March 2013 Schoo Screamer



Schoo Newspaper

Citation preview

Page 2: Super Saver opens, H2O for Life

Page 3: MADD music, mys-tery teacher, Fantasy Survival Guide

Page 4: what’s on your mp3?, Race Walking

Page 5: Opinions

Page 6: Special Feature-- comparing schools

Page 7 and 8: Art & Comics

Issue 3 MARCH 2013Philip Schoo Middle School



Schoo Screamer

The mural above, made by Schoo students, will be hung in the media center computer lab. Photo by Mac Morse.

Students stock market winners: Nick VanAckeran, Trevor Peter, Alexzander Bennett, and David Kolozsy. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Steiner.

Schoo team wins regional stock market competition

BY CAMRYN SPENCER A team of 4 Schoo business class students won a regional competition where they learn how to invest in the stock market and try to make more money than other teams around the state. The team members were 8th graders Alexzander Bennett, David Kolozsy, Nick VanAckeren, and Trevor Peter. They started with a fake bank account with $ 10,000 ended up with a portfo-lio worth $15,476.94. Two of Schoo’s other teams finished in 5th and 9th place. Teachers and their students around the state use The Nebraska Stock Mar-ket Game through the Nebraska Coun-cil on Economic Education and the SIF-MA Foundation. It allows students to invest in a real-life stock market. Then classes in different areas of the state compete against each other. Schoo students beat out 68 other teams in the Lincoln region.

Students started with a fake bank account worth $10,000 and their goal is to invest in stocks to earn as much money from them as they can. The team with the most money in their bank account at the end wins the Stock Market Game. Students have to learn about stocks and how they work, and then they can start investing. They can not invest stock in companies traded overseas. The 30 Percent Equity Rule prevents teams from investing in a stock that uses more than 30% of their equity at purchase time. This includes companies like Google and Apple. This changed the students’ point of view on things, and gave them a chance to have a variety of small company stocks to invest in. Locally, students had to in-vest in 5 or more securities to qualify for top prizes. A banquet will be held to congratu-late the top teams. They are invited to the Champions Club to receive their reward on May 1st.


Adam Schwanager’s art students and art club will soon be presenting a new Schoo-centered mural for the me-dia center. Schwanagers’s previous Schoo mural hung behind the screen of the media center computer lab. It had an under-water theme and needed to be updat-ed for a couple reasons. First, when he did the mural in 2009 it was done with two kinds of paints- acrylic and tempera- and it blurred and couldn’t be easily painted over. Sec-ond, Schwanager wanted to redo it to have it represent Schoo and all the dif-ferent classes here. Schwanager started with the Schoo Skyhawk logo and asked students for ideas about what else should go on it

to represent Schoo. He then drew the design on and then projected it onto the canvas so art club students could trace and paint it. The new design represents all the classes at Schoo and includes the Schoo Skyhawk, a sew-ing machine, books, a soccer ball, a basketball, testing tubes, music notes, a keyboard, math equations, a micro-scope, woodshop tools, a paint brush with a rainbow, and a painting of the earth at the bottom of it. Custodial staff have removed the old mural and taken it up to the art room to be painted over with the new design. Art Club students are using acrylic paint so that it won’t smear and when it is painted on it will stay on for good. Schwanager expects to mural to be finished and replaced in the media cen-ter by the beginning of 4th quarter.

New mural now underway


In 2012, LPS participated in a nationwide recycling competition called “Recycle-Bowl,” a contest to increase recycling at school and to award cash prizes. While Schoo did not win nationally, the school did place 5th overall in LPS and 1st among middle schools in LPS. Schoo students and staff recycled an average of 4.45 lbs per student. The second place middle school was Irving with 4.22 lbs per student. Schoo principal Bill Schulenberg, said to staff and students, “Thank you for your continued participation in recycling materials that can be recycled!” and added that we should continue for the rest of the school year because, “This is a year-long effort!” The first place school for the state was Grant Elementary in Fremont, Ne. Huntington Elementary was the first place winner in the LPS district contest, with each student recycling an average of 8.34 lbs of paper and other ma-terials.

Schoo 5th in Recycle-Bowl, 1st in LPS middle schools

Recycle-Bowl is a nationwide competition to inspire schools and students to recycle as much as they can. National winners receive cash awards and recognition.

