March 2015 Brief 2


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  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



     Wells Fargo Bank NA. as Trustee for Securitized C.A. Case No.023136 Asset Backed ecei!a"les ##C 2006$%&1

    'ortgage &ass$T(roug( Certi)cates*Series 2006 %&1


     !. ,o(n A. eed* et al.



    No co/es -efendant ,o(n A. eed -efendant* for t(is /otion

    to !acate t(is Courts No!e/"er 13t( 200 4udg/ent entr5 granting

    &lainti+ Wells Fargo Bank NA. as Trustee for Securitized Asset Backed

    ecei!a"les ##C 2006$%&1 'ortgage &ass$T(roug( Certi)cates* Series

    2006 %&1 &lainti+7 /otion of 4udg/ent on t(e "asis of t(e State of

    %(ios Su8re/e Courts %cto"er 31* 2012 (olding in Federal 9o/e

    #oan 'ortgage Cor8oration !. Sc(artzald* 2012$%(io$:01;.

      Respectfully submitted 


     "#$% A& Reed

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



     A t'ue (%d e)(ct c#py #f t$e f#'e*#i%* $(s bee% se'+ed t$is ,-t$ d(y #f Au*ust ./,/ +i( em(il (s f#ll#0s1

     Atty2s f#' Pl(i%ti3 

     A/elia A. Boer 0013

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.




    WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. as TRUSTEE Case No. 2008 CV 01936

    Pla!"## $%&'(e %o)! *. S+),'" #o- 

     %&'(e T,o") N. O/Co!!ell






    No co/es -efendant ,o(n A. eed -efendant 8ro se* /o!ing t(is

    Court to !acate t(is Courts No!e/"er 13t( 200 4udg/ent entr5

    granting &lainti+ Wells Fargo Bank NA. as Trustee for Securitized

     Asset Backed ecei!a"les ##C 2006$%&1 'ortgage &ass$T(roug(

    Certi)cates* Series 2006 %&1 &lainti+7 /otion for 4udg/ent on t(e

    "asis of

    1.) t(e State of %(ios Su8re/e Courts unani/ous %cto"er 31*

    2012 (olding in Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation v.

    Schwartzwald, 202!"hio!#0$.

    2.&laintifs e!idence of (older status of t(e Note and 'ortgage

    8ro!es to "e a legal i/8ossi"ilit5.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    -efendant also states t(at "5 t(e ter/s found u8on t(e alleged

    'ortgage itself* as is s(on on 8age one* under t(e (eading

    B%%W? C%>?NANTSH

    78#''#0e' 0(''(%ts (%d 0ill defe%d *e%e'(lly t$e title t#t$e P'#pe'ty (*(i%st (ll cl(ims (%d dem(%ds sub9ect t#

    (%y e%cumb'(%ces #f 'ec#'d&:

    Wit(in t(is action* -efendant* "eing forced to act on t(e assu/8tion

    t(e /ortgage and note is in fact legiti/ate (ic( (e ada/antl5 does

    not -efendant is /erel5 eercising (is alleged legal contractual

    reIuire/ent and dut5 of arranting and defending generall5 t(e

    contractual ter/s of t(e alleged /ortgage contract.

     Additionall5* -efendant su"/its and reIuests t(e Courts ,udicial

    Notice of t(e recentl5 acIuired -ec. 2012 A+ida!it and

    acco/8an5ing letter attac(ed (ereto as ?(i"it F7 stating in 8artJ

     Dn an atte/8t to 8ro!ide 5ou it( /ore assistance* D (a!eenclosed* an a+ida!it

    signed "5 /e* as egister of t(e Sout(ern ?sse -istrict egistr5of -eeds* attesting to t(e 8resence of a ro"o$signed signature on 5our docu/ent as listed on 'c-onnell &ro8ert5 Ana15tics A88ro!ed o"o$signers #ist. Df 5ou are currentl5 "eing foreclosedu8on* t(is a+ida!it /a5 "e 8resented to 5our attorne5* t(e lender*or t(e court to s(o t(at 5our c(ain of title (as "een corru8ted.7

    T(is A+ida!it attests to t(e unlaful and knon o"o$Signer7

    signature status of &lainti+s Assign/ent of 'ortgage ? ?7* as as

    8re!iousl5 alleged "5 -efendant in nu/erous -efendants 8re!ious


    I%t'#duct#'y St(teme%t


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


     As an initial /atter* -efendant freel5 acknoledges t(at &lainti+

    )led t(is lasuit in 200* and /uc( litigation and ti/e (as since

    ensued* including an a88eal and /otion for relief fro/ 4udg/ent

    8ursuant to Ci!. . 60B.

    &lainti+ de"t collector Wells Fargo Bank as Trustee for Trust7

    alleges an i/8ossi"ilit5* to (a!e "een t(e real 8art5 in interest to

    foreclose on an alleged Note and 'ortgage created "eteen 9

    Block and -efendant eed. -efendant eed (as re8eatedl5 disa!oed

    an5 knoledge of sa/e.

    Furt(er* since t(e (earing on t(e case at Bar* nel5 found e!idence

    also 8ro!es t(at t(e alleged loan in t(is case as "ased on an illegall5

    /ani8ulated Dnterest rate* #DB%* (ic( one of t(e 8artici8ants to t(e

    securitization sc(e/a 8ro8osed to (old t(e alleged note /ortgage

    &lainti+ Trust as a /a4or 8artici8ant to. T(at entit5 "eing Barcla5s


    -efendant eed* (ile re8eatedl5 disa!oing an5 knoledge of

    sa/e states not onl5 ould (e ne!er (a!e acce8ted a loan "ased on a

    knon /ani8ulated Dnterest rate "ut also states (e could not e!er (a!e

    "een told or (ad knoledge of t(at t(e Dnde rate t(e alleged loan as

    "ased on at t(e ti/e of t(e alleged note creation* "ecause t(e

    /ani8ulation of t(e rate as not 5et 8u"licl5 knon /aking t(e note

     !oid for lack of full disclosure of sa/e. 1

    1 Helen Galope v. Deutsche Bank National Tust, et al $9") C-. 20154 Case No. 1276892 We -ee-se ")e 's"-+"+o&-"/s -&l!( ")a" Galoe #ale' "o es"als) !:&- !#a+" !e+essa- #o- A-"+le ;;; s"a!'!( o! )e- L;BORase' +la,s.Galoe a'e!o=! ")a" ")e *e#e!'a!"s =e-e,a!&la"!( ")e L;BOR -a"e. A-"+le ;;; s"a!'!( e?s"s =)e! a la!"## &-+)ases a -o'&+" s)e =o&l' !o" )aeo")e-=se &-+)ase' &" #o- ")e alle(e' ,s+o!'&+" o# ")e 'e#e!'a!".  Hinojos v. Kohl’s Corp., @18F.3' 10984 1105 !.3$9") C-. 2013 $+"!( Mazza v. Am. Honda Motor Co., 666 F.3' 7814 797 $9") C-. 2012 Maya v. Centex Corp., 678F.3' 10604 1069 $9") C-. 2011. Co!"-a- "o ")e 'sse!"/s asse-"o!4 Galo-e/s s"a!'!( 'oes !o" "&-! o! =)e")e- s)ea+"&all ,a'e !"e-es" a,e!"s ")a" =e-e a':&s"e' ! -eso!se "o ")e alle(e'l ,a!&la"e' L;BOR -ea"e. Glaoe/s+o(!ale !:&- o++&--e' =)e! s)e &-+)ase' ")e loa!4 !o" &o! a,e!" o# L;BOR-ela"e' !"e-es".  Maya, 678 F.3' a"1069.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    &lainti+ de"t collector alleged t(e rig(t to co//ence t(is action

    against -efendant eed using docu/entation su"/itted as e!idence*

    (ic( &lainti+ alleged su88orted t(eir alleged clai/ and alleges 8roof

    of t(eir rig(t to sa/e. -efendant eed 8ro!es t(eir e!idence ofoners(i8 or e!en of 9older7 status of t(e note /ortgage t(at is

    t(e su"4ect /atter of t(is litigation is not onl5 an i/8ossi"ilit5* "ut an

    illegal i/8ossi"ilit5.2

    Furt(er* e!en t(oug( &lainti+s allegations and assertions listed

    a"o!e are false on t(eir face* none of t(e a"o!e c(anges t(e fact t(at

    it(in &lainti+s &leadings and t(e entiret5 of t(eir on e(i"its* t(e

    Court ne!er (ad 4urisdiction to (ear t(is /atter* nor as &lainti+ Wells

    Fargo Bank N.A. as Trustee* t(e real 8art5 in interest entitled to

    enforce t(e alleged note and /ortgage #% Feb'u('y .;t$ .//

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    Debt c#llect#' Pl(i%ti3 >ells F('*# 8(%5 N&A& (s T'ustee

    ?>F8@ l(c5ed st(%di%* t# b'i%* i%iti(te #' i%+#5e t$is (cti#%

    bec(use it 0(s %#t %#' 0(s it (ll#0ed t# be t$e $#lde' #f t$e

    %#te #' t$e (ssi*%ee #f t$e m#'t*(*e (t t$e time it =led suit

    ?explained infra@& If ( p('ty d#es %#t $(+e st(%di%* (t t$e timet$e c#mpl(i%t is =led it is ( 9u'isdicti#%(l p'#blem t$(t c(%%#t

    l(te' be cu'ed.

    T(e Iuestion of standing is a t(res(old Iuestion of (et(er t(e

    8art5 (as a per%onal %ta&e in t(e outco/eLand if t(at 8ersonal stake

    does not eist (en t(e lasuit is )led* t(e suit /ust "e dis/issed.

    &lainti+ Wells Fargo Bank N.A. as Trustee (ad no legal interest at t(e

    ti/e it )led t(e co/8laint* and standing cannot eist it(out a legal

    rig(t or clai/.

    Since t(e foreclosing "ank relied on an alleged after foreclosure

    initiation acIuired interest in t(e alleged note and /ortgage7 to

    re8resent its rig(t to enforce t(e agree/ents* -efendant eed 'o!es

    t(e Court to !acate t(e 4udg/ent in its entiret5 or to re/and "ack to

    t(e ci!il court it( instruction for sa/e.

    D need not 8roceed under Ci!.. 60B "ecause t(e 4udg/ent is !oid.

    T(e on 8oint decision of t(e %(io Su8re/e Courts Sc(artzald

    decision3 states t(at standing (as to eist at t(e ti/e t(e case is )led*

    and if it does not eist* t(e 4urisdiction of t(e co//on 8leas court as

    not* it could not (a!e "een in!oked. A court it(out 4urisdiction cannot

    enter an5 4udg/ent ece8t one dis/issing t(e case for lack of

     4urisdiction. A /otion to !acate a !oid as o88osed to a !oida"le

     4udg/ent is not "ased on Ci!. . 60B* it in!okes t(e courts in(erent

    8oer. &atton !. -ie/er* 3: %(io St. 3d 6 1=.

    3  Fed. Home Loan Mtge. Corp. v. Sh!artz!ald 4 2012O)o701@. $S"a!'!( s -e

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    &lainti+ de"t collector* according to t(e "inding case la in t(e

    State of %(io and 'ontgo/er5 Count5* as not entitled to 4udg/ent as

    a /atter of la "ecause t(e5 ere not and could not e!er (a!e "een

    t(e real 8art5 in interest. T(e 4udg/ent is !oid a" initio. es 4udicatacannot "e a "ar to 4udg/ent t(at is !oid a" initio.

    I& Rele+(%t F(ctu(l 8(c5*'#u%d

    ,&O% Feb'u('y .;t$ .//< ?E)& 7A:@ Pl(i%ti3 =led t$e

    f#'ecl#su'e c#mpl(i%t i% t$is (cti#%&

    2. As of 'arc( 6t(* 200 t(e note /ortgage at issue (ad not

    "een assigned fro/ (oe!er t(e alleged 8re!ious

    (olderKoner as* to &lainti+ (erein.

