Love is the only feeling that should have the real power over people


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Руководитель: Щербатых А. И.Автор: Рыбаконова Елизавета

Номинация: «Электронный читательский дневник»Возрастная группа: 8 – 10 г. Борисоглебск, 2013

БЁРНС Роберт СтихотворенияБРОНТЕ Шарлотта «Джен Эйр», «Городок» КЭРРОЛЛ Льюис «Алиса в Стране Чудес»О’ГЕНРИ Рассказы («Дары волхвов», «Последний лист», «Персики», «Русские соболя», «Пурпурное платье», «Пока ждёт автомобиль»)ОСТИН Джейн «Разум и чувства», «Гордость и предубеждения» РОЛЛИНГ Джоан «Гарри Поттер»СТИВЕНСОН Роберт Льюис «Остров Сокровищ». ТОЛКИЕН Джон Роналд Руэл «Хоббит»; «Властелин колец»УАЙЛЬД Оскар «Портрет Дориана Грея» ШЕКСПИР Уильям «Ромео и Джульетта»

BURNS Robert Poems BRONTE Charlotte «Jane Eyre», «Villette» CARROLL Lewis «Alice in Wonderland» O’HENRY Short stories («The Gift of the Magi», «The Last leaf», « Little Speck in Garnered Fruit », «Vanity and Some Sables», «The purple dress», «While the auto waits»)AUSTIN Jane «Sense and sensibility», «Pride and prejudice»ROLLING Joan «Harry Potter» STEVENSON Robert Louis «Treasure Island».TOLKIEN John Ronald Reuel «Hobbit»; «The Lord of the Rings»WILDE Oscar « The Picture of Dorian Gray»SHAKESPEARE William «Romeo and Juliet»

Life is so short, but so many people

waste it with long fights,

finding out who is right or who is wrong.

Love is the only feeling

that should have the real power over people.

This was love of the main characters of the best work written by William Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet”. [1,2] These young boy and girl are the endless and the eternal alive proof that love can conquer all.

The first lady of English literature Jane Austen,"incomparable Jane". Her creativity impresses every reader of her works.

Her best novel is “Pride and Prejudice” [3] where

every sentence is filled with the deepest

instructive sense.

I believe this novel is for teenagers, thanks to the fact that not only the main characters (Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy), but every minor character reveals for us the world of human relations. This novel teaches us not to be influenced by the circumstances and the opinion of others, but always to try to listen to your heart.

«Alice in Wonderland» [4] is a remarkable work of a talented mathematician Lewis Carroll. I believe that

every single person who reads this work has thought of the basic idea. And it seems to me that the answer lies

on the surface.

Lewis Carroll presented a magic fairy tale with a magic

diversity of language. This is the reason

why lots of the phrases of this remarkable story turn

into quotations. For me «Alice in

Wonderland» becomes something special, like a handbook…

«Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction» (Doorknob). Etc.

« Not all is gold that glitters».

In my opinion this simple truth is the main idea of

the novel «The Picture of Dorian Grey» [5] written by

Oscar Wilde.

In any situation, under any circumstances, should not be forgotten the factthat the inner, spiritual beauty is much more important. «The main thing is not seen» (с)

Probably there will be no teenager who does not love the wonderful adventures of Harry Potter. [6] But in my

opinion, you can only understand the true meaning of the work by reading a story about a gifted boy, written

by the famous English writer Joanne Katheline Rowling in original.

A lot of important details are messed in the film. Many people addict to this product because of attractive miracles. But I think there is wonder in the other, not in magic and spells. There is a magic in human relations.

Only being together three loyal friends

(Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron

Weasley), supporting and helping each other

in every case, can defeat the evil

presented in the book as the main villain Volan

de Mort.

1. Шекспир Уильям. Трагедии; Пер. с англ. Б. Пастернака. – М.: Правда, 1983.2. Shakespeare William. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet; На англ. яз. – Новосибирск: Сибирское университетское издательство, 2006.3. Кэрролл Льюис. Приключения Алисы в Стране Чудес; Пер. с англ. Н. Демуровой. – М.: Правда, 1985.4. Остин Джейн. Гордость и предубеждения; Пер. с англ. И. Маршака. – М.: Эксмо, 2008.5. Уайльд Оскар. Портрет Дориана Грея; Пер. с англ. В. Чухно. – М.: Эксмо, 2009.6. Роллинг Джоан. Серия книг о Гарри Поттере; Пер. с англ. М. Литвиновой, С. Ильина, М. Лахути и др. – М.: Росмэн, 2003 – 2007.
