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No. 1

Date: 03.11.2007

Time: 16.40

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

No sound.

No. 2

Date: 04.11.2007

Time: 12.35

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

No sound.

No. 3

Date: 04.11.2007

Time: 16.29

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise




First ring

- Female voice in the background.

Second ring

Raffaele - Eh, which ... Which pizza do you want?

Third ring

Pizza guy - La Casetta, good evening.

Raffaele - Good evening. Listen, I’d like to order two pizzas, if you could deliver them to the Police


Pizza guy - Just a moment, eh

Raffaele - Yes.

Pizza guy - So… so, tell me about the pizzas?

Raffaele - Yes, so, one Four Cheese pizza with buffalo mozzarella instead of normal mozzarella, and


Pizza guy - Ok, so, one…. Cheeses… Also buffalo, and…

Raffaele - Obviously white.

Pizza guy - Yes. Arugula

Raffaele - Yes.

Pizza guy - Then?

Raffaele - The a Marin, eh, a Mediterranean.

Pizza guy - We don’t have the Mediterranean. If you tell me more or less how it is, I can try to make you

a similar one.

Raffaele - Just a sec. Yes. (He addresses a third person, female voice in the background) Eh, something

like mushrooms and sausage.

Pizza guy - Mushrooms and sausage is the Boscaiola pizza.

Raffaele - The Boscaiola, …instead the Casetta pizza how was it, like…, something like that, isn’t it?

Pizza guy - Sorry?

Raffaele - The Casetta pizza rather, how is it?

Pizza guy - The Casetta pizza is basically the Margherita, that is spicy salami, sausage and Tropea red


Raffaele - Ah. Ok, Boscaiola it is then. One, as I told you, Four

Cheeses, white….

Pizza guy - So.

Raffaele - Buffalo mozzarella and arugula, and the other Boscaiola.

Pizza guy - So there are two in total?

Raffaele - Yes, if you could bring them to the Police Station.

Pizza guy - Ok, but not now. Understand, we open around six and the delivery man arrives at seven


Raffaele - Ah. Really.

Pizza guy - Eh, yes, we open at six, the delivery guy is available, and anyway ready from seven thirty.

Raffaele - Eh, then ok, then nothing, because at seven (female voice in the background smiling)…No, that

is, I think we’ll already be gone at seven.

Pizza guy - Eh, I’m sorry, I don’t know (meaning, I don’t know what to say)

Raffaele - Oh, well, thank you, I’m sorry.

Pizza guy - Ok, thank you, good bye.

Raffaele - Good bye.

No. 4

Date: 05.11.2007

Time: 10.55

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise




Woman: oh!

Raffaele: eh, Vale (sic)…

Woman: how are you?

Raffaele: I’m fine, I’m fine although I have been… these days I have been bombarded and was practically

three days at the Police Station, by all means it’s not that… that’s to say the first night I slept at the

Police Station, the… the second…..

Woman: but where, on sofas?

Raffaele: eh?

Woman: on the sofas?

Raffaele: but what sofas! I wish! On some crappy chairs, in the cold. And…

Woman: alright.

Raffaele: and, practically, nothing, they bombarded me, they busted my balls for two or three days, and

I kept on going back and forth from home to the Police Station and back, then the journalists… who

interviewed me, the ones from the Sunday Mirror, who splashed me across the front page in England

and… and then I didn’t… I obviously did not release any more interviews because I had enough, the

Corriere della Sera, and the Repubblica wanted to interview me as well, some other British newspapers,

then alright, what can I tell you more, more… They also called me from the States the relatives,

Amanda’s parents, cousins e others, thanking me for what I am doing, - - -

Woman: that means, sorry, I didn’t understand, you gave an interview to the journalists? ( noise in the


Raffaele: ciao… Hello?

Woman: yes, I can hear you.

Raffaele: let me understand, what?

Woman: You gave an interview to the journalists?

Raffaele: Once I gave them an interview while I was… when I was on my way home, they stopped me

and said to me: we are from the Sunday Mirror, the newspaper which the father of… Meredith’s father

works for, the journalist.

Woman: mhm.

Raffaele: the father of the dead girl. And… and basically in conclusion they wanted because… so they

presented themselves like that, I wasn’t able to say no and I had the interview and after that time they

phoned me home to truly bombard me. And I said… I always said after that I don’t… I didn’t want to hear

anything about it. And…

Woman: I understand..

