LS Newsletter 01 2012 PMR SpecialEdition


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SpectrumLS telcom Customer News Magazine

Spec ia l Ed it ion PMR Special Edition 01l 2012

Special Edition

LS telcom – The Perfect Partner for Your PMR Project! Our Solution to Design, Introduce and Operate your TETRA Network!

LS telcom plans TETRA Network for Saudi Aramco

Finally, more than 7.600 end-user terminals are connected to the new TETRA network.A peculiarity for radio network plan-ners is the network design in Shay-bah, one of the world’s major crude oil and gas producing regions. It is situated in the south- east of Saudi Arabia and borders on the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The whole region is made up of solidified desert and sand dunes. The production sites are located 70 metres above sea level in salt flats, so-called ‚Sabkhas‘ forming along arid coastlines. They are all surrounded by dunes which are between 180 and 200 metres

high. 95 % of the network coverage for this area will now be provided by base stations and outdoor repeaters. Several drive tests at an outdoor tem-perature of 50 degrees Celsius were necessary in order to guarantee meti-culous network planning. Shaybah is one of the hottest desert areas in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Aramco is a state-owned oil company of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Aramco story began in May 1933 with signing a concession agreement between the government of Saudi Arabia and the Standard Oil Company of California (Socal). The company name was

changed to Arabian American Oil Company (Aramco) in 1944. Between 1973 and 1980, the Saudi Arabian government acquired an economic interest in Aramco‘s operations in stages. In 1980, essentially all of Aramco‘s assets were transferred to the government. In 2000, Saudi Aramco was declared for the eleventh time the largest crude oil production company in the world by the trade journal Petroleum Intelligence Weekly.

LS telcom plans the TETRA net-work for Saudi Aramco in the East-ern Provinces of Saudi Arabia on behalf of Sumitomo Corporation. During the planning, particular attention is paid to assure contin-uous network coverage at operati-onal sites, including refineries, administrative sites, on- and off-shore oil-production sites and along pipelines.The existing analogue network will be replaced by a highly available and secure TETRA network. The complete project, which is managed by the Japanese Sumi-tomo Corporation, includes the planning, design, installation and launch of the new network as well as the migration from the existing analogue network to the newly-designed TETRA network. The indoor coverage of operational sites and tunnel systems, data transmission and special require-ments for end-user terminals are another focus of the project.The first phase of the project involves the determination of planning objectives and specifica-tions, the coordination of planning parameters and the definition of outdoor and indoor coverage goals. The network is then planned step by step going through different design reviews until the network design is finalised. Based on this final network design the sites and necessary infra-structure are prepared in the second project phase. The base stations and repeaters are con-structed and put into operation.

Special Edition 01l 2012 I PMR 02

LS telcom plans TETRA Network Infrastruc-ture for the Underground „Rheinbahn” of the German City of Düsseldorf On the occasion of the switchover from analogue to digital radio, LS telcom is currently planning the complete new integrated antenna system for the underground part of the Metropolitan’s “Rheinbahn”. First of all, the actual situation was ana-lysed, preliminary studies were evalua-ted and exact requirements were defined. A detailed action plan was then

developed in a step-by-step approach in coordination with all participating autho-rities and other professional consultants. This plan together with a cost budget calculation, which was set up in parallel was the basis for the preparations of the tender process. LS telcom assisted the bid evaluation and is now supporting the quality and cost control of the network installation.

LS telcom carried out a TETRA project for Sasol at their Secunda facilities.Sasol is an integrated energy and chemicals company. They use coal, oil and gas to produce liquid fuels, fuel components and chemicals. In a hazardous environment of chemical production with high operational costs, secure and reliable communica-tion between the different production facilities and the coal mining sites is indispensable. It is obvious that in such an environment the accuracy of the network design is particularly criti-cal. LS telcom was responsible for the RF planning tasks which included the microwave link and TETRA planning. The project included the replacement of the old analogue two way radio sys-tem by the new TETRA system and the planning of a new TETRA network pro-viding in addition to the secure radio communication at the main plant and between the different coal mines.The network is now installed and in operation. As the planning achieved the required accuracy, LS telcom was also selected for the TETRA network planning of other pro-duction sites in South Africa.

