Making Tracks Summer 2009



The quarterly newsletter of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay

Citation preview

Newsletter of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay Summer 2009

Hannah’s Story Page 3Community Coming Together Page 5 Summertime Tips from a Vet Page 6

InsIde ThIs Issue

Saving a Puppy That No One Wanted

Where Dreams Come True SM

Page 2 Making Tracks • Newsletter of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay

Sherry SilkExecutive Director 774-4309

Board of DirectorsPresident:

Holly O’Brien

Co-Vice Presidents:Curtis Brown

Joanne Spurlino

Treasurer:Audrey Hirst

Secretary:Cynthia Sarff

Mary BirrellTrenton H. Cotney

Tara HoodConnie Johnson

Linda ReitzJoanne Rice

Advisory Board:Victoria J. Alvarez, P.A.

Councilman John DingfelderCommissioner Rose Ferlita

Shelley Harper, D.V.M.Callum Hay, D.V.M.Dennis McCullough

Dominque MellowMelissa Mueller, D.V.M.

Karyn RinghaverBillie Valloreo

Bill Zingalie, D.V.M

Editor:Nancy McCall

For further informantion please contact the Editor.


Contributors:Sherry Silk

Cathy BellatinBrandi BurketBen Moehnert

Tracy Smith

Layout & Design:DebraRobertsDesign,LLC.

Making Tracks is a newsletter published quarterly free of

charge to our donors by the Humane Society of Tampa Bay

located at 3607 N Armenia Ave, Tampa FL 33607

I am very proud of the many programs that HSTB has to help our community. Two of my favorites are the free shot clinics that we provide to the public and our free food assistance program. Those two programs came together on Saturday March 28 in the Sulphur Springs area (Florida Avenue and Bird). We vaccinated over 850 dogs and cats in need. We gave away 2 truck loads of free food (about 8000 pounds!) and Hillsborough County Animal Services gave out pet licenses and signed up people for the voucher program. Many families brought their young children, and they received coloring books and crayons on how to treat animals with respect. Pet owners told us they would not have to give up their pets because of the free shots and free food. All in all it was a very good day for the animals and their owners!

We recently received a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center. They have asked that we conduct 2 other shot clinics in the needy areas of Gibsonton and Wimauma. Those shot clinics will be scheduled later in the year. Our good work will continue with your support, and we will do whatever we can to help pet owners during this difficult economic time.

Sherry Silk

Letter from the Executive Director

Students from HCC Vet Tech Program did free fecal exams to test for worms

Dr. Zingalie & Alice examine a patient

The line started forming at 5:30 am For 4 1/2 hours, HSTB gave away free food & shots

Making Tracks • Newsletter of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay Page 3

By Sherry Silk, Executive Director

On March 4, “Hannah’s” owners dropped her off at HSTB. They had bred their pit bull mix and sold all of the puppies except for Hannah. There were no buyers for Hannah because she was born with a congenital limb deformity. In her short 6 weeks, she had already worn a callus on her shoulder as she struggled to drag the deformed front leg around. The leg was painful and she was quite shy since no one had socialized her because of her odd looking front leg.

Her luck changed when she was brought in to the shelter. Dr. Karla Bard examined her and decided to immediately amputate the leg. Dr. Bard has done many amputations and she knew that the dog would be fine with only 3 legs. Hannah would be able to run and play like a normal puppy once she had gone through rehab.

Michael St. John, a long time volunteer at our spay/neuter clinic fell in love with Hannah. He could empathize because he started volunteering at our clinic when he suffered an injury at his job and he wanted to pass the time by helping out at the clinic. He agreed to foster her during her rehab but of course he and his wife fell in love with the little girl and adopted her. She has become somewhat of our clinic mascot. She has her own cage in the clinic when Michael comes to volunteer. She is now 3 months old and is adjusting beautifully to her new home. According to her new dad, she has a 1/3 of an acre to play on and cuddles with him every night as they watch TV together. They are inseparable. As Michael says “her luckiest day was when she was brought to HSTB. I’m lucky too because I have a new best friend.” Hannah is just one more example of the great work that the shelter does for unwanted pets. Be sure to look for Hannah on our Telethon this summer as one of our successful adoption stories.

