Manitoba - Winter/Spring 2014



Read some of our great stories about our Ministry Points in Manitoba!

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Winter/Spring 2014Manitoba Edition

Issue 7

United by the GOSPEL

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ, it is the power of God at work,

saving everyone who believes...

Romans 1:16 NLT



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Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca2

A story is told of a man who loved old books. He met an acquaintance who had just thrown away a Bible that had been stored in the attic of his ancestral home for generations. “I couldn’t read it,” the friend explained. “Somebody named Guten- something had printed it.”

“Not Gutenberg!” the book lover exclaimed in horror. “That Bible was one of the first books ever printed. Why, a copy just sold for over two million dollars!”

His friend was unimpressed. “Mine wouldn’t have brought a dollar. Some fellow named Martin Luther had scribbled all over it in German.”

I do not know if this ever happened, but it makes a good point. Sometimes people do not really know what they have, and fail to take the full advantage of it. Sometimes, we suffer great loss, because we do not know, or accept the value of something we have.

In the pages that follow, you will be witness to the reality that we at One Hope Canada have been given a priceless gem that the Lord Jesus Christ has commanded us to share with those who have the least opportunity to hear of Him. For over 85 years our mission, known as Canadian Sunday School Mission, and more frequently by the initials CSSM Ministries, has shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with children, youth and adults. Over those 85 years our methodologies have changed but our passion for sharing the Good News of Jesus has not. It is this passion of sharing the Gospel of Jesus that unites us as a mission, and it is our burden for our great country that compels us to go and make disciples of all nations.

The grace of our Lord God as revealed through Jesus Christ and His redemptive power is definitely a “pearl of great price” and we want to share with you how God is at work here in Manitoba and throughout Canada.

May you be blessed and encouraged as these stories of changed lives reveal the awesomeness of God’s unfailing love.


United by the gospel

Director’s message

It is this passion of sharing the Gospel of Jesus that unites us as a mission, and it is our

burden for our great country that compels us to go and make disciples of all nations.

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Canada’s Hope 3

Inside this issue

GOD’S MISSION. OUR ADVENTURE.Canada’s Hope is the bi-annual publication of One Hope Canada. Letters, articles and photos are welcomed. Names of many of the children mentioned in articles have been changed.

EDITORSWayne EisbrennerMelanie Mushaluk


SPONSORSHIPS Harold Giesbrecht

DESIGN Iced Tea Designs


PRINTINGDerksen Printers Steinbach, MB

Publications agreement number 40019747

Undelivered copies, change of address and new requests should be addressed to:

ONE HOPE CANADA 200-189 Henderson HwyWinnipeg, MB R2L 1L7Telephone: 1-204-668-2776Fax: 1-204-663-0246Email:

Please note that in order to save printing and postage costs, one magazine will be mailed out per household. If you would like to receive additional copies, please contact us at

2 Director’s Message

3 Executive Director’s Message

12 Turtle Mountain Bible Camp

14 Valley View Bible Camp

16 Adventure Day Camp

22 Beaver Lake Bible Camp

28 Dauphin Bible Camp

30 Gimli Bible Camp

32 Roseau River Bible Camp

34 Cooking with Kathy

4 New name, same mission

6 Keepers of the Faith

8 Canadian Bible Society

18 One Hope Canada Family

20 Passion worth pursuing

25 Olive Carmichael

26 A Helping Hand

Winter/Spring 2014 Manitoba Edition Issue Seven

Cover Image taken at

Valley View Bible Camp


A living hope


I am amazed at how the tiniest words can hold such deep meaning. Words like “hate” and “love,” each spelled with only four letters, still somehow manage to burst with emotion and carry such strong connotations.

Another little word I’m thinking of, is so full of meaning that God actually uses it to describe the incredible gift He has given us. This four-letter word continually stirs the hearts of those around me, and finds its place in the centre of God’s good news:

In God’s great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. (I Peter 1:3,4 NIV)

Executive Director’s message

Feature Stories Regulars

The hope we have as Christians is not based upon wishful thinking, folklore or some mental exercise. This hope, this living, breathing, one hope, is anchored in the historical event of the perfect life, the unjust death, and the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. It is grounded in the truth that Jesus Christ lived a life we could never live, died in a way that we deserved, and defeated our greatest enemy - death.

This hope is the only hope that will not disappoint. It is the only hope that will last. It is the hope that our country needs and that this next generation is seeking.

Privileged to share in Canada’s hope.

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Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca4

New Name, Same Mission.

just in one area or with one group - God’s Spirit was moving across the country, stirring the hearts of his people from coast to coast with a desire to do whatever it takes to share the gospel with children and youth. And God blessed their efforts - churches were planted, camps sprang up, tens of thousands of children, youth and their families heard about the hope that is found only in Jesus Christ.

BEV: And it is that passion and that desire that we are asking God to rekindle. We want to be a mission that has a passion for the gospel and a burden for our country.

CH: What made you choose the name One Hope Canada?BEV: At our last country-wide personnel conference in the fall of 2012, we had our entire mission family meet in small groups to describe the “what,” “how,” and “why” of their various ministries. The thing we discovered was that because we are such a diverse ministry, every ministry point had a different “what” and a different “how,” but the one that united every ministry point, and every missionary, was the “why.” They did what they did, the way they did it, so that children, youth and their families would come to know Jesus Christ.

BILL: And so for us the name, One Hope Canada, describes that “why.” The One Hope of course is Jesus Christ, and we like the fact that Canada is in the name, because it reflects with whom and where we will share this great news.

Canada’s Hope sat down with Executive Directors, Bill and Bev McCaskell, to ask them about changes happening at the mission.

CH: The mission has been known as the Canadian Sunday School Mission since 1927, why change the name now?BILL: The mission has such a rich history of seeing God use it to reach generation after generation of Canadians with the gospel, and because of that, people have fond memories of the mission. Many of them found God at one of our ministry points (a camp or church). In fact, I am one of them - God got a hold of my life at Kenosee Lake Bible Camp in Saskatchewan.

