Manifolds and Varieties via Sheaves


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Chapter 1

Manifolds and Varieties via


In rough terms, a manifold is a topological space along with a distinguishedcollection of functions, which looks locally like Euclidean space. Although it israrely presented this way in introductory texts (e. g. [Spv, Wa]), sheaf theoryis a natural language in which to make such a notion precise. An algebraicvariety can be defined similarly as a space which looks locally like the zero setof a collection of polynomials. The sheaf theoretic approach to varieties wasintroduced by Serre in the early 1950’s, this approach was solidified with thework of Grothendieck shortly thereafter, and algebraic geometry has never beenthe same since.

1.1 Sheaves of functions

In many parts of mathematics, we encounter spaces with distinguished classes offunctions on them. When these classes are closed under restriction, as they oftenare, then they give rise to presheaves. More precisely, let X be a topologicalspace, and T a set. For each open set U ⊆ X, let MapT (U) be the set of mapsfrom U to T .

Definition 1.1.1. A collection of subsets P (U) ⊂ MapT (U), with U ⊂ Xnonempty open, is called a presheaf of ( T -valued) functions on X, if it is closedunder restriction, i. e. if f ∈ P (U) and V ⊂ U then f |V ∈ P (V ).

If the defining conditions for P (U) are local, which means that they can bechecked in a neighbourhood of a point, then the presheaf is called sheaf. Or toput it another way:

Definition 1.1.2. A presheaf of functions P is called a sheaf if f ∈ P (U)whenever there is an open cover Ui of U such that f |Ui

∈ P (Ui).


Example 1.1.3. Let PT (U) be the set of constant functions from U to T . Thisis a presheaf but not a sheaf in general.

Example 1.1.4. A function is locally constant if it is constant in a neigh-bourhood of a point. The set of locally constant functions, denoted by T (U) orTX(U), is a sheaf. It is called the constant sheaf.

Example 1.1.5. Let T be another topological space, then the set of continuousfunctions ContX,T (U) from U ⊆ X to T is a sheaf. When T is discrete, thiscoincides with the previous example.

Example 1.1.6. Let X = Rn, the sets C∞(U) of C∞ real valued functionsform a sheaf.

Example 1.1.7. Let X = C (or Cn), the sets O(U) of holomorphic functionson U form a sheaf.

Example 1.1.8. Let L be a linear differential operator on Rn with C∞ coef-ficients (e. g.


i ). Let S(U) denote the space of C∞ solutions in U .This is a sheaf.

Example 1.1.9. Let X = Rn, the sets L1(U) of L1-functions forms a presheafwhich is not a sheaf.

We can always force a presheaf to be a sheaf by the following construction.

Example 1.1.10. Given a presheaf P of functions to T . Define the

P s(U) = f : U → T | ∀x ∈ U,∃ a neighbourhood Ux of x, such that f |Ux∈ P (Ux)

This is a sheaf called the sheafification of P .

When P is a presheaf of constant functions, P s is exactly the sheaf of locallyconstant functions. When this construction is applied to the presheaf L1, weobtain the sheaf of locally L1 functions.

Exercise 1.1.11.

1. Check that P s is a sheaf.

2. Let π : B → X be a surjective continuous map of topological spaces. Provethat the presheaf of sections

B(U) = σ : U → B | σ continuous, ∀x ∈ U, π σ(x) = x

is a sheaf.

3. Let F : X → Y be surjective continuous map. Suppose that P is a sheafof T -valued functions on X. Define f ∈ Q(U) ⊂ MapT (U) if and only ifits pullback F ∗f = f F |f−1U ∈ P (F−1(U)). Show that Q is a sheaf onY .


4. Let Y ⊂ X be a closed subset of a topological space. Let P be a sheaf ofT -valued functions on X. For each open U ⊂ Y , let PY (U) be the set offunctions f : U → T locally extendible to an element of P , i.e. f ∈ PY (U)if and only there for each y ∈ U , there exists a neighbourhood V ⊂ X andan element of P (V ) restricting to f |V ∩U . Show that PY is a sheaf.

1.2 Manifolds

Let k be a field.

Definition 1.2.1. Let R be a sheaf of k-valued functions on X. We say thatR is a sheaf of algebras if each R(U) ⊆ Mapk(U) is a subalgebra. We call thepair (X,R) a concrete ringed space over k, or simply a k-space.

(Rn, CR), (Rn, C∞) and (Cn,O) are examples of R and C-spaces.

Definition 1.2.2. A morphism of k-spaces (X,R) → (Y,S) is a continuousmap F : X → Y such that f ∈ S(U) implies F ∗f ∈ R(F−1U).

This is good place to introduce, or perhaps remind the reader of, the notionof a category. A category C consists of a set (or class) of objects ObjC and foreach pair A,B ∈ C, a set HomC(A,B) of morphisms from A to B. There is acomposition law

: HomC(B,C) ×HomC(A,B) → HomC(A,C),

and distinguished elements idA ∈ HomC(A,A) which satisfy

1. associativity: f (g h) = (f g) h,

2. identity: f idA = f and idA g = g,

whenever these are defined.Categories abound in mathematics. A basic example is the category of Sets

consisting of the class of all sets, HomSets(A,B) is just the set of maps from A toB, and composition and idA have the usual meanings. Similarly, we can form thecategory of groups and group homomorphisms, the category of rings and ringshomomorphisms, and the category of topological spaces and continuous maps.We have essentially constructed another example. We can take the objectsto be k-spaces, and morphisms as above. These can be seen to constitute acategory, once we observe that the identity is a morphism and the compositionof morphisms is a morphism.

The notion of an isomorphism makes sense in any category, we will spell inthe above example.

Definition 1.2.3. An isomorphism of k-spaces (X,R) ∼= (Y,S) is a homeo-morphism F : X → Y such that f ∈ S(U) if and only if F ∗f ∈ R(F−1U).

Given a sheaf S on X and open set U ⊂ X, let S|U denote the sheaf on Udefined by V 7→ S(V ) for each V ⊆ U .


Definition 1.2.4. An n-dimensional C∞ manifold is an R-space (X,C∞X ) such


1. The topology of X is given by a metric1.

2. X admits an open covering Ui such that each (Ui, C∞X |Ui

) is isomorphicto (Bi, C

∞|Bi) for some open ball B ⊂ Rn.

The isomorphisms (Ui, C∞|Ui

) ∼= (Bi, C∞|Bi

) correspond to coordinate chartsin more conventional treatments. The whole collection of data is called an atlas.There a number of variations on this idea:

Definition 1.2.5. 1. An n-dimensional topological manifold is defined asabove but with (Rn, C∞) replaced by (Rn, ContRn,R).

2. An n-dimensional complex manifold can be defined by replacing (Rn, C∞)by (Cn,O).

One dimensional complex manifolds are usually called Riemann surfaces.

Definition 1.2.6. A C∞ map from one C∞ manifold to another is just amorphism of R-spaces. A holomorphic map between complex manifolds is definedas a morphism of C-spaces.

C∞ (respectively complex) manifolds and maps form a category; an isomor-phism in this category is called a diffeomorphism (respectively biholomorphism).By definition any point of manifold has neighbourhood diffeomorphic or biholo-morphic to a ball. Given a complex manifold (X,OX), we say that f : X → Ris C∞ if and only if f g is C∞ for each holomorphic map g : B → X from aball in Cn. We state for the record:

Lemma 1.2.7. An n-dimensional complex manifold together with its sheaf ofC∞ functions is a 2n-dimensional C∞ manifold.

Let us consider some examples of manifolds. Certainly any open subset of Rn

(Cn) is a (complex) manifold in an obvious fashion. To get less trivial examples,we need one more definition.

Definition 1.2.8. Given an n-dimensional manifold X, a closed subset Y ⊂ Xis called a closed m-dimensional closed submanifold if for any point x ∈ Y , thereexists a neighbourhood U of x in X and a diffeomorphism of to a ball B ⊂ Rn

such that Y ∩ U maps to the intersection of B with an m-dimensional linearspace.

Given a closed submanifold Y ⊂ X, define C∞Y to be the sheaf of functions

which are locally extendible to C∞ functions on X. For a complex submanifoldY ⊂ X, we define OY to be the sheaf of functions which locally extend toholomorphic functions.

1 It is equivalent and perhaps more standard to require that the topology is Hausdorff andparacompact. (The paracompactness of metric spaces is a theorem of A. Stone. In the oppositedirect use a partition of unity to construct a Riemannian metric, then use the Riemanniandistance.)


Lemma 1.2.9. If Y ⊂ X is a closed submanifold of C∞ (respectively) manifold,then (Y,C∞

Y ) (respectively (Y,OY ) is also a C∞ (respectively complex) manifold.

With this lemma in hand, it is possible to produce many interesting examplesof manifolds starting from Rn. For example, the unit sphere Sn−1 ⊂ Rn, whichis the set of solutions to


i = 1, is an n − 1-dimensional manifold. Thefollowing example is of fundamental importance in algbraic geometry.

Example 1.2.10. Let Let PnC

= CPn be the set of one dimensional subspaces ofCn+1. (We will usually drop the C and simply write Pn unless there is dangerof confusion.) Let π : Cn+1 −0 → Pn be the natural projection which sends avector to its span. In the sequel, we usually denote π(x0, . . . xn) by [x0, . . . xn].Pn is given the quotient topology which is defined in so that U ⊂ Pn is openif and only if π−1U is open. Define a function f : U → C to be holomorphicexactly when f π is holomorphic. Then the presheaf of holomorphic functionsOPn is a sheaf, and the pair (Pn,OPn) is an complex manifold. In fact, if we set

Ui = [x0, . . . xn] | xi 6= i,

then the map

[x0, . . . xn] 7→ (x0/xi, . . . xi/xi . . . xn/xi)

induces an isomomorphism Ui∼= Cn Here . . . a . . . means skip a in the list.

Exercise 1.2.11.

1. Let T = Rn/Zn be a torus. Let π : Rn → T be the natural projection.Define f ∈ C∞(U) if and only if the pullback f π is C∞ in the usualsense. Show that (T,C∞) is a C∞ manifold.

2. Let τ be a nonreal complex number. Let E = C/(Z + Zτ) and π denotethe projection. Define f ∈ OE(U) if and only if the pullback f π isholomorphic. Show that E is a Riemann surface. Such a surface is calledan elliptic curve.

3. Show a map F : Rn → Rm is C∞ in the usual sense if and only if itinduces a morphism (Rn, C∞) → (Rm, C∞) of R-spaces.

4. Prove lemma 1.2.9 .

5. Assuming the implicit function theorem [Spv], check that f−1(0) is a closedn−1 dimensional submanifold of Rn provided that f : Rn → R is C∞ func-tion such that the gradient (∂f/∂xi) does not vanish at 0. In particular,show that the quadric defined by x2

1 + x22 + . . .+ x2

k − x2k+1 . . .− x2

n = 1 isa closed n− 1 dimensional submanifold of Rn for k ≥ 1.

6. Let f1, . . . fr be C∞ functions on Rn, and let X be the set of commonzeros of these functions. Suppose that the rank of the Jacobian (∂fi/∂xj)is n − m at every point of X. Then show that X is an m dimensionalsubmanifold. Apply this to show that the set O(n) of orthogonal matrices

n× n matrices is a submanifold of Rn2



7. The complex Grassmanian G = G(2, n) is the set of 2 dimensional sub-spaces of Cn. Let M ⊂ C2n be the open set of 2 × n matrices of rank 2.Let π : M → G be the surjective map which sends a matrix to the spanof its rows. Give G the quotient topology induced from M , and definef ∈ OG(U) if and only if π f ∈ OM (π−1U). For i 6= j, let Uij ⊂ Mbe the set of matrices with (1, 0)t and (0, 1)t for the ith and jth columns.Show that

C2n−4 ∼= Uij∼= π(Uij)

and conclude that G is a 2n− 4 dimensional complex manifold.

1.3 Algebraic varieties

Let k be an algebraically closed field. Affine space of dimension n over k isgiven by An

k = kn. When k = C, we can endow this space with the standardtopology induced by the Euclidean metric, and we will refer to this as theclassical topology. At the other extreme is the Zariski topology which makessense for any k. This topology can be defined to be the weakest topology forwhich the polynomials are continuous. The closed sets are precisely the sets ofzeros

V (S) = a ∈ An | f(a) = 0∀f ∈ S

of sets of polynomials S ⊂ R = k[x1, . . . xn]. Sets of this form are also calledalgebraic. By Hilbert’s nullstellensatz the map I 7→ V (I) is a bijection betweenthe collection of radical ideals of R and algebraic subsets of An. Will call analgebraic set X ⊂ An an algebraic subvariety if it is irreducible, which meansthat X is not a union of proper closed subsets, or equivalently if X = V (I) withI prime. The Zariski topology of X has a basis given by affine sets of the formD(g) = X −V (g), g ∈ R. At this point, it may be helpful to summarize this bya dictonary between the algebra and geometry:

Algebra Geometrymaximal ideals of R points of An

radical ideals in R algebraic subsets of An

prime ideals in R algebraic subvarieties of An

localizations R[1/g] basic open sets D(g)

An affine variety is subvariety of some Ank . However, there are some disad-

vantages to always working with an explicit embedding into An (just as it is notalways useful to treat manifolds as subsets of Rn). Sheaf theory provides thetools for formulating this in a more coordinate free fashion. We call a functionF : D(g) → k regular if it can be expressed as a rational function with a powerof g in the denominator i.e. an element of k[x1, . . . xn][1/g]. For a general openset U ⊂ X, F : U → k is regular if every point has a basic open neighbourhoodfor which F restricts to a regular function. With this notation, then:

Lemma 1.3.1. Let X be an affine variety, and let OX(U) denote the set ofregular functions on U . Then U → OX(U) is a sheaf of k-algebras.


Thus an affine variety gives rise to a k-space (X,OX). The irreducibility ofX guarantees that O(X) = OX(X) is an integral domain called the coordinatering of X. Its field of fractions is called the function field of X, and it canbe identified with the field of rational functions on X. The coordinate ringdetermines (X,OX) completely. The space X is homeomorphic to the maximalideal spectrum of O(X), and OX(U) is isomormorphic to the intersection of thelocalizations ⋂



inside the function field.In analogy with manifolds, we define:

Definition 1.3.2. A prevariety over k is a k-space (X,OX) such that X isconnected and there exists a finite open cover Ui such that each (Ui,OX |Ui

)is isomorphic, as a k-space, to an affine variety. A morphism of prevarieties isa morphism of the underlying k-spaces.

This is a “prevariety” because we are missing a Hausdorff type condition.Before explaining what this means, let us consider the most important nonaffineexample.

Example 1.3.3. Let Pnk be the set of one dimensional subspaces of kn+1. Let

π : An+1 − 0 → Pn be the natural projection. The Zariski topology on thisis defined in such a way that U ⊂ Pn is open if and only if π−1U is open.Equivalently, the closed sets are zeros of sets of homogenous polynomials ink[x0, . . . xn]. Define a function f : U → k to be regular exactly when f π isregular. Then the presheaf of regular functions OPn is a sheaf, and the pair(Pn,OPn) is easily seen to be a prevariety with affine open cover Ui as inexample 1.2.10.

Now we can make the separation axiom precise. The Hausdorff condition fora space X is equivalent to the requirement that the diagonal ∆ = (x, x) |x ∈X is closed in X ×X with its product topology. In the case of (pre)varieties,we have to be careful about what we mean by products. We expect An ×Am =An+m, but notice that the topology on this space is not the product topology.The safest way to define products is in terms of a universal property. Thecollection of prevarieties and morphisms forms a category. The following can befound in [M]:

Proposition 1.3.4. Let (X,OX) and (Y,OY ) and be prevarieties. Then theCartesian product X×Y carries a topology and a sheaf of functions OX×Y suchthat the projections to X and Y are morphisms. If (Z,OZ) is any prevarietywhich maps via morphisms f and g to X and Y then the map f×g : Z → X×Yis a morphism.

Thus (X ×Y,OX×Y ) is the product in the categorical sense. If X ⊂ An andY ⊂ Am are affine, then the prevariety structure associated to X × Y ⊂ An+m

coincides with the one given by the proposition. The product Pn × Pn can be


constructed by more classical methods by using the Segre embedding Pn×Pn ⊂P(n+1)(n+1)−1 [Hrs].

Definition 1.3.5. A prevariety X is a variety (in the sense of Serre) if thediagonal ∆ ⊂ X ×X is closed.

Clearly affine spaces are varieties in this sense. Projective spaces can alsobe seen to be varieties. Further examples can be obtained by taking open orclosed subvarieties of these examples. Let (X,OX) be an algebraic variety overk. A closed irreducible subset Y ⊂ X is called a closed subvariety. Imitatingthe construction for manifolds, given an open set U ⊂ Y define OY (U) to bethe set functions which are locally extendible to regular functions on X. Then

Proposition 1.3.6. If Y ⊂ X is a closed subvariety of an algebraic variety,(Y,OY ) is an algebraic variety.

It is worth making the description of closed subvarieties of projective spacemore explicit. Let X ⊂ Pn

k be an irreducible Zariski closed set. The affine coneof X is the affine variety CX = π−1X ∪ 0. Now let π denote the restrictionof the standard projectjion to CX − 0. Define a function f on an open setU ⊂ X to be regular when f π is regular. Zariski closed cones and thereforeclosed subvarieties of Pn

k can be described explicitly as zeros of homogeneouspolynomials in S = k[x0, . . . xn]. Let S+ = (x0, . . . xn). We have a dictionaryanalogous to the earlier one:

Algebra Geometryhomogeneous radical ideals in S containing S+ algebraic subsets of Pn

homogeneous prime ideals in S containing S+ algebraic subvarieties of Pn

When k = C, we can use the stronger topology on PnC

introduced in 1.2.10.This is inherited by subvarieties, and is called the classical topology. Whenthere is danger of confusion, we write Xan to indicate, a variety X with itsclassical topology.