    3. %n August 26t(* 200 &lainti+ )led a Notice of Assign/ent of

    'ortgage (ic( contains t(erein also an Assign/ent of Note

    ?( C7* (ic( contained a co85 of a recorded assign/ent of

    -efendants note /ortgage to &lainti+. T(e Assign/ent*7

    attac(ed (ereto as ?(. B7.

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    court in t(is actionJ

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    -efendant 8re!iousl5 contended in t(is case "ecause t(e assign/ent

    of /ortgage (ad not "een recorded 8rior to t(e )ling of t(e lasuit.

    &lainti+ as assigned t(e /ortgage and note !ia for/al assign/ent*

    as (ere* onl5 (fte' t(e )ling of t(e lasuit. T(e trial court entered a

     4udg/ent in fa!or of 8lainti+* and t(e Second -istrict Court of A88eals a+ir/ed.

    T(e Su8re/e Court re!ersed* (olding t(at standing is a

     4urisdictional reIuire/ent t(at /ust "e satis)ed to e!en initiate a

    foreclosure lasuit* statingH

     >e 'ec#*%ied t$(t st(%di%* is ( 9u'isdicti#%(l'eui'eme%t2 i% State ex rel. Dallman v. Franklin Cty.Court of Common Pleas ?,;G@ G O$i# St& .d ,;- (%d 0e st(ted1 7It is (% eleme%t('y c#%cept #f l(0 t$(t (p('ty l(c5s st(%di%* to invoke the jurisdiction #f t$ec#u't u%less $e $(s i% (% i%di+idu(l #' 'ep'ese%t(ti+ec(p(city s#me 'e(l i%te'est i% t$e sub9ect m(tte' #f t$e(cti#%&: ?Emp$(sis (dded by t$e C#u't@&

    (Schwarzwald (tt(c$ed $e'et# (s E)$& 7D: (t p('(& ..@&

    Furt(er* t(e Court stated*

    78ec(use st(%di%* t# sue is 'eui'ed t# i%+#5e t$e 9u'isdicti#% #f t$e c#mm#% ple(s c#u't st(%di%* is t#be dete'mi%ed (s #f t$e c#mme%ceme%t #f suit&:2 Id& Atp('(& . I%+#5i%* 9u'isdicti#% #f t$e c#u't t$usdepe%ds #% t$e st(te #f t$i%*s (t t$e time t$e (cti#% isb'#u*$t (%d %#t (fte'& Id& At p('(& .&

    Dn re!ersing t(e Second -istrict* t(e Su8re/e Court includedH

    T$e l(c5 #f st(%di%* (t t$e c#mme%ceme%t #f (f#'ecl#su'e (cti#% 'eui'es dismiss(l #f t$e c#mpl(i%tJ&K 'd.  At 8ara.

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    9ence* in accordance it( t(e ruling of t(e Su8re/e Court of

    t(e State of %(io* (en &lainti+ de"t collector )led t(is lasuit on

    Fe"ruar5 2;t( 200* &lainti+ lacked t(e ca8acit5 to in!oke t(e

     4urisdiction of t(e court or in ot(er ords* &lainti+ did not (a!e

    standing to in!oke t(e 4urisdiction of t(e court7 "ecause &lainti+ de"tcollector (ad not 5et "een assigned t(e /ortgage and note* and for

    reasons stated in s8eci)cit5 "elo it could not t(en nor can &lainti+

    de"t collector e!er cure t(is lack of standing t(roug( a later )ling of

    t(e /ortgage assign/ent as it atte/8ted to do on 'arc( 2;t(* 200.

    &lainti+s standing to foreclose as a legal i/8ossi"ilit5.

    HISTOR (s (lle*ed by Pl(i%ti3&

    &lainti+ "roug(t t(is action to foreclose "ased on an alleged

    /ortgage* dated ,une =t(* 200:* (ic( secured an alleged loan of

    M100*000 allegedl5 issued to t(e -efendant "5 9 Block 'ortgage

    Cor8oration* a 'assac(usetts Cor8oration7* 9B7. %n ,une =t(*

    200:* 9B alleges to (a!e assigned t(e alleged note and /ortgage

    to %8tion %ne 'ortgage Cor8oration* %8tion %ne7. %8tion %ne t(en

    alleges to (a!e assigned t(e note and /ortgage to &lainti+ "5assign/ent eecuted 'arc( ;t(* 200. &lainti+ is t(e alleged de"t

    collector Trustee7 for a securitized trust titled Securitized Asset

    Backed ecei!a"les ##C 2006$%&1 'ortgage &ass$T(roug(

    Certi)cates* Series 2006 %&17* t(e Trust7. %n Fe"ruar5 2;t( 200

    &lainti+ Trustee initiated t(e foreclosure suit at Bar.

    HISTOR (s s$#0% by t$e EVIDENCE

    &lainti+ "roug(t t(is action to foreclose "ased on an alleged

    /ortgage* dated ,une =t(* 200:* (ic( secured an alleged loan of

    M100*000 allegedl5 issued to t(e -efendant "5 9 Block 'ortgage

    Cor8oration* a 'assac(usetts Cor8oration7* 9B7.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    %n ,une =t(* 200:* 9B ?ntit5 A* it( t(e use of an Allonge

    e(i"it allegedl5 assigned all of t(eir rig(ts to t(e note and

    /ortgage to %8tion %ne 'ortgage Cor8oration ?ntit5 B* %8tion


    %8tion %ne si/ultaneousl5 using t(e sa/e Signator5 creates a

    secondar5 allonge e(i"it transferring all of t(eir rig(ts to t(e note

    and /ortgage to OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. 6 

    %8tion %ne t(en allegedl5 t(ere is no assign/ent 8ro+ered "5

    &lainti+ for t(is action* t(roug( 2 unsigned and unaut(enticated*

    8re!iousl5 created docu/ents intent;*

    1. titledH &urc(ase &rice and Ter/s Agree/ent7 ?..


    2. titledH ?P?CETD%N C%&G F#%W A'?N-?- AN-

    ?STAT?- '%TA? #%AN &EC9AS? AN-

    WAANTD?S A??'?NT ?*

    it( (ic( e are lead to "elie!e it(out an5 8roof (atsoe!er t(at

    %8tion %ne does assignKsellsKtransfers all of t(eir rig(ts to t(e N%T?

    'ortgage to Barcla5s Bank ?ntit5 CS8onsor (o t(en* e are led

    to "elie!e intent=* "undles t(e Note 'ortgage along it(

    6 ; =o&l' =-"e Bla!> &" a++o-'!( "o SEC La=4 # ; '' ")a" ")e! ; =o&l' e -e-ese!"!( ")a" o!l

    Bla!> =as ")e a&")o-e' )ol'e-4 ")ose =o&l' e ")e sa,e SEC la=s =)+) -e

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    a88roi/atel5 :*000 ot(er like kind in!est/ents and uses t(e entire

    "undle to create a ne )nancial entit5 called a S8ecial &ur8ose >e(icle

    S&>* (ic( is designed to acce8t de8osit of t(e "undled notes and

    /ortgages and is a ?'DC Trust.

    Barcla5s Bank ?ntit5 C t(en* e are t(en lead to "elie!e*

    allegedl5 sells t(roug( a docu/ent titled BD## %F SA#?7 ? O7 J

    in consideration of i t(e su/ of M1*21

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    %8tion %ne ?ntit5 8 t(en alleges it( intent and scienter12 to

    (a!e assigned t(e note and /ortgage to &lainti+ ?ntit5 E "5

    assign/ent of 'ortgage e eecuted 'arc( ;t(* 200. &lainti+ (ad

    8re!iousl5 initiated suit on Fe"ruar5 2;t(* 200. T(e i/8ortant as8ect

    fro/ a"o!e is t(e assign/ent fro/ ?ntit5 8 directl5 to ?ntit5 E.

    &lainti+* as re8resented is t(e alleged de"t collector Trustee for

    a securitized ?'DC trust titled Securitized Asset Backed ecei!a"les

    ##C 2006$%&1 'ortgage &ass$T(roug( Certi)cates* Series 2006 %&17*

    t(e Trust7.

     ASSINMENT ARUMENT . ?besides Sc$0('t0(ld ?p#st


    T(e lack of 8ro8er transfers of t(e note /ortgage 8ro8er

    ould "e A R B* B R C* C R - and - R ? and in fact* t(e i/8ro8er

    transfers as in t(e case at Bar (ere &lainti+s Assign/ent alleges

    transfer fro/ ?ntit5 8 to E* to ot(ers creates a series of docu/ent

    defects and de)ciencies t(at include* "ut are not li/ited to t(e


    a Broken endorse/ent c(ains A R B* B R ?J" %riginal Notes it(out signatures on endorse/entsJ

    c Notes it( ski88ing endorse/entsJ

    d Notes it( endorse/ents on unattac(ed allongesJ

    e Allonges unattac(ed to t(eir original et$ink notesJf Allonges co8ied and taken fro/ ot(er notes and 8laced onto a

    di+erent note J12  Black’s 9th sciente $s;e!"%- or see4 n. La"! D>!o=!(lD $18251. A 'e(-ee o# >!o=le'(e ")a" ,a>es a e-so! le(all -eso!sle #o- ")e +o!se

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    g Allonges unattac(ed to original notes it( "lankendorse/entsJ

    ( Notes ne!er endorsedJ

    i Allonges ne!er datedJ

     4 Allonges in "lank and 8re$eecuted and undated for later )ll$ins "5 unknon 8artiesJ

    k -ou"le 8ledges of t(e sa/e note andKor loan to di+erent8artiesJ

    l &ost$dated assign/ents of /ortgages and notesJ

    /o"o$signed assign/ents of /ortgages and notesJ

    n &ost$dated assign/ents of /ortgages and notesJ

    o Assign/ents eecuted it( no laful aut(orit5J

    8 Assignors assigning to t(e/sel!esJ

    I To di+erent 8arties clai/ing t(e oners(i8 of t(e sa/enoteKloan.

     As s(on a"o!e* i/8ro8er assign/ent of t(e note and /ortgage

    s(os &lainti+ de"t collector alleges to recei!e its aut(orit5 to

    foreclose fro/ an entit5 t(at (ad no aut(orit5 to grant* as it (ad

    alread5 relinIuis(ed t(at aut(orit5 to Barcla5s Bank.

    C(% t$e T'ustee F#'ecl#se

    Furt(er* -efendant reIuests ,udicial Notice t(at in t(e case at

    Bar* it is allegedl5 t(e Trustee for t(e Trust7 t(at is "ringing t(e

    foreclosure suit. &lainti+ Trustee o+ers no 8roof of an5 transfer of an5

    oners(i8* or rig(ts or aut(orit5 fro/ t(e Trust to t(e Trustee13 ofKor

    8ertaining to t(e alleged Note andKor t(e 'ortgage andKor 8ertaining

    13 O- #o- ")a" ,a""e- a! -oo# o# "-a!s#e- "o ")e "-&s" #-o, ")e *eos"o- o- -oo# o# "-a!s#e- #-o, ")eSo!so- $Ba-+la/s Ba!> "o ")e *eos"o- o- -oo# o# "-a!s#e- #-o, ")e Le!'e- O"o! O!e "o ")e So!so-Ba-+la/s Ba!> O!e +a! o!l "-a!s#e- =)a" o!e )as "o "-a!s#e-.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    to t(e rig(ts or aut(orit5 granted to t(e Trustee* in t(e case at Bar to


    T(e a"o!e state/ent is of ut/ost i/8ortance "ecause it(in t(e

    Trusts controlling docu/ent* its Dndenture* t(e &ooling and Ser!icing

     Agree/ent &SA* at section 3.1: e )nd t(at "5 contractual

    agree/ent it is not t(e Trustees 8osition to engage in an5 foreclosing

    related acti!ities* it is instead t(e Ser!icers71

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    oners(i8 of an5 ite/ outside t(e trusts 8ossessions* &lainti+ Trustee

    fails to satisf5 t(e E.S. Constitution Article DDDs standing reIuire/ents

    t(at a 8lainti+ /ust s(o (ic( reIuireH

    a it (as su+ered an in4ur5 in fact t(at is concrete and8articularized and actual or i//inent* not con4ectural or


    " t(e in4ur5 is fairl5 tracea"le to t(e c(allenged action of t(e

    defendantJ and c it is likel5* as o88osed to /erel5 s8eculati!e*

    t(at t(e in4ur5 ill "e redressed "5 a fa!ora"le decision.

