MAIN ARTICLE: Born Freemake you free.” Once again, Jesus said that the truth shall make them free,...


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Gospel Addicts Global Church



First published 2018 [PDF]

Insightful Articles Duplication in any form of this manual without the written

permission from Gospel Addicts Global is strictly prohibited


Main Article: Born Free 3

Feat.Article: A Perfect Stranger in You 6

Collaborated Articles:

The Kingly Heritage 14

No Weapon formed against You 17

God’s Swordsman 20

Custodians of Glory 24

End Time Prophesy 28


PLEASE NOTE: This article is not for spiritual sensitive folks – the contents shared

here are for the spiritual mature child of God with good knowledge of the Word of God…

We all know that Jesus came from Heaven to earth; that He died on the cross, descended

into hell and on the 3rd day rose from the dead; and 40days later He ascended into

Heaven. The question is, why did Jesus had to die? Now, I got no idea what your answer

is, but I’ll go on what I hear other people say. People say that Jesus died on the cross in

our place… He paid the price for our sin…He done these things so that we might be


Let me leave those questions unanswered for now… Before returning to the question I’ve

asked, let’s take a look at a few verses in scripture:

“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin

and death.” (Rom.8:2)

Take note: Paul writing to the Romans here spoke of himself, as he was a Jew by birth;

but being born again, born of God; he has been made free from the law… This is what

Jesus said to His disciples in John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall

make you free.” Once again, Jesus said that the truth shall make them free, not set them

free. Note again, Jesus spoke to His disciples who were Jews.

As born again Christians, we were never under the law, even before we became born

again, only the Jews were under a law! In Acts 22:28 Paul said, “…But I was free born.”

This is a Christian’s portion, we are free born, born into liberty of God, for Jesus came to

fulfill the law to the Jews, and gave life to both Jews and Gentiles; and whosoever that

believe in Him!

Returning to answer the question; a born again Christian, according to the Gospel, is one

who is born of God. He never existed before, for he is born anew. Now this doesn’t mean

that God took the old man and made him new, (2 Cort.5:17), it means the born again

Christian is a new man in Christ: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:

old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” The old things here is

speaking about the flesh which is dead; and all things are become new is speaking of the

new spirit man, like the first part of the verse points out: “…he is a new creature…” The

word creature used in the original Greek text and translated in the KJV as creature also

further tells us that the new life is not of the flesh, but an unique handmade product of

God. However, the new spirit does vitalize the flesh, therefore, even the flesh is dead the

body can still function, because of the new life from the spirit which dwells in it now.

Paul understood this, therefore he made another profound statement in Phil.1:21, “For to


me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Your body and soul was born of flesh, which is

of corruptible seed, but your spirit is born of God, an incorruptible seed. It is clear in the

New Testament that God is interested in man’s spirit. The flesh will perish, but the spirit

has life.

Jesus died, and on the 3rd day, He returned to a dead body. It was the life in His Spirit

which vitalized the flesh. I’ve seen people who died, some even dead for a few days, who

after prayer came back to life. The only way you can explain that is that the spirit has

returned. Science can’t explain this, but it is the spirit who has life.

It is this same spirit who God is interested in. Now, I’m not saying that God doesn’t care

about the flesh, because without the flesh we can’t operate here on earth. The Bible tells

us, if no one tells them how will they know… We are called to tell all people that the

door to salvation is open to whosoever that believe in Jesus Christ. God wants us to be

well in our bodies, so that we can be effective for Him.

What we need to understand is who we really are! The real you lives in the body you see

in the mirror – he is the spirit man. The spirit man was born of God, he never existed.

Now it’s true that the soul got saved the day you became born again, but the flesh will

still perish. It is the real you who becomes one with the soul of your body who will enter

Heaven. However, it doesn’t change the fact that the real you is still the spirit man who

was born of God.

So then, we understand now that the truth shall not set or make the born again Christ free,

because we are born free. The question remains, are the born again Christian saved? Let

me ask you another question: if we are saved, then what are we saved from, because

Jesus dealt with the devil! The Jews was saved from the law, because they couldn’t fulfill

it; so Jesus came and fulfilled the law in their places. Then, are we saved from sin? But

the Bible tells us that the born again Christian is born of incorruptable seed. The new

spirit which comes into the body at the new birth sanctified the body – meaning it has

been made clean for the new born spirit of man to dwell in.

This leaves us with another question: How much of the Bible is actually written directly

to the born again Christian? Well, not much… This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be

concerned about studying the Word of God – for the Old Testament is given for our

learning and the New Testament for our living. What we need to do, is through the ability

of the Holy Spirit within us, discern who was spoken to at which times. Whatever isn’t

directly told to the born again Christian is there for our learning.

After all, Jesus gave us one commandment, to love! However, Jesus also said that if we

truly love Him, we will keep His Word – which is to love… Love who? Love one

another! Because if we love Him, we will also love one another!

You have struggled your whole life with the issues of sin unnecessary. All it takes to be a


born again Christian is to love everyone with unconditional love. This is the love of God,

it’s unconditional; and being born of God, you are born with that love in your spirit. Tap

inward and express outward – that’s all Jesus is asking for, because in doing so, we prove

our love for Him.

You are free in Christ Jesus; and if you love Him, you will keep His Word!

I hear many times that Christians speak about spiritual warfare and the battle field… The

only battle you need to fight is on the battle field of your own mind; and when you allow

your spirit to prevail, he will win the battle for you. As a matter of fact, you (the spirit

man) is more than a conqueror. This means that you have won before the battle has

begun! You were born beyond the battle field. Come out of the battle field and step into

the greater truth. You don’t belong in the battle field, you were born victorious! The spirit

man was born free, it is the soul man who has been redeemed and saved; and the real you

are spirit – born free!

The Bible has a great and powerful subliminal message, and when you dig into that

message, you will find out that you can’t be conquered – for you are more than a

conqueror! Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world! You are born free!

The Christian life is a life of choice – you can choose what you want in life – to love God

and allow God to love others through you, or to live like everyone else – the choice is

yours! The Word of God is for doing, so step out today and let your life preach salvation

unto the world!

Our life is a life of upward and forward – stay blessed!



A Perfect Stranger in You

Christians can come out quite strong when they minister Jesus unto the world. Many

times, we come across as judgmental with preaching conviction instead of salvation; and

in many cases we don’t even realize we doing so. Salvation should always be preached

with love; and saying so, it should be done with unconditional love. This is mainly

because Christians didn’t take the time out to understand why people don’t know Jesus.

Many times Christians are to blame for the world not knowing Jesus. They want to beat

down and get straight to the point, which in many ways is too much for people who don’t

know Jesus. Christians today don’t seem to have time to minister salvation unto people

and go around with the mindset, ‘Well, if they don’t want to hear what I have to say, it’s

not my problem – at least I done my part’. Well, that’s not good enough, we must make

time, the world is dying and time is running out. You get daily a deposit of 86’000

seconds; tomorrow those seconds is gone and you receive a new 86’000 seconds. If that

was money, you would use it well, knowing tomorrow that 86’000 will be replace with a

new 86’000 – no carry overs. So too, how you use your time effectively also matters.

One other reason is, Christians in many cases who knows Jesus, truly don’t know Him at

all – because they don’t understand God’s heart. We need to study the stories about

Jesus’ ministry when He ministered to people; and understand how God wants us to

minister to people too. This article is to shed a bit more light on all the above mentioned.

How to minister to the world with patience, love and also through understanding God’s

heart – what makes God tick. We don’t merely show God our love by going to church

and telling Him how much we love Him; we do so through application of His Word –

being a doer of God’s Word.

God’s idea is for us to become the Word of God, in such a way that men can read the

Word by looking at our lives; but what many Christians do today is preach louder with

their mouths than what their lives can speak. What comes out of your mouth should be a

reflection of your life. Now, God doesn’t call us to preach His message unto the world

because we are equipped to do so, all He is looking for is a willing vessel – He will equip

you as you go about doing. We must be willing to step out to reach a dying world.

