Lord Dattaguru’s Infinite LOVE


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Thursday 21st June 2007

Mahavardhaman Dr. Yogindrasinh Joshi and Dr. Vishakhaveera Joshi recited the 14th Chapter

of Guru charitra in Sanskrit. While they were reciting P.P.Sadguru Aniruddha Bapu performed the ‘puja’ and ‘abhishek’ on Lord Dattaguru.

P.P. Sadguru Bapu’s Guidance

|| Hari Om ||

Very often I have made this announcement yet many seem to be making the same mistake. Of course there is nothing wrong in saying it but it is better that you correct it. When we say the

‘Ghorakashtodharan stotra, it is ‘Shripad Shrivallabh’ and not

‘Shripad Shrivallabham’. I think I may have told you this about 10-12 times but I think while saying it you get carried away

and you say ‘Shripad Shrivallabham’. By saying it does not

make any difference, it is not going to reach the ghost of Dattaguru. It will definitely reach Dattaguru. We are all literate people, correct? It would better if you concentrate a bit and say

it correctly, instead of saying, ‘Shripad Shrivallabham’ say ‘‘Shripad Shrivallabh twam saddaiv’. Have you understood? In Sanskrit there is first, second, third person and accordingly the meaning changes. We must understand that the

sentiments, feelings do not change. When the mother tells her child, ‘ melya kay kartos’, does she really mean that he should die? Never. Have you understood? Here the feelings are

definitely important but even then it is better if we can correct it.

Year#1 Issue# 136 Date: 03rd Aug 2007

Upasana : Aradhanajyoti 39 Today’s Aradhanajyoti 39 is not difficult. I think most of us know it since our childhood, especially those of my age, that is those above 50. In our childhood in the evening after the sunset prayers ‘Shusham karoti’ would be said followed by this shloka then Ramraksha

would be said, then it would be followed by Hanuman Chalisa or Maruti stotra. Then I think

gradually as we became more educated we started unlearning many good things.

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“Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanabham Suresham |

Vishvadharam Gaganamsadrusham Meghavarnam Shubhangam |

Lakshmikantam Kamalnayanam Yogibhirgyanagamyam |

Vande Vishnum Bhavbhayharam Sarvalokaiknatham ||”

This is the most beautiful ‘dhyan mantra’ of MahaVishnu. Very beautiful. This mantra does

not depict the profile of MahaVishnu. This mantra depicts the attributes of MahaVishnu. This mantra depicts the original attributes of the universe. Let’s see the first word –

“Shantakaram” The One who is Peace and he is “Bhujagashayanam” i.e. lying down

peacefully on the Mahashesh. No movement whatsoever, people think he is sleeping. Let him sleep. But actually he is awake and swaying. With his one swing he can do something drastic. He is ‘Sheshshayani’ (the One sleeping on the shesh), we feel he is sleeping

peacefully and therefore he has become blind, deaf and dumb but it is not so at all. He is sleeping peacefully only for the love

of his children. Whether his eyes are open or closed or he is sleeping does not make a difference. The ones who feel that He

understands only when his eyes are open have not really understood God. Repeatedly in Sai Satcharitra we have been

given hints which we forget. In the last pravachan of 2006 I had told you that many things would change next year. 2007 is the year of change. The first major change was that the

pravachans stopped. Some people gave a sigh of relief that we do not have to listen to his chattering, he would go on talking for an hour, at least that would stop. Some people were sad

that Bapu would not talk. Thereafter we saw that there was a change in Happy Home, 90%

of the offices in it were shifted, 95% of them to the next building. Pratyaksha was totally changed. Thereafter exams were totally changed. Now there will be changes at the Upasana

Kendras. If there has to be a change it should be in totality. You need not get worried that

people would change. Will people be thrown out or the padukas be removed? I do not do silly things like these. Bear it in mind that any change from me would be only constructive and not destructive. When all these changes are happening Bapu himself started doing the

puja. I had told you in the last pravachan of 2006 that everything would change and with that even I would change. I am doing the puja along with you and it is for your benefit. We

heard it but was not registered. I am here to be your friend, your ‘True friend’ . I had told you that I have not come to be a God and sit in your alter. I have come to stay in your house. Do not worry I will not transfer the house in my name, I am not interested in it at all.

