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LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015





LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015


ü Mobile & Fixed Plant / HVAC Filtration Systems- Background. ü It is the “Dust that we can not see” that is the most harmful ü Australian / WHO Workplace Contamination Exposure- Statistics. ü Guidelines, Codes of Practice & Legislation related with Workplace Exposure of Airborne

Particulate/ Fibre. ü Defining PCBU (Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking) under the WHS Act. ü SafeWork- Workplace Particulate & Fibre- OEL Compliance. ü Safework- Workplace Particulate & Fibre- OEL / PEL (Occupation / Personal Exposure Limits). ü Other Health / Safety Considerations- “Its not just all about Dust”. ü Quality Cabin Environmental Air System Design- Consideration, Requirements, Concepts &


q The following Presentation provides a brief understanding of:


§ External Air Filtration / Cabin Pressurisation. § Internal Air- Recirculation Filtration.

§ Design Concepts- Primary Functions § Environmental Differences / Considerations. § Co2 Concentration. ü Filter Elements / Media Explained. ü In- Cabin Sensors / Monitor Alarm Unit. ü QCEA System- How it Works ü QCEA System Technology- Examples. ü QCEA System- Future Developments ü Summary

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015


Particulate & Fibre Exposure in the Workplace

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

Mobile & Fixed Plant / HVAC Filtration Systems- Background

q Filtration Panels / Cartridges of conventional Systems are not adequately sealed or / & do not use HEPA Grade Filter Media & so will not provide ALARA or compliancy to OEL Legislation.

q Most Pressurisers are provided for External Air & not for Recirculation Air (Panel Media is non- compliant).

q Mobile / Fixed Plant Cabins are subjected to "dusty" contaminated operating environments- eg Mining, Quarrying, Construction, Earthmoving, Fertiliser, Cement, Agriculture, Timber & many others.

q These environments contain airborne particulate / fibres that can cause severe lung disease & other short & long term health issues.


Mobile & Fixed Plant HVAC / Filtration Systems- Background

HVAC / Filtration costs to operations are extensive for:

q Frequent Filter Media replacement.

q Labour for Filter Element exchange.

q Electrical Equipment failure & replacement.

q Frequent & premature failure of HVAC

components ($10,000- $30,000 / annum /


q Associated loss of Production, etc.

q HVAC (Air- conditioning) Systems do not provide

adequate Cabin Filtration or Cabin


Internal Recirculation Panel Filter- blocked after only 50 hours.

“Chocked” / failed Evaporator Coil of HVAC

after 250 hours


LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

It is the “Dust” that we can not see! Airborne Particulate- Fibres

“It is the Dust that we can not see that is the most harmful”- Video- UK Occupational Health & Safety- Dust in Lungs



LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

World Health Organisation- Statistics

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015


q Combined they are the leading cause of deaths in the world. q National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey & American

Thoracic Society estimates that overall 19.2% of COPD cases could be attributed to workplace exposure to contaminants.

q Exposures include organic & inorganic dusts, chemical agents & fumes / exhaust.

q Occupations at high risk are involved in the moving of dirt, crushing of rock, processing of minerals, agricultural, transportation of commodities, etc- all create opportunities for high quantities of respirable dust exposure.

Source: World Health Organisation Data / Strategic Plan for Addressing COPD in


q Lung disease in the WHO data (2012) is divided into three categories: ü Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), ü Lower Respiratory Infection (LRI), ü Trachea Bronchus & Lung Cancers.

Australian Workplace Contamination Exposure- Statistics

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015


2010- ISBN 978-0-642-33092- Australian National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance Report.

q 39% of Australian workers were exposed to Airborne hazards in the workplace.

q Young workers were more likely to be exposed to airborne hazards than older workers.

q Occupations with the highest likelihoods of exposure to airborne hazards included: Technicians & Trades Workers, Machinery Operators, Drivers & Labourers, etc.

q 23% of workers who reported they were exposed to airborne hazards were not provided with any airborne hazard controls.

q Asthma is rapidly on the rise due to workplace exposure to contaminants Australia.

