March Newsletter 2015




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Fountain Hills, AZ March 2015

From Pastor Bill Good


What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light; and what you hear whispered, pro-claim from the housetops. (Mt. 10:27)

Come. Let us listen together in the darkness. Come. Let us walk together into the light. Sundays throughout Lent, 9 & 11:15am: We gather in worship to sing our songs, listen to the Word of God and share our hope. Wednesday Evening Vespers, March 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th, 6:30pm: Candlelight, prayer and sacred song prepare us as we gather for a meal at Christ’s table. Pastor Bill will bring a brief message each evening focused on the 51st Psalm. Dinner and fellowship precedes the service from 5:45-6:30 in our Fellowship Center.

Palm Sunday, March 29th, 9 & 11:15am: We follow our children joyfully waving palm branches as we take our places amongst the throngs cheering the Messiah’s trium-phal entrance into Jerusalem – on the back of a donkey! Our joy will be multiplied as we baptize Madison Rey-nolds, Jack & Monique Reynolds’ granddaughter, during our second service. Maundy Thursday, April 2nd, 7pm: The word tenabrae comes from the Latin, meaning “shadows” and describes a form of Maundy Thursday worship which dates back to at least the 8th century. This year we will join with that “great cloud of witnesses” in celebrating the Lord’s Sup-per in a service which quietly progresses from light into darkness as we trace the events of that final, fateful eve-ning. Good Friday, April 3rd, Noon-1:00pm: We join in wor-ship with our Presbyterian family at Mountain View Church in Scottsdale. During the service, we will hear the seven last words from the cross, spend time in prayer and view a special media presentation. Pastors from both churches will participate. Mt. View PC is located at 8050 E. Mt. View Rd. in Scottsdale – NW corner of Hayden & Mt. View. The Great Vigil of Easter, Saturday, April 4th, 7pm: The world changes before our eyes! A worship journey be-gun in Good Friday darkness and despair is transformed -- beginning with but a single candle -- into Resurrection light and hope. Our first Easter celebration has begun! Again, we will share in worship with our friends from Mt. View PC. This time, we will gather in our sanctuary. Easter - The Day of Resurrection, April 5th, 9 & 11:15am: Christ the Lord is risen today!! We sing our alleluias as we share our joy in worship. May the Lord, be with us in our listening -- and in our telling. Grace and Peace,


Our Vision: Living God’s love.

calls us to . . .

Our Mission : Reach out to all with faith and love.

A Listening

Going through Lent is a listening. When we listen to the word, we hear where we are so blatantly unliving. If we listen to the word, and hallow it into our lives, we hear how we can so abundantly live again. -Ann Weems

We must not wish for the disappearance of our troubles but for the grace to transform them. -Simone Weil -The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

In Touch page 2

On the Inside: From the Pastor, Bill Good .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. .. .. …. .. Focus on Finance .. .. .. ..… … … … .. . … .. . .. … . Holy Week Schedule .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. Tribute to Glenn Campbell Concert .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. Mission Ministry . . … . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . … .. . . . Presbyterian Women .. .. .. …. .. . . . . .. . … .. . . .. . . .. Out ’n About... .. .. .. . . . … . … . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . Hooked on Books .. … .. . … .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. PW Winter Gathering … .. . . .. .. .. … .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Facebook .. … .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sweetheart Brunch .. . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . … .. .. . . . . .. . .. 2nd Annual Foundation Meeting .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . Christian Formation .. . .. . .. .. .. .. …. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . From the Director of Christian Formation .. . . . . . . . . . Wednesday Nights.. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . … . … … .. . . . . . Concert Series 2015.. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . … . . . .. . . . . .. FHPC Foundation . . ... …. … . . . . . . … . .. . . . .. .. . . Library Footnotes.. … .. …. .…. …. …. …. …. …. … Music Ministry .. … … .. .. .. .. …. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. Member Spotlight...Did you Know? .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . ... Necrology for 2015… .. … .. . . .. … .. … . .. . . .. . . …. March Birthdays .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. First Place Winner . . . … . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . … . . .. .. .. ..

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Rev. Bill Good Pastor/Head of Staff

Rev. Stan Jones Parish Associate

Pastor Ken Brown

Pastoral Associate

Debby DeBernardi Director Christian Formation

Marta Ludwig Administrative Coordinator

Debbie Fisher Director of Music Ministry

Dorothy Parris Pianist

Caryl Bates Organist

Lynn Medley Custodian


CHURCH SESSION Class of 2015

Brooks Benjamin John Brockelman

Helen Quigley Terri Schmidt Chris Young

Class of 2016 Sally Atchinson

Bob Lull John Skewes

Arlene Stewart Class of 2017

Mary Alice Bivens Bonnie Hollabaugh

Aleyne Larsen-Craig Helen Roesch Ron Waldo

BOARD OF DEACONS Moderator: Nancy Wulfmeier

Class of 2015 Ben Fast

Jack Morris Ruby Pearson Bev Watters

Class of 2016 Suzie McCready Dorothy Rudack

Donna Sims Nancy Wulfmeier

Class of 2017 Michele Hasley

Mary Lee Lehrich Cynthia Linton Linda Warren

Focus on Finance

This January had a slow start compared to January 2014. Pledges last year were significantly higher than this year. Yet expenses con-tinue to increase, some which we can't control. It is hopeful that we will see an increase in income as we settle into the new year. Respectfully, Linda Lull, Treasurer

