Logo DesignLogo Design “A graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, etc....


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Logo Design

“A graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, etc. uniquely designed for easy recognition.”

History of Logos

Logos date back to Greece in ancient times.!!

Early Greek and Roman coins bear the monograms or logos of rulers or towns.

Ancient Greek coins from Ionia c. 175-85

Logo design evolved from simple ciphers to trademarks for traders and merchants in the 13th Century.

Industrial Revolution

1890 the US had 700 lithographic firms!!

8,000 people where “designers”


“less is more” -- Ludwig Mies van der Rohe!!

mass visual communication

and today... Corporate Branding

• Company logos are the face of the business, not only to the public, but to its employees and the company itself!

• Logos have become the front line of the company, the corporate identity!

• Just as a nation's flag expresses the distinct identity of a country, a logo helps to establish the name and define the character of a corporation

Logo Trends 2014

Elements of logos


!•!Negative space refers to empty space!!• Negative space is void of objects and elements!!•!Negative space is a starting point for design


• Logos in the form of words or letters have natural properties that make them visually effective!

• Good recognition!

• Good descriptiveness!

• Good presence


• In a typographic logo, a logo made out of text only, choosing the right font is crucial.!

• In typography there are two kinds of type faces (fonts): serifs and sans-serif.

Serif font

Sans-Seris font

Serif font (red serifs)


Fonts can be manipulated and combined with other fonts in an application such as Illustrator.


Combining two fonts

Manipulating a letter !of a font

Manipulating two !letters of the same font



• Connect information in an organized manner

• Represent different ideas

• Add texture, depth and movement

• Express different moods and emotions

• Highlight different areas and points of interest

• Take the eye across different elements




Color is important yet a good logo starts in black and white.!


The test of a good logo is stripping all of its color and resulting with a logo that is as recognizable.!


Color palette link:!www.colourlovers.com