    Standing is a t(res(old issue. Wit(out standing to in!oke t(e

     4urisdiction of t(e court at t(e initiation of suit* no furt(er /utterings

    or 8rotestations of t(e &lainti+ can "e (eard for t(e5 are /oot.


    T(e ?'DC Trust* a S8ecial &ur8ose >e(icle S&>* as for/ed

    as a !e(icle for 8urc(asing /ortgage "acked securities and t(en

    selling certi)cates "ased solel5 on t(e inco/e generated "5 t(ose/ont(l5 8rinci8al and interest 8a5/ents generated "5 t(ose notes and

    /ortgages (eld it(in t(e Trust. T(e Trust is su"4ect to t(e ter/s of

    t(e trust indenture controlling docu/ent /e/orialized in a

    docu/ent titled t(e &ooling and Ser!icing Agree/ent7* t(e &SA7.

    T(e &SA as signed "5 t(e -e8ositor* Securitized Asset Backed

    ecei!a"les ##C SAB7* "5 t(e Ser!icer* %8tion %ne* and "5 t(e

    Trustee* W?##S FA% BAN* NA* and is dated ,anuar5 1* 2006.

    T(e &SA contractuall5 sets fort( t(e go!erning la of t(e trust

    and t(e /anner in (ic( /ortgages ould "e 8urc(ased "5 t(e trust*

    as ell as t(e duties of t(e trustee and t(e ser!icer. Dt is t(e trusts

    on contractual controlling docu/ent.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    Section 2.01* su"section 1 of t(e &SA reIuires t(at transfer and

    assign/ent of /ortgages /ust "e e+ected "5 (and deli!er5* for de8osit

    it( t(e Trustee it( t(e original note endorsed in "lank.

    Section 2.0: of t(e &SA reIuires t(at t(e -e8ositor transfer all

    rig(t* title* interest in t(e /ortgages to t(e Trustee* #% be$(lf #f t$e

    t'ust* as of t(e Cl#si%* D(te. T(e Cl#si%* D(te (s p'#+ided i% t$e

    PSA is "(%u('y .-t$ .//-.

    T(e -ate of t(e Assign/ent of 'ortgage and Note referenced

    infra* is o!er 2 5ears 8ast t(e date alloed for de8osits into t(e trust.

    Df t(e trust does not 8erfect legal title "5 taking 8(5sical 8ossession of

    t(e notes and /ortgages* t(e Dnternal e!enue Code* s8eci)call5 .-U&S&C& -&"+ -e,o"e. Ne=o->/s Es"a"e Po=e-s J T-&s" la=s =e-e +)ose! RHBS so!so-s $! ")e PSAs as ")e +o!"-oll!( s"a"&"es "o (oe-!REH;C "-&s"s4 as ")e EPTL/s -&les a!' +o!+o,"a!" +o,,o! la= es"als) +o,,o! la= "-&s"s ")a" +o!#o-, ")eREH;C "a? #-ee ass")-o&() -e

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    Dn t(e case at Bar* &lainti+ s(os not 1 iota of 8roof t(at said

    S8onsor* Barcla5s Bank ?ntit5 C* e!er recei!ed -efendants Note

    andKor 'ortgage.

    Dn t(e case at Bar* &lainti+ s(os not 1 iota of 8roof t(at said-e8ositor ?ntit5 - e!er recei!ed -efendants Note andKor 'ortgage

    % t(e alleged and 8re!iousl5 allegedl5 created "undled notes and

    /ortgages fro/ S8onsor Barcla5s Bank containing -efendants

    alleged Note andKor 'ortgage.

     Dn t(e case at Bar* &lainti+ s(os not 1 iota of 8roof t(at said

    -e8ositor SAB e!er recei!ed or de8osited t(e alleged 'ortgage and

    Note into t(e &lainti+ Trust.

    Dn t(e case at Bar* &lainti+ s(os not 1 iota of 8roof t(at said

    &lainti+ Trust e!er transferred t(e alleged 'ortgage and Note to t(e

    &lainti+ Trusts Trustee* Wells Fargo Bank N.A. (o is t(e &lainti+ in

    t(is case.

    Dn t(e case at "ar and in fact* t(e assign/ent of /ortgage

    note t(at &lainti+ 8ro+ers* and (ic( allege to re8resent t(e rig(t to

    oners(i8 or "eing 9older7 of "ot( t(e Note and 'ortgage* initiates

    fro/ #ender %8tion %ne Assignor* "58assing Barcla5s Bank*

    "58assing t(e -e8ositor and "58assing t(e Trust itself going straig(t

    to &lainti+ de"t collector Assignee. T(is is an unlaful and for"idden


    Dt is essential for t(e courts to understand t(at "efore t(e alleged

    note /ortgage could "e 8laced it(in an5 ?'DC trust* eac( of

    t(ese ste8s as /andated "5 t(e Trusts go!erning la* Ne Gork

    ?states &oer and Trust #a N.G. ?.&.T.#* DS Ta Code D..C.

    reIuire/ents AN- "5 t(e contractual ter/s found it(in t(e &SA


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    (ic( as signed and agreed u8on "5 t(e 8artici8ants of t(e

    securitization. T(e rules for t(e de8osit of all of t(e Notes

    'ortgages allegedl5 (eld it(in t(e 8ool of assets oned "5 t(e trust

    are strict and are /andated to "e ad(ered to 8unctiliousl5.

     As stated in t(e NGSBA NG Business #a ,ournalUSu//er 2012U>ol.

    16 UNo. 1 8g. ;;J

     T)e Ho-"(a(e Se+&-"a"o! T-a!sa+"o! ;! 19864 Co!(-ess +)a!(e' ")e "a? +o'e. O!eo# ")ese +)a!(es =as ")e +-ea"o! o# ")e Real Es"a"e Ho-"(a(e ;!es",e!" Co!'&"$REH;C. A REH;C o- se+al &-ose e)+le $SPV s a! e!"" ")a" s +-ea"e' #o- ")ese+#+ &-ose o# e!( a "a?#-ee ass")-o&() #o- !"e-es" !+o,e (e!e-a"e' oole',o-"(a(es. T)s allo=e' !es"o-s "o &-+)ase s)a-es o- +e-"#+a"es ! a ,o-"(a(e ool")a" =as o!l "a?e' o!+e a" ")e !es"o- leel. T)e REH;C -&les allo=e' ")e ,o-"(a(e ools "o +olle+" !"e-es" !+o,e #-o, ")e ool a!' 's&-se ")a" !+o,e "o ")e +e-"#+a"e

    )ol'e-s "a?#-ee a" ")e ool leel. P-o- "o ")e REH;C4 !"e-es" !+o,e #-o, oole',o-"(a(e !es",e!"s =e-e "a?e' "=+e4 o!+e a" ")e ool leel a!' a(a! a" ")e !es"o-leel.

    REH;C -&les a-e e- se+#+416 a!' "o !o=! as ")e Pool!( a!' Se-+!( A(-ee,e!" $PSA. O!e#&!+"o! o# ")e PSA s "o es"als) ")e -&les (oe-!!( ")e "-&s" s&+) ")a" ")e "-&s"/sa+""es a!' ,a!a(e,e!" +o!#o-, "o ;RC 860. ;# ")e "-&s" '' !o" +o!#o-,4 " +o&l'lose "s REH;C s"a"&s a!' "s "a?#-ee ass")-o&() s"a"&s.1@ 

     NSBA N B&s!ess La= %o&-!al S&,,e- 2012 Vol. 16 No. 1 (. @@

    T(e Trusts agree/ent knon as t(e &ooling and Ser!icing

     Agree/ent &SA* t(e trusts indenture1* sets fort( in its entiret5

    (o t(e trust acIuires and is alloed to acIuire its assets and t(e

    Trust agree/ent sets fort( "ot( 8oers and t(e li/its of t(e 8oers

    of t(e Trust and t(e Trusts 8artici8ants.

    16 ;RC 860 -e/s 9"). tr$st indent$re. 1. A 'o+&,e!" +o!"a!!( ")e "e-,s a!' +o!'"o!s (oe-!!( a "-&s"ees+o!'&+" a!' ")e "-&s" e!e#+a-es -()"s. Also "e-,e' indent$re o) tr$st. Cases T-&s"s CQ 1929. 2. Seedeed o) tr$st &!'e- *EE*.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    T(e &SA 1= reIuires t(at eac( 8art5 to t(e sale of t(e /ortgage

    loans endorse eac( 8ro/issor5 note to t(e net 8art5 in t(e c(ain of

    title until t(e 8ro/issor5 note and /ortgage is deli!ered to t(e

    Trustee for t(e "ene)t of t(e Trust. T(is reIuire/ent is included in

    t(e &SA and is found at Section 2.01 " (ic( in 8art readsJ$ ;! +o!!e+"o! =") ")e "-a!s#e- a!' ass(!,e!" o# ea+) Ho-"(a(e Loa!4 ")e *eos"o- )as 'ele-e'o- +a&se' "o e 'ele-e' "o ")e T-&s"ee #o- ")e e!e#" o# ")e Ce-"#+a"e)ol'e-s ")e #ollo=!('o+&,e!"s o- !s"-&,e!"s =") -ese+" "o ea+) Ho-"(a(e Loa! so ass(!e'

    $ ")e o-(!al Ho-"(a(e No"e ea-!( all !"e-e!!( e!'o-se,e!"s s)o=!( a +o,le"e +)a! o# e!'o-se,e!" #-o, ")e o-(!a"o- "o ")e las" e!'o-see...

    $ ")e o-(!al o# a! (&a-a!"ee e?e+&"e' ! +o!!e+"o! =") ")e Ho-"(a(e No"e

    $ ")e o-(!al Ho-"(a(e =") e'e!+e o# -e+o-'!( ")e-eo! o- a +e-"#e' "-&e +o o# s&+)Ho-"(a(e s&,""e' #o- -e+o-'!(.20

    $ ")e o-(!als o# all ass&,"o!4 ,o'#+a"o!4 +o!sol'a"o! a!' e?"e!so! a(-ee,e!"s4 # a!4=") e'e!+e o# -e+o-'!( ")e-eo!

    $ ")e o-(!al Ass(!,e!" o# Ho-"(a(e #o- ea+) Ho-"(a(e Loa! e!'o-se' ! la!>

    $ ")e o-(!als o# all !"e-e!!( ass(!,e!"s o# Ho-"(a(e $# a! e'e!+!( a +o,le"e +)a!o# ass(!,e!" #-o, ")e al+ale o-(!a"o- "o ")e las" e!'o-see =") e'e!+e o# -e+o-'!(")e-eo!....

    $ ")e o-(!al ,o-"(a(ee ""le !s&-a!+e ol+ ...

    $ ")e o-(!al o-4 # &!aalale4 a +o o# a! se+&-" a(-ee,e!"4 +)a""el ,o-"(a(e o-e

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    date of t(e trust 8ursuant to section 2.02 of t(e &SA. T(e a"sence of

    t(ese endorse/ents on t(is 8ro/issor5 note is not onl5 !er5

    co/8elling 8roof of lack of note (older status* "ut also 8roof of

    &lainti+s fraud in t(e 8roduction to t(e Court of t(e Assign/ent of

    'ortgage ?(i"it ?7 (ic( "5 t(e ter/s of t(e trusts ongo!erning docu/ent &SA cannot* does not and cannot no 8ost

    trust closing date e!er legall5 eist. Dn fact* &lainti+s 8ro+ered

     Assign/ent of Note 'ortgage is a legal i/8ossi"ilit5.