NewsPage 2

Issue 3 MARCH 2013Philip Schoo Middle School

Fallbrook grocery store and gas station open

‘H2O For Life’ raising funds for clean water in other countries

By Camryn Spencer

There’s a brand new Super Saver- and it’s in Fallbrook, just a little way from our very own school, Schoo! We have been awaiting this new store for a long time, and it’s finally here. A lot of people are glad to have a Super Saver in Fallbrook. It opened February 6, at 8 am, and everybody has their own opinions about it. Media Secretary, Lisa Brouillette, who lives in Fallbrook, says that the new Super Saver is convenient and easy to get to. Brouillette said, “I hope that the store will be motivation to get more businesses into Fallbrook.” Hav-ing visited the store, she says she likes how the store has a bank and a gas station, but it would be nice if it was a little bigger. Other people who live in the High-

lands area, say they think having a grocery store nearby is a good idea. “I love the new Super Saver be-cause they have lots of good food!” says sixth grader, Peyton Erickson. Super Saver also held a contest, as part of the Grand Opening, and the winner, Darcie Olsen, won a $1,000 shopping spree. There will also be prize giveaways that shoppers can register for, for the next 12 weeks. Some of the prizes include TV’s, gas cards, and free gro-ceries. The new Super Saver includes a bank, a deli, a floral department, and a bakery. There is also a drive-up pharmacy window. This Super Saver is new, and it may take people some time to get used to it, but when they do...“Happy Shop-ping!”

The neighborhood’s first grocery store and gas station opened on February 6th. The location makes shopping more convenient for neighbors.Photo by Camryn Spencer


H2O for life is a new club at Schoo that gives the opportunity for Schoo kids to serve third world countries and people in need. H2O For Life is an after school club that meets every Wednesday with Schoo teacher Steve Orton in room 213 in the grade 8A area. The club is trying to help solve the world water problems by working with other clubs of kids nationwide. The club discusses the shortage of clean water for people around the world. In the U.S., our cities clean our water and then use pipes to bring it into our homes and buildings. But in many other countries, people can’t afford filters and wells. This doesn’t mean that they don’t drink water. They still do- it’s just full of contami-nants and makes a lot of the children sick. An estimated 4,500 children die everyday from water occurring diseases alone. About 3.5 million chil-dren die every year because of un-clean water! One out of six children in the world do not have access to clean water, and nearly 99% of the worlds deaths occur from water related ill-nesses around the world occur in the developing worlds. “The developing world” is a term used with countries that don’t have a strong enough econ-omy so they can’t provide the needs of the people. This includes some countries in Africa, Asia, and South America. The goals of H2O for life are to: *Educate Schoo about the main water problem.

*act and use a group of people to help with the problem. *partner up with a different school and raise money to build a well in a vil-lage in a 3rd world country. The H2O for life club here is going to help a school in Uganda. Its the Lu-sanja Junior School. They need $3000 more to help build a well for them. We are partnered with two other schools: The University of Minnesota and Chase Middle school in Kansas. In order to raise money, the club will put on fundraisers that involve the entire school. One way is to do a fundraiser called a “water walk” where everyone walks to the nearest stream and back to the school to raise awareness of H2O for life and what is going on in Africa. The club is also considered a fundraiser where students donate a dollar to get a sticekrs allowing them to bring a water bottle to school for the day. Lastly, the club is considering hold an “art off”, where kids can donate a work of art and then parents can come and have a silent auction to purchase the artwork. The club has more ideas in the mak-ing and is still recruiting new students to join and help them with this important effort.

Want to see your name in print? The Schoo Screamer is looking for:• poetry• artwork• comics• writers to join us• Sincerely Susie Skyhawk

QuestionsPut them in the box inside the media center.

Did you know...

by Cerrissa Lozano

*fortune cookies were invented in the USA and not in China

* a lighter was invent-ed before a match

EntertainmentPage 3

Issue 3 MARCH 2013Philip Schoo Middle School

Do you know this Mystery Teacher?HINTS* he was 10lbs. 6oz. when he was born.*his only sibling is hisbrother, who is 10 years older then him*his dad farms and my mom taught business/computers for 39 years.*he love sports and will eat almost anything.

(read the NEXT issue of the paper to find out the answer!) (last month’s answer: Mrs. Weddington!)

