MacLaurin A144 - University of Victoria · Exams: There will be three in-class exams worth a total...


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Introduction to Social Psychology

Psychology 231 (A01), Spring 2018

Mondays and Thursdays, 11:30am to 12:50pm

MacLaurin A144

Instructor: Dr. Danu Anthony Stinson, Department of Psychology

Office: Cornett A262

Phone: 250-721-6281

Office Hours: Thursdays 3:30pm to 4:30pm or by appointment


Course Overview:

The purpose of this course is to introduce you to research and theories within the field of social

psychology. Topics include: prejudice, stereotyping, attraction, attitudes, the self, self-esteem,

prosocial behavior, persuasion, and others. The textbook is broad and general, while the lectures

will tend to cover more specific issues, especially recent experimental and theoretical


Respect for Diversity:

It is my intent that students from all kinds of diverse backgrounds and perspectives will be well-

served by this course, that students’ learning needs will be addressed both in and out of class,

and that the diversity that students bring to this class will be viewed as a resource, strength, and

benefit. It is my intent to present materials and activities that are respectful of diversity: gender,

sexuality, disability, age, body size, socio-economic status, ethnicity, race, and culture. Your

suggestions are encouraged and appreciated. Please let me know ways to improve the

effectiveness of the course for you personally or for other students or student groups. In addition,

if any of our class meetings conflict with your religious or cultural events, please let me know so

that we can make arrangements for you.

Contacting the Professor:

Please come to my office hours or contact me at my UVic account. Please do not contact me

through CourseSpaces. You must include “PSYC 231” in the subject line of your e-mail for me

to respond in a timely manner. Make sure you put your name and student number at the end of

your message. Please see the last page of this syllabus for additional important email guidelines.


Myers, Spencer, & Jordan, Social Psychology, Sixth Canadian Edition.

Students often ask if they can use an older version of the text. All I can tell you is that the

exams and lectures are based on the sixth edition. It is up to students to decide how to

proceed on the basis of this information.

Important Websites:


The pre-requisites for this course are PSYC 100A & 100B. Students who remain in courses for

which they do not have the prerequisites do so at their own risk. Students who complete courses

without prerequisites ARE NOT exempt from having to complete the prerequisite course(s) at

some later time if such courses are required for the degree program. Students are responsible for

checking their registration status by the add/drop deadline.

Course Drop Deadline:

The last day for dropping a course with a 100% fee reduction is January 16th. It is your

responsibility to check your registration status by the drop deadline to ensure that you are

registered only in courses that you have been attending.

Course Experience Survey:

I value your feedback on this course. Near the end of term, you will have an opportunity to

complete an anonymous Course Experiences Survey (CES) regarding your learning experience

in this class. The CES provides vital information that I will use to improve future courses. The

survey will also be used by the Department of Psychology to evaluate my performance as an

instructor. I will not receive the results until after I have submitted marks for this course.

Responses are anonymous unless you choose to say things in optional open-ended comments that

identify you (which I do not recommend).

The more students complete the survey, the more meaningful and informative the results. Please

ensure that your current email address is listed on MyPage ( ). In the final

two weeks of the term, an email will be sent inviting you to complete the CES online. But please

wait and complete the CES in class on Monday 26 March. I will set aside approximately 15

minutes at the beginning of class that day for students to complete the CES. We will do the CES

in class because doing so increases the percentage of students who complete the survey

compared to when students are asked to complete it on their own time. I will remind you of the

date about a week in advance, via an announcement in class and/or via an email announcement.

You will need your UVic netlink ID to access the survey via a laptop, tablet, or mobile device; if

you do not own such a device then please try to borrow one for that class session. If you do not

complete the CES during that class, you can complete it at a time of your choosing during the

last two weeks of classes.


Overview: Research Participation or Research Summaries – 5%

Application Paper – 10%

Exams – 85%


In determining your final letter grade, the final percentage is rounded such that marks ending in

0.49 or lower are rounded down and marks ending in 0.50 and up are rounded up. For example,

79.1 is rounded to 79 and 79.6 is rounded to 80. I will use the following scale:

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C D F

90-100 85-89 80-84 77-79 73-76 70-72 65-69 60-64 50-59 0-49

a) Final Grades: Final grades are final. An error in calculating the final grade is the only

reason that a grade will be adjusted. I feel the pain of all students who earn a final

percentage that comes “so close” to the next rung on the grade ladder, but that pain is not

a good reason for me to adjust your mark. I am firm on this policy: I will not increase your

grade at the end of the term just because it is close to a cutoff, nor will I help you mine for

marks in previously graded material.