    Ender t(e ter/s of t(e trust (ic( are contractuall5* legall5

    go!erned under NG ?.&.T.#.* t(e contracts "eteen t(e 8arties &SA*

    andKor ECC V = in t(e case at Bar* t(ere are un/et reIuire/ents for

    t(e c(ain of title "5 t(e foreclosing entit5 to "e Iuali)ed as a &?T?7

    8erson entitled to enforce. Dn ot(er ords* single endorse/ents in

    "lank* clai/ing t(at an5 8art5 in 8ossession of a note can enforce a

    note* e!en a t(ief* ski88ed assignees* no 8roof of 9older in -ue Course

    does not ork. Dn t(e case at "ar* t(e trusts Trustee is s8eci)call5

    N%T alloed to on an asset acIuired out of t(in air on its on its

    sole eistence is for ser!ice to t(e Trust. An5t(ing done "5 an5 trust

    8artici8ant in contra!ention to t(e trusts indenture is "5 contractual

    agree/ent >%D- at its ince8tion. As suc(* in t(e case at Bar* s(ould

    t(e Assign/ent of 'ortgage to &lainti+ "e dee/ed legiti/ate* t(en t(e

    &lainti+ Trustee ould "e a non legal entit5. Dn essence its a catc($22.

    ?it(er a5* &lainti+ lacked t(e ca8acit5 to in!oke t(e 4urisdiction of

    t(e court to initiate t(eir action.

    T(e e!idence in t(e collateral )le s(os an utter and co/8lete

    failure of t(e 8arties to t(is alleged securitization to actuall5 con!e5

    t(is alleged 8ro/issor5 note to t(is alleged Trust as as articulated "5

    t(e -efendant in eac( and e!er5 8re!ious 8leading. T(e 8lainti+

    Trustee (as o+ered no 8roof of oners(i8 and t(e collateral )le


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    8ro+ered "5 t(e &lainti+ t(roug( -isco!er5 clearl5 de/onstrates t(at

    t(is loan as not securitized into nor as it e!er transferred to t(is


     Assu/ing t(e note andKor /ortgage at issue could so/e(oretroacti!el5 "e 8ro8erl5 and legall5 de8osited into t(e Trust* t(e

    Court s(ould also "e /ade aare t(at Sections 2.0; d.* e.* (.* 3.01 c.*

    3.1; (* :.02* c* .11 of t(e &SA are all s8eci)c to t(e case at "ar

    (ic( set fort( furt(er e8licit restrictions on t(e 8oers of t(e

    Trustee* -e8ositor and t(e Ser!icer of t(e trust7 and (ic( 8ro(i"its

    t(e Trustee* -e8ositor and t(e Ser!icer fro/ taking an5 action (ic(

    ould 4eo8ardize t(e ?'DC status of t(e Trust. T(e 8roduction of t(e

    8ost dated* counterfeit and fa"ricated Assign/ent of 'ortgage is itself 

    a 8ro(i"ited action. T(ese t58es of li/itations are co//on and are

    8resent in t(is or a si/ilar for/ in e!er5 8ooling and ser!icing

    agree/ent (ic( seeks to create a securitized trust t(at can clai/ t(e

    ta "ene)ts of ?'DC status under t(e ES Ta Code.

     An5 atte/8t to acce8t a transfer of t(is alleged &ro/issor5 note

    after t(e ,anuar5 26* 2006* 8lus =0 da5 closing date of t(e trust ould(a!e !iolated "ot( S?C code

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


     Ne")e- ")e Se-+e- !o- T-&s"ee s)all $ e-," ")e +-ea"o! o# a! !"e-es"s ! a!T-&s" REH;C o")e- ")a! ")e -e(&la- a!' -es'&al !"e-es"s se" #o-") ! ")e P-el,!a-S"a"e,e!"4 o- $ o")e-=se >!o=!(l o- !"e!"o!all "a>e a! a+"o!4 +a&se")e T-&s" F&!' "o "a>e a! a+"o! o- #al "o "a>e $o- #al "o +a&se "o e "a>e!a! a+"o!-easo!al =")! "s +o!"-ol a!' ")e s+oe o# '&"es ,o-e se+#+all se" #o-") )e-e!4")a"4 &!'e- ")e REH;C P-oso!s4 # "a>e! o- !o" "a>e!4 as ")e +ase ,a e4 +o&l' $Ae!'a!(e- ")e s"a"&s o# a! T-&s" REH;C as a REH;C o- $B -es&l" ! ")e ,os"o! o#

    a "a? &o! a! T-&s" REH;C o- ")e T-&s" F&!' $!+l&'!( &" !o" l,"e' "o ")e "a? o!6prohi5ited transations6  as 'e#!e' ! Se+"o! 860F$a$2 o# ")e Co'e a!' ")e "a? o!+o!"-&"o!s "o a T-&s" REH;C se" #o-") ! Se+"o! 860G$' o# ")e Co'e4 o- ")e "a? o!6net inome )rom )orelos$re property6  &!less ")e T-&s"ee -e+ees a! O!o! o#Co&!sel $a" ")e e?e!se o# ")e a-" see>!( "o "a>e s&+) a+"o! o-4 # s&+) a-" #als "o a s&+) e?e!se4 a!' ")e T-&s"ee 'e"e-,!es ")a" "a>!( s&+) a+"o! s ! ")e es"!"e-es" o# ")e T-&s" F&!' a!' ")e Ce-"#+a"e)ol'e-s4 a" ")e e?e!se o# ")e T-&s" F&!'4 &" ! !o ee!" a" ")e e?e!se o# ")e T-&s"ee "o ")e e##e+" ")a" ")e +o!"e,la"e' a+"o!=ll !o"4 =") -ese+" "o ")e T-&s" F&!' o- a! T-&s" REH;C +-ea"e' )e-e&!'e-4e!'a!(e- s&+) s"a"&s o-4 &!less ")e T-&s"ee 'e"e-,!es ! "s sole 's+-e"o! "o!'e,!# ")e T-&s" F&!' a(a!s" s&+) "a?4 -es&l" ! ")e ,os"o! o# s&+) a "a?.

    To Su//arize* T(e closing date of t(is trust as ,anuar5 26*

    2006. T(e creation date of &lainti+s Assign/ent of 'ortgage

    Note is 'arc( ;* 200 or 2:Y 'ont(s 8ast t(e trusts closing date

    as suc( it is in !iolation of t(e trusts on controlling docu/ent* t(e

    &ooling and Ser!icing Agree/ent &SA* D..C. regulations and t(e

    trusts controlling la* N.G. ?.&.T.#. and is >%D-. &lainti+s and

    &lainti+s counsel clearl5 s(o scienter "5 (a!ing acted incontra!ention to t(e trust "5J

    1. creating or /anufacturing* forger5 it( intent to defraud

    intent scienter

    2. atte/8ting t(e use of distri"ution and intent to fraud

    3. actuall5 su"/itting selling false* counterfeit and

    fraudulent docu/ents it(in t(is !er5 Court of #a and

    ?Iuit5* e!idenced not onl5 "5 t(eir late creation date as it

    concerns legal standing to in!oke t(e 4urisdiction of t(e

    Court* "ut also in contra!ention of DS ?'DC #a as

    e8lained a"o!e and again it(in t(e &SA at Section .11

    Ta 'atters g (ic( readsJ


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    g not knoingl5 or intentionall5 take an5 action or o/it

    to take an5 action t(at ould cause t(e ter/ination of t(e

    ?'DC status of an5 Trust ?'DC created (ereunderJ

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    Trusts cut$%+ date7 is t(e date in (ic( t(e Trust is /andated "5 la

    to sto8 acce8ting de8osits into it. Aside fro/ t(e creation 8ost

    foreclosure issue related a"o!e* "5 t(e ter/s of t(e Trusts on &SA*

    N.G. ?.&.T.#. D..C. regulations all /andate t(at t(is Assign/ent as

     !oid at its ince8tion.

    T(e Trust is also a eal ?state 'ortgage Dn!est/ent Conduit

    ?'DC trust and as suc( is (eld in strict regulations it( "ot( D..S.

    ?'DC trust rules of #a and t(e #as and ules created s8eci)call5

    in accordance it( t(e Trust las of eit(er t(e State of t(e Trusts

    creation or "5 t(e contractual c(oice of t(e 8artici8ants of t(e Trust*

    as is t(e case at "ar. T(e agreed contractual c(oice of #a to "e

    ad(ered to "5 t(e Trusts 8artici8ants in t(e case at Bar is Ne Gork

    Trust #a ?.&.T.#..

    &lainti+s 8roduction of t(e Assign/ent7 is contrar5 to Ne

     Gork #a and DS 60. Dn s(ort* t(e &lainti+ Trust eercised a

    8ro(i"ited act on 'arc( ;t(* 200.

    T(e afore/entioned Assign/ent7 is contrar5 to t(e Trusts

    Dnstru/ents and t(erefore >oid 8ursuant to DS 60A$ and Ne Gork 

    ?states* &oers Trusts ?.&.T.# $ &art 2 $ V ; 2.< and t(e Trusts

    Dndenture reIuire/ents.

    DA! a+"o! =)+) 'ea"es #-o, ")e T-&s" 'o+&,e!"s s o'. @2.5 A+" o# "-&s"ee !+o!"-ae!"o! o# "-&s" ;# ")e "-&s" s e?-esse' ! ")e !s"-&,e!" +-ea"!( ")e es"a"e o# ")e"-&s"ee4 ee- sale4 +o!ea!+e o- o")e- a+" o# ")e "-&s"ee ! +o!"-ae!"o! o# ")e "-&s"4

    e?+e" as a&")o-e' ")s a-"+le a!' a! o")e- -oso! o# la=4 s o'D.

    No 8ossession of t(e Asset eists until t(ere (as "een a deli!er5

    and an acce8tance of t(e Asset and t(e gi!er of t(e Asset (as

    relinIuis(ed all do/inion and control o!er t(e Asset signif5ing a true


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  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    Furt(er* Section =.02 of t(e &SA s8eci)call5 8ro(i"its t(e

    acIuisition of an5 asset for a ?'DC fund after t(e closing date unless

    t(e 8art5 8er/itting t(e acIuisition and t(e ND'S net interest /argin

    securities Dnsurer (a!e recei!ed an %8inion letter fro/ counsel* at t(e

    8art5Zs e8ense* t(at t(e acce8tance of t(e asset ill not a+ect t(e?'DCZs status.

    &lainti+ 8ro+ers no suc( e!idence or 8roof t(at a letter (as "een

    8ro!ided to s(o co/8liance it( t(ese reIuire/ents of t(e &SA.

    &lainti+ (as 8ro+ered23 no e!idence of -e8ositors de8ositing of t(e

    note and /ortgage into t(e Trust and (as 8ro+ered no e!idence t(at

    t(e trustee (ad t(e aut(orit5 to acIuire t(e note and /ortgage (erein

    after t(e trust (ad closed or for t(e 8ur8ose of foreclosure.

    -efendant asserts t(at t(e alleged transfer of t(e note

    /ortgage to &lainti+ Trust (erein as >%D- a" initio "ecause t(e note

    is re8resented to (a!e "een acIuired after t(e trusts closing date and

    as suc( is a !iolation of t(e contractual ter/s esta"lis(ed and

    /e/orialized it(in t(e Trusts controlling docu/ent* t(e &SA.

    W(ereas it(in %(io #a it /a5 "e 8er/issi"le for a 9older7 to

    eecute suit on a note andKor /ortgage* in t(e case at Bar t(e alleged

    contraction "eteen 8arties is not "eing done "5 an %(ioan against an

    %(ioan. Dnstead it is "eing co//itted "5 a de"t collector (o is an

    alleged re8resentati!e of a NG Trust* a trust (ic( is "ound "5 NG

    #as and as suc( it is u8 to &lainti+ to 8ro!e not onl5 t(at (e is indeed

    t(e true &?T? &erson ?ntitled To ?nforce of t(e alleged Note

    'ortgage* "ut also t(at (e (as an5 legal ca8acit5 (atsoe!er to (old

    an5t(ing in contra!ention to t(e trust. Dn t(e case at Bar* &lainti+ de"t

    collector (as not t(e legal ca8acit5 to e!en "e a 9older7. Dn fact*

    23 Bla+>/s 9") -o##e- $-o#'-4 v5. $l5+ To o##e- o- "e!'e- $so,e")!(4 es. e'e!+e #o- ,,e'a"e a++e"a!+e.Cases C-,!al La= C.o6@0 Fe'e-al Cl P-o+e'&-e 2013 T-al $@.Q55. -o##e-4 n.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    &lainti+s lack of clear and s8eci)c aut(orization to act as t(e

    foreclosing entit5 in t(e case at Bar* 8ro!es &lainti+ de"t collector is

    co//itting an act in contra!ention to t(e Dndenture of t(e Trust and

    as suc(* again "5 contractual o"ligation found it(in t(e Dndenture is

    dee/ed >%D- a" initio.

