LitigationinEurope Meeting the challenge of Class Actions ... · LouisP asteur (1822-1895),...


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Litigation in EuropeMeeting the challenge ofClass Actions and other disputes

Louis Pasteur(1822-1895),Chemist andpioneer in germresearch

This publication forms part of Eversheds’ pioneeringset of publications aimed at helping our clients withinternational legal issues in areas such as compliance,contracts and class actions. Designs have been inspiredby great pioneers from the past.



Multi-national companies face an increasingly complexset of challenges in terms of ensuring global complianceand the effective resolution of claims arising from theirinternational operations. General Counsel and in-houselawyers need to manage these challenges, without thetime or resources necessary to understand the detailof constantly changing regulations in each of thecountries that they are responsible for. Increasingly,our clients are involved in managing disputes and risksthat affect their operations (and their insurance) inmany different jurisdictions.

Picture: SSPL

Litigationin Europe


In this booklet we have, of course, not attempted a completesurvey of all the various issues which are relevant to litigationand dispute management in Europe. Instead, we have focussedon several of the issues that our own multi-national clientshave told us are of the most current concern to them. Overthe past few years, a number of European countries haveintroduced new procedures to deal with collective litigationactions and to provide remedies for mass tort victims andother categories of multi-party consumer claims. Besides“class actions”, we highlight some of the relevant laws andprocedures concerning consumer protection, product liability,competition/anti-trust, lawyer contingency fees and attorney-client privilege, in 30 European countries, including the basic“Where do you find the law, with so many countries and somany languages?” (the EU now has 23 official languages).

Much publicity has surrounded events such as the explosionat Buncefield in the UK, the Parmalat collapse in Italy, theAustrian Sparkasse case, the German cases involvingDaimlerChrysler and Deutsche Telekom, the Dutch casesinvolving DES and Dexia Bank and the Vioxx and Baycol drugwithdrawals, as well as the Sony/Dell laptop battery recalls andthe “Bird Flu” outbreaks, affecting many European countries.Such publicity, and the events behind it, fuel the pressure onpoliticians to provide easier consumer access to justice andeffective remedies for victims, at the expense of business.

We recognise the importance of helping our clients to keeptrack of important developments and to identify trends acrossEurope. We have a network of lawyers across Europe who areproactively monitoring developments and assisting our clientsto refine and implement their risk management strategies. Justas multi-national companies must approach business planningfrom a global perspective, we believe that a cohesive and pro-active strategy for the management of disputes and associatedrisks in Europe must straddle its many national borders.

We work with clients to lobby on both an EU and nationallevel to ensure that adequate safeguards are included in newlegislation. Where crises do occur and claims arise, we areuniquely placed to assist multi-national corporations in theirresponse – both in terms of managing the media and indefending criminal investigations and civil claims thatmight be brought.


The increase in consumerism, accompanied by theenormous growth in government regulation of business,pose substantial risks for international companies operatingin Europe. The introduction of collective action proceduresis merely one manifestation of these developments. Suchactions may be brought in a number of different fields,ranging from claims against directors by shareholders orby investors alleging failures in corporate governance,to environmental and product liability claims followingcontamination or product failure or recall, as well asmass employee discrimination claims, securities and stockmanipulation claims and claims alleging wrongdoings toconsumers by cartels, not to mention many other aspectsof consumer protection. At present, all of the collectiveprocedures in Europe fall short of true US-style class actions.However, some of the traditional cultural and proceduralobstacles to such remedies are being eroded and multi-nationals operating in Europe need to be very aware of therisks that collective actions represent for them already.

A number of US plaintiffs’ law firms are already establishingEuropean offices or forming associations with European lawfirms, for the express purpose of pursuing such claims inEurope, US-style. These firms are well-funded, experiencedon their home ground and innovative. They will look forand find ways to overcome perceived legal, practical orfinancial barriers to pursuing “class actions” in Europe.Multi-nationals in Europe need to respond to this threat.

For questions regarding litigation and dispute managementin Europe please contact John Heaps or Richard Matthewsor any of our lawyers listed under the different countries.



March 2007

Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Zivilprozessordnung(“ZPO”), RGBl.Nr. 113/1895 [Code of Civil Procedure,RGBl.Nr. 113/1895], as amended, for example, Article227 (objective joinder of claims). See, also, AllgemeinesBürgerliches Gesetzbuch (“ABGB”) [Civil Code], Article1311 (damages for negligence and intentional harm)

Class Actions: No. Comment: As of December 2006,the Austrian Ministry of Justice was working on a draft lawrelating to an Austrian model of group litigation proceedings(“Gruppenklagen”). There is already the possibility ofcollective litigation (“Verbandsklagen”) by consumerprotection organisations against the use of unfaircontract terms.

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):Sammelklage, Gruppenklage, Gruppenverfahren,Verbandsklage

National version of EU Directive 98/27: TheKonsumentenschutzgesetz (“KSchG”), BGBl.Nr. 140/1979[Consumer Protection Law, Federal Law Gazette Nr. 140/1979],as amended, has special collective litigation provisionsrelating to “Verbandsklagen” in Articles 28-30. See, also,Verbraucherbehörden-Kooperationsgesetz, BGBl. I Nr.148/2006 [Consumer Organisation Cooperation Law]

Competition law: Gesetz gegen den unlauterenWettbewerb (“UWG”), BGBl. Nr. 448/1984 [Law againstUnfair Competition, Official Law Gazette Nr. 448/1984],as amended

Product liability law: Produkthaftungsgesetz (“PHG”),BGBl. Nr. 99/1988 [Product Liability Law, Official LawGazette Nr. 99/1988]

Local legal term for “product liability”: Produkthaftung

Arbitration and mediation: Zivilprozessordnung (“ZPO”)[Code of Civil Procedure], Articles 577-618.



4 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

Austria 5

Belgium 6

Bulgaria 7

Cyprus 8

Czech Republic 10

Denmark 11

Estonia 12

Finland 13

France 14

Germany 16

Greece 18

Hungary 19

Iceland 21

Ireland 22

Italy 23

Latvia 24

Lithuania 25

Luxembourg 26

Malta 27

Netherlands 28

Norway 30

Poland 31

Portugal 33

Romania 34

Slovak Republic 35

Slovenia 36

Spain 38

Sweden 39

Switzerland 40

United Kingdom 42


Arbitration and mediation: Code Judiciaire (GerechtelijkWetboek) [Judicial Code], as amended, Articles 1676-1723(arbitration), Articles 1724-1737 (mediation)

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 5-6

Eversheds contact: Koen


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Гражданскипроцесуален кодекс [Civil Procedure Code], as amended

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):групов иск, съвместен иск

National version of EU Directive 98/27: ЗАКОН ЗАЗАЩИТА НА ПОТРЕБИТЕЛИТЕ [Consumers’ Protection Act],as amended on 29 December 2006 (in effect from 1January 2007)

Competition law: Закон за защита на конкуренцията[Competition Protection Act], as amended

Product liability law: ЗАКОН ЗА ЗАЩИТА НАПОТРЕБИТЕЛИТЕ И ЗА ПРАВИЛАТА ЗА ТЪРГОВИЯ[Consumers’ Protection Act], as amended on 29 December2006 (in effect from 1 January 2007)

Local legal term for “product liability”: отговорност напроизводителя, търговеца или дистрибутора

Arbitration and mediation: ЗАКОН ЗАМЕЖДУНАРОДНИЯ ТЪРГОВСКИ АРБИТРАЖ [Law onInternational Commercial Arbitration], as amended


Zivilrechts-Mediations-Gesetz (“ZivMediatG”), BGBl. I Nr.,[Law on Civil Law Mediation, Official Law Gazette Nr.29/2003]