MADD musicFantasy Survival Guide ‘Breaking Dawn


Author’s note: This is one of a series of survival guides for all your favorite fantasy and sci-fi stories! Stay tuned for more!Imagine this... You are surrounded by a bunch of sparkly vampires and furry [appar-ently deadly] werewolves. But don’t panic! [Now is not the time to panic] For some odd reason they are utterly okay with you hanging out with them, for now. Just ignore the fact that a Volturi is trying to kill your kid...don’t ask why you have a kid, I have no clue. Just follow my advice and you’ll survive [probably]. Step 1-Okay, so now you’re a vampire,with your wife/husband [like I said I have no clue] that’s also a vampire,and a freaky monster baby, Nessie,I mean Renesmee. Well, I’m assuming I’m a vampire because I have red eyes [red eyes almost shout out ,”I’m a vampire!”]. Step 2- Some [very annoying] lady told the Volturi that you [Yes,YOU] bit your monster baby and turned her into a monster baby! That’s just

cold [Get the Vampire joke?No?]. We need a plan!! -Ten Minutes Later- I got a plan!! We are going to make friends with other vampires and make them sit in a chair [surrounded by hungry alligators,a vampires touch.] until they help us!Step 3-Okay, so people have ‘joined us’ [as your kind would call it]. Oh! By the way the fluffy werewolves have offered to join us, which is weird, because they used to be your enemies. Your Daughter [like I said I’m just here to give advice] is going to be protected by big, fluffy puppies and cold, red eyed people that drink blood! [Yea, good luck with that!]

Step 4- The Volturi is here to battle you! But you talk for a very long time first. Like a REALLY long time. So long so that when I read it, I almost feel asleep. Blah,Blah,Blah.

Step 5-It turns out you weren’t even going to need to battle! [Mean vampire kept a secret from you!] So you, Nessie, and your husband/wife are going to live Happily Ever After [Maybe]


Escape The Fate(ETF)- (2004-present)Escape The Fate is a post-hardcore band formed in 2004 when all of them played together for many years before. Members of the band include; Craig Mabbit(lead vocals), TJ Bell(bassist), Monte Money(lead guitar), Micheal Money(rhythm guitar) and Robert Ortiz(drums) .In 2007, Omar had left the band to chase personal dreams, while Ronnie Radke, former lead vocalist, was asked to leave because of problems with the law. After Ronnie, Craig joined and Ronnie started his own band, Falling In Reverse. I personally think Escape The Fate was better with Ronnie, but I also believe he is better off in his new band.Favorite Songs: Situations, Cellar Door, Friends and Alibis, Issues, Lost in Darkness, Liars and Monsters, Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche

Falling In Reverse(FIR)-(2010-present)

Falling In Reverse is personally one of my favorite bands. They started after Ronnie was let out on probation on December 12, 2010. I believe he is totally different than he was before. He thus, created the band shortly after. They have been in multiple tours and are already creating their second album. Their members are; Ronnie Radke(vocals), Jacky Vincent(lead guitarist), Ryan Seaman(drummer), Derek Jones(rhythm guitarist), and Ron Ficarro(bassist).Favorite Songs: The entire album.

Asking Alexandria-(2008-present)Asking Alexandria is a british band. I love their music for each song is dif-ferent and they will take their own songs, and then make them into remix-es over and over. Every single one is amazing! The band also has a pretty neat history behind it too. Their members are; Ben Bruce(lead guitar), Danny Worsnop(vocals), James Cassells(drums), Cameron Liddell(rhythm guitar), and Sam Bettley(bass guitar).

Favorite Songs: Someone Somewhere, Dear Insanity, A Prophecy, A Proph-ecy (Big Chocolate Remix), Not The American Average, If You Can’t Ride Two Horses At Once You should Get Out Of The Circus, Dear Insanity (Revaleso)

EntertainmentPage 4

Issue 3 MARCH 2013Philip Schoo Middle School

What’s on your MP3?

