Manual Conso WorkManual Conso Work 2011 4 | P a g e Master The menu is the master information of...


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Conso Work Manual application for departmental accounting

Manual Conso Work 2011

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Manual Conso Work 2011

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1. Open your browser (internet expoler recommended)

2. Go to website

3. Enter your username and password and click the login button.

4. The main menu will be shown.

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User Authorization

This system have been divided the level user into 3 groups.

1. Admin

2. Checker

3. Perparer

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The menu is the master information of this system which able to setup by Admin

only and viewing have been allowed for other level.

File Preparation rules for upload TB

The system will be accepted only Excel file for loading and have the rules as this


1. File name format is Company short name and Operation short name and

current year.

Ex : lrhho2011

Only for Admin

user level


Operation Year

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2. Sheets name, the meaning of sheet name is the period

Ex : if current period is November that you want to load, the sheet name will

be 11

3. Fixed column on Worksheet

A1: specify text “ACC”

B1: specify text “Description”

C1: specify text “Dr”

D1: specify text “Cr”

C2: specify Number

D2: specify Number

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Upload T/B file

1. You click menu “Upload TB”(Figure1)

Figure 1

2. Upload T/B page will be shown (Figure2)

Figure 2

3. Select Year, Period, Company and Operation.

4. Click the Browse button for selecting your file.

5. Click the load button for upload your file, the system will be checked the

validation of preparation rules. If invalid system will be rejected your loading.

Do not match

the criterions.

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6. If validations were passed, the system will be shown the next page as figure 3

Figure 3

7. The system have been checked the mapping account. If found any dis-map

,the dis-map must be completed before import to database.

How to map account

A. Select T/B :

B. Select STD :

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C. When you selected T/B and STD,you click button “Map to T/B”

D. Mapping message will be shown (figure 4) and change color in the

table (figure 5)

8. When your file have map,you click button “Import to database”

9. The importing complete (Figure 6)

Figure 6

Figure 4

Figure 5

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Mapping The menu is the function about the mapping account record.

Mapping Edit is function to edit the mapping account record which will be

corrected the only pair of selected account and the loaded T/B transaction do not


Figure 7

1. Choose the company , operation and operation account for editing(Figure 8)

Figure 8

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2. Click button “Edit” to select the new mapping standard account (Figure 9)

Figure 9

3. Click button “Save” to confirm the new mapping account, the message “Edit Mapping

complete” will be shown (Figure10)

Figure 10

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Re Map Standard Account is function to re-map the paired with the current

mapping table into loaded TB database that you have selected.

1. Choose Year, Period, company, operation and operation for editing(Figure 11)

Figure 11

2. Click button “Save”, the message “Remap Complete” will be shown (Figure


Figure 12

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Eliminate The system provide this menu for your T/B adjustment which you also can import

elim transaction or elim transaction data entry (will be launched later).

File preparation rules for upload Elim Operation level

1. Format File Name is “Elim” and company short name and operation short

name and current year.

Ex: Elimlrhho2011

2. Sheets name, the meaning of sheet name is the period

Ex : if current period is November that you want to load, the sheet name will

be 11

3. Fixed column on Worksheet

A1: specify text “No.”

B1: specify text “OPTACC”

C1: specify text “OPTDESC”

D1: specify text “STDACC”

E1: specify text “STDDESC”

F1: specify text “Dr”

G1: specify text “Cr”




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F2: specify Number

G2: specify Number

4. Detail of column on worksheet.

4.1 No. is number batch of your elim transaction that will be loaded.

4.2 OPTACC is selected operation account code that you want to adjust, if you

select to entry the operation account code the standard account do not


4.3 In case of operation account code do not support for your adjustment you

able to select the standard account instead.