Jan Income $ 37,455 Budget $ 44,625

Jan Expense $ 38,926 Budget $ 36,262

Yr to date Income $ 37,455 Budget $ 44,625

Yr to date Expense $ 38,926 Budget $ 36,262

page 3 March 2015

Holy Week Schedule

-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

March 22, 2015 7:00 PM

Tribute to Glen Campbell Starring Jeff Dayton

Tickets now available

$20 General Admission

LENTEN INSIGHTS Lent is like a long “retreat” during which we can turn back into ourselves and listen to the voice of God….using the arms of faith, prayer, listening to the word of God and pen-ance. In this way we will be able to celebrate Easter in truth, ready to renew the promises of our baptism. -Pope Benedict XVI

Vespers Services - Wednesdays - March 4-11-18-25 6:30 p.m. Simple Soup dinner at 5:45 p.m.

Palm Sunday – March 29— 9 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.

Maundy Thursday — April 2 — 7 p.m.

Good Friday, April 3 – Noon – 1:00 p.m.

At Mountain View Presbyterian Church

Easter Saturday, April 4 – 7 p.m. The Great Vigil of Easter

Easter – April 5 – 9 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.

page 5 November 2012

Hebrews 13:2 (NRSV) “Do not ne-glect to show hospitality to strangers; for by doing so, some have enter-tained Angels without knowing it.” How many Angels have we neglected to help? We need to be constantly aware of those in need and do all we can, because we never know who is an Angel. That is what we strive to do here in our Mission Ministry. I have lots of new and old opportunities for you this month. Read on and see if

there is something that may interest you.

Blankets Plus We collected money for Blankets Plus on February 22nd. To date we have collected $2538.00 This money is sent to an organization called Church World Services. In last month’s newsletter, I misspoke and said this was part of Pres-byterian Disaster Relief. Church World Services works in many of the same places as Presbyterian Disaster Relief works. But both organizations do wonderful work for those in need. We will continue to help both organizations. Thank you to all who contributed.

Souper Bowl Canned Kickoff

It’s official, we picked the winner again!!! For the last several years we have collected more canned goods for the winning team. We collected 101 non-perishable or canned items for the Patriots and 68 for the Seahawks, plus $95.00 between both teams. These items and money will go to Ex-t e n d e d H a n d s F o o d B a n k . T h a n k you to all who contrib-uted.

In Touch page 4

Mission Ministry

Terri Schmidt, Elder

Extended Hands Food Bank A big thank you goes out to Penny and Keith Junk, Susan Lickman, Linda Warren and Vivian Virden for their help in serving the 241 people at the Friday Night Fish Fry on February 6th. This was the second highest amount of people ever served. The next Fish Fry will be on March 6th, and we will be helping out again. Thank you to all who continue to bring in canned and non-perishable food on Sundays. We love to help those here in town who may need a little extra help.

Food for Kidz This should be a lot of fun. We (the Mission Committee) and anyone from the Church who would like to help can meet at the Community Center on March 12th at 5:30-8:00pm. We will be packing food for the needy in less fortunate countries. We will be joining with the New Journey Lutheran Church, Church of Ascension and the Interfaith Alliance for this project.

This group will pack bulk food such as; rice, dried veggies, protein and vitamin powders, and flavor-ing into plastic bags. Each bag will be enough to feed a family of 4 for one meal. The recipients can add any extra vegetables or meat they may have, and water to cook. For some people this is their main source of protein and vitamins. If you want to donate money for this pro-ject you can donate to New Journey Lutheran Church @ PO Box 19652 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 or make out to Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church and put Food for Kidz on the memo line.

Free the Kids

This organization is an organization that helps kids in Haiti. It started out as an orphanage and has grown to a Village of Hope. They have a school that the orphans attend and live in, as well some of the local kids whose families can not support them. There are approxi-mately 450 children living and attending school in the community. One of our newest members, Jack Reynolds is one of the men who first started this organization, along with his brother-in-law Fr. Marc Boisvert. If this is something you would like to learn more about, you can e-mail Jack at Jack is going down to Haiti for a few days the first part of May. If you wish to learn more about Free the Kids, you can go on their web site:

Dress a Girl This is a fun organization, but a much needed one. There is a group who makes dresses out of pillow-cases for girls in Africa. These are then sent to Africa

In Touch page 4 page 5 March 2015

Mission Ministry with an emblem on the front of them that tells everyone they are protected. For whatever reason girls wearing this em-blem are not abused or raped. There is a warehouse in Tempe that makes these and you can take tours or go down and help make these dresses. If you are interested in making some dresses or want to tour the facility, contact Susan Owens who has taken the tour. If you don’t want to leave Fountain Hills, you can donate items and make them here. Christ’s Church on Saturday March 7th is hosting a gathering at the church where several women are making these dresses. You can take your own sewing machine and sew or you can cut and pin the fabric. If you want to donate they take all sizes of new and gently used pillow cases, double sided bind-ing tape, rickrack, buttons, thread, and anything that can be used for decorations. This sounds like another way to help and have fun doing so.

