March 1, 2011 Daily Kent Stater



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DAILY KENT STATERTuesday, March 1, 2011 • the independent student newspaper of Kent State University • Weather: Sunny, HI 39, LO 28

ANTHONY VENCE | DAILY KENT STATERmaureen mcFarland, College of technology professor, is being deployed to Bahrain, a small island off the coast of Saudi Arabia, in April.

Water Street will be reduced to one lane in each direction between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. March 1 and 2 to allow for underground utility work, according to a press release from Eugene Roberts, director of public service.

Traffic delays are expected, and motorists are asked to avoid the area if possible and allow for additional travel time to their destination.

For further information, residents can contact the Department of Public Service at 330-678-8105.

— Allison Smith, city editor

Water Street construction to cause traffic delays

Bill currently proposes to eliminate collective bargaining rights for Ohio public employees


Daily Kent Stater

Kent State professors wrote let-ters, organized and protested last week against a proposed bill in the Ohio legislature that would dra-matically alter collective bargaining rights for all state employees.

The bill, called Senate Bill 5, origi-

nally eliminated collective bargain-ing for some public employees, like Kent State professors, and limited the ability to bargain for others, like local government workers.

“SB-5 affects any public employ-ee in the state of Ohio in terms of col-lective bargaining rights,” said Rob-ert Miltner, Kent State Stark English professor. “Regardless of what par-ticular job your union is organized around, we’re all being affected by this bill.”

Public and private unions, along with their supporters, responded to the bill’s proposal by holding sev-eral rallies at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus. Kent State faculty mem-bers, including Miltner, attended a rally at the Canton Civic Center

where Gov. John Kasich spoke at the annual Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce Dinner Feb. 22.

On Feb. 23, Senate President Tom Niehaus announced at a press conference that SB-5 was modi-fied to allow bargaining on wages, but would still not permit public employees to strike.

“We are working on an alter-native that would allow them to take their concerns to a third party and then make a decision through that process,” Niehaus said. But, he added, “it will not be binding arbitration.”

Tracy Laux, non-tenure track fac-ulty union representative for Kent State, said despite the changes, SB-5 is still unacceptable.

“This is not collective bargaining, this is collective bargain,” Laux said. “It is not about money. There are so many other things that go into the work life of a faculty member. Mon-ey isn’t all there is.”

He said the amendment implies that money is the only working con-dition state employees would want to negotiate on.

“The bill as initially written is an attack on public unions in Ohio, and the amended SB-5 is an attack on public unions in Ohio,” Laux said.

Here’s a look at some of the issues still being debated.

PROFESSOR FLIGHTKara Robinson, tenure track

faculty union representative, and

Laux both said they thought it was a real possibility that profes-sors would leave Kent State for universities in other states that are more favorable to unions.

Another possibility would be that the best and brightest new professors would never come to Ohio in the first place, Laux said. They would simply choose to go elsewhere.

”I know of at least one mem-ber of my unit who fled a state because they did not have collec-tive bargaining for their faculty,” Robinson said. “They came here to Kent State because we did.”

Miltner said he agreed with Robinson and Laux and could see a situation where younger profes-

sors, who are not tied to Ohio or Kent State, could decide to leave.

“What do you as a student want?” Miltner asked. “Do you want the best faculty member or do you want the least expensive?”

But Kasich, speaking at a press conference prior to the Feb. 22 dinner, said he believes the bill will encourage compa-nies to come to Ohio and create jobs. He said businesses have fled the state over the last 10 years, resulting in Ohio losing over 600,000 jobs to surrounding states because of the high costs associated with doing business.

Senate Bill 5 creates tension between legislators, professors

See BILL, Page 4

Gov. John Kasich announced Monday he has appointed James Petro as the new chancellor for the Ohio Board of Regents.

The appointment comes six days after former Chancellor Eric Fingerhut announced he would be stepping down from the posi-tion. Fingerhut, who was appoint-ed to the chancellor position in 2007 by former Gov. Ted Strick-land, will officially step down March 13. Kasich’s appointee, Petro, will take office the next day.

“I look forward to working with Mr. Petro to transition the critical work of growing Ohio’s higher education network to keep our state competitive in the knowledge economy,” Fingerhut said in a statement on the Univer-sity System of Ohio’s website.

Petro served as the Ohio Attorney General from 2003 to 2006, after serving as the state auditor for seven years prior. He

is a graduate of Denison Univer-sity and Case Western Reserve University School of Law.

“With this change in adminis-tration, there’ll be different possi-bilities for the university,” Provost Robert Frank said in an interview last week. “We remain interested in finding ways, depending on how the budget crisis turns out and how profound the impact, that we still have a very signifi-cant deferred maintenance prob-lem on this campus. And at some point we have to address that, and we’re eager to work with the new chancellor to find ways to con-sider that.”

The Ohio Board of Regents governs the 14 universities, 24 branch campuses and 23 com-munity colleges that make up the University System of Ohio.

— Josh Johnston, managing editor

Kasich appoints Petroto Board of Regents

Family and faculty wish good luck to the director of aeronautics


Daily Kent Stater

Every day since 2004, Maureen McFarland comes to school as the director of the aeronautics depart-ment, but she waits for the call.

“I enjoy my time here,” she said. “My job is important to me, and it’s important to the people around me.”

She waits for the call.Maureen McFarland helps stu-

dents find the right classes, which helps the advisers in the College of

Technology stay at ease.She waits for the call.After school, she goes home

to take care of her special-needs brother, Adam, who has cerebral palsy and is cognitively impaired.

She waits for the call.Last November, Maureen

McFarland got the call. Serving in the Marine Corps since 1996, she knew her deployment to serve her country would come someday. She got the call from a major who told her she would be deployed in April and will need to take a leave of absence for one year.

“I am being shipped to Bahrain (an island off the coast of Saudi Ara-bia),” Maureen McFarland said.

She said there are many Army and Marine Corps bases on this island to help troops train and pre-pare for combat. Being there twice

before to enforce NATO sanctions against Iraq, called the “no-fly zone,” Maureen McFarland said she knows what she’s getting her-self into.

“It’s my time. They’re starting to involuntarily mobilize certain indi-viduals being deployed in support for Operation Enduring Freedom, and my last deployment was 2002,” she said. “Unless you’ve been deployed in the last five years, your name comes up, and they ship you off in support of the War on Terror.”

Isaac Richmond Nettey, asso-ciate dean in the College of Tech-nology, said Maureen McFarland has her schedule planned out for her future absence. Nettey hired her back in 2004 when she returned from active duty.

