LIST OF RESEARCH APPLICATION Date May 17, 2016 · PDF file(Dr. Dirhamsyah, MA) d. Marine...


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1 a. Ms. Patricia Himeka Suzuki-wepfer

b. Japan c. Okinawa Institute of Science

and Technology (OIST) d. Okinawa Institute of Science

and Technology e. Graduate Student

a. 12 months (start from April 2016) b. Aceh (Kab. Aceh Besar-Sabang),

DKI Jakarta (Kepulauan Seribu), Jawa Tengah (Semarang, Jepara-Karimunjawa), Bali (Gianyar–Seraya, Badung–Kuta Selatan), Nusa Tenggara Timur (Manggarai Barat–Komodo, Alor–Benelang, Kupang–Tabalong), Sulawesi Selatan (Makassar–Barrang Lompo) Sulawesi Tenggara (Bau-Bau– Wakatopi), Sulawesi Utara (Manado, Bitung-Lempeh), Papua Barat (Raja Ampat-Jefman)

c. Fakultas Ilmu Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro (Dr. Diah Permata Wijayanti)

d. Marine Biology e. Spatial and temporal scales of

Scleractinian diversification


Research is planned for 21 months Joint Research Agreement between Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology School Corporation, Japan and Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Semarang 27/01/2016 : - Researcher was requested

to deliver a presentation regarding the research proposal

- Researcher was requested to provide a roadmap of the research project

- Researcher was requested to explain the specific of Scleractinian species that will used in research

- Researcher was requested to provide a copy of MTA


Date May 17, 2016

Nomor: 5/TKPIPA/E5/Dit.KI/V/2016


09/02/2016 : - Researcher was delivered

a presentation - Researcher was requested

to provide a copy of MTA

2 a. Mr. Jonathan Douglas McLeod b. USA c. University of Arizona d. The American Institute for

Indonesian Studies e. PhD Student, Teaching


a. 12 months (start from 1 June 2016) b. Papua Barat (Kab. Tambrauw, Kab.

Manokwari) c. Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas

Negeri Papua (Ir. Benadus B. Rettob) d. Forestry e. Traditional Livelihoods and Forest-Use

in Tambrauw, West Papua


09/02/2016 : Researcher was requested to deliver a presentation regarding the research proposal 23/02/2016 : - Researcher delivered

presentation - Reseacrcher was

requested to provide a copy of MoU between University of Arizona and University of Papua

- Researcher was requested to revise research title

- Reseacher was requested to provide PIC (Prior Informed Consent) with traditional leader or Local Government of Tabraw, West Papua


3.A a. Mr. Michael Brand b. Australia c. James Cook University d. Australian Research Funding

Discovery Project (DP140101319)

e. Research Officer

a. 12 months (starting from March 2016) b. Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (Aceh

Besar – Lumpuuk), Sulawesi Selatan (Karst)

c. Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Padang (Dr.Rifai Hamdi)

d. Paleontology e. Mengembangkan catan-catatan How

extensive were Indonesian tropical rainforest glacial refugia?


08/03/2016 : - Researcher was

requested to coordinate with Syiah Kuala University and Hasanuddin University

Researcher was requested to provide a copy of MTA 12/05/2016 : - FRP Secretariat was

received MoU and MTA between Padang University and James Cook University

- FRP Secretariat was received letter of statement regarding coordination with Syiah Kuala University and Hasanuddin University

3.B a. Mr. Christopher Martin Wurster b. USA c. James Cook University d. Australian Research Funding

Discovery Project (DP140101319)

e. Senior Research Associate

as above APPROVED

4 a. Mr. Nicholas Stephen Boyd b. UK c. Oxford Brookes University d. Personal e. Researcher

a. 12 months (start 1 April 2016) b. Kalimantan Tengah (Palangkaraya -

KHDTK Hutan Pendidikan UMP, Rungan-Kahayan)

c. Fakultas Pertanian dan Kehutanan, Universitas Muhammadiyah


15/04/2016 : Researcher was requested to deliver presentation regarding the scope and objective of the research proposal