Specific Requirements


Students are responsible for reading the textbook chapters listed in the proposed schedule of

classes, below, and the three journal articles listed here. Journal articles will be available on

CourseSpaces. If you have trouble reading the journal articles, please talk to your TA for


A. Stinson, D.A. & Fisher, A.N. (in press). Self-Esteem and Health. To appear in K. Sweeney

and M.L. Robbins (Eds.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology. New York: John

Wiley & Sons Inc.

B. Miller, D. I., Eagly, A. H., & Linn, M. C. (2014, October 20). Women’s Representation in

Science Predicts National Gender-Science Stereotypes: Evidence From 66 Nations.

Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication.

C. Logel, C., Stinson, D.A., & Brochu, P.M. (2015). Weight loss is not the answer: A well-

being solution to the “obesity problem.” Social and Personality Psychology Compass.

(Trigger warning: dieting, weight-loss, health; please see me if you require


Research Participation or Research Summaries (5%):

You have the option of either participating in psychology studies through the Research

Participation Pool, or completing short journal article reviews, for a total of 5% of your grade.

This is not a bonus or optional part of your grade like in some other classes. See

CourseSpaces or the last two pages of this syllabus for more information. NOTE: If you choose

to use research credits for this course requirement, pay special attention to the fact that 2 SONA

credits = 1% towards your grade. So you need 10 SONA credits to receive full course marks on

this component based on research participation.

Application Paper:

This is the sole written assignment for the course. Your grade on this paper will be worth 10% of

your final mark. One of the goals of this class is to teach you skills for applying social

psychological research to specific social situations; this assignment focuses on these skills in

particular. The assignment will require you to find an article or news story from the popular

media – a reputable online news source (no blogs), a newspaper, a magazine – that illustrates one

or more of the major themes from our course, and write a paper explaining the social situation

from a social psychological perspective. This paper is to be no more than 250 words. Include a

word count in your submission. The assignment is due Thursday, March 29th at Noon. Please

submit the assignment by noon in the drop box on CourseSpaces. Papers will not be accepted by

email or in hard copy. More detail about the assignment is appended to this syllabus, and we will

also discuss this assignment in class.

a) Late Assignments: No late assignments will be accepted. At 12:00pm (noon) on March

29th the drop box on CourseSpaces will close. Any assignments not yet submitted will

receive a mark of zero. There will be no exceptions to this policy, except for students

who obtain written, verifiable evidence of medical problems or other extreme

circumstances, and who inform me of these issues in advance. Emergency situations do

of course happen, and we will handle each of these on a case-by-case basis.


There will be three in-class exams worth a total of 85% of your final grade. Exams are not

cumulative. Exams 1 and 2 are each worth 35%, and Exam 3 is worth 15%. Each exam will

cover all material from the text, videos, and lectures for the relevant period of time. Exams will

be multiple choice format.

a) Missing Exams: I expect all students to be present for exams. There will be no option to

re-write a missed exam. If you see a exam date that poses a conflict to your schedule,

contact me in person or via e-mail ( well in advance of the exam date to

discuss your circumstances. If illness or personal emergency prevents you from attending

an exam, contact me within 1 day of the missed exam (either in person or via e-mail) to

request consideration for the alternative exam score (described below). If you do not make

contact within 1 day of the missed exam, you will receive a score of zero for the missed

exam. In the event that illness or injury prevents you from contacting me in a timely

manner, you will be asked to provide supporting documentation from a health care

professional. Any students who miss an exam without making prior arrangements and

without providing documented justification will receive a mark of zero for that exam.