TETRA Planning for Sasol in South Africa

SCADA* Radio Planning for Berri Offshore Oil FieldSaudi Aramco is looking for a supervi-sory control and data acquisition (SCADA) communication system to gather and process data from its off-shore oil producing platforms located in the Berri Field in the Northern Ara-bian Gulf (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). The system will connect the SCADA host located onshore with several remote terminal units (RTU) on the oil producing platforms using UHF nar-row band radio technology working in the 330-350 MHz range.LS telcom, invited by Worley Parsons Petrocon Consortium, will be con-ducting the radio frequency planning for this system.The scope of the study is to determine how many onshore base stations are required to serve all offshore remote radios. In a second stage the technical configuration for the base stations and the RTUs will be planned. Finally, to ensure interference free operation of the system, on-site measurements will also be performed.

*SCADA stands for supervisory control and data acquisition. It generally refers to industrial control systems: computer systems that monitor and control indus-trial, infrastructure, or facility-based processes. You can find more informa-tion at:

LS telcom radio experts analysed the achieved coverage of the BOS digital radio network in Berlin.During the project different optimisa-tion solutions are examined and further proposals for potential impro-vement are made including cost opti-mization. Network coverage and achieved coverage capacity were analysed by LS telcom experts using the TETRA planning tool xG-Planner. The analysis was also based on measurement data, which was collected during test drives, carried out by a partner com-pany. In a second step, these results were used to elaborate tangible optimisa-tion approaches together with the “Projektgruppe Digitalfunk-BOS Berlin”, the project group responsible for the preparation, implementation and launch of the digital network for German security authorities and orga-nisations (BOS) in Berlin.

LS telcom optimises BOS Digital Radio Network in Berlin

Network Planning for Authorities and Emergency Forces in the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyLS telcom plans the digital mobile radio access network for the police in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein in Germany. The project includes the set up of the network design, the specification of tender requirements and bid evaluation. Project management and documentation during the system con-struction phase is also under

LS telcom‘s responsibility. LS telcom radio experts have designed the complete access network, connec-ting all existing TETRA base stations. This will essentially be done through microwave link technology. The plan-ning includes necessary site survey tests, the verification of line of sight and the acceptance test of the ins-talled sites.

TETRA-Coverage in Hamburg‘s Under-groundFor underground emergency operations, LS telcom plans the indoor tunnel coverage and capacity for the “Hambur-ger Hochbahn”, the Underground of the City of Hamburg. At the beginning of the project, all parti-cipating parties assembled and agreed on the requirements and the constraint conditions. After that, a detailed plan-ning concept including a cost budget was set up. In order to realise the pro-ject in the most economic way, the consultants also set great store by syn-ergy effects using the existing infra-structure. Finally, LS telcom supported the “Hamburger Hochbahn” with acceptance and type approval proce-dures, by accompanying the coverage measurements.

The Saudi Arabian Oil Company (SAUDI ARAMCO) currently uses UHF radio links to provide wireless connec-tivity for SCADA remote terminal units (RTUs) installed at locations like Oil and Water injection wellheads and Cathodic Protection Stations along pipelines. For selected links the UHF links shall be migrated into the existing TETRA mobile radio network. In a first step the migration is planned for 560 SCADA systems and 560 CP systems. In the frame of this project LS telcom AG has been selected to investigate various aspects of SCADA over TETRA solutions like system reliability, system load and protocol performance. Also an evaluation of different solutions and technologies for SCADA over TETRA on the market is done.The results of the studies will build the base for a detailed functional system description of a SCADA over TETRA solution that will allow SAUDI ARAMCO to make the appropriate decisions and manufacturer selection to fulfill the project requirements.