Raffaele: what else…. what can I say to you? Otherwise I am reasonably well, a little stressed, a little

busted balls, the professor isn’t replying, I sent him the thesis which I have almost completed and… in

conclusion, I need to tune up the last few things, my dad then said: don’t worry, because it’s

everything… after you will be able to explain to the professor what happened to you, he will understand.

Woman: mhm

Raffaele: I said: alright. Eh, what else can I do… Now I am going to the Post Office, but things here are

such. (sigh) Eh… it’s since… ok, nothing, what.. what else can I tell you… and, I don’t know… I don’t even

know… how to behave.

Woman: about what?

Raffaele: no, all is well but there are things that… at times I say to myself: who the heck makes me do

this, because… alright, that’s to say the fact that… eh… Amanda, no? She tells me all about her life

obviously because after I spoke with the mom, with the aunt, with her biological dad, her father because

her parents divorced, I already know… I know more almost all her friends (male and female) and

everything else and as she was telling me things I… there’s one… there’s one thing I cannot really digest,

although, let’s say, it’s not something that you’d say, in the sense… but it… I’m kind of speechless in the

sense that then I feel like saying: who the heck makes me do this! Eh, because in practice, she still feels

close to her ex boyfriend, they left each other before she came over and besides eh… practically she…

and how reconnecting, in July, when July will come around, before going back home she will spend a

month at… in China where this.. this guy is studying. And…. I mean, that she told me - - -. Alright from

now until July it’s nothing, however it’s not that… that.. I like this story much.

Woman: But anyway I don’t know what you mean.

Raffaele: I mean that…from now on … from now on …, then…it makes me feel.. makes me feel, it

bothers me, not because she is in touch with him, but because in any case it’s a… In other words I don’t

know, to me it seems as if it’s an open chapter.

Woman: Raffaele, you, in a few days will be going to Milan, understood? You’ll find another one, so it’s

useless putting yourself through this mental stress

Raffaele: It’s like you are saying, what can I say…

Woman: So, forget about it, it’s a person you’ve known for a month, what the heck do you want, are you

mad! No, that you feel attracted to her….

Raffaele: No, it’s not what the heck I want, it’s that in any case… that is, it wasn’t my intention to end

the story like this, because of that.

Woman: Your intention isn’t of.. And intentions are one thing, reality however is something else, it may

be that it doesn’t go this way, but it may be that it does.

Raffaele: I understand.

Woman: Alright. So think about it, in any case now think that you need to go from there, because now

that this happened and you’re there, I don’t feel relaxed. And… and then will think about the rest.

Raffaele: Alright.

Woman: Ciao. Let me know at what time it is…the graduation, because I need to know.

Raffaele: Anyway, I told you it’s will be in the morning.

Woman: what?

Raffaele: I told you it’s in the morning, - - -

Woman: yes, you need to let me know the time.

Raffaele: they start at nine, then they go one by one until it’s my turn. And I don’t know when my turn

will be.

Woman: Ok, try to let me know the time. Ciao. Oh?

No. 5

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 11.57

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise




Raffaele - Hello?

Father - Listen, your, the new secret code I gave it to you right?

Raffaele - Yes.

Father - And you have it.

Raffaele - Ehm, I don’t remember where the heck I placed it.

Father - So, look for it carefully because, this very morning, I am sending the card which is here, at the

Post Office where I now am. I also am sending you the money order so you can have the money

immediately. But you have to… Eh, find the secret code, otherwise you still wouldn’t be able to use the

card, eh?

Raffaele - Mm mm, now I will try to find it.

Father - Eh. Let me know.

Raffaele - Ok.

No. 6

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 12.05

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise




Raffaele - Hello? Hello?

Father - So, if you give me the secret code, I will withdraw the money which I need to send you by

money order. And I will send it. Otherwise my hands are tied too (Long pause and background

noises) Hello?

Raffaele - Yes.

Father - So, call me back shortly, I am (will be) at the Post Office, eh?

Raffaele - Wait. (Another long pause). Where the heck is… (long pause) Dad, eh. I don’t have it.

Father - Eh, you must not reply in this manner, do you understand? Because if you don’t have the bill,

(or cheque, not sure) I cannot do anything for you anymore, do you understand what I mean?