Saving a Puppy That No One Wanted

Hannah prepped for surgery.

Hannah one day after surgery

Michael and Hannah

Page 4 Making Tracks • Newsletter of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay

Pets are Good for Mental and Physical Sherry Silk, Executive Director

It’s long been accepted that pets can make you feel better, from the purr of a kitten on your lap to a dog’s excitement when you return home. But an increasing amount of research links specific health benefits, both physical and mental, to such interaction. Studies have shown that pet owners have lower blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, less stress, fewer minor health problems, better psychological well-being, better longevity after heart attacks and less depression and loneliness.

“We’re just at the tip of the iceberg in looking at the health benefits of pets,” says Sandra Barkers, director of the Center for Human-Animal Interaction at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Medicine. “I think there is a lot more to be learned. But the evidence we have is promising.” For those who own or interact with pets, they most commonly report feeling less lonely. This benefit holds true in group settings, too, such as nursing homes and hospitals, where an increasing number of animal-therapy programs are helping sick and lonely people.

It’s hard to find a nursing home without an animal visitation program, fish tanks or bird feeders. The Delta Society, an international nonprofit group dedicated to improving people’s health with the help of animals, says cats are being used more as therapy animals. A Canadian study of nearly 1,000 adults age 65 and older found that cat owners enjoyed the same rewards as dog owners---they are more physically fit and less likely to suffer a health decline within a year.

People should obtain pets because they want a lifelong relationship with them but now we know that there are specific benefits to us as well.

Ernie, best friend of the Editor

“The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog.” -Samuel Coleridge, 1830-

Special Thanks to these organizations for holding pet food & supply drives for the Humane Society of Tampa Bay:

Tampa Theatre at the Sunset Cinema Screening of “Raiders of the Lost Ark”Tampa General Hospital Case Management DepartmentWoody’s Salad on S. Dale MabryPepin Heart Hospital & Dr. Kiran C. Patel Research InstituteCity of Tampa Fire DepartmentTia’s Tex-Mex

Making Tracks • Newsletter of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay Page 5

by Nancy McCall, Director of Development

Tampa Bay has to be one of the most generous, animal-loving communities in the United States. Since the down turn in the economy, the Humane Society of Tampa Bay has been collecting pet food for those in need. Our goal is to assure that no pet goes unfed because their owner lost their job. It breaks our hearts when someone brings in their pet because they have lost their home and can no longer afford to keep them. The tears, the sad good-byes, and that last kiss on the head are unbearable.

When we “put out the call” for food donations, responses come from all over. Businesses offer to be a drop-off point for food, children give up their birthday toys to feed animals they don’t know, and people we’ve never met stop by the shelter to hand us a few bags of pet food. “I was buying food for my kitty, and well, I just couldn’t imagine what it would be like.” It’s amazing to see how Tampa Bay sticks together in tough times, but unfortunately the need for pet food increases with each month. In March of 2008 we gave away 2,000 lbs of food and it has steadily increased to

over 20,000 lbs in March of this year. Since inception we have given away 118,000 lbs of pet food.

Hero # 1 Theresa McShessrey with WellPet came by our administration office and said Wellness (Old Mother Hubbard) would give us 28 pallets of dog food for free if we could pay for the shipping. It would cost $1,500 to ship 24,825 lbs of a high quality dog foods to HSTB, a retail value of more than $49,000. We’d had a number

of donations made specifically for the pet food assistance program and we’d been saving them for an opportunity like this, but then reality hit us. Where on earth would we store 1,655 bags of dog food?

Hero # 2 Secure on Site Storage came to our rescue. Donate a storage unit to store the Wellness dog food? Sure, they could spare one for as long as we needed it. When they came to deliver, we knew we’d found kindred souls because the driver

brought his dog to help. The only place we could put it was on the hill, so our staff & volunteers came together and made it work.