National Day of Prayer The local National Day of Prayer group is wanting us to remember to pray for our Church this month. As we get closer to the National Day of Prayer on May 1st, we continue

to pray for another part of our daily lives. So far we have been asked to pray for our Government, Military, Media, Business and Education. This month we need to be mindful of prayer for our Church as we go through these uncertain times, not just locally but universally. We pray for new zeal and commitment to the mission of Jesus Christ. For the unity with and among the Churches to reveal God's love to the world. We pray for integrity, that God's people look and act differently than the world. We pray for a return to the absolute of God's Word. So as I close this month, I will ask you all to con-tinue to pray not only for our Church, but also for Mission Ministry. Pray that we can continue to help those in need and those who are less fortunate than us. If you would like to join or help us with any of our Mission Projects, please feel free to contact Mission Elders Bonnie Hollabaugh or Terri Schmidt. Or you can attend our meetings the second Monday of the month at 4:00pm. May God Bless you and thank you all for your continued sup-port of us in our Mission work.

A potluck of people

Many congregations enjoy gathering for potluck dinners—meals largely unplanned, when people bring food to share. Usually, the main dishes, salads and deserts balance out. The fun is the variety mixing together on a plate and the surprise factor of what’s contributed. Churches and communities—even families—are potlucks of a sort too. When groups assemble, each person contributes something unique and sometimes unexpected. When all is mixed together, the whole is truly greater than the sum of the parts. A beautiful balance often results: One is a good singer, the other writes well; some are strong leaders, others dependable team members; some are traditional, others innovative. Together, it’s delicious! Potlucks are sometimes called covered-dish dinners. But don’t keep your gifts “covered”! Share them because you’re a valued part of the whole.

St. Patrick’s Day trivia

You may know that St. Patrick used shamrocks to teach about the Trinity, but did you know these other facts about him? • St. Patrick wasn’t Irish. (His parents were Roman citi-

zens living in either Scotland or Wales.) • He was kidnapped and sold as a slave at age 16. After

escaping six years later, he joined a monastery in England. • March 17 is the date of St. Patrick’s death, not his

birth. He died in 461 A.D. • The color originally associated with St. Patrick is blue,

not green. • The harp, not the shamrock, is the national symbol of


A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, 'Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face.' 'Yes,' the class said. 'Then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?' A little fellow shouted, 'Cause your feet ain't empty'. -The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

page 7 December 2011

Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2014-2015 Moderator: Maurene Gerson Mission Coordinator: Mary Alice Bivens Vice-Moderator : Linda Capon Librarian: Barbara Oakeson Secretary: Bonnie Matty Membership/Yearbook Coordinator: Linda Warren Treasurer: Maria Berry Bible Study Coordinator: Evelyn Hrunek Publicity: Sally Atchinson Search Committee: Ilene Berg

Morning Circle Leader: Suzie McCready Evening Circle Leader: Judy Irvin Afternoon Circle Leader: Martha Baxter Historian: Office Angels Hooked on Books Leader: Jan Hoff Out n’ About Leader: Arlene Olsen

Presbyterian Women

In Touch page 6 M



MARCH DATES March 3 1:00 p.m. Afternoon Circle at Fountain View Village March 6 9:00 a.m. Coordinating Team Meeting, Adult Center, FHPC March 12 9:00 a.m. Morning Circle—Adult Center March 15 9:00 a.m./11:15 a.m. Gifts of Women Sunday March 16 7:00 p.m. Evening Circle, home of Barbara Oakeson March 18 9:30 a.m. Hooked On Books (see box for details) March 18 12:00 p.m. Out ‘n About (see box for details)

And coming soon………………

April 11 11:00 a.m. PW Spring Gathering (see box for details)

The women of our church are involved in many activities and responsibilities not outlined on the PW pages and this is pointed out so well in a letter from our Coordinating Team mod-erator, Maureen Gerson to all the women of the church. Of course its also an invi-tation to be even more involved. We want YOU to know that you are welcome at all programs and there are many opportunities to use your talents for the Lord and enjoy the friendship of other women that are doing the same.

To FHPC women: March is going to be a very exciting and special month. We women are going to contribute even more than we usually do. What’s usual? Let’s stop and think about that.

We have leadership duties in the governing bodies of the church such as Elders, Deacons, Trustees of the Foundation, Church Treasurer, Memorial Fund Committee, and Columbarium Trust Committee and membership on many service area committees such as Christian formation, worship and music, Hilltop Hospi-tality and media minds. Other leaders are our Music Director, Pianist, and Organist. We play a variety of instruments and participate in Celebration

Ringers (bells), Pearwood Recorders, the Hilltop Band and of course the choir.

We participate in furnishing cookies and other goodies for the pleasure of everyone between services, for me-morials and other special meetings and events. What would we do without our Hilltop Hospitality women?

We are dedicated to missions for those in need. We have book clubs and luncheon groups. We study the Bible together in morning, afternoon and evening circles and often have special additional bible studies both morning and evening.