Palangkaraya (Siti Maimunah, S.Hut., MP)

d. Forestry e. Describing the diversity of birds,

butterflies and other wildlife in the university forest of muhammadiyah palangkaraya university, located in the rungan ‐ kahayan landscape, central kalimantan

26/04/2016 : - Researcher and

counterpart was attend to deliver presentation

- Researcher was requested to clarify the registration of NGO (Borneo Nature Foundation) to Ministry of Foreign Affairs

- Researcher was requested to revise MoU. The MoU should be made between Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya and Oxford Brookes University






1 a. Prof. Mariko Urano b. Japan c. Hokusei Gakuen University d. Hokusei Gakuen University e. Professor

a. 12 months (start 1 September 2016) b. Kalimantan Timur (Kutai Timur-

Busang) c. PT Ecositrop (Dr. Yaya Rayadin) d. Ecology e. Problems in Conservation of Locally

Planted Species among Swidden Farmers in Province of East Kalimantan, Indonesia


15/04/2016 : Researcher was requested to deliver presentation regarding research proposal 26/04/2016 : Researcher/Counterpart did not attend to deliver presentation 17/05/2016 : - Researcher was requested

to provide MoU, IA, and MTA between Hokusei Gakuen University and PT Ecositrop

- Researcher was requested to add second counterpart from Research Center of Natural Conservation Resources Institute (Balitbang BKSDA), Kalimantan Timur

2 a. Mr. Hernan Martin-barbadillo Alonso

b. Spain c. GEOMAR, Helmholtz-Zentrum

a. 6 months (1 April – 30 September 2016)

b. DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bogor) c. Institut Pertanian Bogor (Dea Fauzia


26/04/2016 : Researcher was requested to deliver presentation regarding the research proposal


für Ozeanforschung Kiel d. GEOMAR, Helmholtz-Zentrum

für Ozeanforschung Kiel e. Participant in Project GAME


Lestari) d. Marine Ecology e. Project GAME 2016

17/05/2016 : - Researcher was deliver a

presentation - Researcher was requested

to provide MoU, MTA, and Implement of Arrangement

3 a. Ms. Jaima Hillary Smith b. USA c. Independent Researcher d. Independently funded. e. PhD student

a. 5 months (25 April – 15 September 2016)

b. Jawa Barat (Bogor - Bodogol, Cicirug, dan Lengkong; Bandung- CIwidey, Puntang)

c. Javan Gibbon Foundation, Institut Pertanian Bogor (Anton Ario)

d. Primatology e. An examination and assessment of

current conservation practices for Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch) in West Java, Indonesia


26/04/2016 : Researcher was requested to deliver presentation regarding the research proposal 17/05/2016 : Researcher was requested to provide a letter of agreement between Javan Gibbon Foundation and Oxford Brookes

4 a. Mr. Lian Napier Sinclair b. Australia c. University of Murdoch d. Australian Postgraduate Award e. Postgraduate Researcher, PhD


a. 6 months (1 August 2016 – 30 January 2017)

b. DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimatan Timur

c. Pusat Studi Keamanan dan Perdamaian, UGM (Prof. Dr. Sigit Riyanto)

d. Political Economic e. Managing community relations

through participation: Australian mining corporations in Indonesia


26/04/2016 : Researcher was requested to deliver presentation regarding the research proposal 17/05/2016 : Researcher didn’t attend to deliver a presentation

5 a. Prof. Fumihiko Kawamoto b. Japan c. Oita University d. Oita University

a. 12 months (start 1 June 2016) b. Jatim (Surabaya) c. Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas

Airlangga (Indah S. Tantular, dr.,


Research planned until 2018 SIP Nomor 21/EXT/SIP/FRP/SM/IV/2015


e. Professor (Health Sciences) Ph.D., Sp.ParK) d. Microbiology e. Molecular epidemiological and

biological studies on human malaria parasites in Indonesia

f. Research planned until 2018

Valid for 12 months until 1 June 2016 Second Extension 26/04/2016 : Researcher was requested to deliver a presentation regarding progress report 17/05/2016 : Researcher/counterpart didn’t attend to deliver a presentation

