다.

La diferencia cultural entre Corea y México

Munk Young Choi (Che)Alumno de español


Alumnas de Inglés

Did you know that…?Did you know that…?


Where does Uncle Sam, American symbol, recognized by the U.S. congress in 1961 come from? In 1812, during the 2nd war between the U.S. and Britain. Samuel Wilson, an inspector that supplied meat to the army, printed on the barrels of salt the initials U.S. (Unites States) in jest; the soldiers interpreted that as Uncle Sam.


In 1912 (three months after the sinking of the Titanic), the let-ters “S.O.S” were instituted as the internatinal call fot help. The International Meritime Organization said that the letters are not an abbreviation of the phrase “Save Or Souls” nor have any other special significance. The “three-points-three-stripes and the three points”( ) are easy to remember and to transmit in morse code in wich “· · ·= S” and “— — —=O”.

Mickey Mouse:

The first film animation was “Hu-morous Phases of Funny Faces” made in 1906 by American J. Stuart Blacton. But it was in 1919, when 18-year-old Walt Disney tea-med up with Ub Iwerks, that the art of film animation took roots. They produced a series of car-toons entitled “Alice in Cartoon-land.” The Walt Disney Company

was founded in 1923, and in 1927 Walt came up with the idea for an animated mouse called Mortimer Mouse. His wife Lillian convinced him to change the name to Mickey Mouse.Mickey debuted the same year in “Plane Crazy,” which was fo-llowed with “Galloping Goucho.” In 1928, Disney launched the first animation with synchronized sound, “Steamboat Willy”, with Walt as the voice of Mickey Mouse. In 1937, Disney won a spe-cial Oscar for the first full-length animation: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.”Walter Elias Disney (12/5/1901 – 12/15/1966): “I only hope that we don’t lose sight of one thing – that it was all started by a mouse.”

First to fly:

At 10h35 on Friday 17 December 1903, Orville Wright took the Flyer that he and his brother Wilbur built into the air for what has come to be known as the first powered flight. Earlier, unbeknownst to them, Gus-tave Whitehead and Richard Pearse were also experimenting with flying machines. Who actually took first to the sky remains a controversy.

Valentine´s day:

Valentine’s Day originates from the ancient Roman fertility festi-val of Lupercalia, which was celebrated on 15 February in honor of the gods Lupercus and Faunus, as well as the legendary foun-ders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. During the festival, young men would draw the names of women from a box, and each couple would be paired until next year’s celebration. Often they would fall in love and marry.At around 270aD Rome was facing battles and civil uprising. The men were not keen to join the army. Emperor Claudius II believed that the men did not want to leave their loved ones and sum-marily canceled all marriages and engagements. Two priests, Valentine and Marius, disobeyed the decree and secretly perfor-med marriage ceremonies. Valentine was caught on 14 February and dragged to jail. Later on the day he was clubbed to death and beheaded. It is said that, before his execution, Valentine himself had fallen in love with the jailer’s daughter. He signed his final note to her, “From your Valentine.”


Le sort des langues

autochtones dans le troisième


Le processus de mondialisation est de plus en plus inten-se. La communication va également de pair avec la moderni-sation ; ce qui nous permet de prévoir qu’à l’avenir, les langues autochtones, avec de moins en moins d’enceintes, tendent à disparaître, en raison de ce processus de mondialisation.

Un exemple clair est l’État de Sonora avec la langue Seri qui est de moins en moins parlée. En effet, les groupes usant cet-te langue s’amoindrissent de façon évidente. D’autre part, nous avons la situation des langues mésoaméricaines telles que le nahuatl, le maya yucatèque, l’otomi, le zapotèque et le mixtèque qui, malgré toute la douleur et tous les efforts pour les maintenir comme une force importante dans de vastes zones, affrontent une situation pareille.