    &lainti+ de"t collector o+ers onl5 3 signed docu/ents* 4ust 3

    8ieces of 8a8er attesting to t(eir alleged legiti/ac5 to foreclose* t(eir

    rig(t to "e &?T?. T(ose docu/ents areH

    1. t(e 8ost dated* 8ost created and )led it( t(e court

    /ont(s after foreclosure initiation* Assign/ent of

    'ortgage7 Note?OO (ic( is o"o$Signed2<

     "5 aknon o"o$Signer2: na/ed 's. To8aka #o!e.26

    2. T(e 8ost dated* 8ost created and )led it( t(e court

    /ont(s after foreclosure initiation* A+ida!it of Status of 

     Account and 'ilitar5 Status7?OO again signed "5 t(e

    sa/e o"o$Signer 's. To8aka #o!e

    25 =e !o= )ae a le(al 'e#!"o! o# DRoos(!e-D #-o, ")e U.S.C.O.A. #o- ")e 7") C-+&" $T ! ")e +ase o#

    RE;NAGEL . *EUTSCE BANK NAT;ONAL TRUST COHPAN4 No. 1270769 $7") C-. O+". 294 2013. T)e +o&-"'e#!e' DRoos(!!(D as #ollo=s

    DRoos(!!( s ")e +ollo e,loees o- ")-'a-" +o!"-a+"o-s $1 e?e+&"e a!'a+>!o=le'(e "-a!s#e- 'o+&,e!"s ! la-(e !o=! RooS(!e-s a" )s =es"e a" )"",'ee's.+o,-oos"e'#-oos(!e-s.'# . Hs. Loe/s !a,eaea-s o! a(e 24 Col&,! B4 Ro= 23.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    3. T(e unattac(ed Allonge fro/ %8tion %ne 'ort. Cor8. to


    -efendant su"/its ne e!idence in t(is case in t(e for/ of an

     A+ida!it attesting to t(e o"o$signing e8lained infra of "ot(

    &lainti+s Assign/ent of 'ortgage7 and &lainti+s A+ida!it of Status

    of Account and 'ilitar5 Status7 /arked ?(i"it OO7..


    %n or a"out ,une =* 200:* as t(e e!idence of record s(os*

    -efendantZs alleged original lender* 9 Block 'ortgage Cor8.*

    clai/s t(at t(roug( t(e use of an alleged eecuted endorse/ent (ic(

    as unattac(ed* is inco/8lete* is non$aut(enticated "5 a+ida!it* and is

    left an uneecuted &a5 to t(e %rder7as in eisting distinctl5 se8arate

    under la fro/ "earer 8a8er7 docu/ent entitled allonge7 dated

     ,une =* 200: fro/ %8tion %ne to OOOO.2;

    2@ Co**ents O& N+e )avalle To loi'a !upe*e Cout -a(e 72 Ne Laalle4 Pe= Ho-"(a(e ;!s""&"e4 50@968909@ ,o-"(a(e#-a&'sZaol.+o,

     253. ;! #a+"4 a +o,,o! !'&s"- -a+"+e =as "o +-ea"e a! &!a""a+)e' a!' a! &!'a"e' e!'o-se' ! la!> e+e o# ae- ")e !'&s"- =-o!(l !#e--e' =as a! allo!(e 255. T)e &!a""a+)e' e+e o# ae- =") a! e?e+&"e' e!'o-se,e!"&o! "s #a+e =o&l' ")e! e la+e' ! a #le =") o- =")o&" a !o"e4 s+a!!e' a!' ,a(e' !"o a! ,a(!( ss"e, a!' ")e!

    's+a-'e'4 'es"-oe'4 +o!+eale'4 o- ee! la"e- a""a+)e' # !e+essa-4 &o! 'e#a&l" a o--o=e- =)e! a se-+e- !ee'e'"o +-ea"e e'e!+e o# !o"e o=!e-s) o- )ol'e- s"a"&s. 257. U!'e- UCC A-"+le 34 !'o-se,e!" ,ea!s a s(!a"&-e ona! !s"-&,e!"4 !o" o! a 5lan% piee o) paper . 256. ;! o-'e- #o- ")e e!'o-se,e!" o! a! allo!(e "o e al'4 ")e -oe-'o+&,e!" +&s"o' -o+ess ")a" s)o&l' )ae ee! #ollo=e' =as "o a 'e"e-,!e # -oo, e?s"e' o! ")e las" a(e o# ")e!o"e o- "s a+>s'e "o see # a! -oo, e?s"e' #o- ")e e!'o-se,e!" o!l # !o -oo, e?s"e'4 a la!> e+e o# ae-s)o&l' e #-,l a##?e' "o ")e las" a(e o# ")e o-(!al =e"!> !o"e4 so as "o -ee!" "s -e,oal a!' -ela+e,e!" +")e #-s" a(e o! ")e #a+e o# ")e !o"e s)o&l' ")e! e s"a,e' Allo!(e -oe-" a''-ess4 loa! !&,e- e"+. s)o&l' e

     la+e' &o! ")e la!> e+e o# ae- a!' ")e! e ")e e!'o-se,e!" s"a, a!' s(!a"&-e s)o&l' e la+e' o! ")e a##?e' e+e o# ae- "o ")e !o"e $.e. a! allo!(e. 25@. A! &!a""a+)e' "o a! o-(!al !o"e la!> e+e o# ae- s !o" a! allo!(e.A! &!a""a+)e' "o a! o-(!al !o"e la!> e+e o# ae- =") a! e!'o-se,e!" o! "s #a+e s !o" a! allo!(e e")e-. ;# ")ee!'o-se,e!" s la+e' &o! ")e la!> e+e o# ae- a!' ")e! ")e e!'o-se,e!" a!' s(!a"&-e a-e la+e' o! ")e la!>

     e+e o# ae- =)le &!a""a+)e'4 all so,eo!e )as e!'o-se' =as ")e la!> e+e o# ae-4 !o" ")e o-(!al !o"e "sel#. 258.*a--ell W. Pe-+e s a H+)(a! la=e- #o- ")e !a"o!al la= #-, o# *>e,a Gosse"". H-. Pe-+e se-e' as ,e,e- o# ")eA-"+le 9 S"&' Co,,""ee #o- ")e Pe-,a!e!" E'"o-al Boa-' #o- ")e U!#o-, Co,,e-+al Co'e4 as C)a- o# ")e A-"+le9 Fl!( P-o:e+" a!' as ")e -,a- '-a#"e- o# ")e ;!"e-!a"o!al Asso+a"o! o# Co,,e-+al A',!s"-a"o-s/ Ho'el

    A',!s"-a"e R&les #o- A-"+le 9 #l!( o##+es. e s a #-e

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    Dt is -efendants 8osition t(at along "eside t(e knon "ogus*

    counterfeit* forged and fa"ricated Assign/ent of 'ortgage referenced

    a"o!e* t(e 8ro+ered Allonge7 fro/ %8tion %ne 'ort. Co. to "lank7 is

    also a fraud and a s(a/ created solel5 to re8resent to t(is Court

    &lainti+s interest in an alleged Note 'ortgage (ic( in trut( (asno legal !alue (atsoe!er ece8t to 8ro!e &lainti+s and &lainti+s

    Counsels illingness to forge* to fa"ricate* to create and "ring into

    t(is court fraudulent docu/ents created solel5 to induce t(e Courts

    "ias at -efendants and t(e Courts e8ense. 

    T$e >ells F('*# M(%u(l

    +o!"-ol oe- ")e !s"-&,e!"s.Instu*ents *a+ e in'ose' to secue' paties, ut it is a cumbersome process that has to be unwound when

    the loan is repaid as expected . It is, thee&oe, convenient and common practice to have the requisiteindorsements supplied on a separate piece of paper . This keeps the instrument “clean” so that it can be returned 

    clean when the secured obligations are paid . The separate piece of paper is kept with the instrument but is not

    typically attached to it , thou(h the len'e o its custo'ian has authoit+ to 'o so, at least upon 'e&ault.

    T)s -a+"+e =o->s =ell ! ,os" +ases. Even thou(h the len'e is not +et a /hol'e0 un'e 1ticle ", ecausethe in'ose*ent is not attache', the len'e has possession an' the elate' loan 'ocu*ents shoul' cause the

    len'e to e a /nonhol'e in possession o& the instu*ent 2ho has the i(hts o& a hol'e,0 that is one 2ho can

    en&oce the instu*ent as such un'e UCC 3"4"5# , an' co*pel in'ose*ent un'e UCC 3"465".

    ;! a''"o!4 secue' paties in 7*ee8 possession have pioit+ ove othe secue' paties e9cept those 2hohave contol 7possession plus in'ose*ent84 so ")e #al&-e "o a+)ee #&ll +o!"-ol 'oes !o" !o-,all ,a-

     -o-" $!o o!e else =ll )ae ossesso! e?+e" ! -a-e +ases. UCC 9330$'.

     o! even if a separate indorsement is not initially “affixed” to an instrument! a secured party in A""a+)e' ''e!"#!( !#o-,a"o! o! ")e !o"e s&+) as o-(!a"o! 'a"e4 o--o=e- !a,e4

     possession normally maintains first priority and has the power to negotiate the instrument upon

    default"T)e-e a-e o++aso!s4 )o=ee-4 =)e! )a!( a! !'o-se,e!" s +-"+all ,o-"a!". O!e =o&l' e ")e -ela"el -a-e+ase =)e-e o!e +o,e"!( se+&-e' a-" )as ossesso! #o- "sel# as =ell as #o- ")e o")e- +o,e"!( se+&-e' a-"4so o") =o&l' e ! ossesso! a!' -o-" +o&l' 'ee!' o! ")e e##e+"e!ess o# a! !'o-se,e!". A!o")e- =o&l' e=)e-e ")e ,a>e- o# a !e(o"ale !s"-&,e!" )as 'e#e!ses a(a!s" ")e !a,e' aee &" ")e se+&-e' a-"4 =") ")e!'o-se,e!"4 =o&l' e a )ol'e- ! '&e +o&-se. e" a!o")e- =o&l' e a! ass(!,e!" o# a !o"e o- a +as&al le'(e=)e-e ")e -ela"e' 'o+&,e!"s 'o !o" +lea-l -o'e ")e le!'e- =") ")e -()"s o# a )ol'e-.U!'e- UCC A-"+le 34 =)+) ales "o !e(o"ale !s"-&,e!"s $as 'e#!e' ! A-"+le 3 a!' =)+)s +o,,o!l ale' +o&-"s "o !o!!e(o"ale !s"-&,e!"s4 in'ose*ent0 *eans a si(natue /on aninstu*ent: o the pupose o& 'ete*inin( 2hethe a si(natue is *a'e on an instu*ent, a pape a&&i9e'

    to the instu*ent is a pat o& the instu*ent.0 UCC 3"465;7a8 7e*phasis supplie'8. Un'e this ule, a

    sepaate assi(n*ent 'ocu*ent is not su&&icient to ceate the e

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    attachment to determine i' $e have signing authorit" to eecuteinternall".