Reaching out to a dying world:

It’s important to show people you are interested in them as a person. Making small talk

and breaking the ice on a one on one basis. Slowly get into asking about their beliefs, but

remember, you are a stranger to them – and the Greater One Who lives in you might also

be a Stranger to them. Try not come on too strong, as you want them to see the perfect

stranger in you – they must see Jesus in you through the expression of the inner working


of God in and through you. Therefore, it is not necessary to quote verse after verse to

people in trying to convince them to believe in Jesus – that’s not your job; your job is to

tell them about salvation with wisdom. Remember, people have a God-given right to

believe what they want.

Understanding the difference between religion and Christianity:

Religion keeps people from living their life to the fullest. It makes some people feel

guilty about things they don’t need to feel guilty about; and other people worry about

things they shouldn’t worry about. The problem with religion is that people think they get

points for the things they do. Self righteous leaders focus only on rules and then lay it on

the people if they didn’t follow it well enough. We see this often in today’s church.

People feel that they should live according to a certain standard or they will be looked at


Religion causes so much of superstition and ignorance. Some churches impose such

standards of living, that some people in the church starts to isolate themselves, thinking

that they need to run away until they come to some sort of righteousness within

themselves. Others isolate themselves from the world and even other Christians, not

wanting to be corrupted by the way others believe and think; whereas we always need to

stay in a position whereby we can minister to people salvation and not get caught up in

their mess, but rather help them see the light. The Bible does say that salvation is

personal and that we must work out our own salvation; but I tell you the truth today,

working out your own salvation starts by winning souls. If you are radical for Jesus,

which you should be, then you will also be radical about the things Jesus is radical about


True Christianity is allowing God to love people through you, because you are born of

His nature.

Struggle with believing:

Some people have a hard time in believing something they can’t see, so if we are to lay

out standards and rules on how to live a good Christian life, you are bound to push people

away, rather than pulling people in. Some people are really difficult to minister too, and

even when you, as genuine as you can be, you might still be crossing the line for some

folks. Remember, we don’t always know what made people run so far from God, accept

the normal – sin! Allow those who you minister too, to give their view point, answering

some questions with questions, but never tell people that what they say is wrong without

a very convincing evidence. People want to be heard, and they want to feel like others

care about what they think too. You are not agreeing, you simply taking a counselor’s

seat in ministering to them.

People don’t believe that they can have a relationship with God, because they don’t


understand God’s love. They feel like they have to reach out to God. They just can’t

understand how God is reaching out to them instead. Religion always leaves some sort of

doubt somewhere along the line. We need to look at things from God’s point of view

instead of man’s point of view. God wants to be involved with His creation. Some people

need more than just hearing that God exist, they need proof. It’s not always possible to

prove God’s existence, because we don’t put God to the test; but with just the right

questions we can plant a seed in peoples hearts which will guide them in receiving the

right answers.

So we need to relate people to God. Many times we lose peoples attention, because we

trying to relate God to people and not people to God. Meaning, God share trades with the

universe, so what trades of people reflects in God; because God created man in His image

and likeness, but what trades does people have in God? People is the highest intelligence

living on earth (in God’s creation) – therefore it will make sense that they represent who

He is. Things like our minds, emotions, abilities to chose – all these human

characteristics should relate to God Who created them. Now, I’m not talking about

wickedness we can see in people today, but it does put a question in the hearers mind:

‘Where does evil comes from if all things comes from God. Now many people can’t

accept this, but good and bad exist in God, the only difference between God and man is,

that God, by choice, let goodness flow out from Him. Evil can’t stick its head out,

because in God’s plan for creation, there is no place for evil.

Filling the void:

People feel incomplete all the time; and that is because they don’t have God filling that

void. People are incomplete without God. God actually placed a desire in men to want to

have a relationship with them. People don’t always realize it, therefore you find people

chasing after many things for fulfillment, yet they remain incomplete at the end of the

day. The ignorance of people allows devil to have a field day with their minds. The more

devil can deceive people that they can get fulfillment in drugs, alcohol, sex, chasing after

money , building mansions and buying expensive cars and designers clothes, the further

he will pull people away from receiving Jesus into their lives – which will cause people

not to have a relationship with God.

Now, is a person’s desire to have a relationship with God nonsense, or does it make most

sense? In too many case, it doesn’t make no sense, because religion has framed the Bible

as a rule book for man, instead of a love letter from God to men. It only makes most

sense when we see the Bible as a love letter.

Always point people to the love of God He has for the world. God is love and His very

character is revealed through His Word. The Bible tells us, there where the word of a

king is, there the king is too. So when we learn to minister to people through the love of

God, then God will be there with us when we minister. After all, God’s Word goes out


through those who He sends. Jesus also said, there where two or three is gathered in His

Name, there He will be in their midst. This is the assurance that we need not to be lost for

words, because we can always lean on Jesus when we minister salvation unto people in

His Name.

Approaching the hard headed people:

You are only responsible for what you say to people, not for how they hear it. Only those

you minister to can decide if they going to believe you or not – you can’t make them

believe. As long as you tell the truth, you on the right track! Our responsibility is to help

people make up their minds if a relationship with God is possible or not; we can’t tell

them they have to believe it because we believe it. We can’t make up their minds for


People think they can get fulfillment without God, but that’s because they don’t

understand what fulfillment is. Fulfillment is to be filled with satisfaction all the time, not

just at times. Only God can fulfill the human soul. In the end of people’s lives, after

living a good life, they still come to a place of feeling something is short. That somehow,

somewhere they’ve missed something. That’s because they missing God in their lives.

You just can’t get fulfillment with man’s ways and creations if they are just as fine eyed

and imperfect as you are. The good experiences in life is just not good enough.

All people are looking for something bigger than themselves, some just don’t realize it

and it takes them longer and some times they never come to the point that there is more to

life than what meets the physical eye. They try and logically come up with answers to

life’s circumstances through trying to rationalize scene as the answer, but even that has

limits and does not fulfill the heart of man. Even google doesn’t have all the answers!

This world’s temporally fulfillments can be taken away in a blink of an eye, but once you

have found fulfillment in God, no one can take that away from you.

After breaking the ice:

After breaking the ice and seeing the person you ministering too is more easy listening to

you, because they see a different kind of Christian in front of them. A Christian who is

not forcing their beliefs down – a Christian who reflects Christ like characteristics.

People are more likely to listen to you when they can see Christ in you, even though they

don’t know Jesus, but there is a special unction that comes with a humble, sincere


This is a good time to talk about relationships. God had a very close relationship with

man in the beginning, and with those who were really faithful to Him throughout time.

However, God’s heart’s desire is to have that relationship back, that’s why He sent Jesus


to reconcile man back unto Himself. People in general don’t feel loved by God, because

they can’t really hear His voice. In many cases, some terrible things might have happened

in the past. People lose loved ones in accidents or loved ones who have been murdered.

Some lose their partners in life due to cheating partners. Others are molested as children

and women that are raped – people just don’t understand why these things happen if we

say God is so loving and caring. It’s a tough one to explain, but nevertheless, there is


People turned their backs on God and ever since they struggle to hear His voice. It’s not

because people are deaf to hear God’s voice, it’s just that they can’t hear His voice as

clear as they ought to. God always speaks to our consciousness when we in that state of

mind. God speaks to people in simple ways, like when you laid your eyes on your newly

born baby and you feel that overwhelming love, that is God. When you stand next to the

ocean and feel so small in front of something so big; and wonder if there is something

bigger out there – thats God speaking to you! A guilty conscious of doing something

wrong, that’s God speaking to man. That is God speaking to people’s conscious, because

deep down, you know you were not meant to be that way.

People in the world have this twisted idea that to actually have a conversation with God

must be boring… Religion has placed in men’s minds that you have to speak to God in a

certain way – that you must watch how you speak or God will be angry with you. The

reality of it all is that God knows where you at, and He meets you at the place you at.

God doesn’t call you out from where you are to have a relationship with you, God

reaches you in the situation you in. Therefore, God also knows that you rough around the

edges; but the good news is, God is a patient God. He is willing to work with you to get

you out and up from any situation, all He needs from you is your willingness.

