Making Money Make $ense · Get a grip of your personal finances and track your everyday expenses...


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Making Money Make $ense


Julie Anderson, Assistant Director of Financial Aid

Agenda for Today:

Most Common Mistakes College Students Make

with Money

Why Money Management is SUPER Important

How to Make Thoughtful Financial Decisions

What you Need to Know to Make Good Money

Decisions While in College

Free Resources for you!

Most Common Money Mistakes Students Make: Spending Every Penny Instead of Saving

Living Beyond your Means – Racking up Debt

Average credit card debt for a graduating college student is $4100 – Sallie Mae

Letting your Bills Slide - Not Paying on time

The fastest growing group of bankruptcy filers are people 25 years of age or younger (19% of those are college graduates)

Spending “Extra” Student Loan Money

Not Researching to find the Best Deals

Not Keeping Track of Account Transactions & Balances

Example of Poor Spending

Why Good Money Management is Important

Credit Scores

What is a Credit Score?

Your credit score is a three-digit number generated by a mathematical algorithm using information in your credit report. It's designed to predict risk, specifically, the likelihood that you will become seriously delinquent on your credit obligations in the 24 months after scoring.

Credit Score range from 300 to 850

Why Good Money Management is Important:

Your Credit management habits affect your credit score & therefore,

your financial future

People with low credit scores – Pay MORE for:

• Rent

• Car Loans

• Car Insurance

• Mortgages

• Health/dental/Vision Insurance

• Purchasing a Cell Phone

If your credit score is low, it can prevent you from:

Getting an apartment

Getting a Job

Who Can See your Credit Score?

Any creditor or lender to whom you have applied for credit

A prospective employer

A mortgage lender

A Property management firm

Any current employer on a need-to-know basis

Any person to whom you have given permission

An insurance company


Why Good Money Management is Important:

When you graduate and start your first job, you’ll have new expenses:

Moving Expenses

Student Loans

Transportation (Parking fees, car purchase, car insurance, etc.)

Higher Living Expenses (food, rent, dry cleaning)

New Clothes for Work

The more debt you accumulate today, either through student loans, personal loans, or credit card debt, will impact the financial decisions you are able to make after you graduate.

What could help improve your credit score?

Check your Credit Report Annually

Set-up Automatic Payments or set up payment reminders

Reduce the amount of debt you owe

Pay off the highest interest cards first, while maintaining minimum payments on your other accounts.

Pay off debt rather than moving it around

Pay off balances each month

Avoid applying for credit needlessly

What you Need to Know to Make Good Money Decisions While in College

What you Need to Know to Make Good Money Decisions While in College

1. Develop a Monthly Budget and Track Expenses

2. Build an Emergency Fund

3. Manage Your Debt Effectively & Understand your Loans

4. What you need to know about your Credit Report and Credit Score

Budgeting, allows you: • Understand your spending habits • Control your excess spending • Reduce spending on non-essential things

and Save More!

Ways to Reduce your Spending:

Don’t buy unnecessary items

Comparison shop

Don’t buy name brand

Stop buying on impulse

Wait to buy something

Break expensive habits (Expensive Coffee)

Go out to eat less, use your meal plan

Use Coupons (Student Discounts)

Go to discount movies

Go to campus sponsored events

Keep your car maintained

Rent or buy used text books

Step 2: Build an Emergency Fund

Set up a Savings Account

Shop around for a bank that offers least fees and highest interest on your savings

Try to save 5-10% of your Monthly Income

• Can’t Afford to Save??

• Soda at $2/bottle everyday = $730/yr

• Daily Coffee at $3.50/Cup = $910/yr

Keep your savings separate from your daily living expenses, but accessible

Rule of Thumb: If you can’t pay cash, then you can’t buy it

Step 3: Manage Your Debt Effectively & Understand your Loans

Credit Cards

Shop Around (

Pay more than the minimum balance due

Pay the most toward the higher Interest Rate Cards

ALWAYS Pay on-time

Once you pay off a credit card, don’t close them – It could hurt your ‘utilization ratio’

Credit Cards: What to Watch Out For!

Low introductory rates that increase dramatically over time

Annual fees

Late payment fees (Could be as high as $35 plus finance charges)

Fraudulent Activity

Step 3: Manage Your Debt Effectively & Understand your Loans

Student Loans

Read the terms, conditions, and repayment options

Be mindful of capitalized interest – make interest only payments

Find out when your grace period ends and mark your calendar

• Staffod Loan Payment: 6 Months after Graduation

How to Repay

Step 3: Manage Your Debt Effectively & Understand your Loans

Loan Consolidation

Combine multiple debts into one monthly payment

Private and federal loans cannot be combined, must be consolidated separately

Any special repayment options with original loan agreement will be lost (i.e. grace period)

Interest rate may be averaged (possibly increased)


When done properly, can increase chances of getting out of debt sooner

Goal = Reduce your Interest Rate

Interest Rates

Your cost for borrowing money

Can vary with current market rates, loan length, amount borrowed, and type

Step 4: What you Need to Know about your Credit Report and Score Understanding your Credit Score

Maintaining a high credit limit is good

Credit scores are largely based on the amount you owe

The lower your utilization rate, the better

Review all 3 Credit Reports once a year (

Check your credit score before applying for new credit (

A mix of different credit types is good (Student loans, credit cards, mortgage)

College Life: Freedom & Independence, but also Responsibility for the Decisions you Make!

Pay your bills on time

Making sure you have more money than Month

Living within your means, paying credit cards in full each month

Researching big purchases

If you get into trouble, ask for help!

Don’t worry if it takes a couple tries to get a savings groove down!

Budgeting Tools

Clear Checkbook - A free, easy-to-use online checkbook register with a lot of extras. Students can balance their checkbook, get

daily reminders, and set budgeting goals all in one place.

MoneyStrands -

This site has useful software and tools for any budget big or small. It automatically tracks all your financial accounts, offers advice to help you save money, and compares how your goals measure up to others.

iwallet- phone app (android or IOS device)

Inexpensive tool to take care of your money management.

Mint -

This free financial site makes it easy to understand and maintain your budget. Some of the many features Mint offers include money tracking, goal setting, and money saving tips.

Moneywise - phone app (android)

Get a grip of your personal finances and track your everyday expenses using this top rated money management app. With MoneyWise you can create budgets and monitor cash flow.

Tips for Success Do well in your classes

Graduate College!

Limit the number of credit cards you have

Start Saving Now (Even if just $5 Month)

Learn to live without the non-essentials

“Live like a college student now, so you don’t have to after you graduate!”

Find creative ways to save money

Examples: Go to the movies during the day to save on ticket prices

Understand your Financial Aid Award

Not all of it is free money and may need to be repaid!

Reminders • Be sure to submit your Credit Balance Authorization through

your SFSC Student Aid Portal

• If you still have an unresolved outstanding balance on your student account, you may have a hold placed on your account that will prevent you from registering for Spring Semester