What we are discovering though, is that those under 40 or so do not know CSSM Min-istries. They may know of one of our camps, but they do not know of the mission behind the camp. And so the National Board has been wanting to reintroduce the mission to a new generation for a number of years, but it didn’t seem like the right time until just recently.

CH: What made this the right time?BEV: God is moving within the mission and stirring hearts. It’s like there is a renewal that is taking place and is going much deeper than any “name change.” In many ways, we are going back to the very root of the mission - the original vision and burden that has inspired CSSM Ministries for so many years - to share the love of Jesus and to make His name known.

CH: Tell us a little bit more about that original vision.BILL: CSSM Ministries started because God opened the eyes of men and women to the need in Canada for the gospel. And it wasn’t

National feature

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Canada’s Hope 5

Developing passionate, relevant servants of Jesus Christ

In Partnership with Okanagan Bible College



















CH: Some people may say that Canada isn’t a mission field anymore and a mission in Canada is outdated.BILL: It doesn’t take much effort to look around at our communities to see the brokenness that exists - it really is everywhere. This past summer we had almost 18,000 children and youth participate in one of our weeklong camp programs and almost half of those came from homes who do not know Jesus. That is why we get so excited about camp ministry. Where else can you go in Canada, and find thou-sands of children and youth who have no idea who Jesus is, spending an entire week learning about Him? It’s amazing and humbling.

CH: What response have you had to the new name?BILL: It has been really positive. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I have to admit I am a bit, since our first name has been around for 87 years, and I know people have such great memories of it. But the re-sponse we have received from comments and notes sent into our office has been encouraging. I believe

people see the reasons and the heart behind the decision. Even those folks who have some questions about why we are changing, become supportive after we have explained why, and share that we are committed to the original vision of the mission. They want to see the torch they have carried for so long and so well, passed on to the next generation.

CH: What one thing would you like our readers to remember about the mission’s new name?BEV: That it actually isn’t about a name change (laughter). It really isn’t. It is about what God is doing again in the hearts of those who are involved in a mission that is 87 years old. There is newness of life, there is a passion, there is a burden. That’s what is important to remember. God has given us a few words to remind ourselves of all it comes down to: “Be faithful to the gospel, and He will make His NAME known.” CSSM Ministries - now One Hope Canada - has never been about building its own name, but rather about proclaiming His name. That’s what I would like people to remember.

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of the Faith


Band bio

Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca6

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Having hosted the radio program “Heart of the South” for the

last 13 years, it’s not at all unusual to hear of membership

changes within the Gospel groups. But my ears really perked

up when I was chatting with Ace Taito, Music Director of Keepers of the

Faith, a year or two ago. Ace mentioned that they were looking for a

new bass singer. So, I innocently asked the logical question, “Why did

their former bass singer leave?”

I expected the usual response; “He left to spend more time with

his family.” That’s the story heard most often when group members

leave (Ironically, they often resurface two weeks later, now singing for

a different group). But no, that wasn’t why he left. It wasn’t for health

reasons or to go into the pastorate (another two commonly heard

reasons for leaving). No, he’d left singing with Keepers of the Faith in

order to go into wrestling! No, I’m not making that up! Sometimes reality

is more humorous than fiction! (By the way, we’re excited Keepers of

the Faith found a ‘new’ bass singer – and he is a Canadian! Gary van Ry

comes from Abbotsford, BC!)

HOW THE GROUP BEGANAfter being in many different singing groups, a father and three sons

decided in 1997 to establish a singing ministry known as “The Taito

Family.” They began their journey in singing and ministering together as

a family. As the years went by, they felt the calling of God to move from

Hawaii to Washington State, where they’re continuing to minister as a

family singing group till this day.

In the year 2003 the group was formed with acappella singing as its

foundation. With a Samoan heritage, the group was made up of 15 men.

As the years went on, many of the members made different choices and

went their separate ways. This only left 5 members: 3 brothers and 2

cousins, and thus Keepers of the Faith quartet was born.

“Our goal as a ministry is to make sure what we do and say has

changed our hearts first. We pray that people will see Jesus through

us. Whether there be more or less, we will minister no matter what. We

make sure we give everything we have because we believe God expects

the best from us. We are not just any typical quartet which just does

concerts. We have been part of many evangelistic meetings and have

had the privilege as a ministry to preach His word and baptize over 100

souls and more. It is our prayer as we continue to witness and minister

the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music and testimonies, that many

may come to know and experience the wonderful and great love of God

in a special and inspiring way. To God be the Glory forever, Amen!”

KEEPERS OF THE FAITH will be our Concert Tour Group, touring

throughout Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta this Spring

(March 28 - April 13).








Canada’s Hope 7

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CBS is a proud partner of OneHope Canada. We would love to partner with you as well.

Some Of Our Partners IncludeSalvation ArmyJesus Network

Prison Fellowship MinistryMoveIn

Youth for ChristScripture UnionTeen Challenge

Habitat for Humanity

Transport for ChristBus Stop Bible Studies

Spark Teen…and many more

Apply to be a ministry partner today at

Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca8

The Bible that CBS is putting

together will be unique to

campers and camp ministry.

The additional reflection

pieces will address the issues

that children face after

leaving the safe environment

of camp. There will also be

Bible reading plans to help

keep campers accountable

to reading their Bible and to

give some direction when they

don’t know where to start.

Our ministry points have all

been given the opportunity to

order as many Bibles as they

need for this upcoming season.

To partner with CBS in this

way and provide Bibles to our

campers is a huge blessing and

just another way that God is

moving through our nation. CBS

is looking for stories, pictures

or videos of how lives are being

changed and transformed as

children and youth encounter

God. One Hope Canada desires

to bring the Gospel to those

with the least opportunity

to hear, but it doesn’t stop

there, we also want to disciple

believers for living and serving

through His church. What better

place to start discipling than

by providing the living word of

God to those who are longing to

know Him more?