6 a. Prof. Kazufumi Shimizu b. Japan c. Kobe University d. Kobe University e. Professor (Microbiology)

a. 12 months (start 2 June 2016) b. Jatim (Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Malang) c. Lembaga Penyakit Tropis Universitas

Airlangga (Prof. Dr. Nasronudin) d. Microbiology e. Molecular epidemiology of avian

influenza virus infection in Indonesia f. To collect sample and analize data


Research planned until 31 March 2020 SIP Nomor 22/EXT/SIP/FRP/SM/V/2015 Valid for 12 months until 2 June 2016 26/04/2016 : Researcher was requested to deliver a presentation regarding progress report 17/05/2016 : Researcher was requested to provide roadmap of the research and exit strategy






1.A a. Prof. Frederick H. Sheldon b. USA c. Louisiana State University d. Louisiana State University, various

grants including potential grants from NSF and National Geographic

e. Professor of Biological Sciences and Curator of Genetic Resources

a. 12 months (start June 2016) b. Kalimantan Timur (Berau - Pulau

Maratua), Jawa Timur (Gresik – Pulau Bawean), dan Kalimantan Selatan (Gunung Meratus)

c. Pusat Penelitian Biologi, LIPI (Dewi M. Prawiradilaga)

d. Zoology e. Genome-wide Assessment of

Morphological Convergence among Bird Populations on Indonesian Peripheral Islands


Research planned for 5 years 17/05/2016 : - Researcher was requested

to provide MoU, MTA, Implementing Arrangement between Louisiana State University and Research Center of Biologi, LIPI

- Researcher was requested to provide roadmap of the research

1.B a. Mr. Ryan Christian Burner b. USA c. Louisiana State University d. Louisiana State University, various

grants including potential grants from NSF and National Geographic

e. PhD Student

as above POSTPONED as above

1.C a. Mr. Subir Bahadur Shakya b. Nepal c. Louisiana State University d. Louisiana State University, various

grants including potential grants

as above POSTPONED as above


from NSF and National Geographic e. PhD Student

2 a. Prof. Ronald Albert Harris b. USA c. Brigham Young Univeristy d. Geoscientists Without Borders, and

In Harms Way e. Professor of Geological Sciences

a. 2 months (10 July – 20 August 2016)

b. Jawa Barat (Kab. Pangandaran, Kab. Sukabumi – Pelabuhan Ratu), Jawa Timur (Pacitan)

c. Fakultas Pertambangan, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (Dr. Caolus Prasetyadi)

d. Disaster Mitigation e. Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in

Java: forecasting, communication and implementation


17/05/2016 : Researcher was requested to deliver presentation regarding the research proposal

3 a. Ms. Rebecca Curtis b. UK c. Boston University d. Self-Funding e. Student

a. 12 months (start 1 April 2016) b. Kalimantan Barat (Taman

Nasional Gunung Palung, Area Riset Cabang Panti)

c. Departemen Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Tanjungpura (Bapak Riyandi M.Si)

d. Primatology e. Orangutan Health and Nutrition


17/05/2016 : Researcher was requested to provide MoU and MTA

4 a. Ms. Marie, Agnès Sigaud b. France c. Oxford Brookes University d. Oxford Brookes University e. Research Coordinator

a. 12 months (start 20 Mei 2016) b. Jawa Barat (Garut - PPS

Cikananga, Gunung Papandayan) c. Fakultas Kehutanan, UGM

(Muhammad Ali Imron) d. Zoology e. Habitat selection of slow loris in a

human dominated landscape


17/05/2016 : Researcher was requested to provide MoU and MTA


5.A a. Prof. Dr. Chen Bin b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. Project of China-Indonesia e. Coordinator