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 4-5

Eversheds contact: Dr. Georg


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Code Judiciaire(Gerechtelijk Wetboek) [Judicial Code], as amended,Code Civil (Burgerlijk Wetboek) [Civil Code], as amended

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):action de groupe, “class action”

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Loi sur lespratiques du commerce et sur l'information et la protectiondu consommateur (Wet betreffende de handelspraktijkenen de voorlichting en de bescherming van de consument)[Law on Trade Practices, 14 July 1991], as amended

Competition law: Loi sur la protection de la concurrenceéconomique (Wet tot bescherming van de economischemededinging) [Law on the Protection of EconomicCompetition], coordinated on 15 September 2006, andnumerous related Acts and implementing Royal Decrees

Product liability law: Loi relative à la responsabilité dufait des produits défectueux (Wet betreffende deaansprakelijkheid voor produkten met gebreken) [ProductLiability Law of 25 February 1991], as amended

Local legal term for “product liability”: responsabilité du faitdes produits défectueux, productaansprakelijkheid

6 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

Protection of Competition, Law No. 67(Ι)/01], Ο ΠερίΕλέγχου των Συγκεντρώσεων Επιχειρήσεων Νόµος 22(Ι)/99και οι τροποποιήσεις Νo. 107(Ι)/99, No. 154(Ι)/00 [Controlof Concentrations between Undertakings Law 22(I)/99 andamendments L 107(I)/99, L 154(I)/00] and numerousrelated Regulations

Product liability law: Numerous laws and regulations,including for example, Οι περί Τροφίµων (Έλεγχος καιΠώληση) Νόµοι του 1996-2005 (No.54(Ι)/96 - No.27(Ι)/2005), Κανονισµοί και ∆ιατάγµατα [Food (Sale andControl) Laws of 1996-2005 (No. 54(I)/ 96 - No. 27(I)/2005) Regulations and Orders], Οι περί ΕπικινδύνωνΟυσιών Νόµοι του 1991-2002 (No.199/91 - No. 81 (Ι)/2002)και Κανονισµοί [Dangerous Substances Laws of 1991-2002(No. 199/91 - No. 81(I)/2002) and Regulations], Ο περί τωνΒασικών Απαιτήσεων που πρέπει να πληρούν ΚαθορισµένεςΚατηγορίες Προϊόντων (Τροποποιητικός) Νόµος του2004 (No. 258(I)/2004), Έναρξη ισχύος [The EssentialRequirements which Certain Categories of Products shouldFulfil (Amendment) Law of 2004 (Law 258(I)/2004)] and,more generally, the Faulty Products (Civil Liability) Laws of1995 to 2002 (105(I)/95) and the General Safety ofProducts Law of 2004 (41(I)/2004)

Local legal term for “product liability”: ευθύνη του παραγωγού

Arbitration and mediation: The Arbitration Law of Cyprus(Ο περί ∆ιαιτησία Νόµος, Κεφ. 4, codified laws Chapter 4)(similar to the English Arbitration Act of 1950). See, also, forexample, Law 14/1960, The Courts of Justice Law, Law 101of 1987 (similar to the UNCITRAL Model Law) and the Rulesof the Arbitration Service of the Cyprus Chamber ofCommerce and Industry (Nicosia)

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 9-10

Eversheds contact: John


Contingency fees for lawyers: No (but additional feesbased upon a successful outcome of the client’s case arepermissible)

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 7-8

Eversheds contact: Christina


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Various rules of civilprocedure and common law rules, under the basic law ofCyprus and case law precedents, some codified. See, forexample, Ο περί Απόδειξης Νόµος, Κεφ. 9 [Evidence Law,codified laws Chapter 9], Article 7

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):κοινή αγωγή

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Variouslegislation, including, for example, Ο Περί ΚαταχρηστικώνΡητρών σε Καταναλωτικές Συµβάσεις (Τροποποιητικός)Νόµος του 1999, No. 69(I)/1999 [The Unfair Terms inConsumer Contracts (Amendment) Law of 1999 (Law No.69(I)/1999)], Ο Περί Ορισµένων Πτυχών της ΠώλησηςΚαταναλωτικών Αγαθών και των Συναφών ΕγγυήσεωνΝόµος του 2000 [Law on Certain Aspects of the Sale ofConsumer Goods and Associated Guarantees Law, 2000(Law No. 7(I)/2000)] and numerous others

Competition law: Ο Περί της Προστασίας του ΑνταγωνισµούΝόµος 207/89 and ο περί Αντιµισθίας του Προέδρου τηςΕπιτροπής Προστασίας του Ανταγωνισµού Νόµος [Protectionof Competition Law 207/89 Law 207/1989 as amended byNo. 111(Ι)/99, No. 87(Ι)/00, No. 155(Ι)/00 and the law onthe payment of the President of the Committee for the

8 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Retsplejeloven,Consolidated Act no. 1001 of 5 September 2006 [DanishAdministration of Justice Act], as amended

Class Actions: Yes. Comment: A bill proposing a form ofclass action in Denmark was enacted in the Folketinget(Danish Parliament) on 22 February 2007 (proposed lawentitled “L 41: Forslag til lov om ændring af retsplejelovenog forskellige andre love. (Gruppesøgsmål m.v.)”. It willcome into force on 1 January 2008.

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):gruppesøgsmål

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Lov ombeskyttelse af forbrugernes interesse [Law dated 20December 2000, On Protection of Consumer Interests]

Competition law: Konkurrenceloven, Act no. 785 of 8August 2005 [Danish Competition Act]

Product liability law: Lov om produktansvar [ProductLiability Law, Act no. 371 of 7 June 1989, as amended byAct no. 1041 of 28 November 2000 and Act no. 541 of 8June 2006. Common law rules also apply to certain aspectsof product liability.

Local legal term for “product liability”: produktansvar

Arbitration and mediation: Lov om voldgift [ArbitrationLaw, Act. no. 553 of 24 June 2005]

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 11-12

Eversheds contact: Luise


Czech Republic

Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Zákon č. 99/1963Sb., Občanský Soudní Řád [Civil Procedure Code],as amended

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):skupinové žaloby

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Zákon č.634/1992 Sb., Zákon o ochraně spotřebitele[Consumer Protection Law], as amended

Competition law: Zákon č. 143/2001 Sb., o ochraněhospodářské soutěže [Act on the Protection ofEconomic Competition, Act No. 143 of 2001], asamended, plus various related rules and regulations,including, for example, Zákon č. 513/1991 Sb.,Obchodní Zákoník [Commercial Code, Act No. 513 of1991], as amended

Product liability law: Zákon č. 59/1998 Sb., oOdpovědnosti za Škodu Způsobenou Vadou Výrobku[Product Liability Law], as amended

Local legal term for “product liability”: právníodpodvědnost výrobce za výrobek

Arbitration and mediation: Zákon č. 216/1994 Sb.,o Rozhodčím Řízení [Arbitration Law], as amended

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 10-11

Eversheds contact: Dr. Irena

10 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Oikeudenkäymiskaari(Rättegångs Balk) [Code of Judicial Procedure] (Law 4/1734),as variously amended. See, also, Vahingonkorvauslaki(Skadeståndslag) [Damages Act] (Law 412/1974),as amended

Class Actions: Yes. Comment: After several years ofresearch and consultation regarding the matter, the FinnishMinistry of Justice, on 29 September 2006, submittedproposed class action legislation for consideration by theEduskunta [Finnish Parliament]. Details of the bill are to befound under Reference HE 154/2006 vp (“Hallituksen esitysEduskunnalle ryhmäkannelaiksi ja laiksi Kuluttajavirastostaannetun lain muuttamisesta”). Swedish version at ReferenceRP 154/2006 rd. The bill was approved by the Eduskuntaon 13 February 2007 and is expected to enter into forceon 1 October 2007.