I will not barge into your house and take it. Not like this. I definitely want your heart, your

love, your house of love. I have come for it. I have not come to live in your temples. I have always told you that first of all consider me as your friend. Meena vaini was tired of telling you that read Sai Satcharitra properly and then only will you understand who Bapu is? How

is He? What is He? We may have read it and if we are asked any question from ‘Aarti Saibaba’ will we be able to answer it? Which is the important sentence in it? Some may

remember it, “ Bhajan tatrahit apoorna”. Many of you do not remember it, why? Because

we read it fast only for the exams. Saibaba himself tells us in Sai Satcharitra and that also to the eminent devotee Nanasaheb Chandorkar and Hemadpant tells this to us most candidly

that “Datta sarkha pujya daivat asta sahajmargi tishtat, tayache darshan jo varjit, me kay

pavat tayasi” (When the ultimate God, Dattaguru is on your way waiting for you and you ignore him then how can I bless you. ) Did it not ever occur to you that when Sainath one of my five Gurus considers Dattaguru as his God then why is Bapu getting Dattaguru’s puja

done from us? This question should never occur to us because Bapu right from the very first day has laid down his role in a clear cut manner. What was the name of Bapu’s Parel Clinic?

‘ Datta Clinic’, many of my patients are sitting here. What was the name of Bapu’s Dadar Clinic? Where R.C. is there today, ‘Datta Clinic’. What was the name of the clinic at Navneet? Datta Clinic. What is the name of the present clinic? ‘Datta Clinic’. During the month of

Shravan which stotra do we chant? ‘Ghorakashtodharan’ stotra of Dattaguru. On which day

was the special issue published? On Datta Jayanti day. On which day is the festival at Bapu’s house being celebrated? On Datta Jayanti day.

Those who have seen the temple in my house would have seen the Dattaguru’s murti. Therefore you will realize that Bapu has always laid down his role very clearly. In Sai Satcharitra Hemadpant has clearly told us without any inhibitions who Baba calls as his

‘Phakir’, His Boss, his ‘Anal Hakk’. It is the Only One, Dattaguru. “Datta sarkha pujya daivat

asta sahajmargi tishtat, tayache darshan jo varjit, me kay pavat tayasi”. A thorn had gone into Nanasaheb’s foot, Baba tells him that it is good that you got away by the thorn only.

Baba’s most loving, dear devotee yet Baba also warns him, “

You came to meet me and you avoided the darshan of Dattaguru, actually you have done a very big wrong but you have escaped only by a thorn.” Baba had clearly told him

without hiding anything, Hemadpant never kept back anything and Bapu also never keeps back anything. We should just take

what is good and go ahead. If we read the Sai Satcharitra properly then it will not take time for us to understand Bapu. Truly speaking if we read the Sai Satcharitra properly we will

be able to understand not only Bapu but everyone from the

demons to the Gods. It is so beautiful. If we read the ‘Shrimadpurushartha’ then nothing will be incomprehensible to

us. But when we read ‘Prem pravas’ by the first 20-25 pages we get a bit confused about

Parmatma – Parmeshwar, Ghatakash, Patakash but we should go on reading. Don’t you often talk many irrelevant things? Tell me, when you go for an English movie how many sentences do you understand? Tell me the truth. I can guarantee you that apart from 1%

you will not find a single person who has understood each and every word in the movie. Out of 100 words maximum only 90 words are understood, many understand only 10 words.

Some don’t understand even that much. Only words like ‘Thank You’ and ‘Sorry’ are understood. Even then don’t we go to see an English movie? Even if it is a useless movie

which we do not understand yet we go to see it. While seeing Hindi movies do we understand all the words in it? We do not understand the meaning of a few words and the

meaning of the songs are never understood. The granth is far more beautiful. If you do not understand a few pages it doesn’t matter but the more you read the more it seeps into you.