4.4 In the total batch line (green line) at column “C” is the batch description.

4.5 If Dr and Cr of the batch is zero the system will be skip to load that batch.

Import Elim

You must enter either the operation account or standard Account

When end batch, you must enter description of batch in the column C

You must enter batch number in the column A

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Figure 13

1. Select Elim Level, Years, period, company and Operation.

2. Click Browse button for select your file for upload.

3. Click load button for process.

4. After upload file,the information was showed as the follow (figure 14)

Figure 14

5. Click button “Import to database ”(Figure 15)

Elim Transaction Listing

Figure 15

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o Elim Transaction Listing Operation Level

o Elim Transaction Listing Company Level

o Elim Transaction Listing By Standard A/C

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Reports the system have provided the financial reports.

Month closing is the function for confirmation the final financial report.

1. Select year, period, company and operation that you want to close.

2. Click the Lock check box on.

3. Click save to lock.

4. Unlock process require the up level of user.

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Preparation for Elim Company level


A1: specify text “No.”

B1: specify text “OptName”

C1: specify text “OPTACC”

D1: specify text “OPTDESC”

E1: specify text “STDACC”

F1: specify text “STDDESC”

G1: specify text “Dr”

H1: specify text “Cr”

G2: specify Number

H2: specify Number

Format File Name: Elimlrh2011

Sheet Name: 10 (01, 02, 03) <- Period



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You must enter either the operation account or standard Account

When end batch, you must enter description of batch in the column D

You must enter batch number in the column A

You must enter Operation Name in the column B

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RPT Part

How to create new transaction

1. Select Menu RPT > RPT Setup

2. Select Tab “Transaction”

3. Entry Information of Transaction


Note * You need entry information because the system cannot record list.

Payee Company Company of payee

Payee Operation Operation of payee

Payer Company Company of payer

Payer Operation Operation of payer

Contract No. Number of Document

Currency Currency of transaction

PricePolicy PricePolicy of transaction

Type of transaction Type of transaction

Group Group of transaction

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Detail Detail of transaction

Remark Remark of transaction

Monthly Price Default of transaction

Valuation Valuation of transaction

Start Date Start Date of information

End Date End Date of information

New agreement New agreement of information

Active Transaction

Copy payee to payer Copy payee amount to payer amount

4. When you done information of transaction,you click button “Save”

5. Show message “Create New transaction complete”

6. If you want new transaction, you click button “Clear”. You do 1-5 steps again.

How to edit transaction

1. Select Menu RPT > RPT Setup

2. Select Tab “Transaction List”

3. You select parameter

4. When you done select parameter, you click button “View report”

5. You select list from Colum “RPTID”( red border)

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6. When you select list, your select send to page transaction for editing.

7. When you done information of transaction,you click button “Save”

8. Show message “Save transaction complete”

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How to Entry transaction by Quarter

1. Select Menu RPT > Entry

2. Choose Payee or Payer

3. Select Year, period, Company and operation.

4. When you selected filter, you click button “Call”. (You want to report . you click link ”Report”)

5. When you done value of transantion by quarter, you click button “Save”.

6. Show message “Save complete”.

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How to Reconciliation

How to first

1. Select Menu RPT > Reconciliation

2. Select Filter Year, Period, Company and Operation

3. When you selected Filter, you click button “Search”.

4. The difference amount over 100,000 wil show in the table.

5. You can select the list will do reconciliation. When you clicked link “Select”, the system will

show information.

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6. Entry information of Reconiliation, when you done Reconiliation, you click button “Add

Reconiliation list” (button “Add Reconiliation list” save in the database now)

How to second

1. Select Menu RPT > Entry

2. Choose Payee or Payer

3. Select Year, period, Company and operation.

4. When you selected filter, you click link “Report”.

5. The system will show report and The difference amount over 100,000 is red

List Type of Reconiliation

Amount of Reconiliation

Reasons of Reconiliation

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6. You can click the list will do reconciliation. When you clicked amount of payer (green

border), the system will show information.

7. Entry information of Reconiliation, when you done Reconiliation, you click button “Add

Reconiliation list” (button “Add Reconiliation list” save in the database now)

Amount of Reconiliation

Reasons of Reconiliation

List Type of Reconiliation