a. 8 days (29 July – 5 August 2016) b. Sulawesi Utara (Perairan Bitung –

Selat Lembeh, Kema, dan Wori Minahasa Utara)

c. Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Dirhamsyah, MA)

d. Marine Biology e. China-Indonesia Ecological

Station Establishment and Marine Biodiversity and Ecology in Dry Season 2016


5.B a. Mr. Jianguo Du b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. China-Indonesia maritime Cooperation Funding

e. Associate Professor

as above APPROVED

5.C a. Mr. Zhiyuan Ma b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. China-Indonesia maritime Cooperation Funding

e. Research Assistant

as above APPROVED


5.D a. Mr. Guangcheng Chen b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. China-Indonesia maritime Cooperation Funding

e. Research Scientist

as above APPROVED

5.E a. Mr. Shunyang Chen b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. China-Indonesia maritime Cooperation Funding

e. Research Assosiate

as above APPROVED

5.F a. Mr. Wentao Niu b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. China-Indonesia maritime Cooperation Funding

e. Assistant Professor

as above APPROVED


5.G a. Mr. Xiaofeng Shi b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. China-Indonesia maritime Cooperation Funding

e. Research Scientist

as above APPROVED

5.H a. Mr. Junhui Lin b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. China-Indonesia maritime Cooperation Funding

e. Research Assistant

as above APPROVED

5.I a. Ms. Baohong Chen b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. China-Indonesia maritime Cooperation Funding

e. Research Scientist

as above APPROVED


5.J a. Ms. Kaiwen Zhou b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. China-Indonesia maritime Cooperation Funding

e. Marine Chemistry

as above APPROVED

5.K a. Ms. Youyin Ye b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. China-Indonesia maritime Cooperation Funding

e. Research Assistant


5.L a. Mr. Jianji Liao b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. China-Indonesia maritime Cooperation Funding

e. Research Assistant



5.M a. Ms. Yaqin Huang b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. China-Indonesia maritime Cooperation Funding

e. Research Assistant


5.N a. Mr. Haifeng Gu b. China c. The Third Institute of

Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China (TIO-SOA)

d. China-Indonesia maritime Cooperation Funding

e. Research Assistant


6 a. Mr. Jack Yates b. UK c. Bangor University d. Global Innovations Initiative e. MSc student

a. 2 months (1 July – 31 August 2016)

b. Sumatera Selatan (Tanjung Enim), Jawa Barat (Bogor)

c. SEAMEO BIOTROP, IPB (Irdika Mansur)

d. Ecology e. Can we accelerate the return of

soil C cycling in degraded lands through agroforestry and composting?


Academic Collaboration Agreement (ACA) between Bangor University, SEAMEO BIOTROP, IPB, ITB, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Brawijaya, Aberystwyth University and PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk


7 a. Mr. Oliver Charles Moore b. UK c. Aberystwyth University d. The Global Innovation Initiative e. Postgraduate student (MSc)

a. 1 months (27 June – 29 July 2016) b. Sumatera Selatan (Tanjung Enim


(Professor Irdika Mansur) d. Ecology e. What factors control the chemistry

of mine waters at the Bukit Asam coal mine sites of the South Sumatra basin?


Academic Collaboration Agreement (ACA) between Bangor University, SEAMEO BIOTROP, IPB, ITB, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Brawijaya, Aberystwyth University and PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk

8 a. Ms. Ma. Renee Pornasdoro Lorica b. Philippines c. Lucena City, 3 September 1982 d. EC0129272 e. S.d 26-01-2019

f. International Rice Research Institute g. Lee Foundation Scholarship,

International Rice Research Institute h. Associate Scholar

a. 12 months (start 15 Mei 2016) b. DI Yogyakarta (Kab. Sleman –

Minggir) c. Balai Pengkajian Teknologi

Pertanian Yogyakarta (Dr. Sudarmaji)

d. Ecology e. Ecology of Rodent Pests in

Lowland Irrigated Rice Fields Under Alternate Wetting and Drying Conditions in The Philippines and Indonesia