In March you will see our smiling faces greeting you at the door and handling usher duties. If you are willing to help as a greeter or usher for a Sunday or two, please let me know. We will especially need help in ushering and greeting March 15.

MARCH 15 is designated as Gifts of Women Sunday. We will have all the responsibility of the service, includ-ing singing in an all women choir. I am inviting all the women who love to sing to join us for one practice be-fore we sing March 15. Our director, Debbie Fisher, will notify everyone of the practice date. A wonderful program and sermon is planned.

Sally Atchinson

HOOKED ON BOOKS The March meeting of Hooked on Books will be at 9:30 AM on March 18th in the Home of Lorene Hoover. We will have a guest author: Elizabeth Lenci-Downs, who will review and discuss her book " I Heard My People Cry" which is the true story of one family's escape from Russia during World War II. Hooked on Books is open to all women who enjoy reading and discussing books. For further information contact Jan Hoff (480)836-7551

page 7 March 2015

Out ’n About—Out to Lunch The Out ‘n About group will be going to Arrivederci at the Plaza Fountain on March 18th at noon. We will be ordering off the menu and receiving separate checks. Call Nancy Wulfmeier at 837-3021 for reservations.

Speaking of planning, mark your calendars for Saturday, April 11, at 11 a.m. for the Spring Gathering being planned by Linda Capron, Donna Yordy, Linda Warren, Dorothy Christie, Gail Botsford and Ilene Berg. We will enjoy a lovely Tea and Fash-ion Show including china place settings, flowers, real silver-ware, men as waiters and music. Mary Carillo (yes our own Mary) , from the Boulders, has developed an enticing menu of a variety of tea sandwiches, fruit tarts, mini quiches and desserts. There will be no meeting; just a fabulous time for all. Tickets are ONLY $15 and will benefit The Phoenix Rescue Mission Changing Lives Center. They go on sale March 8th. Don’t miss this…..see you there! See photos of the PW Winter gathering on the next page - Maurene Gerson

PW Spring Gathering April 11 at 11am

for ALL the WOMEN of the church

Tickets: $15

to benefit the Changing Lives Center of Phoenix Rescue Mission

Fashion Show with Kay Kinder

Tea and goodies by our very own Mary Carillo of the Boulders

Easter Baskets The Presbyterian Women of FHPC are asking for your assis-tance in providing Easter bas-kets for children who are resi-dents at Devereux Arizona, a group home for children 7-17 years of age with physical and mental challenging needs. On March 15 & 22 we will have slips with age and gen-der of the children receiving the baskets. We will have more information for you in the Sunday Bulletin. Bas-kets must be received by Palm Sunday, March 29. THANK YOU! For more information contact Sandy Larson, 602-885-1860 or

Spring Tea and Fashion Show to Benefit The Changing Lives Center

On April 11 The Presbyterian Women of Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church will be hosting a High Tea and Spring Fashion Show. The event begins at 11:00 AM in the Fellowship Center. The lively music of Bill Covault will fill the air upon arrival. Guests will be seated at tables set by our member hostesses using their own china place settings. The elegant food will be prepared by our own Mary Carillo who is a pastry chef at The Boulders in Carefree, a Waldorf Astoria Re-sort. Mary has previously worked in that same capacity at The Phoenician and the Marriott Camelback Resort. She will be pre-paring a 4 course menu of tea sandwiches, quiche, fruit tarts, mousse cups, scones, petit fours, cream puffs and of course a tea selection. Serving the ladies will be those dashing men of FHPC. Following the tea, Kay Kinder of Fountain Fashions will be pro-viding us with a Fashion Show of Spring to Summer fashions. Tickets will go on sale beginning March 8 and will be sold each

Continued on page 9...

FACEBOOK PAGE: Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

Go to our website and click on Facebook on our home page. When you are there also click on the like it icon. When you do that you will get news feeds directly from our site whenever anything new is added. It is just an-other way to stay connected.

Not Yet A Member? *If you are attending our church and don’t have membership in another church, you can join our church by profession

of faith and receiving the Sacrament of Baptism or, if you’ve already been baptized, you can join by reaffirmation of faith in Jesus Christ. *If you belong to another church, but would like to transfer your membership to our church, we can arrange for a letter of transfer from your current membership church to ours. *If you are a winter visitor and are an active member of another church “back home”, you can become an affiliate member at our church here and maintain your full active membership there. For additional information, please contact Aleyne Larsen-Craig at 602-625-6201, Sally Atchinson at 480-837-1054 or call the church office at 480-837-1763.

Sally Atchinson & Aleyne Larsen-Craig

In Touch page 8

PW Winter Gathering

page 9 March 2015

Fry's Community Rewards Program The more our church family shops at Fry's, the more mone-tary support our church will have. Won't you consider regis-tering to allow Fry's to donate a portion of your grocery expenditures to our church programs? Register for the Fry's Community Rewards Program Go to make sure you enter the whole address to visit the Fry's web page. • If you already have an account online , select Sign In at the top right of the page. Enter your email and password then click Sign In.