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):ryhmäkanne, grupprättegång, grupptalan

National version of EU Directive 98/27: See, below,under product liability

Competition law: Laki kilpailunrajoituksista (Lag omkonkurrensbegränsningar) [Act on Competition Restrictionsaka Competition Act] (Law 480/1992), as amended through5 January 2004 by Law 318/2004, and Laki sopimattomastamenettelystä elinkeinotoiminnassa (Lag om otillbörligtförfarande i näringsverksamhet) [Unfair Business PracticesAct] (Law 1061/1978), as amended through 7 January2002 by Law 461/2002

Product liability law: Tuotevastuulaki (Produktansvarslag)[Product Liability Act] (Law 694/1990), as amendedthrough 5 January 1999 by Law 880/1998, and Lakikulutustavaroiden ja kuluttajapalvelusten turvallisuudesta30.1.2004/75 (Lag om konsumtionsvarors ochkonsumenttjänsters säkerhet 30.1.2004/75) [ConsumerProduct Safety Act] (Law 75/2004), as amended by Law780/2006. See, also, Kuluttajansuojalaki 20.1.1978/38(Konsumentskyddslag 20.1.1978/38) [Consumer Act](Law 38/1978)



Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Tsiviilkohtumenetluseseadustik (RT I 2005, 26, 197) [Code of Civil Procedure](entered into force 1 January 2006), including Article 374(liberal joinder of claims)

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):kollektiivne õigusvaidlus, kollektiivne hagi (esindushagi)

National version of EU Directive 98/27:Tarbijakaitseseadus (terviktekst dets 2005) (RT1 I 2004,13, 86) [Consumer Protection Act], as amended andconsolidated (2005)

Competition law: Konkurentsiseadus (terviktekst aprill2004) [Competition Law] (RT 2001, 56, 322) (consolidatedtext as of April 2004) and as further amended, includingArticle 78 (damages)

Product liability law: Võlaõigusseadus (RT I 2001, 81,487) [Law of Obligations Act] 26 September 2001 and asamended (product liability at Articles 1061-1066). See,also, Toote ohutuse seadus (RT1 I 1998, 40, 613) [ProductSafety Act], as amended

Local legal term for “product liability”: tootevastutus

Arbitration and mediation: Tsiviilkohtumenetluseseadustik (RT I 2005, 26, 197) [Code of Civil Procedure],Articles 712-754

Contingency fees for lawyers: Yes (in principle)Advokatuuriseadus (RT I 2001, 36, 201) [Bar AssociationAct], as amended through 1 January 2006, Article 61(1)(3)

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 12-13

Eversheds contact: Dr. Irena

12 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):action de groupe

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Ordonnance n°2001-741 du 23 août 2001 [Articles 19 to 21 of the OrderNo. 2001-74 dated 23 August 2001], amending article 421-6 of the Code de la Consommation [Consumer Code]. See,also, Loi sur les Nouvelles Régulations Economiques [Lawon the New Economic Regulations] n° 2001-420 of 15May 2001

Competition law: Code de Commerce [Commercial Code],including Articles L. 420-1 to L. 420-5 and L. 442-1

Product liability law: Loi 98-389 du 19 mai 1998 [Lawn°98-389 dated 19 May 1998] = Civil Code Articles 1386-1to 1386-18. French product liability law is the result of thetransposition of EU Directive 85/374.

Local legal term for “product liability”: responsabilité du faitdes produits défectueux

Arbitration and mediation: Nouveau Code de ProcédureCivile (Book 4 - L’arbitrage; Book 1,Title VI bis, articles131-1 et seq. - La médiation); Code Civil [Civil Code],Articles 2059-2061; Code de Commerce, Article L-721-3;Code de l’Organisation judiciaire [Code of JudicialOrganisation], Article 311-11.

Contingency fees for lawyers: These are not permissible,if they are the exclusive basis for the lawyer’s compensation.However, success fees (“honoraires de résultat”) areallowed when they are supplemental to the lawyer’s normalfees on an hourly basis, or normal fixed fees, provided thatthe arrangement does not disguise a primarily contingentfee basis of remuneration.

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 14-15

Eversheds contact: Louis


Local legal term for “product liability”: valmistajan vastuu,tuotevastuu, produktansvar

Arbitration and mediation: Laki välimiesmenettelystä23.10.1992/967 (Lag om skiljeförfarande 23.10.1992/967)[Arbitration Act 967/1992], as amended. See, also,Keskuskauppakamarin välityslautakunnan säännöt (Reglerför Centralhandelskammarens Skiljedomsinstitut) [Rulesof the Arbitration Institute of the Central Chamber ofCommerce of Finland]. (Also in Russian: Арбитражныйрегламент Совет по арбитражу Центральной торговойпалаты Финляндии)

Contingency fees for lawyers: Yes (in principle, butrarely used)

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 13-14

Eversheds contact: John


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Nouveau Code deProcédure Civile [New Code of Civil Procedure]; Code Civil[Civil Code], including Article 1315

Class Actions: No. Comment: A bill proposing a form ofclass action in France was proposed in November 2006 butwas withdrawn on 30 January 2007 (proposed law entitled“Projet de loi n° 3430, En faveur des consommateurs”).The bill which was withdrawn provided that qualifiedconsumers’ associations could bring lawsuits for a varietyof transactions involving consumer goods and services(including certain areas of insurance and banking) in casesin which individual consumers’ damages do not exceed€2,000, each. A preliminary litigation phase would havethen established liability, after which the defendants wouldhave to offer a compensation proposal. Each consumerwould have had the right to accept the proposal or torefuse it. In the latter case, the consumers, in their ownname, would have had the right to mount a money damagesclaim collectively, before the appropriate court or courts.

14 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

Other than such “class actions” (“Sammelklagen”), Germanlaw also provides for certain types of lawsuits (“Verbandsklagen”)by special “associations”. When there is a right to file a“Verbandsklage”, an entitled association (mainly publicentities) may file such a lawsuit, on behalf of others, withoutclaiming relief for any infringement of its own rights. Such“Verbandsklagen” are available in several special types ofcases, such as the protection of specific public interests (suchas environmental protection, protection of fair competition,consumer protection). For example, see:

Environmental law: Environmental protection (e.g., Art. 61BNatSchG, Berlin Art. 39 a NatSchG, Brandenburg Art. 65NatSchG, Bremen Art. 43 a NatSchG, Hessen Art. 36NatSchG, Hamburg Art. 41 NatSchG, Sachsen-Anhalt Art. 52NatSchG)

Competition law: Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb(“UWG”) [Law against Unfair Competition], in effect from 8July 2004

General terms and conditions: Gesetz überUnterlassungsklagen bei Verbraucherrechts- und anderenVerstößen (“UKlaG”) [Act on Actions for Injunctionsregarding customer protection and other infringements]

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Germany didnot enact a single specific law for the implementation of thisDirective, but added relevant provisions within several codes.Thus, some provisions of the Directive are contained within“UKlaG”.

Arbitration and mediation: Zivilprozessordnung (“ZPO”)[Code of Civil Procedure], various provisions, includingArticles 1025 ff.

Contingency fees for lawyers: No. Comment: Thetraditional prohibition against contingency fees is beingchallenged in a case now pending at the GermanBundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court,reference 1 BvR 2576/04).