Exercise 1.3.7.

1. Let X be an affine variety with coordinate ring R and function field K.Show that X is homeomorphic to MaxR, which is the set of maximalideals of R with closed sets given by V (I) = m | m ⊃ I for ideals I ⊂ R.Given m ∈ MaxR, define Rm = g/f | f, g ∈ R, f /∈ m. Show thatOX(U) is isomorphic to ∩m∈URm.

2. Prove that a prevariety is a variety if there exists a finite open cover Uisuch that Ui and the intersections Ui∩Uj are isomorphic to affine varieties.Use this to check that Pn is an algebraic variety.

3. Given an open subset U of an algebraic variety X. Let OU = OX |U . Provethat (U,OU ) is a variety.


4. Prove proposition 1.3.6.

5. Make the Grassmanian Gk(2, n), which is the set of 2 dimensional sub-spaces of kn, into a prevariety by imitating the constructions of the exer-cises 1.2.11.

6. Check that Gk(2, n) is a variety.

7. After identifying P5k with the space of lines in ∧2k4, Gk(2, 4) can be em-

bedded in P5k, by sending the span of v, w ∈ k4 to the line spanned by

ω = v ∧ w. Check that this is a morphism and that the image is a sub-variety given by the Plucker equation ω ∧ ω = 0. Write this out as ahomogeneous quadratic polynomial equation in the coordinates of ω.

1.4 Stalks and tangent spaces

Given two functions defined in possibly different neighbourhoods of a pointx ∈ X, we say they have the same germ at x if their restrictions to somecommon neigbourhood agree. This is is an equivalence relation. The germ at xof a function f defined near X is the equivalence class containing f . We denotethis by fx.

Definition 1.4.1. Given a presheaf of functions P , its stalk Px at x is the setof germs of functions contained in some P (U) with x ∈ U .

From a more abstract point of view, Px is nothing but the direct limit


P (U).

When R is a sheaf of algebras of functions, then Rx is a commutative ring. Inmost of the examples considered earlier, Rx is a local ring, i. e. it has a uniquemaximal ideal. This follows from:

Lemma 1.4.2. Rx is a local ring if and only if the following property holds: Iff ∈ R(U) with f(x) 6= 0, then 1/f is defined and lies in R(V ) for some openset x ∈ V ⊆ U .

Proof. Let m be the set of germs of functions vanishing at x. Then any f ∈Rx −m is invertible which implies that m is the unique maximal ideal.

Definition 1.4.3. We will say that a k-space is locally ringed if each of thestalks are local rings.

C∞ and complex manifolds and algebraic varieties are locally ringed. When(X,OX) is an n-dimensional complex manifold, the local ring OX,x can beidentified with ring of convergent power series in n variables. When X is avariety, the local ring OX,x is also well understood. We may replace X by anaffine variety with coordinate ring R. Consider the maximal ideal

mx = f ∈ R | f(x) = 0



Lemma 1.4.4. OX,x is isomorphic to the localization Rmx.

Proof. Let K be the field of fractions of R. A germ in OX,x is represented by aby regular function in a neighbourhood of x, but this is fraction f/g ∈ K withg /∈ mx.

In the previous cases the local rings are Noetherian. By contrast, when(X,C∞) is a C∞ manifold, the stalks are non Noetherian local rings. This iseasy to check by a theorem of Krull [AM, E] which says that a local ring Rwith maximal ideal m satisfies ∩nm

n = 0 if it is Noetherian. If R is the ring ofgerms of C∞ functions, then the intersection ∩nm

n contains nonzero functionssuch as


if x > 0

0 otherwise

(see figure 1.1).








0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4x

Figure 1.1: function in ∩nmn

Nevertheless, the maximal ideals are finitely generated.

Proposition 1.4.5. If R is the ring of germs at 0 of C∞ functions on Rn.Then its maximal ideal m is generated by the coordinate functions x1, . . . xn.

If R is a local ring with maximal ideal m (which will be indicated by (R,m)),then R/m is a field called the residue field. The cotangent space of R is the R/m-vector space m/m2 ∼= m⊗RR/m, and the tangent space is its dual (over R/m).When m is a finitely generated, these spaces are finite dimensional.

Definition 1.4.6. When X is a C∞ or complex manifold or an algebraic varietywith local ring (OX,x,mx), the tangent space at x, Tx = TX,x is the tangent spaceof R.


When R is the local ring of a manifold or variety X at x, it is an algebra overits residue field. Therefore R/m2 splits canonically into k ⊕ T ∗

x (where k = Ror C for a C∞ or complex manifold).

Definition 1.4.7. Given the germ of a function f at x on variety or a manifold,let df be its projection to T ∗

x under the above decomposition. In other words,df = f − f(x) mod m2.

Lemma 1.4.8. d : R→ T ∗x is a k-linear derivation, i. e. it satisfies the Leibnitz

rule d(fg) = f(x)dg + g(x)df .

As a corollary, it follows that a tangent vector v ∈ Tx = T ∗∗x gives rise to

a derivation v d : R → k. Conversely, any such derivation corresponds to atangent vector. In particular,

Lemma 1.4.9. If (R,m) is the ring of germs at 0 of C∞ functions on Rn.Then a basis for the tangent space T0 is given

Di =∂



i = 1, . . . n

Manifolds are locally quite simple. By contrast algebraic varieties can belocally very complicated. We want to say that a point of a variety over analgebraically closed field k is nonsingular or smooth if it looks like affine space ata microscopic level. The precise definition requires some commutative algebra.

Theorem 1.4.10. Let X ⊂ ANk be a closed subvariety defined by the ideal

(f1, . . . fr). Choose x ∈ X and let R = OX,x. Then the following statementsare equivalent

1. R is a regular local ring i.e. dimTx equals the Krull dimension of R.

2. The rank of the Jacobian (∂fi/∂xj |x) is N − dimX.

Proof. [E, 16.6].

When k = C, we can apply the holomorphic implicit function theorem [GH,p. 19] to deduce an additional equivalent statement:

3 There exists a neighbourhood U of x ∈ CN in the usual Euclidean topology,and a biholomorphism (i. e. holomorphic isomorphism) of U to a ball Bsuch that X∩U maps to the intersection of B and an n-dimensional linearsubspace.

Definition 1.4.11. A point x on variety is called a nonsingular point if Ox isregular, otherwise it is singular. X is nonsingular or smooth, if every point isnonsingular.

Affine and projective spaces and Grassmanians are examples of nonsingularvarieties. It follows from (4) that a nonsingular affine or projective variety is acomplex submanifold of affine or projective space.


Exercise 1.4.12.

1. Prove proposition 1.4.5. (Hint: given f ∈ m, let

fi =

∫ 1



∂xi(tx1, . . . txn) dt

show that f =∑fixi.)

2. Prove lemma 1.4.8.

3. Let F : (X,R) → (Y, S) be a morphism of k-spaces. If x ∈ X and y =F (x), check that the homorphism F ∗ : Sy → Rx taking a germ of f to thegerm of f F is well defined. When X and S are both locally ringed, showthat F ∗ is local, i.e. F ∗(my) ⊆ mx where m denotes the maximal ideals.

4. When F : X → Y is a C∞ map of manifolds, use the previous exerciseto construct the induced linear map dF : Tx → Ty. Calculate this for(X,x) = (Rn, 0) and (Y, y) = (Rm, 0) and show that this is given by amatrix of partial derivatives.

5. Check that with the appropriate identification given a C∞ function on Xviewed as a C∞ map from f : X → R. df in the sense of 1.4.8 and in thesense of the previous exercise coincide.

6. Suppose either that the characteristic of k is 0, or that it does not dividem. Show that Fermat’s hypersurface defined by xm

0 + . . . xmn = 0 in Pn

k isnonsingular.

7. Show that the set of singular points of a variety form a Zariski closed set.

1.5 Vector fields and bundles

A C∞ vector field on a manifold X is a choice vx ∈ Tx, for each x ∈ X, whichvaries in a C∞ fashion. The dual notion is that of 1-form (or covector field).There are number of ways to

Definition 1.5.1. A C∞ vector field on X is a collection vx ∈ Tx such that themap x 7→ 〈vx, dfx〉 ∈ C∞(U) for each open U ⊆ X and f ∈ C∞(U). A 1-formis a collection ωx ∈ T ∗

x such that x 7→ 〈vx, ωx〉 ∈ C∞(X) for every C∞-vectorfield.

Given a C∞-function f on X, we can define df = x 7→ dfx. This is the basicexample of C∞ 1-form. Let T (X) and E1(X) denote the space of C∞ vectorfields and 1-forms onX. These are modules over the ring C∞(X) and we have anisomorphism E1(X) ∼= HomC∞(X)(T (X), C∞(X)). The maps U 7→ T (U) andU 7→ E1(U) are easily seen to be sheaves (of respectively ∪Tx and ∪T ∗

X valuedfunctions) on X denoted by TX and E1

X respectively. These are prototypesof sheaves of locally free C∞-modules: Each T (U) is a C∞(U)-module, and


hence a C∞(V )-module for any U ⊂ V and the restriction T (V ) → T (U) isC∞(V )-linear. Every point has a neighbourhood U such that T (U) and E1(U)are free C∞(U)-modules. More specifically, if U is a coordinate neighbourhoodwith coordinates x1, . . . xn, then ∂/∂x1, . . . ∂/∂xn and dx1, . . . dxn are basesfor T (U) and E1(U) respectively. Parallel constructions can be carried out forholomorphic (respectively regular) vector fields and forms on complex manifoldsand nonsingular algebraic varieties. The corresponding sheaf of forms will bedenoted by Ω1

X . We will say more about this later on.These notions are usually phrased in the equivalent language of vector bun-


Definition 1.5.2. A rank n (C∞ real, holomorphic, algebraic) vector bundle isa morphism of C∞ or complex manifolds or algebraic varieties π : V → X suchthat there exists an open cover Ui of X and commutative diagrams



∼= // Ui × kn



such that φi φ−1j are linear on each fiber. Where k = R or C in the C∞ case,

and C in the holomorphic case.

The data (Ui, φi)is called a local trivialization. Given a vector bundleπ : V → X, define the presheaf of sections

V (U) = s : U → π−1U | s is C∞, π s = idU

This is easily seen to be a sheaf of locally free modules. Conversely, we willsee in section 6.3 that every such sheaf arises this way. The vector bundlecorresponding to TX is called the tangent bundle of X.

An explicit example of a nontrivial vector bundle is the tautological bundleL which we will encounter again. Projective space Pn

k is the set of lines ` inkn+1 through 0, and we can choose each line as a fiber of L. That is

L = (x, `) ∈ kn+1 × Pnk |x ∈ `

Let P : L → Pnk be given by projection onto the second factor. Then L is rank

one algebraic vector bundle, or line bundle, over Pnk . When k = C this can also

be regarded as holomorphic line bundle or a C∞ complex line bundle. L is oftencalled the universal line bundle for the following reason:

Theorem 1.5.3. If X is a compact C∞ manifold with a C∞ complex line bundleπ : M → X. There exists a C∞ map, called a classifying map, f : X → Pn


with n >> 0, such that M is isomorphic to as a bundle to the pullback

f∗L = (v, x) ∈ L×X |π(v) = f(x) → X


Proof. We sketch the proof. Here we consider the dual line bundle M ∗. Sectionsof this correspond to C-valued functions on M which are linear on the fibers.By compactness, we can find finitely many sections f0, . . . fn ∈ M∗(X) whichdo not simulataneaously vanish at any point x ∈ X. Thus we get a map M → Lgiven by v 7→ (f0(x), . . . fn(x)). To get a bundle map, we need to map the basesas well. Under a local trivialization M |Ui

→ Ui ×C, we can identify the fi withC-valued functions. X. The maps

Ui → [f0(x), . . . fn(x)] ∈ Pn

are independent of the choice of trivialization, and this gives map from X → Pn

compatible with previous map M → L.

If (X,M) is holomorphic, then the map f cannot be chosen holomorphicin general. It is possible if and if the dual M ∗ has enough holomorphic globalsections.

Exercise 1.5.4.

1. Show that v =∑fi(x)


is a C∞ vector field in the above sense on Rn

if and only if the coefficients fi are C∞.

2. Check that TX is a locally free sheaf for any manifold X.

3. Check that the presheaf of sections of a C∞ vector bundle is a locally freesheaf.

4. Let X = f−1(0) where f : Rn → R has nonvanishing gradient along X.Let

TX = ((v1, . . . vn), p) ∈ Rn ×X |∑


∂xi|p = 0

Check that the map TX → X given by the second projection makes, TX

into a rank n− 1 vector bundle.

5. Continuing the notation from the previous problem, show that the space ofC∞ sections of TX over U can be identified with vector fields on U . ThusTX is the tangent bundle of X.

6. Check that L is an algebraic line bundle.

7. Tie up all the loose ends in the proof of theorem 1.5.3.

8. Let G = G(2, n) be the Grassmanian of 2 dimensional subspaces of Cn.This is a complex manifold by the exercises 1.2.11. Let S = (x, V ) ∈Cn ×G | x ∈ V . Show that the projection S → G is a holomorphic vectorbundle of rank 2.


Chapter 2

Generalities about Sheaves

We introduced sheaves of functions in the previous chapter as a convenientlanguage for defining manifolds and varieties. However there is much more tothe story...

2.1 The Category of Sheaves

It will be convenient to define presheaves of things other than functions. Forinstance, one might consider sheaves of equivalence classes of functions, distri-butions and so on. For this more general notion of presheaf, the restrictionsmaps have to be included as part the data:

Definition 2.1.1. A presheaf P of sets (respectively groups or rings) on atopological space X consists of a set (respectively group or ring) P (U) for eachopen set U , and maps (respectively homomorphisms) ρUV : P (U) → P (V ) foreach inclusion V ⊆ U such that:

1. ρUU = idP (U)

2. ρV W ρUV = ρUW if W ⊆ V ⊆ U .

We will usually write f |V = ρUV (f).

Definition 2.1.2. A sheaf P is a presheaf such that for any open coveringUi of U and fi ∈ P (Ui) satisfying fi|Ui∩Uj

= fj |Ui∩Uj, there exists a unique

f ∈ P (U) with f |Ui= fi.

In English, this says that a collection of local sections can be patched togetherprovided they agree on the intersections.

Definition 2.1.3. Given presheaves of sets (respectively groups) P, P ′ on thesame topological space X, a morphism f : P → P ′ is collection of maps (respec-tively homomorphisms) fU : P (U) → P ′(U) which commute with the restric-tions. Given morphisms f : P → P ′ and g : P ′ → P ′′, the compositions gU fU


determine a morphism from P → P ′′. The collection of presheaves of Abeliangroups and morphisms with this notion of composition constitutes a categoryPAb(X).

Definition 2.1.4. The category Ab(X) is the full subcategory of PAb(X) gen-erated by sheaves of Abelian groups on X. In other words, objects of Ab(X) aresheaves, and morphisms are defined in the same way as for presheaves.

A special case of a morphism is the notion of a subsheaf of a sheaf. This isa morphism of sheaves where each fU : P (U) ⊆ P ′(U) is an inclusion.

Example 2.1.5. The sheaf of C∞-funtions on Rn is a subsheaf of the sheaf ofcontinuous functions.

Example 2.1.6. Let Y be a closed subset of a k-space (X,OX), the ideal sheafassociated to Y ,

IY (U) = f ∈ OX(U) | f |Y = 0,

is a subsheaf of OX

Example 2.1.7. Given a sheaf of rings of functions R over X, and f ∈ R(X),the map R(U) → R(U) given multipication by f |U is a morphism.

Example 2.1.8. Let X be a C∞ manifold, then d : C∞X → E1

X is a morphismof sheaves.

We now introduce the notion of a covariant functor (or simply functor)F : C1 → C2 between categories. This consists of a map F : ObjC1 → ObjC2

and mapsF : HomC1

(A,B) → HomC2(F (A), F (B))

such that

1. F (f g) = F (f) F (g)

2. F (idA) = idF (A)

Contravariant functors are defined similary but with

F : HomC1(A,B) → HomC2

(F (B), F (A))

and the rule for composition adjusted accordingly.Let Ab denote the category of abelian groups. There are number of functors

from PAb(X) to Ab.

Example 2.1.9. The global section functor Γ(P ) = Γ(X,P ) = P (X). Given amorphism f : P → P ′, Γ(f) = fX .

For any x ∈ X and presheaf P , we define the stalk Px of P at x, as we didearlier, to be the direct limit lim

−→P (U) over neighbourhoods of x. The elements

of Px are equivalence classes of elements of P (U), with varying U , where twoelements are equivalent if their restrictions to a common subset coincide.


Example 2.1.10. Given a morphism f : P → P ′, the maps fU : P (U) → P ′(U)induce a map on the direct limits Px → P ′

x. Thus P 7→ Px determines a functorfrom PSh(X) → Ab.

There is a functor generalizing a construction from section 1.1.

Theorem 2.1.11. There is a functor P 7→ P+ from PAb(X) → Ab(X) calledsheafication, with the following properties:

1. If P is a presheaf of functions, then P+ ∼= P s, where the right side isdefined in example 1.1.10.

2. There is a canonical morphism P → P+.

3. If P is a sheaf then the morphism P → P+ is an isomomorphism

4. Any morphism from P to a sheaf factors uniquely through P → P+

5. The map P → P+ induces an isomorphism on stalks.

Proof. We sketch the construction of P+. We do this in two steps. First, weconstruct a presheaf of functions P ′. Set Y =

∏Px. We define a sheaf P ′ of

Y -valued functions and a morphism P → P ′ as follows. There is a canonicalmap σx : P (U) → Px if x ∈ U ; if x /∈ U then send everything to 0. Thenf ∈ P (U) determines a function f ′ : U → Y given by f ′(x) = σx(f). Let

P ′(U) = f ′ | f ∈ P (U),

this is yields a presheaf. Now apply the construction given earlier in example1.1.10, to produce a sheaf P+ = (P ′)s. The P (U) → P ′(U) ⊂ P+(U) given byf 7→ f ′, yields the desired morphism P → P+.