Research planned for Penelitian direncakan selama 1 year 3 months 17/05/2016 : Researcher was requested to provide MoU and MTA between IRRI (International Rice Research Institute) and BPTP (Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Yogyakarta)

9 a. Prof. Kyoko Funada b. Japan c. Kanda University of International

Studies d. Self Funding e. Professor

a. 8 months (1 August 2016 – 31 March 2016)

b. Jakarta c. Badan Pengembangan dan

Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Dr. Hurip Danu Ismadi, M.Pd)

d. Linguistics e. Kerjasama dalam bidang

kebahasaan antara Indonesia,


17/05/2016 : Researcher was requsted to coordinate with Research Center for Society and Culture (Pusat Penelitian Kemasyarakatan dan Kebudayaan) LIPI


Malaysia, dan Brunei Darusaalam melalui MABBIM (Majelis Bahasa Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia)

10.A a. Dr. Susan Lilian O Connor b. Australia c. Australian National University d. Australian National University e. Professor

a. 3 months (7 July 2016 – 14 September 2016)

b. Maluku Barat Daya (Alor, Pantar, Lembata, Kisar, Leti dan Wetar)

c. Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM (Dr. Mahirta Sasongko)

d. Archeology e. The Archaelogy of Island use in

the Wallacean Archipelago


MTA, MoU and Cooperative Working Agreement between Universitas Gadjah Mada and The Australian National University SIP Nomor 405/SIP/FRP/E5/Dit.KI/X/2015 Valid for 3 months until 4 December 2015

10.B a. Mr. Julyen C. A. Louys b. France c. Australian National University d. Australian National University e. Postdoctoral Research Fellow as above APPROVED

MTA, MoU and Cooperative Working Agreement between Universitas Gadjah Mada and The Australian National University SIP Nomor 313/SIP/FRP/SM/VIII/2015

10.C a. Mr. Stuart Hawkins b. New Zealand c. Australian National University d. Australian National University e. PhD. Candidate as above APPROVED

MTA, MoU and Cooperative Working Agreement between Universitas Gadjah Mada and The Australian National University SIP Nomor 406/SIP/FRP/E5/Dit.KI/X/2015

10.D a. Ms. Shimona Frances Kealy b. Australia c. Australian National University

as above APPROVED MTA, MoU and Cooperative Working Agreement between Universitas Gadjah Mada and


d. Australian National University e. PhD. Candidate

The Australian National University SIP Nomor 408/SIP/FRP/E5/Dit.KI/X/2015

10.E a. Dr. Celia Brockwell b. Australia c. Australian National University d. Australian National University e. Postdoctoral Research Fellow

as above APPROVED

MTA, MoU and Cooperative Working Agreement between Universitas Gadjah Mada and The Australian National University

11.A a. Prof. Misa Masuda b. Japan c. University of Tsukuba d. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

(KAKENHI), the Japan Society for Promotion of Science

e. Professor

a. 12 months (start 1 August 2016) b. Jawa Tengah (Blora, Grobogan,

dan Pati); Jawa Timur (Bojonegoro, Tuban, Ngawi, dan Nganjuk); Jawa Barat (Garut, Ciamis, dan Tasikmalaya); Sumatera Barat (Solok, Tanah Datar, Pesisir Selatan, Lima Puluh Kota)

c. Fakultas Kehutanan, IPB (Lilik Budi Prasetyo)

d. Forestry e. Local implementation and

effectiveness of forest sector reform initiatives in Indonesia


Research planned for 1 year 8 months 17/05/2016 : Researcher was requested to coordinate with Natural Resources Conservation Institute (Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam)

11.B a. Mr. Seiji Iwanaga b. Japan c. Department of Forest Policy and

Economics, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute

d. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), the Japan Society for Promotion of Science

e. Researcher

as above APPROVED as above

11.C a. Mr. Masahiko Ota as above APPROVED as above


b. Japan c. Learning & Teaching Center,

Kyushu Institute of Technology d. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