Alumnos de francés

Ce qui importe vraiment en ce qui concerne le sort des lan-gues autochtones dans le troisième millénaire, c’est de trouver les moyens propices non seulement à leur durabilité mais enco-re à l’ enrichissement de leur culture littéraire. Partant de l’idée que lorsqu’une langue meurt, l’humanité s’appauvrit, la première étape est la sensibilisation de sa valeur à ses propres usagers et tous ceux qui n’ont pas eu d’appréciation pour elles, en les con-sidérant souvent comme de “ simples dialectes des Indiens.”

En analysant attentivement l’impact de la mondialisation sur les langues, nous pouvons constater que c’est un processus inévitable, mais il n’en est pas moins vrai que nous pourrions contribuer de différentes façons pour empêcher l’extinction de ces langues qui nous distinguent en tant que peuples. La décé-lération de ce processus dépend de nous.



We believe that multiculturalism is a concept that de-scribes many thoughts, many points of view and different ways of understanding life.

It is a relevant concept because nowadays we are part of multiculturalism. Although in Latin America people speak Spanish and Portuguese, we tend to communicate in the uni-versal language: English. We use it practically every day on the internet, social networks, radio and on TV.

Multiculturalism is a system of beliefs and behaviors that recognizes and respects the presence of all diverse groups in an organization or society, acknowledges and values their socio-cultural differences, and encourages and enables their continued contribution within an inclusive cultural context which empowers all within the organization or society.1

ENL= English as a native language ESL= English as a second language EIL=English as an international language

+Home and abroad, indeed, many Japanese are finding themselves using English more frequently with other Asians than with people from the UK or the USA.

Prof. Hugo Gutiérrez Pérez


D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6:











American/ British English

Regional/Local sociocultural contexts

Regional/Local varieties of English

D4Spread of English among non-native speakers:

English as a multicultural/multinational language


Japanese EnglishChinese EnglishKorean EnglishIndian EnglishThai English


1. English as a British/ Native speakers varieties American language as the standard

2. English as a Intervariety multicultural language Miscommunication

3. Standardization

4. Intercultural Literacy and language awareness



What do you know about this amazing country?

New Zealand is a country located in the continent of Aus-tralia and Oceania. It is formed by different islands. Due to its unique location, very far from almost every continent and coun-try of the world, it has unique characteristics as its traditions, customs, species and weather. Most of the actual residents are descendants from European people that discovered the island.

One funny fact is that New Zealand has a crazy sheep/hu-man rate , 9.5 sheep per every human.

New Zealand has the highest car/citizen rating: almost 2 mil-lion cars per 4million citizens, including children. New Zealand was also the first place where women voted for the first time. This is a very important point that lets us see that citizenship there is equal.

Also, this magic country has a number of cities that have a high Rank concerning the quality of living. It’s a peaceful place

Alumnas de Inglés

to live. As mentioned before, New Zealand has unique animals due to its geographical isolation that has been under effect for more than 80 million years

It is the first country to see the dawn of day due to the or-ganization of the world hour. The people here are very polite and respectful, and the education levels are very high. On the other hand, violence and corruption levels are amazingly low. The sports practiced on the islands are also curious: the popular ones are rugby cricket and bowling; people get excited about this sports.

Something else that has made this country very popular is the fact that the movie The Lord of the Ring was filmed there, using hundreds of citizens for the supporting cast roles.

New Zealand is a beautiful place to visit and live. If you have the opportunity to travel, go to this magical country.

You will not regret it!



In our essay we are going to talk about the culture in New Zealand, some of its traditions, and the language.

New Zealand is an island country located in the southwest-ern Pacific Ocean. The country geographically comprises two main landmasses as well as numerous smaller islands.

New Zealand is organized into 11 regional councils and 67 territorial authorities for local government purposes. Queen Elizabeth II is the country’s head of state and is represented by a Governor-General. New Zealand is a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Commonwealth of Nations, Organiza-tion for Economic Co-operation and Development, Pacific Is-lands Forum, and the United Nations.

The native language in New Zealand is English; however, the country has three official languages: New Zealand English, the reo Maori (Maori language) and English.