2007 is the year of change as henceforth all the things will be different. We have to change

along with it. Take a simple example, you went from school to college, what will happen if you wear the same half pant and the same shirt? Anyway I think it is the fashion now to

wear three forth or half pants. If I wore those three forth pants my father would have

thrown me out of the house saying what nonsense is this, people would ask, ‘ Your father doesn’t have money to stitch you a full pant?’ When my father was in college he would wear

a double pleated pant, then there was fashion of single pleated pants and only old people

would wear double pleated pants. Thereafter when my generation started going to college

they would wear pants without any pleats and single pleated pants were considered old fashioned. That is my father would wear single pleated pants and grandfather would wear

double pleated pants. Today people are again wearing double pleated pants so it moves in a

circle and one really doesn’t know what the fashion is? What is new and what is old? What is good and what is bad? What changes and what doesn’t change? We have to change

according to the times. It is we who have to change. When going from school to college we

change. While leaving college and taking up a job we have to change. When leaving a job and starting a new -business we have to change. This we must realize. When accepting household duties we change. That means at every stage in life we change and when we do

not change what happens? We are like prisoners. I do not wish to see any of my friends being prisoners. He should always live with pride and self-esteem. He should be able to live

peacefully without fearing anybody. We are as we are , we may make a few mistakes but our dear friend is there to take care of us. How far is our friend ready to take care of us? Till such time we admit our mistakes. If we do not acknowledge our mistakes He is not willing

to take our responsibility. And for this very reason this upasana was started. Here the 14th

chapter of the Guru Charitra is recited. A booklet of this chapter from the main marathi granth was given by our Dada to a few bhaktas and on its first page it is written, “The crest

jewel of Guru Charitra - the fourteenth chapter of the Guru Charitra - The solution for all

sudden disasters and overflowing with loving bhakti.“ This is the crest jewel. We recite the 14th chapter of Guru Charitra in Sanskrit because it can be recited by

everyone easily and secondly the impact of the Sanskrit language and the vibrations created

by them make a deep impact and wherever necessary the impact is deeper. But this chapter, the 14th chapter basically

tells us how sudden disasters can be averted? Only when

loving bhakti increases. His loving grace is always there. You have to increase your bhakti and when we recite the 14th chapter we are glorifying the Guru, Sadguru Dattatreya,

Narsinha Saraswati and Shripad Shrivallabh and then all the disasters are averted but the important thing is that our bhakti

enhances and as are bhakti gets enhanced we get become more peaceful. Remember well that you can never get peace without bhakti. The one who doesn’t do bhakti can get

everything else in this world but he will never get these three

things, peace, contentment and love. Love is pure love, pristine love, unconditional love. They will meet people who will love him only to acquire some benefit. While the one on the

bhakti path will come into contact with people who will love him unconditionally and most

important he will get God’s love. Therefore peace, contentment and love can only be got though bhakti. And for averting all the major disasters, Bapu himself during the recitation of the 14th chapter does the puja of Dattaguru who is my father, Supreme father, my Master

who is my only master. With all of you participating in it I do the puja.

All of you read the meaning of today’s mantra, it is not at all difficult. I shall read it out for you.

“The one whose profile itself is peace, the one who is lying on Mahashesh, the one through

whose navel has arisen a lotus, the Lord of Lords who is the support of the universe, the one who is all-encompassing as the clouds, one who is opulent with all the attributes, one whose complexion is like the dark clouds and is auspicious, the husband of Laxmi, one who

has lotus shaped eyes, the one on whom the yogis meditate, the one who annihilates all fear

and the One and Only Master – I pay my obeisance to this MahaVishnu.”

I shall tell you a secret of the mantra. It starts from ‘Shantakaram’ and ends at

‘Sarvalokaiknatham’. What does ‘Sarvalokaiknatham’ mean? It means ‘Sabka Mallik Ek’. (There is only one master, the Only One).