• If you don't already have an account on line: click Register at the top right of the page. - Fill in the required fields, (be sure to write down your password). - Enter your zip code to find your preferred store. From the drop-down menu below Find Store, select your store. Now click Create an Account. - You must sign up for a V.I.P. card to sign up for the Community Rewards Program - Check your email for a confirmation, click the hyperlink in your email, and finish creating your account. - In your account, enroll for Community Re wards program, using the new FHPC organization #84123

How can you help? How grandchildren perceive their grandparents 7. I didn't know if my granddaughter had learned her colors yet, so I decided to test her. I would point out something and ask what color it was. She would tell me and was always correct. It was fun for me, so I continued. At last, she headed for the door, saying, "Grandma, I think you should try to figure out some of these colors yourself!" 8. When my grandson Billy and I entered our vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we were inside to keep from attracting pesky insects. Still, a few fireflies followed us in. Noticing them before I did, Billy whispered, "It's no use Grandpa. Now the mosquitoes are coming after us with flashlights." 9. When my grandson asked me how old I was, I teasingly replied, "I'm not sure." "Look in your underwear, Grandpa," he advised "Mine says I'm 4 to 6." 10. A second grader came home from school and said to her grandmother, "Grandma, guess what? We learned how to make babies today." The grandmother, more than a little sur-prised, tried to keep her cool. "That's interesting." she said... "How do you make babies?" "It's simple," replied the girl. "You just change 'y' to 'i' and add 'es'." To be continued….

PW Spring Gathering... continued...

Sunday through March and during the week may be pur-chased in the church office. Priced at just $15 each it is truly a bargain and well worth it for the pampering alone but a greater benefit is that a portion of each ticket will be donated to the Changing Lives Center of the Phoenix Rescue Mission. This center is a faith based organization and requires a one year commitment of each resident. The center is fully funded by private donors and receives no Federal or State funding. It is a residential facility with 170 beds. The resi-dents are women and children in crises. They live as a family unit in fully fur-nished apartments on site. The center has a nursery, day care and school age children attend a nearby public school. They have an art room, library, cafeteria and a lovely chapel. Daily devotions and Bible Study are mandatory and local Pastors lead the services as well as bi-annual baptisms. The women are truly working to get their lives in order and many are working to-ward a GED or High School diploma. It is a secure facility and their privileges are limited. No drugs or alcohol and visi-tations are must be pre-approved. The women are fully re-sponsible for maintenance of their units as well as the grounds. It is truly an impressive facility and has a dedicated staff of counselors and mentors. We are honored to be able to

help women and their families rebuild their lives and enjoy t h e m a n y blessings that we enjoy. Their current need is to equip a mother and child room that is to be a

place where they can interact as a family unit playing games, doing puzzles or watching videos together. The room is bare bones now and they need toys, puzzles, games, books, videos, blocks and Lego's so that it can be used as intended. We hope to make a generous donation to them to

purchase the needed items and put it to use. Join us on April 11 and enjoy a lovely day with friends while doing something worthwhile in giving a hand up to someone in need of love and support. Tickets are limited so don't delay.

Sweetheart Brunch

In Touch page 8 In Touch page 10

The Men’s Group did it all from the planning, to the decorating, to the flowers, to the food, to the entertainment. Thank you!

Sweetheart Brunch

page 11 March 2015

FHPC 2nd Annual Foundation Meeting

Trustees: Roy Nickel, Barbara Oakeson, Dawn Lau, Ben Fast, Susan Phillips, and Matt Jefferson. The Trustees are proud to announce that the Foundation has reached the $500,000 mark!

Skit performed by the Presbyterian Men’s

Group. You had to be there.

Christian Formation

In Touch page 12

Arlene Stewart , Elder

-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

Food Bank Welcomes

Fresh Fruit!

Do you have fruit trees? Hate to see fruit wasted when you know others are hungry? Art Spalding graciously is offer-ing to pick up fruit to donate to the Food Bank. He will even assist you in pick-ing the fruit if needed! Just give him a call at 480-837-1781.

“ And we exhort you, brothers: warn those who are irresponsible, comfort the discour-aged, help the weak, be patient with every-

one”. Paul’s letter 1 Thessalonians 5:14

The New Testament believers did not think of church as someplace to go, they saw it as some-thing they were! It wasn’t about attending, but attaching! Connecting to and with one an-other*. We are brothers, sisters, elders, leaders, workers, teachers…a FHPC Faith Family!

CHRISTIAN FORMATION OPPORTUNITIES FOR MARCH: The Sylvia Burke’s, Beth Moore Series con-tinues Monday evening and again on Tuesday mornings. A true walk with Paul through the books of Thessalonians provides a greater un-derstanding of how The Holy Spirit is poured into us. As this series comes to an end, we pray Sylvia will bless us with another series very soon. Sunday Bible Study is provided by John Bivens. Please look for additional information on the upcoming topic, time and location. John has also created a study on how the Bible was translated into English. This is a compelling story of a man’s faith…and death. A copy is

currently in our Library. Our web-site will soon have a link to this document. Presbyterian Women circles and events are available to all women of the Church. The PWP Spring Gathering will be held March 7th. Gifts of Women Sunday (both services) is March 15th. BROWN BAG BIBLE STUDY with Pastor Bill is held at 12 noon on Wednes-days. LENTEN VESPER Service Wednes-day Evenings THE WAY, continues with a soup and bread supper at 5:45 PM, service at 6:30PM. ELEMENTARY KidCommunity con-tinues The Big God Story, Wednesdays at 5:00 PM Volunteer for Sunday and or Wednes-day Youth Formation programs. The children are our future. Staff the Nursery Men’s Bible Study is offered on Tues-day morning And always, read your Bible daily!