Raffaele - And I cannot recall where the heck I placed it.

Father - So then… Alright, ciao.

Raffaele - Ciao.

No. 7

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 12.11

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise




Raffaele - Hello?

Father - (Female voice in the background) Hello?

Raffaele - Hello?

Father - Are you looking for it?

Raffaele - Dad, yes but, I don’t, I don’t remember where the heck I left it, on the cell I don’t.. Do you

remember where I wrote it on?

Father - I said to you something like Bar Tiffany or something like that.

Raffaele - Bar Tiffany?

Father - Bar, yes.

Raffaele - Ok, now I look. I will call you back shortly.

No. 8

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 12.13

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise




A ring.

No. 9

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 12.13

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise




Raffaele - Hello? Hello?

Father - Tell me.

Raffaele - Dad, I found it.

Father - Good. (Female voice in the background) (- - -)… terrible!


Raffaele - Eight seven four three two.

Father - I couldn’t hear you.

Raffaele - Eight seven four three two.

Father - Eight seven four three two. Is that it?

Raffaele - Yes.

Father - Alright. Ciao.

Raffaele - Ciao.

No. 10

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 12.32

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise




Raffaele - Hello?

Father - So, write down this information.

Raffaele - Wait.. Go on

Father - Zero seven

Raffaele - What the heck is first?

Father - Zero seven. There’s nothing before it.

Raffaele - No, what is it?!

Father - You’ll have to go to cash the money order because I sent it online. And this is the money order’s


Raffaele - Ok. Zero, seven. So?

Father - One zero six.

Raffaele - Mm.

Father - One.

Raffaele - Yes.

Father - Zero three. Zero five, one one zero seven. The amount is Euro 200. The key word is papà,

without accent. That is papa.

Raffaele - Ok.

Father - Is it ok? So, you, even now can go to the Post office and receive this money. Then you will

receive the card with the code. The code you have, the card. Which has already been enabled, ciao.

Raffaele - So I will only need this number and the key word, correct?

Father - Yes, and they’ll give you Euro 200.

Raffaele - Ok.

Father - Ciao.

Raffaele - Ciao ciao.


Date. 05.11.2007

Time 13.20

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise




Raffaele - Hello?

Father - Hello?

Raffaele - Eh.

Father - Listen, on your account you only have Euro 100 and the other 200 what happened to them?

Raffaele - Yes, (sic) I had withdrawn the 200.

Father - You have withdrawn them already.

Raffaele - Yes.

Father - Eh?

Raffaele - Yes.

Father - Or, was it that of, of the Fastweb.

Raffaele - No, no, I had withdrawn them already.

Father - Ah, you had already withdrawn Euro 200.

Raffaele - Yes.

Father - Alright, alright. then, how can you be without money if you had withdrawn Euro 200 already? I,

two or three days ago I…

Raffaele - (- - -) I paid for parking, some other stuff and I finished it.

Father - Alright, alright. Ciao. Are you eating? Have you been to get the money?

Raffaele - In a short while, now we are eating.

Father - Eh?

Raffaele - we will eat now.

Father - Have you been to cash the money?

Raffaele - no, I haven’t been because I ran out of time, but will go this afternoon.

Father - Ciao.

Raffaele - Ciao ciao.

Father - Have a good lunch. Ciao.

Raffaele - Thank you, ciao.

No. 12

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 14.06

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise




Raffaele - Hello? Hello?

Urte - Chico, it’s Urte speaking.

Raffaele - Ehy, Urte.

Urte - How is it going? Everything ok?

Raffaele - Let’s say so. Tell me.

Urte - What did you do?

Raffaele - No, nothing, these days, I’m in pieces, because I’ve spent three days at the Police Station.

Urte - The Police Station? What happened?

Raffaele - No, because my girlfriend and I have found….. And, the girl who died, Meredith, is the room-

mate of ….

Urte - God, but what the heck are you saying? The one who was in the News, aaa…

Raffaele - Yes, right on.

Urte - Madonna, that’s heavy! I’m sorry. But is the girl… I mean, and your girlfriend lives, she’s the one

who lived with her?

Raffaele - Yes yes.

Urte - Really, in the same house?

Raffaele - That night she slept at my place, then we went to her house in the morning and we found


Urte - Ah, but you found them?