This brand new resource

for CBS is still in production,

please keep praying for this

project and the impact it will

have on the lives of children

and youth across Canada.

National feature



In the fall of 2013, we were

approached by Canadian Bible

Society (CBS) about providing

a unique “Camping Bible” to

our ministry points. In the past, our

ministry points have purchased

Bibles to give to campers who were

in need of a Bible, or who had made

a commitment while at camp. This

has always been an extra cost

to the camps or churches. So

we were thrilled when CBS

made an offer to provide

these Bibles to our camps at

no cost. Our desire, along with

Canadian Bible Society, is to

see any child or youth who

wants a Bible to have one.

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Canada’s Hope 9


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Just a few short months ago we wrote that Encounter was just under way, and now as we write, we realize that it’s over half done! We’ve seen God do some amazing things in the lives of our students so far. He has grounded many of them in the gospel and awakened them to an identity that is rooted in Him. So far our school has travelled to:

Hampton Bible Camp, Hampton, NB Camp des Iles, Lachute, QC Galilean Bible Camp, Blind River, ON Valley View Bible Camp, MacGregor, MB Torch Trail Bible Camp, Choiceland, SK

It has been a wonderful journey so far! We have had the opportunity to explore a beautiful country, but more importantly, encounter a beautiful God! Here’s what our students are saying:

God has used Encounter and the awesome teachings we have had to show me how my identity must be in Him and not in what I do for Him. Encounter is a safe place to learn and be challenged, having our mentor, leaders and fellow students to support us, encourage us, pray with us and grow with us.


Encounter School of Discipleship has been an amazing experience. I’ve always wanted to travel and I knew that I was to go to a Bible school – Encounter was the perfect fit. I have learnt many things about myself, also, the Gospel has become more alive to me in a new way and has revived my desire to know and see the God I serve daily. Not only have I been learning a lot, the team has been like a family to me. They have all been super encouraging and supportive.


Encounter has been a very wonderful but challenging opportunity for me. God has taught me to be vulnerable by taking me away from what I know and placing me in here to learn to trust Him. He has taught me that it is not about me, it never has been, and it never will be. It’s about Him and Him alone, and letting Him lead me. TABITHA, MANITOBA

*Encounter is now accepting applications for fall 2014! Applications can be found on our website at

Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca10

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Manufacturer of quality gravel trailers

Ask your dealer about the ‘new SLX’ end dump

Midland Manufacturing congratulates

One Hope Canada on this edition of

Canada’s Hope

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Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca12

Turtle Mountain Bible Camp feature

have happened if God’s people hadn’t caught a vision for the ministry. They have felt the broken heart of Jesus for the hurting people who are without hope. Our great God has been faithful through every battle, through every financial high and low, and we are so grateful for each victory as we labour together to reach the lost.

We aim to build on the past as we charge ahead, claiming the future by faith--because the frontier road that got us here is covered with the footprints of God. Presently, preparations are underway for a Capital Campaign project. We have an urgent need to replace the present dining hall and kitchen facility. There is “no magic” by which to achieve this project. We are looking to the supernatural intervention of God through ordinary people like you and me. We are thankful for friends who have expressed their excitement and interest in having this project move forward. We are excited about advancing with the commitment phase.

Please pray for: 1) A timely final review of

proposed drawings.2) The needed Capital Campaign

chairman.3) Volunteers to be part of the

prayer, fundraising and building teams.

4) Volunteer labourers when it is time to build.

We would love to hear from anyone interested in being involved.

Most importantly, through the years we have witnessed countless decisions being made for Christ. Many former campers are now serving in various ministries and in the past few years we have continued to have a record number of campers. God faithfully provides godly staff members who pour themselves into the lives of needy campers in word and action, impacting lives with the Gospel. We remain steadfast and committed to promoting God’s Word and desire to continue to use our God-given resources wisely to impact campers and families for Christ. Thanks for your ongoing prayers and support.


We aim to build on the past as we charge ahead, claiming the future by faith.”

We marvel as we look back on the past 67 years and all GOD has done at Turtle Mountain Bible Camp. God has enabled the camp to complete many projects over the past 12 years since our arrival as full time directors. The list includes: a new water system, land purchases, needed upgrades on the septic, hydro, waterfront, fourplex and cabins, Shilo building, new washroom, barn, shop, staff residence (and site manager), RV sites, dishwasher, climbing wall and zip line–among many other additions. None of this could

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Canada’s Hope 13

Shaping lives forever

We aim to build on the past as we charge ahead, claiming the future by faith.”



June 30-July 3 Horse Clinic Ages 16+

July 3-5 Pee Wee Ages 6-7

July 6-12 Junior High Ages 12-14

July 13-18 Intermediate 1 Ages 9-11

July 20-25 Intermediate 2 Ages 10-12

July 27-31 Junior 1 Ages 7-9

August 5-9 Junior 2 Ages 8-10

August 10-15 Intermediate 3 Ages 11-13

August 17-23 High School Ages 14-18

June 8 Family Day

June 9-12 J.O.Y. Camp Ages 55+

July 5-12 D.N.T. Ages 15-16

August 1-4 Family Camp (FREE - Everyone welcome!)


2014 Camp Schedule

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Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca1414

Valley View Bible Camp feature

UGM and the GospelGod’s providence is something

that never fails to amaze us – the

way He goes before us and leads

the way. One morning, during our

regular staff prayer time, we were

reminded of the One Hope Canada

mission statement: “To present

the Gospel to those having the

least opportunity to hear of Christ,

especially children and youth, and

to disciple believers for living and

serving through His Church.” As a

staff we felt that we needed to seek

God as to how we would fulfill this

statement, particularly how we

would reach those who had the

least opportunity to hear of Jesus

Christ. Shortly after, we received

a phone call from the Family Life

Centre in Winnipeg asking us if we

would consider taking 30 children

from the inner city each week of

camp that summer, in addition to

their designated week. We clearly

saw that this was God opening a

door for us to fulfill the mission

statement that we have been

given, and that if we said no to this

opportunity we would be acting

in disobedience. We said yes, and

thus began the amazing journey of

discovering what the summer of

2013 would be like. It also painted

a picture of what we hope to see in

the future.

