Mandibularandrifaisal Con


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8/10/2019 Mandibularandrifaisal Con 1/11


 Int. J. Morphol.,

29(4):1189-1194, 2011.

Mandibular Fossa Depth Variations:Relation to Age and Dental State

Variaciones en la Profundidad de la Fosa Mandibular: Relaciones con Edad y Estado Dental

*Luis Ernesto allesteros Acu!a" **Luis Miguel Ra#ire$ Aristeguieta % *&erardo Mu!o$ Mantilla

ALLES'ER(S) L E" RAM+RE,) L M % M-.(,) & Mandibular fossa depth variations: Relation to age and dental state. Int.

 J. Morphol., 29(4):1189-1194, 2011.

S-MMAR/: A andibular fossa depth !orrelation "ith dental !ondition and age in huans. 120 fresh ale andibular 

fossas "ere easured fro the deepest area of the fossa to a hori#ontal referen!e line. $he saples "ere !lassified a!!ording to age

and dental state %dentate, partiall& dentate and totall& edentulous' and a ultivariate anal&sis "as eplo&ed. (ub)e!ts average age "as

41.1 %20-8*'. $here "ere ore partiall& dentate individuals %*9.1+' than dentate %0' or edentulous ones %10.8'. Average fossadepth "as +.9 %+.+-.1 9*/' "hi!h signifi!antl& de!reased "ith in!reased age and dental health deterioration %p0.01'. A

 period of five &ears edentulis in!reased the lielihood of andibular fossa flattening %+.9 ' b& 20.+ and .2 in dentate ones.

3ur findings found an asso!iation bet"een dental state and age as deterinant fa!tors in redu!ing andibular fossa depth.

0E/ 1(RDS: 'e#poro#andibular 2oint" Mandibular fossa" Dental condition" Articular tubercule" Agegroups


$he teporoandibular )oint %$M' presents a

orpholog& in "hi!h the teporal surfa!e !onstituent has

an (-shape in adults sagittal !onfiguration, !onsisting of a proinent arti!ular tuber!le %einen!e' and a !on!ave

andibular fossa %5i!el et al., 1988'. $M subits

intra!apsular stru!tures %!ond&le, dis!, ligaents and

andibular fossa' to !onstant reodelling %adaptation' due

to in!reased e!hani!al load bet"een the $M6s osseous

stru!tures %Moffett et al., 19+47 aada et al ., 2004'.

ie"ise, su!h reodelling in the glenoid fossa and

!ond&le that also o!!urs throughout life %fro !hildhood to

adult' sees to respond to a variet& of !onditions %Meng

et al.,

2008'. isuse or lesser asti!ator& a!tivit& in edentulous

 patients %having less asti!ator& strength' and !hanges in

the !onsisten!& of their diets sees to generate it. Another 

 possible !ause !an be observed su!h as partial edentulis,

orthopaedi! aparatolog& and orthodonti! strengths,

Angle6s !lass and o!!lusions, over!losure, the

 presen!e of teporoandibular disorder s and

degenerative )oint disorders, oral habits, a!rotraua

and i!rotraua, andibular as&etr&, fa!ial

as&etr& and aging %$addei et al., 19917 asinevi!ius et 

al., 200+a, 200+b7 ;loridi < Matson, 1987 =ranados,

1997 =alante et al., 199*7

>irttiniei et al., 19907 ?atsavrias < @ala#onetis, 200*7

>irttiniei < ?antoaa, 19927 $our et al., 200*7


< 3berg, 1947 3berg et al., 191'.

ental erosion and total or partial edentulis see

to be !orrelated "ith flattened fossas. $he absen!e of teeth

and dental erosion are dire!tl& proportional to regressive

reodelling of the arti!ular tuber!le %/arlsson < 3berg7

Bla!"ood, 19++'. Mongini %19+8, 192' proved that

regressive reodelling "as present in the arti!ular tuber!le

and range in!reased fro !lini!al situations regarding den-

tal erosion %due to attrition' to total edentulis. (u!h

!hanges are signifi!ant "hen individuals have been

edentulous for periods lasting ore than three &ears%Moffett et al .'.