    ¬ (' WF42 does have signing authorit", enter log code F78(

    9:#8; ;#! F:< (#!;

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    Court to understand (en t(e cor8orate itness for Wells Fargo

    testi)ed t(atH

    '&m not here as a human $ein). &m here as arepresentative of *ells Far)o.+ 

    Dn (is o8inion attac(ed as ?(i"it 9* ,udge ?lliott c(astised Wells

    Fargo for t(eir outrageous and re8re(ensi"le7 decisions and

    dece8ti!e and intentional conduct7 t(at dis8la5ed a co/8lete and

    total disregard for t(e rig(ts of t(e "orroers. 9e ent on to stateH

     Defe%d(%t >ells F('*# #pe'(ted f'#m ( p#siti#% #fsupe'i#'ity p'#+ided by its e%#'m#us 0e(lt$&: 7>ellsF('*#2s decisi#% t##5 (d+(%t(*e #f (% #b+i#usly =%(%ci(lly

     +ul%e'(ble f(mily: 

    t(e 4udge continued* noting t(at Wells Fargo s(oed no e!idence of

    re/orse for t(e (ar/ caused. T(e 4udge rote.

     &n fact the Court recalls the lack of remorse andhumanity illustrated $y a *ells Far)o corporaterepresentative who testi,ed -&m not here as a human$ein). &m here as a representative of *ells Far)o 7

    T$e RO8O6SINED DOCs&

    W(en &lainti+* se!eral /ont(s (fte'  initiating foreclosure*

    introduced into t(e court record a counterfeit* forged and fa"ricated*

    "ack dated and o"o$Signed docu/ent titled Assign/ent of

    'ortgage7* &lainti+s Counsel certi)ed t(e legiti/ac5 of a docu/ent

    t(at could* "5 t(e !er5 ter/s it(in t(e controlling docu/ent of t(e

    Trust &SA itself* ne!er 8ossi"l5 eist.

    T(is docu/ent is titled Assign/ent of 'ortgage7. E8on

    ins8ection t(oug(* t(is docu/ent is in realit5 not onl5 t(e alleged

    assign/ent of t(e alleged /ortgage "ut also t(e alleged assign/ent of

    t(e alleged note.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


     Also u8on ins8ection it can "e found t(at t(is docu/ent as

    attested to and signed "5 one 's. To8aka #o!e. 's. #o!e is an

    e/8lo5ee of #ender &rocessing Ser!ices in -akota Count5* 'innesota

    and as suc( t(e A%' as also fraudulentl5 signed "5 a 8erson (o

    (ad no aut(orit5 to sign. Dt is 8atentl5 fraudulent and is an o"!iousforger5 and as e8lained infra it as eecuted to 5ears after t(e

    &lainti+ trusts /andated Cut$%+ date7 for de8osits and after

    foreclosure initiation.

    'ortgages /a5 "e enforced onl5 "5* or on "e(alf of* t(e entit5

    t(at is entitled to enforce t(e o"ligation t(e /ortgage secures. T(e

    underl5ing o"ligation in all cases is a 8ro/issor5 note. T(e /ortgage is

    t(e securit5 instru/ent t(at secures t(e inde"tedness created "5 t(e

    note to t(e real 8ro8ert5.

    T(e 8ractice of &lainti+ Wells Fargo Banks use of unaut(orized

    docu/ent forgers in A+ida!it Assign/ent of 'ortgage creation is

    no co//on knoledge. Dt is a /atter t(at (as e!en "een

    una+ectionatel5 ter/ed o"o$Signing72  2= AN- no t(roug( co//on

    knoledge of &lainti+ Wells Fargo Banks &u"lic ad/issions and

    8a5/ent of M Billions in )nes concerning sa/e of 8artici8ation in t(at

     !er5 sa/e illegal action on a dail5* /ont(l5 and 5earl5 "asis* -efendant

    su"/its and 'euests t$e C#u'ts "udici(l N#tice of t(e recentl5 and

    8re!iousl5 una!aila"le A+ida!it and acco/8an5ing letter attac(ed

    (ereto as ?(i"it F7 stating in 8artJ

    28 T)e "e-, D-oos(!!(D 'oes !o" a++&-a"el 'es+-e ")e a""e-! a!' -a+"+e. T)e a""e-! a!' -a+"+e a-e ,o-e

    a++&-a"el 'es+-e' as +o!"-a+" e-:&-4 +o!"-a+" #o-(e-4 e'e!+e #a-+a"o!4 #-a&' &o! ")e Co&-"4 a!' ")e#" ! =)+)#a,les a-e -e!'e-e' )o,eless as a -es&l" o# +-,!al e)ao-.

    29 T)e -a+"+e #-o, !es"oe'a4 D;! ")e ")-' a!' #o&-") !o=! ")a" ")e ae-=o-> =as lle(",a"e e+a&se ")e s(!e-s )a' !o" a+"&all-ee=e' ". W)le so,e -oos(!e-s =e-e ,''le ,a!a(e-s4 o")e-s =e-e "e,o-a- =o->e-s =") -"&all !o&!'e-s"a!'!( o# ")e =o-> ")e =e-e 'o!(.D


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


       :n an attempt to provide yo$ !ith more assistane, : have enlosed, an a))idavit signed

    5y me, as 8egister o) the So$thern 0ssex (istrit 8egistry o) (eeds, attesting to the

     presene o) a ro5oDT7 ?. OO7 (ic( are

    "ot( signed "5 one 's. To8aka #o!e* as as 8re!iousl5 articulated tot(is Court "5 -efendant in all of -efendants 8re!ious 8leadings. T(e

    a"o!e /entioned counterfeit* forged* fraudulent and conclusor5

    A+ida!it7 and Assign/ent of 'ortgage ('e . #f t$e t$'ee s#lely

    si*%ed d#cume%ts &lainti+ 8resented to t(e court in t(eir case to

    esta"lis( t(eir alleged oners(i8 of t(e alleged Note 'ortgage and

    t(eir su"seIuent rig(t to initiate t(is foreclosure suit against


    T(e a"o!e #o!e conclusor5 a+ida!it re8resents t(at it is "ased

    on #o!es fa/iliarit5 it( -efendants account stating  )*iant ha%

    acce%% o+ and ha% per%onal &nowledge o+ the accont% o+ %aid compan-,

    and %pecicall- with the accont o+ /ohn L. eed, de+endant herein.7

    #o!e also a!ers t(at %aid accont i% in de+alt and that plainti* ha%

    elected to call the entire 1alance o+ %aid accont de and pa-a1le..7.

    W(ile t(e #o!e A+ida!it states t(at #o!es 8ersonal knoledge isli/ited to (er re!ie of %8tion %ne 'ortgage Co. as Ser!icing Agent

    for &lainti+* #o!e fails to identif5* descri"e or anne t(e 8articular

    "usiness records u8on (ic( (er li/ited knoledge is "ased.Signi)cantl5* t(e #o!e 'o!ing A+ida!it /akes t(e conclusor5

    re8resentation t(at 8lainti+ (as "een in continuous 8ossession of t(e


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    note and /ortgage since 8rior to t(e co//ence/ent of t(is action

    it(out 8ro!iding an5 factual details* or t(e source of #o!es

    knoledge. Dn addition to a lack of foundation* t(e #o!e 'o!ing

     A+ida!it fails to 8ro!ide e!idence t(at t(e originating lender* 9

    Block Dnc.* indorsed and 8(5sicall5 deli!ered t(e alleged eed Note*t(roug( t(e 8ro8er and /andated legal 8rocesses necessar5 to

    e+ectuate a true transference of oners(i8 it( co/8lete rig(ts and

    interests t(ereof to eac( 8artici8ant in t(e securitization c(ain and

    t(en )nall5 to t(e Asset Backed ecei!a"les Trust as is a reIuire/ent

    found it(in t(e &SA* a reIuire/ent of N.G. ?.&.T.#. and a reIuire/ent

    of DC.

    -efendant (as re8eatedl5 denied 8lainti+s actions on t(e groundt(at &lainti+ Wells Fargo Bank as Trustee for trust lacks standing to


    S8eci)call5* -efendant contends and (as ala5s contended in

    eac( and e!er5 of (is 8leadings t(at 's. #o!e also lacked t(e actual

    aut(orit5 to eecute t(e %8tion %ne Assign/ent.

    T(e a"o!e referenced a+ida!it of ,o(n %"rien* co/"ined it( t(ese!eral ot(er factual inconsistencies t(e -efendant (as 8re!iousl5

    articulated to t(is CourtG/ G, G.  33* 8ro!e "e5ond an5 dou"t t(at

    &lainti+s 8osition* a 8osition (ic( is co/8letel5 !oid of legal

    standing to (a!e initiated t(is foreclosure action against -efendant*

    could not (a!e "een acco/8lis(ed it(out t(e use of* as as

    8re!iousl5 articulated "5 -efendant*3

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    counterfeit docu/ents* created s8eci)call5 "5 and deli!ered into t(is

    Court (ile "eing Certi)ed "5 &lainti+s Counsel as "eing true* 4ust

    and accurate for t(e sole 8ur8ose of "linding t(is Court to t(e legal

    realities of t(eir 8osition and t(e situation (ic( t(en lead to t(e

    ulti/ate t(eft of -efendants (o/e* loss of -efendants 8ersonal and"usiness in!entor5 and 8ossessions* forced (o/elessness u8on

    -efendant and "eca/e t(e cause of -efendants /ental in4ur5 (ile

    alloing &lainti+s on un4ust enric(/ent. Dn essence* t(e5 not onl5

    got a free (ouse* t(e5 also got t(e Court to launder t(eir dirt5 /one5.

    Dn Su//ar5* t(e e!idence did not include an5 e!idence of a

    transaction in (ic( t(e Trust actuall5 8urc(ased t(e loan for !alue*

    /uc( less t(at suc( a transaction as co/8leted "efore t(e cuto+

    date. T(e &SA as relied u8on "5 t(e &lainti+s as aut(orit5 for )ling

    t(e foreclosure. None of t(e 8arties !ariousl5 identi)ed as &lainti+s or

    re8resenting t(e &lainti+s e!er acIuired t(e alleged de"t* note or

    /ortgage. T(e e!idence regarding transfer docu/ents for t(e loan as

    not credi"le* as "ack$dated and is a legal i/8ossi"la"ilit5.

    -efendants 8leadings and e(i"its s(o undenia"le p'##f  t(at

    eac( of t(e entities in!ol!ed in t(eir entiret5 and t(roug(out t(e entire

    c(ronolog5 ti/e$line of t(is alleged /ortgage did fail in t(eir legal

    and /andator5 due diligence duties and reIuire/ents to sign* date*

    aut(enticate* record and /ore stated in /ore s8eci)cit5 infra. T(e

    true (older in due course of t(e alleged Note 'ortgage and true

    (older of t(e legal rig(t to foreclose u8on t(is alleged Note

    'ortgage is entirel5 a falsit5 and under no circu/stance of fact is it*

    as it* nor can it e!er "e t(e de"t collector &lainti+ Wells Fargo Bank

    NA. as Trustee for t(is Trust (o ould e!er (a!e t(e legal aut(orit5

    or rig(t to "ring a foreclosure action against -efendant eed.

     HOT;ON TO APPEAL TE *EC;S;ON4 OR*ER AN* ENTR OVERRUL;NG *EFEN*ANTS EHERGENCAHEN*E* HOT;ON TO VACATE A VO;* %U*GHENT a" 5 ")-& 164 374 574 564 5@4584 704 724 784 604 6@4 2394 25042514 2524 .


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    T(e )nal Iuestion t(at /ust "e asked 5our 9onor is (5 ould a

    Trust "u5 a Note t(at as alread5 in default it( no /ont(l5 inco/e

    cas( o and in contra!ention to t(e Trusts Dndenture for its

    Dn!estors_ T(e anser is si/8le. T(e5 couldnt and t(e5 didnt.

     As a result* t(e Courts No!e/"er 13t(* 200 entr5 granting

    &lainti+s /otion for 4udg/ent and issuing a decree of foreclosure is

     !oid a" initio as o88osed to !oida"le.