There will be no exceptions to this policy.

b) Alternative Exam Score: If a student misses an exam and can provide written, verifiable

evidence of medical problems or other extreme circumstances, then with my permission, a

mark for their missed exam will be generated based on their other two exam scores. For

example, if a student missed Exam 2, then the recorded mark for Exam 2 would be the

average of their scores on Exams 1 and 3. The chance to generate a missed exams score

from your remaining exams is only available once; if you miss two exams, you will

receive a zero for the second missed exam and that zero will be included in the calculation

of your first missed exam score. There will be no exceptions to this policy.

c) Optional Final Exam: If you would like to increase your grade or have missed an exam

without documentation, you have the option to write the final exam. The final exam will

replace your lowest exam grade. If your final exam grade is lower than your exam grades,

it will not replace any of your marks. The final exam will be cumulative, covering all the

text, lecture, and readings from the course. It will be entirely multiple-choice. Please note

that the optional final exam score will NOT be used to generate an alternative exam score

– it will replace the lowest missed exam score but the alternative exam score would

remain unchanged.

Additional Information:

1) CourseSpaces: Please regularly visit the class website on CourseSpaces. I will post

announcements, grades, etc. I will post my lecture slides by 9pm the day before each lecture

to help you with your note-taking. Lectures will be paced based on the assumption that you

have printed the slides and brought them to class with you. The slides will not replace class

attendance. As you will see, my slides provide an outline and you will need to take notes to

supplement their content.

2) Attendance: To succeed, attend 100% of the lectures. I will present a great deal of material

not covered in your textbook and expand on important points in the text.

3) Viewing your exams: Exams will not be returned to students. Students who wish to see their

exams should visit their TA during their office hours (or by appointment).

4) Grade Appeals: If you feel strongly that your grade on an exam or written assignment was

unfair or mistaken, you must express that concern to me via email or in person during my

office hours (NOT before or after class) within one week of the date that the grade was first

posted on CourseSpaces.

Proposed Schedule of Classes

Day Date Topic Readings

Thursday Jan 4 Introducing Social Psychology I ---

Monday Jan 8 Introducing Social Psychology II Chapter 1

Thursday Jan 11 The Self in a Social World I: The Self Chapter 2

Monday Jan 15 The Self in a Social World II: Self-Esteem Article A

Thursday Jan 18 The Self in a Social World III: Culture

Monday Jan 22 Video: “One Big Hapa Family”

Thursday Jan 25 The Self in a Social World IV: Gender Article B

Monday Jan 29 Social Beliefs and Judgments Chapter 3

Thursday Feb 1 Behavior and Attitudes Chapter 4

Monday Feb 5 EXAM 1

Thursday Feb 8 Persuasion Chapter 5

Monday Feb 12 Class Cancelled, Reading Break

Thursday Feb 15 Class Cancelled, Reading Break

Monday Feb 19 Conformity Chapter 6

Thursday Feb 22 Group Influence Chapter 7

Monday Feb 26 Altruism Chapter 8

Thursday Mar 1 Aggression Chapter 9

Monday Mar 5 Attraction and Intimacy I Chapter 10

Thursday Mar 8 Attraction and Intimacy II

Monday Mar 12 Attraction and Intimacy III

Thursday Mar 15 Video: TBA

Monday Mar 19 EXAM 2

Thursday Mar 22 Stereotypes, Prejudice, & Discrimination I Chapters11 &12


Mar 26

Stereotypes, Prejudice, & Discrimination II




Mar 29

Stereotypes, Prejudice, & Discrimination III


Article C

Monday Apr 2 Class Cancelled, Statutory Holiday

Thursday Apr 5 EXAM 3




Psych 231(A01) Application Paper

One of the goals of this class is to teach you skills for applying social psychological

research to specific social situations; this assignment focuses on these skills in particular. The

assignment will require you to find an article or news story from the popular media – a reputable

online news source (no blogs), a newspaper, a magazine – that illustrates one or more of the

major themes from our course, and write a paper explaining the social situation from a social

psychological perspective.

How do I analyze the social situation? To succeed, try to think like a social psychologist,

marshalling evidence to support your claims and deducing hypotheses about what might

be happening from theories in the course. The focus should be on untangling the

complexities of the case using concepts from the lecture or text, not your own ideas (great

as they may be). Ask yourself about the details of the social situation being described in

the article, and how those details relate to what you’ve learned in this course. You may

wish to consider one of the following questions in your analysis: Based on social

psychological theory, what events might have caused the scenario described in the

article? What events might follow the scenario described in the article? What could have

been done to avert/change the outcomes described in the article? What might be the

psychological repercussions of the event for the event participants? Do not limit yourself

to these questions, I offer them as food for thought.