Odd sport around the world:

Race Walking

New Club Staff EditionBY MACKENZIE MORSE

Emily Vanek, 8“Sacrilegious”, by Never Shout Never

Madeline Mcmanus, 8th“The Final Episode” by Asking Alexandria

Cerissa Lozano, 6th“Die Young” by Ke$ha

Peyton Ericlson, 6th“I Knew You Were Trouble” by Taylor Swift

Damien Devor, 6th“Dragula” by Rob Zom-bie

Silver Badousek, 6th“Guns” by Green Day


The name ‘Race Walking’ pretty much tells you what ‘Race Walking’ is. Race Walking is a sport where you walk fast--you cannot run-- in a race against other players. There’s two rules in race walking. The first is that the supporting leg must straighten from the point of contact with the ground and remain straight until the body passes over it. The sec-ond is that the back toe can’t leave the ground until the heel of the front foot has touched. What makes it harder than running is that you can’t lift both feet off the ground. So technically, people are walking as fast as they can to win the race. Race walking is an Olympic Track and Field sport. There are male and female race walks of 20 kilometers(12.4mi) There is also a men’s race that is 50

km (31 mi). The men’s race became an Olympic sport in 1904, but the wom-ens’ race was not added until 1992. At the 2012 Olympics, Chen Ding, from China, won the gold medal for the men’s 20 km. walk, with a time of 1 hour, 18 minutes, and 46 seconds, a new Olympic record. Erick Barron-do from Guatemala won silver, and Wang Zhen from China,took bronze. The 2012 women’s 20km race was won by Elena Lashmanova of Russia, with a world record time of 1 hour, 25 minutes, and 2 seconds. Olga Kanish-kina took silver, only 7 seconds behind Lashmanova. Shejie Qieyang took bronze. Race walking came from Pedestrian-ism, long distance competitive walking events, and ‘regularized’ the rules. In 1866, according to Wikipedia, people organized the first English walking con-test, which John Chambers won.

‘Fall Out Boy’ off hiatus Maddie Recommends: TopBBC Television showsBY MADELEINE MCMANUS

When I do watch TV, I usually go to BBC first. These are some of my fa-vourites that I always look out for. I gave all the programmes’ ratings in their information, just in case there are restrictions on TV and movie content. I also added where you can watch them if you’re interested.

SherlockSherlock is a very popular British programme that follows the stories in the Adventures of Sherlock Hol-mes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It is co-written by Steven Moffat (a part-time writer for Doctor Who) and Mark Gatiss (a writer for the Doctor Who episode Being Human). Sher-lock Holmes, a consulting detective for the London Police Department, is played by Benedict Cumberbatch. His companion, Doctor John Watson, is a retired military doctor come back to the United Kingdom after the war in Afghanistan. Watson is played by Martin Freeman (also Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Jour-ney). Together, they find the toughest cases throughout England and solve them. Sherlock is very smart. He can figure out the smallest details needed to solve a crime just with a single glance. There are only two series out so far, another to be released soon. There are six episodes, all an hour and a half long. You can watch Sher-lock on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and on BBC America. Rating: TV-14

Doctor WhoDoctor Who is a programme that is popular with many people world-

wide. There have been 11 Doctors so far, with more to come. He and his companion travel through time and space rescuing people and aliens from disaster in the T.A.R.D.I.S.. T.A.R.D.I.S. stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. It’s seen as a blue Police Public Call Box from the fifties. The current Doctor is played by Matt Smith. His compan-ion, Clara, is played by Jenna-Louise Coleman. I would recommend start-ing at the Ninth Doctor (labelled Series One) or with the First Doctor in the classic series. You can watch Doctor Who at, Amazon Prime, and on Netflix. Rat-ing: TV-PG

TorchwoodTorchwood is a spin-off of Doctor Who, started in 2006. A lot of as-pects of this programme are based off of Doctor Who. Even the title is an anagram of Doctor Who! The main character, Gwen Cooper is played by Eve Myles. Formerly a Welsh po-licewoman, she was invited to join the secret organisation for hunting aliens in the UK known as Torch-wood. She works with Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman), Owen Harper (Burn Gorman), Toshiko Sato (Naoko Mori), Rhys Williams (Kai Owen), and Ianto Jones (Gareth Da-vid-Lloyd). It was created by Steven Moffat and is written by multiple au-thors. There have been four seasons released.. You can watch Torchwood on Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Hulu. Rating: TV-PG Warning: contains some strong language and adult con-tent.