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 15-17

Eversheds contact: Christof



Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Zivilprozessordnung(“ZPO”) [Code of Civil Procedure]

Class Actions: Yes, but only in one set of factualcircumstances. Comment: A class action (”Sammelklage”)is permissible in case of claims concerning capital marketsand security trading only, where ten or more claimants withsimilar claims may pursue legal remedies for damagesunder the Kapitalanleger-Musterverfahren Gesetz (“KapMuG”)[Act of 16 August 2005 on the Initiation of Model CaseProceedings in Respect of Investors in the Capital Markets],which went into effect on 1 November 2005, allowing grouplegal actions by consumers in certain cases involving stocksand securities. Please note that the “KapMuG” would notapply, for example, to product liability claims.

KapMuG is set forth in 20 detailed Articles, including: scopeof application (only certain matters relating to securitiesand takeovers) and scope of parties litigant (Articles 1(1)and 8); public notifications and announcements (Articles 2and 6); stay of other proceedings by the appropriateOberlandesgericht (Higher Regional Court) (pendingdetermination of the “model case” status of the claims(Articles 3, 4,7 and 18)); effect and scope of court rulings(Articles 14 and 16). Two cases were commenced underthe KapMuG procedures, one involving DaimlerChrysler(Stuttgart, OLG Reference 9 Kap 1/06) and the otherinvolving Deutsche Telekom (Frankfurt, OLG Reference23 Sch 1/06). KapMuG was not intended by the Germanlegislature as a US style form of “class action”. Thus, itdoes not permit the raising of claims on behalf of unknowngroups of persons. The ruling of the Oberlandesgericht,if granted, designates a binding “model” case ruling, tothe trial court. In this sense, the procedure has somesimilarities with US MDL panel procedures (28 U.S.C.§1407). KapMuG has a sunset clause and it will expire on 1November 2010, unless the legislature decides to extend itsterm or to expand its scope, to cover other types of masscivil case proceedings.

Local legal term for “class action”: Sammelklage,Musterverfahren, Musterentscheid (in the wording ofthe “KapMuG”).

16 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): 1952. évi III.törvény a polgári perrendtartásról [Act 3 of 1952 onCivil Procedure]

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):egyesített eljárás

National version of EU Directive 98/27: There areseveral relevant national Acts which transpose this EUDirective. For example, Act 3 of 2006 is a modificationact which fits various EU rules into different Hungarianlaws and legal regulations: it fits some provisions ofthis EU Directive into Hungarian rules (például a 2006.évi III. törvény a Polgári Törvénykönyvről szóló 1959.évi IV. törvény, valamint egyes törvényekfogyasztóvédelemmel összefüggő jogharmonizációscélú módosításáról különböző uniós szabályokat ültetát a magyar jogszabályokba, ill. az EU irányelv néhányrendelkezését ülteti át a magyar jogi rendelkezésekbe)

See, also, [A] 13/2004. (IV. 16.) IM rendelet afogyasztói érdekek védelme érdekében a jogsértésmegszüntetésére irányuló eljárásokról szóló 98/27/EKirányelv mellékletében meghatározott irányelvekkelösszeegyeztethetőséget teremtő jogszabályokfelsorolásáról [Decree of Ministry of Justice 13/2004.(IV.16.) on the list of regulations creating compatibilitywith the guidelines specified in the Annex to 98/27/ECDirective on the proceedings aiming at eliminatingviolations of law in order to protect customers' interest]

[B] 74/2004. (IV. 15.) Korm. rendelet a fogyasztókvédelme céljából a jogsértéstől eltiltó határozatokrólszóló 98/27/EK irányelv szerinti minősített szervezetekjegyzékébe való felvételre irányuló eljárásról[Government Decree 74/2004. (IV.15.) on theproceedings aiming at entering an organisation on thelist of qualified organisations according to Directive98/27/EC on the resolutions prohibiting the violationof law in order to protect customers' interests]



Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Κώδικας Πολιτικής∆ικονοµίας [Code of Civil Procedure], as amended

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):κοινή αγωγή

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Νόµος 2251/1994,Προστασία των Καταναλωτών [Law No. 2251/1994, on ConsumerProtection], as amended

Competition law: Νόµος 703/1977 Περί ελέγχου µονοπωλίωνκαι ολιγοπωλίων και προστασίας του ελευθέρου ανταγωνισµού[Law No. 703/1977, on the Control of Monopolies and Oligopoliesand the Protection of Free Competition], as amended

Product liability law: Νόµος 2251/1994, Προστασία τωνΚαταναλωτών [Law No. 2251/1994, on Consumer Protection],as amended, Article 6. See, also, Αστικός Κώδικας [Civil Code],Articles 534-558 (liability for defective products) as amendedby Νόµος 3043/2002, Ευθύνη του πωλητή για πραγµατικάελαττώµατα και έλλειψη συνοµολογηµένων ιδιοτήτων[Law No. 3042/2002, on Seller Liability for Defective andDeficient Products]

Local legal term for “product liability”: ευθύνη του παραγωγού

Arbitration and mediation: Κώδικας Πολιτικής ∆ικονοµίας[Code of Civil Procedure], Chapter 7

Contingency fees for lawyers: A contingency basis of up to20% of the amount of the dispute is permissible. This is providedfor in Κώδικας περί ∆ικηγόρων Ν∆ 3026/1954 [Greek Code onLawyers (Presidential Decree 3026 of 1954)], Article 92. Sucharrangements are especially used in taxation and labour mattersand when large amounts are at stake a fee somewhere 5% and10% is the normal range.

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds “Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 17-18

Eversheds contact: John

18 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Lög um meðferðeinkamála 1991 nr. 91 31. desember [Code of Private CivilProcedure, No. 91 dated 31 December 1991], as amended

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit): none

National version of EU Directive 98/27: See, TilskipunEvrópuþingsins og Ráðsins 98/27/EB frá 19. maí 1998 umað setja lögbann til verndar hagsmunum neytenda. See,also, Lög um Neytendastofu og talsmann neytenda 2005 nr.62 20. maí [Consumer Agency Law No 62/2005, dated 20May 2005]

Competition law: Samkeppnislög 2005 nr. 44 19. maí[Competition Law No. 44/2005, dated 19 May 2005]

Product liability law: Lög um skaðsemisábyrgð 1991nr. 25 27. mars [Law on Product Liability No. 25, dated27 March 1991]. See, also, Lög um öryggi vöru og opinberamarkaðsgæslu 1995 nr. 134 22. desember [Law on ProductSafety and Official Market Control No. 134 dated 22December 1995], as amended

Local legal term for “product liability”: skaðsemisábyrgð

Arbitration and mediation: Lög um samningsbundnagerðardóma 1989 nr. 53 24. maí [Law on ContractualArbitration No. 53 dated 24 May 1989], as amended

Contingency fees for lawyers: No See, Lög um lögmenn1998 nr. 77 15. júní [Act on Professional Lawyers, No. 77dated 15 June 1998] and the Siðareglur lögmanna (CodexEthicus) of the Lögmannafélag Íslands [The Iceland BarAssociation]

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, page 19

Eversheds contact: Richard


Competition law: 1996. évi LVII. törvény atisztességtelen piaci magatartás és a versenykorlátozástilalmáról [Act 57 of 1996 on the Prohibition of Unfairand Restrictive Market Practices – Competition Code]

Product liability law: 1993. évi X. törvény atermékfelelősségről [Act 10 of 1993 on ConsumerProtection]

A törvényt 2005. október 30-i hatállyal módosítottáklegutoljára. [This Act has been amended several times,with the latest modification effective as of October 30,2005.] Article 15 of Act 10 of 1993 was amended byArticle 29 Section 2 of Act 95 of 2005. The amendedArticle (No. 15.) is effective as of October 30, 2005 [Az1993. évi X. törvény 15. §-a a 2005. évi XCV. törvény29. § 2. bekezdésének megfelelően módosított szöveg.Hatályos: 2005. 10. 30]