It is our desire for God to

continue to instil in us a

passion for the Gospel. As that

happens we hope to become

more intentional about

spreading the truth. As we look

around us now and into the

future, we recognize the many

opportunities God is giving

us to do exactly that: through

the Life Skills program, the

Tubing Hill, interacting with

rental groups, in all aspects of

summer camp, and even our

fundraisers. In every aspect

of what goes on here at camp,

we desire the Gospel to be

presented. Our prayer is that it

is transforming our lives, and

the lives of those we come in

contact with. It is only because

of the Gospel that we can serve

God in this capacity, and that

we can be burdened for this

country and its people.

“Pray also for me, that

whenever I open my mouth,

words may be given to me so

that I will fearlessly make

known the mystery of the

gospel, for which I am an

ambassador in chains. Pray

that I may declare it fearlessly,

as I should” (Ephesians 6:19-20


We hope to become more intentional about spreading the truth. As we look around us now, we recognize the many opportunities God is giving us to do exactly that.”


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Canada’s Hope 15

June 29-July 4 Sr. Teen Ages 15-17June 29-July 4 Horse Skills Camp Ages 15-17July 6-11 Intermediate 1 Ages 7-10July 13-18 Jr. Teen Ages 13-14July 13-18 Jr. Teen Horse Camp Ages 13-14July 20-25 Intermediate 2 Ages 8-11July 28-30 Squirts Ages 5-7July 28-30 Jr. Horse Camp Ages 10-12August 1-4 Family CampAugust 4-8 Horse Trail Camp Ages 14-17August 4-8 Outdoor Adventure Camp Ages 12-14 August 4-8 Creative Arts Camp Ages 15-17 August 4-22 LDP Ages 15-17August 4-15 MDP Ages 15-17August 10-15 Intermediate 3 Ages 9-12August 22-24 Mission Team Retreat


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Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca16

Adventure Day Camp feature

Adventure Day Camp is a “camp on wheels!” Our team travels throughout Manitoba, last summer visiting ten different locations. One of our goals is to assist Christians in their local area to reach their community with the Gospel. One of the unique aspects of this ministry is that we can connect with the local church and work alongside them. We bring a team of enthusiastic young people, lesson materials, craft and game supplies - the full program - to the community. Volunteers from the community join us for the week, connecting with the children and their families. At the end of the week, when the program is over, the Adventure Day Camp team leaves, but the

connections between the church and their community remain. The church is now better equipped, and more eager to plan follow-up activities, continuing

to strengthen that relationship, with the hope to bring the salvation message to the lost.

One exciting step forward is happening right now in a church in Winnipeg - Tabernacle Baptist Church. They have had Adventure Day Camp come to their church for two years. Although the size of the congregation is small, their heart to reach out to their community is large. They are nestled in a community full of families, and many unchurched kids attended Adventure Day Camp in the summer. One Hope Canada has partnered with them, and they have now organized a Kids Club that will run for 20 weeks during the school year. Two students from a nearby Christian Bible

College are volunteering to run the program, as part of the requirement of their school program. We advertised to families in the area - those who attended Adventure Day Camp, but also to those who attended any of our overnight camps. It is really exciting to see that the seeds planted in the summer will have the opportunity to continue growing throughout the year.

If you know of a church which has a desire to reach its community with the Gospel, but needs some assistance, please have them contact Melanie Mushaluk, Adventure Day Camp Coordinator ( We may even have some space available for this summer!


It is really exciting to see that the seeds planted in the summer will have the opportunity to continue

growing throughout the year.

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Canada’s Hope 17

Adventure Day Camp Provides• Fully training Directors and staff to provide

leadership throughout the entire week• Complete curriculum including crafts, games,

and everything else needed to make your summer ministry event fun and memorable

• Posters and promotional tools for advertising in your area

• Pre-ministry support as you plan and prepare for your event, and follow-up support once it’s over

Church Responsibilities• A billet and meals for the ADC Staff• Daily snack at the event• Volunteers to help run the event• A suggested fee is $200 per week, but if this is

financially taxing, please speak to Melanie about other arrangements

• Additional honorarium is welcome but optional

Do you want to provide a summer program to the kids in your community, but don’t know how to start?

Let Adventure Day Camp help!Contact

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Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca18

Our Ministry Resource Centre

Our Manitoba One Hope Canada family

Provincial Ministries

Bill & Bev McCaskell Executive Directors

Harold & Natalie Giesbrecht

Don & Lois Collins

Dan & Ela Klaue

Wayne & Judy Eisbrenner Manitoba Field Director

Dave & Sylvia Froese Jeremiah & Jackie Johnson

Lorne & Lise McLarty

Jason & Juanita Neufeld

Nic & Darcy Mundey

Devin & Jessica DyckEncounter School of Discipleship

Barry & Larissa BuhlerEncounter School of Discipleship

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Canada’s Hope 19

The faces behind our camps!

Dale & Melody Buhler Valley View Bible Camp

Henry & Loretta EnnsValley View Bible Camp

Jon & Melanie MushalukAdventure Day Camp

Richard & Carma BankertDauphin Bible Camp

Andrew & Tasha SevignyDauphin Bible Camp

Jake & Martha FriesenGimli Bible Camp

Don & Charlotte RoeGimli Bible Camp

Duane & Sylvia Goertzen Roseau River Bible Camp

Boyd & Sharon KlieverRoseau River Bible Camp

Jared & Colleen Fast Roseau River Bible Camp

Howard & Kathy WeirTurtle Mountain Bible Camp

Menno & Brenda BartschTurtle Mountain Bible Camp

Michael & Rebekah Bergen Valley View Bible Camp

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Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca20

PASSION W O R T H Pursuing


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Canada’s Hope 21

Provincial feature

What are you passionate about?

