Lucy Flores present as marriage equality comes to Nevada



Las Vegas, NV – This afternoon, friends and family gathered to witness the awarding of Nevada’s first same-sex marriage licenses. Senator Kelvin Atkinson and Mr. Sherwood Howard will be among the first same-sex couples to wed in the state of Nevada. Assemblywoman Lucy Flores, Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor and a friend and colleague of the happy couple, was in attendance.

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For Immediate ReleaseOctober 9th, 2014Contact:Kristina Hagen 702-558-2021

Lucy Flores present as marriage equality comes to Nevada Las Vegas, NV This afternoon, friends and family gathered to witness the awarding of Nevadas first same-sex marriage licenses. Senator Kelvin Atkinson and Mr. Sherwood Howard will be among the first same-sex couples to wed in the state of Nevada. Assemblywoman Lucy Flores, Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor and a friend and colleague of the happy couple, was in attendance.My sincere congratulations to my good friends Kelvin and Woody, Assemblywoman Flores said in her official statement. This is a great day for the LGBT community in Nevada. Allowing people to marry who they love is fundamentally the right thing to do. Very soon all Nevadans will be able to experience the legal rights that come with full marriage.It is unfortunate that my opponent does not support equal rights, she continued referring to Sen. Mark Hutchison, the Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor.Hutchison voted against marriage equality during his first and only legislative session. He did not respond to recent media inquiries on the subject, but at the Hispanics in Politics debate on September 3rd he emphasized that he is not in favor of marriage equality in spite of the positive tourism and economic benefits this will bring to Nevada. A narrow definition of marriage turns away hardworking, entrepreneurial, job-creating members of the Nevada LGBT community who want to marry their partner. Furthermore, Nevada is one of the top wedding tourism destinations in the country. This is a market that is rife with tourism dollars that are just waiting to be spent here in Nevada. Not only is marriage equality the right thing to do, it also makes good economic sense.Lucy Flores is the Assemblywoman for District 28. She is running for Lieutenant Governor to bring a voice to our state government that is too often missing. As the daughter of immigrants, she grew up in a challenging community in North Las Vegas. Through her own hard work and the investment of people who believed in her, she earned a GED, and eventually a law degree from the UNLV Boyd School of Law. Now she represents the community she grew up in, and knows firsthand the difference making an investment in people can make. Ensuring that every Nevadan has the opportunity to succeed is what continues to inspire her public service.##