Imagine how awesome it must be to actually sit and have a conversation with the One

Who carved out the mountains, the One Who wrote the code for DNA and designed all

languages. The One Who made the stars and every new born infant; and the One Who

loves you with no limitations or conditions. God is more amazing than anything and

everything He created. God is not boring, He can teach you all the secrets to life, you

must just be willing to open your heart to Him.

People feel like they don’t even know where to start in having a relationship with God,

but here is the good news; you don’t have too. God has already started the process,

because He is the One Who is reaching out to you. To have faith in God is a whole lot

easier than what people think it is. You just need to let go from the things which makes

you not trust in God. You really have nothing to lose.

Why doesn’t God stop all the bad things that’s happening:

God hates these bad things just as much as we hate it. Some people go on and say: ‘but


why doesn’t God stop these things from happening if He loves us so much?’ People think

that if God has to put a stop to all bad things, that the world would be a good place. But

it’s not that simple, we must understand God’s plan in order to understand the world’s

happenings. God’s grand scheme is to get the people off the Titanic before it sinks.

Things have to happen in a due course of time; and God knows this, that’s why He gave

us all faith. A good gardener doesn’t pull out weeds among newly planted plants, because

pulling out the weeds will disturb and even up root these new young plants. So the

gardener waits for the plants to develop a stronger root system before removing the

weeds; but his garden needs good nutrition and water to develop strong and healthy root

systems in the plants of the garden. Yes, the weeds will also grow, but the plants in the

garden will mature quicker with the right care. So too, God is the gardener – He knows

these things and He is at work, even at times we can’t see it.

In the end, the bad will be done away with and only a beautiful garden will remain. The

bad will be punished and the good will be rewarded. People just don’t seem to understand

why they should wait, but mankind has turned their backs on God, God never moved, He

is still in the same place. However, reconciling the world is a slow process, it takes one

person at a time. God was so willing to reunite with us that He was even willing to die for

us. He took all the punishment of all mankind unto Himself in order to have the

relationship back with man. God is not slow, He is patient! God is giving second chances,

so that no one is left behind. What people perceive as God dragging His feet is in reality

God showing mercy.


By the time people are willing to step up to the table in reconnecting with God, they need

to know that it is more than just you starting to pray. Prayer is a two way communication,

and as you talk, you also need to listen when God speaks back. For anyone who wants a

relationship with God, listening is the crucial part. In that you will receive council and

guidance in getting your life sorted out. You will hear from God on what He needs from


Religion is mostly an outward thing, in what to do, what not to do, don’t do this, don’t go

there… but a person who can hear God’s voice is a person who has been changed from

the inside out. God gives us new spirits, because the old spirits just wouldn’t work – it

was dead to sin and doesn’t know the voice of God. So in becoming born again, you are

born anew from God. You are being given a new spirit which is clean and not corrupted,

a spirit which can hear God’s voice.

God speaks to His children in many ways; through the voice of your conscious, through

His Word, through what we see and hear, etc… The bible is not a rule book, it’s a

Father’s love letter to His children. Real Christianity is more than just going to church


and sitting listening to good stuff; it is letting God love other people through you. It is

knowing that you forgiven, its knowing that you accepted and no matter what, its

knowing that you always have a special place in God’s heart. God is love, and He has

unfailing and unending love for you. God’s love for us surpasses all pain, sorrow and

regret – when we accept Jesus, God fills our hearts with overwhelming love. A love

which imparts piece, happiness, joy and hope, because God’s love is perfect!

The next step:

People have to make a decision in whether they want to experience perfect love or not.

Once a person has made this decision after hearing a perfect stranger speaking to them

with the love of God, it is time to lead them to the Lord. Pray the salvation prayer through

with them, but before you do, allow them to experience a touch from God. More than

what you or that person will ever know, God wants to touch their lives.

People may be shy to receive prayer in public, so instead of asking them that you want to

pray with them, just go on and tell them you going to do it. This isn’t the time to pause,

just take their hand and start praying for them. You don’t need to worry about what you

going to be praying about. Remember, God only needs a willing person, so as you do

this, God will give you the words to pray. This will break the ice to their shyness in going

for the home run – leading them willingly in a salvation prayer. People will more than

likely willingly allow you to lead them in the salvation prayer after they have felt God

touching them.

Remember, as a child of God, you are anointed with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit –

the extent of your hand is the extent of the hand of God through you. The anointing will

do the work as you do the action. The touch of the anointing will give that person more

convincing evidence that what you spoke about is real – more so then you physically

touch them.

The home run:

Now that the person has experienced God and are in a comfort zone, it is time for the

home run – the prayer of salvation. Below is a simple, yet complete prayer which you can

memorize to use when you lead people to the Lord.

Remember, you don’t have to be loud or dramatic about leading people to the Lord.

Allow that person to be comfortable. After all, God sees the heart!


Prayer of Salvation:

“Dear Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. Your Word says,

“…whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved”. I ask Jesus to come into

my heart to be the Lord of my life. I receive eternal life into my spirit, as I confess with

my mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in my heart that God hath raised Him from the

dead – therefore I declare that I am saved; I am born again; I am a child of God! I now

have Christ dwelling in me, Hallelujah!”

(This is only a guide line in covering the vital aspects in leading people unto salvation)

Now that the person is born again, invite them to church or encourage them to go to a

church near them; but most importantly, get the person’s contact number, email and

name. You have a responsibility to disciple that person until they are rooted in a church

where they can receive further discipleship.

In closing:

If you have noticed, in this article, I didn’t quote not one verse in direct reference to

what’s been said – however, this article is filled with indirect quotes straight from the

Bible. In ministering the Gospel to the world, we need not make use of direct quotes, at

least not till the hearer is caught on our beliefs. I pray that this article has inspired you to

step out and start winning for Jesus. We simply just can’t walk through life and see

people heading straight into destruction. It is like walking down the street and seeing a

blind man heading straight for a big hole in the road. If no one is going to tell him to walk

on the other side, he will surely fall right into that whole.

It wouldn’t be his fault that he fell into the hole, because he is blind – it will be the fault

of those who saw him walking straight for that hole and said nothing to warn him. The

people in this world who isn’t born again is like a blind man heading straight for the hole

of hell. We have a responsibility to tell people. If, after all our warnings, they still chose

to walk straight for the hole and fall in, then their blood is on their own hands. So let us

do our part in evangelizing our world so people may also come unto salvation!

Be radical for Jesus!


Collaborated Articles

The Kingly Heritage

Eph.6 tells us about putting on the armour of God: The belt of Truth, The Body

Armour/breast plate of Righteousness, The Shoes of the Peace of the Gospel, The Shield

of Faith, The Helmet of Salvation and The Sword of the Spirit.

Taking a deeper study into the Word of God, we see that God wants to take the believer

to a level beyond human comprehension: the unveiling of the sons of God. This is

translating the Helmet of Salvation into a Crown of Glory. The Helmet of Salvation does

protect us, but it also limits what we see; but with the Crown of Glory, we have clear and

unlimited sight. This is the point where you can stand on one place and see the world.

The only limit at this place is the extent of your vision.

We are called kings by God Himself (1 Pet.2:9), but many of us are contempt by taking

the position of a foot soldier. God wants us to move on and up, to see what and who He

has made us to be. The battle is over! Jesus dealt with that at Calvary. The Bible does

speak about the great day of Armageddon and the apocalypse, but even that battle doesn’t

involve us; and even if it did, the book has been written and closed that God is the

winner. After all, He is the Author and Finisher of all things.

Now, don’t get confused with what I’m saying with what is written in 1 Peter 5:4; “And

when the Great Shepherd appears, you will receive a crown of never-ending glory and

honor.” or with Revelations 2:10; “Don’t be afraid of what you are about to suffer. The

devil will throw some of you into prison to test you. You will suffer for ten days. But if you

remain faithful even when facing death, I will give you the crown of life.” In both of these

verses, God doesn’t expect us to battle anything, but to endure, even unto death –

standing fast on the Word of God and our salvation in Him.