     Accordingl5* "ased u8on t(e foregoing* -efendant res8ectfull5

    reIuests t(at t(e No!e/"er 13t( 200 entr5 "e !acated and t(is /atter

    re/anded "ack to t(e Ci!il Court it( instruction to dis/iss*

    instruction to Iuiet title and eac( of -efendants Counterclai/s to "e

    lafull5 ad4udged.

    Respect&ull+ su*itte',



      >ohn 1. Ree'

    0/ 2aple ve.7enterville, :hio 05053@-A/


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    U!"l ")s o!o! aea-s ! ")e O)o O##+al Reo-"s a'a!+e s)ee"s4 " ,a e +"e' as Fed Home Loan Mtge. Corp. v. Sh!artz!ald, Sl O!o! No. 20120)o701@.


    T)s sl o!o! s s&:e+" "o #o-,al -eso! e#o-e " s &ls)e' ! a! a'a!+e s)ee" o#

    ")e O)o O##+al Reo-"s. Rea'e-s a-e -e

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    E()") *s"-+"s o! ")e #ollo=!( ss&e D;! a ,o-"(a(e #o-e+los&-e a+"o!4 ")e

    la+> o# s"a!'!( o- a -eal a-" ! !"e-es" 'e#e+" +a! e +&-e' ")e ass(!,e!" o# 

    ")e ,o-"(a(e -o- "o :&'(,e!".D

    [\2] Fe'e-al o,e Loa! +o,,e!+e' ")s #o-e+los&-e a+"o! e#o-e " o"a!e' a!ass(!,e!" o# ")e -o,sso- !o"e a!' ,o-"(a(e se+&-!( ")e S+)=a-"=al's/ loa!. T)e

    S+)=a-"=al's ,a!"a!e' ")a" Fe'e-al o,e Loa! la+>e' s"a!'!( "o s&e. T)e "-al +o&-"

    (-a!"e' s&,,a- :&'(,e!" ! #ao- o# Fe'e-al o,e Loa! a!' e!"e-e' a 'e+-ee o#

    #o-e+los&-e. T)e aella"e +o&-" a##-,e'4 )ol'!( ")a" Fe'e-al o,e Loa! )a' -e,e'e'

    "s la+> o# s"a!'!( =)e! " o"a!e' a! ass(!,e!" #-o, ")e -eal a-" ! !"e-es".

    [\3] o=ee-4 s"a!'!( s -e4 N.A.4 a!' ass(!e' " ")e ,o-"(a(e.

    [\ 6] ;! Se"e,e- 20084 *&a!e S+)=a-"=al' los" )s :o a" Ba-+o4 ;!+.4 a!' ")e

    S+)=a-"=al's ,oe' "o ;!'a!a so )e +o&l' a++e" a !e= os"o!.

    T)e +o!"!&e' ,a>!( ,o-"(a(e a,e!"s as ")e "-e' "o sell ")e )o&se ! e!a4 &"

    ")e =e!" !"o 'e#a&l" o! %a!&a- 14 2009. ;! Ha-+) 20094 Wells 2

    %a!&a- Te-,4 2012


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    Fa-(o a(-ee' "o ls" ")e -oe-" #o- a s)o-" sale4 a!' o! A-l 84 20094 ")e S+)=a-"=al's

    e!"e-e' !"o a +o!"-a+" "o sell " #o- M27949004 =") +los!( se" #o- %&!e 84 2009.

    [\@] o=ee-4 o! A-l 174 20094 Fe'e-al o,e Loa! Ho-"(a(e Co-o-a"o!

    +o,,e!+e' ")s #o-e+los&-e a+"o!4 alle(!( ")a" ")e S+)=a-"=al's )a' 'e#a&l"e' o! ")e- 

    loa! a!' o=e' M2574087.18 l&s !"e-es"4 +os"s4 a!' a'a!+es. ;" a""a+)e' a +o o# ")e,o-"(a(e 'e!"#!( ")e S+)=a-"=al's as o--o=e-s a!' Le(a+ Ho-"(a(e as le!'e-4 &"

    '' !o" a""a+) a +o o# ")e !o"e4 +la,!( ")a" Da +o o# ")e !o"e s +&--e!"l


    [\8] %&le S+)=a-"=al' ")e! +o!"a+"e' Wells Fa-(o ao&" ")e #o-e+los&-e

    +o,la!". S)e "es"#e'4 D; =as "ol' ")a" " =as s"a!'a-' -o+e'&-e a!' 'o!" =o-- ao&"

    " e+a&se =e =e-e 'o!( a s)o-" sale.D T)e S+)=a-"=al's '' !o" a!s=e- ")e +o,la!".

    [\9] O! A-l 254 20094 Fe'e-al o,e Loa! #le' =") ")e +o&-" a +o

    o# ")e !o"e s(!e' ")e S+)=a-"=al's ! #ao- o# Le(a+ Ho-"(a(e. T)e #!al

     a(e +a--es a la!> e!'o-se,e!" Wells Fa-(o la+e' aoe ")e e!'o-se,e!"

      Le(a+ Ho-"(a(e aale "o Wells Fa-(o.

    [\10] O! Ha 174 20094 Wells Fa-(o ass(!e' ")e !o"e a!' ,o-"(a(e "o

    Fe'e-al o,e Loa!4 a!' Fe'e-al o,e Loa! #le' =") ")e +o&-" a +o o# ")e

    ass(!,e!" o! %&!e 1@4 2009. ;" ")e! ,oe' #o- a 'e#a&l" :&'(,e!" a!' a

    s&,,a- :&'(,e!"4 &" ")e "-al +o&-" 's+oe-e' ")a" Fe'e-al o,e Loa! )a'

    #ale' "o es"als) a +)a! o# ""le e+a&se !o ass(!,e!" o# ")e ,o-"(a(e #-o,

    Le(a+ Ho-"(a(e "o Wells Fa-(o aea-e' ! ")e -e+o-'.

    F11 *&-!( ")s ",e4 ee! ")o&() " )a' ass(!e' "s !"e-es" ! ")e

    !o"e a!' ,o-"(a(e "o Fe'e-al o,e Loa!4 Wells Fa-(o +o!"!&e' 's+&ss!( a

    s)o-" sale o# ")e -oe-" =") ")e S+)=a-"=al's4 &" 'elas !. ")s -o+ess

    ee!"&all +a&se' ")e S+)=a-"=al's &e- "o -es+!' ")e o##e-. O! *e+e,e- 

    154 20094 ")e "-al +o&-" (-a!"e' ")e S+)=a-"=al's leae "o #le a! a!s=e-. T)a"



    sa,e 'a4 Fe'e-al o,e Loa! #le' =") ")e +o&-" a +o o# ")e ass(!,e!" o# ")e

    ,o-"(a(e #-o, Le(a+ Ho-"(a(e "o Wells Fa-(o 'a"e' Noe,e- 2@42006.

    [\12] Fe'e-al o,e Loa! a(a! ,oe' #o- s&,,a- :&'(,e!"4


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    s&o-"!( ")e ,o"o! =") ")e a##'a" o# e-,a! %o)! Ke!!e-"4 +e -es'e!"

    o# loa! 'o+&,e!"a"o! #o- Wells Fa-(o as se-+!( a(e!" #o- Fe'e-al o,e Loa!4

    =)o ae--e' ")a" ")e S+)=a-"=al's =e-e ! 'e#a&l" a!' =)o a&")e!"+a"e' ")e .

    !o"e a!' ,o-"(a(e as =ell as ")e ass(!,e!" o# ")e !o"e a!' ,o-"(a(e #-o, Wells

    Fa-(o. S&se o# s"a!'!( ,a e +&-e' s&s""&"!(

    ")e -eal a-" ! !"e-es" #o- a! o-(!al a-" &-s&a!" "o C.R. 1@$A. T)&s4 ")e

    +o&-" +o!+l&'e' ")a" al")o&() Fe'e-al o,e Loa! la+>e' s"a!'!( a" ")e ",e "

    +o,,e!+e' ")e #o-e+los&-e a+"o!4 " +&-e' ")a" 'e#e+" ")e ass(!,e!" o# ")e

    ,o-"(a(e a!' "-a!s#e- o# ")e !o"e -o- "o e!"- o# :&'(,e!".

    [\16] T)e +o&-" o# aeals +e-"#e' ")a" "s 'e+so! +o!#l+"e' =")

    "ells Fargo #an%, '.A. . #yrd, 1@8 O)o A.3' 2874 20080)o56034 89@

     N.E.2' @22 $1s" *s".4 \ 1716 #an% o) 'e! 1or% . ?indele, 1s" *s". No. C


    %a!&a- Te-,4 2012

    0902714 20100)o7524 \ 35 a!' "ells Fargo #an%, '.A. . -ordan, 8") *s".

     No. 916@74 20090)o;0924 \ 214 +ases ")a" )el' ")a" a la+> o# s"a!'!( +a!!o"

     e +&-e' s&s""&"!( ")e -eal a-" ! !"e-es" #o- a! o-(!al a-" &-s&a!" "o


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    ,a!"a!s ")a" " D-oe' ")a" " =as s&+) a e-so! -o- "o :&'(,e!".D

    [\19] A++o-'!(l4 ")e

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    &!'e-s"a!'!( o# =)a" " "a>es "o ,a>e a :&s"+ale +ase.D^

    [\22] We -e+o(!e' ")a" s"a!'!( s a D:&-s'+"o!al -es s"a!'!( to invo%e the j$risdition o# ")e +o&-" &!less )e )as4! a! !''&al o- -e-ese!"a"e +aa+"4 so,e -eal !"e-es" ! ")e s&:e+" ,a""e- 

    o# ")e a+"o!.D $E,)ass a''e'. See also 'e! #oston Co%e Corp. . 3yler, @

    O)o S".3' 2164 2184 713 N.E.2' 302 $198@ $")e ss&e o# s"a!'!(4 !as,&+) as

    " s :&-s'+"o!al ! !a"&-e4 ,a e -ase' a" a! ",e '&-!( ")e e!'e!+ o# ")e

     -o+ee'!(sD S"e!(lass J S+a-sell4 3he 7hio State Constit$tion A 8e)erene

    ?$ide 180 $2005 $!o"!( ")a" ")e :&-s'+"o! o# ")e +o,,o! leas +o&-" s

    l,"e' "o :&s"+ale ,a""e-s.

    [\23] A!' -e+e!"l4 ! Kinaid . 0rie :ns. Co., 128 O)o S".3' 3224

    20100)o60364 955 N.E.2' 20@4 =e a##-,e' ")e 's,ssal o# a +o,la!" #o- 

     la+> o# s"a!'!( =)e! " )a' ee! #le' e#o-e ")e +la,a!" )a' s#e-e' a!

    !:&-. T)e-e4 K!+a' asse-"e' +la,s ")a" )s !s&-e- )a' -ea+)e' ")e !s&-a!+e

    +o!"-a+" #al!( "o a e?e!ses +oe-e' ")e ol+ )o=ee-4 )e )a' !ee- 

     -ese!"e' a +la, #o- -e,&-se,e!" "o ")e !s&-e-. We +o!+l&'e' ")a" K!+a'

    la+>e' s"a!'!( "o asse-" ")e +a&se o# a+"o!4 e?la!!(4 DU!"l E-e -e#&ses "o a

    a +la, #o- a loss4 K!+a' )as s#e-e' !o a+"&al 'a,a(es #o- -ea+) o# +o!"-a+"4

    ")e a-"es 'o !o" )ae a'e-se le(al !"e-es"s4 a!' ")e-e s !o :&s"+ale

    +o!"-oe-s.D :d. a" \ 13.



    [\25] Be+a&se s"a!'!( "o s&e s -e, 728 U.S. 16@4 1804 120 S.C".6934 157 L.E'.2' 610

    $2000 'ova Health Sys. . ?andy, 516 F.3' 11594 11751177 $10") C-.2007

     Fo$s on the Family . 2inellas S$noast 3ransit A$th., 355 F.3' 12634 12@7

    $11") C-.2003 2erry . Arlington Hts., 186 F.3' 8264 830 $@") C-.1999 Carr 


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    . Alta Berde :nd$stries, ln., 931 F.2' 10774 1061 $7") C-.1991.