Concept for SCADA via TETRA

Üstra Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe, the transport company of the City of Hannover, wants to equip their under-ground rail network with digital TETRA technology. LS telcom will design the concept for the network including coverage simulations, link budget and the determination of network equip-ment. The results will be shown per station and for each tunnel stretch.

TETRA Network for the Underground Railway of Hannover

LS telcom experts developed BOS-TETRA in-building radio coverage concepts for the cities Hamburg and Bremen. Buildings and objects where in-buil-ding coverage need to be guaranteed have been identified by the authori-ties. These include railway stations, airports, tunnel systems and shopping centres. First of all, LS telcom experts carried out simulation calculations to check at which site the deployment of a spe-cial indoor radio system should be further investigated, i.e. through mea-surements, because of sufficient out-door coverage around that site. The LS telcom engineers also made sug-gestions for specifications destined to indoor radio system contractors and, following the general requirements, checked which site could be connec-ted to which base station. The indoor TETRA coverage concept allows the City of Hamburg to enable communication in buildings in the most optimal way. The same concept is currently being developed for the City of Bremen. Additionally, in Bre-men, LS telcom engineers carried out coverage measurements for the foot-ball stadium, the „Weser-Stadion“ and the “Hemelinger” tunnel.

Concepts for BOS-TETRA In-building Coverage

03Special Edition 01l 2012 I PMR

Mobile networks for security applications in particular have to be available indoor as well as outdoor. The coordination of action forces, for instance, requires smooth communication in buildings, as well. Depending on the kind of the building and the distance to the next base station a complete coverage ’from outside’ is not possible. In this case, custom-tailored and optimised solutions are necessary for individual building types.

Indoor Coverage - Communication Everywhere!

System Design, Planning, Analysis and Optimisation:• Distributed antenna systems• Leaky cable• Cell enhancer• RF over fibre

System Implementation:• Procurement process• Project management and documentation• Commissioning• Measurements

Planning Tool for In-Building Network DesignStay in control of your projectWith iBwave Design*, RF engineers can automate in-building wireless network design and eliminate guesswork, to bring strong, reliable wireless communications indoors. It helps you design for TETRA, 3G and LTE in high-volume, indoor and near-building locations. And since small cells are increasingly used to handle capacity requirements, in-building solutions are becoming more critical and complex, making it even more essential to work with a tool that pro-vides superior designs.iBwave Design takes you through network planning, design, costing, validation, documentation and reporting, deliver-ing top performance, reducing capital expenditure and increasing your productivity. It provides the right mix of us- ability, control, and flexibility so that you can simulate real project situations, accurately predict coverage before deployment or quickly change how you have configured your design to see if there is a more cost-effective way to build it out. You can be confident in your streamlined designs, cutting antennas without compromising coverage and leveraging outdoor signals.

TETRA-Coverage in Buildings and Tunnel Systems In order to guarantee consistent communication everywhere and any times at the premises of Saudi Aramco (also see article page 1), a great number of buildings and tunnel systems have to be equipped with TETRA indoor-systems.Indoor coverage objectives are already taken into account when the overall outdoor network is planned. This way indoor coverage for many of the buildings can already be provid-ed through the initial outdoor net-work infrastructure.However, outdoor network infra-structure quickly meets the limits when it comes to the indoor coverage needs of explosion-proof buildings, bunker- and tunnel sys-tems. These structures often have to be equipped with repeater systems to ensure seamless indoor commu-nication. Whether additional indoor infrastruc-ture for a certain site is necessary, is determined during the overall out-door network planning and is based on computer simulations and meas-urements. Possible interferences or repercussions of indoor radio com-munication on the overall outdoor network are analysed at the same time. The complete planning, dimen-sioning and implementation of indoor systems are realised by experts of LS telcom.