2000- 2007 Comp Claims for

Respiratory Disease

Standards + References+ Code of Practice- Workplace Exposure

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015


SafeWork Australia Standards, Guides & Codes of Practices referenced:

q 2012- ISBN 978-0-642-78409: A Guide to the Model SafeWork Health & Safety Act.

q 2012 2013- ISBN 978-1-74361-048: Guide on the Interpretation of Workplace Exposure

Standards for Airborne Contaminants.

q 2013- ISBN 978-1-74361-055: Workplace Exposure Standards for Airborne Contaminants.

q 2011- ISBN 978-0-642-33315: How to Manage & Control Asbestos in the Workplace.

q 2012- SB13-03: Safety Bulletin Diesel Emissions in Mines.

q 2010- ISBN 978-0-642-33092: Australia National Workplace Surveillance Report.

Please note that there maybe other applicable Standards, Codes of Practice, Regulations & the general historical trend is that currently accepted OEL / PEL Exposure Levels are revised / lowered.

Standards + References+ Code of Practice- Workplace Exposure

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015


q 2013- ISBN 978-1-74361-055: Provides details on the frequency of sampling, record keeping

& other details on PEL (Personal) / OEL (Occupational) Exposure Limits.

ü OEL / PEL must be frequently recorded & records kept for 30 years after the date the

record is made.

ü Details are readily accessible to persons at the workplace who may be exposed to a

substance or mixture.

ü This Standard also lists the various types of Contaminants & their OEL / PEL (Exposure

Limits) based upon a TWA 8 hours working period. For longer working shift this limits are

reduced according to (eg) Brief & Scala calculation for extended working hours.

q 2013- ISBN 978-1-74361-048: Provides guidance on the interpretation of workplace

Exposure Standards for Airborne Contaminants which reiterates & discusses in more detail

the 013- ISBN 978-1-74361-055.

Standards + References+ Code of Practice- Workplace Exposure

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015


q 2011- ISBN 978-0-642-33315 & 2012- SB13-03 Diesel Emissions in Mines: Standards / Bulletin is related to Asbestos Exposure + DPM (Diesel Particulate Matter) Exhaust (carcinogens).

q 2010- ISBN 978-0-642-33092: Provides statistics / issues for Exposure to Dust (Particulate), Gases, Vapours, Smoke, Fumes & the provision of implementing Control Measures for Airborne Hazards in Australian workplaces.

q 2012- ISBN 978-0-642-78409 Guide- WHS Act 2012 (WHS Act – Mines- 2014): ü Defines a PCBU as a “Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking”. ü PCBU’s are part of the "Chain of Accountability" or "Chain or Responsibility“. ü PCBU’s are Suppliers, Designers, Importers, Manufacturers, Responsible Individuals-

LSM Technologies & You are PCBU’s. ü Non- Compliance carries severe penalties.

RESPA- HVAC (PFP)- SD + SDX + ICPSensor- ESSENTIALS Presentation Copyright – LSM Technologies

OEL compliance is not just for RCS (Respirable Crystalline Silica)- but also other Particulate & Fibres that are Respirable such as asbestos, nickel, alumina, DPM (Diesel Particulate Matter), etc. The 2013- ISBN 978-1-74361-

055: Workplace Exposure Standards should be referenced to ascertain respective OEL limits.

q The current Australian SafeWork Standards ( legislates exposure limits: üFor RCS is < 0.1 mg / m3 Air Breathed TWA (Time Weighted Average) for a 8 hour shift. üAsbestos 0.1 Fibre / ml & L/ W ratio of 3:1, DPM as for RCS- MDG29- not published). üA 12 hour shift using the Brief & Scala adjusted calculation, RCS OEL < 0.05 mg/ M3

(TWA). üTesting is to be recorded / completed frequently- MSHA (USA) have implemented CPM

(Continuous Particulate Monitoring) for Coal Mines.

Safework- Workplace Particulate & Fibre- OEL Compliance

q To achieve Compliance: üAll Respirable Particulate >0.3u be removed @ 99.97% arrestance (AS 4260-1997). üIn the case of Fibre / DPM (carcinogens) exposure- HEPA Filter Media of >H13 / H14

must be used (EN1822 Standards).


LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

q Testing is completed according to:

üAS3640-2009 Workplace atmosphere- Method for sampling of inhalable dust.