What drives you to do the things you do?

Allow me to share three scenes of the

past six months.


Several months ago I was able to

experience the Winnipeg Jets playing

in the MTS centre against the Calgary

Flames. The atmosphere at the arena on

game day is electric and it is hard not to

get carried away by the wave of passion

that flows through the crowd. One is

struck immediately by the volume of the

fans even before the game starts, as the

Jumbotron projects the Jets brand and the

“Fuelled by Passion” theme. The volume of

the fan noise continues almost unabated

throughout the game, with the “Go Jets

Go” chant reverberating through the arena.

Despite losing the game in a shoot-out, the

atmosphere continues to be charged as

fans leave the building – determined that

their champions will win the next one.


November 24, 2013 – Mosaic Stadium,

Regina Saskatchewan. The 101st Grey Cup

Game featuring the Hamilton Tiger Cats

versus the Saskatchewan Roughriders

and Rider Nation. It is Game Day – and

the stadium is packed to overflowing with

green. There are a few passionate black

and gold dressed fans, but they’re hard to

locate in the sea of green. The crescendo

of noise and action is almost overwhelming

as the Green Machine decimates the

opposition! I was born in Saskatchewan,

grew up in Regina and I still bleed green

when it comes to the Canadian Football

League. You could say that I am passionate

about my Rider team, and their winning

the Grey Cup this past November will be a

memory that I will cherish for a long time.


Roseau River Bible Camp, Gimli Bible

Camp, Valley View Bible Camp, Dauphin

Bible Camp, Turtle Mountain Bible Camp,

Adventure Day Camp – six One Hope

Canada ministry points here in Manitoba.

We are privileged to have thirteen

missionary couples who give their energy

– their very lives for the camping ministries

of One Hope Canada. In mid-October we

gathered as a One Hope Canada Manitoba

Mission Team for our annual family retreat

and banquet. It was a time for us here at

the Ministry Resource Centre to love on

our missionaries and their families.

The highlight of the weekend for me

is hearing the stories of lives that have

been impacted and changed through

the camping ministry that happened

last summer. I hear the passion that our

missionaries have for sharing the Good

News of Jesus, and I experience the burden

that they have for those who come to our

various camping ministries. Hundreds of

children and youth, many who are hurting,

broken and feeling unworthy of love, hear

of the love that Jesus has for them. They

experience in tangible ways the love that

is spoken of as our missionaries – full time

and summer staff – live out that love.

As I reflect on these three scenes of my

recent past I am struck by this thought.

The passion that I experienced in Scene

1 and Scene 2 is real – but it is fleeting

passion – passion for a moment. The

passion revealed in Scene 3 is eternal!

Because of the passion for the Gospel that

is part of the DNA of One Hope Canada,

and the burden for a lost and dying world

right next door, there are hundreds, if

not thousands who will experience the

amazing wonder of eternal life with

Jesus! I’m thinking that is a passion worth


PASSION W O R T H Pursuing


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Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca22

Canada’s north needs you!

Beaver Lake Bible Camp staff

The time commitment is as follows:

• availability to attend a quarterly board meeting in Flin Flon/Creighton area

• availability throughout the summer months to assist at the camp where needed

• willingness to represent the camp before one’s local church in seeking prayer support, volunteers, and finances

I realize that only a small portion of you reading this are from the Flin Flon area. However, if you know of anyone currently living there, we need your help! Would you be willing to contact them and invite them to consider this need?

Many people have heard of Christ for the very first time at Beaver Lake Bible Camp, including my uncle, Ken Bensen (we featured his story in our last magazine). He is still the only believer in his family and, were it not for Beaver Lake Bible Camp, might still be lost. There are many more people who need to hear of Christ in Canada’s north. And all we need to re-open this vital ministry link is four willing souls. Will you join us in praying for and seeking four board members for Beaver Lake Bible Camp? A new generation of ‘Uncle Kens’ thanks you!

“God is not finished with Beaver Lake Bible Camp!”

Those words echoed around the camp fire, filled the grounds of the camp and continued to resound in our minds as we made the long trek home from the Beaver Lake Bible Camp Staff Reunion last August.

However, in the months since that exciting weekend, things have been eerily silent from the north. In order to reopen the camp, local involvement is essential. We need at least four (4) board members from the Flin Flon area. This would provide local leadership, assistance when facility repairs are needed, and maintain the camp’s presence in the minds and hearts of local believers.

CanadasHope_Manitoba_Spring 2014.indd 22 04/03/14 10:29 PM

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The future ofBeaver Lake Bible Camp

hangs in the balance!

For Beaver Lake Bible Camp to re-open and continue ministering to needy souls in Canada’s north, we urgently need four (4) Board members from the Flin Flon area! If you are, or know of, someone willing to help, please call 1-888-960-2580!

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Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca24 Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca24

The words we speak have a great impact on those who hear. They can encourage and bless others, but they can also hurt deeply. Whether positive or negative, the impact is much greater than we think.

For example, as I was heading back to my car after prayer meeting one night, a lady whose faith I admire spoke four simple words to me: “On wings of eagles.” It was perfect—the timing, the truth, etc.

It has encouraged me to remember God’s promise, as I continue to lean on His strength every moment of my life. The Holy Spirit prompted her to speak this Bible truth to a needy soul. She does not remember speaking those words to me. But I DO. This phrase has stuck with me ever since, and each time I feel hopeless, the words ring in my mind, and I am reminded to hope in the One who can carry me through life’s difficulties.

Let us be attentive to the Holy Spirit’s prompting to pray for and to encourage others. And let us hope in the Lord, our only source of strength.

“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

Adults Devotional

“The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7b).

You probably know at least one person who looks different than everyone else, or who has a hard time talking, or who wears clothes nobody else would want to wear. Have you ever made fun of such people? I have. And did this make me feel any better? I thought so. But after a while, I felt worse, because although I felt more important in my friends’ eyes, I knew that God did not approve of my behaviour.

