Live Play Review Quarter 4



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Live Play Review

Conversation:Reporter: pleasure to talk with you mr. ken ludwig

writer: pleasure to be here and see such a wonderful performance of my play, when I originally wrote it i intended to capture the skill of the actors with all the quick character changes as i did.

reporter: both actors Michael Glenn, and Jane Pfitsch had such brilliant performances and as well as im aware worked with around half a dozen characters changing each scene

writer: the director Amanda Dehnert had a great sense of the interchangeable scenery that i intended when i wrote the play along with the astonishingly fast and easy costume changes needed for some of the characters.

Reporter: as i can tell although the scenery was convenient was easy to move it didn't come cheap, since for almost every scene a new scenic item was added to the stage either coming out of the floor or quickly being pulled on.

Writer: why don't i show some of you who have never seen the play what we are talking about.

Play: So the basic concept here is that cole will be switching back and forth between Sherlock and Watson, and Hank will be everybody else. Every character will need a distinct prop to set them apart and let the audience know what is happening. Also, this is very fast paced.

Both Hank and Cole should wear a white shirt and jeansWe need props for each of these characters:(Hank)Mortimer: bowler hat(Cole)Watson: old hat(Hank)Holmes: magnifying glass(Hank)Henry: cowboy hat(Hank)Mr. Barrymore: russian hat, flaps down(Hank)Mrs. Barrymore: russian hat, flaps up(Hank) Hugo Baskerville: renaissance hat(Cole) Mr. Stapleton: weird fez(Cole) Mrs. Stapleton: bow