Hero #3 came a week later. Last year during a hard summer rain, the water rushed downhill from Armenia to Howard to the river. The kennels filled with water and all the dogs in observation had to be evacuated. It had never happened before, but it could happen again. Something had to be done. All year long we’ve been taking bids and getting opinions from experts about what should be done.

One of those experts was Keith Nehrboss with Sunrise Utility Construction. As he examined our swale problem, he toured our shelter and looked at all the hard work we do. He talked to the people we were helping with the food assistance program and heard their stories. When we asked him how much it would cost, “About $25,000, but if you can help all these animals and all these people,” he said, “I can help you.”

For two weeks they worked. They trenched, brought in back hoes, laid thick PVC, put in massive cement storm drains and then when they were all done, they brought in 3 pallets of sod. We stood amazed, because in the end we got the bill and it was for exactly what Keith told us it would be: $0.00. Let the summer rains begin, the dogs are safe, thanks to our good friends at Sunrise Utility Construction.

We are constantly amazed at the generosity of our community. Bovis Lend Lease put in our kennel flaps, Citi painted our spay/neuter clinic, Post Properties helped with our landscaping, and there are more groups coming to help us next month.

Thank you, Tampa Bay, for making such a difference in the lives of homeless animals in our community. To everyone mentioned above and those companies and groups we did not get the chance to thank, please accept our deepest gratitude. As a non-profit, every penny we don’t have to spend saves more precious lives.

Community Coming Together

Sam helps deliver the storage unit

Chain Gang getting the food into storage

Sunrise Utility Construction hard at work

A job well done

Page 6 Making Tracks • Newsletter of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay

The Florida Heatby Dr. Karla Bard, Spay/Neuter Clinic Veterinarian

Sadly, the cool weather of the early spring is almost a distant memory. Here are some things to keep in mind over the summer while you’re enjoying a backyard barbeque, boating, hiking, or going to the dog park with your best four-legged friend.

Heat Stroke -1. overheating comes easily to short-faced breeds (brachycephalics) like English Bulldogs, Pugs, Boston Terriers, Pekingese, and Boxers. Always make sure your pet has fresh water to drink.Dogfights -2. examine your dog closely after meeting other dogs. Seek veterinary advice for wounds.Stomach aches –3. dogs like to lick grease drippings near the grill, eat table scraps and get into trashcans, but they should never eat rich, spicy or raw foods, bones, or packaging materials. These could cause vomiting, diarrhea, and painful bellies – as well as a possible trip to the vets.“Weekend Warrior” -4. pain or injury after heavy exercise in a sedentary or overweight dog. Fish hook injury -5. do not try to remove an embedded hook without professional assistance. These wounds may get infected or lead to tetanus, so take them very seriously.Sunburn -6. white dogs and cats (noses and ears) are the primary candidates (as are hairless dogs). Sunscreens for dogs and cats are available and should be applied frequently when exposed to sunlight.Pad Burns –7. minor burns to footpads at road shoulder or on hot asphalt.Snakebites -8. Florida is home to four poisonous snakes: rattlesnakes, water moccasins, copperheads, and coral snakes. Seek veterinary assistance immediately. DO NOT apply a tourniquet or attempt to suck out the poison.Salt water ingestion -9. in large amounts, salt water ingestion will make your pet sick.Fleas and ticks and mosquitos. 10.

The heat is dangerous and heat stroke is a real risk for your dog. Any warm day in Florida may seem idyllic, but might end in tragedy and expenses if you aren’t thinking about the heat. Dogs pant to expel heat. Dogs that snore or snort are more at risk for heat stroke. Heavily muscled dogs generate a lot of heat with exercise. Dogs on certain medications are also more predisposed to heat stress. Signs of overheating include

continued heavy panting, salivation, vomiting, confusion, weakness, and muddy pink or pale gums. You cannot rely on your dog to stop playing when he is too hot. It could be too late.