Local legal term for “product liability”:termékfelelősség

Arbitration: 2006. évi IV. törvény a gazdaságitársaságokról [Act 4 of 2006 on Business Associations]Article 10

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 18-19

Eversheds contact: Dr. Tamás Sá

20 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence, joinderof parties, burden of proof): Codice di Procedura Civile [CivilProcedure Code], Codice Civile [Civil Code]

Class Actions: No. Comment: As of 19 February 2007, severalclass action bills were pending in the Italian legislature, includingBills (“disegni di legge”) Nos. 1330, 1443, 1495 and 1882

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):azione collettiva

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Decreto Legislativo6 settembre 2005, n. 206 [Legislative Decree dated 6September 2005, the “Italian Consumers’ Code”],especially Article 140

Competition law: Legge 287/90, Norme per la tutela dellaconcorrenza e del mercato [Antitrust Law], as amended

Product liability law: Decreto Legislativo 6 settembre 2005,n. 206 [Legislative Decree dated 6 September 2005, the “ItalianConsumers’ Code”], as above, and Codice Civile [Civil Code]

Local legal term for “product liability”: responsabilità delproduttore

Securities and corporate litigation: Decreto Legislativo 17gennaio 2003, n. 5 [Legislative Decree dated 17 January 2005,the “Procedure for corporate disputes”]

Arbitration and mediation: Codice di Procedura Civile [CivilProcedure Code], Articles 806-840 (arbitration) and ItalianConsumers’ Code and Procedure for corporate disputes (mediation)

Contingency fees for lawyers: Yes. Such arrangements arepossible, from 1 January 2007, provided that the contingencyfee arrangement is made in writing. Civil Code Article 2233 asamended by Legge 4 agosto 2006, n. 248 [Law August 4, 2006,no. 248]

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds “Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 21-22

Eversheds contact: Riccardo



Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Rules of the SuperiorCourts, 1986, as amended

Class Actions: No. Comment: Multi-party litigationprocedures have been examined in considerable detail,most recently in the Irish Law Reform Commission Reporton Multi-Party Litigation (LRC 76-2005) (September 2005),which recommends the adoption of some such procedures.

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):multi-party litigation, group litigation, group litigationorders (“GLOs”), representative action, class action

National version of EU Directive 98/27: EuropeanCommunities (Protection of Consumers' CollectiveInterests) Regulations 2001 and European Communities(Distance Marketing of Financial Services) Regulations2004 as amended in 2005

Competition law: Competition Act, 2002, Competition(Amendment) Act, 2006

Product liability law: Liability for Defective Products Act1991, as amended

Local legal term for “product liability”: product liability

Arbitration and mediation: Arbitration Acts of 1954,1980 and 1998

Contingency fees for lawyers: No (but deferred feepayment agreements may be and are used)

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, page 20

Eversheds contact: Norman

22 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 22-23

Eversheds contact: Dr. Irena


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence, joinderof parties, burden of proof): Civilnio Proceso Kodeksas[Code of Civil Procedure], as amended, and CivilinioKodekso patvirtinimo, įsigaliojimo ir įgyvendinimoĮstatymas = Civilinis Kodeksas (Žin., 2000, Nr. VIII-1864)[Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania], as amended andrestated through 22 June 2006), Articles 1.43-1.47 (torts),Articles 1.117-1.135 (statutes of limitations), Articles6.245-6.291 (civil liability and damages, in general),Articles 6.292-6.300 (product liability)

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):ieškinys grupės vardu

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Vartotojų TeisiųApsaugos Įstatymas [Law on Consumer Protection dated 10November 1994, Articles 30(2) and 31(1)]

Competition law: Konkurencijos Įstatymas (Žin., 1999 m.kóvas 23 d. Nr. VIII-1099) [Law on Competition, 23 March1999 Nr. VIII-1099], as amended, including Article 46(1)(damages)

Product liability law: Civilinio Kodekso patvirtinimo,įsigaliojimo ir įgyvendinimo Įstatymas = Civilinis Kodeksas(Žin., 2000, Nr. VIII-1864) [Civil Code of the Republic ofLithuania], as amended and restated through 22 June2006), Articles 6.292-6.300 (product liability)

Local legal term for “product liability”: gamintojo atsakomybė



Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Civilprocesa likums[Civil Procedure Law], as variously amended, includingArticles 75 and 134 (joinder of parties) and Article 198(assignment of litigation claims). See, also, Civillikums[Civil Law], as amended and restated through 1 March2006, (general liability) including Article 1593, andKomerclikums [Commercial Law], as amended andrestated through 1 July 2006

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):apvienības sūdzība, iesniegta sūdzība

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Patērētājutiesību aizsardzības likums [Consumer Rights ProtectionLaw] as amended through 25 November 2005. See, also,Tiesībsarga likums [Ombudsman Law] (2006)

Competition law: Konkurences likums [Competition Law],as amended and restated through 1 May 2004, includingArticle 21 (damages)

Product liability law: Preču un pakalpojumu drošumalikums [Law on the Safety of Goods and Services], asamended and restated through 20 July 2005, and Paratbildību par preces un pakalpojuma trūkumiem [Law onLiability for Defective Goods and Deficient Services], asamended and restated through 1 May 2004

Local legal term for “product liability”: atbildība par precēm

Arbitration and mediation: Civilprocesa likums [CivilProcedure Law], as variously amended, Articles 164(4)-(5)and 486-537 (arbitration of disputes). See, also, forexample, the Baltijas Starptautiskās Šķīrējtiesas Reglaments[Rules of the Baltic International Arbitration Court, in Riga]

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

24 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

Competition], Article 23 (injunctions), and Loi (25 août1983) relative à la protection juridique du consommateur[Consumer Protection Law dated 25 August 1983],as amended

Competition law: Loi du 17 mai 2004 relative à laconcurrence [Law of 17 May 2004 relating to Competition],and related rules and regulations

Product liability law: Loi du 27 août 1997 relative à lasécurité générale des produits [Law dated 27 August 1997on Product Safety]

Local legal term for “product liability”: responsabilité dufait des produits défectueux, Produkthaftung

Arbitration and mediation: Nouveau Code de ProcédureCivile [New Code of Civil Procedure], Articles 1224-1251(arbitration of disputes). See, also, Règlement d'Arbitragedu Centre d'Arbitrage de la Chambre de Commercedu Grand-Duché de Luxembourg [Schiedsordnung,Handelskammer des Grossherzogtums Luxemburg] (Rulesof Arbitration of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce).

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 24-25

Eversheds contact: Richard


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Kodiċi ta'Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili [Code of Organizationand Civil Procedure] (Chapter 12 of the Laws of Malta),dated 1 August 1855, as variously amended through 2006,Article 161(3) (joinder of parties), Articles 558-561 (rulesof evidence), Article 562 (burden of proof in civil cases),Article 873 (prohibitory injunctions). See, also, Kodiċi Ċivili[Civil Code] (provisions relating to torts and damages atArticles 1029-1051)


Arbitration and mediation: Vilniaus Komercinio ArbitražoTeismo Arbitražo Procedūros: Reglamentas (patvirtintanuolatinės arbitražo institucijos "Vilniaus komercinioarbitražo teismas" valdybos 2003 m. gruodžio 8 d.nutarimu (2006 m. kovo 20 d. redakcija) [Vilnius Courtof Commercial Arbitration: Rules of Arbitration (approvedpursuant to the decision of the Board of the Court on 8December 2003 (revised 20 March 2006)]. See, also,relevant provisions of the Law on Commercial Arbitrationand the Code of Civil Procedure.