(KAKENHI), the Japan Society for Promotion of Science

e. Associate Professor

11.D a. Ms. Kaori Shiga b. Japan c. Shikoku Research Center, Forestry

and Forest Products Research Institute

d. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), the Japan Society for Promotion of Science

e. Researcher

as above APPROVED as above

12 a. Ms. Sharon Claire Mccabe b. USA c. Oxford Brookes University d. Little Fireface Project and self-

funded e. MSc. Researcher

a. 12 months (start 10 July 2016) b. Jawa Barat (Garut) c. Fakultas Kehutanan, UGM (Dr.

Muhammad Ali Imron) d. Zoology e. Sleeping site selection and time

budgets of the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) paired with a local conservation education programme and evaluation: implications for conservation.


17/05/2016 : Researcher was requested to coordinate with Natural Conservation Resources Institute

13.A a. Ms. Rosaline Titia De Korte b. Netherland c. VU University Amsterdam,

Netherlands d. Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR) e. Master student

a. 3 months (1 Mei – 30 July 2016) b. Papua (Jayapura) c. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat,

Universitas Cenderawasih (dr. Arry Pongtiku)

d. Public Health e. Validation of the Neglected

Tropical Diseases (NTD) Morbidity


17/05/2016 : Researcher was requsted to replace research location other than Papua due to security consideration


and Disability Toolkit

13.B a. Ms. Emma Lilian Vellacott b. Netherland c. VU University Amsterdam,

Netherlands d. Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR) e. Master student

as above POSTPONED as above

14 a. Ms. Rebecca Armson b. UK c. None (Independent Researcher) -

Invited by The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation

d. Funding obtained by The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation

e. Researcher

a. 12 months (start 20 June 2016) b. Kalimantan Tengah (Kab.

Katingan – Taman Nasional Bukit Baka Bukit Raya)

c. Yayasan Penyelamatan Orangutan Borneo (Dr. Jamartin Sihite)

d. Primatology e. Post-release Adaptation and

Success Rates of Reintroduced Orangutans in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia


15 a. Ms. Elizabeth Jane Barrow b. UK c. University of Michigan d. University of Michigan e. Field Research Manager

a. 12 months (start 20 June 2016) b. Kalimantan Barat (Taman

Nasional Gunung Palung, Area Riset Cabang Panti)

c. Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Tanjungpura (Riyandi M. Si)

d. Zoology e. The effects of spatial and temporal

variation in plant productivity on the population ecology of Bornean rainforest vertebrates


MoU between Universitas Tanjungpura and Yayasan Palung 17/05/2016 : - Researcher was

requested to deliver a presentation regarding the research proposal

- Researcher was requested to provide MoU, IA, and MTA between University of Michigan and Tanjungpura University

16 a. Ms. Michaela Haug a. 9 months (20 July 2016 – 8 April APPROVED 17/05/2016 :


b. German c. Department of Cultural and Social

Anthropology, University of Cologe d. University of Cologne and Fritz

Thyssen Stiftung e. Assistant Professor

2017) b. Kalimantan Timur (Kab. Kutai

Barat) c. Program Studi Kajian Gender,

Universitas Indonesia (Mia Siscawati)

d. Sociology e. Gender (In-)Equality and

Economic Change: The Impacts of Economic Transformations on Gender Relations among the Dayak Benuaq in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Researcher wa requested to coordinate with Faculty of Politic and Social Science, Mulawarman University

17.A a. Ms. Katdaysna Richert b. German c. Heidelberg University d. Erasmus Mundus Scholarship and

Volkswagen Stiftung (Göttingen University)

e. PhD Student and Research Associate

a. 12 months (start 1 July 2016) b. Aceh (Banda Aceh, Bireuen);

Jawa c. Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas

Syiah Kuala (Dr. dr. Mohd. Andalas)

d. Public Health e. Analysis of the Impact and

Effectiveness of Safe Childbirth Checklists on the Quality of Care and Birth Outcomes in Public Health Facilities