What I’m talking about is what we can call the temporary crown of glory as seen in 1

Peter 2:9; “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a

peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of

darkness into his marvelous light.” This speaks of our Kingly Heritage we receive here

while on earth. The crown of life will be given to us when we pass on to the eternal

Kingdom of God. In this life, we will receive a crown of glory when we come to maturity

in Christ. Now to fully understand this, we need to understand that a king is chosen by

God, ordained by God, and receive authority to rule from God.

Looking throughout the scripture, we see that God choose kings through sending His

prophets or priest to choose a king. This is the call of God for a new king. Once the king

is chosen, the prophet or priest will anoint the king by the pouring out of olive oil and

scented oil over the head of the chosen one. Then comes a time that the new king is


ordained and he takes up his place as king, who now also receives the authority to rule as

king. This process is a bit different, yet similar of that of a believer. God calls us out of

darkness into His marvelous light – the process of choosing you as king. Then when you

receive the Holy Spirit, God anoints you through the pouring out of His Spirit into you.

This pouring out or anointing overflows you as a new believer and saturate every fiber of

your being. Then when you receive your calling, you take up your place with authority to

operate in that calling. Many Christians don’t feel like kings, because they haven’t

answered the call of God yet – every believer receives a call from God!

In many churches today, you will still be ordained a pastor, or evangelist, teacher,

prophet or apostle. However, there are many different callings and you might not be

ordained in church to take up that calling, but God will always confirm that it is He Who

had called you to a certain works. Every believer are called out of darkness into God’s

marvelous light; and God says this to the believer: “…ye are a chosen generation, a royal

priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people…” This speaks of your Kingly Heritage;

called, ordained and appointed by God.

For us to fully understand the royalty of man or his kingship in creation, we must

understand the fashion of man. Genesis 1:26 gives us a clear understanding, saying;

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have

dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and

over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” (You can

read on to verse 31 for better understanding). God made man after His own image and

likeness. Now we know that God is King, but here it says that God made man after His

image and likeness; meaning after His Kingship – then we see that God had given man

the dominion / to rule over His creation. Everything was subjected to man. God made

man and also gave him the authority to be king over His creation. That was man’s

birthright, until he sinned.

When man sinned, he gave up his birthright of ruling over God’s creation; and devil

gladly grabbed hold of that birthright. From that day on, man was under the subjection of

sin and devil. However, that was until Jesus came, died on the cross, stripped devil from

his authority and gave man back his birthright. Now it is up to man to answer the call and

receive back his kingly heritage. God’s plan was for man to rule over His creation; and it

is still God’s plan today – He wants man to rule over His creation.

This brings me back to the present hour reality of the Kingly Heritage of the believer. We

are called by God to take up our place in His Kingdom and to rule over the things God

had created. David is a good example of the way the Lord leads us into our Kingly

Heritage. As a young boy, God was training David to attend to his sheep. While doing so,

God used it as training ground to equip David to become king. Although David was

called by God, anointed by God and ordained as king, he was not completely ready to

rule. This led to king Saul wanting to kill David. David resisted to take action, but rather

used his spiritual armour to push through. Physically he was also equipped to take king


Saul on and defeat him so that he can take his place as king of Israel, but David was led

by God to patiently wait for the appointed time for God to unveil him as king. (You can

study the story of David and also read the book of ‘the Tales of three kings’ to grasp

God’s plan in appointing a king).

There is certain tests we need to go through which will equip us to take up our places as

kings, but these are not battles we need to fight – it is simply applying what God has

taught us. Therefore, be careful not to mix religion with God’s Word – because religion

teach what people want to hear, but the Word of God teach what God wants people to


Although we used the word king in this article, the word king refers to the ladies just as

much as the gents; as it is that in the spiritual realm there are no difference in sex – the

Bible always refers to both, gents and ladies as one sex in the spiritual realm.

Remember: Every king has advisers; but you have an Advisor Who is King of kings –

what a privilege! Therefore, with every decision you have to take, take it first to your

Advisor, He will never advice you wrong, for He is right in all He do!

God is preparing you today; through allowing diverse challenges to come your way, God

is developing a sound mind within you. The more you start trusting God’s plan; and the

more you start digging into God’s Word, the more you will realize that God had fulfilled

all His promises – it now is only a matter of time for us to discover all He has done for

us. Many times we read of God’s promises and fail to understand that God had fulfilled

all His promises in Jesus Christ, because we fail to dig deeper and search out the product

of God’s promises. We living in the end times; the seals of Revelation has been broken,

the bowls poured out, the horsemen send out (which we will speak of more in detail in

our article titled: ‘End Time Prophesy’ in a few weeks time).

God has one promise to fulfill, the rapture! But when we understand the construction of

the book of Revelation, we will notice that even that promise is a done deal. All we need

to learn is to see with the eyes of God. God looks at the end and rest at peace within

Himself, because He knows how everything will end. Therefore, the Lord has revealed to

us through Apostle John what the end will be. We need not fear, because God had

revealed our destiny already, and He had declared us winners. God has given us an

expected end (Jer.29:11).

What God wants us to accomplish now, is for us to seek out the truth so that He can place

us before nations as kings. A believer has no need to fight any battle; and when you grasp

God’s perfect plan, you will understand that a believer lives by God’s Word – nothing

else matters, because everything we are faced with now is temporal and will be gone

soon. A believer makes God’s Word a present hour reality through applying faith to all

things. Are you ready to answer God’s call? God is waiting for you so that He can ordain

you as king to rule until He returns. If we can endure we will also reign with the Lord (2

Tim.2:12). Our kingship is a joint inheritance, to reign with God over all things – it’s

true, God said so, not me!


Collaborated Articles

No Weapon Formed Against You

“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise

against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the

Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” (Is.54:17)

For every action there is an equally awaited reaction; therefore, we are to choose our

actions carefully, be it what we do or say. In many cases you will not see the immediate

reaction, but there is always a reaction for every action. The Word tells us that all things

work together for the good of those who love God (Rom.8:28) – no matter if it’s good or

bad, we can benefit out of it with the right attitude and reaction. The subliminal message

in this verse tells us that when we love God, no matter what we are faced with, it will

work for our good. It is our reaction to actions against us that will cause all things to

work for our good. Loving God means that we will do what God ask us to do. Another

verse that compliments this fact is found in Romans 8:31; ‘if God is for us, who can be

against us.’ We need not respond to situations with negativity, for God is on our side and

He will surely not allow any weapon to harm us.

When we study the stories of the Bible, we notice that even though ‘weapons’ was

formed against God’s children, those weapons didn’t prosper, rather it caused God’s

children to prosper instead. It’s like when a weapons was formed against God’s children,

that same weapons pushed them up and caused them to reach the heights they were meant

to reach. I want to give you some references you can study on your own time. Look at

David (Ps.132:17), he became king of Israel. Joseph (Gen.41:40 onwards) became the

governor of Egypt. Paul (from Act, Rom, Col, Eph, Gal, Phil, Tim, Heb, etc… ) wrote

three quarters of the New Testament even he was in prison for most of his life; and even

was boiled alive in oil, but came out unharmed. Elijah (2 Kings 6:16) an army came

against him, but he made manifest the angels. Jesus (Acts 1:9-12) the greatest of all,

ascended into Heaven and took His place on the eternal Throne. There is many stories

that proves that even when weapons are formed against us, it will not prosper. Even when

a king hired Balaam to curse Israel, only blessings came out, even when he was meant to

speak a curse (Duet.23:4-5).