Raffaele - Mm mm.

Urte - Dio chico (expression meaning ‘by golly’) what the heck are you saying? How is it going, but….

Madonna, what a heavy scene that must have been.

Raffaele - I have not witnessed the scene because the door was locked with the key and I waited for the


Urte - Ah, I understand.

Raffaele - I then moved further away as I didn’t want to see.

Urte - No, no, that was well done. Mado’, (expression, short for Madonna) but think. That is, I heard it

on the News this thing, but I would have never had, never would I have linked, understood, your

American girlfriend, this too…. Madonna, what a story. How is it, everything ok?

Raffaele - Eh, yes, reasonably good, a little stressed, because they have….

Urte - (- - -)

Raffaele - They have busted my balls enough at the Police Station

Urte - and, alright, I believe it, they interrogated you, things such as these, right?

Raffaele - Yes.

Urte - Madonna, what a story! But where are you?

Raffaele - Now I am at my place.

Urte - Eh.

Raffaele - And we are eating.

Urte - What?

Raffaele - We are eating, my girlfriend is also here.

Urte - I understand. Now with graduation, it has taken time away from studying, this thing has.

Raffaele - Eh, yes, alright, but anyway, in the sense, the thesis I have, I have practically completed it.

Urte - I understand I understand.

Raffaele - Eh, now, now I’m waiting for the professor to let me know what else I’m supposed to do

and … Anyway, that is, I will tell him how this all thing went, I think he will also understand a little.

Urte - Eh no, ok, certainly, for sure. Oh, ok, c’mon it’s nothing really, now I have come back here….

Raffaele - the fifteenth, the fifteenth remember it’s my Grad, eh?

Urte - the fifteenth, I remember it, yes chico (expression, read as Kiko), you think?

Raffaele - Ok.

Urte - Eh, c’mon, nothing, now I live up here… C’mon, if it is we’ll see each other even later. Why, what

do you have to do? These days I have bugger all to do, understood? I don’t have to study so I simply

roam around.

Raffaele - I understand, if you’d like to come by for a coffee, no problem, let’s talk, let’s see.

Urte - Eh. C’mon, if it’s later I will come by, eh, I will call you back anyway, ok.

Raffaele - Ok.

Urte - See you later, ciao Raf.

Raffaele - Ciao ciao.

No. 13

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 15.00

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise




Raffaele: Hello? Hello?

Francesco: eih!

Raffaele: dad…

Francesco: So, this morning I sent you even the card, there… to the new ATM.

Raffaele: Yes.

Francesco: I sent it to you via Courier Mail. Then, tomorrow morning the letter will leave but it will

surely reach you the day after tomorrow. I gave them also your Cell # so that, if they don’t find you, they

can contact you anyway.

Raffaele: Ok.

Francesco: Is it all right?

Raffaele: It’s alright.

Francesco: Then this afternoon I will let you know….because I didn’t manage to talk to those of the …. of

the Catholic, there, when they will credit you with… this month’s rent, because up to today, until this

morning at least when I myself checked, the credit had not reached you, so eventually we’ll know what

to do, that is if they tell me they put it through and you receive it tomorrow there are no problems,

understood? For the rest, look that at the… at your Graduation Eli will also come .. that eh… Nanni

comes from… from … what’s its name there….from.. from Rome with auntie Dora, auntie Mara, these

things, you know… while Eli will come with us because she comes from Giovinazzo.

Raffaele: I understand.

Francesco: Are you following me?

Raffaele: Yes.

Francesco: the problem is I was thinking how to arrange for her sleep because she will leave again

immediately after lunch, together with Mara who needs to be back soonest because, as Simona already

mentioned to you, Friday she needs to be back at school, but to sleep the Wednesday night, I thought

she could spend the night by you.

Raffaele: Ah.. eh…

Francesco: Even if you… even if she stays…what is her name, hers… this girl who sleeps with you during

this period, nothing happens, because, I don’t know, you sleep with this girl in your bed and Eli can sleep

on the rollaway bed.

Raffaele: Alright.

Francesco: Is it ok?

Raffaele: Because…

Francesco: I explained to Eli already that this possibility was an option and she hasn’t objected at all

obviously. Anyway, I wanted your consent otherwise I have to … when I need to book my hotel, I would

have to book a … a place to sleep for her as well. Do you understand?