On Monday, February 4th, Ameri-can pop-punk band Fall Out Boy an-nounced their comeback after a ri-diculously long four year hiatus. They released a new single, titled “My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up).” A new album, Save Rock And Roll will drop April 19th, marking the 10th anniversary of their first released album. Save Rock And Roll will be the first full-length LP since 2008’s Folie á Deux. During the hiatus, band mem-bers Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz were working on individual projects. Stump’s solo debut was released Oc-tober 2011, and was titled Soul Punk. Wentz worked on the electropop proj-ect, Black Cards. As for the Save Rock And Roll tour, you’re out of luck if you want tickets. They sold out immediately. Tickets

were planned to go on sale at 9:00 on Friday, February 8th, but sold out at 8:57. As a comparison, the Justin Bieber tour tickets sold out in three days, and Justin Bieber is one of the most popular artists in America. That makes me wonder, does this make Fall Out Boy more popular than Bieber? The awards certainly say so. Fall Out Boy has won 16 out of 22 nominations (72%), while Bieber has won 72 out of 162 nominations (44%), giving the boys a higher winning rate. One Direc-tion won 49 of 91 nominations (54%) still giving Fall Out Boy a higher per-centage than the world’s biggest boy band at the time. I’d highly recommend for you to start listening. The group’s music isn’t hard rock, but isn’t all pop, either. Their most popular songs are Dance, Dance, Thnks Fr Th Mmrs, and Sugar We’re Going Down. Save rock and roll!

OpinionPage 5

Issue 3 MARCH 2013Philip Schoo Middle School

SincerelySusie An advice column

you can rely on

Emily’s Book Nook

Would you rather...BY: CERRISSA LOZANO

*sneeze out caterpillars every time someone said your name OR have every-thing you eat be covered in mud ?

*be slapped in the face by Ke$ha OR kicked by Lady Gaga ? *be ugly but have a lot of friends OR be pretty and have everybody hate you ?

Dear Susie, My parents will NOT let me watch tv after 8pm. What do I do? I think they are being unfair, but they say that tv is bad.Signed,Bored-out-of-my-mind

Dear Bored-out-of-my-mind, First, do they let you watch tv past 8pm on weekends? If not well they got-ta go to bed sometime right? So just record all your favorite shows then stay up until 4 in the morning then once they go to sleep you can watch all the tv you want. But, if on weekdays, I see there point of view tv is bad for you and if you just don’t watch as much tv before 8pm then maybe they will let you watch tv after 8pm when you’re done with homework and chores and stuff.Sincerely,Susie Skyhawk

Dear Susie, What is the meaning of life?Signed,Questioning

Dear Questioning, Life is a wonderful experience filled

with mistakes, problems, and chances to fix them but it’s full of the people you love as well.Sincerely,Susie Skyhawk

Dear Susie, How can I convince my parents to buy me a cell phone? EVERYONE has one but me!Signed,Phoneless

Dear Phoneless, I remember I went through the same thing with my mom and dad and what I did was I gave them a bunch of reasons why having a phone is a good thing here are some reasons * let’s say you get lost --how are you going to contact them? *or a stranger kidnaps you and they don’t know you have a phone BOOM when they’re not looking you call for help! *or you’re walking with your friend and she gets hit by a car and you don’t have anything to call 911. Try these.Sincerely,Susie Skyhawk


Announcements in the morning should be easy to hear, after all there is a lot of important information con-tained in them. However many stu-dents have been complaining that they are unable to hear. I spoke with our principal, Bill Schulenberg, about some ideas to change that. Schulenberg has been in the class rooms at the time of the announce-ments and stated that the volume of the announcements often depended on the behavior of the students. When asked about whether the volume could be changed Schulenberg replied, “I do think that there is a way to adjust the volume of morning announcements in specific classrooms, if there is not, I would be willing to look into it.” Another problem is that other an-nouncements throughout the day are also hard to hear. Schulenberg tries to consistently keep these announce-ments to the time right before lunch so that kids know to listen to them. The volume could also be turned up in those times because, if you are in or-chestra, gym, or vocal music, you can completely miss where recess will be. Schulenberg acknowledged that if students can’t hear the announcements, then they aren’t as useful as we hope

they could be, but said there might be “other solutions.”. He mentioned that the announcements are all posted on the Schoo website ( however, not all students have access to (or have time for) internet at home. Teachers are also e-mailed copies of the morning’s announcements ahead of time, and they could also choose to print the announcements out and post them on the bulletin board all class-rooms are equipped with. We also talked to some students about their experience too. 6th grad-er, Ashton Rittenhouse replied, “In Mrs. Weddington’s room it’s difficult to hear, I can’t tell if it is an X or a Y day.” Seventh grader, McKenzie Kap-perman agreed saying, “Even if our class is quiet, we still can’t hear the announcements in Mr. DeAmbrose’s room.” In other classes, it’s a different story. Seventh grader, Spencer Hanson, ad-mits, “Most of the time we can’t hear announcements because of other stu-dents talking.” We need students to do their part to listen and we might need to look into adjusting the volume of announce-ments in classrooms. Together we can fix this problem.