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, page 24

Eversheds contact: Dr. Irena


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Nouveau Code deProcédure Civile [New Code of Civil Procedure], Articles115, 196, 203-222, 244, 550 and 941 ff. (various rulesof evidence and procedure). See, also, Code Civil [CivilCode], Article 1315 (proof of duties and obligations)

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):action de groupe, Gruppenklage

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Loi (de 19décembre 2003) fixant les conditions d’agrément desorganisations habilitées à intenter des actions enCessation [Law dated 19 December 2003, Establishingthe Approved Organisations Entitled to Bring Actionsfor Injunctive Relief], and other consumer protectionlegislation. See, for example, Loi du 30 juillet 2002réglementant certaines pratiques commerciales,sanctionnant la concurrence déloyale [Law dated 30 July2002, Regulating Certain Business Practices and Unfair

26 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

See, also, Burgerlijk Wetboek [Civil Code], including Article3:303 (standing to sue), Article 6:162 (general liability)and Articles 6:95, 6:100 and 6:212 (special rules regardingdamages)

Class Actions: The Dutch Civil Code (Article 3:305a-1)allows a form of collective litigation action based uponsimilar claims (“gelijksoortige belangen”), but does notallow the pursuit thereby of remedies in money, which arespecifically excluded by Article 3:305a(4). However, whereparties are able to join in litigation together, they maydecide to seek a judicially approved collective settlement(including a judgment for money damages) under the WetCollectieve Afwikkeling Massaschade (“WCAM”) [Law onthe Collective Settlement of Mass Damage Claims, in effectsince 1 August 2005 = Burgerlijk Wetboek [Civil Code,Articles 7:907-7:910 and 7:1013-7:1018]. WCAM issupplemented by guidelines known as the Duisenberg-Regeling [Duisenberg Regulation].

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):class action, collective action

National version of EU Directive 98/27: BurgerlijkWetboek [Civil Code], Articles 3:305c and 6:240 andnumerous other laws, rules and administrative orders

Competition law: Mededingingswet (Wet van 22 mei1997, houdende nieuwe regels omtrent de economischemededinging) [Competition Law of 1997], as amended,and other laws and regulations, including Wet op deeconomische delicten 1950 [Law on Economic Crimes1950], as variously amended

Product liability law: Burgerlijk Wetboek [Civil Code],Articles 6:185 to 6:193 (incorporating the Product LiabilityAct of 13 September 1990)

Local legal term for “product liability”: product-aansprakelijkheid

Arbitration and mediation: Wetboek van BurgerlijkeRechtsvordering [Code of Civil Procedure], Book 4,including Articles 1022 and 1074-1076


Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):class action, representative action, joint action

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Att dwarl-Affarijiet tal-Konsumatur [Consumer Affairs Act,dated 23 January 1996] (Chapter 378 of the Lawof Malta), as amended through 2006

Competition law: Att dwar il-Kompetizzjoni[Competition Act] (Chapter 379 of the Laws of Malta),dated 1 February 1995, as variously amended. See,also, Kodiċi tal-Kummerċ [Commercial Code](provisions relating to the limits of competitionat Articles 32-37)

Product liability law: Att dwar is-Sigurezza tal-Prodotti [Product Safety Act] (Chapter 427 of theLaws of Malta), dated 1 March 2001, and as amended

Local legal term for “product liability”:responsabbiltà għall-prodotti difettużi, product liability

Arbitration and mediation: Att dwar l-Arbitraġġ[Arbitration Act] (Chapter 387 of the Laws of Malta),dated 23 February 1998, as amended through 2006,and Att dwar Il-Medjazzjoni [Mediation Act] (Chapter474 of the Laws of Malta), dated 21 December 2004

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 26-27

Eversheds contact: Richard


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Wetboek vanBurgerlijke Rechtsvordering [Code of Civil Procedure].

28 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

amended, and related regulations. See, also, Lov omkontroll med markedsføring og avtalevilkår(markedsføringsloven) [The Marketing Control Act,Law No. 47 dated 16 June 1972], as amended

Product liability law: Lov om produktansvar(produktansvarsloven) [Product Liability Law No. 104,dated 23 December 1988], as amended

Local legal term for “product liability”: produktansvar

Arbitration and mediation: Lov om voldgift (Voldgiftsloven)[Arbitration Act, Law No. 5 dated 14 May 2004] and Lov ommegling i konfliktråd (konfliktrådloven) [National MediationServices Act, Law No. 3 dated 15 March 1991]

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 28-29

Eversheds contact: John


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Kodeks postępowaniacywilnego [Code of Civil Procedure]. See, also, Kodekscywilny [Civil Code]

Class Actions: No. Comment: Consumers may be able toappear jointly as claimants in one lawsuit if the subject ofthe dispute constitutes (a) rights and obligations commonto them or based on the same factual and legal basis(“substantive joint participation”) or (b) claims orobligations of a single kind, based on an identical factualand legal basis, if furthermore the jurisdiction of the courtis justified for each of the claims or obligations separatelyand for all together (“formal joint participation”). Kodekspostępowania cywilnego [Code of Civil Procedure],Article 72

3130 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 27-28

Eversheds contact: Richard


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Lov omrettergangsmåten for tvistemål (tvistemålsloven) [Actrelating to judicial procedure in civil cases (The DisputeAct), Law No. 6 dated 13 August 1915], as amended. Seealso, Lov nr. 26/1969 (L13.06.1969) om skadeserstatning[Damages Act, dated 13 June 1969, No. 26] and Lov nr.18/1969 (L18.05.1979) om foreldelse av fordringer(foreldelsesloven) [Act relating to the limitation period forclaims, dated 18 May 1979, No. 18).

Class Actions: Yes. Comment: The NorwegianTvistemålsloven [Dispute Act] has been amended, addinga new Chapter 35 on “gruppesøksmål” which establishes adetailed procedural mechanism for class actions in Norway,with effect from 1 January 2008. Legislative reference:LOV-2005-06-17-90 Lov om mekling og rettergang i siviletvister (tvisteloven) Kapittel 35. Gruppesøksmål (2005-06-17)

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):gruppesøksmål, klassesøksmål

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Lov omkontroll med produkter og forbrukertjenester(produktkontrolloven) [Act relating to the control ofproducts and consumer services (The Product Control Act),Law No. 79 dated 11 June 1976], as amended.

Competition law: Lov nr. 65/1993 (L11.06.1993) omkonkurranse i ervervsvirksomhet (kunkurranseloven)[Competition Act dated 11 June 1993, No. 65], as


Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):skarga zbiorowa

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Ustawa z dnia15 grudnia 2000 r. o ochronie konkurencji i konsumentów(Dz. U. 2005 nr 244, poz. 2080 ze zm.) [Act of 15December 2000 on competition and consumer protection(Journal of Laws of 2005, No. 244, item 2080, as amended)]

Competition law: [1] Ustawa z dnia 15 grudnia 2000 r. oochronie konkurencji i konsumentów (Dz.U. 2005 nr 244,poz. 2080 ze zm.) [Act of 15 December 2000 on competitionand consumer protection (Journal of Laws of 2005, No.244, item 2080, as amended)]

[2] Ustawa z dnia 16 kwietnia 1993 r. o zwalczaniunieuczciwej konkurencji (Dz.U. 2003 nr 153, poz. 1503 zezm.) [Act of 16 April 1993 on combatting unfair competition(Journal of Laws of 2003, No. 153, item 1503, asamended)]

Product liability law: Ustawa z dnia 2 marca 2000r. o ochronie niektórych praw konsumentów orazodpowiedzialności za szkodę wyrządzoną przez produktniebezpieczny (Dz. U. 2000 nr 22, poz. 271 ze zm.) [Acton the protection of certain consumer rights and on theliability for damage caused by a dangerous product(Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 22, item 271, as amended)]