Too often we think that life is all about being better than others. But is it really? We think that if we push others down, somehow that will bring us up, and people will like us. But in the end, what will matter is not how many friends you had, or how good-looking you were. What will matter is how you lived your life. Did you live for yourself, or for God? God cares about the appearance of your heart! He hates evil, and so should you.

Maybe you are the person who is laughed at. Remember what matters to God!

Kids Devo



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Canada’s Hope 25

Olive CarmiChael“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants.”

Psalm 116:15, NIV

It is with sadness that we announce the death of Olive Carmichael, a faithful CSSM

Missionary since 1936. Olive was in her 100th year and passed away peacefully on

October 3rd, 2013 and is now in the arms of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ! Olive

was born in Edinburgh, Scotland on June 5th, 1914 and came to Canada in 1915.

Olive was one of the true pioneers of our CSSM Mission. She began her ministry

as a rural missionary for Canadian Sunday School Mission in 1936, using bicycle

and horse and buggy as her means of transportation in the early days. Olive put on

many miles to conduct gospel services, teach Vacation Bible School, do visitation

and hold Bible classes in the public schools. She continued until 1951, when she

became the secretary for the National Office of CSSM Ministries. There Olive was

a major force in the editing of the CSSM periodicals, telling the children’s stories

on the weekly CSSM radio broadcast, among her many other duties. Although she

retired from active duty in 1979, she continued to assist as a volunteer until her

health prevented her from doing so.

Olive held this ministry close to her heart and, as long as she was able, prayed

fervently for our missionaries, our work, and the children and youth who needed to

be reached.

We praise God for the life and ministry of Olive Carmichael. She has blessed us in

so many ways. Although we grieve, in our loss, we rejoice that she has entered into

eternity, her Lord Jesus Christ - whom she served faithfully - having prepared the

way for her.

What a blessing and encouragement she has been to many! Truly she was one

that we can treasure as a faithful servant of the Lord, and we thank God for her

commitment and loving ministry with CSSM.

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Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca26

number of people glanced

over as they passed the

elderly woman working

in her front lawn. She had finished

planting flowers in the garden

and was now struggling to plant a

sapling to replace a tree felled by a

wind storm the previous summer.

“Can I help you?” offered a young

man stopping in front of her house.

She gratefully handed him the

spade and he made short work

of digging a hole. After dragging

the ten-foot sapling into place and

replacing the soil, he began tamping

it in place while ensuring the tree

was properly positioned. “I live

down the street” he said as he

finished the task. “I remember

you helping my friends’ families

and babysitting some of my friends

over the years. If there is anything

else I can do to help you I would

be honored.”

A healthy community is one where

people choose to assist their neighbors

and benefit from the generous

assistance of others in return. We

may often have a similar relationship

with our favourite Bible Camp.

Which Bible Camp has been a

neighbor to you over the years,

providing camping experiences

and teaching you, your children

or grandchildren about Jesus?

Are you in a position to be a good

neighbor, providing manpower

or funding for the projects the

camp is working on to improve its

ministry now and into the future?

Like the sapling which will provide

shade for years to come, a new building

at your local camp or a contribution to

the One Hope Canada Development

Fund can reap long-term benefits

at the local or national levels of the

ministry. These types of projects

benefit from gifts that may be larger

than a typical annual cash donation.

Donors might consider providing

a larger gift like an in-kind gift of

appreciated stocks or mutual fund

shares or a bequest from an estate.

One Hope Canada has partnered with

Mennonite Foundation of Canada to

assist you in supporting its local and

national ministries by the means that

make the most sense for your particu-

lar financial situation. MFC staff can

explain the financial benefits and assist

with donating appreciated publicly

traded shares or mutual funds. We also

have forty years of experience assisting

individuals with charitable estate plan-

ning. Contact an MFC office or your

One Hope ministry to find out more.

HAROLD PENNER is a stewardship

consultant at the Winnipeg, Manitoba

office of Mennonite Foundation of

Canada. For stewardship education

and estate and charitable gift planning,

contact your nearest MFC office or visit


Special Feature


CanadasHope_Manitoba_Spring 2014.indd 26 04/03/14 10:29 PM

Canada’s Hope 27

Your philanthropic goals are

unique. Don’t they deserve a

customized plan? For decades,

our professional consultants have

helped Canadians make faithful,

joyful giving a reality. To see

how we can help you, call any

time for a free, confidential and

one-of-a-kind consultation.


Your gift can KEEP ON GIVINGFor more information on how the new One Hope Canada Development Fund gives you an opportunity to plan your giving, assuring that your gift will continue to be used by God to reach Manitoba’s children and youth in the years to come, please contact us at: 1-204-668-27761-888-960-2580Ask for Nic or Harold

The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed. Proverbs 11:25

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Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca28

“‘The most important one,’ answered Jesus, ‘is this: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” The second is this: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no commandment greater than these’ (Mark 12:29-31NIV).

Can you imagine what it might look like to see the next generation standing up and living their lives full out for God? What might it take to make that happen?

Eight different churches and Dauphin Bible Camp are joining together for that reason, to help the next generation see who Christ truly is, and to walk beside the youth of the

community as they live their lives for God. The group comes together to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the youth of the community, as well as teaching, encouraging and inspiring them to love God with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength, and to love others as themselves.

God has brought His Church together to reach out to the youth of the community. Dauphin Community Youth Ministry is focused on having a community youth pastor who will spend time purposefully building into the lives of youth, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them, and walking with them as they discover their paths in life. Many churches are not able financially to hire a youth pastor to do these things,

and so they rely solely on volunteers. But volunteers have jobs that they are committed to, and are not available as much as youth need them to be. This is why the churches and Dauphin Bible Camp have joined forces to give the youth the attention and care that they deserve.