Cats can suffer heat stroke also. The same signs of overheating apply, but a cat’s anxiety will make the situation worse. Do not confine your cat in a warm room (garage or sunroom) without ventilation. Make sure the cat carrier is not in direct sunlight in the car when traveling and use the air conditioner. Never put a cat in your car’s closed trunk for traveling. Make sure to provide free access to plenty of fresh water for indoor and outdoor cats. Make sure outdoor cats have access to a safe, shady spot.

Avoid exercise with your pet between the hours of 10 AM – 4 PM. With any sustained exercise, a pet’s body temperature can rise over 103∞F and the risk of overheating increases as the temperature outside increases. Body temperature of a dog or cat over 105∞F is very dangerous. Exercising at dusk and dawn exposes your pet to prime mosquito-feeding time. Heartworm prevention is recommended for all dogs and cats in Florida.

Fleas are a nuisance to pets and people. Ticks can carry diseases transmittable to humans. You should become familiar with the products available to control these pests. Frequent swimming and bathing will affect the flea population at home. Interacting with other pets and spending time at dog parks will also add to the problem.

You can purchase these over-the-counter flea control products at the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, either at the shelter or the Spay/Neuter Clinic. Advantage for dogs and cats is a very effective flea treatment to be used on the skin once monthly. Frontline Plus for dogs and cats treats fleas and ticks, and is used once a month on the skin. Capstar oral medication for dogs and cats is available for a rapid kill of all the fleas on your pet after administration. Heartworm preventatives and Comfortis are only available by prescription for recent shelter adoptions and for patients of the Spay/Neuter Clinic.

If you are noticing an increase in fleas or overall itchiness, use a Capstar once and apply Advantage or Frontline every 4 weeks for at least 3 consecutive months. If you are see fleas in the middle of the month, administer a Capstar again. To help control your flea and tick problems, you can discuss your yard and home environment with a representative from a do-it-yourself center or pest control agency.

Making Tracks • Newsletter of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay Page 7

2009 Pet TelethonHave you ever wanted to hear your name on television? Have you ever secretly wished you could be famous? Here’s your chance!

You can be a star at the 2009 Pet Telethon on Saturday, July 25th from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm on WFLA News Channel 8. Be a part of something special, watch this year’s Pet Telethon! It’s going to be fun and entertaining and live.

Plus, it’s a local show featuring people from your community and pets that are adoptable on that day. Who knows, you may find the new love of your life.

And you can win things!

For a donation of $100 or a pledge to donate $10 a month for a year, you will receive a Telethon t-shirt, like everyone on stage is wearing.

For a donation of $250 or a pledge of $25 a month for a year, you will receive a Telethon t-shirt and a high quality portfolio with the Humane Society of Tampa Bay on the cover.

For a donation of $500 or a pledge of $50 a month for a year, you will receive a Telethon t-shirt, the high quality portfolio and a PAWS picture frame perfect for displaying your best friend’s photo.

AND, we promise to read on air any donation of $500 or more!

We know times are tough, so give your charitable donations to a local charity that is making the difference for animals and pet overpopulation in our community. Help save lives in Tampa Bay.

Grab your remote and your popcorn and watch the 2009 PetTelethon on July 25th from 1:00 – 6:00 on WFLA News Channel 8.

Little Black Dress

The Second Annual “Who Looks Best In Their Little Black Dress” event, presented by Shapes Total Fitness for Women, raised over $5,700 for the animals at the Humane Society of Tampa Bay!

Thank you to the sixty-five contestants and the hundreds of people who came out to the Blue Martini at International Plaza to support the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. We would also like to thank the MC, Brad Culpepper and the celebrity judges for helping make this a wonderful event: Casio Jones, Brian Fink, Al Rosen and Jen Halloway.

