Look at those words from Philippians, - Web view12.02.2012 · The word...


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Faith & Life Connections A Daily Devotion &

Resource Guide for Your Spiritual Journey From the Sermon-Teaching

Ministry of Fairhope UMC

“Rejoice!”- Week of February 12, 2012 Psalm 30

Reflections on this week’s message:“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4

“Though the fig tree does not bud  and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD,  I will be joyful in God my Savior.” Habakkuk 3:17-18

Look at those words from Philippians, “Rejoice in the Lord always . . .” I guess it sounds easy enough; or does it? The word “rejoice” suggests a celebration of joy. I don’t always feel like celebrating. It’s easy to look around and say, “what is there to rejoice about?” We live in world filled with pain, sorrow, suffering, trials and sadness. How can we rejoice always? Maybe sometimes we can find cause for celebration; but what about the rest of the time?

It might help if we look at why we should rejoice. First, it doesn’t matter what our situations and cir-cumstances might be; God is still God, seated on His throne and ruling the universe that He created. Next con-sider that nothing can separate us from God’s love. (Rom 8:38-39) And consider the results of our rejoicing. We gain strength and freedom in praise. Nehemiah told the people to not grieve because, “the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) When Paul and Silas were in prison they were praying and singing hymns (re-joicing) and their chains came loose and the prison doors were opened. (Acts 16)

God is telling us that the things we allow to stop us from rejoicing are the very things through which we ought to praise and rejoice. It is in our celebration of His joy that we are lifted to new life. Rejoice and praise God, and when you don’t feel like rejoicing; do it anyway, you will be strengthened and blessed.

Love, Pastor Joe

This Week’s Challenge:Philippians 4:4

Listen to this week’s sermon teaching by clicking the Online Sermons link at www.myfairhopeumc.net.Fairhope United Methodist Church – www.myfairhopeumc.net

Faith & Life ConnectionsBegin with Prayer:Getting Started: Grab your bible & find a quiet, comfortable spot to begin your daily Bible reading. Light a candle & spend a few minutes relaxing, quieting your mind. Keep a notebook nearby to jot down distractions that interfere with your focus to put them out of your mind to deal with later. You may want to play your favorite hymns or praise music softly in the background. To quiet your mind & prepare to focus on God & His Word try one of the prayer exercises found under Spiritual Growth Resources. Then pray the suggested prayer starter personalizing it to your needs & desire for God’s guidance.

This Week's Prayer Starter:

Joyful, Joyful I adore you. God of glory, Lord of love, All heaven and earth reflect your glory! You are the well-spring of the joy of living! How can I keep from rejoicing in you? As I read & study your Word, I hear your call to rejoice in all circumstances. I confess that often I find this so challenging. Open my heart as I read & study your Word today. Lift me to your joy divine. Help me to fully understand that your joy is my strength. Help me to believe in your promise to turn my wailing into dancing! Thank you for helping me to know that through the good times & the bad times, you are always with me, you always care for me, and you always love me. That in itself is reason to rejoice always. Thank you, Lord, for lifting me up when I celebrate Your joy! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

After reflecting & praying through this week’s readings & sermon teaching, I feel God is nudging me to take these steps:

day 1day 1 week of February week of February 1212

Read Psalm 30What reasons does the psalmist give for praising God? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What promise from this passage encourages you in challenging times? Do you seek God or hide from him when challenges come? ___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________Reread verse 4. In what ways do you struggle to believe that you are forgivable, that God’s anger ‘is but for a moment; his favor is for a lifetime’? What burden are you carrying needlessly into God’s joy-filled morning? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Lord promises to turn your wailing into dancing. Do you believe it? Why or why not? ________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ In what ways are you singing and praising the Lord? In what ways do you give thanks to the Lord? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Fairhope United Methodist Church – www.myfairhopeumc.net

Give thanks to God today! Rejoice & sing praises to the Lord! Faith & Life Connections

day 2day 2 week of February week of February 1212

Read Philippians 4:4, & 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19, & Habakkuk 3:1-19