All things work together for our good (Rom.8:28); all we need to do is put our trust in

God (Prov.3:5). This is truly loving God, to follow God’s instruction even when we not

sure where He is leading us too. The Lord God gives us His Word in Jeremaih 29:11,

saying; “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of

peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” If God is for us, who can be against


The Lord gives us many assuring words of His protecting love for us: “When thou


passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not

overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall

the flame kindle upon thee. 3 For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy

Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee. 4 Since thou wast

precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I

give men for thee, and people for thy life.” (Is.43:2-4)

Those who are with us is more than those who are with them… and He that is with us is

greater than he that is in the world…

Made in the image of God:

We read in Col.3:9-10 and Eph.4:24 on the character of God’s image, which is True

Wisdom, Righteousness and Holiness. We also see in Gen.1:26 that we were made in

God’s image and in 1 John 5:4 we read that we are born of God – So being born of God,

after His image and likeness, it means that we have God’s DNA in us. Scientist have

proved that our genetics is transfered through our DNA. However, the Bible brings a new

revelation to the child of God. In 2 Cort.5:17 we see that if any man be in Christ, he is a

new creature. This means that even thouugh we are born into this world of the flesh and

of sin, when we are born again, we are born anew of God. Like the Hebrews who was

born into this world of God and is called God’s people, so to are we now born of God at

our new birth. God fought many battles for His people back in the Old Testament, but if

we in the New Testament can only understand that Jesus fought the battle for whosoever

will believe. All that is left for us to do is to believe; and to believe means to do. The

doing part of believing is to live the life Jesus came to give us through faith by the Word

of God.

Our success is in the doing of the Word (Josh.1:8). Like Joshua, although he couldn’t see

the complete plan of God, He understood that God lives even in the future and are

straightening out his path to walk in. All Joshua done was to walk according to God’s

instruction; and he reached his destination through following God’s plan. With no doubt

and no question, Joshua done as God instructed him; even at times they where out

numbered and some of God’s instructions seemed very difficult to actually do, he trusted

God with all his heart and never depending on his own understanding (Prov.3:5). Many

weapons was formed against Joshua, but none prospered!

It is good to understand that hell is real; it will keep us in the consciousness that it is

better to walk the road God had prepared for us. In the other hand, don’t let your life be

so occupied by the awareness of devil that you have all the knowledge of his plan and

hardly know the plan of God for your life – you might just end up on the wrong road.

Devil planned his path next to the path of God. He is the counterfeit of God, while he is

turning chaos around in the world to take peoples attention of his real plan. Having

knowledge of the reality of devil and his plan should allow us to live a life pleasing unto

God; for when we know the evil plot against us, we can surely walk upright in the plan


God has for us – anticipating evil and living unto God.

One of the biggest miss concepts which devil had deceived mankind with is that of love.

Tap into God’s law of love found in 1 Cort.13; this way you will be able to uproot many

religious doctrines and allow your spiritual eyes to be open through the ministry of the

Holy Spirit in you. Learn to die to yourself and live for Christ, this is the true essence of

God’s love – after all, Jesus laid His life down for us to live – surely we can do the same,

because Jesus took our punishment unto Himself.

You might of read through this article and ask, but why do we see Christians in a

financial crush, Christians falling sick and dying, Christians being involved in accidents

and marriages breaking up, people loosing the work, etc… To understand this we need to

take our focus off devil and put it on man for a moment. People have formed religious

mindsets from the very beginning of creation, not trusting God the way they ought too.

Now I don’t give any credit to devil, because he is a defeated foe; however, peoples

mentality many times have opened doors against themselves. The thoughts of man have

become man’s enemy weapon. All devil can do now after Jesus dealt with him and his

cohorts is to try and deceive us, but it is only through the lack of knowledge we can fall

victim to this. In many cases it is our own unbelief – not taking God by His Word

concerning us that we are knocked down by our own ignorance. Most of the time it starts

by pride – too proud to admit that we lack in certain areas of our lives. We are too content

with how things go. The rest of the time it’s our own mouth that talks against ourselves.

Humble yourself and guard your mouth – this is the beginning of a wholesome life – a

life of more than a conqueror!

Let you worry not be of what people are plotting against you, for the Lord says;

“…Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” (Ps.105:15). God is quick to

act against those who acts against you – at just the right moment, the Lord takes care of

all our cares and well-being.


Collaborated Articles

God’s Swordsman

In this segment we will take a look at why God had given us spiritual weapons and how

to use them effectively.

“For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword,

piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,

and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Heb.4:12)

Concerning Spiritual Weapons:

The sword…

The Word is like a sword, but looking at what Hebrews says about it; it is to divide. This

sword, unlike the physical sword, is not to stab, kill or destroy with; it is to divide. So

what are we to divide? Truth from lies!

Now the mind is a rich and fertile ground, in which anything will grow. So we have to

make sure we take the weeds out in order for the word of God to grow. Now let us break

down Hebrews 4:12 to understand the fullness of this verse through the amplified


‘For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative,

energizing, and effective]…’ How wonderful the Ampl.v express God’s Word, but to

further understand, God speaks through His children to the world, making His Words

active through us, puts it into operation, through the anointing it is energized and it

becomes effective. ‘…it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing

line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit…’ The Word of God divides and

cuts away the old sinful nature and allows God’s nature to prevail (2 Cort.5:17) – the

nature we were born of God (1 John 5:4) ‘…and of joints and marrow [of the deepest

parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts

and purposes of the heart.’ God’s Word exposes and brings to surface all the things

which should not be in us, for us to deal with the roots of things hindering us


The Word of God helps us not only develop ourselves, but also those who we speak

God’s Word too, to divide and separate us from the wickedness of this world unto God.

Isaiah 55:11 says; “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not

return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in

the thing whereto I sent it.” We understand from John 1:1 that the Word of God is the

Holy Spirit, Who became flesh in John 1:14, Who was Jesus. Now that Jesus had return,


we receive the Holy Spirit when we are born again – and as Jesus is, so are we in this

world (1 John 4:17). We are now God’s Word made flesh. We are the Emmanuel’s of

this world – God with them. This is what made Jesus so effective in His ministry, He

walked daily in the consciousness of Who He is, and the Word of God reveals to us who

we are in Christ – we have the Holy Spirit living in and through us. However, the key

point to understand is we need to walk daily in the consciousness of who we are in Christ

for the Holy Spirit to be Who He was sent to be – Alive in us!

We have come to understand in our previous articles that the Holy Spirit is our

Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby (John

14:16 Ampl.v). He will teach us all things which pertain unto life and godliness. All we

need in life is all wrapped up in the Word of God, Who is the Holy Spirit that lives in us.

I said before; Christianity ought to be the outward expression of the inner working of

God in a human body.

So how do we express God to the world? Is by giving heed to that which the Holy Spirit

came to do in us, through us and for us. God wants us to become the sword in His hand,

that when He sends His sword out it will accomplish that which He speaks of and not

return void unto Him. Besides Jesus, we can take a look at Paul and the Apostles; they

are all prime examples of being effective – but Jesus remains the perfect example of

God’s love. For us to become effective, we first need to get to know God the Father, God

the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Once we get to know God, we will get to know

ourselves too; because God said He made man in His Own image and likeness

(Gen.1:26). Not only did God make us to look like Him, but also to be like Him. God

wants to impress His Character on us as we are born of God (1 John 5:4). We might not

see this now, but when we study the Word of God diligently, we will understand that God

is developing in us Himself. This is the reason why God gives unto the church Teacher,

Pastors, Evangelist, Prophets and Apostles ‘…for the perfecting of the saints, for the work

of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Till we all come in the unity of

the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure

of the stature of the fulness of Christ.’ (Eph.4:11-13). God’s plan is to bring us into the

fullness of Christ – how wonderful and loving God is!

So are you starting to get the picture now? God doesn’t want to make fighters out of us,

He doesn’t want to make soldiers out of us… That’s why Jesus came and conquerored

the devil and all his cohorts. I shared previously in the article speaking of that; we are not

in spiritual warfare, the only battle we need to win is that in our own minds. There is no

need to battle devil, Jesus dealt with him long ago. The Word tells us in James 4:7;

‘Resist the devil and he will flee from you’ – not – fight the devil… Paul understood this

and therefore he tells us to fight the good fight of faith (1 Tim.6:12), not the good fight of

whipping devil. Faith is seeing what the physical eyes can’t see and calling it real – faith

takes God by His Word. It goes beyond believing God’s Word is Truth; it is knowing that

God’s Word is Truth! When you know something, there is nothing no one can do or say

to change your mind about it. Even devil can’t convince you otherwise.