The culture of New Zealand is inherited from British and Eu-ropeans interwoven with Maori and Polynesian tradition. New Zealand is a cosmopolitan culture that reflects its changing de-mographics and consciousness of the natural environment. Mao-ri culture has predominated for most of New Zealand’s history. Maori voyagers reached the country some time before 1300.

Maori expansion and settlement culture diverged from its

Alumnas de Inglés

Polynesian roots. The colonists had a dramatic effect on the in-digenous Maori, bringing religion, technology and the English language with them.

Traditions: New Zealand has several traditions but one of the most important ones is the Haka. The Haka is a war dance per-formed before rugby matches. Nowadays, the All Blacks (New Zealand’s rugby’s team) plays the Haka before the beginning of each game to introduce them. Hangi is an Important tradi-tional dish: meat and vegetables cooked by burying them in the ground, with a fire on top. Mid-winter swim: people swim in the middle of the winter, often dressed in silly costumes. Pavlova: a traditional (but not Maori) dessert.

We can find some values in New Zealand; New Zealanders are hospitable and friendly, they are open to visitors and relaxed about them. They love to show you the sightseeing, outrageous adventure experiences and introduce the culture to you, so that we take part of their culture.

As we can see, culture can vary a lot from one country to another. We are looking at a country where English is spoken, as in many other places, but that has unique traditions. atlas geografico Universal, Ed. océano


Spatial thought is a universal that is at the basis of human cognition. Based on this, we could possibly think that all human beings conceive space exactly the same way. Is that really so?

Evidence from some languages that do not belong into the so called Indo-European family has proven that the answer to this question is negative. The fact is that spatial thought is de-termined by the frame of reference of a specific language. This means that spatial conceptualization is modeled by the concepts pertaining to each language. Does that mean that the perception we have of an object in space will differ from the one someone from another culture has?

To answer this question, a look at the way some languages in the world express spatial relations could be helpful. They can either rely on prepositions, case markers, verb roots, body part terms, relational nouns, or positional words, only to name some of the linguistic resources that have been examined up to now.

The use of prepositions and case markers is familiar to In-do-European languages, Spanish and English being languages that mainly rely on the former. The last four resources mentioned above can be found among some Mesoamerican, Australian and New Guinea languages, for instance.

To illustrate the way spatiality can be linguistically conveyed in the before mentioned cases, we shall have a brief look at an example where some Indo-European languages are contrasted with Tseltal .

The phrase “cup on saucer” expresses contact with a sur-face by means of the preposition on, which corresponds to its counterparts auf – German – op - Dutch – and en – Spanish.

Spatiality and LanguagesDo we all talk about space the same way?Profra. María Mónica Cuellar

In Tseltal, this can be expressed by means of a relational noun to emphasize the background’s surface: waxal ta s-ba sets’ te bojch’ (on its surface), or a positional adjective to make emphasis on the figure’s configuration: pachal ta sba sets’ te bojch’ (wide opened container whose canonical position is to be sitting on a surface). This language has more than one form to express relations of contact with a surface. Other type of spatial relations can be expressed using body part terms, as in ta sni karro (at the car’s nose = in front of the car), where the focus is on a specific area of the background. Given the number of lexical resources this language has, it can be surprising that it only has one single preposition at hand, which appears to be se-mantically neutral and can be combined with some of the other lexical resources.

The examples presented here can help us answer the ques-tion whether spatial perception differs among languages. The answer seems to be affirmative. Speakers of Tseltal appear to be more attentive to the shape, position and configuration of objects in space when talking about their location in space. In this language, spatial descriptions tend to be semantically more specific, whereas they tend to be semantically more general in languages like English and Spanish.

This way, languages appear to bind information based on the categories and concepts they have at their disposal. The speak-ers of languages as different as the ones mentioned here have to consider different types of information when talking about spa-tial relations.