üAS 2985-2009: Workplace atmospheres – Method for sampling - respirable dust

Other Health / Safety Considerations- “It’s not just all about Dust”

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015


Other aspects of Compliance, OH&S issues that need to be considered are: q CO2 Concentration: (AIRAH: 700- 1,000 ppm limits) drowsiness, loss of concentration,

fatigue, micro- sleeps, acidosis.

q Exhaust Air Flows: Fresh Air (Exhaust Air) Flow is required to off- set Co2- AIRAH 10-15 l / seconds (20-30 Cfm) / Occupant.

q Optimising Operator Thermal conditions: Avoids Fatigue & Micro- sleeps, enhances Productivity.

q Rapid Filtration of Recirculation Air: Entrapped Contamination enters via Operators clothing / boots, opening of doors / windows, etc (20-30 / hour Volume of Cabin).

Cabin Pressurisation:

q There is no Australian Standard for minimum / maximum Cabin Pressurisation.

q NIOSH1 states “reasonable range” 20-60 pascal (although tests have shown that at 60 kph=

external Wind pressure of 100 pascal).

q EN474-1:2014-03- Earthmoving Machinery Safety- Part 1 states 50 pascal.

q LSM suggest >80 pascal with optimum between 120-150 pascal / 200 maximum. NIOSH1 Source: H&S Workshop Key Cab Factors NIOSH Presentation 2013

Lung Foundation of Australia “Check in with your Lungs”

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015


“Check in with Your Lungs”

q Commercial run

during February-

April 2014 by the

Lung Foundation

of Australia. q Poor Lung Health

effects 1 in every 10


LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015



Fresh Air Supply / Co2

Concentration / Exhaust Air


Optimise Cabin Pressurisation >80- Optimum 120-150 / 200 Max Pascal

Flow Limitations for HEPA

Media Integrity

Additional Flow Rate to

reduce Vehicle Leakage work.

Quick Filtration of

Recirculation / Internal Air

Optimum Thermal

Efficiency / Operator Comfort

Maximise Filter

Service Life

Maximise HVAC

Service Life + Functions

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

Differences in Cabin Type /

Operating Parameters- eg LVehicle / HME

/ Crusher Cabin

Quality Cabin Environmental Systems- Design Concepts

Exposure Compliance /

Maximise Health

RESPA- HVAC (PFP) Precleaner + Filtration + Pressuriser Technology Presentation Copyright – LSM Technologies

QCEA Systems- Design Concepts- Primary Functions (18)

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

Fresh Air Supply / Co2

Concentration / Exhaust Air


[Fresh / Clean Air into the Cabin. [Compliant to SafeWork Standards (Merv16+ or HEPA >H13 / H14). [Same Filtration Media- both for External & Recirculation Air. [Offset Co2 Concentration (AIRAH 700 / 1,000 ppm). [Exhaust Air (AIRAH 10-15 l/s / Occupant).

Maximise Filter Service


Flow Limitations for HEPA Media


Additional Flow Rate to

reduce Vehicle Leakage work.

[ Increased Flow Rate- reduce Sealing Work to the Cabin. [Keep within limitations of Filter Media. [Care not to “agitate” settled Contaminates (eg floor, windows, dash,

seats, etc)- do not desire a “tornado” in Cabin. [Keep within limitations of Filter Media. [HEPA is fragile- HEPA Media is normally designed as Panel Filters

for Static Enclosures- eg Buildings- not Mobile Plant (vibration, machine movement, temperature, high air flows / velocity, etc).

[ Increased Flow Rate can lower Arrestance Efficiency, Damage Media- shorten Service Life of Filter.

[ Increased Flow Rate- reduces Filter Service Life. [Quicker loading of Filter & premature Damage.

RESPA- HVAC (PFP) Precleaner + Filtration + Pressuriser Technology Presentation Copyright – LSM Technologies

QCEA Systems- Design Concepts- Primary Functions (19)

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

[Rapidly remove entrapped Airborne Contamination (20-30 / Hour of Cabin Volume) especially due to ingress from opening of Doors, Windows, Operator Clothing, Machine movement / agitation of settled contamination- not to be used as “vacuum cleaner”.