Local legal term for “product liability”: odpowiedzialnośćza produkt

Arbitration and mediation: Kodeks postępowaniacywilnego [Code of Civil Procedure] (new arbitration rulesenacted in 2005), Articles 1154-1217

Contingency fees for lawyers: Permissible only as apart of a lawyer’s overall remuneration

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 29-30

Eversheds contact: Krzysztof

32 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Código de ProcessoCivil [Code of Civil Procedure], as amended, includingArticle 275 (joinder of parties). See, also Código Civil [CivilCode], as amended, including Articles 483, 487, 563, 566(general liability and damages)

Class Actions: Yes. Comment: Lei nº 83/95 de 31 deAgosto, Direito de participação procedimental e de acçãopopular [Law nº 83/95 dated 31 August 1995, On Right ofProcedural Participation and Popular Action] allows certainforms of collective litigation, including the recovery ofdamages (Articles 22 and 23). See, also, Código deProcesso Civil [Code of Civil Procedure], as amended,Article 26A (describing the acção para a tutela deinteresses difusos = lawsuit for the protection ofdiverse interests)

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):acção popular

National version of EU Directive 98/27: See, Lei nº30/96, de 14 de Agosto, Reforça as competências eindependência do Provedor de Justiça [Law nº 30/96,dated 14 August 1996, reinforcing the powers of theOmbudsman] and amending Law nº 9/91 [OmbudsmanStatute]. See, also, Article 23 of the PortugueseConstitution (Provedor de Justiça = ombudsman), Article52(3) (citizens’ right to the acção popular) and numerousconsumer protection laws and regulations

Competition law: Lei nº 18/2003 de 11 de Junho de 2003[Competition Law nº 18/2003, dated 11 June 2003] andrelated regulations and decrees

Product liability law: Decreto-Lei nº 383/89, de 6 deNovembro, Responsabilidade objectiva do produtor –produto defeituoso [Product Liability Decree-Law nº383/89, dated 6 November 1989], as variously amended,including various consumer protection Decree-Laws, suchas Decreto-Lei nº 67/2003 (product descriptions) andDecreto-Lei nº 69/2005 (product recalls)

Product liability law: Legea nr. 240 din 07/06/2004privind raspunderea producatorilor pentru pagubelegenerate de produsele cu defecte [Product Liability Law No.240/2004], and others, including Law 245/2004. See, also,Codul Penal [Penal Code], Articles 178, 180, 182, 184

Local legal term for “product liability”: responsabilitate aproducătorului pentru defecte ale produsului său

Arbitration and mediation: Codul de Procedură Civilă[Code of Civil Procedure], Book IV (on arbitration), Articles340-371

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 31-33

Eversheds contact: Dr. Irena

Slovak Republic

Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): 99/1963 Zb. Občianskysúdny poriadok [Code of Civil Procedure], as amended.See, further, regarding damages, Zákon č. 40/1964 Zb.Občiansky zákonník [Civil Code], as amended, and Zákon č.513/1991 Zb. Obchodný zákonník [Commercial Code], asamended, including Articles 54 and 373-386

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):skupinová žaloba, spoločná žaloba viacerých žalobcov

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Act amendingAct No. 99/1963 Coll. Civil Procedure Act as amended (ineffect from 5 January 2004). See, also, Zákon č. 634/1992Zb. Zákon o ochrane spotrebiteľa [Consumer ProtectionLaw] as amended, and Zákon č. 564/2001 Zb. Zákon overejnom ochrancovi práv [Ombudsman Law]


Local legal term for “product liability”:responsabilidade do produtor

Arbitration and mediation: Código de Processo Civil[Code of Civil Procedure], as amended, Articles 1525-1528(and various related complementary legislation)

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, page 31

Eversheds contact: Richard


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Codul de ProcedurăCivilă [Code of Civil Procedure], including Articles 47, 48,114 and 721. See, also, Codul Civil [Civil Code], Articles998, 999 and 1003

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):proces colectiv, actio popularis, acţiune representativā

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Hotarareade Guvern 1553/2004 – privind actiunile de incetareapracticilor ilicite in materie de protectie a interesuluiconsumatorilor [Government Decision no. 1553/2004 oninjunction rules with regard to the protection of consumers'collective interests], in force from 1 January 2007. See, also,Ordonanţa Guvernului 21/1992 – Protectia Consumatorilor[Government Ordinance No. 21/1992 on consumerprotection], as amended, and Legea 296/2004 – CodulConsumului [Consumer Code]

Competition law: Legea Concurentei nr. 21/1996[Law no. 21/1996 on Competition], as amended

34 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

Competition law: Zakon o preprečevanju omejevanjakonkurence (Uradni list. RS, št. 99/2004) [Prevention ofthe Restriction of Competition Act, Official Gazette No.99/2004], as amended, including Article 44

Product liability law: Obligacijski zakonik (Uradni list. RS,št. 83/2001) [Obligations Code, Official Gazette No.83/2001], as amended,

Zakon o splošni varnosti proizvodov (Uradni list RS, št.101/2003) [General Product Safety Act, Official GazetteNo. 101/2003]

and Zakon o varstvu potrošnikov (Uradni list. RS, št.98/2004) [Consumer Protection Act, Official Gazette No.98/2004], as amended

Local legal term for “product liability”: produktnaodgovornost

Arbitration and mediation: Zakon o pravdnem postopku(Uradni list RS, št. 46/99) [Civil Procedure Act, OfficialGazette No. 46/99], as amended, Articles 459-479. See,also, Pravilnik o arbitražnem postopku pred Stalno arbitražopri GZS [Rules of Arbitration of the Permanent Court ofArbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce andIndustry of Slovenia]

Contingency fees for lawyers: Under the Zakon oodvetništvu (Uradni list RS, št. 18-817/1993) [Bar Act,Official Gazette No. 18-817/1993], Article 17, there maybe cases in which, by written agreement, the lawyer mayrecover a maximum of 15% of the amount awarded tothe client by the Court

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, page 36

Eversheds contact: Dr. Irena


Competition law: Zákon č. 136/2001 Z.z. o ochranehospodárskej súťaže [Act No. 136/2001 on Protectionof Competition], as amended, including Article 42

Product liability law: See, Zákon č. 634/1992 Zb. Zákono ochrane spotrebiteľa [Consumer Protection Law] asamended, and laws and regulations relating to specificproducts

Local legal term for “product liability”:právna zodpovednosť výrobcu za výrobok

Arbitration and mediation: Zákon č. 9/1992 Zb. a Zákonč. 244/2002/Z.z. [Arbitration Act No. 9/1999 Coll. and ActNo. 244/2002/Coll.] and Rules of the Rozhodcovský súdSOPK [Arbitration Court of the Slovakian Chamber ofCommerce and Industry, Bratislava]

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 34-35

Eversheds contact: Dr. Irena


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Zakon o pravdnempostopku, Uradni list RS, št. 46/99 [Civil Procedure Act,Official Gazette No. 46/99], as amended, including Articles76, 274, 300 and others

Class Actions: No

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):razredna oz. skupinska tožba, tožba interesnega združenja

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Zakon ovarstvu potrošnikov (Uradni list. RS, št. 98/2004)[Consumer Protection Act, Official Gazette No. 98/2004],as amended

36 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

Local legal term for “product liability”: responsabilidad civilpor los daños causados por productos defectuosos

Arbitration and mediation: Ley 60/2003, de 23 dediciembre, de Arbitraje [Arbitration Law dated 23December 2003]

Contingency fees for lawyers: No. A pure contingency feeagreement is not allowed by the Bar Association but some“uplift” may be combined with other, normal fee arrangements.