We can conclude that language structure is a direct reflection of cognition. Spatial thought is a universal at the basis of human cognition. Nevertheless, spatial conceptualization is modeled by the concepts pertaining to each language. As Brown and Levin-son put it, “…languages may reveal startling differences in con-ceptualization of the World”.

Bibliography• Brown, P. and S. Levinson (1992). ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ in Tene-

japa: Investigating a Linguistic and Conceptual gap. Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforsc-hung, 45 (6), 590-611.

• Cuéllar, M. (2008). La selección de la preposición locati-va en del español por hablantes del tseltal que hablan español como segunda lengua. Tesis - maestría. UNAM.


Los The Tarahumara or rarámuris are a native people of Mexico who settled in the territory of the state of Chihuahua. In their language, the term rarámuri, which means “runners on foot” or “those who run fast”, refers specifically to the males.

It is possible that the ancestors of the Tarahumara Indians came from Asia (Mongolia) by crossing the Bering Strait about thirty thousand years ago.

They were warlike and polytheists. They believed in life after death and the existence of benevolent and malevolent beings. Among the good ones were considered to be the sun, the moon, the doctor, snakes and stones, which caused the rains and con-trolled the animals they hunted. Among the bad ones were the lords of the underworld who caused death and natural disasters. Communal rituals were an essential part of their culture. They adored the sun and moon, celebrated victories of war, hunting animals and agricultural crops.

APPEARANCEGenerally, the Tarahumara are thin (it is unusual to find tall or

muscular men). Women tend to be small and more robust. They tend to have prominent cheekbones, small ears, big noses and mouths, thick lips, black hair, hairless, broad faces and little body hair. Their skin is brown, and they have regular feet, long arms and long legs. Their average height is 5 ft 7 in.

FESTIVALSHolidays are an important part of their culture because they

preserve their identity. Among the most significant ceremonies that are performed during the agricultural cycle are the Catholic calendar dates and any family event like the birth of a child.

The tradition is that every man organizes three festivals during his life, and every woman organizes four because women are more prone to sin and should pay more. What is very important for the ceremony is the presence of the singer, who sings the songs that serve as background for dancing.

Nowadays, the Tarahumara people are suffering because they have no food to eat and no work to be able to buy their own food. People from Mexico are trying to help them by sending things like water, canned food, blankets, etc. Unfortunately, this is not going to help these peo-ple so much because they need resources to produce their own food and tools. Otherwise they will always depend on some-body else to survive.


h t t p : / / w w w . j o r n a d a . u n a m .mx/2012/01/17/edito


Alumna de Inglés


Beaucoup de sous-cultures ont de nombreux codes lin-guistiques, permettant l´interaction entre les utilisateurs qui se communiquent entre eux, et identifiant leur appartenance à une culture particulière. Dans cette dynamique, la commu-nauté crée ses significations culturelles et déploie ses valeurs spirituelles. La langue comme une création culturelle fournit les constituants de l’identité individuelle et collective. Mais la culture n’est pas statique. Elle change avec l’interaction de différentes cultures.

Depuis l´aube de l´humanité, l´échange culturel a conduit à la richesse des civilisations, car il y a une interaction constante, fluide et vivante, qui coule entre les différents groupes, mais il amène aussi des conflits. Chaque migrant cherchant un meilleur projet de vie, arrive à un endroit pour y rester. De ce fait, il doit quitter ses coutumes, ses croyances, sa culture et sa langue et commencer l’assimilation de la culture, de la langue et des coutumes du pays où il arrive. Cependant, le natif se sentant attaqué par des étrangers qui viennent, se défend avec toutes les armes à sa disposition. L’une de ses façons consiste à se renfermer et à piétiner la dignité des immigrés. Dans ce cas, la discrimination ne permet pas que le multiculturalisme enrichisse le désir de développement culturel dans tous les aspects. C’est donc une question qui nécessite d’être prise en charge par les différents gouvernements, pour fournir leur soutien à tous ceux qui participent à la transculturation, ainsi que pour favoriser la sensibilisation et l’ouverture de la société qui doit accepter que le multiculturalisme enrichit le développement culturel dans tous les aspects.