Optimise Cabin Pressurisation >80- Optimum 120-150 / 200 Max Pascal

Quick Filtration of Recirculation /

Internal Air

Optimum Thermal Efficiency /

Operator Comfort

Maximise HVAC Service Life +


[Over Pressurisation (>200 pascal) may cause pain to Operators ears, undue pressure on Windows & permanent distortion of Seals.

[ Increased thermal comfort means enhanced productivity / reduced risk of micro- sleeps / fatigue.

[Quicker cabin Cooling- less potential for opening of Doors & Windows whilst in use.

[Higher arrestance efficiency= less inundation to Fan & Evaporator.

[Additional “Chiller” Dual Air- conditioning= less loading of Compressor- longer service life.

RESPA- HVAC (PFP) Precleaner + Filtration + Pressuriser Technology Presentation Copyright – LSM Technologies

QCEA Systems- Environmental Differences / Considerations (20)

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

Light Vehicles. [Higher Co2 Concentration: Multiple Occupants- 1 x Occupant >3,000

ppm in 8 minutes. [Higher Thermal Loading: More occupants, frequent stand still (latent

heat build- up),smaller HVAC. [Recirculation Air Filtration: Quicker Contamination removal- more

frequent opening of Doors & Windows (ingress / egress)- Inundation.


in Cabin Type /

Operating Parameters

Eg LVehicle /

HME / Crusher Cabin

/Electrical Cabinets,


HME Vehicles. [ Less Co2 Concentration: Usually Single Occupant. [ Lower Thermal Loading: Usually operational full shift. [Recirculation Air Filtration: Less frequent opening of Doors, etc.

Crusher / Static Cabins. [ Larger Area / Cabin Volume. [Frequent Open of Doors / Inundation. [Higher developed internal Temperatures- Static Building.

How Important is Co2 Concentration?

[QCEA System must never be designed to allow 100% Recirculation Air otherwise Co2 Concentration, Under- Pressurisation & Contamination of Cabin.

[ It is best practice that the QCEA System is never turned off when occupied so as to ensure that there is a continuous flow of "blended" fresh / external air, at all times.

[An In- Cabin Sensor Warning Unit should be used to monitor Cabin Pressurisation (Filter Loading / Air Flow) to ensure Fresh Air / Positive Cabin Air is supplied at all times.

Simulate Blocked Filter- Recirculation Air Only

Cabin De- pressurised

Co2 > 4,000 ppm in 25 minutes. Max allowable is TWA 1,000

External Filter Un- blocked Co2 to 400- 600 ppm in 5 minutes.

Cabin Re- pressurised


LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

How Important is: Co2 Concentration?

[Video we demonstrate how Co2 levels can concentrate quickly from the respiration of the occupants inside the Cabin.

[Unacceptable Co2 concentration (> 700- 1,000 ppm) has proven to effect Concentration, cause Fatigue / Micro- sleeps, etc & in severe cases Acidosis.

[AIHRA recommend "Exhaust Air Leakage"- Fresh Air displacement- 10- 15 litres / second for each Occupant inside a Cabin.

[More Occupants- eg Light Vehicles / Buses require increased External Air Flow to off- set Co2.


LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

[ It would be reasonable to presume that if Phil was working normally the his respiratory rate would be higher with Co2 concentration being even more excessive and increasing more quickly.

How Important is: Cabin Pressurisation / External Air Filtration

[Video demonstrates efficiency of QCEA System excludes Contamination entering the Cabin- filtering External Air to HEPA >H13 / H14 levels of 99.995% @ 0.3 micron.

[ Inadequate (lower than external pressure) or Negative Cabin Pressure will allow contamination enter Cabin.

[Cabin pressure >80 pascal, optimum 120-150 pascal & maximum 200 Pascal.

[Over- pressure damages / permanently deforms Cabin Seals allowing ingress of Contamination when the Machine / QCEA System stopped.

[Cabin Over- pressure also risks discomfort to the Operator / damaging Ears.


LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

[ Important to monitor the Cabin Pressure using a In- Cabin Sensor / Alarm Monitor so as Positive Cabin Pressure is maintained at all times.

How Important is: Recirculation Air Filtration

[Video demonstrates the efficiency of the QCEA System Recirculation Filtration Unit to remove Entrapped Airborne Contamination by filtering to HEPA >H13 / H14 levels of 99.995% @ 0.3 micron Contamination from within the Cabin.

