Market mover trading introduction


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  1. 1. Market Mover Trading
  2. 2. Is This You?
    • You have lost thousands of dollars in traditional investing and you must now take control of your financial future
  3. Is This You?
    • You are looking for a way to get extra income but you do not want to have to get a second job
  4. Is This You?
    • You have wanted to learn to trade but you didnt know where to begin
  5. Is This You?
    • You have heard that 90% ofDay Tradersfail within the first few years
  6. Is This You?
    • You dont have massive amounts of time to spend trading
  7. Is This You?
    • You dont know if you have enough capital to begin trading on your own
  8. Who Makes Crazy Money?
    Kobe Bryant
    $45 Million
    $45 Million
    Tiger Woods
    $110 Million
    Michael Jordan
    $45 Million
    David Beckham
    $44 Million
  9. 3. Who Makes More?
    Bruce Kovner - $715 Million
    John Paulson
    $3.7 Billion
    T. Boone Pickens
    $1.4 Billion
    James Simons
    $1.5 Billion
    Paul Tudor Jones
    $800 Million
  10. 4. Did You Know?
    Invitation Only
    Wall Street Gala
    New York City
    John Paulson
  11. 5. Did You Know?
    • Traders arethe top income earners in the world
    • 6. Many make more money in one year than an entire Sports team combined
    • 7. The real difference between the Pro Athletes and Traders?
    • 8. You can trade the same way they do!
  12. Are you ready to learn how they do it?
    Let us show you how!
  13. 9. Buying & Selling
    • With traditional logic to make money, you should buy low and sell high
    • 10. When trading futures you can sell before you buy
    • 11. Sell high, and then buy low
    • 12. For example -
  14. Example1
    Futures Trading 101
  15. 13. Buy Low / Sell High
    • BMW
    • 14. 2009
    • 15. M3 Coupe
    • 16. White
    • 17. With traditional logic, to make a profit selling this car, you would need to buy it for a lower price than you agree to sell it
    • 18. Buy Low Sell High
  16. Buy Low / Sell High
    • BMW
    • 19. 2009
    • 20. M3 Coupe
    • 21. White
    • 22. Imagine what would happen if you purchased this car for $50,000 and BMW announces suddenly that their manufacturing facility was destroyed
    • 23. BMWs become scarce
    • 24. The market price on this car surges to $60,000
    • 25. In this case, you can now get $10,000 profit
    • 26. The result would be a winning trade
  17. Example2
    Futures Trading 101
  18. 27. Sell High / Buy Low
    • BMW
    • 28. 2009
    • 29. M3 Coupe
    • 30. Red
    • 31. Conversely, you make a contract to sell this car before you actually own it (sell high first)
    • 32. You then would need to go out and buy a car for less than you are contracted to sell it (buy low at a later time)
    • 33. Sell High Buy Low
  19. Sell High / Buy Low
    • BMW
    • 34. 2009
    • 35. M3 Coupe
    • 36. Red
    • 37. Lets say you contracted to sell this car to someone for $50,000 and BMW announces major new enhancements to the 2010 M3 Coupe which encourages buyers to purchase the new 2010 coupe
    • 38. The 2009 model becomes less desirable and is plentiful
    • 39. Market price on the car drops to $40,000
    • 40. In this case you already sold the car for a high price and you profit $10,000
    • 41. The result would be a winning trade
  20. Capture Movement
    • We focus in on very specific areas of movement
  21. Capture Movement
    • We teach our traders exactly WHEN these movements are going to happen
    • 42. Trading futures, we do not care if the movement is up or down
    • 43. In the BMW example the price movement was based on announcements
  22. Announcements
    What are Announcements?
    • Economic announcements that affect the market
    • 44. Occur nearly every day
    • 45. Specified date and time
    • 46. Have either a high, medium, or low impact on market movement
  23. Announcements
    For Example -
    • Unemployment
  24. Announcements
    For Example -
    • Housing Starts
  25. Announcements
    For Example -
    • Consumer Confidence
  26. Announcements
    For Example -
    • GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
  27. Announcements
    • If an announcement comes in better than expected, the market will typically react positively
    • 47. If an announcement is worse than expected, the market will move down
  28. How do you
    onall this?
  29. 48. Market Mover Trading
  30. 49. What MMT Offers
  31. 50. What MMT Offers
    • MMT Announcement Calendar & Forecast
    This calendar is posted every week on the MMTU site.The Calendar helps you know when and what announcements to trade.The forecast tells you approximately how far the market is predicted to move, based on each announcement.
  32. 51. What MMT Offers
  33. 52. What MMT Offers
    • MMT Trade Recaps
    Each economic announcement is recorded and archived on the MMTU site. MMT Instructors add commentary and instruction as you watch the trade progress - helping you gain a firm grasp of MMT philosophies and trading style.