The only thing that keeps us bound to fighting an unnecessary battle is our knowledge on

the Word of God. This is exactly what Hosea 4:6 tells us; ‘God’s children are destroyed

for the lack of knowledge’. It is not because we loosing the fight against devil, it is

because we don’t know that he has been defeated. Therefore, get a hold of the Word of

God – “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.”

(Psalm 119:130).

In closing, I want us to take a look at our opening verse again:

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword,

piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,

and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrew 4:12)

The Word of God is a discerner, with it, we will be able to discern what is good and bad.

Many people believe that God tells us to put on His whole armour (Eph.6), because God

wants us to go into battle. They believe that we are to battle against devil and his cohorts.

The questions is; why battle against a defeated foe? Jesus defeated him, you got no

business with him and his followers. Let’s take a look at Ephessians 6:13 “Wherefore

take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day,

and having done all, to stand.” The full armour of God is the full Word of God. We are

to take the full Word unto ourselves, not to fight, but to withstand in the evil day –

meaning, do not be moved by false doctrine! Be only moved by the Word of God (1

Pet.1:21). Even the whole armour of God is to protect us from false doctrine; and the

sword are the Word of God. God isn’t raising up an army to battle, He is raising an army

to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Yes, the bible tells us in Mark 16:17-18 that ‘these signs shall follow those who believe;

In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall

take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay

hands on the sick, and they shall recover.’ This does not imply war, this tells us that we

have gained authority to use the Name above all names; JESUS – to tell demons to get

out, to back off… We need not fight, we only need to be in the presence of God; for

nothing can stand upright in the presence of God – we all fall short of His glory,

therefore, evil can’t come near us when we are in God’s presence. As a born again

Christian, you carry the fullness of God within you, now only be conscious that the

fullness is also the very presence of God. Stir the Spirit up through giving glory unto God

always! But being in the presence of God will not work for you if you not conscious of it

– you got to acknowledge it!

Our spiritual weapon consist of this and this alone: “And they overcame him (devil) by

the blood of the Lamb (Jesus), and by the word of their testimony (Salvation); and they

loved not their lives unto the death.” (Rev.12:11). Loving God and giving glory unto

God is the greatest weapon – there is no battle to fight, just love God and glorify His

Holiness – this propel devil with his deceitful ways away from you; and it catapults you


to the next level. Knowing the Truth is one thing, but to be born of Truth makes you

peculiar! Hallelujah!


Collaborated Articles

Custodians of Glory

I want to start this article of at God’s Throne for us to understand the wonderful existence

of God. Also in this article, I’m going to give you a lot of scripture references, so you can

study for yourself as well to see what I’m talking about is true.

Jesus literally sits on God’s throne, literally sitting in God’s presence (Matt.19:28 &

Rev.4:10), surrounded first by the 24 elders (which is the representative of the 12 tribes

of Israel and the 12 apostles) / (Rev. 4:10 & 20:4), by the 4 living beings (or creatures

like mention in some versions) / (Rev.4:6-8), by the 7 Spirits of God (Rev.:4/ 3:1/ 4:5 &

5:6), and by a numerous amount of angels (Heb.12:22 & Rev.5:11). Secondly, Jesus sits

at the centre of all creation: He is surrounded by the entire creation; the stars, planets,

meteors, comets, milky waves and everything He has created (Col.1:17 & Ps.33:6) – all

things in the spiritual realm and in the physical realm surrounds Him. By descending,

ascending and transcending energy of His Being, all things revolves around Him and all

things are kept together by Him (Col.1:17).

The Holy Spirit has a big role He plays, not only in Heaven and at God’s Throne, but also

here on earth and in the lives of every believer…

The 7 Spirits of God (Rev.:4/ 3:1/ 4:5 & 5:6) are:

1) Teacher

2) Counselor

3) Comforter

4) Helper

5) Advocate

6) Intercessor

7) Standby

*these 7 characteristics of the Holy Spirit is seen in John 14:26 Amp.V as well as a wide

spread of verses in scripture that elaborates on these…

These are the Spirits of God sent out to the world, the churches and God’s children

through the Holy Spirit (Rev.1:4). The 7 Spirits of God speaks of the 7 characteristics of

the Holy Spirit (like mentioned above). These are the things the Holy Spirit does in,

through and for us. Only God has 7 Spirits, and all 7 Spirits is part of One body,

represented in the Holy Spirit (Col.2:9).

In all, to understand the being of God, we must understand the function of the Deity. God

is the Father – every good thing comes from Him (Jms.1:17). Jesus is the expressed

image of God (Jhn.14:9), as God is Spirit and do not have form (Jhn.4:24), Jesus gives

form to God. The Holy Spirit is just that, the Spirit of God (2 Cor.3:17). It is through the

Holy Spirit that all things were created on the Father’s instruction by Jesus Christ


(Jhn.1:1-4). The Deity of God includes the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit,

and although 3 entities, they are all ONE (1 Jhn.5:7 & Rev.1:8).

Wonderful Existence:

Furthermore, to understand the function of the God-head, I want to explain it like this.

God is Spirit (Jhn.4:24) and He remains on the throne (Gen.1:1-3) in the bodily form of

Jesus (Jhn.1:14). Now I told you earlier that Jesus is seated on the throne in the presence

of God. Even when Jesus stands up from the throne, the Father remains on the throne –

meaning that God’s presence never leaves the Throne. Now this happened once; that was

when God sent Jesus into this world in bodily form (Jhn.1:14). This will happen once

more when Jesus returns the 2nd time (Act.1:10-11). Wherever Jesus goes, the presence

of God also goes, but also still remains on the Throne (Ezk.1:4-28). So the question now

is; if the presence of God the Father remains on the Throne, how then is it possible for

His presence to follow Jesus wherever He goes.

We see this at the beginning of creation when we read in Genesis 1:1-2; “In the

beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and

void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the

face of the waters.” The Spirit of God which moved upon the face of the waters indicates

that He came out of God, because the Father was still seated on the Throne – He never

leaves His Throne, but at the same time, God’s presence also never leaves the Throne.

We further understands this through the word ‘Omnipresent’ (Ps.46:1 & Is.57:15).

Omnipresent means all over or throughout… God has the ability through His Holy Spirit

to be on the Throne and on earth at the same time. Only the Spirit of God has the ability

to multiply itself as many times necessary to make God omnipresent. This is the reason

that we can sometimes sense the tangible presence of God during prayer times and church


This is also what makes the born again Christian so unique (1 Pet.2:9) The born again

Christian has the fullness of God living within them through the in dwelling of the Holy

Spirit. Colosians 2:9 tells us that the Holy Spirit is the fullness of God. He isn’t given in a

measure, but we receive the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit in all His fullness and in all the

fullness of God. He is the Allos Parakletos (Jhn.14:26-28), the exact same as Jesus, Who

retains the fullness of the God-head – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in bodily form – and

as a born again Christian, you have this same fullness of God within you!

Custodians of Glory:

The 4 living beings surrounding the Throne of God (Rev.4:6-8) is the Custodians of His

glory. The account given by Ezekiel (Ezk.1:4-28) is evident that the 4 living beings is a

part of the wonderful existence of God. Wherever Jesus goes, not only does the Holy

Spirit goes, but the custodians of His glory also goes.


Let’s take a quick look at what Ezekiel saw:

“And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire

infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour

of amber, out of the midst of the fire. 5 Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of

four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.

6 And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings. 7 And their feet were

straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf’s foot: and they sparkled

like the colour of burnished brass. 8 And they had the hands of a man under their wings

on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings. 9 Their wings were

joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went every one straight

forward. 10 As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the

face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they

four also had the face of an eagle. 11 Thus were their faces: and their wings were

stretched upward; two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered

their bodies. 12 And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go,

they went; and they turned not when they went. 13 As for the likeness of the living

creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of

lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out

of the fire went forth lightning. 14 And the living creatures ran and returned as the

appearance of a flash of lightning.” (Ezekiel 4:14).