How much detail should I use to describe the theories? It isn’t necessary to explain class

material in detail. However, you should be persuasive about why a theory applies in this

instance and what its implications are in these circumstances. Show us that you

understand the theories and findings by the way you use them in the assignment, not by

describing them extensively.

Can I start working on it now? What material is relevant? You may choose an article that

illustrates course content from any of the lectures and assigned readings. I recommend

that you look through the journal articles and the assigned readings in your text early in

the semester and hone in on a particular chapter that interests you. Finding your article

may take some time, do not leave this assignment to the last minute!

If you need any help with your paper, do not hesitate to come see your TA.

Additional Requirements

This paper is to be 250 words. Include a word count in your submission. This word limit

does not include title page or references. Papers that go past the page limit will receive a


The assignment is due Thursday, March 29th at Noon: Please submit the assignment by

noon in the drop box on CourseSpaces. Papers will not be accepted by email or in hard

copy. No late assignments will be accepted. At 12:00pm (noon) on March 29th the drop

box on CourseSpaces will close. Any assignments not yet submitted will receive a mark

of zero. There will be no exceptions to this policy, except for students who obtain written,

verifiable evidence of medical problems or other extreme circumstances, and who inform

me of these issues in advance. Emergency situations do of course happen, and we will

handle each of these on a case-by-case basis.

Your article must have been published no earlier than January 1, 2018 – I am asking you

to analyze current events, not historical events. I strongly suggest but do not require that

you meet with your TA to check that your article is suitable for this assignment well in

advance of the due date.

Your paper must cite material from the text and lectures. Be sure to follow APA style

when citing materials and when preparing your reference list. You can find an excellent

online tutorial concerning APA style here: . I will also post an APA style guide

on CourseSpaces.

When you submit your paper, you must also submit a copy of your chosen news article:

No links! Create a PDF of the article for me please.

Participation in Psychology Research:

Guidelines for Psychology 231(A01), Spring 2018

Experiential learning is considered an integral part of the undergraduate program in Psychology.

Participation in research is one example of this. A number of undergraduate courses have been

expanded to include opportunities for Psychology students to volunteer as research participants

enabling them to learn first-hand about psychology research and related concepts. Many students

report that participation in research is both an educational and interesting experience.

Because experiential learning is highly valued in the Department of Psychology and is part of

this course, student participants may earn up to 5% in PSYC 231 by participating in Psychology

studies conducted by students and faculty in the Department of Psychology. Each 30 minutes of

participation will earn 1 SONA participation credit, and two SONA participation credits are

required to earn a 1% contribution towards your grade in PSYC 231. Thus, to earn their full 5%

for Research Participation in PSYC 231, students need to earn ten (10) SONA participation

credits. Researchers will record students’ participation and will advise the course instructor of

the total SONA credits earned by each student at the end of the term. Students who do not wish

to participate in research may choose an alternative approach to completing this assignment; this

is explained below in “Alternative to participating in research”.

Please note that all Psychology studies have undergone prior ethics review and clearance through

the Office of Research Ethics.

Educational focus of participation in research

To maximize the educational benefits of participating in research, students will receive feedback

information following their participation in each study detailing the following elements:

Purpose or objectives of the study

Dependent and independent variables

Expected results

References for at least two related research articles

Provisions to ensure confidentiality of data

Contact information of the researcher should the student have further questions about the


Contact information for the Director of the Office of Research Ethics should the student

wish to learn more about the general ethical issues surrounding research with human

participants, or specific questions or concerns about the study in which she/he


How do I sign up?

For details on participating in research studies, go to the Department of Psychology web site

(, click on the Research link near the top of the page, then click on the

Participant Pool link at the left of the new page to see instructions for participating in the

system. You must be sure to assign your credits to this course (and this section of the course) no

later than the last day of class, otherwise you will not receive extra credit in this course.

When should I sign up?

