LINKS Program Washington Elementary. Insert Picture of Target student here


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LINKS Program

Washington Elementary

Insert Picture of Target student here.

Student’s Strengths Student’s Challenges

Many of Sebastian’s challenges occur because he has…

Autism, really, is just a different way of thinking…a different way that a brain works!

You can’t catch Autism

More boys than girls have Autism

Some people with Autism are sensitive to….

Noise Certain light

Certain smells

Some children with Autism…..

Talk a lot


Don’t talk at all

Have a hard time looking at people’s



They stare too much.

Some kids with Autism have a hard time playing with friends, even though they want

to play.

Most kids with Autism like to talk about… and think about certain things that they like…..

Sometimes the things they like get in the way of school

Let’s Read…

Teachers and staff are working really hard at Washington Elementary to assist S. But…many, many, many smart people have done a lot of

research and studies and found that the people who can best help kids with autism learn and grow are…

PEERS! (other kids their age!)

That’s right! You could be one of S’s strongest

LINK S to success!

•A LINK will be a student who is about S’s age who will support him.•Most importantly – a LINK is a good friend!•A LINK will play and talk about things that S is interested in, and help him discover other fun things, too!•A LINK might work next to S on a classroom assignment.•S will need a LINK at recess and lunch and perhaps even some other areas like the classroom or speech•The LINKS will meet frequently to talk about what is going well with S, where he’s struggling, and discuss how YOU can help. The LINK meetings are usually pretty fun and treats or special lunches are often involved •You can volunteer if you are interested. We have applications and permission slips for you to fill out if you are.•We’ll let you know when the first LINK meeting will be very soon!

Just What is a LINK?