  34. 53. What MMT Offers
  35. 54. What MMT Offers
    • MMT News Server
    Get the news literally as it breaks
    As fast or faster than Bloomberg, Reuters and Dow Jones
  36. 55. What MMT Offers
  37. 56. What MMT Offers
    • MMT Prediction Points
    Prediction Points will enable you as a trader to have a good indication as to where the market will go and the price levels at which the market will have a high probability of reacting.You receive these points BEFORE the market actually moves!
  38. 57. What MMT Offers
  39. 58. What MMT Offers
    Actual Prediction Points released aprox
    20 minutes prior to an Announcement
  40. 59. What MMT Offers
    Numbers Released
  41. 60. What MMT Offers
    Market reacts to the Prediction Point floor
  42. 61. What MMT Offers
    • MMT Live & Archived Online Classes
    Learn from the founders of MMT as they host a LIVE online class. In class they discuss different strategies and philosophies of trading that can be applied immediately to your trading practices.
  43. 62. What MMT Offers
    In addition, joining Market Mover Trading provides the following additional benefits:
    • The opportunity to utilize years of trading knowledge first-hand from MMT Founders Jason Anderson and Sean Larsgard
    • 63. A fraternity type environment where traders can come together to share successes and strategize for future trades
    • 64. A step-by-step guide to get you from whatever level you are at now, to a Market Mover Trader injust weeks
  44. Are you ready?
    GET STARTEDwithMarket Mover Trading
  45. 65. Getting Started
    Access Pass
    Trader/Runner - $35
    Trading Capital
  46. 66. Getting Started
    Once Youre Enrolled
    • You will receive a welcome email with detailed instructions on getting started
    • 67. Go online to the MMT University site and go through the MMT 101 lessons
    • 68. Attend class on Friday and begin learning strategies
    • 69. Begin simulation trading immediately, applying the education and information you receive from MMT
  47. To Get Signed Up
    Independent Trader
    who invited you
    andget started
  48. 70. Market Mover Trading
    Want More?Stay Tuned . . .
  49. 71. Market Mover Trading
    Marketing Opportunity
  50. 72. Make Money
    • Market Mover Trading has assembled the most achievable compensation plan
    • 73. There are five ways to grow your personal financial portfolio
  51. 5 Ways To Earn
    #1 Trading Performance
    DISCLAIMER - Just as there is tremendous opportunity for profit there is also a risk of loss. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Nothing in this presentation is intended to be a recommendation to buy or sell any Futures, Options, Forex, or any other security. Attendees are solely responsible for how they use this information.
  52. 74. 5 Ways To Earn
    #1 Trading Performance
    • Begin trading using the education and information provided by MMT
    • 75. Potentially increase your own personal investment portfolio
    • 76. Share your success with others and they will likely be anxious to begin trading too
    DISCLAIMER - Just as there is tremendous opportunity for profit there is also a risk of loss. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Nothing in this presentation is intended to be a recommendation to buy or sell any Futures, Options, Forex, or any other security. Attendees are solely responsible for how they use this information.
  53. 77. 5 Ways To Earn
    #2 Hustle Bonus
    • The Hustle Bonus is paid weekly to an Independent Trader when he personally enrolls a Student or Independent Trader into his matrix
    • 78. The Hustle Bonus is paid two levels deep as illustrated
    • 79. When you sign up Bob, you get a $500 bonus paid at the end of the following week
  54. 5 Ways To Earn
    #2 Hustle Bonus
    • Hustle Bonuses are a great way to get money fast by enrolling people in your organization
    • 80. Once you have signed up as an Independent Trader, you are immediately eligible to receive Hustle bonuses
    • 81. When Bob signs up Jane, he receives $500 and you receive $250
  55. 5 Ways To Earn
    #2 Hustle Bonus
    • You receive Hustle Bonuses for every person you enroll, regardless of where they are placed in your matrix!
    • 82. When Jane signs up Mike, she receives $500, Bob receives $250 and you get $250
  56. 5 Ways To Earn
    #3 Matrix Commissions
    • The Freedom Matrix is a three-leg system that is designed to help you grow your business while supporting every level of your organization
    • 83. You can freely place your personal enrollees wherever you would like in your matrix
    • 84. Commissions are paid on monthly Access Pass volume
  57. 5 Ways To Earn
    #4 Market Climber Bonus
    • Every time you advance from one rank to the next, Market Mover Trading will award you a Market Climber Bonus
    • 85. These one-time bonuses range from $100.00 to $5,000.00!
  58. 5 Ways To Earn
    #5 Executive Benefits
    • $500 to $1000 Automobile Payment Benefits
    • 86. $1500 to $2500 Market Mover Trading Jet Card Benefits
  59. Why do this?
    All that being said, I can honestly tell the both of you, that within my first month and a half on your program I have learned more true MONEY MAKING skills than I EVER got out of TWO advanced degrees from reputable schools (you can quote me on that). Your system has unlimited potential and in my last three years dissecting business models and benchmarking best practices, I have never seen anything that can even come close to Market Mover Trading. And for this, I thank you!
    Zach H
  60. 87. Market Mover Trading
    Five Ways To Earn
  61. 88. To Get Signed Up
    Independent Trader
    who invited you
    andget started