$he !hara!teristi!s of the andibular fossa have

 been re!orded b& different eans: pantograph&,

toograph&, agneti ! resonan!e, panorai!

rad iograph&, and anteroposterior and lateral radiograph&.

/orrelation has been sought bet"een arti!ular orpholog&

and !hara!teristi!s su!h as dental state, !raniofa!ial

orpholog&, age and gender. Attepts have been ade to

!lassif& the andibular fossa based on its verti!al depth

%deep, ediu or flat', taing

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ALLES'ER(S) L E" RAM+RE,) L M % M-.(,) & Mandibular fossa depth variations: Relation to age and dental state. Int. J. Morphol., 29(4):1189-1194, 2011.

the perpendi!ular to a hori#ontal anatoi!al plane as

referen!e %>irttiniei < ?antoaa7 e Melo, 197 Gedel

et al., 1987 Huir!h et al ., 19++'.

(tru!tural variations in the $M related toandibular fossa depth in !adaveri! aterial reains a

topi! of interest %$sunoda et al ., 200'. $his stud& "as

aied at finding a !orrelation bet"een dental state and

stru!tural reodelling of the $M in different aged adult

ales. t "as eIpe!ted to find a !ausal relationship

 bet"een edentulis and regressive reodelling and

redu!ed andibular fossa depth.


$M blo!s "ere eItra!ted fro un!laied fresh

ale !adavers %/olobian ;orensi! Medi!ine nstitute'

after institutional revie" board and Dniversit& Jthi!s

/oittee6s !onsent "as obtained. A bi-auri!ular in!ision

of the s!alp "as ade during ne!rops&, separating the

te- poral-frontal and teporal-o!!ipital flaps in anterior 

and posterior dire!tions, respe!tivel&. A !alvarial rese!tion

"as then done via a hori#ontal !ut through the

!raniu, follo"ed b& eItra!tion of the en!ephalus,

leaving the base of the !raniu eIposed. Ja!h $M blo! 

"as eItra!ted using an ele!tri! sa" in an approa!h

through the iddle !ranial fossa. $he saple obtained

fro ea!h )oint %together "ith ad)a!ent tissue' "as

reoved in a + I * I * !  blo! and left in 10

foraldeh&de for tissue fiIation and preservation. $he

fibers of the asetter and teporalis

us!les "ere rese!ted and the lateral !apsule side of the

$M "as also in!ised. A hori#ontal referen!e line "as

dra"n to easure the depth of the andibular fossa,

 )oining the aIiu height of the arti!ular tuber!le and

the  pre- auri!ular tuber!le lo!ated posterior andlateral to the sEuaous-t&pani! fissure %asinevi!ius et 

al ., 200+b7 :e Melo7 Gedel et al .7 Huir!h et al., 19++'.

A perpendi!ular line "as dra"n fro the deepest area of 

the fossa to this hori#ontal referen!e line %;ig. 1'. $he

verti!al easureent obtained represented the depth of 

the andibular fossa. 3ne resear!her too this

easureent "ith an ele!troni! !alibrator %Mituto&o'.

A!!ording to the in!lusionKeI!lusion !riteria,

saples "ere !olle!ted fro adult !adaveri! ales %aged

over 20' that la!ed an& signs of traua in the $M

region. $he saples being studied "ere !lassified

a!!ording to age using the follo"ing age-ranges: 20-29,0-9, 40-49, *0-*9 and

+0 or older. $he !adaveri! spe!iens dental state "as

!lassified as follo"s: dentate %having bilateral olar 

support and 28 or ore teeth', partiall& dentate %la!ing

olar support and the presen!e of + to 20 teeth' and

totall& edentulous %la!ing teeth' %arling, 1984'.

=M 4 "as used for ultivariate anal&sis, "here

the aIiu odel "as siplified b& the progressive

eliination of !onforant variables. Relative or absolute

!hange in residual deviation !aused b& su!h reoval "as

tested for signifi!an!e using the ;-ratio. A signifi!ant

!hange "as defined as that "hi!h had greater than 9*

 probabilit& of not having o!!urred b& !han!e.

