Linux Operating System Ppt


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8/12/2019 Linux Operating System Ppt 1/35

8/12/2019 Linux Operating System Ppt 2/35

Operating system


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-is a freely distributed operating system thatbehaves like the Unix operating system. Linux

was designed specifically for the PC platformand takes advantage of its design to giveusers comparable performance to high-endUNIX workstations. Many big-name companieshave joined the Linux bandwagon such as IBM

and Compaq, offering systems pre-installedwith Linux. Also, many companies havestarted Linux packages, such as Red Hat,Corel, and Samba. However, they can onlycharge for services and documentation

packaged with the Linux software. More andmore businesses are using Linux as anefficient and more economical way to run theirnetworks.

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• Linux is a complete multitasking, multi-useroperating system that behaves like UNIX interms of kernel behavior and peripheral

support. Linux has all the features of UNIX andboasts of its open source code and mainly freeutilities.

• The Linux kernel was originally developed for

the Intel 80386, which was developed withmultitasking as one of its features. The kernel isthe lowest-level core factor of the operatingsystem. The kernel is the code that controls the

interface between user programs and hardwaredevices, the scheduling of processes to achievemultitasking, and many other aspects of thesystem.

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• The Linux kernel is a monolithic kernel; all thedevice drivers are part of the kernel proper.Despite the fact that most of Intel's CPUs are

used with single-tasking MS-DOS, Linux makesgood use of the advanced multitasking featuresbuilt into the CPU's instruction set. Linuxsupports demand paging, which means that only

the sections of a program that are necessary areread into RAM. Linux also offers support forcopy-on-write, a process that if more than onecopy of a particular application is loaded, all

tasks can share the same memory. When largememory requirements are needed and only smallamounts of physical RAM are available, Linuxhas another feature called swap space

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• . Swap space allows pages of memory to

be written to a reserved area of a disk and

treated as an extension of physicalmemory. By moving pages between the

swap space and RAM, Linux can, in effect,

act as if it had much more physical RAM

than it does, with the cost of some speed

due to the hard drive's slower access.

Linux also supports diverse file systems,

as well as those compatible with DOS andOS/2. Linux's file system, ext2fs  , is

intended for best possible use of the disk.

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The History of 


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Linux is a freely distributable version of UNIX. UNIXis one of the most popular operating systems for

networking worldwide because of its large support baseand distribution. Linus Torvalds, who was then astudent at the University of Helsinki in Finland,developed Linux in 1991. It was released for free on theInternet and generated the largest software-

development phenomena of all time. Because of GNUsoftware (GNU being an acronym for Gnu's Not UNIX)created by the Free Software Foundation, Linux hasmany utilities to offer. The Free Software Foundationoffers royalty-free software to programmers and

developers. From the very beginning, Linux has beenentwined with GNU software. From 1991, Linux quicklydeveloped on hackers' web pages as the alternative toWindows and the more expensive UNIX systems. 

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• When Red Hat released its commercial version

of Linux packaged with tech support and

documentation, the floodgates broke and the

majority of the public became aware of Linuxand its capabilities. Now more and more new

users are willing to try Linux on their personal

PCs and business users are willing to use Linux

to run their networks. Linux has become the

latest phenomenon to hit the PC software

market. Linux is a unique operating system in

that it is an active participant in the Open SourceSoftware movement. Linux is legally covered by

the GNU General Public License, also known as


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• Open Source software is free but is not in thepublic domain. It is not shareware either. GPLallows people to take free software and distribute

their own versions of the software. However, thevendors who sell free software cannot restrictthe rights of users who purchase the software. Inother words, users who buy GPL software can

make copies of it and distribute it free of chargeor for a fee. Also, distributors of GPL softwaremust make it clear that the software is coveredby the GPL and must provide the completesource code for the software at no cost. Linuxembodies the Open Source model. Open sourceapplies to software for which the source code isfreely available for anyone to download, alter,and redistribute.

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• . Linux is the perfect operating system for

hackers because they can freely download

newer versions of the Linux kernel or other

Linux utilities of the Internet and instantly

change its source code to fix any software

bugs found. That way, bugs can be fixed in

a matter of hours as opposed to days andweeks. Beta testers and code debuggers

are unorganized and spread throughout the

world, but surprisingly, they have managedto quickly debug Linux software efficiently

and cooperate online through the use of the


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Types of LINUX


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• RedHat Linux Lately, RedHat has

been making the headlines with it's Linux

distribution. It is one of the most populardistributions out there right now, and

supports the Intel, Alpha, and SPARC

platforms. Many users prefer RedHatLinux because of its ease of use,

installation, and live tech support. RedHat

Linux primarily comes bundled with the X

Windows System, GNOME and KDEdesktop environments, as well as the

StarOffice suite.

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• Linux Mandrake Yet another rather

popular distribution is Linux Mandrake.

Similar to RedHat, it also bundles the XWindows System, GNOME, KDE, and

StarOffice. What really distances

Mandrake from RedHat Linux is itsimproved ease of use plus a few added

extra tools and utilities.

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•Corel Linux Although less

popular than something like RedHat,

Corel Linux continues to shine withits usability and ease of installation

through its Install Express. It comes

with only the KDE environment, butalso includes WordPerfect for Linux

instead of Sun's StarOffice.