TETRA In-Building Design for World Culture Centre LS telcom is designing the TETRA in-building system for the King Abdulaziz Centre for World Culture in Dharan, Saudi Arabia. The Centre consists of five buildings located at the heart of the Saudi-Ara-bian Oil Fields and will provide multi-ple facilities to the general public such as a library, a museum, a media and visitor centre, youth facilities and exhi-bition and event facilities.LS telcom experts specified the tech-nical equipment and designed the TETRA indoor repeater system. To start with the LS telcom engineers developed the overall design concept, examined the coverage and traffic requirements of the users and deter-mined restrictions and limitations.

The resulting in-building design was documented with various coverage plots, drawings show-ing indoor antenna locations and cable routing,link budget calculations,system specificationsand equipment lists. LS telcom planners used the in-building planning tool ‘iBwave Design’ and the TETRA planning tool ‘xG-Planner’ for this study. In preparation of the study they had to retrieve, review and eva-luate drawings of the complete complex and import these into the tools.

LS telcom & iBwave joined forces to offer in-building planning for the public safety sector.iBwave, the international provider of in-building wireless software solutions, has signed a reseller agreement that will enable LS telcom – a leading supplier of radio engineering services and system solutions for high-end wireless network planning - to dis-tribute iBwave’s expertise and products.

Vendor independent and experienced, LS telcom assists you in any kind of coverage project:

LS telcom AGAmtsgericht Mannheim,

HRB 211164Board: Dr. Manfred Lebherz,

Dr. Georg Schöne, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Götz

USt-IdNr.: DE211251018

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Special Edition 01 l 2012 I PMR

Training and Seminar CoursesPMR/TETRA TrainingPMR - Professional Mobile Radio17th - 18th September 2012

Radio Network Planning for PMR/TETRA Networks19th - 21st September 2012

Our complete Training Calendar can be downloaded from our website:

Alternatively you may contact Ms Sandra Lahm by email to or by

tel: +49 (0) 7227 9535 482 for further information on our

seminars or for our customised training programmes


TETRA World Congress 2012 Dubai, UAE 15th- 17th May 2012 Booth no.: J501

PMRmobil 2012 Nürnberg 22nd May, Hannover 23rd May, Cologne 24th May PMRExpo 2012 Cologne, Germany 27th - 29th Nov 2012


PMR/TETRA Network Design & OptimisationOur professional services for your success!

HeadquartersLS telcom AG, Germany

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+49 (0) 7227 9535 600 +49 (0) 7227 9535 605

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+1 (0) 613 228 4112 +1 (0) 613 228 4113

LS telcom SAS, France

4 av Morane-Saulnier, Bât. A78140 Vélizy France

+33 (0) 1 3926 8585 +33 (0) 1 3926 8586

LS of South Africa RadioCommunications (Pty) LTD

131 Gelding Ave, Ruimsig, Roodepoort, 1724 JohannesburgSouth Africa

+27 (0) 11 958 5153 +27 (0) 86 569 1419

LS telcom Inc.,USA

716 Melvin Avenue,Annapolis, MD 21401USA

+1 (0) 410 703 6088

Imprint© 2012 for all photos and texts: LS telcom Group if not stated otherwise

Editor: Christiane Labitzke, Roland Götz Layout: Sabrina Scheck

LS telcom is a member of the

TETRA & Critical Communi-unications Association

The TETRA & Critical Communica-tions Association was established in December 1994 to create a forum which could act on behalf of all interested parties, representing users, manufacturers, application providers, integrators, operators, test houses and telecom agencies. Today, the TETRA & Critical Com-munications Association repre-sents more than 150 organisations from all continents of the world.

PMeV (Verband Professionel-ler Mobilfunk e. V.), the German association for public mobile radio

The PMeV pursues integrated approaches to the use of stand-ardised technologies for the needs of PMR users. In collaboration with the appropriate standardisation bodies and in close consultation with regulatory authorities and users the PMeV is a proactive con-tributor to the standardisation and further development of PMR servi-ces.

PMR/TETRA Planning &Optimisation SoftwareBetter Design of the Wirless World