    [\27] F&-")e-4 !o>!( ")e :&-s'+"o! o# ")e +o&-" D'ee!'s o! ")e s"a"e

    o# ")!(s a" ")e ",e o# ")e a+"o! -o&()"4D M$llan . 3orrane, 22 U.S. 73@4 7394

    6 L.E'. 175 $18254 a!' ")e S&-e,e Co&-" )as ose-e' ")a" D")e s"a"e o# 

    ")!(s a!' ")e o-(!all alle(e' s"a"e o# ")!(s a-e !o" s!o!,o&s'e,o!s"-a"o! ")a" ")e o-(!al alle(a"o!s =e-e #alse =ll 'e#ea" :&-s'+"o!.D

     8o%!ell :nternatl. Corp. . &nited States, 759 U.S. 57@4 5@34 12@ S.C". 139@4

    16@ L.E'.2' 190 $200@.

    [\26] T)&s4 Dos"#l!( ee!"s ")a" s&l s"a!'!( ")a" '' !o" e?s"

    o! #l!( ,a e 's-e(a-'e'4 'e!!( s"a!'!( 'es"e a s)o=!( o# s#+e!"

     -ese!" !:&- +a&se' ")e +)alle!(e' a+"s a!' +aale o# :&'+al -e'-ess.D 13A

    W-()"4 Hlle- J Cooe-4 Federal 2ratie and 2roed$re 94 Se+"o! 3731

    +99> see ?r$po (ata)l$x . Atlas ?lo5al ?ro$p, L.2., 751 U.S. 76@4 7@74 125

    S.C". 19204 178 L.E'.2' 866 $20054  

     e+a,e a e-so! e!""le' "o e!#o-+e ")e !o"e as e")e- a )ol'e- o- !o!)ol'e- !

     ossesso! =)o )as ")e -()"s o# a )ol'e- a)ter the )orelos$re ation !as )iled,

    ")e! ")e +ase ,a e 's,sse' =")o&" -e:&'+e _ _ _D e,)ass a''e' &.S.

     #an% 'atl. Assn. .  Kim5all, 190 V". 2104 2011 VT 814 2@ A.3' 108@4 \15 $DU.S.

    Ba!> =as -e

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


     aale "o o-'e- =") a! e!'o-se,e!" se+#+all "o U.S. Ba!>D e,)ass

    a''e' Mtge. 0letroni 8egistration Sys., :n.. Sa$nders, 2010 HE @94 2 A.3'

    28@4 \ 17 $DW")o&" ossesso! o# o- a! !"e-es" ! ")e !o"e4 HERS la%ed 

     standing to instit$te #o-e+los&-e -o+ee'!(s a!' +o&l' !o" !o>e ")e :&-s'+"o!

    o# o&- "-al +o&-"sD e,)ass a''e' 8MS 8esidential 2roperties, L.L.C. 4 Miller, 303 Co!!. 2254 2294 2324 32 A.3' 309 $20114 e ")e :&-s'+"o! o# a +o&-" o- 

    "-&!al. A!' ")e :&!o- a-o-a"o-s '' !o" lose s"a!'!( # ")e ossesse' "

    &!'e- ")e #a+"s e?s"!( =)e! ")e +o,,e!+e' ")e l"(a"o!D #oo"!o"e o,""e'.



    [\28] e-e4 Fe'e-al o,e Loa! +o!+e'es ")a" ")e-e s !o e'e!+e ")a" "

    )a' s#e-e' a! !:&- a" ")e ",e " +o,,e!+e' ")s #o-e+los&-e a+"o!. T)&s4

     e+a&se " #ale' "o es"als) a! !"e-es" ! ")e !o"e o- ,o-"(a(e a" ")e ",e " #le'

    s&"4 " )a' !o s"a!'!( "o !o>e ")e :&-s'+"o! o# ")e +o,,o! leas +o&-".

    3he 8eal

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


     :&-s'+"o! ,a -o+ee' "o a':&'+a"e ")e ,a""e-. C.R. 1@.D o=ee-4 #o&- 

     :&s"+es 'e+l!e' "o :o! ")a" o-"o! o# ")e o!o!4 a!' ")e-e#o-e " s !o" a

    )ol'!( o# ")s +o&-". See O)o Co!s""&"o!4 A-"+le N4 Se+"o! 2$A $DA

    ,a:o-" o# ")e s&-e,e +o&-" s)all e !e+essa- "o +o!s""&"e a

  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    e##e+" as # ")e a+"o! )a' ee! +o,,e!+e' ! ")e !a,e o# ")e -eal a-" .!


    [\32] Co!s'e-!( C.R. 1@$A ! Shealy . Camp5ell, 20 O)o S".3' 234

    25^274587 N.E.2' @01 $19874 =e ose-e'

    T)e &-ose e)!' ")e -eal a-" ! !"e-es" -&le s _ _ _ "o e!ale ")e

    'e#e!'a!" "o aal ),sel# o# e'e!+e a!' 'e#e!ses ")a" ")e 'e#e!'a!" )as a(a!s"

    ")e -eal a-" ! !"e-es"4 a!' "o ass&-e ), #!al" o# ")e :&'(,e!"4 a!' ")a" )e

    =ll e -o"e+"e' a(a!s" a!o")e- s&" -o&()" ")e -eal a-" a" !"e-es" o! ")e

    sa,e ,a""e-. Celanese Corp. o) Ameria . -ohn Clar% :nd$stries $7 C-.l9754 215

    F.2' 7714 776.D D:n re Highland Holiday S$5division $19@14 2@ O)o A.2'

    23@ 250 2@3 N.E.2' 903.

    [\33] As ")e S&-e,e Co&-" e?la!e' ! Linoln 2roperty Co. . 8ohe,

    756 U.S. 814904 126 S.C". 6064 163 L.E'.2' 517 $20074 ")e -eala-"!!"e-es"

    -&le +o!+e-!s o!l -oe- a-" :o!'e-. C.R. 1@$A 'oes !o" a''-ess s"a!'!(

    -a")e-4 ")e o!" o# ")e -&le s ")a" Ds&"s -e-ese!"a"e la!"##s o! e)al# o# 

    ")e -eal a-"es ! !"e-es" a-e ")e e?+e"o! -a")e- ")a! ")e -&le a!' s)o&l' o!l e

     allo=e' =)e! ")e -eal a-"es ! !"e-es" a-e 'e!"#ale a!' ")e -es :&'+a"a s+oe

    o# ")e :&'(,e!" +a! e e##e+"el 'e"e-,!e'.D. Cons$mer Fedn. o) Am. . &pjohn Co.,

    356 A.2' @274 @29 $*.C.19@7 $+o!s"-&!( a!alo(o&s *s"-+" o# 

    Col&,a -&le.

    [\35] T)&s4 ")e T)-' a!' ")e N!") C-+&"s )ae -e:e+"e' ")e !o"o! ")a"

    Fe'.R.C.P. 1@$a4 o! =)+) C.R. 1@$A s ase'4 allo=s a a-" =") !o e-so!al s"a>e

    ! a +o!"-oe-s "o #le a +la, o! e)al# o# a ")-' a-"4 o"a! ")e

    +a&se o# a+"o! ass(!,e!"4 a!' ")e! )ae ")e ass(!,e!" -ela"e a+> "o

    +o,,e!+e,e!" o# ")e a+"o!4 s"a"!(

    DR&le 1@$a 'oes !o" al "o a s"&a"o! =)e-e a a-" =") !o +a&se o#

    a+"o! #les a la=s&" "o "oll ")e s"a"&"e o# l,"a"o!s a!' la"e- o"a!s a +a&se o#

    a+"o! ")-o&() ass(!,e!". R&le 1@$a s ")e +o'#+a"o! o# ")e sal&"a- -!+le


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    ")a" a! a+"o! s)o&l' !o" e #o-#e"e' e+a&se o# a! )o!es" ,s"a>e " s !o" a

     -oso! "o e 's"o-"e' a-"es "o +-+&,e!" ")e l,"a"o!s e-o'.D

    ?ardner . State Farm Fire J Cas. Co., 755F.3' 7734 763 $3' C-.20084 o# s"a!'!(4 a!'. `&-+) S="e-la!' so&()" "o s&s""&"e A,e-+a!

    G&a-a!"ee as ")e -eal a-" ! !"e-es" &-s&a!" "o Fe'.R.C.P. 1@$a. T)e 's"-+"

    +o&-" 's,sse' ")e a+"o!.

    [\36] T)e S?") C-+&" Co&-" o# Aeals a+>!o=le'(e' ")a" ")e s"a"&"e o#

    l,"a"o!s =o&l' a- A,e-+a! G&a-a!"ees +la, &!less Fe'.R.C.P. 1@$a allo=e' " "o

     e s&s""&"e' #o- `&-+) S="e-la!'. o=ee-4 ")e +o&-" 's"!(&s)e' e"=ee! ")e


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    s"a!'!(4 a!' " +a!!o" +&-e "s s"a!'!( -ole, ")-o&() a! !o+a"o! o# 

    Fe'.R.C.P. 1@$aD Clar% . 3railiner Corp., 252 F.3' 388 $10") C-.2000

    $"ale4 o!o! -eo-"e' a" 2000 WL 1695299 $!o"!( ")a" ")e la!"## +a!!o"

    6retroatively 5eome ")e -eala-"!!"e-es"D ! o-'e- "o +&-e a la+> o# 

    s"a!'!( a" ")e #l!( o# ")e +o,la!" e,)ass s+ aord State . 2roperty at 9/ 8ain5o! (rive, @50 So.2' 10274 102@1028 $Ala.1999 $-e:e+"!( ")e

    a-(&,e!" ")a" a la+> o# s"a!'!( +a! e +&-e' a#"e- #l!( o# ")e +o,la!"

    Cons$mer Fedn. o) Am. v. &pjohn Co., 356 A.2' @274 @29 $*.C.A.19@7

    $e?la!!( ")a" 's,ssal #o- la+> o# s"a!'!( s +o!ss"e!" =") *.C.

    S&e-.C".C.R. 1@$a see also MLean . -2Morgan Chase #an% 'atl. Assn.,

    @9 So.3' 1@04 1@3 $Fla.A.2012 $Da a-" s !o" e-,""e' "o es"als) ")e -()"



    "o ,a!"a! a! a+"o! -e"-oa+"el a+ o# s"a!'!( a" ")e +o,,e!+e,e!" o# a #o-e+los&-e a+"o!


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    L.L.C.4 Co,,&!" Le(al A' Se-+es4 ;!+.4 O)o Poe-" La= Ce!"e-4 Le(al

    A' So+e" o# Col&,&s4 So&")eas"e-! O)o Le(al Se-+es4 Le(al A' o# 

    Wes"e-! O)o4 a!' P-o Se!o-s4 ;!+.




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    E?)" A

      Oi(inal Co*plaint


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    ALLONGE F-o, JR Blo+> "o O"o! O!e


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    Allo!(e O"o! O!e "o Bla!> 


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    E9hiit /B0

    Ass(!,e!" o# Ho-"(a(e #-o, O"o! O!e Ho-". Co-.

     "o Wells Fa-(o Ba!> Na.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    E9hiit /C0

     No"+e o# Fl!( o# Ass(!,e!"


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    E9hiit /E0  -uchase -ice L Te*s 1(ee*ent


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    E$%&'& (E)* Purc%ase Pr&ce + Ter,s Agree,e! s&g!aurepage


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    E9hiit /G0


    -URCH1!E 1ND @1RR1NTIE! 1GREEMENT 7EC11RM)-1@18


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    E$%&'& ()*.ECFAARMLPAWA/ ue &l&ge!ce Sae,e!


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    E$%&'& (*.ECFAARMLPAWA/ 2al&" o3 Morgage ocu,e!s + O4!ers%&p


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    E$%&'& (*.ECFAARMLPAWA/ Or&g&!a&o! ue &l&ge!ce


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


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  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


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  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


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  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.


    A##'a" o# Toa>a Loe


  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.



  • 8/20/2019 March 2015 Brief 2.