[Phil creates Airborne Particulate Events by rubbing his clothing, moving his feet- even rubbing his skin / hair.

[Contaminants also become Airborne with Machine / Operator movement.

[ Larger events mass concentration levels were >3.0 mg / m3 smaller events <0.2 mg / m3 (OEL for RCS should be <0.05 mg / m3 TWA for a 12 hour days).


LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

[The QCEA Recirculation Unit rapidly filters Events to 0.000 mg / m3, depending on severity- within seconds!

[Reduces exposure to the Operator / Occupants.

How Important is: Recirculation Air Filtration- Extreme Test [Video demonstrates the efficiency

of the LSM Technologies Quality Cabin Environmental Air System's RESPA® Recirculation Filtration Unit (HEPA >H13 / H14) This is an extreme test with a more representative test of real Operating conditions demonstrated in the RESPA Recirculation Filtration of Entrapped Contamination Test Video.

[A Smoke Emitter of 18 x m3 with Particulate size of 0.3 micron is ignited inside the Cabin.

[Smoke Emitter produced Airborne Contamination levels of mass concentration 200 x times that of any OEL.


LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

[After <2.0 minutes testing Cabin was visually clear of contamination- however still > acceptable levels.

[After 5.0 minutes Airborne Contamination dropped to H13 / H14 HEPA levels >99.995% efficiency & mass concentration of 0.000 mg / m3.

Filter Elements / Media Explained (26)

HEPA is High Efficiency Particulate Air (Arrestance) according to:

q AS 4260-1997: is 0.3 micron @ 99.97% Arrestance or 0.03% Volumetric Penetration.

q EN1822: H Class- typically H12 to H14- especially used for Fibrous Materials / DPM.

q Sy- klone HEPA Filter Elements are >H13 Class but achieve >H14 Class which is

Arrestance of >99.995 or Volumetric Penetration of <0.005 %.

q Typical MPPS (Maximum Penetrating Particle Size) is 0.25- 0.3.

q Arrestance Efficiency must be at manufactures flow rate- Sy- klone >H13 Filter Elements

are compliant at Flow Rates of (50- 75 litre/ sec (100- 150 cfm).

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

Filter Elements / Media- Explained (27)

LSM Technologies / Sy- klone RESPA CF / CFX Filter Elements are: q RESPA CF (External Air)- Ported Ejection Filter Element.

q RESPA CFX (Recirculation Air)- Non-Ported / Closed Element.

q Robust in construction & “fit- for purpose” for Mobile Plant.

q Service Life> 500- 1,000 hours.

q Ensure the correct Filter Element is in the correct RESPA Unit.

q Filter Elements should not be used >1,000 hours so as to avoid deterioration & entry of contamination into Cabin / HVAC Systems.

RESPA CFX Recirculation Air Filter Elements- note that this is Non- Ported

RESPA CF External Air Filter Elements- note that the black

end has Ejection Ports

Special Notes: [Filter Elements should not be “Washed” / Re- used.

[Always ensure that Supplier provides DOP Certification of the complete QCEA System by DOP Testing at >H13 / H14 class inside the Cabin- after installation of the System- do not accept supplier statement that their Filter Media or System is “HEPA”.

[DOP Testing is referred to as “Dispersed Oil Particulate Test” as per ISO / EN1822 Standard.

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

RESPA- HVAC (PFP) Precleaner + Filtration + Pressuriser Technology Presentation Copyright – LSM Technologies

Cabin Pressurisation- Importance of a- In- Cabin Alarm Monitor (28)

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

When to change a Filter Element:

q Use a In- Cabin Pressure Sensor to monitor the cabin


q Once Cabin Set- point Pressure is known then Alarm

Threshold should be between 20-40 pascal below the

achieved set- point.

q Alarms setting should signify Filter Element Exchange.

In- Cabin Pressure Sensor Alarm will:

q Alarm to signify a change in Cabin Pressure (below Alarm threshold).

q Change in Cabin Pressure will be cause due to Opening of Doors / Windows, Leaking Seals

but predominantly when Filter Element becomes loaded.

Note: It is essential that the Vehicle Alternator meets the requirements for power draw (at engine idle) of the QCEA System otherwise fluctuation in Cabin Pressure will occur with false alarming.