A very special thank you to Shapes Total Fitness for Women and the Blue Martini for putting together an outstanding event and to all of our sponsors:Spa Moritz Salon and Spa, Miller Genuine Draft Light, Pepsi, Rejuva-Center for Plastic Surgery and Medi Spa, Tan USA-Premier Indoor Tanning, and Hyde Park Tan Lounge.

Congratulations to the winners of Little Black Dress:Christina D’Amore, Christina Gordon, Nancy Chinander, and Linda Rosenfeld

I’ll be looking for a new home.

See me on


Page 8 Making Tracks • Newsletter of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay

Bark in the ParkThis year’s Bark in the Park was a howling good time! Over 1,000 Humane Society of Tampa Bay supporters and their furry friends joined us at Al Lopez Park on Saturday, March 14, 2009 for our 22nd Annual Walk for the Animals. We were able to raise over $78,000 for the animals, thanks to the help and support of everyone who participated in this event. The fun filled day included pet demonstrations, pet tricks, and pet costume contests. Over 50 exhibitors showcased their products and services, including the Tampa Police Department who did a trained dog exhibition. Thank you to all who participated, donated and worked so hard to make this event a huge success. We’ll see you again in 2010!

Thank You To Our Bark in the Park SponsorsBanfield, The Pet Hospital

City of Tampa-Parks and RecreationPet Supermarket

PetSmart / PetSmart HotelFlorida Investment Advisers

USAAPublix Super Markets Charities

Downtown DogsProgressive Insurance

Tailored Pet Sitting, LLCPAR, INC

Petco FoundationAdcock Financial Group

Tampa Bay Veterinary Emergency Service GTE Federal Credit UnionGroovy Cats & Dogs Inc.

Tanya Sharkey Photography101.5 the Point

Krispy Kreme DoughnutsCity of Tampa

Starbucks CoffeeUltra Pure

Tampa Gold, Davis Islands’ Community News

Thank You To Our “Best Pal” and “Tail Wagger” Bark in the Park VendorsAlmost Home Pet Resort

Camden Hound’z Of Hollywood Mobile Dog Grooming and Spa

Veterinary Medical ClinicBayshore Pet Resort

Seven Oaks Pet Hospital & Bow Wow Boutique Groovy Cats & Dogs

Rompin’ RoversT.R.A.I.N.

Central Florida Dog & Disc Club

The 3 top teams who collected the most donations are:PARty AnimalsTeam Barkin

Team Bank of America

The 3 top individual walkers who collected the most donations are:

Shereen KoulesAllison Fentriss & Chuck Hunt

Shirley Stoll


Humane Society of Tampa Bay

PARty Animals wins top team again

Making Tracks • Newsletter of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay Page 9

By Ben Moehnert, Volunteer Coordinator

This quarter’s featured volunteer is Christopher Phillips. Chris is an Eagle Scout who attends Plant High School. When he found out he had to do a community service project to receive a badge he chose the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. He is an animal lover with 2 dogs and multiple cats at home. He contacted us to find out where there was a lot of need. He was informed of our Animeals program that delivers pet food to the elderly and those in need. This program helps these individuals keep their beloved pets. He set out to collect donations of pet food and supplies. Chris started collecting at two churches: St. Josephs and Christ the King. He collected over 1,500 pounds of food from these two locations alone! Motivated by this, he decided to contact a pet food warehouse. The owner was a former Eagle Scout and more than willing to help. In total, Chris with the help of his mom, Susan, has collected over 8,057 lbs of food and supplies for the Humane Society, even buying some themselves.

This has saved the shelter over $4,000 dollars that would have been spent to buy the food for the Animeals program over a four month period. The recipients were also overjoyed with the gifts of pet food bowls, shampoo, cat litter, and other supplies. This shows that one person can make a difference in their community no matter what age. We are sure Chris is destined to go on to great things in his life, and we are proud to have benefited from his compassion and dedication!

Thanks to Rover Done Over for bringing their mobile pet groomer over to bathe & clip dogs.

Thanks to Bruce and June Ripley for donating $1000 and a pet gift basket to the HSTB from their raffle and silent auction at the Tattoofest.

