Lulutani Tembo 22860525




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Are smart phones are affecting productivity, communication in the

work place, social engagement, and have an effect in education?

What about Smartphones? This presentation consists of how the use of Smartphone's

has negatively affected the workplace , schools and our social lives.

The research question is whether I agree or disagree with the statement that ‘Research has found that smart phones are affecting productivity, communication in the work place, social engagement, and have an effect in education’.

What are smart phones Effects on education Effects productivity and communication in

the work place Effects on Social Engagement Conclusion

A smartphone is a device that lets you make telephone calls.¹ It also adds in features that you might find on a personal digital assistant or

a computer such as the ability to send and receive e-mail and edit office documents.¹

There are 14.3 million smartphone users, and about 12 million are BlackBerry users.²

Due to the invention of smartphones, the need to carry a laptop has been reduced, because you can do almost anything on a smartphone.

However carrying the smartphone has negative effects on society as a whole.

Being the researcher in this project I asked the following questions to 10 people.

Do you use it in class? Do you use it when socializing? How many hours do you spend on your smartphone a day?

8 out of 10 people said they use there smartphone in class.

9 out of 10 people said they use it when socializing.

5 out of 10 people use their smartphone for more than 10 hours a day

In conclusion smartphones are a huge load on users despite having the latest and best applications a phone could have.

There is now lack of concentration in both the workplace, school and social engagements due to smartphones.

Communication between friends and workmates has decreased because of people constantly using their phones.

All of this heavily contributes to lack of productivity in all areas, people are addicted to their phones and at the end of the day it is not a good development despite certain advantages of smartphones.

Cassavoy, L. (2011). Cellphones . Available from: ¹.(accesesd 25th March 2011).,r:3,s:0

Mike. (3rd November 2008). Blackberry users are boring. Available from: ² (accessed 24th March 2011).

Everday Money. Smartphones improve productivity but not manners. (22 February 2010). Available from: . ³ (accessed 23rd march 2011).

Negative effects of smartphones in class.(28th January 2011). Available from: ³¹ (accessed 25th March 2011)

Shaun. (2 March 2011). Devils advocate :smartphones add to workplace stress. Available from: .(accessed 25th march 2011).

N9er.(10th January 2011). 7 Signs that you’re a smartphone addict. Available from: ²²²(accessed 25th march 2011)