Blessings! Arlene Stewart, Elder CF

* paraphrased , Beth Moore Series

A churchless Christian

In response to the question “Can I be a Christian without joining the church?” Someone once said it’s as possible as being:

A student who will not go to school. A soldier who will not join an army. A citizen who does not pay taxes or vote. A salesman with no customers. An explorer with no base camp. A seaman on a ship without a crew. A business man on a deserted island. An author without readers. A tuba player without an orchestra. A parent without a family. A football player without a team. A politician who is a hermit. A scientist who does not share his findings A bee without a hive. Different perspective!

From the Director of Christian Formation

page 13 March 2015

Many of the biblical commands can be summarized as “REMEMBER” and “DO NOT BE AFRAID”. Along our Lenten journey we encourage one an-other to enter the story of Jesus. We enter his words, deeds, death, dying, burial, waiting and rising. We are re-minded how our lives are enfolded in

the Holy Mystery of the Trinity. Without fear, we re-member. We keep company with Jesus in the Gospels. As we meditate on the scripture, Jesus reveals himself and a message to us. He reminds us what God is like and how we can live in partnership with God. I encour-age us, in addition to our devotional reading of the gos-pels, to prayerfully reflect each day on Jesus in the gos-pels, your personal story and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, remember your present day. What might remembering Jesus, your personal story, and the pre-sent day reveal to you? What is your response? My prayer is that it leads you continued maturing of dis-cernment, to gratefulness and joy in the midst of what ever is happening and to a desire to bring light and hope to others. Many have experienced listening to God in the Scrip-ture through sacred reading like lectio divinas. Below is a spiritual practice for reviewing your day. The history and more details about this Christian practice is avail-able on our website under Chrisitan Formations in the sub-group Spiritual Practices. This will help you develop spiritual awareness and grow in discernment as you continue along the spiritual journey. Blessings as you pray in the scriptures and then in the evening spend about ten minutes reviewing your day. This can be done at dinner, with a spouse, in the eve-ning around a candle with a glass of wine or even while in bed before dosing off to sleep! There is no one way or place to do this spirit led daily reflection (also called an examen of consciousness).

Prayer of Examen:

A Spirit-Led Prayerful Reflection of the Day with God

1. Presence Get comfortable and quiet your mind to create space to come into God’s presence. Prayerfully invite God’s presence into the time. 2. Invitation to HS for Guidance Pray and ask the HS to guide your time and lead you into truth. Request discernment during your time of prayer. (as simple as “guide me to see and hear what you would have me notice and hear”.)

3. Gratitude See where you need to be thankful. Review the day like a movie with Jesus at your side holding the remote and HE gets to fast for-ward and pause at any scene. Ask Him to show you where times of gratitude and grace were given to you. Just watch and give thanks holding them in your mind. This is not a spoken prayer… it is a listening prayer so don’t fill space with words. 4. Review Review again, without judgment, rationalizing or justifying. Experience all the range of emotions you had this day in the Lord’s presence. Reflect on your moods and if any underlying attitude needs con-version. Ask and receive forgiveness for the moments you did not respond to Christ’s love. Consider questions in pairs like these:

5. Respond Allow God to invite you to respond in some way to what you have heard and experienced during your time of reflective, spirit-led prayer. Be open to what God has for you. Ask Him for a word or vision to continue on and to meet the next day. If you like, journal this before going to bed to re-view your entries monthly for discerning common themes and directions in life. Elementary KidCommunity Reminders: * Serving with the Lord’s Love raised $837! Thank You Everyone! * No Wednesday night Big God Story March 11 SPRING BREAK * Journey with Jesus at Canaan in the Desert March 25

Where did I notice God’s presence? Where was God’s Spirit touching me or someone else? Where was I most alive? Living in the flow of the Spirit?

Where did I fall short? Not noticing His pres-ence? Where was I insensitive, unloving, or damaging to others, creation, or my-self? When did I feel detached or anxious or bored?

In Touch page 14

Wednesday Nights

Committed Rehearsal, Debbie Fisher Director

Pastor Bill looking on with amazement at Chef Arlene’s offerings!

Debbie Fisher connecting with KidCommunities. They always have a good time.

Karen Ford with the Pre-school Sunday kids

page 15 March 2015

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation “An Investment Today for the Life of Our Church Tomorrow”

Why should you support the FHPC Foundation? One of the great opportunities in life is to be part of something that makes a difference in our world. Support of the Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church (FHPC) Foundation with a charitable gift leaves a legacy that helps to insure the continued ministries of Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church long after we are gone. With additional funding, our ministry opportunities can be broadened. Let your gift serve as a lasting witness to your Christian beliefs and convictions. Members of the Board of Trustees are available to answer your questions. Give them a call! Foundation Board of Trustees Barbara Oakeson 480-837-5563 Susan Phillips 480-837-1225 Matt Jefferson 480-837-6001 Dawn Lau 480-837-2607 Roy Nickel 480-688-8392 Ben Fast 480-837-1119 John Skewes 480-292-9021

Tickets for Concert Series 2015 The Pat Covault Memorial Concert Series at the Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church is now selling single tick-ets for all shows.