Turner Elementary for raising money with their “Lucky Pet” St. Patrick’s Day fundraiser, benefiting the HSTB.

Edward D. McGuire, Den Leader for the Wolf Den, part of Cub Scout Pack 45 Christ the King Church-School system for their generous donation.

Students from Pride Elementary for making a donation from their bake sale fundraiser

Volunteer of the Quarter

Christopher Philips

Would you like to receive“Making Tracks” by e-mail?Send your name, address,

phone number & email addressto

Looking for a new place to be seen?You can now advertise in the Humane Society of Tampa Bay’s quarterly newsletter, Making Tracks, which is distributed to over 16,000 households in Tampa Bay. Special introductory offer:

Full Page $800Half Page $400Quarter Page $200Business Card $100

All advertisements must be delivered prior to deadline and must be in a high quality electronic format. The Humane Society of Tampa Bay reserves the right to refuse acceptance of any advertisement that is not consistent with their mission.

For more information, call Nancy McCall (813) 774-4311 or email

Bruce and June Ripley (far right) and Tattoofest animal friends.

Page 10 Making Tracks • Newsletter of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay

By Tracy Smith, Supervisor, Front Office

On March 05, 2009, Rupert’s owner brought the two year old miniature dachshund in to surrender him. She was clearly distraught and began crying immediately. She didn’t want to surrender him, but she had to because she was moving.

Our front office started asking her questions about her situation and found out some interesting information. Her apartment had become infested with mold. She had to move immediately and wasn’t prepared for it. She had a friend who could watch the dog for a couple of months until she could get back into her apartment, but the friend couldn’t afford to feed the dog.

In addition, Rupert was due for his shots which she could not afford. When the front office asked if she would be able to keep the dog if HSTB gave her free dog food and shots, she was ecstatic! They gave her the information about our free shot clinic and signed her up for food assistance. When the staff helped her out to the car with some dog food, the car was loaded down with her belongings.

If HSTB did not have the food assistance program and the free shot clinic, little Rupert would have lost his owner because of circumstances beyond her control. Thanks to HSTB, Rupert’s tail is still wagging.

by Nancy McCall, Director of Development

When Diana Riebman retired from Bank of America a year ago, she decided that she wanted to volunteer at the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, but she found it difficult to be around all the cute puppies & kitties. She discovered another way she could help that wouldn’t be as tough on her heartstrings. She measured the cat cages and started crocheting soft, warm 20” by 22” afghans for our cats. She says it takes her 4 to 5 days to make one and to date she has made more than 150. That’s a lot of crocheting, but the kitties are very thankful. The staff loves the fact that they are durable in the washing machine. Sometimes when we have a kitty that is a little nervous, we send their blanket home in the kittie’s box so he or she will feel more at ease.

Diana gets the yarn from her friends for her birthday and at Christmas time. If you have any spare yarn or would like to help subsidize Diana’s work, you can donate yarn at the front desk. Diana prefers Red Heart because of its thickness and durability.

Thanks, Diana, for making a difference in the lives of so many kitties!

Do you know a person who has rescued or saved an animal from harm? We will award an individual who is judged to be an “animal hero” at this year’s telethon. If you would like to nominate someone, please send your nomination, including their name, your name & contact information and the story to HSTB Animal Hero Award, 3607 N. Armenia Ave., Tampa, FL 33607 or fax (813) 876-7065 or email

Rupert’s Tale

Making Kitties Cozy

New Contest at HSTB

Making Tracks • Newsletter of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay Page 11

May 16, 20096:00pm-11:00pm,(VIP Registration starts at 5:30pm) Pepin Hospitality Centre. Admission is $125.00 per person.

This Star-Studded Tails event features a celebrity fashion show, silent and live auction and a sumptuous dinner. The event benefits The Humane Society of Tampa Bay and is sure to be a spectacular evening! If you’re feeling lucky, you can do a little gambling at the casino tables, following the fashion show. Please call 813-876-4150 to purchase your tickets!