Professor prepares for deployment

See DEPLOY, Page 4

MATT HAFLEY | DAILY KENT STATERDarrell Hazell, Kent State’s Head Football Coach, answers questions from students and members of the community during his open meeting on monday.


Students’ financial burden could beincreased by $845


Daily Kent Stater

Republicans want to cut Pell Grants by 15 percent. President Obama wants to keep them at their current level.

T h a t ’ s a b o u t a n $ 8 4 5 decrease for the 30 percent of

Kent State main campus stu-dents and 70 percent of region-al campus students who receive Pell Grant aid.

“Were there to be a reduction in Pell Grants, it would be but a new financial burden for stu-dents that the state and the feds would be imposing,” President Lester Lefton said.

The Pell Grants given to Kent State students have increased from $32.7 million for the 2008-2009 school year to $70.3 million for the 2010-2011 school year.

Republicans and Obama disagree about Pell Grants

See GRANTS, Page 2


Page 2 | Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Daily Kent Stater

will be a good opportunity for him.“I am excited that I have the opportunity

to help shape the future for what I see as a truly remarkable institution,” Chandler said in a Kennesaw State press release.

Daniel Papp, Kennesaw State president, announced the selection of Chandler as the new provost Friday.

Chandler was chosen over 102 quali-fied applicants.

“Dr. Chandler is an accomplished professor, researcher and administrator who engages students and works col-laboratively with faculty and staff,” Papp

wrote in an e-mail. “He is also a leader who has extensive experience in helping to ensure pro-fessional success for faculty and academic success for students. These are all things that we are working on at Kennesaw State.”

Martin said he doesn’t think the university will

be able to find someone who can step into the position of associate provost with the same level of expertise as Chandler has.

Chandler, who will start at Kennesaw July 11, said he hopes the transition will be smooth.

“It is a privilege for me to joining Kennesaw State,” Chandler said in the press release.

Brittni Williams is an academics reporter.

GAURAV PAHOUJAPahouja wants to serve the needs of

the everyone in the city of Kent.He is a sophomore

integrated life sci-ences major, and one of 35 selected to be in the B.S./M.D. pro-gram. Pahouja said this means he will attend Kent State for two years, includ-ing summers, and then goes to medical school, so he wants to meet as many people as he can in that short time.

Pahouja is running for senator of the Honors College.

He hopes to extend a hand to the community outside of the university, along with accommodating faculty and students.

Pahouja also wants to connect hon-ors students and spread the word of Honors College events to the univer-sity through meetings and socials.

“I would want to be involved with everybody in Kent,” he said.

When petitioning for his candidacy, Pahouja said he met much of the Hon-ors College, which helped him meet more of his peers.

“That is the majority of the voting population,” he said

As senator of the Honors College, Pahouja said he hopes to gain skills that will enhance his future.

“I know that leadership is an asset

that I need for my future career,” he said.

ADRIA TROYERTroyer wants to bring students

together. Troyer is a sopho-

more political science major running for senator of the Hon-ors College.

She has no USG experience, but Troy-er is involved in her sorority, Alpha Xi Delta, serving as Risk Management Chair, also known as the chapter life chair.

Troyer said she will focus on stu-dents in the honors program and bring prospective students into the college.

“I want to unify the Honors College and make people more aware that we have an Honors College,” she said.

To help people come to the Honors College, Troyer wants to start a scholar-ship program. She said with the rising tuition she wants to make it easier for qualified students to attend college.

Troyer wants to show off what hon-ors students do by displaying their art or holding a talent show.

“There’s some extreme talent in the Honors College,” she said. “I want to display that.”

Maranda Shrewsberry is a news correspondent

MIKAYLA FARRELLFarrell knows what

needs changed in her college.

She said she is close to many of the staff mem-bers, and she has heard students’ concerns.

Farrell, junior nurs-ing major, is running for senator for College of Nursing. She is cur-rently the director of business finance in USG and served on the allocations committee as a sophomore.

As director of business, Farrell said she had to work with about $200,000 in student fees and be sure the money went to the right place.

As senator for the College of Nurs-ing, Farrell hopes to continue the work of the college’s current senator, David Kanotz, who is leaving.

“I was hoping I could implement some of my own ideas and continue some of the ideas that he had been working on,” Farrell said.

In the College of Nursing, students can have the same teachers multiple times. Farrell said she hopes to hold socials to help the college become more connected.

Farrell wants to do the same with pre-majors and upperclassmen to help pre-pare incoming students for the program.

“(Students can) get to know them on a personal level rather than just an academic level,” Farrell said.



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DAILY KENT STATER240 Franklin Hall

Kent State UniversityKent, Ohio 44242

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Have an event you want to see here? Send it to by Thursday the week before.


n Coffee CornerWhen: 10 a.m.Where: Cyber Cafe

n h2o Church Prayer meetingWhen: 1 p.m.Where: Student Center Room 312

n Kent State Green Growers meetingWhen: 4:30 p.m.Where: Student Center Room 321

n Kent Interhall Council meetingWhen: 6 p.m.Where: Governance Chambers

n YogaWhen: 7:15 p.m.Where: Student Center Room 310

n Black United Students meetingWhen: 7:30 p.m.Where: Student Center Room 206

n Students of Scholarship meetingWhen: 8 p.m.Where: Student Center Room 309

The Daily Kent Stater recognizes the responsibility to correct errors that occur in the newspaper. When errors occur in the newspaper, corrections will appear in this space as promptly as possible.

The Undergraduate Student Government candidates will speak at the Rathskeller Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m.

Each candidate will present his or her platform and goals for the upcoming academic year. Candidates who have opponents will debate their platforms and have one minute to respond to one question from the opponent.

At the end of the forum, the audience is allowed to ask

USG candidates to debate on Tuesday


Daily Kent Stater

EDITOR’S NOTE: It’s that time of year again: Undergraduate Student Government elections. This week, the Daily Kent Stater will be running candidate profiles for the director and senator positions. The USG election is March 8. Students can vote then by logging onto their FlashLine accounts.

C.J. STEWARD Steward likes to be involved in

campus life. A junior biological anthropology

major who lives on campus, Steward said he hears the concerns of his peers.

Steward is running unopposed for senator for the College of Arts and Sci-ences, his first position in USG.

“This is my stepping stone to a higher position,” he said.

A self-described socialite, Steward said he hopes to be students’ go-to guy for their problems.

“Most people on campus don’t know anybody in USG,” he said. “They don’t know who to talk to.”

Steward said he wants to bring USG more notoriety and help students get more involved on campus.

“I feel like I can make a difference,” he said.