La migration et la transculturation au xxième siecle Alumnos de francés

«La culture est un système complexe qui fonctionne avec une certaine intégrité et dynamisme. Elle comprend un ensemble de différents sous-systèmes, qui jouent un rôle essentiel dans la création et la diffusion des valeurs spirituelles”. Martinet, A. (1976).


En países como México, es cada vez más común dejar a un lado el respeto por la gente mayor, lo que implica que, ahora, “los pájaros le tiran a las escopetas” y, en general, es común ver cómo los jóvenes descalifican a sus mayores porque ya no están in y ya son “ancianos decrépitos”. Prueba de ello es que la edad de jubilación cada día se reduce más y que la gente que pasa de 40 años de edad difícilmente encuentra trabajo, pues “por la edad”, ya no reúne los requisitos.

En la actualidad, los niños ya no le “hablan de usted” a sus abuelos y, al contrario, pasan encima de ellos.

En contraste, existen culturas como las orientales en donde el adulto mayor recibe un trato respetable y se le con-sidera una persona con sabiduría. Por ejemplo, en Corea del Sur, es imposible que un joven recién egresado ocupe un cargo directivo en una empresa reconocida, pues requiere experiencia. En México, podemos ver como “las palancas” mueven al mundo y por eso, éste es uno de los factores por los que no avanzamos en todos los niveles.

Hace 20 años, nuestro PIB per cápita estaba muy por en-cima de Corea del Sur. Ahora, Corea del Sur se perfila como una potencia económica; entre otros factores, por concederle gran importancia a la educación en todos los aspectos.

¿Venerables ancianos?Profra. Angélica Monroy

Por supuesto, hay conductas muy interesantes y curiosas que jamás pensaría que pudieran aplicarse en México, pero que, a fin de cuentas, reflejan y refuerzan una idiosincrasia de respeto y honra para los mayores. Así, por ejemplo, una persona de menor edad no puede saludar de mano a alguien mayor; sino sólo hacer una leve inclinación (en México, “nos llevamos de a cuartos”). Otro ejemplo: si están bebiendo en alguna reunión, las personas más jóvenes no pueden tomarse el agua en una posición de frente a las mayores, pues deben voltearse a un lado y levantar el dedo meñique.

¡Qué decir del respeto a los profesores! En México, en cual-quier escuela, el día del examen, los alumnos juntan un poco más las bancas y dejan “por allá y por acá” los apuntes. Los coreanos, pare-cen trazar con regla la distancia entre las bancas y, el día del examen, el silencio es absoluto; no intentan ver si el compañero de junto les puede pasar la ansiada respuesta que necesitan y eso sí, tienen a la mano su goma y sus lápices. Siempre contestan con lápiz por aquello de la limpieza y su letra es, como su personalidad: ordenada.

Creo que valdría la pena recapacitar qué estamos haciendo mal y tomar lo bueno de culturas como las asiáticas en donde el respeto es primordial. Reflexionemos sólo en la siguiente pre-gunta: si llegamos a viejos, ¿queremos ser venerables o decrépi-tos? La respuesta comienza con lo que estamos haciendo hoy.


Sempre più stranieri scelgono l’italiano come materia di stu-dio all’estero. Così anche se si trova al 19° posto tra le lingue più parlate al mondo con 120 milioni di persone, il 52% di queste, chiamate “italofoni”, sono stranieri. Si ha notizia che da qua-si due decadi il numero di persone che studiano italiano sono arrivate al 40 % tra le persone che frequentano corsi di lingue straniere, superato dall’inglese al primo posto, il francese al se-condo e lo spagnolo al terzo. I corsi negli Istituti italiani di Cultura arrivano a 4000, e la Società Dante Alighieri ha più di 500 sedi in tutto il mondo e tutto questo grazie alla grande tradizione cul-turale del bel paese: storia, patrimonio artistico, gastronomia, moda, musica, e disegno “made in Italy” che fanno della peniso-la una delle più grandi attrazioni turistiche del pianeta.