Exercise 2.1.12.

1. Let X be a topological space. Construct a category Open(X), whose objectsare opens subsets of X.HomOpen(X)(U, V ) consists of a single element,say ∗, if U ⊂ V , otherwise it is empty. Show that a presheaf of sets (orgroups...) on Open(X) is the same thing as a contravariant functor to thecategory of sets (or groups...).

2. Finish the proof of theorem 2.1.11.

2.2 Exact Sequences

The categories PAb(X) and Ab(X) are additive which means among other thingsthat Hom(A,B) has an Abelian group structure such that composition is bi-linear. Actually, more is true. These categories are Abelian [GM, Wl] whichmeans, roughly speaking, that they possesses many of the basic constructionsand properties of the category of abelian groups. In particular, there is anintrinsic notion of an exactness in this category. We give a nonintrinsic, butequivalent, formulation of this notion for Ab(X).


Definition 2.2.1. A sequence of sheaves on X

. . . A→ B → C . . .

is called exact in the if and only if

. . . Ax → Bx → Cx . . .

is exact for every x ∈ X.

The definition of exactness of presheaves will be given in the exercises.

Lemma 2.2.2. Let f : A → B and g : B → C, then A → B → C is exact ifand only if for any open U ⊆ X

1. gU fU = 0.

2. Given b ∈ B(U) with g(b) = 0, there exists an open cover Ui of U andai ∈ A(Ui) such that f(ai) = b|Ui


Proof. We will prove one direction. Suppose that A → B → C is exact. Givena ∈ A(U), g(f(a)) = 0, since g(f(a))x = g(f(ax)) = 0 for all x ∈ U . This shows(1).

Given b ∈ B(U) with g(b) = 0, then for each x ∈ U , bx is the image of agerm in Ax. Choose a representative a for this germ in some A(U) where U isa neighbourhood of x. After shrinking U if necessary, we have f(a) = b|U . Thisgives an open cover, and a collection of sections as required.

Corollary 2.2.3. If A(U) → B(U) → C(U) is exact for every open set U , thenA→ B → C is exact.

The converse is false, but we do have:

Lemma 2.2.4. If0 → A→ B → C → 0

is an exact sequence of sheaves, then

0 → A(U) → B(U) → C(U)

is exact for every open set U .

Proof. Let f : A → B and g : B → C denote the maps. By lemma 2.2.2,g f = 0. Suppose a ∈ A(U) maps to 0 under f , then f(ax) = f(a)x = 0 foreach x ∈ U . Therefore ax = 0 for each x ∈ U , and this implies that a = 0.

Suppose b ∈ B(U) satisfies g(b) = 0. Then by lemma 2.2.2, there ex-ists an open cover Ui of U and ai ∈ A(Ui) such that f(ai) = b|Ui

. Thenf(ai|Ui∩Uj

− aj |Ui∩Uj) = 0, which implies ai|Ui∩Uj

− aj |Ui∩Ujby the first para-

graph. Therefore ai patch together to yield an element of A(U).


We give some natural examples to show that B(X) → C(X) is not usuallysurjective.

Example 2.2.5. Let X denote the circle S1 = R/Z. Then

0 → RX → C∞X

d−→ E1

X → 0

is exact. However C∞(X) → E1(X) is not surjective.

To see the first statement, let U ⊂ X be an open set diffeomorphic to anopen interval. Then the sequence

0 → R → C∞(U)f→f ′

−→ C∞(U)dx→ 0

is exact by calculus. Thus one gets exactness on stalks. For the second, notethat the constant form dx is not the differential of a periodic function.

Example 2.2.6. Let (X,OX) be a C∞ or complex manifold or algebraic varietyand Y ⊂ X a submanifold or subvariety. Let

IY (U) = f ∈ OX(U) | f |Y = 0

then this is a sheaf called the ideal sheaf of Y , and

0 → IY → OX → OY → 0

is exact. The map OX(X) → OY (X) need not be surjective. For example, letX = P1

Cwith OX the sheaf of holomorphic functions. Let Y = p1, p2 ⊂ P1 be

a set of distinct points. Then the function f ∈ OY (X) which takes the value 1on p1 and 0 on p2 cannot be extended to a global holomorphic function on P1

since all such functions are constant by Liouville’s theorem.

Given a sheaf S and a subsheaf S ′ ⊆ S, we can define a new presheaf withQ(U) = S(U)/S′(U) and restriction maps induced from S. In general, this isnot a sheaf. We define S/S′ = Q+.

Exercise 2.2.7.

1. Finish the proof of lemma 2.2.2.

2. Give an example of a subsheaf S ′ ⊆ S, where Q(U) = S(U)/S ′(U) fails tobe a sheaf. Check that

0 → S′ → S → S/S′ → 0

is an exact sequence of sheaves.

3. Given a morphism of sheaves f : S → S ′, define ker f to be the subpresheafof S with ker f(U) = ker[fU : S(U) → S′(U)]. Check that ker f is a sheaf,and that (ker f)x

∼= ker[Sx → S′x].

4. Define a sequence of presheaves A → B → C to be exact in PAb(X) ifA(U) → B(U) → C(U). Show that if a sequence of sheaves is exact inPAb(X) then it is exact in the sense of 2.2.1, but that converse can fail.


2.3 Direct and Inverse images

Sometimes it is useful to transfer a sheaf from one space to another. Let f :X → Y be a continuous map of topological spaces.

Definition 2.3.1. Given a presheaf A on X, the direct image f∗A is a presheafon Y given by f∗A(U) = A(f−1U) with restrictions

ρf−1Uf−1V : A(f−1U) → A(f−1V )

Given any subset S ⊂ X of a topological space and a presheaf F , define

F(S) = lim→


as U ranges over all open neigbourhoods of S. When S is a point, F(S) is justthe stalk. If S′ ⊂ S, there is a restriction map F(S) → F(S ′). An elementof F(S) can be viewed as germ of section defined in a neighbourhood of S,where two sections define the same germ if there restrictions agree in a commonneighbourhood .

Definition 2.3.2. If B is a presheaf on Y , the inverse image f−1B is a presheafon X given by f−1B(U) = B(f(U)) with restrictions as above.

If f : X → Y is the inclusion of a closed set, we also call F∗A extension ofA by 0 and f−1B restriction of B.

Lemma 2.3.3. Direct and inverse images of sheaves are sheaves.

These operations extend to functors f∗ : Ab(X) → Ab(Y ) and f−1 : Ab(Y ) →Ab(X) in an obvious way. While these operations are generally not inverses,their is a relationship, which is given by the adjointness property:

Lemma 2.3.4. There is a natural isomorphism

HomAb(X)(f−1A,B) ∼= HomAb(Y )(A, f∗B)

Corollary 2.3.5. There are canonical morphisms A→ f∗f−1A and f−1f∗B →

B corresponding to the identity under the isomorphisms

HomAb(X)(f−1A, f−1A) ∼= HomAb(Y )(A, f∗f


HomAb(X)(f−1f∗B,B) ∼= HomAb(Y )(f∗B, f∗B)

Definition 2.3.6. Given R be a sheaf of commutative rings (respectively k-algebras) over a space X, the pair (X,R) is called a ringed (respectively k-ringed) space.

For example, any k-space ( section 1.2) is a k-ringed space. The collection ofringed spaces form a category. To motivate the definition of morphism, observethat from a morphism F of k-spaces (X,R) → (Y,S), we get a morphism ofsheaves of rings S → F∗R given by f 7→ f F .


Definition 2.3.7. A morphism of (k-) ringed spaces (X,R) → (Y,S) is a con-tinuous map F : X → Y together a morphism of sheaves of rings (or algebras)S → F∗R.

By the above lemma, this is equivalent to giving adjoint map F−1S → R.

Exercise 2.3.8.

1. Prove lemma 2.3.3.

2. Prove lemma 2.3.4.

3. Give examples where A → f∗f−1A and f−1f∗B → B are not isomor-


4. Generalize lemma 2.2.4 to show that an exact sequence 0 → A → B →C → 0 of sheaves gives rise to an exact sequence 0 → f∗A→ f∗B → f∗C.

2.4 The notion of a scheme

Returning to the table of section 1.3, suppose we added a new entry consistingof “all ideals” in the Algebra column. What would go in the Geometry column?The answer is “closed subschemes of An

k”. A scheme is a massive generalizationof the notion of an algebraic variety due to Grothendieck. We will give only asmall taste of the subject. The canonical reference is [EGA]. Hartshorne’s book[Har] has become the standard introduction to these ideas for most people.

Let R be a commutative ring. Let SpecR denote the set of prime ideals ofR. For any ideal, I ⊂ R, let

V (I) = p ∈ SpecR | I ⊆ p.

Lemma 2.4.1.

1. V (IJ) = V (I) ∪ V (J).

2. V (∑Ii) = ∩i V (Ii),

As a corollary, it follows that the sets of the form V (I) form the closedsets of a topology on SpecR called the Zariski topology. Note that when R isthe coordinate ring of an affine variety Y over an algebraically closed field k,the Hilbert Nullstellensatz shows that any maximal ideal of R is of the formmy = f ∈ R | f(y) = 0 for a unique y ∈ Y . Thus we can embed Y into SpecRby sending y to my. Under this embedding V (I) pulls back to the algebraicsubset

y ∈ Y | f(y) = 0, ∀f ∈ I

Thus this notion of Zariski topology is an extension of the classical one.


A basis of the Zariski topology on X = SpecR is given by D(f) = X−V (f),This means that any open set U ⊂ X is a union of D(f)’s. Define

OX(U) = lim→R



], as D(f) ranges inside U

When R is an integral domain with fraction field K, OX(U) ⊂ K consists of theelements r such that for any p ∈ U , r = g/f with f /∈ p. This remark applies,in particular, to the case where R is the coordinate ring of an algebraic varietyY . In this case, OX(U) can be identified with the ring of regular functions onU ∩ Y under the above embedding.

Lemma 2.4.2. OX is a sheaf of commutative rings such that OX,p∼= Rp for

any p ∈ X.

Proof. We give the proof in the special case where R is a domain. This impliesthat X is irreducible, i. e. any two nonempty open sets intersect, because

D(gi) ∩D(gj) = D(gigj) 6= ∅

if gi 6= 0. Consequently the constant presheaf KX with values in K is already asheaf. OX is a subpresheaf of KX . Let U = ∪Ui be a union of nonempty opensets, and let fi ∈ OX(Ui) be collection of sections agreeing on the intersections.Then fi = fj as elements of K. Call the common value f . Since p ∈ U liesin some Ui, f can be written as a fraction with denominator in R − p. Thusf ∈ OX(U), and this shows that OX is a sheaf.

One sees readily that the stalk OX,p is the subring of K of fractions wherethe denominator can be chosen in R− p. Thus OX,p

∼= Rp.

The ringed space (SpecR,OSpecR) is called the affine scheme associated toR. If R is k-algebra, then this is a k-ringed space.

Definition 2.4.3. A (k-) scheme is a (k-) ringed space which is locally isomor-phic to an affine scheme.

A morphism of (k-) schemes is simply a morphism of (k-) ringed spaces. Forexample, if f : R → S is a homomorphism of rings, then there is morphism ofschemes (Spec S,OSpecS) → (SpecR,OSpecR) such that the map on spaces isp 7→ f−1p. Given an affine variety Y with coordinate ring R, we have seen howto embed Y → SpecR so that OSpecR restricts to the sheaf of regular functionson Y . More generally:

Theorem 2.4.4. Given a prevariety Y over an algebraically closed field k.There is a k-scheme Y sch, and an embedding of spaces ι : Y → Y sch such that

1. y ∈ Y if and only if y is closed i.e. y = y

2. i−1OY sch = OY .

The operation Y 7→ Y sch is functorial, and it gives a full faithful embedding ofthe category of k-varieties into the category of k-schemes.


Thus, we can redefine varieties as schemes of the form Y sch (although wewill frequently return to the original viewpoint). Not all k-schemes are varieties.For example, the “fat point” Spec k[x]/(xn) has no classical analogue.

Exercise 2.4.5.

1. Prove lemma 2.4.1.

2. For any commutative R ring, check that m ∈ SpecR is closed if and onlyif it is a maximal ideal.

3. Let k be an algebraically closed field. Define (Pnk )sch to be the set of ho-

mogeneous nonzero prime ideals in S = k[x0, . . . xn]. Give it the topologyinduced from (Pn

k )sch ⊂ Spec S. Define a map Pnk → (Pn

k )sch by sendinga = [a0, . . . an] to the ideal generated by aixj − ajxi | ∀i, j. Check thatthis is injective and that the image is exactly the set of closed points.

2.5 Gluing schemes and toric varieties

Schemes can constructed explicitly by gluing a collection affine schemes together.This is similar to giving a manifold, by specifying an atlas for it. Let us describethe process explicitly for a pair of affine schemes. Let X1 = SpecR1 and X2 =SpecR2, and suppose we have an isomorphism

φ : R1[1

r1] ∼= R2[



for some ri ∈ Ri. Then, we can define the setX = X1∪φX2 as the disjoint unionmodulo the equivalence relation x ∼ Spec(φ)(x) for x ∈ SpecR1[1/r1] ⊂ X1.We can equip X with the quotient topology, and then define

OX(U) = (s1, s2) ∈ O(U ∩ U1) ×O(U ∩ U2) | φ(s1) = s2

Then X becomes a scheme with Xi as a open cover. For example,

R1 = k[x], r1 = x, R2 = k[y], r2 = y, φ(x) = y−1

yields X = P1k. More than two schemes can be handled in a similar way. The

data consists of rings Ri and isomorphisms

φij : Ri[1

rij] ∼= Rj [



These are subject to a compatibility condition that the isomorphisms


rijrik] ∼= Rk[



induced by φik and φijφjk coincide, and φii = id, φji = φ−1ij . The spectra can

then be glued as above, see the exercises.


Toric varieties are an interesting class of varieties that are explicitly con-structed by gluing of affine schemes. The beauty of the subject stems from theinterplay between the algebraic geometry and the combinatorics. See [F2] forfurther information (including an explanation of the name).

To simplify our discussion, we will consider only two dimensional examples.Let 〈, 〉 denote the standard inner product on R2. A cone in R2 is subset of theform

σ = t1v1 + t2v2 | ti ∈ R, ti ≥ 0

for vectors vi ∈ R2 called generators. It is called rational if the generators canbe chosen in Z2, and strongly convex if the angle between the generators is lessthan 180o. If the generators are nonzero and coincide, σ is called a ray. Thedual cone can be defined by

σ∨ = v | 〈v,w〉 ≥ 0,∀w ∈ σ

This is rational and spans R2 if σ is rational and strongly convex. Fix a fieldk. For each rational strongly convex cone σ, define Sσ to be the subspace ofk[x, x−1, y, y−1] spanned by xmyn for all (m,n) ∈ σ∨ ∩ Z2. This easily seento be a finitely generated subring. The affine toric variety associated to σ isX(σ) = Spec Sσ.

A fan ∆ in R2 is a finite collection of nonoverlapping rational strongly convexcones.




Let σi be the collection of cones of ∆. Any two cones interest in a ray or inthe cone 0. The maps Sσi

→ Sσi∩σjare localizations at single elements, say

sij . This provides us with gluing data



sij] ∼= Sσj



We define the toric variety X = X(∆) by gluing the above schemes together.In the example pictured above σ1 and σ2 are generated by (0, 1), (1, 1) and

(1, 0), (1, 1) respectively. The varieties

X(σ1) = Spec k[x, x−1y] = Spec k[x, t]

X(σ2) = Spec k[y, xy−1] = Spec k[y, s]

are both isomorphic to the affine plane. These can be glued by identifying (x, t)in the first plane with (y, s) = (xt, t−1) in the second. We will see this exampleagain in a different way. It is the blow up of A2 at (0, 0).


Exercise 2.5.1.

1. Suppose we are given gluing data as described in the first paragraph. Let∼ be the equivalence relation on

∐SpecRi generated by x ∼ φij(x). Show

X =∐SpecRi/ ∼ can be made into a scheme with SpecRi as an open

affine covering.

2. Describe Pn by a gluing construction.

3. Show that the toric variety corresponding to the fan:



(−1, −1)







is P2

2.6 Sheaves of Modules

Let (X,R) be a ringed space.

Definition 2.6.1. A sheaf of R-modules or simply an R-module is a sheaf Msuch that each M(U) is an R(U)-module and the restrictions M(U) → M(V )are R(U)-linear.

These sheaves form a category R-Mod where the morphisms are morphismsof sheaves A → B such that each map A(U) → B(U) is R(U)-linear. This isan fact an abelian category. The notion of exactness in this category coincideswith the notion introduced in section 2.2.

We have already seen a number of examples in section 1.5.

Example 2.6.2. The sheaf IY introduced in example 2.2.6 is an OX-module.It is called an ideal sheaf.

Before giving more examples, we recall the tensor product and related con-structions.

Theorem 2.6.3. Given modules M1,M2 over a commutative ring R, thereexists an R-module M1 ⊗R M2 and map (m1,m2) 7→ m1 ⊗m2 of M1 ×M2 →M1 ⊗R M2 which is bilinear and universal:


1. (rm+ r′m′) ⊗m2 = r(m⊗m2) + r′(m′ ⊗m2)

2. m1 ⊗ (rm+ r′m′) = r(m1 ⊗m) + r′(m1 ⊗m′)

3. Any map M1 × M2 → N satisfying the first two properties is given byφ(m1 ⊗m2) for a unique homomorphism φ : M1 ⊗M2 → N .