Candidates compete for senator positions




Authorities clear campus,evening classes resume


Daily Kent Stater

The Fine Arts Building at Kent State’s Stark campus was closed and classes were cancelled after a bomb threat was reported in the area early Monday afternoon.

The threat was reported at Stark State College, said Cynthia Williams, Kent State Stark public relations coordinator. Williams said the Fine Arts Building was closed because it’s near the main campus of Stark State.

“We decided to evacuate until the authorities had their campus cleared,” Wil-liams said.

According to its website, Stark State

Stark campus Arts buildingevacuated after bomb threat

Current members hope new improvements will grow co-op communityAllison

Daily Kent Stater

The Kent Natural Foods Co-op will be open later starting this week.

The co-op will be open until 8 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and until 6 p.m. on Sundays.

The store is extending the hours as an experiment to see if it will help improve sales, said Nancy Grim, Board of Trustees secretary and head of the personnel com-mittee. Customers have shown an interest in longer hours at the store, particularly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

“One of our members, actually, who is a staff member and who is a Kent State

New hours and student discount at the Kent Natural Foods Co-op

student, Ashley Hendricks, took a look at when the volume of sales was and which days,” Grim said. “We had a lot of peo-ple toward the end of the day, and those three days we had a lot of sales coming in right up to closing time.”

Grim said because people are there right until it closes, it looks like it would be a good idea to stay open later.

Jeff Ingram, produce and bulk buyer for the co-op, said the board will re-eval-uate in June when the experiment is over.

“We thought, well, if we extend our hours, will they just start coming at 7:30 and 8, or will this increase our chances to have more customers?” Ingram said.

Another new installation at the store is a student discount. Ingram said the discount began in January after the Board of Trustees meeting. It had been an idea for about three months before the members voted to make it official.

Grim said students have all of the same benefits as a member except the ability to vote and participate in the membership and board meetings.

Members get a 5 percent discount on

Senior associate provost leaving for Kennesaw State


Daily Kent Stater

Timothy Chandler, senior associate pro-vost, will be leaving Kent State at the end of the semester to become the provost and vice president for academic affairs at Kennesaw State University in Georgia.

Timothy Martin, associate vice president for academic budget and resource manage-ment, said Chandler will be missed as he takes the next step in his career.

“It’s a sad day for Kent State,” Martin said. “It’s a good move for Kennesaw State.”

Chandler said although he thinks it’s a good move, he will be leaving friends and a good community.

Martin said he will personally miss Chandler as well because he was a delight to work with.

Martin said he and Chandler had morn-ing conversations where Chandler would teach him academic affairs, and in return he would teach Chandler finance.

He said Chandler is very professional and is good at taking difficult issues and finding ways to work through them. Not all decisions are easy, but Chandler kept a sense of humor when working through issues.

Chandler said he believes the move south


Chandler accepts new job

every purchase, Grim said. If a member volunteers at the store, he or she gets an additional 1 percent discount for each hour volunteered in the previous month.

“We wanted to make it easier for students to be involved and to at least get the discount, which is available to members, “ Grim said. “But we couldn’t change the membership without chang-ing the bylaws.”

Under the bylaws, a customer must pay a $45 one-time fee for a lifetime membership. Grim said there’s been some interest in trying to go to a smaller annual fee or making the lifetime fee more expen-sive. But perhaps it’s too big for a student who is only around for a few years.

“I’m hoping that soon we’ll probably have a proposal at the next membership meeting which will probably be in June where we can change the bylaws and take a look at a different membership structure,” Grim said. “I would like to be more open to membership of people who are kind of short-timers in town.“

Allison Smith is the city editor.

was evacuated by authorities. The Fine Arts Building reopened at 4 p.m., and classes resumed at 5 p.m.

Another bomb threat was reported at Stark State last month that also called for evacuation of the Fine Arts Building at Kent’s branch campus.

Williams said an additional bomb threat was reported Saturday morning at Stark State. She said about 1,000 people evacuated the campus.

Officials at Kent State Stark gave stu-dents the opportunity to leave Saturday but did not close the campus, Williams said. She said given the time and day, there were few classes being held.

According to the Record Courier, this has been the fourth bomb threat at Stark State in a month.

Williams said she could not comment on whether the threats were related.

Stark County authorities could not be contacted.

—Brittney Trojanowski, news correspondent

Mark Evans, director of student financial aid, said this increase is a result of higher enrollment and a rise in students applying and qualifying for financial aid in the down economy. Other factors that increased Pell Grant spending were a new part of the law that allowed students to receive money for summer semesters and spending from the federal stimulus package.

“The Pell Grant program really is a foundation for a lot of students’ basic financial aid package,” Evans said. “It’s by far the largest grant program that schools across the country manage.”

From Page 1

GRANTSRepublicans and Obama disagree about pell grants

Students apply for the Pell Grant annually by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Kent State’s priority deadline for the FAFSA is March 1. The amount of grant money awarded to students is based on the number of enrollment hours a student takes and the estimat-ed family contribution of the student.

Lefton said he doubts President Obama will ever sign the Republicans’ proposed reduction.

“I think we will have another opportunity to ensure that Pell Grants are maintained at least at the current level,” Lefton said.

If the Pell Grant level is eventu-ally reduced, or other aid programs are cut for the sake of maintaining Pell Grants, the university would do its best to help students through the

financial aid process, Evans said.“Regardless of what happens to the

Pell Grant program, there are financial options for families to consider to pur-sue their educational goals,” Evans said.

Evans said enrollment wouldn’t necessarily decrease if Pell Grants were reduced.

“Some students who have been for-tunate to not have to borrow to date may consider borrowing,” Evans said. “Those students who have borrowed previously may possibly have to bor-row more money.”

Lefton said the university would do its best to work with students.

“While we’re committed to holding down tuition and creating access for as many folks as possible, this is going to be difficult,” Lefton said.

Julie Sickel is the administration reporter.

the candidates questions.“This is just one other way to show the student body

that there are students who are out there supporting them and working for their needs,” said Donna Carlton, assistant director of USG.

— Caitlin Restelli, student politics reporter.

Daily Kent Stater Tuesday, March 1, 2011 | Page 3


When most people hear about “homeopath-ic” medicine, they usually assume it’s roughly a synonym for naturopathic or herbal medicine, but that is far from the truth. Actually, homeop-athy is a very specific type of alternative medi-cine based on three bizarre principles, none of which are supported by scientific evidence.

“Homeopathy” comes from the Greek words “homeo,” which means “similar,” and “pathos,” which means “suffering.” The name represents homeopathy’s “Law of Similars.”