Can morning announce-ments be improved?


Hi, I’m Emily Vanek, an avid read-er who loves telling others about my opinions on books. I love the library; and most likely, if you name a book, I’ve read it. Each issue I’ll review 3-5 books that I think you’ll like, and give a grade from 1-4 to go with it (with four being the best!)

The Selection by Kiera CassAmerica Singer lives in the future America, now renamed Illea after breaking loose from China’s reign. Now prince Maxon is looking for a wife through the Selection, a lottery for the crown. Illea has a caste sys-tem now and America is a five, with no chance of winning this ‘lottery’, or so it seems. America doesn’t want to win, she has a secret love with a six, an unheard of thing. So when Ameri-ca actually gets into the selection pro-cesses, she is angry and heartbroken but soon warms up to the ‘shallow’ Prince Maxon. I loved this book, it started off quickly and stayed that way the entire book. I give this book a rating of:*Rating 4 out of 4

I Am Number Four by Pittacus LoreThis book is a bit confusing to explain but I’ll try. It starts with John Smith, an alien from the planet Lorien, and his Cepan Henri leaving sunny Flor-ida for dreary Paradise, Ohio. Is moving there really a coincidence though? John is one of nine garde from the planet Lorien. They are the only survivors of a horrible war with Lorien’s worst enemies the, Moga-dorians. their Cepans were sent to protect them, one for each member of the garde. but now John has fi-nally found an actual friend, and a girlfriend. He finally has the ‘normal’ life he wants, but the Mogs are hot on his trail, he must leave it all be-hind. I LOVED this book, to tell you how much I loved it, I read all of the book and watched the movie all on the same day. This might just be one of my new favorite books! Be sure you read the book before watching the movie though, the movie cuts out a lot and isn’t as good.*Rating 5 out of 4

The Power of Six by Pittacus LoreIn this next installment of the Lorien Legacies, the story of John Smith and his new comrades Six and Sam contin-ues. This time, running parallel to the story unfolding on John’s side, there

is another story, the story of number Seven. Seven is in Spain and now goes by her chosen ‘Earth name’ Ma-rina. Marina and her Cepan Adelina have been living in an orphanage for around a decade now and are yet to be found by the Mogs, or so they think. I personally liked the first book better because it stuck to one story line. Now the two stories are mixing and it gets confusing at times but I still give it a high rating.*Rating 4 out of 4

Blank Confession by Pete HautmanFor those of you that like short, fast paced books this one’s for you. Blank confession is only about 150 pages long and is a really quick read, I read it in about two hours. This book is about two unlikely friends, Shane Blank and Mike Martin (aka Mikey the Munchkin.) Shane is the new kid in town and no one knows any-thing about him. Even the address he gave to the office turns out to be a vacant lot. No one knows where his parents are or where he came from. Then one day after a large drug-filled party at Mike’s, sister’s boyfriend’s apartment, Shane walks into the lo-cal police station and confesses to the murder of Jon Brande, the star Quar-terback of their town’s high school football team. This book follows how it all happened by going back and forth between Mikey’s point of view and a detective in the interview room, talking to Shane Blank.*Rating 3 ½ out of 4

Special FeaturePage 6

Issue 3 MARCH 2013 Philip Schoo Middle School

What are schools like in other countries?BY SCHOO ELL STUDENTS You may be used to 7 hour schools days, 5 days a week. You may be used to buying lunch at school. You might be used to recess and after school clubs and a FREE education that helps you make money and get a job someday. But the truth is that many kids around the world do not have these privledges. The passages below were written by Schoo ELL students to compare and contrast their experiences in schools outside Nebraska. Many of these students and their families came here for a better life. They work hard to learn English and to do well in school. They share their essays here in order to show you what their coun-tries and their experiences are like. They also demonstrate the extraordi-nary luxury of a free education! The newspaper staff and I are proud to share these “insider” reports from our fellow classmates. -Mrs. Jorgensen, newspaper sponsor