The ministry is unique because of the multiple churches that are represented, and that the ministry represents one very big truth: we are part of God’s Church and we need to come together and share His Gospel, His truth, and His love.

Hopefully one day the next generation will stand together worshipping and proclaiming the name of Jesus all because people opened their eyes to see the Church as one, united by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Coming together for a purpose

We are part of God’s Church and we need to come together and share His Gospel, His truth, and His love.”

Dauphin Bible Camp feature

Learn how the Dauphin community is serving their youthBY ANDREW SEVIGNY, SITE DIRECTOR

CanadasHope_Manitoba_Spring 2014.indd 28 04/03/14 10:29 PM

Canada’s Hope 29

June 15 Spring Open HouseJune 23-28 Special Needs Camp Ages 18+July 2-4 Young Campers 1 Ages 6-8July 6-11 Teen Camp 1 Ages 13-17July 6-11 Teen Horse Camp Ages 13-17July 13-August 1 CLT Program 1 Ages 15-17July 13-18 Junior Camp 1 Ages 8-12July 13-18 Junior Horse Camp Ages 8-12July 20-25 Junior Camp 2 Ages 8-12July 27-August 1 Junior Camp 3 Ages 8-12August 6-22 CLT Program 2 Ages 15-17August 6-8 Young Campers 2 Ages 6-8August 10-15 Junior Camp 4 Ages 8-12August 17-22 Junior Camp 5 Ages 8-12August 24-29 Teen Camp 2 Ages 13-17August 24-29 Teen Drama Camp Ages 13-17September 19-21 Teen Discipleship Retreat Ages 13-17September 21 Fall Open House


248 Centre Avenue, Altona, MB204-324-6494

Find us onFacebook

Commited to your complete satisfaction!

We have a brand new website!

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Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca30

growing in their walk with God. Introducing kids to God is the most important thing we can do, and the challenge is to help them hold on to Him. When I was told about follow-up as a young cabin leader it seemed totally unrealistic. It felt like it was all on my shoulders, but God has not called us to live or serve individualistically. He wants us to live and serve in community. This is now we are seeing follow-up done, in community; as the body of believers thus taking away the pressure from the individual.

A wise woman told me that an undiscipled church cannot disciple. As a camp we are evangelism oriented because of the kids that walk through our doors. But God has been showing

us that we need to start doing more. This process starts from the top: leadership building into staff, staff building into campers, and campers building into their community. With God, this is more than possible, and lives will be changed!

We have a small group of people who are passionate for being involved in follow-up, and we are working together to seek God’s vision. Discipling our staff is the place to start, through Bible studies and events which gives them a support system. We have already started creating retreats during the year for kids we’ve seen take a step of faith or who are already following God. These weekends are planned to disciple and encourage them, to get them involved in a church, and to reconnect with friends and staff who have become adults in their lives that they can look up to.

Follow-up ministry is slowly surfacing, and it’s exciting to see what God has in store for Gimli Bible Camp, for Winnipeg, and for this world, to raise up generations after God’s own heart. Please pray for us!

We have been given an amazing opportunity to work with hundreds of kids each summer, sharing with them the good news of God’s love. Throughout One Hope Canada, our camps attract both church and unchurched kids. The beauty of this is that kids from all walks of life are learning about our incredible God. I’ve been working at camps for the past nine years and follow-up (contacting and encouraging former campers) has always been stirring in the background.

Here at Gimli Bible Camp, God has really been showing us and giving us a passion for follow-up ministry. For the kids who have gotten to taste and see that God is good, going back home is not the easiest thing to do, while

Gimli Bible Camp feature

Beyond the SummerWorking together to seek God’s visionBY ALISON CAVAT, FEMALE HEAD CABIN LEADER

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Canada’s Hope 31

July 2-4 Teddy Bear Ages 6-9

July 6-11 Black Bear Ages 11-14

July 13-18 Polar Bear Ages 9-12

July 20-25 Kodiak Bear Ages 8-11

July 27-August 1 Grizzly Bear Ages 12-14

August 5-8 Panda Bear Ages 7-10

August 10-15 Brown Bear Ages 10-13

August 17-22 Youth Ages 15-16

July 2-18 Leadership Age 15

August 24-27 Single Moms and Kids Family Camp

GIMLI BIBLE CAMP 204-642-5707

2014 Camp Schedule

We say THANK-YOU to the following individuals and businesses whose support helped make the One Hope

Canada Spring 2014 concert tour possible:





FAST INSURANCECheck out the Keepers of the

Faith Concert Tour information on

the back cover of Canada’s Hope

Thank You

CanadasHope_Manitoba_Spring 2014.indd 31 04/03/14 10:29 PM

Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca32

“You are faithful, You are Savior, You are more than enough.” These are words from a familiar song written by the Newsboys and they ring SO true with the Savior’s people at Roseau River Bible Camp! This past year has been one of change and of growth.

We had a change of directorship this year. Our director of six years resigned as of September. This brought on a strong sense of prayer for the future. One day three of us staff members were sitting around a

More than enough

Roseau River Bible Camp feature

picnic table discussing some possibilities for fulltime staffing positions. The Lord gave us direction and we came up with an official offer of a three-couple director committee that we presented to our board: Duane and Sylvia Goertzen – Executive Directors, Jared and Colleen Fast – Ministry Directors, Boyd and Sharon Kliever – Site Directors. The board was 100% in favor of this proposal and we have now been serving in these positions for six months.

Excitement is in the air at Roseau River Bible Camp

We three couples feel a close connection as we move the camp forward step by step with God’s direction. To realize that He is more than enough is important to us all. So many times the camp and its projects seem to be about the temporal and physical aspects and we forget the Lord’s faithfulness and where He has brought us and the camp. And so each day we have to return to our primary vision: to draw everyone closer to Christ through our staff, facilities and program. Excitement is in the air as we move into the 2014 camp season. With many new plans and inspirations we ask for your prayer, so they will be totally in line with God’s plan.