Raffaele: I understand.

Francesco: Is it alright?

Raffaele: It’s alright. Ok.

Francesco: you will remember that we will need to leave on Friday, the two of us will need to leave

Friday to go to Padova?

Raffaele: Yes, you told me.

Francesco: To Abano, actually, to be exact. Got it.

Raffaele: mhm.

Francesco: So, what did you eat today?

Raffaele: rice with tuna.

Francesco: Did you go to pick up the money?

Raffaele: not yet, dad, I told you, that.. that I have to go…should I go to pick it up at lunch time?

Francesco: no, go..well.. the Post Office opens at three-thirty.

Raffaele: Alright, I go now. Now there is…there is the cleaning lady to clean up.

Francesco: ah, the cleaning lady arrived to clean?

Raffaele: yes, yes.

Francesco: Ok, alright, alright. Otherwise all is well?

Raffaele: yes, yes, everything ok.

Francesco: Oh, these days don’t go around with the small knife in your pocket you, eh.

Raffaele: why?

Francesco: Because if the police should see it, etc., they’ll start to bust your balls (meaning: they’ll start

giving you a hard time)

Raffaele: ah.

Francesco: eh.

Raffaele: Alright, but no, they didn’t take it from me during the three days I was at the Police Station.

Francesco: It’s because they didn’t noticed you had it, but you cannot take that along with you as you

normally do, you know, legally speaking? So, in a mess such as that, in which unfortunately you found

yourself in, it would be preferable that you don’t create further problems for yourself.

Raffaele: wait a minute, dad.

Francesco: eh?

Raffaele: wait a second. Hello?

Francesco: hello?

Raffaele: eh?

Francesco: Do you understand? Did you hear, better still?

Raffaele: yes, yes.

Francesco: sounds good. Will talk tonight, bye to dad.

Raffaele: ciao, ciao.

No. 14

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 17.34

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise


Chico, I’ll come by tomorrow so you can introduce to me your damsel. Oh, please download for me pro

evolution soccer 2008 for ps2. beautiful - see you tomorrow.

No. 15

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 17.48

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1




Raffaele - Hello

Father - Raffia, do you remember when grandpa passed away? Female voice in the background - The


Raffaele - Which grandpa?

Father - Grandpa Marco. Marco.

Raffaele - It was in the year 2000.

Father - Eh, how can we know it for sure?

Raffaele - Dad, it’s written on the tombstone.

Father - Ah (- - -), thank you, Raffaè, should I go to the cemetery? At most I can ask uncle Michele,

assuming he knows.

Raffaele - yes, yes, he will know for sure. I remember only…

Father - He knows.

Raffaele - … that it was in two thousand, but I cannot remember the month or the day.

Father - Ah, ok, alright, ciao.

Raffaele - Ciao, ciao.

No. 16

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 18.34

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1




Raffaele: hello?

Guido: eh, Raffa, it’s Guido.

Raffaele: eh, Guido, tell me.

Guido: oh, am I disturbing you?

Raffaele: no, no, I am at the Supermarket.

Guido: ah, ok, listen, are you doing, how are you doing, how is it in Perugia how is it, with..

with the murder, with that thing? Incredible…

Raffaele: eh, I know, what happened is a.. a mess, because my girlfriend and I, we were… that is she

stayed over to sleep at my place and then when we returned to her place there was…. eh… blood stains,

the door of this girl locked with the key and.. then.. I didn’t kick in the door, but then I waited for the

arrival of the police and then they opened it.

Guido: no, I haven’t… wait, but I know nothing, Raffa?

Raffaele: eh?

Guido: but is she a friend of your girlfriend?

Raffaele: yes.

Guido: were they living together?

Raffaele: yes, they were roommates, one room next to the other.

Guido: So, was it you who arrived there, at the place, first?

Raffaele: yes.

Guido: and what time was it?

Raffaele: early in the morning.

(voices in the background)

Guido: holy cow, oh! Mamma mia, you lived through a horrible thing, but have you seen the body,


Raffaele: I got a glimpse but…

Guido: are you wiped out?

Raffaele: what I saw I left… I left it… that is, I moved away.

Guido: you’re devastated, I mean morally.