Do you rejoice always? Are you joyful in God your Savior? Why or why not? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Habakkuk was once woeful (see chapters 1 & 2). Why is he now joyful? How has his situation changed? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What things are barren in your life, as in Habakkuk’s day (v. 17)? Are you ready to rejoice in the Lord, anyway? ______ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________What promises does verse 19 hold for you? _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________How does rejoicing in the Lord strengthen you? ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians while in prison. What can you learn from his example of knowing peace & joy even in hard times? Why do you think he repeats these instructions in 1 Thessalonians? Are you listening? ___________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In Habakkuk 3, the prophet’s anxiety over potential or real catastrophes becomes triumph as he rejoices in the Lord. Create your own litany, listing things you’ve lost or fear you might lose. Then add the faith word, yet, that begins verse 18

and express your assurance, your joy, of God’s provision in all circumstances.

day 3day 3 week of February week of February 1212

Read Nehemiah 8:1-12 & Romans 8:38-39Why were the people weeping in the Nehemiah passage? How did you respond when God’s Word first became real for you? Did you weep & mourn? Celebrate with joy? How important is the reading of God’s Word in your personal spiritual renewal? _________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What does Nehemiah proclaim about God’s grace? What does it mean that the joy of the Lord is your strength? How can you cling to the promise that God will give you strength when you fall or when you are weary? _____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What acts of God do you celebrate with regularity and joy? How does rejoicing & praising result in freedom and strength? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Consider that nothing in the entire world, no problem or hardship, can ever separate you from God’s love in Jesus Christ. What does that mean to you? Does this promise inspire you to rejoice? _________________________________________________________________________

Fairhope United Methodist Church – www.myfairhopeumc.net


Praise & give thanks to God for His joy-filled, loving grace that strengthens you and His promise that nothing can separate you from His love in Christ Jesus! Faith & Life Connections

day 4day 4 week of February 12week of February 12Read Acts 16:16-40

Considering what happened to Paul & Silas, are you surprised by their actions in verse 25? ________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________What do you think helped them to continue to trust God despite all that had happened to them? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What helps raise your spirits when you are down? In what ways are you strengthened when you worship and praise the Lord? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What do you think caused the jailer to want to be saved? How does his reaction inspire you to want to rejoice in all circumstances in order to make a difference in order to influence others for Christ?_______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How might the story have ended differently if Paul & Silas had not faithfully prayed and sang hymns to God while in prison? How do their actions inspire you to rejoice in all circumstances? ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Reread this story & imagine yourself in the role of the jailer. Reflect on the emotions you experience.Conclude by rejoicing that you too have ‘become a believer in God’!

day 5day 5 week of February 12week of February 12Read Psalm 89:15-18 & Psalm 126:1-6

According to the Psalm 89 passage, who is blessed? What does it mean to acclaim the Lord? ______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In what ways do you rejoice in the Lord? Is the Lord your glory & strength? Why or why not? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What great things has the Lord done for you? How does He fill you with joy? __________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Has God ever done something so great you had to pinch yourself to see if you were dreaming? _____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________When have you experienced sowing in tears and reaping with songs of joy? _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Remember that God is near & His steadfast love surrounds you, even when you don’t recognize it!Make time to rest in God’s presence & give thanks for the joy of the Lord!

Fairhope United Methodist Church – www.myfairhopeumc.net

Memorize this month’s memory verse: Mathew 7:7

Faith & Life Connections Resource

Family Connection:Family Connection:

Worship & ChildrenWorship & Children

Children look to parents as an example to follow. Parents & grandparents are the primary spiritual leader in the lives of Children look to parents as an example to follow. Parents & grandparents are the primary spiritual leader in the lives of their children. God places a high calling on our responsibility to nurture children in their faith journey. (See Deuteronomytheir children. God places a high calling on our responsibility to nurture children in their faith journey. (See Deuteronomy 6, Psalm 78:1-7, Mark 10:13-16 for some Biblical references.) Guiding your children in worship and helping them to 6, Psalm 78:1-7, Mark 10:13-16 for some Biblical references.) Guiding your children in worship and helping them to understand what worship is about is an important role for parents & grandparents and all involved in the life of a child. understand what worship is about is an important role for parents & grandparents and all involved in the life of a child. Here are a few suggestions:Here are a few suggestions:

Attend church & Sunday school with your children & grandchildren. Attend church & Sunday school with your children & grandchildren. Ask children what they thought about the scripture reading, children’s message, sermon, hymn, or other aspects ofAsk children what they thought about the scripture reading, children’s message, sermon, hymn, or other aspects of

worship. worship. Encourage them to consider how God speaks to them through worship experiences. Encourage them to consider how God speaks to them through worship experiences. Let your children see you in worship so they see that your relationship with God is a priority in your life.Let your children see you in worship so they see that your relationship with God is a priority in your life. Worship together as a family, both corporately and privately.Worship together as a family, both corporately and privately. Explain the order of worship to your children. Use your worship bulletin as a guide. Help them to understand Explain the order of worship to your children. Use your worship bulletin as a guide. Help them to understand

why these things are included in your congregation’s worship experiences.why these things are included in your congregation’s worship experiences. Answer their questions, even if they come up during the worship service. Take advantage of those teachable Answer their questions, even if they come up during the worship service. Take advantage of those teachable

moments.moments. Don’t pretend to know all the answers. If you can’t answer your child’s questions tell them you will explore the Don’t pretend to know all the answers. If you can’t answer your child’s questions tell them you will explore the

answer together. Dig into your Bibles, check out your church library, website, or consult your pastor, director of answer together. Dig into your Bibles, check out your church library, website, or consult your pastor, director of education, or Sunday school teacher.education, or Sunday school teacher.

If your children feel led to express themselves in worship with applause, lifting their hands, moving to music, If your children feel led to express themselves in worship with applause, lifting their hands, moving to music, sharing prayer concerns & joys, etc do not hinder them!sharing prayer concerns & joys, etc do not hinder them!

Encourage your children to lead worship in your home. Give them permission to freely express themselves beforeEncourage your children to lead worship in your home. Give them permission to freely express themselves before God through prayer, scripture reading, music, art, service, etc. God through prayer, scripture reading, music, art, service, etc.

Let your children see you praying, reading your Bible, worshiping, & participating in Bible studies and Christian Let your children see you praying, reading your Bible, worshiping, & participating in Bible studies and Christian fellowship activities. Remember children learn by example!fellowship activities. Remember children learn by example!

Share with your children how your giving of your time, money, & resources is an act of worship. Encourage them Share with your children how your giving of your time, money, & resources is an act of worship. Encourage them to do the same.to do the same.

Tell your children how you see God at work in their lives and in the world!Tell your children how you see God at work in their lives and in the world!

Fairhope United Methodist Church – www.myfairhopeumc.net

Faith & Life Connections Dig Deeper:Dig Deeper:

"John Wesley, founder of Methodism, wrote & taught about the use of money, the dangers of riches, & the importance of giving. Read 2 Corinthians 8:9. Then read the following quotes attributed to John Wesley.

“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, In all the ways you can, in all the places you can,At all the times you can, to all the people you can,As long as ever you can.”

"Earn all you can, save all you can, and give all you can."

How does knowing God lead to generosity? How does rejoicingIn God’s goodness lead to faith, trust, & peace?How might using our material wealth to further the Kingdom deepen our relationship with God & increase our positive impact for God's purposes?

A Personal ChallengeFinding ways to grow deeper in our faith requires opening our hearts to prayer and a willingness to personally evaluate and challenge existing habits. One way to do this is to return a portion of our Financial blessings to God through our tithes and offerings. Our giving recognizes God as the sourceof our blessings. Our gifts help to create and implement ministries that change lives, transform communities, and spread the good news of Christ.