Our theme for this coming summer is “GENESIS” (Acts 17:24-25). Often when you want to move forward you need to look back to see the master plan. A focus on creation does just that. We desire that every person who steps onto camp property in 2014 will experience some of God’s power as they see His creation all around us.

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Canada’s Hope 33

April 25-27 Man Camp Ages 13+

May 2-4 Ladies Retreat Ages 16+

June 9-13 55+ Camp Ages 55+

July 3-5 Peewee Grade 1-3

July 6-12 Teen 1 Grade 7-9

July 20-25 Preteen 1 Grade 5-7

July 27-31 Junior 1 Grade 2-5

August 4-8 Junior 2 Grade 2-5

August 10-16 Teen 2 Grade 6-8

August 17-22 Preteen 2 Grade 4-6

August 24-30 Senior Teen Grade 9-12

July 6-25 SLT CLP#1 Ages 15-18

August 4-22 SLT CLP#2 Ages 15-18

June 30-July 12 SLT WC/WIT 1 Ages 14-16

July 13-25 SLT WC/WIT 2 Ages 14-16

August 4-16 SLT WC/WIT 3 Ages 14-16

August 17-30 SLT WC/WIT 4 Ages 14-16

July 13-18 Horsemanship Grade 7-12

Paintball Grade 8-12

BMX Grade 6-12

Kayak Grade 6-12

Sports Grade 8-12

November 21-23 Sr Teen Retreat Grade 9-12


2014 Camp Schedule

CanadasHope_Manitoba_Spring 2014.indd 33 04/03/14 10:29 PM

Winter/Spring 2014 | www.onehopecanada.ca34

Cooking with Kathy

it became inevitable that I would eventually need to tackle this feat on my own. Although cooking challenged, I can follow directions. The recipe said, “Let the bird chill in the sink for a few hours.” In my confidence, I searched for my Staples “That Was Easy” button! Feeling on a roll, I decided to ask my significant other to assist with the food preparations, giving instructions to “peel about half the potatoes.” (Okay, so maybe following directions isn’t one of our stronger points.)

It’s been exciting having our 18-month-old granddaughter visiting from Zimbabwe. I’ve discovered that living with a toddler is like using a blender with no lid. I was reminded of the importance of cutting big pieces of meat or other foods into little pieces so she could handle them.

The Psalmist reminds us, “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Our mission is to simply cut life into bite-sized chunks called days. The Bible talks about strength that comes as your days come; picking up your cross daily, getting mercies that are new every morning; and how our inward man is renewed day by day. God will stitch those days together into a tapestry that makes a life. We don’t need to be paralyzed by guilt over the past or anxiety over the future. We can trust the Lord to cover both, one bite at a time.


Howard and Kathy Weir has been serving as Camp Directors at Turtle Mountain Bible Camp (Manitoba) since 2002, but previously served at Galilean Bible Camp (Ontario) for many years before that

When I was a kid, I could toast a marshmallow over my birthday cake.

Now I could roast a turkey. It’s funny how traditions never

die. Since my mom had always cooked the turkey in a large greased paper bag, I thought that must be the only way. One thing I failed to notice was her removing the innards from inside the bird prior to cooking. Fortunately, I’m a quick learner and now remember that detail. I’m sure everyone has forgotten veggies in the microwave until putting away the leftovers or discovered charcoal buns in the oven you were drying several weeks before! Like most families, we always enjoyed those wonderful home-cooked turkey dinners with loved ones on special occasions. Since we have lived far away from family,

Renewed day by dayBY KATHY WEIR

Peeled half the potatoes

I am no cook, but I can follow the directions which said to let the bird chill in the sink for a few hours.

We don’t need to be paralyzed by guilt over the past or anxiety over the future. We can trust the Lord to cover both, one bite at a time.”

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CanadasHope_Manitoba_Spring 2014.indd 34 04/03/14 10:29 PM

Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 5:00 pmLocated at the west end of Portage la Prairie

204 857 4286 Fax: 204 857


Transport Services• ServicetowesternCanadaandtheUSA• Fullloadandlessthanfullloadserviceofdry,nonhazardousfreight

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Truck and Trailer RepairContact: 204 856 5531 or• Manitobainspectionstationfortrucksandtrailers

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• Equipmentfordiagnostics-includingcomputerECMcodes

• Largepartsinventoryonhandforquickrepairs

CanadasHope_Manitoba_Spring 2014.indd 35 04/03/14 10:29 PM

Publications Mail Agreement #: 40019747Canada’s Hope One Hope Canada – Manitoba200-189 Henderson HwyWinnipeg, MB R2L 1L7


of the FaithO N E H O P E C A N A D A F U N D R A I S I N G T O U R

W W W. K E E P E R S O F T H E FA I T H M I N I S T R Y. C O M

PORTAGE LA PRAIRIEFri, March 28, 2014, 7 pm

Portage Alliance Church

2375 Saskatchewan Ave. West


ROSENORTSat, March 29, 2014, 7 pm

Rosenort EMC Church

509 River Road South


OAKBANKSun, March 30, 2014, 6:30 pm

Oakbank Baptist Church

26033 Springfield Rd 63N


GLADSTONEMon, March 31, 2014, 7 pm

Gladstone Christian Fellowship

201 Morris Avenue South


DAUPHINTues, April 1, 2014, 7 pm

Grace Bible Church

1910 Mountain Road


VIRDENWed, April 2, 2014, 7 pm

Virden Alliance Church

345 Frame St. East


KILLARNEYThurs, April 3, 2014, 7 pm

Lakeview Community Church

616 Lakeview Avenue


WINKLERFri, April 4, 2014, 7 pm

Winkler Mennonite Church

31 Willowdale Crescent


STEINBACHSat, April 5, 2014, 7 pm

Christian Fellowship Church

417 Hanover Street


WINNIPEGSun, April 6, 2014, 6 pm

Calvary Temple

400 Hargrave Street


CanadasHope_Manitoba_Spring 2014.indd 36 04/03/14 10:29 PM