“The Law of Similars” proposes that any-thing causing a symptom in a healthy indi-vidual can cure a sick person displaying that same symptom. This is completely unfounded, of course, but when Samuel Hahnemann was making up homeopathy in 1796, it was consid-ered a novel approach to medicine.

Hahnemann came across the claim that the bark of the Cinchona tree could treat malaria. We now know that Cinchona bark contains the anti-malarial drug quinine. However, when Hahnemann tried administering it to himself, he found that it caused symptoms similar to those of malaria, and concluded that “like cures like.” From this single spurious association, Hahnemann projected a similar casual relation-ship on all illnesses.

Hahnemann began investigating which herbs, minerals and extracts would elicit symp-toms in healthy people, a process he called “proving.” After “proving” a substance, Hahne-mann made a highly dilute solution of it, which he administered to patients. Luckily for them,


ABOUT THE OPINION PAGEThe Stater hopes to encourage lively debate about the issues of the day on the Opinion Page. Opinions on this page are the authors’ and not necessarily en dorsed by the Stater or its editors. Readers are encouraged to participate through letters to the editor and guest columns. Submis-sions become pro perty of the Stater and may be edited for mechanics, Associated Press style and length without notice. Letters should not exceed 350 words, and guest columns should not exceed 550 words.

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Regina Garcia CanoEditor Josh Johnston Managing editor Rabab Al-Sharif Opinion editor

Laura LofgrenFeatures team leader/A.L.L. editorLydia CoutréAssigning editorHannah PotesAssistant photo editor



Cheering on the Flashes’ various athletic teams is a great way to be engaged in the university community, but it isn’t the only

way. While it’s important to support athletics, there are many other facets of the university community that are often overlooked.

Schools in the College of the Arts are constantly producing shows, concerts and galleries that students can attend.

Students can check out a variety of events in the Roe Green Center. From March 11-13, senior dance students are putting on the BFA Senior Dance Concert and Student Dance Festival. Or you could always see the Kent Dance Ensemble’s annual performance in the E. Turner Stump Theatre April 1-3.

Want something a little more Broad-way? A benefit for the Erdmann-Zucchero


Black Box Theatre is April 8 at 7:15 p.m. and will feature numbers from musicals.

Into drama? Check out “Hamlet” April 15-23. There are also some phenomenal student-directed lab shows.

If theater or dance isn’t your thing, you could always visit one of the art gal-leries that feature work from Kent State students. The School of Art Gallery hosts several exhibits throughout the semester, and the student annual juried exhibition is in the Art Building through March 16.

There are also exhibits in the Down-town Gallery located at 141 E. Main St. March 2-26.

If those events don’t strike your fancy, there’s a long list of concerts put on by the Hugh A. Glauser School of Music including the New Music Series and Stu-dent Composer Concert this month.

Yes, cheer on athletes, but artists could

use some support, too. Broaden your hori-zons. After all, Kent State is a liberal arts school working to produce cultured, well-rounded students.

What better way to do this than to sup-port the arts at Kent State?

The productions students put on are of high quality and are well worth the cost. Although it’s encouraged, you don’t have to go to an athletic event to engage in the campus community. There are plenty of other good options students should con-sider to support the Flashes.

The next time you are searching for a weekend plan, consider checking out some of the wonderful art the students of Kent State have to offer.

The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board whose

members are listed to the left.

Support both athletes and artists

We must protect the M.A.C. Center

On this day in 1932, in a crime that captured the attention of theentire nation, Charles Lindbergh III, the 20-month-old son of aviationhero Charles Lindbergh, is kidnapped from the family’s new mansion in Hopewell, New Jersey.


Hahnemann also believed that the more dilute a solution, the more effective it was.

In fact, Hahnemann developed the centesi-mal (C) scale for this purpose. A dilution of 1:100 is 1C, but to get a 2C dilution, you need to make a 1:100 dilution of a 1C solution, or a 1:10,000 dilution of the original substance. At 12C, it is likely that not one molecule of the original ingredient remains in solution, yet Hahnemann routinely recommended using 30C dilutions. Still worse, some modern-day homeopaths administer dilutions up to 200C. As a result, many homeopathic “remedies” are so extremely diluted that a person would need to ingest many times the mass of our galaxy to reliably consume just one molecule of its so-called “active” ingredient.

But homeopaths rationalize this blaring fact using their third principle, “dynamiza-tion.” Hahnemann thought that by shaking a dilution in a specific manner, you cause the active ingredient to somehow become imprinted on that solution. For example, he

thought that shaking a vial of water and a tiny amount of onion juice would cause the water to retain the “memory” of the juice long after all material traces of it were gone. However, as many skeptics have pointed out, homeopaths have not explained how water might retain the “memory” of a given active ingredient, yet forget all of the other unsavory substances it has come in contact with while traversing the oceans and sewers of the world.

Many large, well-controlled investigations into the efficacy of homeopathy have showed that homeopathic remedies are no more effective than a placebo. Despite this, you can still buy homeopathic treatments like Zicam, HeadOn and Oscillococcinum (a remedy for flu-like symptoms) at pharmacies across the country.

Recently, a group of science-based skeptics of homeopathy gathered across the United King-dom to participate in a mass homeopathic “over-dose.” The demonstration was organized by the 10:23 campaign in an attempt to educate the public about homeopathy and bring attention to the fact that their National Health Service wastes £4 million annually on homeopathy.

Homeopathy is based on dangerous and com-pletely unfounded assumptions about the way the world works, but I think the 10:23 campaign’s slogan does a good job summing things up: Homeopathy — there’s nothing to it!

Daniel Sprockett is a researcher in the KSU Department of Anthropology and a

columnist at the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at

SUMMARY: Kent State is always pushing students to support the school’s athletic teams. We think the music, dance, theater and art students could use the support too.

“Man must feel the earth to know him-self and recognize his values... God made life simple. It is man who complicates it.”

—Charles Lindbergh

Daniel Sprockett

Homeopathy: dilutions and delusions

Jody Michael

Do you have plans for this Friday night? Cancel them. Reschedule them. Delay them. Adjust your plans somehow because you have something more important to do.

Kent State students have an unspoken responsibility to uphold the fact that this university is way better than the University of Akron will ever be. I realize that is an opinion, not a fact, but we need to be so sure of our superiority that it feels like fact. Actually, in many ways, it is ranked Kent State, not Akron, as one of the nation’s four best visual com-munication design schools. Which school ranked better in U.S. News and World Report’s list of 361 total undergraduate business programs? Kent State is 159th; Akron is 184th.