Syria and U.S. Schools “Although schools in Syria and schools in the USA are alike in many ways, there are also huge differ-ences between them. Like when you are in Syria if you didn’t bring your lunch you will not have one. You can only dream with big, beautiful lunch. As for the US, you will order whatever you want for lunch from the cafeteria. I may not told you that the restroom is outside in Syria and it’s inside in the US, and that is a very important point. Also, the teachers in the USA are amazing. Of course Syria teachers are …....(demons) not humans. All these changes and still they both teach and have teachers, every school in every country has to be in a big, clean building. The thing I hate most is the uniforms in Syria. Every day you should wear some specific clothes. No student will help you in Syria, but in the US everyone wants to help you. They are amazing people. In conclusion, I prefer the USA schools because being there is like being in your own home. “

Holland and U.S. Schools “Schools in Holland are different than in U.S.A in a lot of things but they’re alike in some ways. They are alike with the lockers because they both have lockers from middle school until High schools . What they don’t compare with is that in the U.S.A they have a cafeteria from Elementary un-til college. In The Netherlands (Hol-land) schools just have a cafeteria from high school until college. In the U.S.A they have school sports like football, baseball, basketball, volley-ball. In The Netherland schools don’t have any sports. In the U.S.A they pledge of a legends to the U.S flag Teachers but In The Netherland , they dont. In both countries they don’t slap or hurt kids but they have one mini different thing in that in holland they don’t have quite seats. In the U.S.A , schools have 1-5 Elementary classes but in the Netherlands schools have 1-8 Elementary classes. Schools

in Holland and the U.S.A are similar and different in many ways. How are your country’s schools different than in the U.S.A.?”

Iraq and U.S. Schools “Although schools in Iraq and schools in U.S. are alike in many ways, they are also very different. In Iraq, schools have no computers, but in the U.S. schools have computers. U.S. schools have lunch, but in Iraq schools have no lunch. Iraq school teachers hit students when they don’t do their homework, but it’s different in the U.S. because they cannot hit stu-dents. Schools in Iraq and U.S. have different rules. Iraq and U.S. schools have recess for about 15 minutes. Both schools have the same classes such as Math, Science, Health, Social Stud-ies, and English . Whether you are in Iraq or in the U.S. schools, school still matters to your life. I hoped you liked my story. “

California and Nebraska Schools “Although schools in California and schools in Nebraska are alike in many ways, they are also different in many ways. In CA hallways are out-side but in NE hallways are in inside. CA students eats outside although NE students eats inside. The schools in CA has plastic trays while in NE they don’t have plastic trays. Now I will tell you that they are the same in some ways too. They both have principles, that take care of the schools, libraries that are clean and organics just like NE do. All of them have teachers also they speak English. As you see there are many ways they could be different and the same.”

Iraq and U.S. Schools “Although Iraqi schools and Ne-braska schools are alike in many ways, they are very different schools too. In Iraqi schools don’t have gym because they didn’t think of it. In Ne-braska they have gym and thought of all sports. Iraq thought that music was for girls only so they didn’t make a room for music. They didn’t like it. Schools in Nebraska love music and they teach is music and also other types of music. Both schools teach students language. They both have recesses but Iraq recesses was just a small place to play with friends. In Iraq, schools were so poor, they don’t give breakfast and also lunch. Ne-braska give their students breakfast and also lunch. Students love schools in Iraq because it’s only five hours. In the morning from 7-12 clock through 12 grades to school when they come back 1-5 grades go to school until 5 o’clock. In Nebraska there is Elemen-tary, Middle, High students wake up at 7am and come back at 3pm. Both Iraq and Nebraska schools have math but in Iraq it was much easier than in Nebraska schools. In science teach-ers in Nebraska they teach about ev-erything like how the earth became earth, and many other things. But in Iraq, schools teachers teach the same thing too but they tell about animals a lot. In Iraq in the school each class

was about 15-25 minutes long. But in Nebraska school the students stay in their class about 45-50 minutes long. Nebraska schools have a library in-side the school. Iraq schools don’t have a library because they don’t have many books. In both towns they give homework to their students. As you can see that is why schools in Iraq and schools in Nebraska are very similar and different.”