Given a module M over a commutative ring R, the module

T ∗(M) = R⊕M ⊕ (M ⊗R M) ⊕ . . .

becomes an noncommutative associative R-algebra called the tensor algebrawith product induced by ⊗. The exterior algebra ∧∗M (respectively symmetricalgebra S∗M) is the quotient of T ∗(M) by the two sided ideal generated m ⊗m (resp. (m1 ⊗ m2 − m2 ⊗ m1)). The product in ∧∗M is denoted by ∧.∧kM (SkM) is the submodule generated by products of k elements. If V is afinite dimensional vector space, ∧kV ∗ (SkV ∗) can be identified with the set ofalternating (symmetric) multilinear forms on V in k-variables. After choosinga basis for V , one sees that SkV ∗ are degree k polynomials in the coordinates.

Finally if f : R → S is a homomorphism of commutative rings, then anyR-modules M gives rise to an S-modules S⊗RM , with S acting by s(s1⊗m) =ss1 ⊗m. This constructions is called extension of scalars.

Example 2.6.4. Let R be a commutative ring, and M an R-module. Let X =SpecR. Let M(U) = OX(U) ⊗R M . This is an OX-module. Such a module iscalled quasi-coherent.

It will useful to observe:

Lemma 2.6.5. The functor M → M is exact.

Proof. This follows from the fact that OX(U) is a flat R-module. We will deferthe discussion of this notion until section 16.3.

Let us specialize this to the case where R is the coordinate ring of an affinealgebraic variety X ⊂ An

k over an algebraically closed field k. As we saw earlier,X embeds into SpecR as the set of closed points (maximal ideals). We willusually write M instead of M |X when no confusion is likely. In fact, the originalsheaf can be recovered from its restriction.

Most standard linear algebra operations can be carried over to modules.

Definition 2.6.6. Given a two R-modules M and N , their direct sum is thesheaf U 7→M(U) ⊕N(U). The dual M∗ of a R-module M is the sheafificationof the presheaf U 7→ HomR(U)(M(U),R(U)). The tensor product M ⊗N is thesheafification of the presheaf U 7→M(U) ⊗R(U) N(U).

For example the sheaf of 1-forms on a manifold is the dual of the tangentsheaf.


Definition 2.6.7. When M is an R-module, the kth exterior power ∧kM andkth symmetric power SkM is sheafification of U 7→ ∧kM(U) and U 7→ SkM(U).When X is manifold the sheaf of k-forms is Ek

X = ∧kE1X .

Definition 2.6.8. A module M is locally free (of rank n) if for every point hasa neighbourhood U , such that M |U is isomorphic to a finite (n-fold) direct sumR|U ⊕ . . .⊕R|U

Given an R-module M over X, the stalk Mx is an Rx-module for any x ∈ X.If M is locally free, then each stalk is free of finite rank. Note that the conversemay fail.

Example 2.6.9. A variety X is nonsingular if and only if Ω1X is locally free by

theorem 1.4.10.

As noted in section 1.5, locally free sheaves arise from vector bundles. Let Lbe the tautological line bundle on projective space P = Pn

k over an algebraicallyclosed field k. The sheaf of regular sections is denoted by OP(−1) = OPn


OP(1) is the dual and

OP(m) =

SmO(1) ∼= O(1) ⊗ . . .O(1) (m times) if m > 0OP if m = 0S−mO(−1) = O(−m)∗ otherwise

Let V = kn+1. By construction T ⊂ V × Pn, so OP(−1) is a subsheaf of then+1-fold sum OP⊕ . . .⊕OP which can also be expressed as V ⊗kOP. Dualizing,gives

V ∗ ⊗OP → OP(1) → 0

Taking symmetric powers gives a map, in fact an epimorphism

SmV ∗ ⊗OP → OP(m) → 0

when m ≥ 0. Taking global sections gives maps

SmV ∗ → SmV ∗ ⊗ Γ(OP) → Γ(OP(m))

We will see later that these maps are isomorphisms. Thus the global sections ofOP(m) are homogenous degree m polynomials in the homogeneous coordinatesof m.

Suppose that f : (X,R) → (Y,S) is a morphism of ringed spaces. Givenan R-module M , f∗M is naturally an f∗R-module, and hence an S-module byrestriction of scalars. Similarly given an S-module N , f−1N is naturally anf−1S-module. We define the R-module

f∗N = R⊗f−1S f−1N

where the R is regarded as a f−1S-module under the adjoint map f−1S → R.When f is injective, we often write N |X instead of f∗N .


The inverse image of a locally sheaf is locally free. This has an interpretationin the context of vector bundles, section 1.5. If π : V → Y is a vector bundle,then the pullback f∗V → X is given set theoretically as the projection

f∗V = (v, x) |π(v) = f(x) → X

Thenf∗(sheaf of sections of V ) = (sheaf of sections of f ∗V )

Exercise 2.6.10.

1. Show that the stalk of M at p is precisely the localization Mp.

2. Show that direct sums, tensor products, exterior, and symmetric powersof locally free sheaves are locally free.

2.7 Differentials

With basic sheaf theory in hand, we can now construct sheaves of differen-tial forms on manifolds and varieties in a unified way. In order to motivatethings, let us start with a calculation. Suppose that X = Rn with coordi-nate x1, . . . xn. Let us complete this to coordinate system for X × X = R2n

by adding y1, . . . yn. Given a C∞ function f on X, we can develop a Taylorexpansion about (y1, . . . yn):

f(x1, . . . xn) = f(y1, . . . yn) +∑ ∂f

∂xi(y1, . . . yn)(xi − yi) +O((xi − yi)


Thus the differential is given by

df = f(x1, . . . xn) − f(y1, . . . yn) mod (xi − yi)2.

Let X be C∞ or complex manifold or an algebraic variety over a field k. Wetake k = R or C in the first two cases. We have diagonal map δ : X → X ×Xgiven by x 7→ (x, x), and projections pi : X × X → X. Let I∆ be the idealsheaf of the image, and let I2

∆ be the submodule locally generated by productsof pairs of sections of I∆. Then we define the sheaf of 1-forms by

Ω1X = I∆/I


This has two different OX -module structures, we pick the first one where OX

acts on I∆ through p−11 OX → OX×X . We define the sheaf of p-forms by Ωp

X =∧pΩ1

X We define a morphism d : OX → Ω1X of sheaves (but not OX -modules)

by df = p∗1(f) − p∗2(f). This has the right formal properties because of thefollowing:

Lemma 2.7.1. d is an k-linear derivation


Proof. By direct calculation

d(fg) − fdg − gdf = [p∗1(f) − p∗2(f)][p∗2(g) − p∗2(f)] ∈ I2∆.

The calculations at the beginning basically shows that:

Lemma 2.7.2. If X is C∞ manifold, then Ω1X

∼= E1X and d coincides the

derivative constructed in section 1.5.

Now suppose that X ⊂ ANk be a closed subvariety defined by the ideal

(f1, . . . fr). Let R = k[x1, . . . xn]/(f1, . . . fr) be the coordinate ring. Then Ω1X

is quasi-coherent. In fact, it is given by ΩR/k where the module of Kahlerdifferentials

ΩR/k =ker[R⊗k R→ R]

ker[R⊗k R→ R]2

Using standard exact sequences [Har, II.8], we arrive at more congenial descrip-tion of this module.



(span of∑

j ∂fi/∂xj dxj)∼= coker(∂fi/∂xj)

It follows from theorem 1.4.10 that if X is nonsingular, then Ω1X is locally free

of rank equal to dimX.Differentials behave contravariantly with respect to morphisms. Given a

morphism of f : Y → X , we get a morphism Y × Y → X ×X preserving thediagonal. This induces a morphisms of sheaves

g∗ : g∗Ω1X → Ω1

Y .

Exercise 2.7.3.

1. The tangent sheaf TX = (Ω1X)∗. Show that a section D ∈ TX(X) deter-

mines an OX(X)-linear derivation from OX(X) to OX(X).


Chapter 3

Sheaf Cohomology

In this chapter, we give a rapid introduction to sheaf cohomology. It lies at theheart of everything else in these notes.

3.1 Flasque Sheaves

Definition 3.1.1. A sheaf F on X is called flasque (or flabby) if the restrictionmaps F(X) → F(U) are surjective for any nonempty open set.

The importance of flasque sheaves stems from the following:

Lemma 3.1.2. If 0 → A → B → C is an exact sequence of sheaves with Aflasque, then B(X) → C(X) is surjective.

Proof. We will prove this by the no longer fashionable method of transfiniteinduction1. Let γ ∈ C(X). By assumption, there is an open cover Uii∈I ,such that γ|Ui

lifts to a section βi ∈ B(Ui). By the well ordering theorem, wecan assume that the index set I is the set of ordinal numbers less than a givenordinal κ. We will define

σi ∈ B(⋃



inductively, so that it maps to the restriction of γ. Set σ1 = β0. Now supposethat σi exists. Let U = Ui ∩ (∪j<iUj). Then βi|U − σi|U is the image of sectionα′

i ∈ A(U). By hypothesis α′i extends to a global section αi ∈ A(X). Then set

σi+1 to be σi on ∪j<iUj , and βi − αi|Uion Ui. If i is a limit (non-successor)

ordinal, then the previous σj ’s patch to define σi. Then σκ is a global sectionof B mapping to γ.

Corollary 3.1.3. The sequence 0 → A(X) → B(X) → C(X) → 0 is exact ifA is flasque.

1For most cases of interest to us, X will have a countable basis, so ordinary induction willsuffice


Example 3.1.4. Let X be a space with the property that any open set is con-nected (e.g. if X is irreducible). Then any constant sheaf is flasque.

Let F be a presheaf, define the presheaf G(F) of discontinuous sections ofF , by

U 7→∏



with the obvious restrictions. There is a canonical morphism F → G(F).

Lemma 3.1.5. G(F) is a flasque sheaf, and the morphism F → G(F) is amonomorphism if F is a sheaf.

G is clearly a functor from Ab(X) to itself.

Lemma 3.1.6. G is an exact functor i.e. it preserves exactness.

Proof. Given an exact sequence 0 → A→ B → C → 0, the sequence 0 → Ax →Bx → Cx → 0 is exact by definition. Therefore

0 →∏

Ax →∏

Bx →∏

Cx → 0

is exact.

Lemma 3.1.7. Let Γ : Ab(X) → Ab denote the functor of global sections. ThenΓ G : Ab(X) → Ab is exact.

Proof. Follows from corollary 3.1.3 and lemma 3.1.6.

Exercise 3.1.8.

1. Find a proof of lemma 3.1.2 which uses Zorn’s lemma.

2. Prove lemma 3.1.5.

3. Prove that the sheaf of bounded continuous real valued functions on R isflasque

4. Prove the same thing for the sheaf of bounded C∞ functions on R.

5. Prove that if 0 → A→ B → C is exact and A is flasque, then 0 → f∗A→f∗B → f∗C → 0 is exact for any continuous map f .

3.2 Cohomology

Define C0(F) = F , C1(F) = coker[F → G(F)] and Cn+1(F) = C1Cn(F).Now sheaf cohomology can be defined inductively:

Definition 3.2.1.

H0(X,F) = Γ(X,F)

H1(X,F) = coker[Γ(X,G(F)) → Γ(X,C1(F))]

Hn+1(X,F) = H1(X,Cn(F))


Hi(X,−) is clearly a functor from Ab(X) → Ab. The main result is thefollowing which says in effect that theH i(X,−) form a “delta functor” [Gr, Har].

Theorem 3.2.2. Given an exact sequence of sheaves

0 → A→ B → C → 0,

there is a long exact sequence

0 → H0(X,A) → H0(X,B) → H0(X,C) → H1(X,A) → H1(X,B) → . . .

Before giving the proof, we need:

Lemma 3.2.3. There is a commutative diagram with exact rows

0 0 0↓ ↓ ↓

0 → A → B → C → 0↓ ↓ ↓

0 → G(A) → G(B) → G(C) → 0↓ ↓ ↓

0 → C1(A) → C1(B) → C1(C)

Proof. By lemma 3.1.6, there is a commutative diagram with exact rows

0 0 0↓ ↓ ↓

0 → A → B → C → 0↓ ↓ ↓

0 → G(A) → G(B) → G(C) → 0

The snake lemma [GM, Wl] gives the rest.

Proof. From the previous lemma and lemmas 2.2.4 and 3.1.7, we get a commu-tative diagram with exact rows:

0 → Γ(G(A)) → Γ(G(B)) → Γ(G(C)) → 0↓ ↓ ↓

0 → Γ(C1(A)) → Γ(C1(B)) → Γ(C1(C))

From the snake lemma, we obtain a 6 term exact sequence

0 → H0(X,A) → H0(X,B) → H0(X,C)

→ H1(X,A) → H1(X,B) → H1(X,C)

Repeating this with A replaced by C1(A), C2(A) . . . allows us to continue thissequence indefinitely.

Corollary 3.2.4. B(X) → C(X) is surjective if H1(X,A) = 0.

Exercise 3.2.5.

1. If F is flasque prove that H i(X,F) = 0 for i > 0. (Prove this for i = 1,and that F flasque implies that C1(F) is flasque.)


3.3 Soft sheaves

In order to do some computations, we introduce the class of soft sheaves. Thedefinition is similar to the flasque condition. We assume through out this sectionthat X is a metric space although the results hold under the weaker assumptionof paracompactness.

Definition 3.3.1. A sheaf F is called soft if the map F(X) → F(S) is surjectivefor all closed sets.

Lemma 3.3.2. If 0 → A → B → C is an exact sequence of sheaves with Asoft, then B(X) → C(X) is surjective.

Proof. The proof is very similar to the proof of 3.1.2. We just indicate themodifications. We can assume that the open cover Ui consists of open balls.Let Vi be a new open cover where we shrink the radii of each ball, so thatVi ⊂ Ui. Define

σi ∈ B(∪j<iVj)

inductively as before.

Corollary 3.3.3. If A and B are soft then so is C.

Proof. B(X) → B(S) is surjective, and the lemma shows that B(S) → C(S) issurjective. Therefore B(X) → C(S) is surjective, and this implies the same forC(X) → C(S).

One trivially has:

Lemma 3.3.4. A flasque sheaf is soft.

Lemma 3.3.5. If F is soft then H i(X,F) = 0 for i > 0.

Proof. Lemma 3.3.2 implies thatH1(F) = 0. Corollary 3.3.3 implies that C1(F)is soft, and therefore inductively that all the C i(F) are soft. Hence H i(F) = 0.

Theorem 3.3.6. The sheaf ContX,R of continuous real valued functions on ametric space X is soft.

Proof. Suppose that S is a closed subset and f : U → R a real valued continuousfunction defined in a neighbourhood of S. We have to extend the germ of fto X. Let d(, ) denote the metric. We extend this to a function d(A,B) forsubsets A,B ⊆ X by taking the minimum distance between pairs of points, i.e.d(A,B) = inf d(a, b) with a ∈ A and b ∈ B. Let S ′ = X − U and let

ρ(x) =

d(x, S′)/ε if d(x, S′) < ε1 otherwise

where ε = d(S, S′)/2. Then ρf extends by 0 to a continuous function on X.


We get many more examples of soft sheaves with the following.

Lemma 3.3.7. Let R be a soft sheaf of rings, then any R-module is soft.

Proof. The basic strategy is the same as above. Let f be section of an R-moduledefined in the neighbourhood of a closed set S, and let S ′ be the complementof this neighbourhood . Since R is soft, the section which is 1 on S and 0 onS′ extends to a global section ρ. Then ρf extends to a global section of themodule.

U ⊂ C denote the unit circle, and let e : R → U denote the normalizedexponential e(x) = exp(2πix). Let us say that X is locally simply connected ifevery neighbourhood of every point contains a simply connected neighbourhood.

Lemma 3.3.8. If X is locally simply connected, then the sequence

0 → ZX → ContX,Re

−→ ContX,U → 1

is exact.

Lemma 3.3.9. If X is simply connected and locally simply connected, thenH1(X,ZX) = 0.

Proof. Since X is simply connected, any continuous map from X to U canbe lifted to a continuous map to its universal cover R. In other words, CR(X)surjects onto CU (X). Since CR is soft, lemma 3.3.8 implies that H1(X,ZX) = 0.

Corollary 3.3.10. H1(Rn,Z) = 0.

Exercise 3.3.11.

1. Show that ContR,R is not flasque.

3.4 C∞-modules are soft

We want prove that the sheaf of C∞ functions on a manifold is soft. We startwith a few lemmas.

Lemma 3.4.1. Given ε > 0, there exists an R-linear operator Σε : C(Rn) →C∞(Rn) such that if f ≡ 1 for all points in an ε ball about x0, then Σε(f)(x0) =1.

Proof. Let ψ be a C∞ function on Rn with support in ||x|| < 1 such that∫ψ = 1. Rescale this by setting φ(x) = εnψ(x/ε). Then

Σε(f)(x) =


f(y)φ(x− y)dy

will have the desired properties.


Lemma 3.4.2. Let S ⊂ Rn be a closed subset, and let U be an open neighbour-hood of S, then there exists a C∞ function ρ : Rn → R which is 1 on S and 0outside U .

Proof. We constructed a continuous function ρ1 : Rn → R with these propertiesin the previous section. Then set ρ = Σε(ρ1) with ε sufficiently small.

We want to extend this to a manifold X. For this, we need the followingconstruction. Let Ui be a locally finite open cover of X, which means thatevery point of X is contained in a finite number of Ui’s. A partition of unitysubordinate to Ui is a collection C∞ functions φi : X → [0, 1] such that

1. The support of φi lies in Ui.

2.∑φi = 1 (the sum is meaningful by local finiteness).