Raffaele: well, yes, enough, in the sense that I… am rather stressed, they kept me there at the Police

Station for three whole days, I feel a bit… down.

Guido: holy, holy cow, I can imagine, of course. But, is there any information, is there any information,

friendships, various things?

Raffaele: how, in what sense friendships?

Guido: alright, alright, you will then talk to me face to face, you cannot talk about things…

Raffaele: no, we are… my girlfriend and I are shopping.

Guido: ah, ah, ok. Listen…

Raffaele: While I was talking to you I was also choosing what to buy.

Guido: well done, well done, choose what you need. Listen, and I wanted to tell you, so when is it you’re

graduating, the fifteenth?

Raffaele: the fifteenth, yes. if you like to come I would also be happy.

Guido: eh, and where… where would I sleep?

Raffaele: eh, look, eh…

Guido: I have to find… I have to find myself a place.

Raffaele: I don’t really know because…

Guido: isn’t there a place…

Raffaele: at the moment, that is in the room… that is, in my house there’s myself, my girlfriend and my

cousin will also come.

Guido: well, of course, no, no, I know, maybe if I manage I… Anyway it’s enough that… now… now that

you told me, now that I know it, if I can I will organize myself, I will find something small, I will talk to

Elisa and will organize myself with something small and if I can I will come with ple…

Raffaele: Listen, if you come it will make me happy, then, let me know so that…

Guido: of course, sure.

Raffaele: you know, because I book… I book the place where…

Guido: where to have lunch after?

Raffaele: where to go to eat, therefore… eh…

Guido: you bet, for sure.

(Overlap of voices)

Raffaele: one needs to know the number of people.

Guido: brilliant, brilliant. Yes, yes, I will let you… I will let you know shortly, if I manage to organize

myself, because Friday I will then have to leave for… for Madrid and…

Raffaele: ah, and what are you going to Madrid for?

Guido: eh, practically I always go for… for work, there’s an exhibition, an exhibition in Spain very similar

to the ones I attended in Rome and Milan and that I will also do in Bari.

Raffaele: mhm.

Guido: I told you I come to Bari on the 23rd, 24th of November.

Raffaele: I understand.

Guido: at the Fiera del Levante for the kids. And, there, so I go…I go there to Madrid and leave on the

16th, so if I come to your Grad I need to be able to .. to coordinate these two things.

Raffaele: I understand.

Guido: listen, instead when I come to Bari do you have a place for me to sleep?

Raffaele: when are you coming to Bari?

Guido: on the 22nd…23rd, 23rd, Friday November 23rd.

Raffaele: yes, yes, I will be home. Come to my place.

Guido: what do you mean you’re at home? Eh?

Raffaele: Come to my place. I will be in Bari, come to my home.

Guido: but are you sure, will I not disturb you?

Raffaele: no, what… I am alone and I have a 190 square meter home, why the heck would you disturb…

Guido: alright, if you put it this way I will also bring you a couple of ladies.

Raffaele: no, it’s ok, I don’t like to create problems.

Guido: (laughing) I will bring you the ladies, c’mon.

(they laugh)

Guido: alright, alright, we’ll talk about it later, c’mon.

Raffaele: ok

Guido: alright, I will accept the invitation then, eh.

Raffaele: yes.

Guido: listen, then…

Raffaele: In case we will talk again after Graduation.

Guido: I will call you… no, I will let…eh, I will let you know if I can make it…if I can make it to the Grad, of


Raffaele: mhm, ok.

Guido: listen, and there’s another thing I need to ask you.

Raffaele: tell me.

Guido: would you give me Diana’s number of… the Spanish one? Her number in Spain?

Raffaele: of Spain? But she is now in Italy.

Guido: where… where in Italy?

Raffaele: she’s in Padova, didn’t she tell you anything?

Guido: no, we haven’t talked to each other, I don’t know a damn thing. Ah, give me the Spanish number

of Padova.

Raffaele: eh, the number.. yes, the Italian number of Padova I give you, wait. Wait a second.

Guido: yes yes.

(Voices in the background)

Raffaele: so, Guido?

Guido: yes, tell me.

Raffaele: 8… 388.

Guido: so 388?

Raffaele: yes.

Guido: 388?

Raffaele: 16.

Guido: yes.

Raffaele: 86.

Guido: 86.

Raffaele: 742.

Guido: 742.

Raffaele: ah.