Iraq and U.S. Schools “Schools in the U.S. and schools in Iraq are similar and different from each other in many ways. Both schools have men and women as teachers. Both schools have big play grounds. In both schools we have the same classes like math, art, and P.E.. In the U.S.A, girls and boys go to the same school. But in Iraq they are separated. In the U.S Elementary schools start at 9:00 am to 3:20. In Iraq school starts at 8:00 am to 12:00. In the U.S.A. we have lunch, but in Iraq our moms make lunch. In Iraq sixth grade is still elementary school. In the U.S.A. it is middle school. In Iraq they don’t have air conditioner. In the U.S.A. we do.In Iraq we get taught about our culture andreligion in school by reading koran. In the U.S.A. we do that in social studies. Schools in both countries are similar and different in a lot of ways.”

Iraq and U.S. Schools “Although school in Iraq and School in U.S. are alike in many ways they are both very different. In Iraq teach-ers hit student when they don’t do their homework. But and in the U.S teachers don’t hit student. In the U.S they have student and teachers. In Iraq they have student and teach-ers. While in Iraq school they do not have computer. But in the U.S they do have computer so they can do their work. However in Iraq school student have three recesses but student don’t eat lunch. In the U.S student they go to lunch and recesses. In Iraq school student play and talk. In in a wreck schools student go to school 2 does little kids go at 12 and come back at 4pm and a big students go at 8am and come back at 12. The U.S Stu-dent go to school at 7am and come back at 3 and some of them come at 4. I hope you like it.”

Texas and Nebraska Schools “What is different and the same about Lincoln and Texas schools? Texas has many different similarities to tell about. Texas has many classrooms that are square and rounded shape. Lincoln only has square classroom. They both have rooms for sentences. They are not big schools. Lincoln has many small schools but Texas has many big school. Texas has the best teachers ever. Lincoln has some. As you can see Texas and Lincoln schools have many diffrerent things that are same and different to talk about.”

Syria and U.S. Schools “Although schools Lincoln and syria

are alike in many ways, they are both very different. the school in Lincoln is bigger than syria. Syria has a much smaller school than Lincoin schools.In Lincoin, schools have all sorts of rules.But in Syria some teachers hit kids just because thay want to do somth-ing fun.In Lincoin schools thay have 2 differnt speashels.They are walk and talk or the play grownd.In Syria schools thay have unaformes for ev-ery single students to wear them. The same things are they are both schools and they both have a playground and outside of the schools they both have rooms either upstairs or downstairs i hope you loved reading my story.”

Vietnamese and U.S. Schools “Although Vietnamese schools and American schools are alike in many ways, they are both very different. Vietnamese schools and Ameri-cans schools both have marvelous playgrounds for kids. They are both schools and have many rooms. Both American and Vietnamese school have many similar classes. American schools teachers are nice and friendly, but Vietnamese teachers hit you and they are always furious. American schools have gigantic rooms, howev-er Vietnamese schools have very tiny rooms. Schools in Vietnam have old rusty chairs and tables, but American schools have brand-new chairs and tables. As you can see, schools in Vietnam and schools in America have many differences and similarities.”

Vietnamese and U.S. Schools “Schools in Vietnam are just like American schools, although they’re also different in many ways. Both schools can teach us to do the right things to be a helpful person. They can make us be more respectful, re-sponsible, and feel safety in school. Activities after school is really im-portant because they make students get stronger and more confident. Although Vietnamese and American schools have some similar, but the two kinds of schools are very different. One important difference is uniforms. Students must wear uniforms every single day in Vietnamese schools. But most students in American schools can wear any kind of clothes. Usu-ally schools in Vietnam start at 7a.m. , what it means students in American schools could have more 45 minutes of sleep than Vietnam’s students. On the other hand, students in Vietnam-ese schools have to cleanup the class-room and the outside area everyday before school start and if they don’t, their class will lose a point. American schools are opposite, students just have to stand outside and wait until the bell rings. The great thing about American schools is can save par-ents’ money because most of impor-tant things in school are free. And in Vietnamese schools, students’ parents must pay money to come to school. To conclude,Vietnamese and Ameri-can schools are alike and different in many ways. Everyone should go to school because it’ll be useful for your career and life. “

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Issue 3 MARCH 2013Philip Schoo Middle School


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Issue 3 MARCH 2013Philip Schoo Middle School

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