;ig. 1. >arasagittal !ross-se!tion of 

the right teporoandibular )ointrepresenting the easureent of 

andibular fossa depth fro t"o

referen!e points: at: Arti!ular 

tuber!le, pgt: >ost-glenoid !rest, d:

is!, !: /ond&le, ee!: JIternal ear 


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120 blo!s of $M "ere evaluated fro individuals

having an average age of 41 %range 20 to 8*'. $he predoinant dental state "ithin the saple "as partiall&

dentate %*9.2', follo"ed b& dentate %0' and edentulous

%10.8'. $he dentate !ondition predoinated during the third

de!ade "hilst partiall& dentate individuals "ere ore

freEuent in the fourth de!ade and on"ards until dental

absen!e being evident in the group aged older than +0, the

edentulous !ondition predoinating in this group %;ig. 2'.

;ig. 2. $he distribution of the spe!iens dental state b& age-group. L

aIis: age %b& age group'7 aIis: Eualit& of dental state %per!entage'.

Average fossa depth "as +.9 %9*/: +.+-.1

'. =reater depth "as observed in the 20-29 age-group %-

1 ', be!oing signifi!antl& redu!ed "ith an in!rease in

age %$able '. Regarding dental state, depth in the + dentate

spe!iens "as .+ , +.94 in partiall& dentate ones

%1 saples' and + in toothless ones %1 saples'. $his

sho"ed a progressive redu!tion in the depth of andibular 

fossa related to deterioration in dental !ondition %; .7

2,11 .; K >


;lat fossas predoinated in edentulous sub)e!ts

%9.9' %$able ', "hilst deep fossas  predoinated

in dentate sub)e!ts %2.' having signifi!ant

differen!es %L211.*+, 2 ;=.7 p0.001'. Mandibular 

fossa depth presented a biodal distribution %flat and

deep' having an apparent !ut-off point at +.9 . (u!h

distribution led to arbitraril& defining the dependent

variable as being binar& in the odel. $he independent

variables "ere age %defined as !ontinuous variable'

and dental state %defined as being dis!rete "ith three

fa!tors: edentulous, partial and dentate'. Dnivariate

anal&sis revealed signifi!ant differen!es bet"een the

Eualit& of flattening, age and dental state. Average age

for spe!iens having flattened fossas "as 4+ %41.+-*0.4, 9*/' "hilst average age "as signifi!antl& less

%+. &ears' for those having deep fossas %2.9-9.+,

9*/'. entate freEuen!& "as signifi!antl& higher 

in the group having deep andibular fossas %p0.01'.

Both variables %age and dental state' "ere

signifi!antl& !orrelated "ith fossa depth in univariate

anal&sis. A aIiu odel "as !reated in

ultivariate anal&sis !ontaining age, dental state and

their intera!tion. $he latter "as the onl& variable

retained in the ad)usted iniu odel,  produ!ing

soe estiates having negative inter!ept %!21.,

;= K p0.01', allo"ing the probabilit& of the fossa be!oing flat tened in differing situations to  be

!al!ulated. $hus, the probabilit& of a **-&ear-old

 person "ith all hisKher teeth inta!t of having a flattened

fossa "as 8.4, "hilst for an edentulous person of 

the sae age su!h probabilit& in!reased b& alost

double %+.'. (u!h differen!e in!reased "ith age

%;ig. '. t "as found that edentulis lasting five &ears

in!reased the probabilit& of andibular fossa flattening

 b& 20.+ %+.9 ', "hilst this "as .2 in dentate


$able . Mandibular fossa depth related to age.$able . istribution of dental state b& t&pe of andibular 

fossa flattening.

A ge6gro up   Mandib ular fossa bloc7    M easure#ent   D ental state Flat fo ssas Deep fo 

20 N 29  2 .1  entate 1 0 %2.' 2+ %2.'

0 N 9 2 8 .14 >artiall& dentate  8 %*.*' %4+.*'

40 N 49 2 * +.9+ J dentulous 1 0 %9.9' %2'

*0 N *9 1 9 +.+4 $ otal *8  +2 

+ 0 - %O' 1 + +.12

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χ8 9 ;<) 8 F&" p=>>>

8/10/2019 Mandibularandrifaisal Con 6/11

;ig. . Relationship bet"een age, dental state and fossa depth.