In a less-mainstream study, Trojan Brand Condoms ranks the sexual health resources of American colleges and universities. Out of 141 schools, Kent State is 46th; Akron is 105th. But reports like these don’t make nation-al television. Basketball games do, and Akron and Kent State face off at the M.A.C. Center this Friday night at 7 p.m. for an ESPN2 audience.

All of you need to be in atten-dance to show support for the Flash-es. Unfortunately, that has been a problem lately.

Last season, the average atten-dance at a home men’s basketball game was 3,576. So far this sea-son, it has dropped to 3,210. That 366-person decrease is very notice-able in an arena that seats just 6,327 — and notice how this sea-son’s average attendance is barely half the arena’s capacity.

The worst possible game for few-er Kent State fans to attend would be the Akron game. Every seat a Flashes fan doesn’t fill is another seat for an Akron student who needs to drive just 12 miles (and avoid Akron’s increasing gang activity) to invade our campus, assuming he or she can

understand driving directions.On Jan 8, 5,019 people packed

into Akron’s James A. Rhodes Arena — named after the gover-nor responsible for the National Guard’s killing of four innocent Kent State students on May 4, 1970 — to watch the Zips beat the Flashes 65-62.

An overwhelming majority of those in attendance were Akron students or fans. This includes the self-proclaimed “AK-Rowdies” student section, known for wear-ing ridiculously stupid costumes and their occasional defacement of Kent State property. Nonethe-less, Akron understands home-court advantage.We cannot let them infiltrate the M.A.C. Center en masse this Friday. We have a commitment to pack the build-ing with 6,327 loyal and loving Flashes fans.

Our team is fighting for anoth-er conference championship. It’s time to assist these players with a rabid fan base to motivate them and applaud their success.

So this Friday, grab your gold T-shirt and FlashCard, call all your friends and get to the M.A.C. Center early to grab a good seat. You owe it to this team and this university to show ESPN2 what we already know: We are way better than Akron.

Jody Michael is a sophomore broadcast journalism major and

columnist for the Daily Kent Stater.

Page 4 | Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Daily Kent Stater

POLICE BLOTTERThe blotter is a record of charges

filed by the police. The listings do not represent convictions or reflect guilt. It is the Daily Kent Stater’s policy to publish on-campus and off-campus arrests, charges and incidents of interest to the public.

CITY fRIdaYn Christopher E. Reed, 49, of Kent, was arrested for driving without a license in the 1200 block of Spruce Court.

saTuRdaYn William A. Lewis, 56, of Kent, was arrested for drunken driving in the 500 block of Fairchild Avenue.

n Shane M. Kantsis, 18, of East Pal-estine, was arrested for underage drinking in the 300 block of East Main Street.

sundaYn Shawn P. Thomas, 19, of Wad-sworth, was arrested for underage drinking at the 300 block of South Water Street.

n Christopher M. Parker, 24, of Stow, was arrested for drunken driving and no headlight at the intersection of West Main Street and Kent Road.

n Scott M. Taylor, 20, of North Roy-alton, was arrested for underage

drinking at the 800 block of East Main Street.

n Tricyn A. Huntsman, 25, of Navarre, was arrested for drunken driving at the 100 block of South Depey-ster Street.

n Amber E. Chamlis, 24, of Ravenna, was arrested for drunken driving and no headlight at the 500 block of South Water Street.

CaMPusfRIdaYn Paul E. Eakin, 18, of Parma Heights, was cited for underage drinking at Fletcher Hall.

n Valerie A. Spies, 19, of Parma, was cited for underage drinking at Fletcher Hall.

n Robert J. Kline, 18, of Parma, was cited for underage drinking at Fletcher Hall.

n Adam G. Reis, 18, of Verona, Pa., was cited for underage drinking at Korb Hall.

n Andrew J. Foster, 19, of Pittsburgh, Pa., was cited for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia at Korb Hall.

saTuRdaYn Daniel J. Hronek, 19, of Parma, was cited for possession of mari-juana at the Music and Speech parking lot.

n Rebecca N. Boyd, 19, of Cranberry Township, Pa., was cited for underage drinking at the Music and Speech parking lot.

n James J. Boyd, 24, of Cranberry Township, Pa., was cited for pos-session of marijuana at the Music and Speech parking lot.

n Theodis L. Long, 21, of Cleveland, was cited for possession of mari-juana at Centennial Court E.

n Samuel L. Worthington, 19, of Man-sfield, was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia at C Sci-ence parking lot.

n Kaitlyn R. Price, 19, of New Phila-delphia, was cited for underage drinking at Koonce Hall.

n Emily T. Berger, 18, of Bloomfield, was cited for underage drinking at Koonce Hall.

sundaYn Joseph D. Boscarello, 21, of Strongs-ville, was cited for disorderly conduct at Centennial Court A.

n Gary R. Volk Jr., 21, of North Ridgville, was cited for disorderly conduct at Centennial Court A.

MOndaYn Kara N. Jackson, 21, of Hartville, was cited for possession of mari-juana at the Music and Speech parking lot.


Daily Kent Stater

Starting with high energy is crucial for the Kent State men’s basketball team.

The Flashes (19-10, 10-4 Mid-American Conference) travel to face Bowling Green (12-17, 7-7 MAC) at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.

With their previous conference losses to Miami and Ohio stem-ming from sluggish starts, Kent State coach Geno Ford said the team must start showing more energy early in the game.

Saturday’s 88-87 overtime loss to Ohio at the M.A.C. Center was hard to swallow, but fans nearly choked when the Flashes were down by 14 at the half.

“We’re not going to go on the road and beat anybody if we do that,” Ford said. “We have to come to play Tuesday. There’s nothing left to do but play better.”

Ford said the team has the men-tal toughness to withstand the effects of the four-month season, but fatigue is starting to make its presence known.

Even during a 72-69 win over Buffalo on Feb. 24, the team looked tired.

“I went in to give the pre-game talk, and it looked like I was talk-ing to zombies,” Ford said. “Guys just had glazed-over eyes.”

Senior guard Rod Sherman agreed that slow starts have been hindering the Flashes. And while the team’s four-game road series did end Feb. 18, it left a mark on the players.

“Everybody’s still feeling it,” Sherman said. “I’ve never done anything like that before. We felt like an NBA team for a little bit. It’s like hotel here, bus here, plane here, different state — it was tough, but we have to suck it up.”

The team has emphasized rest-ing while staying focused to finish the final two games of the regular season with wins.

If the Flashes claim a second MAC regular season championship in a row, they will be the first team in the conference to do so in 20 years.