Guido: alright then, now I will try to call her, but Maid (sic) where is she?

Raffaele: Maid is in Spain.

Guido: Does she live in Madrid?

Raffaele: yes, in Anques (sic)

Guido: In Anques, I understand, I understand. Alright then, brilliant, now… now I call her. Well, as for the

rest, about you, how are you? Since when is it that she transferred to Padova… now I call he r. Alright,

alright, listen Raffa…

Raffaele: tell me.

Guido: nothing, I will then let you know if I come…you, how are you, after this absurd thing? But you, did

you know her, did you know this girl?

Raffaele: yes, yes, I knew her.

Guido: holy cow, oh! Alright, let’s hope it will solve itself, that is but your girlfriend is then sleeping…

(overlap of voices)

Raffaele: and what needs to solve itself? They have to find the guilty person, let’s hope.

Guido: eh, find the guilty person. but your…your girlfriend where does she sleep then?

Raffaele: at my place.

Guido: Madonna! Where you afraid, yes?

Raffaele: of course!

Guido: and yes, holy shit! Alright, c’mon, you will then tell me later.

Raffaele: ok.

Guido: I will then let you know if I can make it, I will try to organize myself because I will need to leave

for… for Madrid the day after. I see… your Grad is in the morning, right?

Raffaele: yes.

Guido: then I will try to come the day before, then I can be there in the morning and I will leave in the


Raffaele: ok

Guido: c’mon, c’mon, then I.. we’ll talk… I will let you know one of these days and I’m very sorry for the

serious matter, of course. A hug, Raffa, a big hug, see you soon, ciao.

Raffaele: ciao, ciao. Ciao, ciao.

No. 17

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 19.05

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1




Two rings (Female voice in the background)

Guido - Yes, hello?

Raffaele - Eh Guido.

Guido - Oh Raffa, tell me everything.

Raffaele - Listen, what was the road to Corciano, and then to Rome?

Guido - You’ll need to take the highway to Florence.

Raffaele - To Florence?

Guido - Yes. You need to take the highway, the highway which goes to, to Florence then you exit there.

Ellera Umbra, in the direction of Ellera Umbra. You exit there.

Raffaele - I understand. And, I was wrong, I need to go back. Alright.

Guido - Eh, yes. You really need to take the highway, the one which goes to, that is the… You go, to the

highway and… And then you exit, on your right, Ellera Umbra, ( - - -)

Raffaele - (- - -) … We are simply driving around to find a place where to eat the day… The day I graduate.

Guido - C’mon… Go there, go there. Go to Elisa, in Corciano

Raffaele - Ah, are you suggesting I should go directly there?

Guido - Eh but of course, eh, it’s the only one, it’s the only restaurant there, c’mon, go there.

Raffaele - Ah, alright, now I will try to get there straight away.

Guido - Its name is, its name is Il Convento.

Raffaele - Ah, ok.

Guido - Everything ok? Ok Raffa, I will call you, I’m on the phone. Anything you’ll need call me later. Ciao.

Raffaele - Ciao ciao.

Guido - Ciao ciao ciao ciao.

No. 18

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 20.49

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1



Male Voice (from the Police Station)

Raffaele - Hello?

MV - Good evening, Police Station Flying Squad.

Raffaele - Hello, go ahead. (Tell me)

MV - Listen, you have to come to us at 21:30

Raffaele - I’m having dinner, can we make, let’s say… 21:30..

MV - Can you make it at 21:30?

Raffaele - Could we make it 22:00

MV - 22:00, alright. Fi.., finish your dinner. Tw..twenty-two. A little earlier maybe.

Raffaele - Alright, I will see, that is, to make it as soon as possible.

MV - Between 21:30 and 22:00.

Raffaele - Ok.

MV - The sooner you’re here the sooner we’ll be done.

Raffaele - Ok.

MV - Hello?

No. 19

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 21.39

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 20

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 21.43

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


I called at 21:43 of 05/11/07. Free information provided by CHIAMAMI of Vodafone.

No. 21

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 22.46

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


I called at 22:46 of 05/11/07. Free information provided by CHIAMAMI of Vodafone.

No. 22

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 22.42

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 23

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 23.07

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 24

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 23.11

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


I called at 23:11 of 05/11/07. Free information provided by CHIAMAMI of Vodafone.