Can you imagine anything penetrating the glory and presence of the Lord as what we just

read now in Ezekiel? Of course not! Anything that comes near will be destroyed. This

account given by Ezekiel is the full force function of the custodians of God’s glory; and

Jesus is the glory of God (Heb.1:3). Nothing can come near Him, unless it’s in God Will

and His perfect plan.

The New Creation:

The Bible also tells us that we are to be the expressed image of God (Matt.5:14-16).

There are 3 things about the image of God to understand what it means to be the

expressed image of God. These are:

1) Wisdom

2) Righteousness

3) Holiness

We see this in Col.3:9-10 & Eph.4:24

These 3 characteristics together ushers in the glory of God in our lives; but even God will

speak through an unworthy vessel, the glory of God will not shine if the vessel is

unworthy. Also, the Bible describes the 4 living beings at God’s throne to have 4

different faces (Rev.4:6-8):


1) Face of a man:

The man-like face represent the earnest prayerfull nature of a saint; making intercession


2) Face of an ox:

The ox-like face represent that great strength and perseverance.

3) Face of a lion:

The lion-like face represent that of great courage and dominionship; king-like.

4) Face of an eagle:

The eagle-like face represent that of high swore, lifted high above, and freedom, which

brings about peace.

Each face represent the characteristics of the creature it looks like. However, the physical

appearance doesn’t look like these mention, but when looking into each beings face; you

perceive the character of each representative. God wants to develop these characteristics

within us too, for here in this world we are the custodians of God’s glory (1 Cor.6:19);

and the Holy Spirit represents God through us. God’s desire is to take us to the place of

His presence. The Bible tells us in Philippians 2:10 that by the Name of Jesus every knee

should bow; all things in Heaven and on earth and under the earth. However, when you in

the presence of God, every knee will bow – it has no option. The presence of God is a

bright glowing light, so powerful that no being can stand face to face with His presence

(Ex.3:20); it will be destroyed.

It is not impossible while here on earth to be in the presence of God, because being in the

presence of God is a condition of spiritual consciousness and divine connection. When

you reach this place, no matter what comes your way, it will bow down before God with

you; and it will be paralyzed to act any further. No wonder David said; ‘Even a thousand

comes at his side, and ten thousand at his right hand; none will come near him’


Be that custodian of God’s glory today, because God has called you to express Him to

this world, to show Jesus real to a dying world; and to reveal God’s plan of salvation of

souls! Like the Living Beings/Creatures of Revelations Who represent the saints before

the Throne, so to are the saints to represent the characteristics of the Living

Beings/Creatures before this world, which is the footstool of God (Isaiah 66:1 – ‘Thus

saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool’).


Collaborated Articles

End Time Prophesy

The message of end time prophesy is one that is neglected by the church today. This

however is the plan of devil, for the unveiling of devil takes place in the book of

Revelation; as well as the glorious revealing of Jesus Christ to the world at large. Many

people don’t want to preach on the end time prophecies, while others don’t want to hear

its message; because they simply don’t understand what the book is talking about. First

we must understand that Revelation is a very symbolic book and many of the things we

read of will not be seen in the physical world as expressed in Revelation, but

nevertheless, it is all relevant and evident when we measure up what Revelation is

revealing to the current affairs of the world.

The simple aim of this article is to shed a bit light on the things Revelation speaks of.

Before we dig into the hardcore of Revelation, I want to shed light on what each chapter

in Revelation is relating to us.

Introduction to Revelation:

The skeletal structure of Revelation is contained in the seals, the trumpets and the vials.

Revelation chapter 12 describes a war that will take place in heaven three and a half years

before the second coming. Revelation chapter 13 foretells the coming one-world

government, one-world religion and the global economic system. Revelation chapters 17

and 18 contain a detailed account of the coming destruction of the false religious systems

that will be in alliance with the Antichrist. The Bible has given us reliable signs that we

are in the end times. Jesus said, “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know

that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till

all these things be fulfilled.” (Matthew 24:33-34). Which generation will not pass until all

these things are fulfilled? The Answer is, the generation that shall see the things

prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24. We are witnessing the fulfillment of these things

right now! Revelation 1-3 – Revelation 1:7 reveals the entire theme of the Book of

Revelation, the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and

every eye shall see him…” Chapters 2 and 3 contain special messages written to the

seven churches of Asia. After John was released from exile, he became the overseer of

these churches and was able to personally deliver the messages from God to them.

Revelation 4-5. We get a glimpse of Heaven and see the worship of the One “Who sits on

the Throne.” The cry goes out, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” No

one in all of heaven and earth was found worthy to open the scroll until the Lamb of God,

Jesus Christ, stood in the midst of the throne. In Revelation 6 the Lamb looses the seals,

revealing the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the souls under the altar and the heavens

departing like a scroll. Revelation 7 describes the sealing of the 144,000 to protect them

from the calamities to come. The later part of the chapter describes those that have come

out of great tribulation. “These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have


washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 7:14).

Revelation 8-11 Five of the first six trumpets reveal great catastrophes upon the nations,

but the people still do not repent. The sounding of the seventh trumpet in Revelation

11:15 signals the time when the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of Jesus

Christ. This includes the Battle of Armageddon and the second coming of Christ. The

Bible states that at this time men will finally repent and give glory to God. This seventh

trumpet is the “last trump” referred to in 1 Corinthians 15:52. Revelation 12 describes a

woman with twelve stars about her head. The woman is depicted in the throes of

childbirth. The dragon, satan, stands before the woman to devour the child as soon as he

is born. The woman is Israel, and the twelve stars symbolize the twelve tribes of Israel.

The child is Jesus. Herod the Great did attempt to kill Jesus just as soon as He was born;

however, he failed. The narrative of Revelation 12 then jumps 2,000 years. Satan wages

war against the forces of God in heaven but is defeated. Satan is cast out of heaven with

his angels and confined to the earth. The dragon then wages war against Israel, but Israel

is protected by the wings of a great eagle (this all speaks of ages of happenings that has

passed and revolves into present happenings, this describes the things yet to come). A

beast rises from the sea, a confederation of world empires led by the Antichrist. Another

beast comes out of the earth, appearing as a lamb, but speaking like the devil. This

second beast, the False Prophet, deceives the people of the earth influencing them to

worship the Antichrist (these are the things we are witnessing now). Revelation 13

depicts the Antichrist and his one-world government. It also describes the Antichrist’s

religious partner, the False Prophet. In the latter part of the chapter, the economic system

of the endtime, called the “mark of the beast” is described (this is the things we are

heading into now). Revelation 14 talks of the 144,000 redeemed, undefiled, blameless

and protected by God. Revelation 14:8 announces that Babylon the Great has fallen

because it made all the world commit spiritual adultery. Chapter 14 tells of the reaping of

the harvest of the earth—the rapture of the church. Then there is another harvest, the

“reaping of the vine of the earth,” to be thrown into the winepress of the wrath of God.

This speaks of the Battle of Armageddon. Revelation 15 introduces the seven angels

having the seven last plagues. It states that in these plagues “is filled up the wrath of

God.” Revelation 16 records the pouring out of the final seven plagues (the vials). Verses

12-16 record the preparations for the Battle of Armageddon. The seventh vial is the same

as the sixth and seventh seal and the seventh trumpet. Revelation 16:16-19 introduces

Armageddon and the judgment of the false religious system called Mystery Babylon. God

so hates false religion that He spends chapters 17 and 18 on the judgment “the great

whore.” God always uses a woman to symbolize a church. He uses a virgin to symbolize

His true church, and a harlot to symbolize the false compromised church of the endtime.

