Live Brief:YCN



live brief

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YCN: Live Brief


The live brief is something completely different from the usual brief ’s we are given so I was really looking forward to it. Knowing the main subject being anti piracy and the targetaudience pretty much being myself, I was straight away full of ideas and theories, but first I had to find out more on thesubject.

Straight away I noticed not only how much of a problem film piracy was, but also how bad and frowned upon the majority of the ad campaigns for it are. First I went onto gather existing ad campagins on the subject, having a look at what was working and what wasn’t, while trying to find openionated pieces on these ad’s to find out just why they are not working; suprisngly their are not many ad’s to do with film piracy, especially considering how much of a “problem” it is.

A major problem with everything seem’s to be ticket prices in cinemas, copyright and the freedom and accesibility of all these files. With most people only going to see/buy film’s that they have an emotional connection with, favourite director etc.

The first ad campaign for piracy that got me excited was “Piracy” by First Floor Under. Using differently coloured CD’s they created portraits of famous musicians dying, to try and portray what piracy is doing to the music industry. I personally dont see it as too negative, its straight to the point (even without the text) and eyecatching. This got me thinking to do the same but with DVD cases, but I saw that as something too similar and something that the company itself could do. Although something real, could work with this sort of campaign, something like an installation could really stand out and make a point.

The next campagin was done by Universal which was aimed at faked and copied items. As an advert I thought it was hard hitting, very much straight to the point, in you’re face, which works to the point it gets you’re attention, but does it stop you doing it. That I dont think it does, its a bit too negative, it shows no positives to actually stopping doing these things, showing why if you stop you have something to gain.

Introduction Inspiration

The exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same



YCN: Live Brief


With the brief requiring in some way to be pro copyright and anti-piracy, I started to look at how this could be merged together. The campaign idea should be accessbile to a number of mediums, to hit as wide an audience as possible, but to also diversitise the way its said, with some people reacting to different forms of advertisement differently.

With that in mind I found that piracy within music and fashion was actually a much smaller problem, which I found extremely weird. With the fashion industry pretty much giving up on copyright, which means piracy is not a problem, while the music industry decided to move their music to digital, and artists using “leaks” as promotion.

Knowing all these small details helped me move into the idea phase, developing my initial reations to the brief, and my vastly improved knowledge on the subject.

Their are only two film piracy campagins that really stood out for me, but also heavily inspired the idea process and where it would all end up. The “moments worth paying for” campaign is great, theirs no negatives connotated with it at all, with it wanting you to join in the campaign due to what is promised. Using famous movie moments and the viewers reactions as its theme it succeeds providing a positive message, getting you to pay for what you enjoy rather than getting it for free. Its use of bright colours, composition and that “feel good” factor also does it a load of good.

The other is an advert for “Get a real DVD”, which essentially compares a pirate and a family watching a movie. I think this is the most idealistic approach, with it giving the target audience a choice(although quite obviously that ad was trying to stop piracy), not being patronising, having its pros and cons but also at the same time using movies as a medium to its advantage.



Copyright infringement of audio-visual works, often referred to as piracy or dilamicico, occurs when unauthorized copies are made of music, movies and similar works


YCN: Live Brief


With the brief given straight away I had ideas; embaressing moment, mugshot posters straight away came to my head. I thought using something you care about, slightly personal would be ideal; but slightly too finger wagging unfortunetly. From there we came up with a number of ideas; we had a concept of using dead film music icons using vectors and then moving that to creating them from typography using slo-gans. We did a few quick sketches to see how they look but we felt they did not really convey the message we were trying to achieve; with us trying to achieve a fairly positive vibe rathet than a negative one. We realised that giving the target audience a choice, giving them the nececassary information they need to make a decision, is what we needed to do; but make itenjoyable.

All of these ideas had certain aspects we liked; simple vector design, recognisable imagery, information, but we needed to mix them all into one idea. Which is where we came up with the idea of using infographics as the base of our advert campaign.

Firstly we had to come up with a layout for our poster; which would the the example concept we would be showing. We decided straight away on using a fairly thin but long canvas, but then went on to trying out a number of layouts; finally sticking with the most basic, using the grid in photoshop to create our own made of quadtrillatrals.

We used the statistics/facts we had as a base of our information and started sketching out possible graphical outcomes. Sticking to simple designs and slogans, only displaying what we need we went on to bringing our ideas into Photoshop. There we decided on a three tone colour scheme, and using highlights to bring the imagery to life. This merging of information and imagery is the perfect mix to inform the masses and show them how the world benefits from copyright and looses out due to piracy.

Concept Development

Developing the ideaIntroduction