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• Debian/GNU Debian/GNU is

intended for the more advanced Linux

users out there. Although it is moredifficult to use than other

distributions, Debian/GNU is

frequently chosen for web serverpurposes. Its stability and web

adminstration tools are the reason

many webmasters rely on Debian/GNUfor their server environment.

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• Slackware As one of the first

distributions of Linux created,

Slackware continues to be fairlypopular. It also includes the usual

X Window System, GNOME, and

KDE. Slackware boasts excellentstability, at the expense of less

updated code and more

intermediate to advanced user


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• SuSE Linux If you're looking full feature

bundles with your Linux distribution, try

SuSE Linux. Originally created by German

programmers, this distribution has become

quite popular in Europe and is gaining much

recognition in the United States. Of course it

includes the standard X Windows System,KDE and GNOME environments, but it

distances itself from the other offerings by

including a huge amount of bundled

software. This distribution is alsorecommended for newer users.

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• Caldera Open Linux Primarily

designed for the business and

power user, Caldera Linuxfocuses on internet applications.

It includes a full collection ofinternet connectivity and access

tools, and helps anyone take full

of advantage of the internetthrough Linux.

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Keep in mind that all of these distributions arevery similar to each other, and their softwarebundles tend to be too. One majorconsideration that you should make whenchoosing a distribution is what you plan onusing it for, and if you need particular softwareapplications with it. Your best bet is to go andget an actual CD with the distribution, since it

makes it much easier to install and run. Youcan always try to download it for free, butyou'll probably end up finding it to be rathertime consuming and difficult.

For example, the best distributions for the newuser would be RedHat, Mandrake, Corel, andSuSE. A power or internet-oriented user wouldprobably choose something like Caldera,Slackware, or Debian/GNU.

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Hardware You've got a new computer.

 You've also got all that new,shiny, top of the line hardware in

there. Will Linux run on it the

way you want it to?

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• Hard Drive Partioning 

This is the biggest problem that

many new Linux users may have whenthey begin installation. Linux requiresits own, individual partition, which isdifficult to make on various systems.

The most common problem is trying tomake two partions out of one Windowspartition. Unfortunately, there is noeasy way to do this but to cleareverything off your hard drive andstarting from scratch by budgeting aspace for Windows and Linux.

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• The ideal and easiest way to get Linux on a newpartition, and effectively, on your comptuer, is tohave a hard drive with two partitions. One of

these partitions is a Windows/DOS partition,while the other one must be unused and can beany format. You can just simply change theunused partition to become a Linux partition,

and load Linux right onto it.• If you're stuck with one large partition on your

only hard drive, you must reformat and maketwo partitions. Doing this will result in losing all

your data... so make sure you backup everythingbefore you begin. Even if you have extra spaceon your big Windows partition, you're still out ofluck- you must re-partition your hard drive.

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• There are some third-party software

programs that will let you resize or

compress your current partition to freeup space for another one. You are

probably going to want to backup

everything anyways, because you may

end up with a hard drive with nothing on

it if something goes wrong.

•  You should probably use fd isk   in DOS to

help you make your two (or more)


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SoftwareAlthough software for Linux is developing daily, thesupport base for software in Linux is still quite smallcompared to Windows. However, software for Linux

tends to be open-source and free much like theoperating system. And although some software maynot be as fancy as Windows software, Linux software

does the job, and it does it well. This guide will attemptto go over some basic Unix commands that will help

you navigate around the Linux, and this guide will alsoreview some of the major software in Linux availablefor you.

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Software on Linux

Running software on Linux can befun and can be a hassle. There are a

ton of programs out for Linux, but the

trick is choosing the one right for you.This is a brief overview of some of the

more common software.

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• Office Suites-  Want something likeMicrosoft Office, except for Linux?There are two major office suites

available for Linux at this time. One isCorel's WordPerfect Suite. The other isa lesser known but equally as powerful

Sun Microsystems StarOffice. Bothallow users access to most of thefeatures Microsoft Office has to offer.However, WordPerfect for Linux and

StarOffice are free to download off theInternet. Corel Linux bundles itsWordPerfect with its version.

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• Emulators-  Miss your favorite DOS orWindows application? Not to worry. Thereare plenty of emulators for Linux that allow

users to run DOS or Windows files directlyon the Linux system. Two popular DOSemulators are Dosemu and xdos. For theWindows emulation, the current project is

Wine. Wine is still being developed but itspromises are breathtaking. The ability to runWindows applications on Linux is definitelyworthwhile and programs will run just as

faster, maybe even faster with the Linuxenvironment. Wine is the solution for manyLinux users who like Linux but still useseveral important Windows applications

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• X Window System-  This is the

program that allows graphical interface

on the Linux system. X Windows makes iteasy to configure your system. Most

distributions come with X Windows and

install it when they install the Linuxkernel. X is easy to use and makes Linux

a whole lot friendlier.

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• Gaming-  The gaming industry is just

gaining speed on Linux. Companies

like id are beginning to tailor to Linuxgamers. Games like Quake 3 are

beginning to have Linux versions in

addition to Windows and Macintosh

versions. However, many best-selling

games like Starcraft have to be

emulated on the Linux box using Wine.

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