Special thanks to our top sponsors:


Recently the CATalyst Council announced that Tampa Bay was selected as the #1 Cat Friendly City in the country!! Tampa was followed by Phoenix, San Francisco, Portland, Denver, Boston, Seattle, San Diego, Atlanta and Minneapolis. The list was compiled after reviewing the top 25 standard metropolitan areas for such data as cat ownership per capita, level of veterinary care, micro chipping and cat-friendly local ordinances.

According to Dan Kramer, chairman of the CATalyst Council, “Our goal is to recognize and celebrate why cats are such popular companions. We applaud the efforts of these major metropolitan areas for

providing a wealth of resources for cats and their owners, along with their earned accolade of being one of America’s Top 10 Cat-Friendly Cities.”

At HSTB we believe it is a well deserved honor for our area! HSTB, Hillsborough County Animal Services, St. Francis Society, Cat Call, Feline Folks, Kitty City and other cat rescue groups, work very hard to find homes for as many cats as possible. Each group is dedicated to saving cats lives. Additionally, HSTB, Mission MEOW and other groups are committed to the TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return) of feral cats in our community. With TNR, feral cats are sterilized and returned to their colonies. They are then cared for by hundreds of caretakers that love cats. TNR is the only way to prevent the birth of thousands of unwanted kittens each year. The TNR program in our community is one of the more progressive in the country.

So let’s wear this honor with pride Tampa Bay! Congratulations! Meow!

Karyn & LanceRinghaver

Holly O’Brien Greg Gruendel

Best of Show Sponsor Cat Walk SponsorPretty Paws Sponsor

Tuxes & Tails

Dedicated to ending animal homelessness and providing

care and comfort for companion animals in need.

Humane Society of Tampa Bay

3607 N Armenia Ave.Tampa, FL 33607

(813) 876-7138

Adoption Hours:Sunday

Noon - 4:00p.m.MondayClosed

Tuesday & WednesdayNoon - 7:30p.m.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday10:00a.m. - 4:30p.m.

Spay/Neuter ClinicMonday - Friday

7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.(813) 870-3304

Call for an appointment

MayTuxes and Tails

May 16, 2009 6:00 pm - 11:00 pmPepin Hospitality Centre - $125.00 per person.

Please join us for a high-end silent and live auction, dinner, a fashion show of celebrity models teamed with their pets or with an adorable adoptable, and

test your luck at the casino tables available for your entertainment. For tickets please call 813-876-4150.

13th Annual Scratch My Back Concert Sunday, May 24th, 2009 at Skipper’s Smokehouse

910 Skipper Road in TampaJoin us for an evening of live music and drawings

for great items. Proceeds benefit HSTB.

JuneMicrochip Clinic

Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 5:00 pm at the shelter

3rd Annual Bark at the BallparkSaturday, June 27th at

George M. Steinbrenner FieldBring your whole family, including your four-

legged friends, to George M. Steinbrenner Field for the Tampa Yankees vs. the St. Lucie Mets game. Come early to visit the vendors from

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. The game starts at 7:00 pm.

JulyMicrochip Clinic

Thursday, July 9, 2009 at 5:00 pm at the shelter

10th Annual Pet Telethon Saturday, July 25th on WFLA, News Channel 8

Be a star! Join the Humane Society of Tampa Bay for an afternoon of live entertainment

and lots of cute adorable pets!

9th Annual Krewe of Pandora Margarita FestSaturday, July 25th, 2009 7:00 pm - Midnight

Benefiting the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. Quorum Hotel - 700 N. Westshore Blvd.$75.00 per person in advance, $100.00

night of the event and Corporate Tables are available. Please join us for a high-end silent

and live auction, 50/50 raffle, Tub of Liquor drawing, dinner and free flowing Margaritas.

For more information about Special Events please visit or

contact Cathy Bellatin, Special Events Director at the Humane Society of Tampa Bay by

calling 813-876-4150 or by e-mailing

Calendar of Events