No. 25

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 23.12

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


I called at 23:12 of 05/11/07. Free information provided by CHIAMAMI of Vodafone.

No. 26

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 23.09

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 27

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 23.28

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 28

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 23.28

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 29

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 23.29

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

Two rings.

No. 30

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 23.29

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Ass ise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1




Raffaele - Hello?

Father - But what the heck are you doing? Why do you turn off your cell phone?

Raffaele - Eh, I turned it off because I am at… At the Police Station and they are asking me questi ons.

Father - They called you back? Eh?

Raffaele - Yes. Eh, they hav.., are saying that I have to turn it off.

Father - Alright. And, at what time are you done?

Raffaele - Eh, don’t worry, later, later when I’m done I’ll call you.

Father - No, ok, I’m going to bed. Ciao, we’ll talk tomorrow.

Raffaele - Ok, ciao ciao. Good night.

No. 31

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 23.55

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 32

Date. 05.11.2007

Time 23.59

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


I called at 23:59 of 05/11/07. Free information provided by CHIAMAMI of Vodafone.

No. 33

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 10.33

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


I called at 10:33 of 06/11/07. Free information provided by CHIAMAMI of Vodafone.

No. 34

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 10.55

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


Chico are you awake? I thought of coming by you in half an hour.

Let me know

No. 35

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 11:22

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


I called at 11:22 of 06/11/07. Free information provided by CHIAMAMI of Vodafone.

No. 36

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 11.18

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 37

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 11.29

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 38

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 11.33

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


I called at 11:33 of 06/11/07. Free information provided by CHIAMAMI of Vodafone.

No. 39

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 11:39

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 40

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 11:51

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


Boy, everything ok?

No. 41

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 11.51

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 42

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 12.05

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 43

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 12.08

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


I called at 12:08 of 06/11/07. Free information provided by CHIAMAMI of Vodafone.

No. 44

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 12:16

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 45

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 12.20

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


I called at 12:20 of 06/11/07. Free information provided by CHIAMAMI of Vodafone.

No. 46

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 12.23

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


Call me back immediately.

No. 47

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 12.47

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 48

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 12.51

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


I called at 12:51 of 06/11/07. Free information provided by CHIAMAMI of Vodafone.

No. 49

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 13.17

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 50

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 13.23

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 51

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 13.25

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 52

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 14.43

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 53

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 14.54

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 54

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 14.54

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 55

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 16.21

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


Raffa, just read in the paper… Know that I will NEVER believe it, and that I am close to you… I hope

you’re well …. Send news, if you can. Stay strong. Fa

No. 56

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 16.45

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 57

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 16.46

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 58

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 16.49

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 59

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 17.08

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 60

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 17.17

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1


All you gym friends believe in you. We pray God that all will be solved soonest!

No. 61

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 18.07

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 62

Date. 06.11.2007

Time 18.11

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 63

Date. 07.11.2007

Time 09.53

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 64

Date. 07.11.2007

Time 11.24

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 65

Date. 07.11.2007

Time 11.32

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 66

Date. 07.11.2007

Time 16.39

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 67

Date. 07.11.2007

Time 16.49

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 68

Date. 07.11.2007

Time 17.01

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 69

Date. 07.11.2007

Time 19.24

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 70

Date. 07.11.2007

Time 21.42

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 71

Date. 07.11.2007

Time 23.03

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 72

Date. 08.11.2007

Time 11.24

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 73

Date. 08.11.2007

Time 18.54

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 74

Date. 09.11.2007

Time 13.54

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 75

Date. 09.11.2007

Time 13.54

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 76

Date. 13.11.2007

Time 15.16

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 77

Date. 13.11.2007

Time 15.18

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 78

Date. 14.11.2007

Time 15.38

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 79

Date. 14.11.2007

Time 19.08

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 80

Date. 14.11.2007

Time 19.09

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 81

Date. 14.11.2007

Time 19.12

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 82

Date. 15.11.2007

Time 15.52

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 83

Date. 15.11.2007

Time 18.41

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 84

Date. 16.11.2007

Time 17.38

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.

No. 85

Date. 16.11.2007

Time 19.07

Interceptions of telephonic communications Criminal Proceeding No. 8/08 R.G. Corte d’Assise

Against Knox Amanda Marie + 1

No sound.