There will be ticket sales at 8:30 a.m. outside the sanctuary and after 9:00 a.m. church service until 10:15 a.m.. You can also purchase tickets at the church office during the week, 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.. NO CREDIT CARDS! Church telephone number is 480-837-1763.

March Concert Series features:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

“Todd Oliver & Friends” (A Unique Ventriloquist)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

“Assisted Living the Musical” (A Laugh Filled original Play)

Love Beyond Reason by John Ortberg

The sub-title for this book is “moving God’s love from your head to your heart” and it’s accurately named. The examples of Christ’s love and the way he lived it are woven with such great personal stories and illustrations. Here is an excerpt from the chapter on The Lord of the Second Chance: The church is a place for people who need do-overs. That is what God does. He comes to old father Abraham who laughs at God’s promise and lies about his wife and God says “How about a do-over?” To a shepherd boy who became king and committed mur-der and adultery; to a prophet who ran away and was res-cued from the belly of a fish and wanted to die because he had to sit in the hot sun with no wine; to a whole nation of stiff-necked and idolatrous people; to a persecutor named Saul who mocked his Son and terrorized his people; to des-perate, lonely, sinful people God comes again and again and again and says, “How about a do-over?” For redeeming is what God is into. He is the finder of di-rectionally-challenged sheep, the searcher of missing coins, the embracer of foolish prodigal sons. His favorite department is Lost and Found.

Library Footnotes

His love has no limits. His grace has no measure. His power has no boundaries known unto men. Through twelve chapters he highlights God’s unlimited love for us and the way he interacts with us and others in love. Another word picture I love is of a small boy standing at his window watching a violent thunder storm. When his mother is awakened by the crack of thunder and lighten-ing she runs to his room so that he won’t be frightened. Instead he is thrilled and says “God just took a picture of me”. It’s all in your perspective. Find this book in the church library. You’ll not be sorry. - Sally Atchinson

In Touch page 16

-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

Day in, day out In Walking With God Through Pain and Suffer-ing (Dutton), Timothy Keller says many people think spiritual growth is something akin to high diving, when really it’s more like walking-non-dramatic and rhythmic: “A walk is day in and day out praying; day in and day out Bible and Psalms reading; day in and day out obeying; talking to Christian friends, and going to corporate worship, com-mitting yourself to and fully participating in the life of a church. It is rhythmic, on and on and on. To walk with God is a metaphor that sym-bolizes slow and steady progress.”

Two new handicapped parking spaces have been created in front of the church office.

page 17 March 2015

This month brings the music ministry into the depths of the Lenten Journey, a most mean-ingful and reflective season. Our weekly Vespers Services will have a small vesper choir and we will hear our Celebration Ringers play throughout the sea-son, playing music that carefully touches our souls as we spend time in this beautiful worship


The Celebration Singers will be performing the Can-tata "Come, Touch the Robe" during the 9:00 am worship Service on March 22. That day will also take the Celebration Singers to the "Choirfest" at 2:00 pm, held this year at the Methodist Church. This event is free to the public, sponsored by the Fountain Hills Cultural Commit-

Music Ministry

Debbie Fisher, Director of Music

tee, and is widely attended, hearing all the local choirs as they perform 2 choral pieces each. It is a great community gathering, and we look forward to it every year. The 15th of March will be "Women's Sunday," another annual worship service when the women of the church participate in creating a theme, putting together the service for the day.

WOMEN NEEDED FOR THE WOMEN'S CHOIR! Yes...for one Thursday evening, March 12, at 6:30 pm, there will be a rehearsal of just women. We will practice the music for Sunday morning, running through the selec-tion again at 8:00 am on Sunday morning before the ser-vice. Please come to this rehearsal, and sing to put forth the women's voice, in the beautiful style that comes when the women sing together. The men have that evening off! It's a wonderful time for the women to come together! "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness;come before His presence with sing-ing. Know that the Lord He is God; It is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiv-ing, and into His courts with praise; be thankful unto Him and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations." - Psalm 100

Lenten insights Fasting makes sense if it really chips away at out security and, as a consequence, benefits someone else, if it helps us cultivate the style of the good Samaritan, who bent down to his brother in need and took care of him. -Pope Francis We begin to pray, believing that it is our own initiative that compels us to do so. Instead, we learn that it is al-ways God’s initiative within us. -Pope John Paul II -The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc.

Pearwood Recorders: Seated: Caryl Bates, Kris Peluso, Jackie Miles Standing: Paula Eberspacher and Debbie Fisher, Director

In Touch page 18

Member Spotlight …. Did you know?