Partitions of unity always exist for any locally finite cover, see [Spv, Wa] andexercises.

Lemma 3.4.3. Let S ⊂ X be a closed subset, and let U be an open neighbour-hood of S, then there exists a C∞ function ρ : X → R which is 1 on S and 0outside U .

Proof. Let Ui be a locally finite open cover of X such that each Ui is diffeo-morphic to Rn. Then we have functions ρi ∈ C∞(Ui) which are 1 on S ∩ Ui

and 0 outside U ∩ Ui by the previous lemma. Choose a partition of unity φi.Then ρ =

∑φiρi will give the desired function.

Theorem 3.4.4. Given a C∞ manifold X, C∞X is soft.

Proof. Given a function f defined a neighbourhood of a closed set S ⊂ X. Let ρbe a given as in the lemma 3.4.3, then ρf gives a global C∞ function extendingf .

Corollary 3.4.5. Any C∞-module is soft.

This arguments can be extended by introducing the notion of a fine sheaf.

Exercise 3.4.6.

1. Let Ui be a locally finite open cover of X such that each Ui is diffeomor-phic to Rn. Construct a partition of unity in this case, by first constructinga family of continuous functions satisfying these conditions, and then ap-plying Σε.


3.5 Mayer-Vietoris sequence

We will introduce a basic tool for computing cohomology groups which is aprelude to Cech cohomology. Let U ⊂ X be open. For any sheaf, we want todefine natural restriction maps H i(X,F) → Hi(U,F). If i = 0, this is just theusual restriction. For i = 1, we have a commutative square

Γ(X,G(F)) → Γ(X,C1(F))↓ ↓

Γ(U,G(F)) → Γ(U,C1(F))

which induces a map on the cokernels. In general, we use induction.

Theorem 3.5.1. Let X be a union to two open sets U ∪ V , then for any sheafthere is a long exact sequence

. . . Hi(X,F) → Hi(U,F) ⊕Hj(V,F) → Hi(U ∩ V,F) → H i+1(X,F) . . .

where the first indicated arrow is the sum of the restrictions, and the second isthe difference.

Proof. The proof is very similar to the proof of theorem 3.2.2, so we will justsketch it. Construct a diagram

0 → Γ(X,G(F)) → Γ(U,G(F)) ⊕ Γ(V,G(F)) → Γ(U ∩ V,G(F)) → 0↓ ↓ ↓

0 → Γ(X,C1(F)) → Γ(U,C1(F)) ⊕ Γ(V,C1(F)) → Γ(U ∩ V,C1(F))

and apply the snake lemma to get the sequence of the first 6 terms. Then repeatwith Ci(F) in place of F .

Exercise 3.5.2.

1. Use Mayer-Vietoris to prove that H1(S1,Z) ∼= Z.

2. Show that H1(Sn,Z) = 0 if n ≥ 2.


Chapter 4

De Rham cohomology

In this chapter, we apply sheaf theory to study C∞ manifolds.

4.1 Acyclic Resolutions

A complex of abelian groups (or sheaves or more generally elements in an abeliancategory) is a possibly infinite sequence

. . . F i di

−→ F i+1 di+1

−→ . . .

of groups and homomorphisms satisfying di+1di = 0. These condtions guaranteethat image(di) ⊆ ker(di+1). We denote a complex by F • and we often suppressthe indices on d. The cohomology groups of F • are defined by

Hi(F •) =ker(di)


These groups are zero precisely when the complex is exact.

Definition 4.1.1. A sheaf F is called acyclic if H i(X,F) = 0 for all i > 0.

For example, flasque and soft sheaves are acyclic.

Definition 4.1.2. An acyclic resolution of F is an exact sequence

0 → F → F0→F1→ . . .

of sheaves such that each F i is acyclic.

Given a complex of sheaves F•, the sequence

Γ(X,F0) → Γ(X,F1) → . . .

need not be exact, however it is necessarily a complex by functoriallity. Thuswe can form its cohomology groups.


Theorem 4.1.3. Given an acyclic resolution of F as above,

Hi(X,F) ∼= Hi(Γ(X,F•))

Proof. Let K−1 = F and Ki = ker(F i+1 → F i+2). Then there are exactsequences

0 → Ki−1 → F i → Ki → 0

Since F i are acyclic, theorem 3.2.2 implies that

0 → H0(Ki−1) → H0(F i) → H0(Ki) → H1(Ki−1) → 0 (4.1)

is exact, andHj(Ki) ∼= Hj+1(Ki−1) (4.2)

for j > 0. The sequences (4.1) leads to a commutative diagram



// H0(F i) //





where the hooked arrows are injective. Therefore

H0(Ki−1) ∼= ker[H0(F i) → H0(F i+1)]

This already implies the first case of the theorem when i = 0. This isomorphismtogether with the sequence (4.1) implies that

H1(Ki−1) ∼=ker[H0(F i+1) → H0(F i+2)]

image[H0(F i)]

Combining this with the isomorphisms

Hi+1(K−1) ∼= Hi(K0) ∼= . . . H1(Ki−1)

of (4.2) finishes the proof.

4.2 De Rham’s theorem

Let X be a C∞ manifold and Ek = EkX the sheaf of k-forms. Note that E0 = C∞.

Theorem 4.2.1. There exists canonical R-linear maps d : Ek(X) → Ek+1(X),called exterior derivatives, satisfying the following

1. d : E0(X) → E1(X) is the operation introduced in section 1.5.

2. d2 = 0.

3. d(α ∧ β) = dα ∧ β + (−1)iα ∧ dβ for all α ∈ E i(X), β ∈ Ej(X).


4. If g : Y → X is C∞ map, g∗ d = d g∗.

Proof. A complete proof can be found in almost any book on manifolds (e.g.[Wa]). We will only sketch the idea. When X is a ball in Rn with coordinatesxi, one sees that there is a unique operation satisfying the above rules given by

d(fdxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxik) =



∂xjdxj ∧ dxi1 ∧ . . . dxik

This applies to any coordinate chart. By uniqueness, these local d’s patch.

WhenX = R3, d can be realized as the div, grad, curl of vector calculus. Thetheorem tells that E•(X) forms a complex. We define the De Rham cohomologygroups (actually vector spaces) as

HkdR(X) = Hk(E•(X))

Notice that the exterior derivative is really a map of sheaves d : EkX → Ek+1


satisfying d2 = 0. Thus we have complex. Moreover, RX is precisely the kernelof d : E0

X → E1X .

We compute the de Rham cohomology of Euclidean space.

Theorem 4.2.2 (Poincare’s lemma). For all n and k > 0,

HkdR(Rn) = 0.

Proof. Assume, by induction, that the theorem holds for n − 1. Identify Rn−1

with the hyperplane x1 = 0. Let I be the identity transformation and R :Ek(Rn) → Ek(Rn) the operator which drops terms containing x1 and dx1. Theimage of R can be identified with Ek(Rn−1). Note that R commutes with d. Soif α ∈ Ek(Rn) is closed, which means that dα = 0, then dRα = Rdα = 0. Bythe induction assumption, Rα is exact which means that it lies in the image ofd.

For each k, define a map h : Ek(Rn) → Ek−1(Rn) by

h(f(x1, . . . xn)dx1 ∧ dxi2 ∧ . . .) = (

∫ x1


fdx1)dxi2 ∧ . . .

andh(fdxi1 ∧ dxi2 ∧ . . .) = 0

if 1 /∈ i1, i2, . . .. Then one checks that dh + hd = I − R (in other words,h is homotopy from I to R). Given α ∈ Ek(Rn) satisfying dα = 0. We haveα = dhα+Rα, which is exact.

We will prove that the sheaves Ek are acyclic. It is enough, by lemma 3.3.7,to establish the following.


Theorem 4.2.3. The sequence

0 → RX → E0X → E1

X . . .

is an acyclic resolution of RX .

Proof. Any ball is diffeomorphic to Euclidean space, and any point on a manifoldhas a fundamental system of such neigbourhoods. Therefore the above sequenceis exact on stalks, and hence exact.

The acyclicity of EkX follows from corollary 3.4.5.

Corollary 4.2.4 (De Rham’s theorem).

HkdR(X) ∼= Hk(X,R)

Later on, we will work with complex valued differential forms. Essentiallythe same argument shows that H∗(X,C) can be computed using such forms.

Exercise 4.2.5.

1. We will say that a manifold is of finite type if it has a finite open coverUi such that any nonempty intersection of the Ui are diffeomorphic tothe ball. Compact manifolds are known to have finite type [Spv, pp 595-596]. Using Mayer-Vietoris and De Rham’s theorem, prove that if X is ann-dimensional manifold of finite type, then Hk(X,R) vanishes for k > n,and is finite dimensional otherwise.

4.3 Poincare duality

Let X be an C∞ manifold. Let Ekc (X) denote the set of C∞ k-forms with

compact support. Since dEkc (X) ⊂ Ek+1

c (X), this forms a complex.

Definition 4.3.1. Compactly supported de Rham cohomology is defined byHk

cdR(X) = Hk(E•c (X)).

Lemma 4.3.2. For all n,

HkcdR(Rn) =

R if k = n0 otherwise

Proof. [Spv].

This computation suggests that these groups are roughly opposite to theusual de Rham groups. The precise statement requires the notion of orienta-tion. An orientation on an n dimensional real vector space V is a connectedcomponent of ∧nV − 0. An ordered basis v1, . . . vn is positively oriented ifv1∧ . . .∧vn lies in this component. An orientation on an n dimensional manifoldX is a choice of a connected component of ∧nTX minus its zero section.


Theorem 4.3.3. Let X be an oriented n-dimensional manifold. Then

HkcdR(X) ∼= Hn−k(X,R)∗

Given an open set U ⊂ X, define the space of poor man’s currents1 of degreek to be Ck(U) = Ck

X(U) = En−kc (U)∗. Given V ⊂ U , α ∈ Ck

X(U), β ∈ Ek(V ), let

α|V (β) = α(β) where β is the extension of β by 0. This makes CkX a presheaf.

Lemma 4.3.4. CkX is a sheaf.

Proof. Let Ui be an open cover of U , and αi ∈ CkX(Ui). Let ρi be a C∞

partition of unity subordinate to Ui. Then define α ∈ CkX(U) by

α(β) =∑



Suppose that β ∈ Ekc (Uj) is extended by 0 to U . Then ρiβ will be supported in

Ui ∩ Uj . Consequently, αi(ρiβ) = αj(ρiβ). Therefore

α(β) = αj(∑


ρiβ) = αj(β).

Define a map δ : CkX(U) → Ck+1

X (U) by δ(α)(β) = α(dβ). One automaticallyhas δ2 = 0. Thus one has a complex of sheaves.

Let X be an oriented n-dimensional manifold. Suppose that α is an n-formsupported in a coordinate neighbourhood Ui. We can write α = f(x1, . . . xn)dx1∧. . . dxn, where the order of the coordinates are chosen so that ∂/∂x1 . . . gives apositive orientation of TX . Then


α =


f(x1, . . . xn)dx1 . . . dxn

The standard change of variables formulas from calculus shows that this satifiesthe patching condition on Ui∩Uj , therefore


defines a canonical global sectionof C0

X .

Theorem 4.3.5 (Stokes). Let X be an oriented n-dimensional manifold, then∫Xdβ = 0.

Proof. See [Spv, Wa].

Corollary 4.3.6.∫

X∈ ker[δ].

We define a map RX → C0X induced by the map from the constant presheaf

sending r → r∫

X. Then theorem 4.3.3 follows from

1True currents are required to be continuous for an appropriate topology on En−kc (U)


Lemma → RX → C0

X → C1X → . . .

is an acyclic resolution.

Proof. Lemma 4.3.2 implies that this complex is exact. The sheaves CkX are soft

since they are C∞X -modules.

Proof of theorem 4.3.3. We can now use the complex C•X to compute the coho-

mology of RX to obtain

Hi(X,R) ∼= Hi(C•X(X)) = Hi(E•

c (X)∗).

The right hand space is easily seen to be isomorphic to H icdR(X,R)∗. This

completes the proof of the theorem.

Corollary 4.3.8. If X is a compact oriented n-dimensional manifold. Then

Hk(X,R) ∼= Hn−k(X,R)∗

The following is really a corollary of the proof.

Corollary 4.3.9. If X is a connected oriented n-dimensional manifold. Thenthe map α 7→

∫Xα induces an isomorphism (denoted by same symbol)


: HncdR(X,R) ∼= R

Let us suppose that X is a compact connected oriented n dimensional man-ifold. We can make the duality isomorphism much more explicit. If α and βare closed forms (i.e. lie in the kernel of d), then so is α ∧ β by theorem 4.2.1.If [α] and [β] denote the classes in H∗

dR(X) represented by these forms, thendefine [α] ∪ [β] = [α ∧ β]. This is a well defined operation which makes deRham cohomology into a graded ring. The following will be proved later on(cor. 7.2.2): If f ∈ Hn−i(X,R)∗, then there exists a unique α ∈ H i(X,R) suchthat f(β) =

∫Xα ∪ β.

4.4 Fundamental class

Let Y ⊂ X be a closed connected oriented m dimensional submanifold of an ndimensional oriented manifold. Denote the inclusion by i. There is a naturalrestriction map

i∗ : Ha(X,R) → Ha(Y,R)

induced by restriction of forms. Using Poincare duality we get a map going inthe opposite direction

i! : Ha(Y,R) → Ha+n−m(X,R)

called the Gysin map. Let 1Y denote constant function 1 on Y . This is thenatural generator for H0(Y,R).


Definition 4.4.1. The fundamental class of Y in X is [Y ] = i!1Y ∈ Hn−m(X,R).

The basic relation is given by


i∗α =


[Y ] ∪ α (4.3)

We want to make this more explicit. But first, we need:

Theorem 4.4.2. There exists an open neigbourhood T , called a tubular neig-bourhood, of Y in X and a π : T → Y which makes T a locally trivial rank(n−m) real vector bundle over Y .

Proof. See [Spv, p. 465].

We can factor i! as a composition

Ha(Y ) → Ha+n−mcdR (T ) → Ha+n−m(X)

where the first map is the Gysin map for the inclusion j : Y → T and the secondis induced by extension by zero. j! is an isomorphism since it is dual to

Hm−a(T )∼=→ Hm−a

cdR (Y )

The Thom class of T is τY = j!1Y . The image of τY in Hn−m(X,R) is preciselythe fundamental class [Y ]. τY can be represented by any closed compactlysupported n−m form on T whose integral along any fiber is 1. It is possible tochoose a neighbourhood U of a point of Y with local coordinates xi, such thatY is given by xm+1 = . . . xn = 0 and π is given by (x1, . . . xn) 7→ (x1, . . . xm).The restriction map

HicdR(T ) → Hi−n−m(U) ⊗Hn−m

cdR (Rn−m)

is an isomorphism. Therefore the Thom class can be represented by an expres-sion

f(xm+1, . . . xn)dxm+1 ∧ . . . dxn

where f is compactly supported in Rn−m.Let Y,Z ⊂ X be oriented submanifolds such that dimY + dimZ = n. Then

[Y ]∪ [Z] ∈ Hn(X,R) ∼= R corresponds to a number Y ·Z. This has a geometricinterpretation. We say that Y and Z are transverse if Y ∩ Z is finite andif TY,p ⊕ TZ,p = TX,p for each p in the intersection. Choose ordered basesv1(p), . . . vm(p) ∈ TY,p and vm+1(p) . . . vn(p) ∈ TZ,p which are positively orientedwith respect to the orientations of Y and Z. We define the intersection number

ip(Y,Z) =

+1 if v1(p) . . . vm(p), vm+1(p), . . . vn(p) is positively oriented−1 otherwise

This is easily seen to be independent of the choice of bases.


Proposition 4.4.3. If Y and Z are transverse, Y · Z =∑

p ip(Y,Z).

Proof. Choose tubular neighbourhoods T of Y and T ′ of Z. These can be chosen“small enough” so that T ∩ T ′ is a union of disjoint neighbourhoods around Up

each p ∈ Y ∩ Z diffeomorphic to Rn = Rdim Y × Rdim Z Then

Y · Z =


τY ∧ τZ =∑



τY ∧ τZ

Choose coordinates x1, . . . xn around p so that Y is given by xm+1 = . . . xn = 0and Z by x1 = . . . xm = 0. Then as above, the Thom classes of T and T ′ canbe written as

τY = f(xm+1, . . . xn)dxm+1 ∧ . . . dxn

τZ = g(x1, . . . xm)dx1 ∧ . . . dxm



f(xm+1, . . . xn)dxm+1 . . . dxn =


g(x1, . . . xm)dx1 . . . dxm = 1.

Fubini’s theorem gives ∫


τY ∧ τZ = ip(Y,Z)

4.5 Lefschetz trace formula

Let X be a compact n dimensional oriented manifold with a C∞ map f : X →X. The Lefschetz formula is a formula for the number of fixed points countedappropriately. First, we have to explain what that number means. Let

Γf = (x, f(x)) | x ∈ X

∆ = (x, x) | x ∈ X

be the graph of f and the diagonal respectively. These are both n dimensionalsubmanifolds of X ×X which intersect precisely at points (x, x) with x = f(x).We define the “number of fixed points” as Γf · ∆, which makes sense if itinteresection is infinite. If these manifolds are transverse, we see that this canbe evaluated as the sum over fixed points


ix(Γf ,∆)

Given a C∞ map of manifolds g : Y → X, we get map g∗ : E∗(X) → E•(Y )of the de Rham complexes which induces a map g∗ on cohomology. It followseasily that X 7→ H i

dR(X,R) is a contravariant functor.