I gesti sono utilizzati per dare più enfasi al discorso mentre si parla e rendono la conversazione colloquiale più vivace. Gli italiani gesticolano volentieri possono così ironizzare o rispar-miare tempo. I gesti e le espressioni cambiano a seconda della regione, assumento dei significati un po’ diversi, oppure sono più utilizate in alcune regioni e meno in altre, ovviamente il loro utilizzo dipende anche dalle persone e spesso si dice che non siano né eleganti né raffinati ma possiamo dire che apparten-gono comunque al linguaggio espressivo italiano. I più classici esprimono: indifferenza, minaccia, stupidità o pazzia degli altri o la negazione della propria, a volte si accompagnano anche di suoni come fischi o esclamazioni.

L’Italia e il Messico hanno molto in comune ma hanno anche modi diversi di passare le feste per esempio: a Natale il presepe si mette sotto l’albero, si sta solo con la famiglia per il pranzo del 25 dicembre e si mangia per dolce il panettone; a Capodanno si fa il brindisi a mezza notte e si gioca a tombola ci possono esse-re anche degli ospiti non solo la famiglia; per l’Epifania in Italia non sono i re magi che portano i regali ma la Befana una vecchia strega che porta oltre ai giocattoli, delle calze piene di dolci, il carbone (di zucchero) e qualche aglio o cipolla perché durante l’anno uno fa il birichino; a Carnevale le persone fanno scherzi, si divertono e si mascherano in alcune città famose come Venezia o Viareggio; la domenica di Pasqua si mangia in famiglia, si fan-no regali tanto importanti come a Natale, si regalano le uova di cioccolato e si mangia un dolce a forma di colomba; l’8 marzo c’è l’abitudine di offrire un mazzetto di mimose alle donne che spesso la sera di questo giorno vanno a cena tra amiche.Queste citate sono alcune delle feste italiane più importanti.

· Il 17 marzo 1861 giorno dell’Unità D’Italia segna l’inizio dell’ identità italiana.· Giorgio Napolitano è l’undicesimo Presidente della Republica Italiana dal 15 maggio 2006, il terzo proveniente dalla sinistra (PCI) e il terzo presidente napoletano.

· L’Italia ha venti regioni delle quali solo 5 non hanno il mare e sono: Umbria, Valle d’Aosta, Piemonte, Lombardia e Trentino.

· La regione più piccola e la Valle d’Aosta.

· L’Italia è l’unico Stato del mondo che include due altri stati nel suo territorio: la Repubblica di San Marino e lo Stato del Vaticano.

· C’è un Lago (Garda) che si trova in tre regioni: Lombardia, Veneto e Trentino

· Il comune più popolato, con oltre 2.500.000 di residenti è Roma

· Di circa 57 milioni, solo 23 italiani su 100 vivono in città “relati-vamente” grandi, con più di 100.000 abitanti.

· In Italia si trova la montagna più alta d’Europa, il Monte Bianco (4810 metri), il vulcano più alto d’Europa, l’Etna in Sicilia (oltre 3300 metri), e il ghiacciaio più a sud d’Europa, il Calderone, che si trova in Abruzzo.

· In Italia ci sono dodici lingue minoritarie riconosciute denominate “storiche”: albanese, catalano, greco, sloveno, croata, francese, francoprovenzale, occitano, friulano, ladino, sardo e germanico.

· Firenze Patrimonio dell’umanità è considerata una città “ope-ra d’arte” e nei suoi musei conserva il più grande patrimonio artistico Italiano.

L’italiano come materia di studio

I gesti italiani

L’Italia e le sue feste

Alcuni dati dell’Italia

Karen Aranda Tello

Alumnos de italiano de bachillerato

Nancy Andrea Gaxiola Ruiz

Mónica Maricela Romo Aguilar

Maria Valentina García Solorzano