Revelation 19 – After spending two chapters on the judgment against the false church,

God proceeds to describe His marriage to the true church. “Let us be glad and rejoice,

and give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made

herself ready.” After the marriage, Jesus proceeds to the earth to fight the Battle of

Armageddon and to set up His kingdom. Revelation 20 – After Armageddon, Satan is

bound for the next 1,000 years. After the thousand-year period has ended, satan will be

released to deceive the nations again. Satan is finally cast into the lake of fire, to be

tormented forever. The books are opened for the final judgment, and all are judged

according to their deeds. (Revelation 20:12) Those whose names are not found written in


the Lamb’s Book of Life are cast into the lake of fire, where Satan and his angels are in

eternal torment. The only way to get your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life is to be born

again, as said in Acts 2:38, “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every

one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the

gift of the Holy Ghost.” In Revelation 21 John states that there will be a new heaven and

a new earth. He is told that the New Jerusalem is the bride, the Lamb’s wife. The New

Jerusalem is then described in great detail. Revelation 22 The final chapter of Revelation

summarizes the goal of the entire book. It describes the river of life and the tree of life

that will be in the New Jerusalem. It also states that those who hear the sayings of the

book of Revelation will be blessed. A dual warning is given. If any person adds to the

things written in the book of Revelation, God will add to that person the plagues that are

written in the book. If anyone takes away from the book of Revelation, God will take

away his name from the book of life. Finally, in this concluding chapter, God emphasizes

the central message of the book by saying three times, “Behold, I come quickly.” The

book of Revelation indeed ushers in the return of Jesus Christ and He is revealed to the

world at large!

Revelation is written in 4 sectors, not in order of events, but for our studying and

decoding accordingly to the wisdom God gives us through His Spirit. Giving you the

large overhaul picture of the book of Revelation, I want us to take a look at two of the

main themes of the Throne of God in the end time, which is the Four Living Creatures

and the 7 seals.

Four Living Creatures:

John spoke of some of the things he was allowed to translate back to the world

concerning God’s glorious Throne Room, the center of God’s operation and managing

system – where all has started and all will end. Even John tried to express the things he

could speak off, it doesn’t come near to what he really experienced. The presence of God

is so overwhelming, but the Holy Spirit will draw your attention to certain things only.

With Jesus seated on the Throne, glowing with the marvelous light of God’s presence

which is within Him, Jesus is seated at the centre of creation; and everything revolving

around the Throne of God.

Before the Throne is what Revelation describe as a sea of crystal. These are the pure

souls who laid their lives down for Jesus. Also in front of the Throne, at the crystal sea,

this is what Revelations speaks of, the four Living Beings, with the faces of;

1) Lion – Courage and boldness (in the New Testament this is Faith) 1 Corn.12:8

2) Eagle (Is.40:31) – soaring high in liberty…

3) Man – reflects the grace of God, and that of prayer (Eccl.8:1 – wisdom in face of man)

3) Ox – Acts 6:15 – strengths and endurance.

Each face is symbolic to the characteristic of each creature. Looking at each face, you

will not see the physical image, but rather perceive what characteristic they have. They


are the custodians of the Throne and Glory of God. Surrounding the Throne of God,

Revelations also speaks of 24 elders, which is the symbolic resemblance of the 12 tribes

of Israel and the 12 apostles.

The Throne Room of God is glorious and His presence is overwhelming. This is the place

God wants us to be at when the end comes. Now not every born again Christian will enter

the Throne Room of God, but every true born again Christian will enter Heaven. The

Four Living Creatures represents God’s complete Holiness; the nature of God which we

are born off. Therefore, we can understand that these Four Living Creatures which

represent God and His true children are all in one and form part of God’s glorious


7 Seals:

When we take a look at biblical truths and historical events of this world, we will see how

the prophesy of Revelation is unfolding before our very eyes. This will take some

studying of your own to understand; however, I want to sum it up in short. Although John

saw the opening of the 7 seals in his future, we are living them in our present hour. The

first 6 seals seen in Rev.8 has been opened already. The 7 seal also has been opened and

are being played out in the heavenly realms, manifesting in the physical realm. Rev.9

speaks of 7 angels which will blast 7 trumpets and the pouring out of the bowls upon the

earth. The first 5 trumpets has been sounded, leaving us near the end with the 6th and 7th

trumpet to be sounded.

Looking at our current world events; nations waging war against Israel, diverse

sicknesses, increase of human brutality and social evils, the fight for a one world

government and one world religion, the rapid increase of concrete jungles and destruction

of green jungles, the dangers in our drinking water, etc… is all evident of the signs of end

time prophecies seen in Revelation. Mankind is building up an empire, a modern

Babylon; but God will destroy this city, for this city does not have God as their

foundation. Just looking at how Hollywood and the media platforms of this world have

slowly and cleverly introduced the counterfeit of God to be accepted by many – which is

satan, we can surely call for a wake-up.

Spirit Realm Realities:

I have many times heard preachings about satan and the forces of darkness of the spiritual

realm. It is evident that majority of the church today lack the understanding of this

reality, as we are daily surrounded by spiritual bodies and activities. This is very

disturbing, considering that ‘the new agers’ of this time is very comfortable with the

unseen realm or spiritual realm; and sometimes even understand truths that the typical

Christian never been taught. It is important to remember that satan operates his kingdom


by counterfeiting the true Kingdom of God. Satan uses the good things in this world and

make it look as real as possible; while on the other hand, he uses the bad things of this

world to take the attention off his real work and purpose – counterfeiting God’s Kingdom

and deceiving many who lacks knowledge – even Christians!

A counterfeit tries to imitate the truth, yet it will never be the truth. A counterfeit looks

very real. Remember why satan was cast down from Heaven; he wanted to take God’s

place, and still trying to do so now. We can’t run away from the real just because there is

a counterfeit. Unfortunately, that’s what many Christians are doing today; and the sad

things is that they don’t even consciously know they doing that. They rather listen to a

message that’s pleasing unto the ears, because they can understand it and it seems to

make better sense than the things which is difficult to the ear – yet they haven’t received

the revelation of Rom.12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by

the renewing of your mind…” It is through the Word of God that our understanding will

be enlighten (Ps.119:130).

Many Christians consider themselves inadequately equipped to understand deep things of

the Spirit or the operation of the spiritual world. Is it not the Spirit of God which will tell

you about the things He hears from the Father? Is it not Jesus that said; “But when the

Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—He will teach

you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.” (John 14:26). What

will He teach you? You see, the Bible has a subliminal message, and the Holy Spirit will

teach you all about it if you allow Him too. All we will ever need is wrapped up in the

Word of God, but if we don’t give heed to the teaching of the Spirit, we might never

understand the operation of the spiritual realm. This is the reasons why many people see

the book of Revelation as a horror story instead of that of an expected end (Jer.29:11).

I don’t live my life around the fact that devil is real; I live my life around the reality that

he’s been defeated! For that reason, I done an article in our series, ‘Quicken by the

Spirit’, titled: ‘Spiritual Warfare’. In that article I spoke of the Christian life beyond the

battle field. You see, there’s many wounded people out in the world, because religion has

painted such a real picture of battle and spiritual war in their minds, that it became a

reality to many – yet it is false teaching!

Experiments prove that when you take two people and place one in an environment

surrounded by negativity, that person will most probably be a very negative person – and

placing the second person in a positive surrounding, that person will likely be positive. In

today’s life it is evident that those who have good teachers at school is more likely to be

better educated than those who had bad teachers. This ought not to be the case of a

Christian, for the Holy Spirit is our Teacher; and what an excellent Teacher He is.

Christians who lean on man’s understanding are programmed for failure; but those who

lean on the Holy Spirit’s teaching are wired for success.

It matters where you go and who you surround yourself with, especially when it comes to


your spiritual growth. Now, be careful that you don’t withdraw from non-Christian

people; because we are to fellowship in a church to gain knowledge under a corporate

anoiting. After being filled, we need to empty into other peoples lives so we can be filled

again – be blessed to be a blessing! It is more important to minister salvation to non-

Christians than it is to a Christian, because those who aren’t saved needs to hear it more

then those who has received salvation already.

We are to lead people unto the path of salvation, and help those who gave their hearts to

Jesus in the working out of their salvation through discipleship. The Holy Spirit is

preparing His people for the rapture, are you giving heed to His teachings and leading?

The end is nearer than what most people realize. In fact; God had saved every single

person already the day Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected to give us life – the

only difference between a Christian and a non-Christian is that the non-Christian haven’t

accepted salvation yet. It is our responsibility to live our Christian life in such a way that

it looks attractive to everyone – because it is a glorious life!


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