Theorem 4.5.1. The number Γf · ∆ is given by

L(f) =∑


(−1)ptrace[f∗ : Hp(X,R) → Hp(X,R)]

Proof. Let n = dimX. By Poincare duality, we have isomorphisms Hn−p(X) ∼=Hp(X)∗. For each p, choose a basis αp,i of Hp(X), and let α∗

p,i denote thedual basis of Hn−p(X). Let pi : X × X → X denote the projections. Thenp∗1αp,i∪p


∗p,jp,i,j gives a basis for Hn(X×X), and (−1)n−pp∗1α



is seen to give the dual basis. Thus we can express

[∆] =∑

cp,i,jp∗1αp,i ∪ p



The coefficients can be computed by integrating the dual basis

cp,i,j =

(−1)n−pp∗1α∗p,i ∪ p

∗2αp,j = (−1)n−p


αp,i ∪ αp,j = (−1)pδij

Therefore[∆] =


(−1)n−pp∗1αp,i ∪ p∗2α



Γf · ∆ =








p∗1αp,i ∪ p∗2α







αp,i ∪ f∗α∗




(−1)n−ptrace[f∗ : Hn−p(X,R) → Hn−p(X,R)]

= L(f)

Corollary 4.5.2. If L(f) 6= 0, then f has a fixed point.

Proof. If Γf ∩ ∆ = ∅, then Γf · ∆ = 0.

4.6 Examples

We look as some basic examples to illustrate the previous ideas. Let T = Rn/Zn.Let ei be the standard basis, and let xi be coordinates on Rn. Then

Proposition 4.6.1. Every de Rham cohomology class on T contains a uniqueform with constant coefficients.


We will postpone the proof until section 7.2.

Corollary 4.6.2. There is an algebra isomorphism H∗(T,R) ∼= ∧∗Rn

Since T is a product of circles, the corollary also follows from repeatedapplication of the Kunneth formula:

Theorem 4.6.3. Let X and Y be C∞ manifolds, and let p : X × Y → X andq : X × Y → Y be the the projections. Then the map

∑αi ⊗ βj 7→

∑p∗αi ∧ q


induces an isomorphism


Hi(X,R) ⊗Hj(Y,R) ∼= Hk(X × Y,R)

On the torus, Poincare duality becomes the standard isomorphism

∧kRn ∼= ∧n−kRn.

If VI ⊂ Rn is the span of ei | i ∈ I, then TI = VI/(Zn∩VI) is a submanifold of

T . Its fundamental class is dxi1 ∧ . . .∧dxid, where i1 < . . . < id are the elements

of I in increasing order. If J is the complement of I, then TI · TJ = ±1.Next consider, complex projective space Pn

C. Then

Hi(Pn,R) =

R if 0 ≤ i ≤ 2n is even0 otherwise

This is the basic example for us, and it will be studied further in section 6.2.


Chapter 5

Riemann Surfaces

Recall that Riemann surfaces are the same thing as one dimensional complexmanifolds. Later on we will call these objects complex curves.

5.1 Topological Classification

A Riemann surface can be regarded as a manifold of real dimension 2. It has acanonical orientation: if we identify the real tangent space at any point with thecomplex tangent space, then for any nonzero vector v, we declare the orderedbasis (v, iv) to be positively oriented. Let us now forget the complex structureand consider the purely topological problem of classifying these surfaces up tohomeomorphism.

Given two 2 dimensional topological manifolds X and Y with points x ∈ Xand y ∈ Y , we can form new topological manifold X#Y called the connectedsum. To construct this, choose open disks D1 ⊂ X and D2 ⊂ Y . Then X#Yis obtained by gluing X −D1 ∪ S

1 × [0, 1]∪ Y −D2 appropriately. Figure (5.1)depicts the connected sum of two tori.





Figure 5.1: Genus 2 Surface

Theorem 5.1.1. A compact connected orientable 2 dimensional topologicalmanifold is classified, up to homeomorphism, by a nonnegative integer calledthe genus. A genus 0 surface is manifold is homeomorphic to the 2-sphere S2.


A manifold of genus g > 0 is homeomorphic to a connected sum of the 2-torusand a surface of genus g − 1.

Proof. See [Ms].

There is another standard model for these surfaces which is also quite useful(for instance for computing the fundamental group). A genus g surface canconstructed by gluing the sides of a 2g-gon. It is probably easier to visualizethis in reverse. After cutting the genus 2 surface of (5.1) along the indicatedcurves, it can be opened up to an octagon (5.2).

a1 b1







Figure 5.2: Genus 2 surface cut open

It is easy to produce Riemann surfaces of every genus, and this will be donein the next section.

The topological Euler characteristic of space X is

e(X) =∑


We need to assume that these dimensions are finite and that all but finitelymany of them are zero for this to make sense.

Lemma 5.1.2. If X is a union of two open sets U and V , then e(X) = e(U)+e(V ) − e(U ∩ V ).

Proof. This follows from the Mayer-Vietoris sequence.

Corollary 5.1.3. If X is a manifold of genus g, then e(X) = 2 − 2g.

Consider the pairing

(α, β) 7→

∫α ∧ β

on H1(X,C). This is skew symmetric and nondegenerate by Poincare duality(7.2.2). This can be represented by the matrix pf intersection numbers for basis


of H1(X,Z). For example, after orientating the curves a1, a2, b1, b2 in figure(5.1) properly, we get the intersection matrix:

0 0 1 00 0 0 1−1 0 0 00 −1 0 0

Exercise 5.1.4.

1. Prove corollary 5.1.3.

2. Let S be the toplogical space associated to a finite simplicial complex (jumpahead to the chapter 6 for the definition if necessary). Prove that e(S) isthe alternating sum of the number of simplices.

5.2 Examples

Many examples of compact Riemann surfaces can be constructed explicitly non-singular smooth projective curves. In fact, all compact Riemann surfaces areknown to be algebraic curves.

Example 5.2.1. Let f(x, y, z) be a homogeneous polynomial of degree d. Sup-pose that the partials of f have no common zeros in C3 except (0, 0, 0). Thenthe V (f) = f(x, y, z) = 0 in P2

Cis smooth. We will see later that the genus is

(d− 1)(d− 2)/2. In particular, not every genus occurs for these examples.

Example 5.2.2. Given a collection of homogeneous polynomials fi ∈ C[x0, . . . xn]such that X = V (f1, f2 . . .) ⊂ Pn

Cis a nonsingular algebraic curve. Then X will

a complex submanifold of PnC

and hence a Riemann surface. By a generic pro-jection argument, n = 3 suffices to give all such examples.

Example 5.2.3. Choose 2g + 2 distinct points in ai ∈ C. Consider the affinecurve X1 ⊂ C2 defined by

y2 =∏

(x− ai)

This can be compactified by passing to the projective algebraic curve defined by

z2gy2 −∏

(x− aiz) = 0

where x, y, z are the homogeneous coordinates. This will have a singularity at[0, 1, 0], which can be resolved by normalizing the curve to obtain a smooth pro-jective curve X. Instead of carrying this out, we construct X directly by gluinganother affine curve X2:

Y 2 =∏

(aiX − 1)

to X1 by identifying X = x−1 and Y = yx−g−1. Since X is nonsingular, itcan be viewed as a Riemann surface. By construction, X comes equipped with


a morphism f : X → P1C

which is 2 to 1 except at the branch points ai.In the exercises, it will be shown that the genus of X is g. Curves which canrealized as two sheeted ramified coverings of P1

Care rather special, and are called

hyperelliptic if g > 1

From a more analytic point of view, we can construct many examples asquotients of C or the upper half plane. In fact, the uniformization theorem tellsus that all examples other than P1 arise this way.

Example 5.2.4. Let L ⊂ C be a lattice, i. e. an abelian subgroup generatedby two R-linearly independent numbers. The quotient E = C/L can be madeinto a Riemann surface (exercise 1.2.11) called an elliptic curve. Since thistopologically a torus, the genus is 1. Conversely, any genus 1 curve is of thisform. (There is a distinction between these two notions, an elliptic curve is agenus 1 curve with distinguished point which serves as the origin for the grouplaw.)

This is not an ellipse at all of course. It gets its name because of its relation toelliptic integrals and functions. An elliptic function is a meromorphic functionon C which is periodic with respect to a lattice L. A basic example is theWeierstrass ℘-function

℘(z) =1


λ∈L, λ6=0


(z − λ)2−




This induces a map on the quotient E → P1 which is two sheeted and branchedat 4 points. One of the branch points will include ∞. We can construct analgebraic curve E′ and a 2 to 1 map E′ → P1 with the same branch points. Forexample, if the branch points are 0, 1,∞, t (and we can assume this without lossof generality), E′ is given by Legendre’s equation

y2z = x(x− z)(x− tz) (5.1)

It can be checked that E ∼= E′, hence E is algebraic. Alternatively, we canprove algebraicity of E by explicitly embedding it into P2 by

z 7→

[℘(z), ℘′(z), 1] if z /∈ L

[0, 1, 0] otherwise

The image is an algebraic curve defined explicitly by the Weierstrass equation

zy2 = 4x3 − g2(L)xz2 − g3(L)z3 (5.2)

See [Si] for futher details.The group PSL2(R) = SL2(R)/±I acts on H = z | Im(z) > 0 by

fractional linear transformations:

z 7→az + b

cz + d


The action of subgroup Γ ⊂ PSL2(R) on H is properly discontinuous if everypoint has a neighbourhood V such that gV ∩ V 6= ∅ for all but finitely manyg ∈ Γ. A point x ∈ V is called a fixed point if its stabilizer is nontrivial. Theaction is free if it has no fixed points.

Proposition 5.2.5. If Γ acts properly discontinuously on H, the quotient X =H/Γ becomes a Riemann surface. If π : H → X denotes the projection, definethe structure sheaf f ∈ OX(U) if and only if f π ∈ OH(π−1U).

For free actions, the proof is completely straightforward. When Γ acts freelywith compact quotient, then it has genus g > 1. The quickest way to see this isby applying the Gauss-Bonnet theorem to the hyperbolic metric. A fundamentaldomain for this action is a region R ⊂ H such that ∪ggR = H and two translatesof R can only meet at their boundaries. The fundamental domain in this casecan be chosen to be the interior of a geodesic 2g-gon.

The modular group, SL2(Z), is a particularly interesting example, since thequotient classifies elliptic curves. Two elliptic curves C/Z + Zτ and C/Z + Zτ ′,with τ, τ ′ ∈ H, are isomorphic if and only if τ and τ ′ lie in the same orbit ofSL2(Z). A fundamental domain for the action is given in figure 5.3 [Si, S4]



fixed pts

Figure 5.3: fundamental domain of SL2(Z)

After identifying the sides of the domain by the transformations

S =

(0 −11 0

), T =

(1 10 1


as indicated in the diagram, one sees that that the quotient H/SL2(Z) is home-omorphic to C. By the Riemann mapping theorem, H/SL2(Z) isomorphic toeither C or H. To see that it is C, we show that the one point compactificationH/SL2(Z) ∪ ∗ can also be made into a Riemann surface, necessarily isomor-phic to P1. Any continuous function f defined in a neighbourhood of ∗ can be


pulled back to an invariant function f on H. Invariance under T implies thatf is periodic, hence it can expanded in a Fourier series

f(z) =




We declare f to be holomorphic if all the an = 0 for n < 0. To put this anotherway, q = e2πiz is set as a local analytic coordinate at ∗.

Exercise 5.2.6.

1. Check that the genus of the hyperelliptic curve constructed above is g bytriangulating in such way that the ai are included in the set of vertices.

5.3 The ∂-Poincare lemma

Let U ⊂ C be an open set. Let x and y be real coordinates on C, and z = x+iy.Given a complex valued C∞ function f : U → C, let





∂x− i







∂x+ i



With this notation, the Cauchy-Riemann equation is simply ∂f∂z = 0. Define the

complex valued 1-forms dz = dx+ idy and dz = dx− idy. With this notation,we can formulate Cauchy’s formula for C∞ functions.

Theorem 5.3.1. Let D ⊂ C be a disk. If f ∈ C∞(D), then

f(ζ) =1




z − ζdz +






dz ∧ dz

z − ζ

Proof. This follows from Stokes’ theorem, see [GH, pp. 2-3].

The following as analogue of the Poincare lemma.

Theorem 5.3.2. Let D ⊂ C be an open disk. Given f ∈ C∞(D), the functiong ∈ C∞(D) given by

g(ζ) =1




z − ζdz ∧ dz

satisfies ∂g∂z = f .

Proof. Decompose f(z) = f1(z) + f2(z) into a sum of C∞ functions, wheref1(z) ≡ f(z) in a small neighbourhood of z0 ∈ D and vanishes near the boundaryof D. In particular, f2 is zero in neighbourhood of z0. Let g1 and g2 be the


functions obtained by substituting f1 and f2 for f in the integral of the theorem.Differentiating under the integral sign yields








z − ζ

)dz ∧ dz =






z − ζ

)= 0

for ζ close to z0. Since, f1 is compactly supported,

g1(ζ) =1




z − ζdz ∧ dz

Then doing a change of variables w = z − ζ,

g1(ζ) =1



f1(w + ζ)

wdw ∧ dw

Thus for ζ close to z0








∂f1(w + ζ)


dw ∧ dw







dz ∧ dz

z − ζ

Since f1 vanishes on the boundary, the last integral equals f1(ζ) = f(ζ) byCauchy’s formula 5.3.1.

In order to make it easier to globalize the above operators to Riemann sur-faces, we reinterpret them in terms of differential forms. In this chapter, C∞(U)and En(U) will denote the space of complex valued C∞ functions and n-forms.The exterior derivative extends to a C-linear operator between these spaces. Set

∂f =∂f


∂f =∂f


We extend this to 1-forms, by

∂(fdz) =∂f

∂zdz ∧ dz

∂(fdz) = 0

∂(fdz) =∂f

∂zdz ∧ dz

∂(fdz) = 0


A 1-form α is holomorphic α = fdz with f holomorphic. This is equivalentto the condition ∂α = 0. The following identities can be easity verified:

d = ∂ + ∂ (5.3)

∂2 = ∂2 = 0

∂∂ + ∂∂ = 0

Exercise 5.3.3.

1. Check the identities (5.3).

2. Show that a form fdz is closed if and only if it is holomorphic.

5.4 ∂-cohomology

Let X be a Riemann surface manifold with OX its sheaf of holomorphic func-tions. We write C∞

X and EnX for the sheaves of complex valued C∞ functions and

n-forms. We define a C∞X -submodule E

(1,0)X ⊂ E1

X (respectively E(0,1)X ⊂ E1


by E(1,0)X (U) = C∞(U)dz (resp. E

(0,1)X (U) = C∞(U)dz) for any coordinate

neighbourhood U with holomorphic coordinate z. We have a decomposition

E1X = E

(1,0)X ⊕ E


We set E(1,1)X = E2

X as this is locally generated by dz ∧ dz.

Lemma 5.4.1. There exists C-linear maps ∂, ∂ on the sheaves E•X which coin-

cide with the previous expressions in local coordinates.

It follows that the identities (5.3) hold globally. The kernel of ∂ on C∞X is

OX , and we define the sheaf of holomorphic 1-forms Ω1X to be the kernel if ∂

on E(0,1)X . It is a locally free OX -module.

Lemma 5.4.2. The sequences of sheaves

0 → OX → C∞X

∂−→ E

(0,1)X → 0

0 → Ω1X → E


∂−→ E

(1,1)X → 0

are acyclic resolutions.

Proof. Any C∞-module is soft, hence acyclic, and the exactness follows fromtheorem 5.3.2.

Corollary 5.4.3.

H1(X,OX) =E(0,1)(X)



H1(X,Ω1X) =


∂E(1,0)X (X)

andHi(X,OX) = Hi(X,Ω1

X) = 0

if i > 1.

Next, we want a holomorphic analogue of the de Rham complex.

Proposition 5.4.4. There is an exact sequence of sheaves

0 → CX → OXd

−→ Ω1X → 0

Proof. The only nontrivial part of the assertion is that OX → Ω1X → 0 is exact.

We can check this by replacing X by a disk D. A holomorphic 1-form on Dis automatically closed, therefore exact by the usual Poincare lemma. If df isholomorphic then ∂f = 0, so f is holomorphic.

Corollary 5.4.5. There is a long exact sequence

0 → H0(X,C) → H0(X,OX) → H0(X,Ω1X) → H1(X,C) . . .

Holomorphic 1-forms are closed, and

H0(X,Ω1X) → H1(X,C)

is the map which sends a holomorphic form to its class in de Rham cohomology.

Lemma 5.4.6. When X is compact and connected, this map is an injection.

Proof. It is equivalent to proving that

H0(X,C) → H0(X,OX)

is surjective i.e. that global holomorphic functions are constant. Let f be aholomorphic function on X. f must attain a maximum at some point, sayx ∈ X. Choose a coordinate disk D ⊂ X centered at x. The we can applythe maximum modulus principle to conclude that f is constant on D. Sincef − f(x) has a nonisolated 0, it follows by complex analysis that f is globallyconstant.

We will postpone the following proposition to section 8.1.

Proposition 5.4.7. The dimensions of H0(X,Ω1X) and H1(X,OX) both coin-

cide with the genus.

This implies that the map

H1(X,C) → H1(X,OX)

is surjective, and therefore that that H1(X,Ω1X) is isomorphic to H2(X,C) = C.


Exercise 5.4.8.

1. Let V be a vector space with a nondegenerate skew symmetric pairing 〈, 〉.A subspace W ⊂ V is called isotropic if 〈w,w′〉 = 0 for all w,w′ ∈ W .Prove that dimW ≤ dimV/2 if W is isotropic.

2. Show that H0(X,Ω1X) is isotropic for the pairing

∫α ∧ β. Use this to

conclude that dim H0(X,Ω1X) ≤ g.