Average depth "as +.9 in our findings, this being less

than prehistori! spe!iens having .* presented b& 3"en et al .

%1992', =alante et al. have reported a +.8 depth and Meng et 

al., sho" in a stud& "ith /$ s!anner depths of .1 1.*+. $he

findings of ;loridi < Matson, "ere .1 in ales and +.2

in feales, no signifi!ant differen!es having been found bet"een

edentulous and partiall& edentulous sub)e!ts.

Jven though e Melo reported 8.8 depths in dentate

/au!asian individuals and 8.12 in toothless ones "ithout

signifi!ant differen!es, ultivariate !orrelation in our findings led

to signifi!ant differen!es being found bet"een age-groups and

dental Eualit&. A!!ording to the results then, the probabilit& of fossa

flattening "as 8.4 for an individual in "ho herKhis teeth had

 been !onserved and double %+.' for an edentulous !ondition.

Gith this in ind, edentulis lasting for five &ears in!reased the

 probabilit& %20.+' of andibular fossa flattening %+.9 ',

"hilst this "as .2 in dentate sub)e!ts.

$here sees to be a dire!t proportional relationship bet"een

age and arti!ular reodelling. Huir!h et al . %19+*' have sho"n that

fossa depth be!oes redu!ed "ith age. $he andibular fossa seesto be!oe reodelled in response to !hanges in arti!ular d&nai!s

asso!iated "ith bioe!hani!al behaviour during the fun!tion and

responds to for!es involved in noralit&, d&sfun!tionalit& and

disuse. Arti!ular reodelling studies !oin!ide regarding teporal

 bone, dis! and !ond&le adaptive !apa!it&, being greater in the latter 

%aada et al.7 @ardtann et al ., 1989'. A!!ording to $ourF et al.

and Bla!"ood the andibular fossa also be!oes reodelled in

response to ph&siologi!al reEuireents originating fro !hanges

in dentition throughout life %Meng et al.'. ental state is a fa!tor 

affe!ting arti!u- lar tuber!ule angulation and thereb& fossa depth7

thus, the saller 

8/10/2019 Mandibularandrifaisal Con 7/11

the tuber!ule angle, the lesser andibular fossa depth. ental

erosion %abrasion-attrition' and total edentulis generate flattened

fossas, !ontrar& to natural dentition or !oplete prostheti! state,

"hi!h have sho"n deep fossas %aada et al .7 =alante et al .7

asinevi!ius et al ., 200+b'. t is understood that posterior or anterior  partial edentulis generates less flattened andibular fossas than

those observed in total edentulous people "ho have had no

restoration %=ranados7 e Melo'.

ie"ise, verti!al diension and !ranio- !ervi!al ratios are

related to andibular positions, "hi!h a& genera te t"o possible

regressive reodelling s!enarios in edentulates %arling'.

>ossible e!hani!al overload on arti!ular tuber!ule and reodelling

due to disuse in patients having varied us!ular d&nai!s %due to

u!o-supported prostheti! situations' and in "hi!h us!ular 

strength be!oes redu!ed %@ardtann et al., 1989'. Redu!ed

verti!al diension %ver& !oon in patients having a total

 prosthesis' generates greater dorsifleIion %ventral-eItension' of 

the !ervi!al !olun, generating protruded andibular positions and

lesser dorsal !ranio-!ervi!al angle leading to probable e!hani!al

effe!ts on $M due to an in!rease in !ond&lar pressure on the

teporal tuber!le %=allo, 2000'.