Men’s basketball team looks to stop slow starts against Bowling Green

But they won’t be able to do that if they don’t bring a lot of energy to the first half.

Just by looking at a player’s face, Ford said one can tell if he’s tired. But it’s up to the player if he wants to play like he’s tired.

“The human body is an amaz-ing thing, especially for young guys who are competitors,” Ford said. “You’re going to feel the way you think. If you think you’re tired, you’re going to be tired. If you think you’re energetic, you’re

going to be energetic.”If the players think they are

energetic and can secure another conference win, the team will be increase its MAC East standing. Kent is currently tied with Miami for first place.

“We’ve got ourselves in first with the same roster,” Ford said. “Now, we just have to play well enough to win it.”

Rachel Jones is the men’s basketball reporter.

“What I’m trying to do is to make sure that we put a package together that can reduce the cost of job cre-ation in the state,” Kasich said.

BudGET dEfICITKasich said Ohio faces an $8

billion deficit, and SB-5 would allow the state to reduce costs because it would give Ohio the ability to set prices and contribu-tion levels for things like health care and pensions.

“Now, I can’t speak about every individual issue in this package,” Kasich said. “But I am going to be introducing a budget on March 15 that is going to restructure this state, and this is just one item in the over-all restructuring.”

But Robinson said she has a hard time accepting that the bud-get is their primary concern.

“This is about collective bargain-ing; this is not a budget bill,” Robin-son said. “This is not an attempt to fix a hole. If you were to fire every public employee in the state you would still have a $6 billion deficit.”

She said the bill will have unin-tended economic consequences for the state.

“That takes a lot of disposable income away from us, so we’ll stop going to stores and spending, we’ll stop hiring independent people to fix our plumbing,” Robinson said.

HEaLTH CaRESB-5 would also create a pub-

lic board that would decide on the health care plan for all state employ-ees and determine what their contri-bution would be. Public employees would be barred from collectively negotiating for health care.

“I think they have a fear that somehow they are going to lose their pension; that’s not what this bill is about,” Kasich said. “This is about restoring a balance so that employees can bargain over things like their wages, but when it comes to preserving pensions or health care that’s something we think management ought to control.”

Robinson said in the past Presi-dent Lester Lefton has supported domestic partnership benefits, but a state health care board for public employees could decide to eliminate them. Robinson and Laux said they worry that even if domestic partnership benefits were something Kent State want-ed to offer their employees, they wouldn’t be allowed to anymore.

In 2009, Kent State began offer-ing domestic partner benefits to all its employees who resided together and had been in a relationship for six months or more. Robinson said that originally it was part of the tenure-track union negotiations. After the professors became eligi-ble for the benefits, the university extended them to all employees.

“When the tenure-track negoti-ate, we don’t negotiate for people outside of our bargaining unit but there is an impact,” Robinson said.

She said she is also concerned

that allowing a board at the state level to dictate employee health benefits would end up hurting civil service employees at Kent State.

“The last time around we agreed to pay more in health care,” Robinson said. “It affected everybody else at the university because everybody ended up pay-ing more in health care.”

She said the civil service employees, like maintenance workers, would be hurt the most because they earn lower wages.

“It can be a pretty devastat-ing impact on those individuals,” Robinson said.

But Kasich said government employees have paid, on average, about 9 percent of their health care costs, while their counterparts in the private sector have paid about 23 percent. He said those addition-al costs are unsustainable given the current budget deficit.

“The people that are paying these bills, the taxpayers, need to be treated fairly,” Kasich said.

Laux said despite all the modi-fications to the bill and assurances by the governor, he will continue to oppose SB-5, and he is some-what hopeful that they may be able to stop its passage.

“We have made concessions in the past, and we will make them in the future for the betterment of Kent State and Ohio,” Laux said. “But they need to bring these issues to the bargaining table, not remove it.”

Anna Staver is an enterprise reporter.

From Page 1

BILLSenate Bill 5 creates tension between legislators...

“She has made effective arrangements to have the rest of her class delivered through dis-tance education,” Nettey said. “So even though she’s leaving in the middle of the semester, it will not be too much of a disruption.”

Maj. Bron Roeder, the man who called Maureen McFar-land, said she will be serving on the Marcent staff, which is the Marine Corps central command staff. Marcent is a U.S. Central Command service responsible for a wide range of operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

“I can’t go into specifics because it’s classified,” Roeder said. “But for civilians to know, she will be the assistant logistics officer for that area of operation.”

Walter McFarland, a retiree from the Marines and Maureen’s father, said he never wanted his daughter to join the Marines, but he is proud

of the dedication she represents for herself and her family.

“She’s very dedicated,” Wal-ter McFarland said. “How I feel about it is, you know when your kids are growing up, you seem to think you have some control, but once they get into a situation like this, it’s totally out of your control, and you worry about it.”

Maureen McFarland’s sister, Leigh Sarfati, a director of special education at Oakland University, said unlike with her brother, who served in the Gulf War in 1991, communication with her sister will be much easier because of better technology.

“When my brother was sta-tioned overseas during the Gulf War, we had absolutely no con-tact with him for three months,” Sarfati said. “It was really scary and disturbing, but with Mau-reen, even though we’ll miss her, of course, we’ll have much more communication with her, and that will put us all at ease.”

Lawrence Epps, an academic adviser for the College of Tech-nology, said he works with Mau-

reen McFarland on a daily basis in regards to student affairs and recruiting matters, along with many policies.

“She wi l l def in i te ly be missed by many people,” Epps said. “She has a huge variety of professionalism, especially with her military background.” “You know, this college is male-dominated, and her being the director in a field, which is male-dominated, I think is very important. She brings visibility to the program, and I think her female students in the program can really appreciate that.”

With the many goodbyes she’ll give to her family, faculty and friends, Maureen McFarland said everyone is in support of her future absence, and she can’t wait to come back to work when she gets back next year.

“I’m thankful my family understands what I need to do,” Maureen McFarland said. “They know when Uncle Sam says,‘you gotta go,’ you go.”

Seth Cohen is the College of Technology reporter.

From Page 1


Kent State’s guard, Rodriquez Sherman, tries for two points against Ohio University at the M.A.C. Center on Saturday. Ohio University went on to win 88-87 in overtime, putting Kent in a first place tie with Miami for the Mid-American Conference East Division.

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For information about placing a Display ad please call our offices at 330-672-2586 or visit us at 205 Franklin Hall, Kent State University. Our office hours are from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

By Nancy Black

Today’s Birthday (03/01/11) The year ahead promises renewal. Keep what works, and let go of what doesn’t. Be cautious with your expenses. You can renew without spending much. Bal-ance planning for the future with staying present in the moment.