3. Show that the differentials xidx/y, with 0 ≤ i < g, are holomorphic on thehyperelliptic curve 5.2.3. Conclude directly that H0(X,Ω1

X) = g in thiscase.

5.5 Projective embeddings

Fix a compact Riemann surface X. We introduce some standard shorthand:hi = dimHi, and ωX = Ω1

X . A divisor D on X is a finite integer linearcombination

∑nipi where pi ∈ X. One says that D is effective if all the

coefficients are nonnegative. The degree deg D =∑ni. For every meromorphic

function defined in a neighbourhood of p ∈ X, let ordp(f) be the order ofvanishing (or minus the order of the pole) of f at p. If D is a divisor defineordp(D) to be the coefficient of p in D (or 0 if p is absent). Define the sheafOX(D) by

OX(D)(U) = f : U → C∪∞ meromorphic | ordp(f)+ordp(D) ≥ 0, ∀p ∈ U

Lemma 5.5.1. This is a holomorphic line bundle (i.e. a locally free OX-moduleof rank one).

Proof. Let z be a local coordinate defined in a neighbourhood U . Let D =∑nipi +D′ where pi ∈ U and D′ is a sum of points not in U . Then it can be

checked that

OX(D)(U) = OX(U)1

(z − p1)n1(z − p2)n2 . . .,

and this is free of rank one.

Divisors form an abelian group Div(X) in the obvious way.

Lemma 5.5.2. OX(D +D′) ∼= OX(D) ⊗OX(D′).

In later terminology, this says that D 7→ OX(D) is a homomorphism fromDiv(X) → Pic(X). If D is effective O(−D) is a sheaf of ideals. In particular,OX(−p) is exactly the maximal ideal sheaf at p. We have an exact sequence

0 → OX(−p) → OX → Cp → 0 (5.4)


Cp(U) =

C if p ∈ U0 otherwise


is a so called skyscraper sheaf. Tensoring (5.4) by OX(D) and observing thatCp ⊗ L ∼= Cp for any line bundle, yields

0 → OX(D − p) → OX(D) → Cp → 0 (5.5)

In the same way, we get a sequence

0 → ωX(D − p) → ωX(D) → Cp → 0 (5.6)

where ωX(D) = ωX ⊗OX(D).

Lemma 5.5.3. For all D, H i(X,OX(D)) and H i(X,ωX(D)) are finite dimen-sional and 0 if i > 1.

Proof. Observe that Cp is flasque, and thus has no higher cohomology. (5.5)yields

0 → H0(OX(D−p)) → H0(OX(D)) → C → H1(OX(D−p)) → H1(OX(D)) → 0

and isomorphisms

Hi(OX(D − p)) ∼= Hi(OX(D)) i > 0

By adding or subtracting points, we can reduce this to the case of OX(D) = OX .The argument for ωX(D) is the same.

A meromorphic 1-form is an element of ∪H0(ωX(D)). The residue of ameromorphic 1-form α at p is

resp(α) =1




where C is any loop “going once counterclockwise” around p and containing nosingularities other than p. Alternatively, if α = f(z)dz locally for some localcoordinate z at p, resp(α) is the coefficient of 1

z in the Laurant expansion off(z).

Lemma 5.5.4 (Residue Theorem). If α is a meromorphic 1-form, the sumof its residues is 0.

Proof. p1, . . . pn. For each i, choose an open disk Di containing pi and noother singularity. Then by Stokes’ theorem


α =1



dα = 0.

Theorem 5.5.5. Suppose that D is a nonzero effective divisor then

(A) H1(ωX(D)) = 0.


(B) h0(ωX(D)) = deg D + g − 1.

(A) is due to Serre. It is a special case of the Kodaira vanishing theorem.(B) is a weak form of the Riemann-Roch theorem.

Proof. (A) can be proved by induction on the degree of D. We carry out theinitial step, the rest is left as an exercise. Suppose D = p. Then H0(ωX(p))consists of the space of meromorphic 1-forms α with at worst a simple pole atp and no other singularities. The residue theorem implies that such an α mustbe holomorphic. Therefore H0(ωX(p)) = H0(ωX). By the long exact sequenceof cohomology groups associated to (5.6), we have

0 → C → H1(ωX) → H1(ωX(p)) → 0

Since the space in the middle is one dimensional, this proves (A) in this case.(B) will again be proved by induction. As already noted when D = p,

h0(ωX(D)) = h0(ωX) = g. In general, (5.6) and (A) shows

h0(ωX(D)) = 1 + h0(ωX(D − p)) = deg D + g − 1

by induction.

Corollary 5.5.6. There exists a divisor (called a canonical divisor) such thatωX

∼= OX(K)

Proof. Choose D so that H0(ωX(D)) possesses a nonzero section α. Locallyα = fdz, and we define ordp(α) = ordp(f) (this is independent of the coordinatez). Then

K = (α) −D =∑


satisfies the required properties.

Although, we won’t prove it here, the degree of K is known.

Proposition 5.5.7. deg K = 2g − 2

We say that a line bundle L on X isglobally generated if for any point x ∈ X,there exists a section f ∈ H0(X,L) such that f(x) 6= 0. Suppose that this is thecase, Choose a basis f0, . . . fN for H0(X,L). If fix an isomorphism τ : L|U ∼=OU , τ(fi) are holomorphic functions on U . Thus we get a holomorphic mapU → CN+1 given by x 7→ (τ(fi(x))). By our assumption, the image lies in thecomplement of 0, and thus descends to a map to projective space. The imageis independent of τ , hence we get a well defined holomorphic map

φL : X → PN

This map has the property that φ∗LOPN (1) = L. L is called very ample if φL is

an embedding.


Proposition 5.5.8. A sufficient condition for L to be globally generated is thatH1(X,L(−p)) = 0 for all p ∈ X A sufficient condition for L to be very ampleis that H1(X,L(−p− q)) = 0 for all p, q ∈ X

Corollary 5.5.9. ωX(D) is very ample if D is nonzero effective with degD > 2.In particular, any compact Riemann surface can be embedded into a projectivespace.

Using Chow’s theorem 14.5.3, we obtain

Corollary 5.5.10. Every compact Riemann surface is isomorphic to an non-singular projective algebraic curve.

Exercise 5.5.11.

1. Finish the proof of theorem 5.5.5 (A), by writing D = p+D′ and applying(5.6).

5.6 Automorphic forms

Let Γ ⊂ SL2(R) be a subgroup acting properly discontinuously on H such thatH/Γ is compact. Let k a positive integer. An automorphic form of weight 2k isa holomorphic function f : H → C on the upper half plane satisfying

f(z) = (cz + d)−2kf(az + b

cz + d) (5.7)

for each (a bc d

)∈ Γ

Choose a weight 2k automorphic form f . Then f(z)(dz)⊗k is invariant underthe group precisely when f is automorphic of weight 2k. Since −I acts triviallyon H, the action of SL2(R) factors through PSL2(R) = SL2(R)/±I. Let ussuppose that the group Γ/±I/ acts freely, then the quotient X = H/Γ is aRiemann surface, and an automorphic form of weight 2k descends to a sectionof the sheaf ω⊗k

X . We can apply theorem 5.5.5 to the calculate the dimensionsof these spaces.

Proposition 5.6.1. Suppose that Γ/±I acts freely on H and that the quo-tient X = H/Γ is compact of genus g. Then the dimension of the space ofautomorphic forms of weight 2k is

g if k = 1(g − 1)(2k − 1) if k > 1

Proof. When k = 1, this is clear. When k > 1, we have

h0(ω⊗k) = h0(ω((k − 1)K)) = (k − 1)(deg K) + g − 1 = (2k − 1)(g − 1)


The above conditions are a bit too stringent, since they don’t allow examplessuch as the modular group SL2(Z), or its subgroups such as the nth principlecongruence subgroup

Γ(n) =

(a bc d

)∈ SL2(Z) | a− 1 ≡ d− 1 ≡ b ≡ c ≡ 0 mod n

The quotient H/SL2(Z) can be identified with C as we saw. The naturalcompactification P1

Ccan be constructed as a quotient as follows. H corresponds

to the upper hemisphere of P1C

= S2, and R ∪ ∞ corresponds to the equator.We take H and add rational points on the boundary H∗ = H ∪Q∪∞. Theseare called cusps. Then SL2(Z) acts on this, and the cusps form a unique orbitcorresponding the point at infinity in P1. We can apply the same technique toany finite index subgroup of the modular group.

Theorem 5.6.2. Given a finite index subgroup Γ ⊂ SL2(Z), H∗/Γ can be madeinto a compact Riemann surface, called a modular curve, such that H∗/Γ →H∗/SL2(Z) ∼= P1 is holomorphic.

A modular form of weight 2k for Γ ⊂ SL2(Z) is a holomorphic functionf : H → C satisfying (5.7) and certain growth conditions which forces it tocorrespond to a holomorphic (or possibly meromorphic) object on H∗/Γ. Forexample, the Eisentein series

G2k(τ) =∑



(m+ nτ)2k

are modular of weight 2k for SL2(Z) if k > 1. Their signifance for elliptic curvesis that g2 = 60G4, g3 = 140G6 give coefficients of the Weirstrass equation (5.2)for the lattice Z + Zτ .

The points of the quotient H/SL2(Z) correspond to isomorphism classes ofelliptic curves. More generally the points of the quotient H/Γ(n) correpondto elliptic curves with some extra structure called a level n structure. Let usspell this out for n = 2. An elliptic curve is an abelian group, and a level twostructure is a minimal set of generators for its subgroup of 2-torsion elements.Given τ ∈ H, we get an elliptic curve Eτ = C/(Z + Zτ) with the level twostructure (1/2, τ/2) mod Z + Zτ . If τ ′ lies in the orbit of τ under Γ(2), thenthere is an isomorphism Eτ

∼= Eτ ′ taking (1/2, τ/2) mod Z + Zτ to (1/2, τ ′/2)mod Z + Zτ ′. Furthermore any elliptic curve is isomorphic to an Eτ , and theisomorphism can be chosen so that a given level two structure goes over to thestandard one. Thus H/Γ(2) classifies elliptic curves with level two structureas claimed. We can describe the set of such curves in another way. Given anelliptic curve E defined by Legendre’s equation (5.1), with t ∈ P1 − 0, 1,∞,the ramification points (the points on E lying over 0, 1,∞, t ) are precisely the2-torsion points. We can take the ramification point at ∞ to be the origin, thenany other pair of branch points determines a level two structure Conversely,given an elliptic curve E, with origin o and a level two structure (p, q), we have


h0(OE(2o)) = 2. This means that there is a meromorphic function f : E → P1C

with a double pole at o. It is not hard to see that f is ramified precisely atthe two torsion points o, p, q, p + q (+ refers group law on E). By composingf with a (unique) automorphism of P1

C, we can put E in Legendre form such

that f is projection to the x-axis, and f(o) = ∞, f(p) = t ∈ P1 − 0, 1,∞,f(q) = 0, f(p+q) = 1. Thus H/Γ(2) isomorphic to P1−0, 1,∞. Furthermore,Γ(2)/±I acts freely on H. A pretty consequence of all of this is:

Theorem 5.6.3 (Picard’s little theorem). An entire function omitting twoor more points must be constant.

Proof. The universal cover of P1−0, 1,∞ is H which is isomorphic to the unitdisk D. Let f be an entire function omitting two points, which we can assumeare 0 and 1. Then f lifts to holomorphic map C → D which is bounded andtherefore constant by Liouville’s theorem.


Chapter 6

Simplicial Methods

In this chapter, we will develop some tools for actually computing cohomologygroups in practice. All of these are based on simplicial methods.

6.1 Simplicial and Singular Cohomology

A systematic development of the ideas in this section can be found in [Sp]. Thestandard n-simplex is

∆n = (t1, . . . tn+1) ∈ Rn+1 |∑

ti = 1, ti ≥ 0

The ith face ∆ni is the intersection of ∆n with the hyperplane ti = 0 (see

(6.1). Each face is homeomorphic to an n− 1 simplex by an explicit affine mapδi : ∆n−1 → ∆n

i . More generally, we refer to the intersection of ∆ with thelinear space ti1 = . . . tik

= 0 as a face.

Some fairly complicated topological spaces, called polyhedra or triangulablespaces, can be built up by gluing simplices. It is known, although by no meansobvious, that manifolds and algebraic varieties (with classical topology) canbe triangulated. The combinatorics of the gluing is governed by a simplicialcomplex.

Definition 6.1.1. A simplicial complex (V,Σ) consists of a set V , called theset of vertices, and collection of finite nonempty subsets Σ of V containing allthe singletons and closed under taking nonempty subsets.

We can construct a topological space |(V,Σ)| out of a simplicial complexroughly as follows. To each maximal element S ∈ Σ, choose an n-simplex ∆(S),where n+ 1 is the cardinality of S. Glue ∆(S) to ∆(S ′) along the face labeledby S ∩ S′ whenever this is nonempty. (When V is infinite, this gluing processrequires some care, see [Sp, chap. 3].)





Figure 6.1: 2 simplex

Let K = (V,Σ) be a simplical complex, and assume that V is linearly or-dered. We will refer to element of Σ as a n-simplex if it has cardinality n + 1.We define an n-chain on a simplicial complex to be a finite formal integer lin-ear combination

∑i ni∆i where the ∆i are n-simplices. In other words, the

set of n-chains Cn(K) is the free Abelian group generated by K. Given anabelian group, let Cn(K,A) = Cn(K) ⊗Z A. Dually, we define an n-cochain ona simplicial complex with values in A to be function which assigns an elementof A to every n-simplex. The set of n-cochains Cn(K,A) = Hom(Cn(K), A).One can think of a n-cochain some sort of combinatorial analogue of an inte-gral of n-form, where the domain of integration is specified by a chain. As inintegration theory we need to worry about orientations, and this is where theordering comes in. An alternative, which is probably more standard, is to useoriented simplices; the complexes one gets this way are bigger, but the resultingcohomology theory is the same.

We define the ith face of a simplex

δi(v0, . . . vn) = v0, . . . vi . . . vn

v0 < v1 . . . < vn. (The notation x means omit x.) Given an n-chain C =∑j nj∆j , we define a (n− 1)-chain ∂(C). called the boundary of C by

δ(C) =∑∑

(−1)i njδi(∆j)

This operation can be extended by scalars to C•(K,A) and it induces a dualoperation ∂ : Cn(K,A) → Cn+1(K,A) by ∂(F )(C) = F (δC). The key relationis

Lemma 6.1.2. δjδi = δiδj−1 for i < j.

An immediate corollary is:


Corollary 6.1.3. δ2 = 0 and ∂2 = 0.

Thus we have a complex. The simplicial homology of K is defined by

Hn(K,A) =ker[δ : Cn(K,A) → Cn−1(K,A)]

im[δ : Cn+1(K,A) → Cn(K,A)]

Elements of the numerator are called cycles, and elements of the denominatorare called boundaries. The simplical cohomology are defined likewise by

Hn(K,A) = Hn(C•(K,A)) =ker[∂ : Cn(K,A) → Cn+1(K,A)]

im[∂ : Cn−1(K,A) → Cn(K,A)].

Note that when V is finite, these groups are automatically finitely generatedand computable. The choices of A of interest to us are Z,R, and C. Therelationships are given by:

Theorem 6.1.4 (Universal coefficient theorem). If A is torsion free, thenthere are isomorphisms

Hi(K,A) ∼= Hi(K,Z) ⊗A

Hi(K,A) ∼= Hi(K,Z) ⊗A ∼= Hom(Hi(K,Z), A)

Proof. [Sp].

One advantage of cohomology over homology is that it has a mutiplicativestructure. When A is a commutative ring R, there is a product on cohomologyanalogous to the product in De Rham induced by wedging forms. Given twocochains α ∈ Cn(K,R), β ∈ Cm(K,R), their cup product α∪ β ∈ Cn+m(K,R)is given by

α ∪ β(v0, . . . vn+m) = α(v0, . . . vn)β(vn, . . . vn+m) (6.1)

where v0 < v1 < . . .. Then:

Lemma 6.1.5. ∂(α ∪ β) = ∂(α) ∪ β + (−1)nα ∪ ∂(β)

Corollary 6.1.6. ∪ induces an operation on cohomology that makes H∗(K,R)into a graded ring.

Singular (co)homology was introduced partly in order to give conceptualproof of the fact that Hi(K) and Hi(K) depends only on |K|, i.e. that this isindependant of the triangulation. Here we concentrate on singular cohomology.A singular n-simplex on a topological space X is simply a continuous map fromf : ∆n → X. When X is a manifold, we can require the maps to be C∞. Wedefine a singular n-cochain on a X be a map which assigns an element of Ato any n-simplex on X. Let Sn(X,A) (Sn

∞(X,A)) denote the group of (C∞)n-cochains with values in A. When F is an n-cochain, its coboundary is the(n+ 1)-cochain

∂(F )(f) =∑

(−1)iF (f δi).

The following has more or less the same proof as corollary 6.1.3.


Lemma 6.1.7. ∂2 = 0.

The singular cohomology groups of X are

Hising(X,A) = Hi(S∗(X,A)).

Singular cohomolgy is clearly contravariant in X. A basic property of thiscohomology theory is its homotopy invariance. We state this in the form that wewill need. A subspace Y ⊂ X is called a deformation retraction, if there existsa a continuous map F : [0, 1]×X → X such that F (0, x) = x, F (1, X) = Y andF (1, y) = y for y ∈ Y . X is called contractible if it deformation retracts to apoint.

Proposition 6.1.8. If Y ⊂ X is a deformation retraction, then

Hising(X,A) → Hi


is an isomorphism for any A.

In particular, the higher cohomology vanishes on a contractible space. Thisis an analogue of Poincare’s lemma. We call a space locally contractible if everypoint has a contractible neighbourhood . Manifolds and varieties with classicaltopology are examples of such spaces.