Jven though less adaptive !apa!it& is re!ogni#ed during

an individual6s advan!ed age, arti!ular reodelling in su!h

 people has been proved to be !onstant, espe!iall& in edentulates

having total prosthes is %$addei et al .'. $he prostheti!

situation of edentulates "as non-eIistent in our saples, thereb&

seeing to !oin!ide "ith the findings of $addei et al. ie"ise, a

redu!tion in the height of the fossa "as observed in individuals"ho had reained edentulous for three &ears !opared to dentate

sub)e!ts %Moffett et al .7 >irttiniei et al.7 3berg et al .7 Mongini,

19+8'. (e"ard %19+' also found a relationship bet"een flattening

of the fossa and dental erosion and loss in a stud& of 1** Australian

aboriginal !ranius. ie"ise, Ri!hards %1990' found d&nai!,

!opleI degenerative-adaptive !hanges in $M asso!iated "ith the

degree of denta l loss, e rosio n and edentulis, espe!iall& in the

arti!ular !ond&le. Jven though Gedel et al., did not !oin!ide "ith

these findings, the& !ould not ephati!all& re)e!t the sin!e the

 population, "hi!h the& had studied, "as part ia ll& edentulate or 

had suffered re!en t edentulis7 ho"ever, their stud& !oin!ided


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3berg et al ., on finding that 2* of the arti!ular 

spe!iens sho"ed flattened fossas. @inton %1981' has

stated that the orphologi!al alteration of flattening in the

$M responds to the degree of dental erosion or 

 progressive edentulis and that su!h findings !an befound bet"een different ethni! groups %Jsios,

Australians' having different oral and dietar& habits.

3!!lusal !onditions thus see to deterine the degree of 

arti!ular reodelling.

Jvidentl& there sees to be a relationship bet"een

dental state, age and andibular fossa depth, "hi!h "as

!orroborated b& our results. ;uture investigations should

 be fo!used on seeing %b& anatoi!al or radiologi!al

ethods' ore eviden!e about the pathoph&siolog& of 

these findings sin!e it sees to have a ultifa!torial origin

!on!oitant "ith dental state. $he obtained results

have !lini!al signifi!an!e due to the !orrelation sho"ed.

/onsidering s&stei! disease and drug !onsuption

individual histor& in !lini!al iagenologi!al future studies

that ust be !arried out that perit "ider !orrelations.

$he liitations of this stud& are related to the

saple si#e, the absen!e of a edi!al s&stei! histor& and

a broader !lassifi!ation %!raniofa!ial, arti!ular and dental

o!!lusion relations' that a& odif& the interpretation of 

future results.


3ur findings led to pointing out the asso!iation

 bet"een dental state and age as being deterinant fa!tors

in redu!ing andibular fossa depth.


Ge "ould lie to than the ;orensi! Medi!ine

nstitute %nstituto de Medi!ina egal' for its u!h-

appre!iated donation of saples.

ALLES'ER(S) L E" RAM+RE,) L M % M-.(,) M & Paria!iones en la profundidad de la fosa andibular: Rela!iones

!on edad & estado dental. Int. J. Morphol., 29(4):1189-1194, 2011.

RES-ME3: (e observQ la !orrela!iQn entre la profundidad de la fosa andibular !on la !ondi!iQn dental & la edad en los

huanos. 120 fosas andibulares fres!as de hobres fueron edidas desde la #ona s profunda de la fosa a una lFnea hori#ontal de

referen!ia. as uestras fueron !lasifi!adas de a!uerdo a la edad & el estado dental %dentados, par!ialente dentados & desden tados en

total' epleando un anlisis ultivariado. a edad edia de los su)etos fue de 41,1 %20-8*'. @ubieron s personas par!ialente

dentadas %*9,1+' Eue los dentadas %0' o desdentadas %10,8'. a profundidad edia de la fosa edia fue de +,9 %+.+ a .1

, / 9*' la !ual disinu&Q signifi!ativaente !on el auento de edad & el deterioro de la salud dental %p 0,01'. Dn periodo de!in!o aSos de edentuliso auentQ de la probabilidad de aplanaiento de la fosa andibular %+,9 ' en un 20,+ & ,2 en los

dentados. 5uestros halla#gos en!ontraron una aso!ia!iQn entre el estado dental & la edad !oo fa!tores deterinantes en la redu!!iQn

de profun- didad en la fosa andibular.

PALARAS 4LAVE: Articulaci?n te#poro#andibular" Fosa #andibular) 4ondici?n dental" 'ub@rculo articular"&ru6 pos etarios


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Dirección para correspondencia:

Dr. Luis Ernesto Ballesteros

Basic Science Department

Universidad Industrial de Santander Calle 10 !1"#1$% Bucaraman&a


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