To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21–April 19) Today is a 7 — There’s a time to be nurturing with your friends, and a time to be alone and focus on yourself. You can have both. Trust your instincts.

Taurus (April 20–May 20) Today is a 7 — Express the love you have for your community. It’s a good time to plan a neighborhood garden ex-change or block party. Embrace change: It brings you luck.

Gemini (May 21–June 21)Today is a 7 — Love is triumphant again. It’s time for an expedition to a faraway land, or to your artistic side. Paint, draw, play with colors, even if unsure. Explore.

Cancer (June 22–July 22) Today is a 7 — Be thankful for what you’ve got. The end of one idea can represent the birth of another. Clear your thoughts with some quiet time. It all works out.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22) Today is a 9 — Accepting other people’s differences allows for amazing partner-ship. There’s always something to learn. Pay attention to your surroundings to chart the terrain.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Today is an 8 — Love is the game and the prize. Work also holds both the game and the prize. Learn to balance both today. Friends are impressed by this and admire you.

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Today is a 7 — Check in with a favorite friend or sibling. Try a new art or practice today: abstract painting, veggie roasting, karate kicking -- the possibilities are endless.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Today is a 7 — Follow mom’s advice to win. Home is where the heart is, especially today. Pay attention to the ghosts of the past, then make your own decision.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Today is a 7 — Demand the facts and get them, to figure out what’s next. Work on that novel, poem or letter that you’ve been waiting to write. You’ve got the words.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Today is an 8 — Money comes easily. Nevertheless, get even more efficient. A penny saved is better than two earned. It’s easier and faster. Don’t forget to rest.

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) Today is a 9 — You’re irresistible. Kindness gives you an inner glow. You can do anything you want. What do you want for other people? What do you want for yourself?

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20) Today is a 7 — The day can be more challenging than you wanted it to be. Stick to it. You’re rewarded with sweet satisfaction and experience points.

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The Kent VFW would like to offer KSU student veterans a

FREE 1-year membership. The post is open and available to members all day. Use the VFW as

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Visit or call for applications:

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Buyer Beware!We make every effort to screen for fraudulent advertising, however, we

cannot guarantee the veracity of the advertisers and their messages

in this section. It is important for consumers to respond to any advertisement with the utmost


The Kent State University Police Department is currently disposing of evidentiary and found property. Persons who can properly identify

any items as theirs may claim them by personally appearing at the Kent State University Police Department, Stockdale Safety Building, Kent, Ohio, Monday

through Friday, 9:00AM-4:00PM. The property will be held until

March 15, 2011 4PM. Property not claimed during this time will be

disposed pursuant to the provisions set forth in the Ohio Revised Code.

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Daily Kent Stater Tuesday, March 1, 2011 | Page 5

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special expires 02/28/11

Page 6 | Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Daily Kent Stater

Another awkward celebrity ceremony has come to an end. The 83rd Annual Academy Awards in Los Angeles was host-ed by Anne Hathaway and James Franco, two of Hollywood’s hot-test celebrities.

Between emotional speeches and a kid-filled finale that proba-bly made some people feel weird, the show was an overall success.

Hathaway’s “comedic” song got a few laughs as she made fun of Hugh Jackman’s role as Wolverine. Viewers discovered Christian Bale’s Welsh accent, which he frequently hides to play American characters. James Franco spoke well and looked his sexiest dressed in Marilyn Mon-roe drag.

“The King’s Speech,” the big winner of the night, won best picture. Colin Firth, the star of the flick, won best actor for por-traying a stam-mering future King George VI of England.

For best supporting actor, Christian Bale took home an Oscar for his role in “The Fighter.”

The young, talented and pregnant Natalie Port-man sauntered away with best actress for her performance in Darren Aronofsky’s “Black Swan.” Best supporting actress was Melissa Leo for “The Fighter.”

“Toy Story 3” won best ani-mated feature, while “Alice in Wonderland” won for its art direction. Wally Pfister won for his cinematography in “Incep-

tion.” Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails even won Best Original Score for his work in “The Social Network.”

Billy Crystal showed up, receiving a standing ovation from the crowd. He introduced a video projection of former host Bob Hope, who is very much dead. What a strange idea to pro-pose to the Academy … and have it accepted as passable.

Not everyone was happy with Sunday’s results. Some people are ranting about “Inception” and its losses, while many are saying the young Hailee Stein-feld should have won best sup-porting actress for her debut in the Coen Brothers’ “True Grit.”

The speculations made prior to this sub-par event have been put to rest. The winners have been announced. James Franco will go on to smoke another joint and Anne Hathaway will pat herself on the back for the next week for her singing abilities. Leonardo DiCaprio will continue to wonder why he wasn’t nomi-nated for anything.

And the rest of the world will continue on, subconsciously hoping for another awkward but humorous show where celebri-ties pretend to like each other and another group of children sings “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” in fluorescent shirts that clash with the antiquity look the stage was going for. I’m going to dream and hope that Billy Crystal will host again.

Laura Lofgren is the features editor.

Awkward Academy Awards

Hosts’ jokes get nervous laughter

Laura Lofgren



Potential family business fermentsRachel

Daily Kent Stater

Two brothers took their interest in beer to the next level by learn-ing to brew beer in their apart-ment in Kent.

Jim Skal, 24, a graduate of Ohio University with a marketing degree, said he enjoys a variety of beers, but sometimes buying beers can be costly.

“It’s an expensive interest, especially if someone likes high-quality beer,” he said.

Jim Skal said he doesn’t have any brewing experience, and there aren’t any marketing jobs available. So he decided to try getting into the brewing business on his own.

He recruited his younger brother, Jeff Skal, 23, to help him. Jeff Skal is a Kent State graduate with a degree in advertising.

“I thought it’d be a fun experi-ment,” Jeff Skal said.

They went to the Grape and Granary, a wine and beer shop in Akron, about a month ago and purchased a brewing kit for $200. Jim Skal said the kits are usually cheaper online, but they didn’t want to look around — they want-ed to begin brewing right away.

The brewing kit comes with everything an amateur needs to brew the first batch of beer, including the ingredients to make the beer. The first batch makes between 48-53 beers, Jim Skal said.

Once the initial kit is pur-chased, only the ingredients to make the beer will need to be pur-chased for any future brewing. Jim Skal said the ingredients for the different beers usually run about $30 and make around 50 beers.

Jeff Skall said anyone can make beer from a kit. The kit helps with the step-by-step process. The first part, making the wort, is the easi-est and best part, he said.