Theorem 6.1.9. If X is paracompact Hausdorff space (e. g. a metric space)which is locally contractible, then H i(X,AX) ∼= Hi

sing(X,A) for any abeliangroup A.

A complete proof can be found in [Sp, chap. 6] (note that Spanier uses Cechapproach discussed in the next chapter). In the case of manifolds, a proof whichis more natural from our point of view can be found in [Wa]. The key step isto consider the sheaves Sn associated to the presheaves U 7→ Sn(U,A). Thesesheaves are soft since they are modules over the sheaf of real valued continuousfunctions. The local contractability guarantees that

0 → AX → S0 → S1 → . . .

is a fine resolution. Thus one gets

Hi(X,AX) ∼= Hi(S∗(X))

It remains to check that the natural map

S∗(X,A) → S∗(X)

induces an isomorphism on cohomology. We the reader refer to [Wa, pp 196-197]for this.

As a corollary of this (and the universal coefficient theorem), we obtain theform of De Rham’s theorem that most people think of.


Corollary 6.1.10 (De Rham’s theorem, version 2). If X is a manifold,

HidR(X,R) ∼= Hi

sing(X,R) ∼= Hising(X,Z) ⊗ R

The theorem holds with C∞ cochains. The map in the corollary can bedefined directly on the level of complexes by

α 7→ (f 7→


Singular cohomology carries a cup product given by formula (6.1). A strongerform of De Rham’s theorem shows that the above map is a ring isomorphism[Wa]. Fundamental classes of oriented submanifolds can be constructed inH∗(X,Z). This can be used to show that the intersection numbers Y ·Z are al-ways integers. This can also be deduced from proposition 4.4.3 and transervsal-ity theory.

Exercise 6.1.11.

1. Prove lemma 6.1.2 and it corollary.

2. Calculate the simplicial cohomology with Z coefficients for the “tetrahe-dron” which is the powerset of V = 1, 2, 3, 4 with ∅ and V removed.

3. Let Sn be the n-sphere realized as the unit sphere in Rn+1. Let U0 =Sn − (0, . . . 0, 1) and U1 = Sn − (0, . . . 0,−1). Prove that Ui arecontractible, and that U0 ∩U1 deformation retracts on to the “equatorial”(n− 1)-sphere.

4. Prove that

Hi(Sn,Z) =

Z if i = 0, n0 otherwise

using Mayer-Vietoris.

6.2 H∗(Pn, Z)

Let Pn = PnC

with its classical topology.

Theorem 6.2.1.

Hi(Pn,Z) =

Z if 0 ≤ i ≤ 2n is even0 otherwise

Before giving the proof, we will need to develop a few more tools. Let Xbe a space satisfying the assumptions of theorem 6.1.9, and Y ⊂ X a closedsubspace satisfying the same assumptions. We will insert the restriction map

Hi(X,Z) → Hi(Y,Z)


into a long exact sequence. This can be done in a number of ways, by definingcohomology of the pair (X,Y ), by using sheaf theory, or by using a mappingcone. We will choose the last option. Let C be obtained by first gluing the baseof the cylinder 1 × Y ⊂ [0, 1] × Y to X along Y , and then collapsing the topto a point P (figure (6.2)).





Figure 6.2: Mapping cone

Let U1 = C−P , and U2 ⊂ C the open cone [0, 1)×Y/0×Y (the notationA/B means collapse B to a point). One sees that U1 deformation retracts to X,U2 is contractible, and U1 ∩ U2 deformation retracts to Y . The Mayer-Vietorissequence, together with these facts, yields a long exact sequence

. . . Hi(C,Z) → Hi(X,Z) → Hi(Y,Z) → Hi+1(C,Z) . . .

when i > 0. To make this really useful, note that the map C → C/U2 whichcollapses the closed cone to a point is a homotopy equivalence. Therefore itinduces an isomorphism on cohomology. Since we can identify C/U2 with X/Y ,we obtain a sequence

. . . Hi(X/Y,Z) → H i(X,Z) → Hi(Y,Z) → . . . (6.2)

We apply this when X = Pn and Y = Pn−1 embedded as a hyperplane. Thecomplement X − Y = Cn. Collapsing Y to a point amounts to adding a pointat infinity to Cn, thus X/Y = S2n. Since projective spaces are connected

H0(Pn,Z) ∼= H0(Pn−1,Z) ∼= Z.

For i > 0, (6.2) and the previous exercise yields isomorphisms

Hi(Pn,Z) ∼= Hi(Pn−1,Z), when i < 2n (6.3)


H2n(Pn,Z) ∼= Z

The theorem follows by induction.

Exercise 6.2.2.

1. Let L ⊂ Pn be a linear subspace of codimension i. Prove that its funda-mental class [L] generated H2i(Pn,Z).

2. Let X ⊂ Pn be a smooth projective variety. Then [X] = d[L] for some d,where L is a linear subspace of the same dimension. d is called the degreeof X. Bertini’s theorem, which you can assume, implies that there exists alinear space L′ of complementary dimension transverse to X. Check thatX · L′ = #(X ∩ L′) = d.

6.3 Cech cohomology

We return to sheaf theory proper. We will introduce the Cech approach to co-homology which has the advantage of being quite explicit and computable (andthe disadvantage of not always giving the “right” answer). Roughly speaking,Cech bears the same relation to sheaf cohomology, as simplicial does to singularcohomology.

One starts with an open covering Ui | i ∈ I of a space X indexed by atotally ordered set I. If J ⊆ I, let UJ be the intersection of Uj with j ∈ J . LetF be a sheaf on X. The group of Cech n-cochains is

Cn = Cn(Ui,F) =∏



The coboundary map ∂ : Cn → Cn+1is defined by





By an argument similar to the proof of corollary 6.1.3, we have:

Lemma 6.3.1. ∂2 = 0

Definition 6.3.2. The nth Cech cohomology group is

Hn(Ui,F) = Hn(C•(Ui,F)) =ker(∂ : Cn → Cn+1)

im(∂ : Cn−1 → Cn)

To get a feeling for this, let us write out the first couple of groups explicitly:

H0(Ui,F) = (fi) ∈∏

F(Ui) | fi = fj on Uij

= F(X)


H1(Ui,F) =(fij) ∈

∏F(Uij) | fik = fij + fjk on Uijk

(fij | ∃(φi), fij = φi − φj(6.4)

There is a strong similarity with simplicial cohomology. This can be madeprecise by introducing a simplicial complex called the nerve of the covering. Forthe set of vertices, we take the index set I. The set of simplices is given by

Σ = i0, . . . in |Ui0,...in6= ∅

If we assume that each Ui0,...inis connected, then we see that the Cech complex

Cn(Ui, AX) coincides with the simplicial complex of the nerve with coefficientsin A.

Even though, we are primarily interested in sheaves of abelian groups. Itwill be convenient to extend (6.4) to a sheaf of arbitrary groups G.

H1(Ui,G) = (gij) ∈∏


G(Uij) | gik = gijgjk on Uijk /∼

where (gij) ∼ (gij) if there exists (γi) ∈∏

G(Ui) such that gij = γigijγ−1j . Note

that this is just a set in general. The (gij) are called 1-cocycles with values inG. It will be useful to drop the requirement that i < j by setting gji = g−1

ij andgii = 1.

As an example of a sheaf of nonabelian groups, take U 7→ GLn(R(U)), where(X,R) is a ringed space (i.e. space with a sheaf of commutative rings).

Theorem 6.3.3. Let (X,R) be a manifold or a variety over k, and Ui andopen cover of X. There is a bijection between the following sets:

1. The set of isomorphism classes of rank n vector bundles over (X,R) triv-iallizable over Ui.

2. The set of isomorphism classes of locally free R-modules M of rank n suchM |Ui

is free.

3. H1(Ui, Gln(R)).

Proof. We merely describe the correspondences.1 → 2: Take the sheaf of sections.2 → 3: Given M as above. Choose isomorphisms Fi : Rn

Ui→ M |Ui

. Set

gij = Fi F−1j . This determines a well defined element of H1.

3 → 1: Define an equivalence relation ≡ on the disjoint unionW =∐Ui×k


as follows. Given (xi, vi) ∈ Ui × kn and (xj , vj) ∈ Uj × kn, (xi, vi) ≡ (xj , vj) ifand only if xi = xj and vi = gij(x)vj . Let V = W/ ≡ with quotient topology.Given an open set U ′/ ≡= U ⊂ V . Define f : U → k to be regular, C∞ orholomorphic (as the case may be) if its pullback to U ′ has this property.


Implicit above, is a construction which associates to a 1-cocycle γ = (gij),the locally free sheaf

Mγ(U) = (vi) ∈∏

R(U ∩ Ui)n | vi = gijvj.

Consider the case of projective space P = Pnk . Suppose x0, . . . xn are homoge-

neous coordinates. Let Ui be the complement of the hyperplane xi = 0. ThenUi is isomorphic to An

k by

[x0, . . . xn] → (x0

xi, . . .


xi. . .)

Define gij = xj/xi ∈ O(Uij)∗. This is a 1-cocycle, and Mgij

∼= OP(1). Likewise(xj/xi)

d is the 1-cocyle for O(d).We get rid of the dependence on coverings by taking direct limits. If Vj is

refinement of Ui, there is a natural restriction map

Hi(Ui,F) → Hi(Vj,F)

Definition 6.3.4. The nth Chech cohomology group

Hi(X,F) = lim→Hi(Ui,F)

Corollary 6.3.5. There is a bijection between the following sets:

1. The set of isomorphism classes of rank n vector bundles over (X,R).

2. The set of isomorphism classes of locally free R-modules M of rank n.

3. H1(X,Gln(R)).

A line bundle is a rank one vector bundle. We won’t distinguish betweenlines bundles and rank one locally free sheaves. The set of isomorphism classesof line bundles carries the stucture of a group namely H1(X,R∗). This groupis called the Picard group, and is denoted by Pic(X).

Exercise 6.3.6.

1. Check that the Cech coboundary satisfies ∂2 = 0.

2. Check the description of OP(1) given above.

3. Show that multiplication in Pic(X) can be interpreted as tensor productof line bundles.


6.4 Cech versus sheaf cohomology

We define a sheafified version of the Cech complex. Given a sheaf F on a spaceX, let

Cn(Ui,F) =∏



where ι denotes the inclusion⊂ X. We construct a differential ∂ us-

ing the same formula as before. Taking global sections yields the usual Cechcomplex.

Lemma 6.4.1. These sheaves fit into a resolution

F → C0(Ui,F) → C1(Ui,F) . . .

Proof. [Har, III, lemma 4.2].

Lemma 6.4.2. Suppose that F is flasque, then Hn(X,F) = 0 for all n > 0.

Proof. If F is flasque, then the sheaves Cn(Ui,F) are also seen to be flasque.Then this gives an acyclic resolution of F . Therefore

Hn(F) = Hn(C•(Ui,F)) = Hn(X,F) = 0.

Lemma 6.4.3. Suppose that H1(UJ , A) = 0 for all nonempty finite sets J .Then given an exact sequence

0 → A→ B → C → 0

of sheaves, there is a long exact sequence:

0 → H0(Ui, A) → H0(Ui, B) → H0(Ui, C) → H1(Ui, A) . . .

Proof. The hypothesis guarantees that there is a short exact sequence of com-plexes:

0 → C•(Ui, A) → C•(Ui, B) → C•(Ui, C) → 0.

The long exact now follows from a standard result in homological algebra [Wl,theorem 13.1].

Definition 6.4.4. An open covering Ui is called a Leray covering for a sheafF if Hn(UJ ,F) = 0 for all nonempty finite sets J and all n > 0.

Theorem 6.4.5. If Ui is a Leray covering for the sheaf F , then

Hn(Ui,F) ∼= Hn(X,F)

for all n.


Proof. This is clearly true for n = 0. With the notation of section 3.2, we havean exact sequence

0 → F → G(F) → C1(F) → 0

withH1(X,F) = coker[Γ(X,G(F)) → Γ(X,C1(F))]

andHn+1(F) = Hn(C1(F)).

Lemmas 6.4.3 and 6.4.2 imply that

H1(F) ∼= coker[Γ(X,G(F)) → Γ(X,C1(F))]

andHn+1(F) = Hn(C1(F))

for n > 0. This proves the result for n ≥ 1 by induction.

Corollary 6.4.6. If every covering admits a Leray refinement, then Hn(X,F) ∼=Hn(X,F).

We state a few more general results.

Proposition 6.4.7. For any sheaf F

H1(X,F) ∼= H1(X,F)

Proof. See [G, Cor. 5.9.1]

Theorem 6.4.8. If X is a paracompact space (e.g. a metric space), then forany sheaf and all i,

Hi(X,F) ∼= Hi(X,F)

for all i.

Proof. See [G, Cor. 5.10.1]

6.5 First Chern class

Let (X,OX) be a complex manifold or algebraic variety over C. Then we haveisomorphisms

Pic(X) ∼= H1(X,O∗X) ∼= H1(X,O∗


The exponential sequence is

0 → ZX → OXe2πi

−→ O∗X → 1 (6.5)

Definition 6.5.1. Given a line bundle L, its first Chern class c1(L) ∈ H2(X,Z)is the image of L under the connecting map Pic(X) → H2(X,Z)


This can be carried out for C∞ manifolds as well, provided one interpretsOX as the sheaf of complex valued C∞ functions, and Pic(X) as group of C∞

complex line bundles. In this case, c1 is an isomorphism. It is clear that theconstruction is functorial:

Lemma 6.5.2. If f : X → Y is C∞ map between manifolds, c1(f∗L) =


We want to calculate this explicitly for P1.

Lemma 6.5.3. c1(O(1)) is the fundamental class of P1.

Proof. Set P = P1C. We have an isomorphism H2(P,Z) ∼= Z under which the

fundamental class maps to 1. We can use the standard covering Ui = xi 6= 0.We identify U1 with C with the coordinate z = x0/x1. The 1-cocycle (section6.3) of O(1) is g01 = z−1. The logarithmic derivative d log g01 = −dz/z is a1-cocycle with values in E1. Since E1 is soft, this cocycle is coboundary, i.e.there exists forms αi ∈ E1(Ui) such that −dz/z = α1 − α0 on the intersection.Therefore dαi patch to yield a global 2-form β ∈ E2(P). β/2πi gives an explicitrepresentative of the image of c1(O(1)) in H2(X,C). We have an isomorphismH2(X,C) ∼= C given by integration, under which this class can be identifiedwith the number

∫Pβ/2πi. In order to evaluate this integral divide the sphere

into two hemispheres H0 = |z| ≤ 1 and H1 = ‖z| ≥ 1. Let C be the curve|z| = 1 with positive orientation. Note the boundary of H1 is −C. Then withthe help of Stokes’ theorem, we get




β =1



dα0 +






α0 −







z= 1

Thus c1(O(1)) is the fundamental class of H2(P1,Z).

By the same kind of argument, we obtain:

Lemma 6.5.4. If D is a divisor on a compact Riemann surface X, c1(O(D)) =deg(D)[X]

We are going to generalize this to higher dimensions. A complex submanifoldD ⊂ X of a complex manifold is called a smooth effective divisor if D is locallydefinable by a single equation. In other words, we have an open covering Uiof X, and functions fi ∈ O(Ui), such that D ∩ Ui is given by fi = 0. We definethe OX -module OX(−D) to be the ideal sheaf of D, and OX(D) to be the dual.By assumption, OX(−D) is locally a principle ideal, and hence a line bundle.The line bundle OX(D) is determined by the 1-cocycle fi/fj ∈ O(Ui ∩ Uj)


Lemma 6.5.5. If H ⊂ Pn is a hyperplane, then OPn(H) ∼= OPn(1).


Proof. Let H be given by the homogeneous linear form ` =∑

k akxk = 0. Thenfor the standard covering Ui = xi 6= 0, H is defined by

`i =∑


xi= 0.

Thus O(H) is determined by the 1-cocycle `i/`j = xj/xi, which is the cocyclefor O(1).

Theorem 6.5.6. If D is a smooth effective divisor, then c1(OX(D)) = [D].

We start with the special case.

Lemma 6.5.7. c1(OPn(1)) = [H] where H ⊂ Pn is a hyperplane.

Proof. We have already checked this for P1 in lemma 6.5.3. Embed P1 ⊂ Pn asa line. The restriction map induces an isomorphism on second cohomology withZ coefficients such that [H] maps to the fundamental class of P1 by (6.3). Sincec1 is compatible with restriction, lemma 6.5.3 implies that c1(OPn(1)) = [H].

Proof of theorem 6.5.6. There are several ways to prove this. We are goingto outline the proof given in [Hrz] which is reduces it to the previous lemma.Choose an open tubular neighbourhood T of D. This is complex C∞ line bundlesuch that D corresponds to the zero section. So there is a classifying map 1.5.3X → Pn such that the line bundle L associated to OPn(1) pulls back to T . Wecan collapse the complement of T in X to a point resulting in what is calledThom space of T . This Thom space will map to the Thom space of L. The Thomspace of L can be identified with Pn+1 with the zero section corresponding toPn embedded as a hyperplane. Thus we obtain a commutative diagram.

D //



²²X/(X − T )

²²Pn // Pn+1

These maps are very far from holomorphic, but it won’t matter for the purposesof the proof. The fundamental class of Pn pullback to [D] and the C∞ linebundle associated OX(D) is isomorphic to the pullback of the C∞ line bundleassociated OX(1).

Exercise 6.5.8.

1. Prove lemma 6.5.4.

2. Given a vector bundle V of rank r, define det(V ) = ∧rV and c1(V ) =c1(detV ). Prove that det(V1 ⊕ V2) ∼= det(V1) ⊗ det(V2). Use this tocalculate c1(V1 ⊕ V2).