Bud and Carol Fuls Carol was born in Metuchen, NJ and Bud was born in Hammonton, NJ. They met on the tennis court through a mutual friend. They both worked at Bell Laboratories and AT&T. Bud has four siblings (one sister still living). Carol has two sisters. Carol and Bud married in 1959 (55 years and counting). They have four children, three daughters—Susan in PA, Ellen in CT, and Janice in AZ; one son in NJ. They have eight grandchildren—six boys and two girls. We have been blessed with being able to take each grandchild when they turn 11 years old on a trip somewhere in the world. This summer we will be taking the last grandchild to Italy. They have been Presbyterians all their lives. While living in NJ they belonged to the Bernardsville Presbyterian church and also the Liberty Corner church. Bud served as

Elder, Deacon, Treasurer, taught Sunday School and sang in the choir. Carol (in addition to being a stay-at-home Mom) served on a committee to start a pre-school at their church in Bernardsville called Robins Nest (which is still operational today, 50 years later). She also sang in the church choir. They both sang with a 16 member a cap-pella group (The Deer Ridge Singers) performing as vari-ous venues in the Northeast. They moved to Fountain Hills and joined the church in 2004. Bud has served as Elder, Clerk of Session, Treas-urer, and Deacon. Carol has served as Deacon, Presbyte-rian Women secretary for three years, and Morning Circle leader for three years. They both sang in the Celebration Singers choir for five years, members of the Worship and Music Committee for three years. Currently, they are on a team that provides a communion church service at Foun-tain View Village Assisted Living on Communion Sunday monthly. Bud’s hobby is astronomy. Carol is an avid reader. They both enjoy singing in the Fountain Hills Community Cho-rus. Bud is a member of the Noon Kiwanis and serves as its treasurer. Carol is a member of the Friends in the Hills Welcome Club and its Book Club. She volunteers at the FH Library Book Store. Through Compassion International they sponsor a boy, Marco Antonio Lazaro Quispe who lives in Peru. When they started their sponsorship he was four years old. Now he is twelve years old and can write to us himself. It is wonderful to receive letters from him about his family, church and school. They have been members of FHPC for ten years now and have wonderful friends in this loving and caring church community.

Thoughts As We Age...

- My people skills are just fine. It's my tolerance to idiots that needs work.

- If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would've put them on my knees.

- The kids text me "plz" which is shorter than please. I text back "no" which is shorter than "yes".

- I'm going to retire and live off of my savings. Not sure what I'll do that second week.

- I've lost my mind and I'm pretty sure my wife took it!

page 19 March 2015


03/27 Katja Hissler 03/27 Virginia Nelson 03/29 William Good 03/29 Donna Lyons 03/29 Terri Schmidt 03/30 Kurt Ahrens 03/31 Dallas Amend 03/31 Matt Jefferson 03/31 Cliff Johnson

03/09 Mary Lou Dresser 03/12 Katie Cox 03/13 Jan Foster 03/13 James Roy 03/17 Kay Griffin 03/20 Judy Irvin 03/22 Len Modder 03/24 Jim Bates 03/24 Helen Quigley 03/26 Phil Katz

With deepest sympathy we list those members who have passed away in 2015.

Billy Neal Sylvester Taylor

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Matthew 25:21

Hospitalized? Call the church!

If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from ill-ness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a con-gregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to assume, when we don’t see someone, that they are simply “vacationing away”. The truth is that some of you are sick and we are not aware of it. You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of your situation. We have an excellent support system in place due to the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you by com-municating your situation.

03/02 Dallas Shuck 03/02 Bob Wickes 03/03 Cynthia Linton 03/03 Pam O’Hara 03/04 Dick Craven 03/05 George Burke 03/05 Charles Humes 03/06 Jan Hoff 03/07 De Amend

While we are basking in the sun here in Arizona, others are putting up with cold and snow...look what we are missing….

Comforting those who mourn Words aren’t always necessary—or even beneficial when people are hurting. In Killing Giants, Pulling Thorns (Zondervan), Charles Swindoll tells of a girl who went to comfort the mother of a deceased playmate. “What did you say?” the girl’s parents later asked. “Nothing,” she replied. “I just climbed up on her lap and cried with her. Joseph Bayly, who experienced the deaths of three children, shares a similar experience in The View From a Hearse (David C. Cook): “I was sitting, torn by grief. Someone came and talked to me of God’s dealings, of why it happened, of hope beyond the grave. He talked constantly. He said things I knew were true. I was un-moved, except to wish he’d go away. He finally did. “Another came and sat beside me. He didn’t talk. He didn’t ask me leading questions. He just sat beside me for an hour or more, lis-tened when I said something, answered briefly, prayed simply, left. I was moved. I was comforted. I hated to see him go.” -The Newsletter Newsletter

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard

Fountain Hills, AZ 85268

Non Profit Organ.


Permit NO. 299

Scottsdale, AZ

In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication. News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to Editor, Marta Ludwig; Proof Reader, Helen Roesch; Staff Photographers: Gary Oakeson & Michele Hasley; Production and Circulation: Mary Wernecke, Bobbie Dangremond, Ruby Pearson, Marilyn Humes, Mary Martinson and Vivian Virden. Travel to Bulk Mail Post Office: Mary Martinson.

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church 13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268

Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729 Office E-Mail Address: Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Pastor/Head of Staff: Rev Bill Good email: cell phone: 480-329-8090

Current Resident or

Jack Morris: First Place Award winner in Mixed Media at the Fountain Hills Civic Center Show