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015




LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

How it Works- RESPA(Tm) External Air Unit- Precleaning (30)

[Contaminated laden Air enters the Unit Inlet. [ 2. The Fan creates a VORTEX, a tornado-like

spinning motion, whipping the Air & Contaminant to the outside wall.

[ 3. Spinning Air HYPER-accelerates as it passes through Louvers, further enhancing centrifugal forces powerful enough to affect Contaminant Separation.

[ 4. Contaminant is spun against the outside wall of the Unit & propelled rapidly around the Filter to the rear of the Unit. 5. Contamination is ejected back into the environment via the Ejection Ports .

[ 6. Precleaned Air passes through the Filter & continues to the Outlet.

1. External Air Entry

2. Precleaner Ejects >97% Debris back into


3. Fresh Filtered Air to HEPA >H13 / H14 to


q The External RESPA™ extends Filter Element Service Life by >10 due to its unique & patented Precleaning Technology

LSM Technologies- RESPA Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

How it Works- Quality Cabin Environmental Air (QCEA) System (31)

Recirculation + External Air

Mixing Plenum

Blower Assist Unit

RESPA CFX Recirculation Air Unit- Cleans the Air from the


Chiller / Secondary Air- Conditioning Unit- High

Ambien's (optional)

RESPA CF External Air Unit- Cleans External Air +

Pressurisation of Cabin

Precleaner Ejects Debris back into


LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

How it Works- Mining / Construction Machines (32)

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

RESPA CF External Air Unit

RESPA CFX Recirculation Air Unit

Ejected Debris / Precleaned Air

In-Cabin Pressure Sensor

How it Works- Service Trucks (33)

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

How it Works- Light Vehicles (34)

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

How it Works- Fixed Plant Cabins / Electrical Enclosures (35)

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015



Quality Cabin Environment Air System- Future Developments

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015


q Co2, CO & Temperature Sensor Integration.

q Particulate Monitoring for mass concentration.

qWeb Based Fleet tracking / Maintenance Management Software that will provide:

ü Live Telemetry collection of Data- Cabin Pressure, Co / Co2 Levels, Temperature.

ü Analysis & Reporting for each Vehicle Cabin Environmental conditions.

ü Warning for Filter Exchange.

ü Recording of Data to validate compliance & corrective actions as required- eg

Opening of Windows, Smoking in Cabin, etc.

Future Developments for Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems:

Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- Summary

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015


q Consider compliance requirements to Australia (& International Standards).

q Keep abreast of changes in SafeWork Exposure to Airborne Contaminants & WHS Standards as there is an intensified focus in Compliance & lowering of OEL / PEL.

q Conduct frequent OEL & PEL Sampling & good Records- for 30 years.

q Consider who is in the “Chain of Accountability” as a PCBU under WHS Act.

q HEPA Filter Media does not necessarily make a HEPA System- ensure that the complete System is DOP Certified to >H13 / H14 after Installation & meets subsequent testing between Filter Element replacement.

q Ensure that the QCEA System is designed “fit- for- purpose” considering not just Contaminant Exposure but all other OH&S parameters (Pressurisation, Co2 Exhaust, etc) / Operational / Machine conditions.

q Ensure that your QCEA System Supplier guarantees System Compliance.

q On- going management of implemented QCEA System Control Measures is critical to maintain Compliance.

q Include your QCEA System Supplier in your management processes to continuously improve OH&S for Workplace Airborne Particulate / Fibre Exposure.

RESPA- HVAC (PFP) Precleaner + Filtration + Pressuriser Technology Presentation Copyright – LSM Technologies

RESPA- Applications

[ Cranes.

[ Drill Rigs

[ Emergency Vehicles.

[ Council Vehicles.

[ Agricultural machines

[ Garbage Trucks.

[ Landfill Operations.

[ Military.

[ & many more…….!

Mobile + Fixed Cabins / Industries:

[Crusher Cabins.

[High Voltage Electrical Cabinets.

[Compressor Compartments.

[Electric Motors / Alternators / Drives.

[Electrical Control Rooms.

[& Many More……..!

Many other Applications:


LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

LSM Technologies- Quality Cabin Environmental Air Systems- "Understanding the Essentials" - Copyright 2015

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