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the Story of

Doing What Comes Naturally

Aging is a natural part of life. But for far too long in this country, growing old has been seen as something to be denied and feared. As a result, our elder citizens have too often been shuttered up behind institutional walls, isolated and left to languish in a declining state of health. Faced with this untenable prospect in their own lives, the founders of Living Well envisioned an alternative based on the way they had lived the rest of their lives already. Why not create an environment where our elders can sustain vitality, age with dignity, and continue to live a life full of purpose and joy, they asked themselves. And from that, the first Living Well Residential Care Facility was born.

“Aging is a natural process. We’re here to tend to that aging and bring to it what can be most comfortable, most vital, most helpful for the individual.”

paul kervick, founding member

“Aging is a natural process. We’re here to tend to that aging and bring to it what can be most comfortable, most vital, most helpful for the individual.”

paul kervick, founding member

It Takes a Village

Living Well Residential Care Home and Assisted Living Facility is located in Bristol, Vermont; a close-knit village

tucked into the western side of the majestic Green Mountains. From the outside, our facility looks like any other quaint

house on the street. That is intentional. Living Well believes being a purposeful part of a larger community is fundamental to a feeling of emotional well-being. They also believe we are cheating ourselves as a society by sequestering our elders instead of keeping them part of the mainstream of life. That

is why many of the programs and activities offered to our elders at Living Well involve regular interaction with neighbors, local youth

and volunteers.

It Takes a Village

Living Well Residential Care Home and Assisted Living Facility is located in Bristol, Vermont; a close-knit village

tucked into the western side of the majestic Green Mountains. From the outside, our facility looks like any other quaint

house on the street. That is intentional. Living Well believes being a purposeful part of a larger community is fundamental to a feeling of emotional well-being. They also believe we are cheating ourselves as a society by sequestering our elders instead of keeping them part of the mainstream of life. That

is why many of the programs and activities offered to our elders at Living Well involve regular interaction with neighbors, local youth

and volunteers.

“Whether it’s the organic, made-from-scratch nutritious meals, the homelike atmosphere and friendly staff, or the unique

activities and opportunities, the people behind Living Well have developed a program of assisted living for seniors that is

benefiting everyone they come into contact with.”dee deluca, administrator

“Whether it’s the organic, made-from-scratch nutritious meals, the homelike atmosphere and friendly staff, or the unique

activities and opportunities, the people behind Living Well have developed a program of assisted living for seniors that is

benefiting everyone they come into contact with.”dee deluca, administrator

Our Healthful Approach is a Recipe for Success

On a typical day at Living Well, you will see lots of people flowing in and out of our care home at 71 Maple Street. Some come just to visit, while others stay to make music with our residents, or to work in our large organic garden. Our home is decorated in cozy and inviting colors, inspired by the principles of Feng-shui. Our organic home-cooked meals are served at a large gathering table in the dining room. As is typical with most Vermont households, everyone who can pitches in with meal preparation, too. At other times of the day, you will just as easily find our elders at this same table, making art, or exercising in the living room, or out in the garden. We believe optimal health comes from nurturing our bodies, minds and spirits and that it is never too late to benefit from a healthy lifestyle.

Our Healthful Approach is a Recipe for Success

On a typical day at Living Well, you will see lots of people flowing in and out of our care home at 71 Maple Street. Some come just to visit, while others stay to make music with our residents, or to work in our large organic garden. Our home is decorated in cozy and inviting colors, inspired by the principles of Feng-shui. Our organic home-cooked meals are served at a large gathering table in the dining room. As is typical with most Vermont households, everyone who can pitches in with meal preparation, too. At other times of the day, you will just as easily find our elders at this same table, making art, or exercising in the living room, or out in the garden. We believe optimal health comes from nurturing our bodies, minds and spirits and that it is never too late to benefit from a healthy lifestyle.

“Living Well’s ability to connect residents with the community, to make gardening, music and parades part of

everyday life allows for the best kind of healthy aging.”Governor James Douglas

“Living Well’s ability to connect residents with the community, to make gardening, music and parades part of

everyday life allows for the best kind of healthy aging.”Governor James Douglas

Our Holistic Care Covers All the Bases

Living Well is a licensed Level III care facility which means we will gladly take any residents who need help with basic care such as meals, personal hygiene and getting around. Our ERC (Enhanced Residential Care) license also allows us to assist with our residents’ medical care by providing nursing oversight. But at Living Well, we believe it takes more then medication management and clean sheets to feel vibrant and happy. We give our residents access to Eastern and holisic treatment protocols in addition to their conventional treatments. They receive regular massage and light therapies and plenty of nutritionally rich food derived from natural sources. Yoga, Tai Chai and meditation are part of their weekly activities. As a result, it is not unusual to find some of our residents able to cut back on their medications because their symptoms diminish as a result of this holistic treatment approach. Many of our creative activities, like our art and music classes have also been been highly effective in improving cognitive and motor abilities.

Even the Governor is Impressed

One of the most successful examples of our unique approach is the Living Well Family Band. What started as just another way to engage our residents in a creative activity has grown into a cohesive group of performance artists, who regularly appear around the region playing their drums and other musical instruments

and even performing some of their own music. In 2008, Living Well was honored with the Governor’s Healthy Aging Award for their work with music

therapy and its impact on our elders overall health and well-being. Governor Davis learned first hand the joy of making music with our

remarkable elders.

“The most amazing thing for me is to see the transformation of the residents from very shy or more inward people to enthusiastic, outgoing musicians, despite the fact that all except

for perhaps one band member had never played an instrument before.“DECHEN RHEAULT, ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR

“The most amazing thing for me is to see the transformation of the residents from very shy or more inward people to enthusiastic, outgoing musicians, despite the fact that all except

for perhaps one band member had never played an instrument before.“DECHEN RHEAULT, ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR

Practicing Sustainability is an Act of Love

By honoring our elders through caring for them holistically; by helping them transition out of this life with dignity and love; by respecting our environment and working within a larger community; we bring honor and joy to our own work. This is the cycle of life we want to be part of at Living Well. Every one of our staff members is committed to this kind of principled, quality care.

Even at the administrative level we are practicing what we preach. At Living Well, we follow a consent-based form of decision-making known as sociocracy that gives residents, staff and family members an equal v o i c e in decision making.

Join Our Grass Roots Effort

Living Well Residential Care Home and Assisted Living Facility is a 501C3 charitable and

educational organization. We are actively looking for volunteers to engage with our residents and

for financial support to help us hone and carry this message to other residential facilities around the

state. Living Well is just one 14-bed residence. The need for this kind of care facility is far greater than

our current reach. We believe, with your help, we can sow the seeds of our success and

change the way our elders are treated throughout our region. Won’t

you join us today?

Join Our Grass Roots Effort

Living Well Residential Care Home and Assisted Living Facility is a 501C3 charitable and

educational organization. We are actively looking for volunteers to engage with our residents and

for financial support to help us hone and carry this message to other residential facilities around the

state. Living Well is just one 14-bed residence. The need for this kind of care facility is far greater than

our current reach. We believe, with your help, we can sow the seeds of our success and

change the way our elders are treated throughout our region. Won’t

you join us today?