Mapp v. Ohio



Mapp v. Ohio. Evidence seized illegally can’t be used in state courts. Gideon v. Wainwright. All citizens have a right to free counsel if they cannot afford it. Miranda v Arizona. Police must inform suspects of their rights at time of arrest - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mapp v. Ohio

• Evidence seized illegally can’t be used in state courts

Gideon v. Wainwright

• All citizens have a right to free counsel if they cannot afford it

Miranda v Arizona

• Police must inform suspects of their rights at time of arrest

• May not interrogate suspects who invoke their rights

LBJ’s “Great Society

• LBJ- JFK’s Vice President• Wins 1964 election v. Barry Goldwater–

Is it the job of the Federal Government to try to END poverty?

• If no, why not?

• If yes, how? Give examples of how government action might end it…

President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) and the Great Society

• Great Society: Name for Johnson’s Domestic Program (1964- 1967 )

• After 1964 victory, LBJ declares “WAR ON POVERTY”


• Economic Opportunity Act– HEAD START- $ for low income pre-schoolers– PROJECT UPWARD BOUND_- $ to assist low-income high schoolers to

attend college– JOB CORPS_- vocational training for high school dropouts

• VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America)– Like a “PEACE CORPS_” for poor rural areas of America

• Secondary and Elementary Education Act– 1st time significant federal $ to EDUCATION_

• Medicare:- – Health insurance and care to those Americans 65+__

• Medicaid-– states given $ to pay for THE NEEDY’S medical care

• Department of Housing and Urban Development– Improve housing and aid economic development in INNER CITIES

• Food Stamp Program– Assistance to low income families to PURCHASE FOOD_

Underline 2 key arguments from each side…. Was the Great Society a success or failure?


Gerald Ford- 1974- 1976 • Pardon of Nixon • After taking office following Nixon’s resignation

(Watergate), Ford decides to grant Nixon a presidential pardon so the country could move on.

• Economic Problems- INFLATION• 1973- • OPEC places an oil embargo on U.S. for supporting

______ in the Middle East• Price of gas and oil QUADRUPLE_• Inflation: to 10%• Worst economic recession since GREAT DEPRESSION

Jimmy Carter (1977- 1980) (DOMESTIC ISSUES)

• Economic Problems continue- “STAGFLATION”• STAGFLATION= INFLATION + HI

UNEMPLOYMENT– horrible economy cripples Carter’s administration

• Energy Crisis• America imports 40% of oil; Carter’s solution:– TAX on gas guzzlers– TAX BREAKS for alternate energy sources (nuclear)

Ronald Reagan (1981- 1988) (DOMESTIC ISSUES)

• REAGANOMICS: nickname for “supply side” economic policy

• LOWER taxes on individuals and businesses– increase investment in businesses and production,

increasing the supply of goods and stemming inflation– “pro big business”- reduce regulations on big business– make large cuts in the government

• Great Society Programs• Environmental Protection Agency


George HW Bush (1989-1992)

• Persian Gulf War • August 1990- IRAQ invades oil rich Kuwait• Operation DESERT STORM– UN condemns….– January and February 1991– 500,000 troops sent into Saudi Arabia– Iraq accepts all UN demands

• Poor Economy- loss in 1992 election

William Clinton (1993- 2000)1992- NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)• US, Canada and Mexico agree to break down TRADE


Failure at Health Care Reform:• 1993- Clinton tries to institute a health care plan to insure all

Americans• it fails- rising price of health care still a major issue todayScandal and Impeachment• 1998- the HOUSE OF REPSimpeaches Clinton on charges of

perjury and obstruction of justice• the Senate acquits him• Economic Prosperity• 1990s- longest period of economic growth in US history

George W Bush (2001- 2008)

• Election of 2000• Bush beats Al Gore, but loses the POPULAR VOTE_ vote (2nd time

in history)• In FL, the Supreme Court orders a stop to the recount of votes

(1st time SC intervenes in an election)• impacts of 9/11 :• aid in the overthrow of the Taliban in Afghanistan• Operation Iraqi Freedom- rid Iraq of WMD

– WMD never found– “Mission Accomplished” in 2003; War doesn’t end until 2011

• creation of the Department of HOMELAND Security• Patriot Act- reduces in law enforcement agencies' gathering of

intelligence within the United States