The wort is the boiled mixture of ingredients before it’s put in a container to set, or ferment, for a period of time, Jim Skal said.

Jim Skal said the key to making beer is writing everything down.

“It’s just like cooking,” he said. “You see the ingredients and make small adjustments to change the taste.”

Jeff Skal said everything after

Brothers’ Brew

Amy Cooknick

Daily Kent Stater

It’s easy to miss FJKluth Art Gallery if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

The brick façade of 300 N. Water St. offers little hint of the artistic smorgasbord hidden behind the arched entryway. Only a hand-painted sign above the entrance and a clapboard adver-tisement on the sidewalk let visi-tors know they have reached their destination.

The sparse exterior contrasts dramatically with the busy inte-rior of FJKluth.

Guests may not know what they’re looking for, but in a gal-lery like this, that’s probably a good thing. With so much art and antiques packed into one store, FJKluth is a window-shopper’s delight, filled with the kinds of trinkets and treasures visitors never knew they needed.

Worry not, though, if it’s some-thing specific you have in mind. Storeowner Frederick John Kluth knows exactly what he has in the gallery and where to find it.

“I have art from all over,” Kluth said. “A little bit of everything for everybody.”

Kluth was raised to appreciate art, but it took years for him to get into the art business. Although Kluth took as many art classes as he could in college, he got a degree in math and science education because there were more positions available to teach in those areas of

Past, present and looking to the future Downtown gallery offers array of local and foreign artists’ work

THOMAS SONG | DAILY KeNt stAter Frederick John Kluth, gallery owner and curator, shows pieces of art Monday. The FJKluth Art Gallery is located on North Main Street and houses pieces from around the globe.

study than in the arts.Prior to retirement, Kluth

worked for a computer consult-ing business, and before that he worked eight years in antique res-toration, giving him enough expe-rience with antiques to inspire him to open his own antique and art gallery on Mantua Street in down-town Kent.

In early October 2008, Kluth’s Open Space Art Gallery was

bought out by Sheetz, which stands there now, and Kluth was forced to move his gallery to its current location.

“I didn’t have a lot of choice,” Kluth said. “It was inevitable that I was going to have to move.”

Despite the unexpected transi-tion, Kluth is still in business and makes the most of his retirement by turning his lifelong hobby into a full-time job.

FJKluth showcases everything from brand new artwork by local artists to centuries-old items from foreign cultures. Kluth buys the non-local pieces at yard sales and thrift shops where he said he can find valuables to purchase inex-pensively and make a profit.

Kluth’s collection spans many styles, from glassware to tribal masks and jewelry to woodcarv-ings. He has exhibits from South-

making the wort is the difficult part. Anything that touches the beer has to be sterilized. Bacteria cannot sit in the beer for long periods of time while it ferments, or it will rot.

“You really have to brew in a clean environment,” Jim Skal said. “The tools and brewing area all have to be as sterile as possible so bacteria doesn’t infect the beer.”

Jim and Jeff Skal said they brewed Irish Red beer, which needs to set for two to four weeks.

After it’s done fermenting, the beer will be placed into a bottle bucket where they will add sugar to make the beer carbonated. Then they will bottle it and wait until they are able to drink it.

The longer it sets, the better it will taste, Jeff Skal said. The instructions said to wait two weeks before the beer is drinkable and two months for the best taste.

If this brewing experience is successful, Jim Skal said they will experiment with an English Pale Ale. He said that’s going to be a learning experiment because they will still use a kit, but they are going to try to increase the alcohol content of the beer.

If all goes well, Jeff and Jim Skal said they will start creating beer using a mixture of their own ingre-dients. Both love India Pale Ales and want to brew that style of beer.

“Brewing your own beer is a good way to save money and really learn about the beer you’re drinking,” Jim Skal said.

Rachel Hagenbaugh is a features reporter.

NIKOLAS KOLENICH | DAILY KeNt stAterBrothers Jim and Jeff Skall taste their Pebblebrook brewed beer, which took one month to create, on Monday. Jim, who graduated from Ohio University with a marketing degree, and Jeff, who graduated from Kent State as an advertising major, said the initial batch cost about $200, and every batch after will be around $30.

east Asia, Africa, Mexico, the Mid-dle East and parts of Europe. With Egypt being so prominent in the news right now, Kluth is eager to point out his Egyptian collection.

One of Kluth’s most popular pieces is a painting of a Hmong bride from Vietnam. The painting is part of a collection of Hmong artwork, which also includes a museum replica of a 3,000-year-old rain drum imprinted with a map of Atlantis and a temple guardian statue. Kluth said he started gathering items from Viet-nam because of Kent’s historical connection to the Vietnam War through May 4.

Kluth also has a great interest in Greek mythology and has a num-ber of pieces devoted to the topic, including a ceramic statue of the mythological Calydonian Boar, which he made himself. The Boar is just one of a group of works on dis-play made by Kluth himself, most of which are paintings or woodcuts.

With his art gallery, Kluth said he hopes to help build community in Kent. While some of his exhibit is on sale for hundreds or even thousands of dollars, much of it is priced with the poor economy and a college budget in mind. He hopes college students will consider buying an inexpensive painting from his gallery, rather than a cheap poster, to decorate their dorms and apartments. While posters don’t last, Kluth said, paintings can last forever and only increase in value over time.

“When you go to a museum, of course, you can see how history unfolds and how other people live

and what other people value,” Klu-th said. “But if you have something in your own home, then it’s much more close to you. What I’m trying to do here in this gallery is to add some art culture to Kent, so it’s a more interesting place to live.”

Interest in the community got Kluth involved in a program for kids at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent. The program uses the “Harry Potter” series to teach children how to get along. Kluth whittles wands for kids in the pro-gram to play with.

“For that program I’ve done wands,” Kluth said. “And I’ve also made murals for them that they use to give the rooms that they’re in more of the spirit of ‘Harry Pot-ter.’ It’s a good program because it encourages the kids to read, so I try to support it any way I can.”

Kluth also contributes to the community by offering art, yoga, tai chi classes and piano lessons to the public. He teaches the visual art classes himself, but has employees come in for the other programs.

“(Yoga, tai chi and piano les-sons aren’t) quite as art-oriented, but still, they’re community-ori-ented,” Kluth said. “I think the art is a kind of community communi-cation, and I feel like art allows me to be a part of a more meaningful community.”

For art aficionados or curious passersby, FJKluth Art Gallery provides a unique addition to the Kent community by always changing and surprising.

Amy Cooknick is a features reporter.


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