Our membership vows in the UMC call us to be loyal to Christ and the church through our PRAYERS, PRESENCE, GIFTS, SERVICE, & WITNESS.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7, NIV)

How much should I give?Giving comes from the heart, and prayer is essential for determining what to give. Your decision to befaithful in giving originates out of your love for God. This is best seen in John 3:16, “For God so loved theworld that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life” Evaluate your current giving. Does it reflect your blessings? Is it generous? Is it time for you to increase your giving to God and the work of the church? In these questions, you will find your answer.

Fairhope United Methodist Church – www.myfairhopeumc.net

Generosity is a Matter of the Heart!

Expressing my love for GodPrayerfully review this commitment card and consider how God is calling you to give of yourself for His purposes. Return your commitment card next Sunday as an expression of your love for God.

Recognizing the importance of any involvementin God’s work, I commit myself to:

☐ Attend Bible Study and Sunday School☐ Attend Worship☐ Attend a Small Group or Youth Group☐ Serve as I Can (Committee or Team)☐ Pray for Others Inside and Outside the Church☐ Help Teach (Children, Youth or Adults)☐ Help With Special events☐ Participate in Local Service ProjectsOther ways you would like to serve:_______________________________________

My Estimate of GivingI feel that what I can give to the church financially is a very important part of showing my love for Christ.I intend to return a portion of my blessings to the Lord as follows:☐ 12% ☐ 10% ☐ 8% ☐ 6% ☐ 4% ☐ 2%☐ Other ________________

My tithe/offering will be given: __ WEEKLY __ MONTHLY

Beginning Date ___________

Fairhope UMC’s Mission Focus: We exist to love & serve God by loving & serving others, for the purpose of making & maturing disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Faith & Life Connections Resource

Fairhope United Methodist ChurchMembership Covenant

Having professed Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and being in agreement with the church’s purpose and structure, I now feel led by the Holy Spirit to unite with the congregation in membership. In doing so, I commit myself to God and to the other members to do the following:

1.) I will be loyal to Christ and the church by PRAYING.…for all members and refusing to gossip…for church leaders…for pastor and staff

2.) I will be loyal to Christ and the church by my PRESENCE.…as I attend faithfully…at nurturing and equipping opportunities…as I live a godly life

3.) I will be loyal to Christ and the church by my GIFTS.…as I will share the gift of love with other members…as I will faithfully share my resources and make tithing (10%) my goal…as I invited the unchurched and welcome visitors

4.) I will be loyal to Christ and the church by my SERVICE.…as I discover my gifts, talents, and graces for ministry…by developing a servant’s heart…as I assume my area of ministry

5.) I will be loyal to Christ and the church by my faithful WITNESS....as I learn to share my faith story with confidence...as I prayerfully discern who God may be calling me to influence for Christ....by learning how to grow and mature as a faith-sharing disciple through training opportunities.

Signed: ___________________________________ Date: _________________________(Newly received member)

Signed: ___________________________________ Date: _________________________(Pastor/Witness of Covenant)

Fairhope United Methodist Church – www.myfairhopeumc.net

Faith & Life Connections Resource

Drive-Thru Generosity

Practice Extravagant Generosity with your family! Print out a few copies of the following form.

When you are in line at a drive-thru, whether it be at a fast food restaurant, for coffee & donuts, car wash, parking garage, or even a toll booth if you are traveling, practice Extravagant Generosity by paying for the person in line behind you. Ask the clerk to hand them this coupon!

Pray for the person who was the recipient of your generosity! Have fun blessing others with your generosity!What other ways can your family bless someone else?

We are blessed to be a blessing to others!


Hi! You don’t know me, but I just paid for your order.No strings attached. I just felt like doing it.At my church we have been talking about extravagant generosity. I decided I wanted to make a difference in your life today. I hope this encourages you and I hope you will pass the generosity on to someone else.Share your story with us!

On Facebook at www.facebook.com/FairhopeUMC

Email us at christianed@myfairhopeumc.net

Call us at 330-875-2028

Fairhope United Methodist Church – www.myfairhopeumc.net

Fairhope United Methodist Church

5660 Louisville St. NELouisville, Ohio 44641


Fairhope United Methodist Church – www.myfairhopeumc.net