17/05/2016 : Researcher was requested to deliver presentation regarding the research proposal

17.B a. Mr. Lennart Kaplan b. German c. Georg-August-University Goettingen d. Erasmus Mundus Scholarship and

Volkswagen Stiftung (Goettingen University)

e. Researcher

as above POSTPONED as above

18.A a. Mr. Satish Chandra Singh b. UK c. Institut de Physique du Globe de

a. 1 months (1 July -30 July 2016) b. Zona Ekonomi Ekslusif Indonesia c. Pusat Penelitian Geoteknologi,



Paris d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Professor

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (Dr. Haryadi Permana)

d. Geology e. Marine Investigation of the

Rupture Anatomy of the 2012 Great Earthquake (MIRAGE) Research Cruise and 1st ASEAN-IOC WESTPAC Indian Ocean Floating Summer School on Marine Geoscience and Geohazard on board R/V Marion Dufresne II, 1 - 30 July 2016

18.B a. Ms. Helene Delphine Carton b. France c. Institut de Physique du Globe de

Paris d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Maitre de Conferences

as above APPROVED

18.C a. Mr. Jerome Leon Waiter Dyment b. France c. Institut de Physique du Globe de

Paris d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Senior Researcher

as above APPROVED

18.D a. Ms. Yanfang Qin b. China c. Institut de Physique du Globe de

Paris d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

as above APPROVED


e. Postdoctoral Researcher

18.E a. Ms. Aurelie Jourdain b. France c. Institut de Physique du Globe de

Paris d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Ph.D Student

as above APPROVED

18.F a. Mr. Fernando Villaneuva-Robes b. Meksiko c. Institut de Physique du Globe de

Paris d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Ph.D Student

as above APPROVED

18.G a. Ms. Alexander Szenicer b. France c. Institut de Physique du Globe de

Paris d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. M2 Student

as above APPROVED

18.H a. Mr. Bertrand Benauche b. France c. Institut de Physique du Globe de

Paris d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. M2 Student

as above APPROVED

18.I a. Ms. Elodie Duyck b. France

as above APPROVED


c. Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

d. French Goverment, Singaporean Government, Indonesian Government

e. M2 Student

18.J a. Mr. Matthieu Dogniaux b. France c. Institut de Physique du Globe de

Paris d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. M2 Student

as above APPROVED

18.K a. Mr. Hanjin Choe b. Republic of Korea c. Seoul National University d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. M2 Student

as above APPROVED

18.L a. Mr. Dibakar Ghosal b. India c. Indian Institute of Technology d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Asst. Professor

as above APPROVED

18.M a. Ms. Saradha Sathiakumar b. India c. Earth Observatory of Singapore d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Research Associate

as above APPROVED


18.N a. Mr. Benjamin Marks b. USA c. Earth Observatory of Singapore d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Communication/Outreach Specialist

as above APPROVED

18.O a. Ms. Grace Chia b. Singapore c. Earth Observatory of Singapore d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Research Associate

as above APPROVED

18.P a. Mr. Phua Chun Kiat, Marcus b. Singapore c. Earth Observatory of Singapore d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Research Associate

as above APPROVED

18.Q a. Mr. Phyo Maung Maung b. Myanmar c. National Earthquake Data Centre

Myanmar d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Researcher

as above APPROVED

18.R a. Ms. Helene Leau b. France c. Institut Polaire Francais Paul Emile

Victor d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian

as above APPROVED


Government e. Head of Marine Geophysics

18.S a. Ms. Anne Royer b. France c. Institut Polaire Francais Paul Emile

Victor d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Marine Technician

as above APPROVED

18.T a. Mr. Nicolas le Viavant b. France c. Institut Polaire Francais Paul Emile

Victor d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Marine Technician

as above APPROVED

18.U a. Mr. Yvan Reaud b. France c. Institut Polaire Francais Paul Emile

Victor d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Marine Technician

as above APPROVED

18.V a. Mr. Alain Jaouen b. France c. Institut Polaire Francais Paul Emile

Victor d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Marine Technician

as above APPROVED

18.W a. Mr. Xavier Morin as above APPROVED


b. France c. Institut Polaire Francais Paul Emile

Victor d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Marine Technician

18.X a. Mr. Frederique Rigaut b. France c. Institut Polaire Francais Paul Emile

Victor d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Marine Technician

as above APPROVED

18.Y a. Mr. March-Sacha Fouchard b. France c. Institut Polaire Francais Paul Emile

Victor d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Marine Technician

as above APPROVED

18.Z a. Mr. Arnaud le Ridant b. France c. Institut Polaire Francais Paul Emile

Victor d. French Goverment, Singaporean

Government, Indonesian Government

e. Marine Technician

as above APPROVED






1 a. Prof. Francois Beauducel b. France c. Institut de Physique du Globe

de Paris d. Institut de recherche pour le

developpement e. Professor

a. 12 months (start 3 August 2016) b. Gn. Merapi, Gn. Ibu, Gn. Kamnokora,

Gn. Gamalama, Gn. Dukono, Gn. Kie Besi

c. Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi dan Balai Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kebencanaan Geologi, Badan Geologi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (Drs. Subandriyom M.Si, Ir. I Gusti Made Agung Nandaka dan Dr. Devi Kamil Syahbana)

d. Vulcanology e. Improving observation and modelling

tools for volcano monitoring: application to mertapi and north maluku province volcanoes

f. To continue the research


Research planned until 2018 SIP Nomor 233/SIP/FRP/SM/VIII/2015 Valid for 12 months until 3 August 2016 First Extension

2 a. Dr. Ivona Foitova b. Czech Republic c. UMI - Saving of Pongidae

Foundation d. UMI - Saving of Pongidae

Foundation e. Researcher / Principal

a. 12 months (start 3 June 2016) b. Sumatra (TN Gunung Leuser),

Kalimantan (TN Sebangau, TN Tanjung Puting)

c. Faculty of Vetenary UGM (Wisnu Nurcahyo, DVM., Ph.D.)

d. Primatology


SIP Nomor 25/EXT/SIP/FRP/SM/V/2015 Valid for 12 months until 3 June 2016 Second Extension


Investigator e. Evolution of parasites affecting Indonesian apes and their responses to infection by parasites via self-medication

f. To collect sample data of the research

g. Untuk mengumpulkan sampel data penelitian

3 a. Mr. Sebastien Joaquim De Royer-Dupre

b. German c. Center for International

Migration (CIM d. GIZ e. Program Development in Social

Dimension of Climate Change

a. 12 months (start 3 September 2016) b. Jawa Barat (Ciamis, BPTA) c. Balai Penelitian Teknologi

Argoforestry, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (Ir. Tri Joko Mulyono, MM)

d. Forestry e. Community-Based Forest

Management, Agroforestry and Tenure: Governance arrangements, benefits and equity – A comparative study of Jambi, Gorontalo, Ciamis (West Java) and West Kalimantan

f. To continue research


SIP Nomor 320/SIP/FRP/SM/IX/2015 Valid for 12 months until 3 September 2015 First Extension

4 a. Mr. Harry Henry Benjamin Hilser

b. UK c. Exeter University d. Whitley Wildlife Conservation

Trust; Dublin Zoo; CERZA Zoo; EAZA; Pittsburgh Zoo;

e. Principal Investigator

a. 12 months (start 5 July 2016) b. Sulawesi Utara (Manado, Minahasa,

Bitung) c. Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Dr John

Tasirin) d. Biology Conservation e. Empathizing With Nature–

Underpinning the Essence of Conservation Advocacy

f. To collect data of the research


SIP Nomor 211/SIP/FRP/SM/VII/2015 Valid for 12 months until 5 July 2016 First Extension