Right away, the sooner the better!!! You should try to spread your participation out over the

term, if you wait until the last possible day then there may not be studies available to you. The

last day to participate for credit is the last day of term, December 4.

Where can I get more information, instructions, help with login problems etc?

Research Participation Coordinator:

SONA system website:

Alternative to participating in research

Students are not required to participate in research, and not all students wish to do so. As an

alternative to participation in research, students may submit short summaries (1 page double

spaced, 12 pt. times New Roman font, ¾ inch margins) of journal articles from approved

journals (see list below). Each article review counts as one percentage point and will be marked

on a pass/fail basis. To receive credit, you must follow specific guidelines. The review must:

Be submitted on CourseSpaces by noon on March 26th. Late submissions will not be

accepted under any circumstances. E-mail submission will not be accepted

Be typed using 12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced, ¾ inch margins, no

longer or much shorter than one page.

Be on articles from the following journal: Social Psychological and Personality Science.

Fully identify the title, author(s), source and date of the article. A copy of the article

must be attached to your review.

Summarize the hypotheses of the research, as well as the methods used to test the

hypotheses. Identify the independent and dependent variables. Identify the psychological

concepts in the article and indicate the pages in our textbook that discuss the concepts.

Finally, critically evaluate the results of the study. Do you agree with their findings? Why

or why not? Provide evidence from the text or lecture to support your conclusions.

Keep a copy of your review in the unlikely event we misplace the original.

Students may complete any combination of a) participation in research or b) article reviews up to

a total of 5% credit.

Guidelines Regarding the Use of Email to Contact Your Professor and Teaching Assistant1

Although email can be very useful for some purposes, it can be problematic in a course where there are

over 250 students. Unrestricted use of email to pose questions and ask for information could overwhelm

the limited resources that TAs and instructors have to answer such emailed requests. In order to deal with

the potential problems of unrestricted email requests, please use the following guidelines:

Please feel free to use email to:

Notify the instructor or TA that you will have to miss an exam for documented medical or family

emergency reasons.

Ask a simple, short question, that is not answered in the syllabus.

Make a comment about course material that you might think of after class, for example., "I was

thinking about an application of the Big Five that you mentioned in class, and I wondered if ...". I

am generally very happy to receive such comments. However, if you do send such comments,

please be aware that you may not receive a reply - I may respond in class during the next lecture,

or perhaps will simply note your comment without responding.

Make a comment about something you liked or think could be improved about the course. If the

latter is the case, then please be aware that specific, constructive comments are much more

effective than general ones.

Please do not use email to:

Request information about a mark (assignment, exam, final grade or bonus point). This

information is posted on CourseSpaces, and you are expected to access your marks and final

grade there. If there is a problem or discrepancy, please talk directly to the instructor.

Ask the instructor or TA to send information via email from missed classes.

Request information about why you received a particular mark or grade. Please go to the

Professor’s or Teaching Assistant’s office during her/his office hours with such questions. These

kinds of questions often require a reciprocal interaction that is not efficiently carried out via


Ask for advice on improving your study techniques. This also requires a reciprocal in person


Ask any question that cannot be answered in a sentence or two.

Ask any questions that are answered in the syllabus.

These guidelines are based on the understanding that Psych 231 is not a distance education course.

Students are expected to be available to attend all classes, to ask questions or make comments both during

and after classes, and to visit the TA and instructor during office hours if they have additional questions.

(This is a friendlier, more humane way to learn, anyway!). If you do send emails from the "Don't" list

above, please be aware, that you may receive no email reply, and you should ask your question or make

your comment after class or during office hours. Finally, please use the Uvic email system, not

CourseSpaces email to communicate with your professor, and include the phrase “Psych 231” in

the subject line.

1 These guidelines were designed by Dr. Martin Smith and are used with permission.


Department of Psychology

Important Course Policy Information

Winter 2017-2018


Students who remain in courses for which they do not have the prerequisites do so at their own risk.

Students who complete courses without prerequisites ARE NOT exempt from having to complete the

prerequisite course(s) if such courses are required for the degree program.

Program Requirements

For more information see pages 305-308 of the UVic Calendar January 2018.