Starting from “Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanabham Suresham” one describes him and reaches “Vande Vishnum Bhavbhayharam Sarvalokaiknatham”. The last sentence

“Vande Vishnum Bhavbhayharam Sarvalokaiknatham” is very deceptive. It has two different

meanings. It is “Vande Vishnu” and also “Vande Vishnum Bhavbhayharam Sarvalokaiknatham”. Yogindra if it is “Vande Vishnu” what does it mean? We bow to Lord

Vishnu. Not “Vande Vishnum” To whom does Vishnu bow to? Yes , the meaning of “Vande

Vishnu” and “Vande Vishnum” is different. I remembered “Shripad Shrivallabh” because of this. This mantra has been sanctified by MahaVishnu himself for the welfare of mankind, for Dattaguru and for Dattaguru’s infinite love which is my Only strength and through that

flow of love of Dattaguru it has reached to all His children. There are two sides to it. “Vande Vishnum” which is written here and “Vande Vishnu” means who does Vishnu bow to? To

“Sarvalokaiknatham”. There is a lot of confusion in this sentence. It is very simple and I want to tell this today. This is the only shloka in the entire world where at one moment MahaVishnu says to his Master and at the same time every human being says it through

MahaVishnu to attain Dattaguru’s love. Thus this mantra is the umbilical cord. Mother and

child, the child is the ordinary man and the mother is Dattaguru and the umbilical cord which connects the mother and child is MahaVishnu. The mother herself has no existence

and the child on its own has no existence. The child in the womb on its own can never exist.

The child in the womb is there, the mother is there, but there is no umbilical cord, can that child ever live? Will that mother be ever happy? No. Till now we did not understand the difference between Dattaguru, Parmeshwar and Parmatma and Mahavishnu. The child in

the pregnant mother’s womb means the universe. The mother is Dattaguru, Gayatrimata and

the umbilical cord which connects Dattaguru with the universe is MahaVishnu, Paramshiv. When no bhakti is done by us then the umbilical cord is cut and then we do not get the

‘ashtabeej aishwarya’ (eight divine wealth) of the Lord nor the ‘navankur aishwarya’ (nine

kinds of fortune) of the Lord. You may say, “ Bapu, when the child comes out of the mother’s womb then the umbilical cord is cut. Yes, it is cut. This means salvation. If you want to attain salvation you will cut the cord by going the wrong way. What will you achieve by

getting salvation? You will only dissolve in him and will not exist. Instead it is better to be, “You are my God and I am your bhakta”. That is the most happiest state.

|| Hari Om ||

Gajar 1 : gXm gd©Xm `moJ VwPm KS>mdm Ÿ& VwPo H$maUr Xoh _mPm nS>mdm Ÿ& Cnojw ZH$mo JwUd§Vm AZ§Vm Ÿ& aKwZm`H$m _mJUo ho{M AmVm Ÿ&&

“Sada Sarvada Yog Tuza Ghadava

Tuze Karni Deha Maza Padava

Upekshu Nako Gunvanta Ananata

Raghunayaka Magane Heychi Aata”

Gajar 2 : : A{ZéÕmÀ`m ZmdmZo _r dmo Jm|Ywi _m§{S>bm h[a ›, h[a ›, h[a › Eogm JOa _r Ho$bm Ÿ& ~mny _mPm AmZ§Xo S>mobbm JOa _r Ho$bm ~mny _mPm ^º$m§V a§Jbm &

“Aniruddhachya Navane Me Yo Gondhala Mandila

Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Yaisa Gajar Me Kela

Bapu Maza Anande Dolala

Gajar Me Kela

Bapu Maza Bhaktat Rangala”

Arti –

1. "AmaVr gmB©~m~m gm¡»`XmVmam Ordm....' 2. "› gmB© lr gmB© O` O` gmB©am_...'

1. “Arti Saibaba saukhadatara jeeva”

2. “Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai SaiRam”

|| Hari Om ||

Aniruddha's Bank of Ramnaam

Total no of accounts : 1,08,566

'Ram' Naam : 11,556,049,680

'Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram' : 722,253,105

'Krishna' Naam : 2,889,012,420

'Dattaguru' Naam : 1,444,506,120

'Jai Jai Aniruddha Hari' : 722,253,105

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