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, page 37

Eversheds contact: Kiko Carrió


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Rättegångsbalk[Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure] (SFS 1942:740),Chapter 35 and other provisions

Class Actions: Yes. Comment: Lagen om grupprättegång(SFS 2002:599) [Group Proceedings Act, in effect since 1January 2003] provides for similar claims to be pursued incourt by multiple claimants. The Group Proceedings Act iscontained in 50 statutory articles, including those definingentitlement to sue (Articles 4-8), group notifications (Article13 and Articles 49-50), right of claimants to opt in (Article14), liability for litigation costs (Article 30-36) and appeals(Articles 42-48).

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):grupprättegång

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Lag ommarknadsdomstol (SFS 1970:417) [Market Court Act],as amended

Competition law: Konkurrenslag (SFS 1993:20)[Competition Act], as amended, including Lag om ändring ikonkurrenslagen (SFS 2004:409) [Law of 2004 Amendingthe Competition Act]

3938 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Ley 1/2000, de 7 deenero, de Enjuiciamiento Civil [Civil Procedure Law 1/2000of 7 January], as amended

Class Actions: There are some kinds of collective actionsallowed for in respect of consumer issues raised byconsumer associations (Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero, deEnjuiciamiento Civil [Section 11 of Civil Procedure Law1/2000 of 7 January], as amended). Prior to 2001,collective actions were technically not permitted other thanthrough the consolidation of proceedings. However, someclaims by large groups of victims were brought during the1980s in respect of the collapse of the Tous reservoir dam(in Valencia) and in a major rape-seed oil poisoning case(in which many persons died and thousands of consumerswere affected in many parts of Spain).

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):acción colectiva

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Ley 39/2002,de 28 de octubre, de transposición al ordenamiento jurídicoespañol de diversas directivas comunitarias en materia deprotección de los intereses de los consumidores y usuarios[Consumer Protection Law dated 28 October 2002], withjoint actions provided for in Articles 12-20 as amendedby Ley 44/2006, de 29 de diciembre, de mejora de laprotección de consumidores y usuarios [ConsumerProtection Law dated 29 December 2006]. All these newlaws amended the General Consumer Protection Law dated19 July 1984 (Ley 26/1984, de 19 de Julio, General deDefensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios].

Competition law: Ley 3/1991, de 10 de enero, deCompetencia Desleal [Law on Unfair Competition dated 10January 1991], as amended, and Código Civil [Civil Code],Article 1902

Product liability law: Ley 22/1994, de 6 de julio, deresponsabilidad civil por los daños causados por productosdefectuosos [Product Liability Law dated 6 July 1994], asamended, and Código Civil [Civil Code], Article 1902

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):Sammelklage, action de groupe, azione collettiva

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Various lawsfor the protection of consumers, including competition lawand product liability law

Competition law: Bundesgesetz gegen den unlauterenWettbewerb (“UWG”) (Loi fédérale contre la concurrencedéloyale (“LCD”)) (Legge federale contro la concorrenzasleale (“LCSI”)) [Federal Law Against Unfair Competition,dated 19 December 1986, as amended, RS 241; RO 1988223; FF 1983 II 1037] and Bundesgesetz über Kartelle undandere Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen (“KG”) (Loi fédéralesur les cartels et autres restrictions à la concurrence(“Lcart”)) (Legge federale sui cartelli e altre limitazionidella concorrenza (“Lcart”)) [Federal Law Against Cartelsand Other Restraints of Competition, dated 6 October1995, as amended, RS 251, FF 1995 I 472]

Product liability law: Produktehaftpflichtgesetz (“PrHG”)(Loi fédérale sur la responsabilité du fait des produits)(“LRFP”) (Legge federale sulla responsabilità per danno daprodotti) (“LRDP”) [Product Liability Act, in effect from 1January 1994] as amended, AS 1993 3122, RO 1993 3122,RU 1993 3122

See, also, for example, Zivilgesetzbuch (Code Civil Suisse)(Codice civile) [Swiss Civil Code], Article 679, andObligationenrecht (Code des Obligations) (Codice delleobbligazioni) [Swiss Code of Obligations], as amended,Articles 55, 368-369

Local legal term for “product liability”: Produktehaftpflicht,responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux,responsabilità del produttore

Arbitration and mediation: See, for example,Bundesgesetz über das Internationale Privatrecht (“IPRG”)(Loi fédérale sur le droit international privé) (“LDIP”)(Legge federale sul diritto internazionale private) (“LDIP”)[Federal Act on Private International Law, dated 18December 1987], as amended through 18 April 2006


Product liability law: Produktansvarslag (1992:18)[Product Liability Law], as amended

Local legal term for “product liability”: produktansvar

Arbitration and mediation: Lag om skiljeförfarande (SFS1999:116) [Arbitration Act]. Comment: The ArbitrationInstitute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce hasadopted new Arbitration Rules which went into effect on1 January 2007.

Contingency fees for lawyers: No

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 38-39

Eversheds contact: Jonas


Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): Zivilprozessordnung(Procédure civile suisse) (Procedura civile svizzera) [SwissCode of Civil Procedure, in progress, see Comment, below].Various rules relating to matters such as liability, damagesand limitations may be found interspersed within theZivilgesetzbuch (Code Civil) (Codice civile) [Swiss CivilCode] and the Obligationenrecht (Code des Obligations)(Codice delle obbligazioni) [Swiss Code of Obligations]

Class Actions: No. Comment: In recent years, partly dueto the fact that Swiss civil procedure law is found in 26different cantonal codes, not one federal one, detailedstudies have been conducted by the Swiss Ministry ofJustice, and others, regarding a substantial revision andunification of Swiss law in this area. Class actions havebeen given considerable attention in these studies but, todate, have not been recommended for the new legislation,although some cantons favour the enactment of such rules.

40 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

Competition law: Competition Act 1998, EnterpriseAct 2002

Product liability law: Consumer Protection Act 1987,General Product Safety Regulations 2005

Local legal term for “product liability”: product liability

Arbitration and mediation: Arbitration Act 1996

Contingency fees for lawyers: No. However, lawyerscan act under a Conditional Fee Agreement whereby nofee is received if the case is unsuccessful but whichprovide for an uplift in fees (bonus) of up to 100% ofthe standard fees if the case is successful. The amountof the uplift is reviewable by the Court.

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 41-42

Eversheds contact: Richard


Contingency fees for lawyers: No (although somesuch arrangements may be permissible under the localrules of certain Swiss cantonal bar associations)

Attorney-Client Privilege: Please see Eversheds“Attorney-Client Privilege in Europe”, pages 39-40

Eversheds contact: John

United Kingdom

Code of Civil Procedure (including rules of evidence,joinder of parties, burden of proof): The Civil ProcedureRules 1998 (“CPR”), as amended, contain the proceduralrules governing civil proceedings. However, many rulesof evidence, burden of proof, etc. are not codified buthave evolved under common law.

Class Actions: Under Part 19 III of the CPR, theCourt can make a Group Litigation Order for the casemanagement of claims which give rise to common orrelated issues of fact or law. About 60 GLOs have beenmade since 2000.

Group Litigation Orders have been made in a numberof different types of case – such as toxic emissions,adverse drug reactions and industrial disease. The onusis on individual claimants to join the group registerwithin any cut-off date set by the Court. The judgmentis binding upon all claimants on the group register. Aftersome initial enthusiasm about the use of GLOs, in recentyears the Courts have become increasingly circumspectabout approving their use – considering whether thecommon issues predominate over the individual issuesand whether a GLO is appropriate in light of theassociated costs.

Local legal term for “class action” (collective lawsuit):group actions, group litigation orders (“GLOs”)

National version of EU Directive 98/27: Stop NowOrders (EC Directive) Regulations 2001

42 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

Eversheds worldwide

4544 Litigation in Europe Litigation in Europe

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