Registration Status

Students are responsible for verifying their registration status. Registration status may be verified using

My Page, View Schedule. Course adds and drops will not be processed after the deadlines set out in the

current UVic Calendar.

Commitment to Inclusivity and Diversity

The University of Victoria is committed to promoting, providing and protecting a positive and supportive

and safe learning and working environment for all its members.

In the Event of Illness, Accident or Family Affliction (See UVic Calendar, January 2018, p. 46-47)

What to do if you miss the final exam scheduled during the formal exam period

Apply at Records Services for a “Request for Academic Concession”, normally within 10 working days of the date of the exam. Records Services will forward the form to the instructor. If the concession is granted, the instructor will determine how to deal with the situation (for example, a deferred exam). Where a concession is not applied for or where such application is denied, an N grade will be entered on the student’s academic record. OR, you can download the Request for Academic Concession form here:

What to do if you miss an exam other than one scheduled during the formal exam period

Do not apply at Records Services for a “Request for Academic Concession”. Instead submit

documentation of the illness, accident or family affliction directly to your course instructor (or designated

teaching assistant).

What to do if you require additional time to complete course requirements

Apply at Records Services for a “Request for Academic Concession”, normally within 10 working days of the end of the course. Records Services will forward the form to the instructor. If the concession is granted, the instructor will determine how to deal with the situation (for example, a deferred exam). Where a concession is not applied for or where such application is denied, an N grade will be entered on the student’s academic record. OR, you can download the Request for Academic Concession form here:


Policy on Academic Integrity including Plagiarism and Cheating The Department of Psychology fully endorses and intends to enforce rigorously the Senate Policy on Academic

integrity , p. 42-45,

UVic Calendar January 2018). It is of utmost importance that students who do their work honestly be protected

from those who do not. Because this policy is in place to ensure that students carry out and benefit from the

learning activities assigned in each course, it is expected that students will cooperate in its implementation.

The offences defined by the policy can be summarized briefly as follows:

1. Plagiarism. You must make sure that the work you submit is your work and not someone else’s. There

are proper procedures for citing the works of others. The student is responsible for being aware of and

using these procedures.

2. Unauthorized Use of an Editor. The use of an editor is prohibited unless the instructor grants explicit

written authorization.

3. Multiple Submission. Only under exceptional circumstances may a work submitted to fulfill an

academic requirement be used to satisfy another similar requirement. The student is responsible for

clarifying this with the instructor(s) involved.

4. Falsifying Materials Subject to Academic Evaluation. This includes falsification of data, use of

commercially prepared essays, using information from the Internet without proper citation, citing

sources from which material is not actually obtained, etc.

5. Cheating on Assignments, Tests, and Examinations. You may not copy the work of others in or out

of class; you may not give your work to others for the purpose of copying; you may not use

unauthorized material or equipment during examinations or tests; and you may not impersonate or allow

yourself to be impersonated by another at an examination. The Department of Psychology has a policy

of not making old examinations available for study purposes. Therefore, use of old exams without the

express written permission of the instructor constitutes cheating by the user, and abetting of cheating by

the person who provided the exam.

6. Being an Accessory to Offences. This means that helping another student to cheat (for instance, by

showing or communicating to them answers to an assignment, or by allowing them to view answers on

an exam) is an academic offence.

Instructors are expected to make every effort to prevent cheating and plagiarism. This may include the

assignment of seating for examinations, asking students to move during examinations, requests to see student

identification cards, and other measures as appropriate. Instructors also have available to them a variety of tools

and procedures to check for Internet and electronic media-based cheating. In instances of suspected or actual

plagiarism or cheating, instructors, following prescribed procedures, are authorized to take steps consistent with

the degree of the offence. These measures will range from a zero on the test or assignment or a failing grade for

the course, probation within a program to temporary or even permanent suspension from the University.

Rights of Appeal are described in the Policy on Academic Integrity in the University calendar (on p. 43-44 in

January 2018).

The definitive source for information on Academic Integrity is the University Calendar (p. 42-45 in January

2018) (

Other useful resources on Plagiarism and Cheating include: 1. The Study Solutions Office:

2. The Ombudsperson’s office:

3. UVic Library Resources:

4. Dr. Mitchell of the UVic English Department:
