March-April 2009: Obuze YaEchols



The Echols' newsletter for March & April 2009.

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David & Sandy Echols – 603 Farror St. Moberly, MO 65270 – 719-238-5457 –

FIRST EDITION March – April 2009


A Quick History

Before we share the news, we should probably offer a little recap of how we got our start in missions. Between 2001 and 2003 we served as part of a small team as missionaries to Namibia, Africa; planting a church in a small village among the Himba people in the north of the country. Namibia is where we met, where we fell in love, and where we were exposed to the vast need for the gospel in Africa. As we were married and left for the United States we committed ourselves to return to Africa and have stayed true to that focus throughout our years at Central. During the last five years we have built relationships, raised support, and developed a team that could allow us to follow the Lord’s leading back to Africa.

The Big News

As we have sought God’s leading in determining the country we will serve in, we have come to the decision to return to Namibia. We will be able to continue the work we started and begin a new pioneer work. This work will include the planting of house churches and the implementation of Community Health Evangelism. The opportunity and need in Namibia is great, especially among the Himbas and other unreached people groups. Again, we are excited about this opportunity to share the hope of Christ with those who have never heard His name!

What’s Next?

This mission has been in the works for the past six years, since we left Namibia, and some of you have been there with us through it all. As we graduate from Central on May 8th and begin making our final preparations, we are eager to share this ministry with you and hope that you are moved to join with us. We are still raising support and are in need of some more churches and individuals to get behind this financially. Please contact us with any questions or for more information. We would love to come and talk with you and/or your church, so give us a call (719-238-5457) or e-mail us ( to set up a time for us to get together.

With His Love, David & Sandy Echols

Prayer Needs

Namibia Visas Support

Raising Opportunities

to meet with churches

Team Unity and Strategy Development

Coming Up

May 8th—Graduate from CCCB!

May 10-20— Colorado Springs

Support Raising/Visit Churches

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OUR TIME AT CENTRAL COMES TO AN END or four and a half years we have been students at

Central Christian College of the Bible. Now, as I sit here writing this newsletter, there are only ten days until we graduate. In some ways the past few years have flown by; in others it has been a long road. During our time as students here we have gained many friends, much knowledge, and we have deepened our relationships with God. In reflecting, there are several things that stand out. In our professors we have come to see men and women who are faithful to God in everything they do. In our classes we have learned the importance of having a firm foundation in the knowledge of God. And in our fellow students we have found friends, ministry partners, and team members. We graduate in ten days. Friends and family are coming from Colorado, California, and South Africa to celebrate with us. Thank you for the support that you have been to us during our time at CCCB. We are excited for the next phase of our life, and more than ever before we are trusting in God in looking forward to the future.

WHAT IT’S GOING TO TAKE efore we can leave for the field, we must raise

the remainder of our needed monthly support. The following is a breakdown of our estimated budget.

Personal (including food, housing, etc)……….$1,450


Benefits (health Ins., Savings)………………….$300


Total Monthly Need $3,000

Currently we have raised

$883 per month, plus a couple more commitments for unspecified amounts. This leaves a total remaining need of $2,150. This summer we will be travelling and visiting people and churches, please let us know if you know of any opportunities. If you have any questions about this budget, would like to see a more detailed copy, or would like further information about supporting our work in Namibia, please contact us at or 1-719-238-5457.

F B We are now entering a new stage in our ministry, and that means a new newsletter. Our previous newsletter, The H.I. Wire, will be replaced by this one. The name, Ombuze YaEchols, literally means “the news of the Echols” in Otjiherero, one language spoken in Northern Namibia. With this bye-monthly newsletter we will keep you up to date on the developments of the Namibia mission. Although the majority of our attention and efforts are shifting to Namibia, we are still very involved in the work of Harvesters International.

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