Lucrative Career as a Video Game Tester



As a video game tester, you get to point out mistakes while playing the game! What better way of jumping into the gaming industry than drinking a coke, sprawling out on your couch and playing out the NEWEST blockbuster hit - WHILE you get paid $20-$50 an hour to do it!

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Lucrative Career as a Video Game Tester

As a video game tester, you get to point out mistakes while playing the game! What better way of jumping into the gaming industry than drinking a coke, sprawling out on your couch and playing out the NEWEST blockbuster hit - WHILE you get paid $20-$50 an hour to do it!

And that's just the start of it.

As a Video Game Tester, You:

• Get paid to test the newest, most popular releases from companies like Blizzard, CAPCOM, EA Games, Microsoft, Nintendo and more - months before anyone else!

• Work from home and game as little or as much as you want - completely around your own schedule! The more games you play, the more you get paid as a video game tester!

• Pay your rent and all your bills by spending as much time gaming as you do now - only playing the newest games to be JUST developed!

• Keep all the games you test! Imagine how much you can save on video game costs alone by being a video game tester!

• Get access to all of the hidden cheat codes, level secrets and developer codes ONLY game testers ever find out about!

• Get real video game tester experience for further game industry careers! Ask any major game company for a job as a game developer or designer - and they'll ask you how many years you've spent testing their games!

• Get essential high-level connections. No level of education will get your foot in the door in the video game industry unless you "know people". If you're passionate about games - game testers network and make the best high-level private connections!

So How Does A Video Game Tester Work?

The video game industry has shot up like a rocket over the past few years.. it's not only a $50 billion a year business today, but it's one of the ONLY industries that was unaffected by the recession!

When you think about it - did the "big, scary recession" stop you from buying any of your favourite games over the past 2 years? No? Me neither.

And what that means for you is a BIGGER and FATTER bank account as game companies make more and more games every year!

Every major game company is DESPERATELY looking for video game testers with the increased demand for games today - and they want to pay you BIG BUCKS in return!

Why The Heck Would a Company Pay A Video Game Tester $50 an Hour To Sit Around and Play Games?

The simple answer is - the companies think they're getting the better deal with a video game tester!

It's not a secret that game developers make mistakes, and tons of them. You've probably played a game that was JUST released - or JUST had a major update; they always have glitches and bugs! And it only takes a single BAD article, blog post or forum post about a big glitch before the news spreads like wildfire, leaving the game company with MILLIONS in lost sales.

In the company's opinion, they'll make $50-80 MILLION from a bug-free successful video game - so paying some video game testers a "measly" $30-50 an hour to test the game and ensure a quality video game is a small price to pay!

That's why it's so easy for people like me and you to get paid big money for playing games all day long by being a video

game tester!

The 3 requirements you need to BECOME a video game tester are:

1. You should be 15 or older in order to get paid for the gaming and testing.

2. You need either a computer you already play games on - or a console you'll prefer playing games on (Xbox 360, Playstation 3, etc).

3. You gotta love video games. That's an obvious one!

You don"t need a degree in marketing or design to be a video game tester! Heck, you don't even need to finish high school!

Just How Much Money Does A Video Game Tester Start Making Right Away?

I can’t tell you that you'll land a gig for $90/hour right off the bat being a video game tester. Building up to those kinds of hourly wages does require some previous experience.

But I can show you EXACTLY how you can start landing game testing jobs paying $25, $35, or $50 per hour RIGHT AWAY! The only question is...

How many hours a day do you play video games?

Assuming a $25/hour job - if you play games:

4 hours a day = 28 hours a week = $700 a week or $2800 a month!6 hours a day = 42 hours a week = $1050 a week or $4200 a month!8 hours a day = 56 hours a week = $1400 a week or $5600 a month!

Imagine making an extra $67,200 per year from the time you spend gaming right now!

That's how much you're missing out on today while blowing these hours playing video games every day and NOT BEING PAID FOR IT as a video game tester.

Earn Big Bucks While Playing The Latest Games!Earn Big Bucks While Playing The Latest Games!Be A Video Game Tester – Be A Video Game Tester – CLICK HERECLICK HERE – To Know How. – To Know How.
